4 minute read
Demystifying portable air purifiers
Air purifiers (air scrubbers or portable HEPA filters) have attracted significant attention with hospitals, aged care facilities, office-based practices such as GPs and schools purchasing units to reduce transmission of harmful pathogens such as COVID-19.
But do they work? Will they protect our patients and healthcare workers from airborne viruses, and what are the considerations when choosing an air purifier?
An observational study from a large tertiary hospital in Melbourne provides some insights. The study traced the airflow, transmission and clearance of aerosolised particles within the clinical spaces to examine the impact of portable air purifiers. Employing glycerin-based aerosol smoke as a surrogate for respiratory aerosols, researchers measured the movement from a single patient room within one ward.
Their baseline measurement demonstrated the rapid travel of aerosols from the patient room into both the corridor and nurse’s station, however, the addition of two portable HEPA air purifiers to a single patient room, with the door closed, resulted in 99 per cent of aerosols being cleared within 5.5 minutes, equivalent to a 67 per cent reduction compared with no air cleaners.
Initial considerations
Features and functions to consider when choosing an appropriate air filter can be confusing, as procurement and infection prevention teams come to terms with the language and norms associated with air purification systems. Ultimately, the filtering efficiency will depend on the air purifier’s power and filtering capacity, and the space volume in the room. However, many other aspects warrant consideration.
Ensure the unit contains genuine HEPA filters and not HEPAlike filters. HEPA stands for High Efficiency Particulate Air. HEPA H13 to H14 are considered medical-grade quality, filtering a minimum of 99.97 per cent of particles down to 0.3 microns in diameter.
The addition of pre-filters protect and prolong the life of the HEPA filters, and carbon or charcoal filters reduce unwanted Air purifiers can make a big difference to air quality.
odours and Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs). Filters must be changed according to facility infection prevention policies, but an air purifier unit with a Change of Filter notification system will aid timely removal and replacement.
Clean Air Delivery Rate (CADR)
Expressed in cubic metres per hour (m3/hr), CADR is an industry standard measure of the air volume that the air purifier can clean. The higher the number, the more effective the filtration. An air purifier with high and variable flow rate options will ensure adequate air changes per hour.
Particle sensor
Built-in particle or air quality sensors analyse air quality within the room. The amount of PM2.5 in the air is a key indicator of air quality. PM stands for particulate matter, and 2.5 refers to size (2.5 micrometres). A PM2.5 value of less than 100 is very good, and over 200 is not good. As the unit cleans the air, the level of improvement can be observed using a numerical or colour-coded monitor function. Units with an auto-mode will adjust the speed of the motor automatically according to air quality.
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Multiple and larger intake vents provide efficient air entry to the filtering system. Ensure inlets and outlet vents are unobstructed when placing the unit within a room.
Comfort features
Noise levels, measured in decibels (dB), is a significant consideration in an occupied room. Look for a product that provides both minimum and maximum noise levels, reflective of low or high fan settings. A night mode function cuts the lights and the noise.
Ease of use, easy to clean
Are the pre-filters easy to remove and clean? Are the HEPA filters easy to replace? Look for a unit that can be easily moved around the room and placed in the most appropriate position. Outer surfaces should be easy to clean, and the device should come with cleaning instructions, including compatible disinfectants.
Additional questions to ask
Before making an investment in portable air purifiers, there are some other questions you might ask, about the availability of replacement filters, level of after-sales support, service packages and warranty. Also, does the manufacturer have experience and knowledge of the policy and procedural guidelines unique to infection prevention and healthcare organisations?
Cost, of course, is a consideration with any purchase. When reviewing overall expenditure, include not only the critical functions mentioned above, but also the price of replacement filters, additional cost saving measures such as pre-filters and auto-mode, and the expected life span of the unit.
Kate Smith RNRM is Head of Clinical Solutions, Training and Support – GAMA Healthcare. For more information visit www.gamahealthcare.com.au