7 minute read
Tuesday, May
E D I T O R ’ S N O T E : M o s t events and meetings are cancelled or have been moved online due to the virus outbreak. Please call ahead to confirm. Tuesday, May 3
n Catskill Town Board with public hearing franchise agreement 6:30 p.m. Town Hall, 439 Main St., Catskill 518-9432141 n Coxsackie Village workshop meeting 6 p.m. Village Hall, 119 Mansion St., Coxsackie 518-731-2718 n Durham Town Board workshop meeting 7:30 p.m. Town Hall, 7309 Route 81, East Durham n Greenville CSD Annual Budget Hearing 6 p.m. MS/HS Library, 4982 Route 81, Greenville 518-966-5070
Wednesday, May 4
n Catskill Central School District Board of Education public hearing on budget 6 p.m. CHS Library, 341 West Main St., Catskill 518-943-2300 n Greene County Legislature public hearing No. 1; special legislature meeting No. 2; health services; county resources and public safety 6 p.m. Greene County Office Building, 411 Main St., Catskill
Thursday, May 5
n Ashland Town Planning Board 6 p.m. Town Hall, 12094 Route 23, Ashland
Monday, May 9
n Ashland Town Board 7:30 p.m. Town Hall, 12094 Route 23, Ashland n Catskill Village Planning Board 6:30 p.m. Robert C. Antonelli Senior Center, 15 Academy St., Catskill 518-943-3830 n Coxsackie Village Board 7 p.m. Village Hall, 119 Mansion St., Coxsackie 518-731-2718 n Greene County Legislature county services and public works 6 p.m. Greene County Office Building, 411 Main St., Catskill
Tuesday, May 10
n Catskill Town Planning Board 6:30 p.m. Town Hall, 439 Main St., Catskill 518943-2141 n Catskill Village appropriations 6 p.m. Robert C. Antonelli Senior Center, 15 Academy St., Catskill 518-943-3830 n Coxsackie Village Historic Preservation Committee Meeting 6 p.m. Village Hall, 119 Mansion St., Coxsackie 518731-2718
Wednesday, May 11
n Athens Town Zoning Board of Appeals 7 p.m. Athens Town Hall, 2 First St.,
Athens n Athens Village Board 6:30 p.m. Athens Fire Department, 39 Third St., Athens
Consult the village website for updates the day of the meeting n Catskill Village Board of Trustees 6:30 p.m. Robert C. Antonelli Senior
Center, 15 Academy St., Catskill 518-9433830 Correction
In the story “Durham health care industry completes solar panel project” about GlaxoSmithKline in East Durahm in the Friday, April 29, 2022, edition of The Daily Mail, the comprehensive solar panel project is designed to generate electricity equivalent to more than 70% of the Oak Hill site’s annual usage and reduce its carbon footprint by 60%.
Fire stopped quickly at Catskill home
By Bill Williams
Columbia-Greene Media
CATSKILL — The quick actions of first responders stopped a fire at a Catskill home Friday before it could do any major damage, Catskill fire officials said.
At about 5:10 p.m., Greene County 911 sent Catskill and Hudson fire companies to 24 Summit Ave., after receiving a caller reported that their porch was on fire.
The caller was told to evacuate the residence.
Before firefighters arrived, Catskill police arrived and began attacking the flames with fire extinguishers, fire official said.
Firefighters arrived and began soaking the remaining fire with water, and opening up portions of the home, to make sure the fire was out, fire officials said.
Fire trucks blocked a very narrow Summit Avenue while crews worked.
With 30 mph winds gusting Friday, the fire could have gotten out of control quickly, fire officials said.
The cause of the fire has not been determined, Catskill Fire Chief John Holt said Monday.
Catskill Police and Catskill Ambulance assisted at the scene.
Athens and West Athens fire companies were on stand-by, but were not needed.

BILL WILLIAMS/COLUMBIA-GREENE MEDIA Quick action by firefighters, stopped a fire with only minor damage, at a Catskill home on Friday.

BILL WILLIAMS/COLUMBIA-GREENE MEDIA Hudson firefighters arrive on Summit Avenue to battle a house fire in Catskill on Friday.

BILL WILLIAMS/COLUMBIA-GREENE MEDIA Catskill fire trucks line Summit Avenue, at the scene of a house fire on Friday.

BILL WILLIAMS/COLUMBIA-GREENE MEDIA A Catskill home had only minor damage, after fire broke out on the porch on Friday.
Editor’s note: A charge is not a conviction. All persons l i s t e d a r e i n n o c e n t u n t i l proven guilty in a court of law. Charges can be amended or dismissed. S T A T E P O L I C E n Ryan Wilsey, 31, of Ravena was arrested in New B a l t i m o r e o n A p r i l 2 7 a t 9:21 p.m. and charged with class U misdemeanor first offense operating a motor vehicle with a blood alcohol content of .08 of 1 percent, and class U misdemeanor first offense driving while intoxicated. He was issued an appearance ticket. n Matthew J. Williams, 30, of Cairo was arrested in Cairo on April 28 at 6:52 p . m . a n d c h a r g e d w i t h class B misdemeanor third degree criminal trespassi n g , a n d c l a s s A m i s d emeanor fourth degree criminal mischief. He was issued an appearance ticket. n J o s h u a D . R o s e , 2 6 , o f L e e d s w a s a r r e s t e d i n W i n d h a m o n A p r i l 2 8 a t 8:42 p.m. and charged with class A misdemeanor fourth degree criminal mischief, class A misdemeanor second degree obstruction of governmental administration, class A misdemeanor resisting arrest. He was issued an appearance ticket. n Robert F. Jangrow, 68, of Catskill was arrested in Catskill on April 28 at 10:20 p.m. and charged with class A misdemeanor third degree assault. He was issued an appearance ticket.
Catskill Center’s birding event takes flight in May
ARKVILLE — A weekend of expert-led birding walks and talks resumes in person this year, during “Taking Flight 2022: Flock Together,” May 1315. The event will focus for the first time on building an inclusive birding community. Leaders of the Feminist Bird Club will deliver the keynote address. “At Feminist Bird Club, we believe that the outdoors is for everyone. Taking time to think about how to make events accessible, being mindful that accommodations are as individual as each person who needs them, and listening to people when they tell you what they need will make your events more successful and more enjoyable for everyone,” says Martha Harbison, Feminist Bird Club Vice President. “We’re excited to have these discussions at Taking Flight and demonstrate some of the ways we think about inclusion at Feminist Bird Club.”
Harbison will lead a workshop and a walk to identify and help birders appreciate often hard-to-spot female birds. Other highlights of the 2022 schedule include beginning birding, apps and birding, bird banding, and an early morning hike to the top of Hunter Mountain in search of Bicknell’s Thrush and other high-elevation bird species.
“The Catskill Center is proud to offer a first-rate birding weekend for seasoned and new birders alike. Taking Flight is recognized as an exciting opportunity to experience the Catskills, observe birds in their breeding habitats, and to network with other birders. Our trip leaders and workshop presenters are knowledgeable and experienced,” said Peg DiBenedetto, Catskill Center Board Chair and Taking Flight organizer. “We invite everyone to join us for an enjoyable weekend from start to finish.”
The event is based at the family-owned-and-operated Winter Clove Inn in Round Top in Greene County. For information, to register, or for sponsorship opportunities, visit Taking Flight web pages. Taking Flight resumes after the event was canceled during 2020 and 2021 due to the COVID-19 pandemic.
Rosanne Cash
My freedom of speech is as important to me as my freedom to breathe. It is thrilling to know that expressing my convictions, no matter what they are, is supported by the First Amendment. When we protect free speech, we protect democracy. Learn more at www.1forall.today.