Cye Hope by Raffanurahil
The first known hope delivered to life alongside Adam.
2021 0
what I
I’m an architect whose soul also shared for graphic arts. In my design, I develop myself more in narratology so that my art could tell a story as it’s soul. In doing so, most of the time I do exploration by interpreting an idea and translate it into visual aspects using various design genres and mix ‘em together in a harmonious way.
ace This portfolio contains a visual journey of how hope lives alongside us in all our everyday life, our own surroundings, at our every desired or undesired moments that happen in our life.
To be completely honest, this is a collection of graphic arts generated from an NFT project for a company that sells mass number of arts as NFTs. As their brief is to make numbers of pictures with the philosophy of “Hope”, so here are the results of a week-long journey of interpretation and designs. The arts collected here were made by following a harmonious mix of various graphic genres; line art, flat design, silhouette, and negative space, with the ironically strict rules of pastel colors tied with jet dark ink.
ct Lifetime Wishes
Choices: to hope or to despair
Step out of the darkness
One sky, one destiny
Hope; Love(?)
01Le Wh
Aware or not, a believer or a non-
believer, spoken or unspoken, we are used to chant words of wishes. It is a natural proof that as a living being, we are fueled by the very hope that we always chase.
Thousand Prayer Original Work Expressionism in Line Art 120 x 70 cm
As a human with personality, we were introduced to what a ‘hope’ is since the earliest stage of our life by our closest familiars, whether it was our parent(s) or anybody who stood there with us the whole time. We were taught how to hope well and to speak it out. Some choose to tell others, while some other choose to only tell the one Thing we believe exists alongside us; God. As we learn how to speak intimately to God, we also learn to respect God through various of gesture,s and by then without we realizing, up until today, there must be thousands of our prayers in God’s list of Hope, waiting to be realized. Surely, one day, I hope(?) Now, now, another hope to write on the list, eh, God?!
Flowing Hope Original Work Narrativism in Flat Design 120 x 70 cm
One for Each Original Work Metaphore in Flat Design 120 x 70 cm
hope dpa
As we live, we grow. Alongside the process, we were facing what we presume as the ‘obstacle’. Some of us were having hard times facing obstacles, assume and personally develop it as what we believe as problems. It might be true, but it might not. All we have to realize was, life is nothing but a choice: To hope, or to despair.
Matter of Perspective Original Work
Emoji in Opacity 90 x 240 cm
Sometimes, to get through the situation we’re in, we just need to choose how to behave. Sounds simple, but need a lot of self aknowledgement to do. *Both are fine and humane, or so I thought(?)
(: Situation seems pretty bad if we lose
Thinking of solving problems always
ourself to the despair. We only see the
comes together with some risks. But
situation as a complicated things tied
think of it as a solution, face it with
together get worse each time we think
serenity, see the problem in different
about it. But ‘it’ isn’t the thing that we
perspective, and you might achieve the
should think. Solution is.
peace you hope for.
A Little Struggle
Break Free
Original Work
Inspired by Pict Rider
Narativism in Flat Design
Metaphore in Gradient
120 x 70 cm
120 x 70 cm
New Day New Way Original Work Narativism in Flat Design 120 x 70 cm
Aid Inspired by Pop Sujinun Narativism in Silhouette 120 x 70 cm
Fear//Savior Inspired by Caroline Vitelli Silhouette in Negative Space 120 x 70 cm
03Alive Even with every hit that
we take from whatever problems we had in our life, each wound and scars wrotten all over our body, at every point where we could still see our hopes ahead, please note to self that we are alive.
Breath Original Work
Expressionism in Line Art 120 x 70 cm
Step o
Surely we were there
Original Work
at our darkest hour. In
Metaphore in Silhouette
need of a little light in our
120 x 70 cm
life to shine through clouds that we wished to begone. But who were we? We were just a bunch of flesh and watery blood who live in this life without a hint of certain future. but we are what the world call human being. We are known for being so strong and have such intelegent to adapt to the rules the universe has to offers. That being said, wake up, stand tall, and don't give up!
Focus Original Work Narativism in Perspective 70 x 120 cm
Ignite the Light Original Work Metaphore in Line Art 120 x 70 cm
Keep Searching Original Work Expressionism in Emoji 70 x 120 cm
The moment we realize we got drown deep and deeper into the darkness, anything could be a match, a hope. So ignite the light, dim but fine. Focus on what we need to overcome, and never stop searching for the meaning.
:) 14
Sky 05 e e Dty
Often times we thought we were alone in the world. But it seems like we were just keeping ourselves inside the wall, and used to live with it, getting too comfortable, afraid of the real big universe. Opening our eyes is a must thing to do, really. Here, we life together with men and women, with young and old people, or to say it all together; diversely. Share what goods you have, and receive what the world offers you in return. But keep in mind, not to expect. As what’s expected never as good as what destined to be.
To Share Original Work
Metaphore in Line Art 120 x 70 cm
To Receive Original Work
Metaphore in Line Art 120 x 70 cm
Give and give and give and give all over until we realize that there might be sad to stop the give cycle. Perhaps by then we find or being found by a being (hopefuly the one who speak the language of humanity) so we could keep on giving.
*Love is a bonus, but certain for everybody. **We deserve to love or to feel love. ***Do not hesitate to live a happy love life.
Trial for Love Original Work Narativism in Silhouette 120 x 70 cm
Yes, some of us might lucky enough to found what we call love. Being alone doesn’t mean unlucky, though. Perhaps the world wants us to love within. Love is just a gift to walk the world with some new flavour, but as every other things, love takes trials too. Hopefully the best for you and I, for us.
The good feeling, the chemistry, the blooming love of two person might create another hope for the goodness human could offer to the world. Once again, hopefuly.
Hope in Progress 101 Original Work
Narativism in Line Art 120 x 70 cm
Continuation Original Work
A Lifetime Patient Original Work
Pop Art in Silhouette
Symbolism in Flat Design
70 x 120 cm
120 x 70 cm
Through every ups and downs, consistent in giving, and sturdy patience, there might be a day when our long awaited happiness, the one that we always had hoped, came to fruition. Perhaps at that very moment we’d realize something so great our mind couldn’t even imagine; purpose of life the god didn’t tell us. If it’s true, one can choose to stop for a while, or one can make the moment as the begining to another journey of thousand hopes. Hoping might be tiring, but that’s a cheap price for a greater happiness in life. So don’t stop. Continue on hoping, and be patient, take action, even if it takes a lifetime, believe that happiness is certain.
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