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National President’s message
As I write this welcome to the winter 2021 IHEA journal, the nationwide program to vaccinate against the COVID 19 is starting to gain momentum. As the take up of vaccinations increases, we may be able to start looking forward to restoration of a more normal home and workplace lifestyle.
The lockdowns and travel restrictions which have been the basic tools up until now in controlling the spread of the virus, have enforced upon us many new experiences and have caused us all to realign many of our life values; especially such items that contribute to and provide for our business and social lives. I remain optimistic that these events will soon be behind us as and we will be able to recommence more traditional IHEA activities. Especially I’m looking forward to being able to unite and interact again at state and national meetings and conferences.
Just as we all personally face our future, post COVID, the IHEA is also involved in significant changes especially in the way it serves members and delivers its training and skills enhancement opportunities. The IHEA must now embrace a new world with different needs and expectations than of the times of its origins over 70 years ago. In the 21st Century, the IHEA is but one of many industry organisations supporting the professional engineering and facility management community and the success of the IHEA recruitment program remains the best hope for any growth or continuity of the Institute in its current form.
The proud history of the IHEA in times past and the heritage of its service to the industry for the past seven decades rests with us; the members of the 21st century.
We must all embrace this challenge by putting aside any preconceived ideas or agendas and work together to ensure the IHEA has a place in the industry going forward. I urge all members to contribute their thoughts, ideas and suggestions on building the IHEA to their respective state COMs no matter how trivial or out of the box you think they may be; free thinking is the hallmark of any progressive organisation.
The world is changing quickly, and we must allow our organisation to adapt to the way we work and live; engaging change is important to the survival of the IHEA.
I recently had the privilege of coordinating the construction and delivery of the first mass vaccination centre for NSW. A unique approach to the design was undertaken to create a space that was not only efficient operationally but attractive and inviting to both staff and visitors. The 5000 square metre warm shell was transformed into pharmacy, clinical, administration and staff recreation space in just 20 days. The entire package was designed delivered and commissioned using internal resources by the local health district capital works and engineering team (including several IHEA members) and is a testament to how our industry can react and contribute in a meaningful way to healthcare events that have a nation wide impact.
As we head towards our National Conference in Perth, I hope all of our members will stay safe and support whatever steps are necessary to emerge into this COVID normal world, and use the coming opportunity to forge again the friendships and connections for which the IHEA is proudly well known.