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The Pentecostal – charismatic movement has been a prolific source of aberrant, heretical teachings and practices for over a century. One of the more successful aberrant movements calls itself the New Apostolic Reformation (NAR). Originating in the 1940’s New Order of the Latter Rain, the NAR has many heretical doctrines and practices. These include the restoration of apostles and prophets equal to the Twelve, regular supernatural guidance through prophetic words, the rise of an elite end-time generation who will do greater miracles than Jesus and the Twelve and conquer the world for God, and more. Virtually all of the NAR media super-prophets falsely prophesied the re-election of President Trump. In 2022 their prophetic words, anointings with oil, and other political endorsements again proved to be spectacular failures, bringing yet more reproach on the Gospel This is only the latest in a long line of failures of all kinds in the apostles-and-prophets movement.

The Assemblies of God in 1949 officially rejected the Latter Rain (NAR) movement as heterodox, unbiblical, and dangerous. For years the Latter Rain movement largely disappeared from view. It resurfaced in the form of the NAR in the 1980’s. Promising end-time revival, greater spiritual power, and more spectacular supernatural experiences, the NAR has grown into an influential movement. It’s pervasive errors and excesses have hurt millions of people

There have been many great seasons of renewal, revival, and harvest throughout church history. Our own tradition and Fellowship - the Pentecostal movement and the Assemblies of God - are ongoing products of such an outpouring in the early 20th century. Revivals come in all shapes and sizes, styles and subcultures. Some are short-lived and local but still bring tremendous benefit to those involved. Others become regional, national, or international and may bring long-lasting transformation to great portions of the church and the world. There are many man-made substitutes falsely called “revival,” and some human or demonic pollution often afflicts even genuine revivals. The books below share some excellent information and perspectives on renewal in general and on some specific revivals in particular. All of the revivals covered were genuine moves of God, great spiritual outpourings, even though they differed in many ways. I have most of these works in my library, and I have researched and ordered the few I don’t yet have. I commend these resources to you. May they challenge you to hunger for genuine renewal and to never be satisfied by the shallow substitutes generated by man.

- Michael D. Sharp, Network Secretary-Treasurer

Two recent books provide the most balanced, detailed analysis of the NAR ever done. These outstanding works are endorsed by such prominent Pentecostal scholars and leaders as Craig Keener, Amos Yong, Vinson Synan, Michael Clarensau, and others They present an in-depth evaluation of all NAR doctrines and practices, revealing NAR’s repeated misinterpretation of Scripture, and correctly explaining what all of the relevant biblical passages really mean.

Religious Affections: A Christian’s Character Before God. Jonathan Edwards, edited and abridged by James Houston. Regent College Publishing, 2003. 264 pages.

This Christian classic is a description and analysis of the First Great Awakening in the American colonies. Written by the foremost leader of the Awakening, Jonathan Edwards, it remains today the most careful consideration ever written of “the signs of a religious awakening, both true and false.” It is essential reading for any student of revival or of Christian character. Be sure to get this particular version by Dr. James Houston. It is outstanding. After the Bible, Religious Affections is the most transformational work I have ever read.

The authors, R. Douglas Geivett and Holly Pivec, are Christian leaders active in ministry and apologetics. They believe in the continuing supernatural ministry of the Spirit. They accept NAR followers as fellow Christians trapped in serious doctrinal errors. Their evaluation is very fair, and therefore very devastating to the NAR. As you read you will encounter the leaders, language, teachings, and practices of the NAR. You will realize how deeply these erroneous beliefs have penetrated many Pentecostal churches and ministries. You will recognize the names of prominent ministers and ministries that are a part of the NAR. You will realize how unbiblical and how dangerous the NAR is for genuine, biblical Pentecostal life and practice. Every Pentecostal / charismatic minister and lay leader should read these books. If you are a discerning Pastor, teacher, or leader, then you love God, His Word, and His People, and you want to know the truth. These books tell the truth, truth that some Pentecostals / charismatics will not want to hear. I urge you to order them today.

The Azusa St. Mission & Revival: The Birth of the Pentecostal Movement. Cecil Robeck. Thomas Nelson Publishers, 2017. 352 pages.

Though not the first outpouring of the Spirit around the turn of the 20th century, the Azusa Street revival is universally considered the most important. The 3-year revival at Azusa was the taproot of all Pentecostal denominations and of worldwide revival and harvest. This book is by far the best, most definitive work on this Azusa. The author, a long-serving professor at Fuller Seminary and a renowned Assemblies of God scholar, is an acknowledged master of Pentecostal history. Dr. Robeck is the greatest authority on the Azusa Street revival who has ever lived. If you want to understand Azusa Street, this is the best book you could ever read.

God’s Super-Apostles: Encountering the Worldwide Prophets and Apostles Movement, R. Douglas Geivett and Holly Pivec, Wooster, OH: Weaver Book Company, 2014, 159 pages.

In this book the authors provide an introduction and overview of the NAR. All of the NAR’s major teachings and practices are examined and compared with Scripture. A glossary of NAR terminology equips the reader to recognize such terms as evidence of NAR influence. Lists of NAR teachers and organizations are provided. This book is excellent for pastoral teaching or for a small group study (under good leaders!). “If you have a loved one who has been drawn into this movement, or you want a brief and accurate introduction to it, or if you … simply want a brief introduction for yourself, this book is for you.”

The Holiness-Pentecostal Tradition: Charismatic Movements in the Twentieth Century. Eerdmans: (subsequent edition) 1997. 352 pages.

A New Apostolic Reformation?: A Biblical Response to a Worldwide Movement, R. Douglas Geivett and Holly Pivec, Wooster, OH: Weaver Book Company, 2014, 254 pages.

In this book the authors go into greater depth. They examine the historical-theological origins of the NAR, its growth, its attempts to gain influence in politics and among other churches. They explore all unique NAR doctrines and practices including apostles, prophets, strategic level spiritual warfare, an elite end-time miracle working army of God, spectacular spiritual experiences, dominionism, and so forth. In every instance the authors exhaustively examine what the Bible actually teaches about all of these things, compare this to NAR teaching, and demonstrate the aberrant, dangerous, often heretical nature of the NAR. Every Pentecostal / charismatic pastor should read this book.

Vinson Synan was a premier historian of the Pentecostal movement, a scholar, and an ordained minister in the International Pentecostal Holiness Church This particular book is one of the foundational examinations of the Pentecostal revival. It covers all aspects of the revival, the denominations that arose, and the impact of the later Pentecostal-charismatic movement on mainline denominations. To this day Synan’s work is the most readable and accurate summary of the overall Pentecostal revival. It enables the reader to see the background, beginning, and ongoing worldwide breadth of this movement better than any similarly focused work.

Michael D. Sharp, D.Min., Network Secretary-Treasurer, ALSOM Director

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