The main reasons to Partner with Add-Energy:
As a partner with full rights you will connect with people working in the Professional Development of Renewable Energy Technologies in Europe. To increase the efficiency of promotion the energy from renewable sources, we would like to invite you to Partner with ADD-ENERGY Community. You will receive priority informations on events conducted by the Romanian Associations, European Wind Energy Asociations, World Wind Eenergy Asociation, Receptions, Workshops and opportunities appeared in the national and international networks.
ADD-ENERGY Partners receive : ·
Exclusive Invitation to receptions and conferences held locally or internationally.
· Access to " section for ADD – ENERGY PARTNER " web page, which contains key informations - and contact details of all partners.
· Through access to " ADD – ENERGY PARTNER SECTION " will be able to receive detailed information from specially designed and existing items. You will be able to copy them as .Pdf format and come with a contribution to the improvement of information structure. · Opportunities for involvement in the promotion, consolidation, defensive, and realization of the rights of third parties and partners working in technology for obtaining renewable energy - especially the wind, while promoting renewable energy and European principles in the field. To register your Company as ADD- ENERGY PARTNER, visit the ADDENERGY .pdf form and send it to e-mail; For more informations follow the CONTACT link and fill in the request Form !
ADD- ENERGY ROMANIA is a professional local network through which you get information of interest within the Sector of obtaining Energy from Renewable sources. Becoming a Partner you will be kept up to date with the latest political, business information and developments in the field of technology assets. Our team will provide knowledge about the renewable energy industry and provide continuous access to the latest reliable information. ADD- ENERGY presents certain Technical Reports, Market Analysis and Policy briefings, which are regularly distributed to partners and made available via the website especially for them.
ADD-ENERGY Partners receive : Regular copies of Reports, electronic Newsletters, Press releases, Briefings, Fully customized answers to direct requests. Access to knowledge and information base our partners in the field.
ADD-ENERGY offers great opportunities for business! Europe is the largest developer of wind energy. Becoming Partner will position your Organization within the European and World Wind Energy Industry and olso in the existing political debates. ADD-ENERGY will help increase awareness of your products, activities or services.
ADD-ENERGY Partners receive : - web link directory to your site from the PARTNERS section, - Company profile of your Organization highlighted in our Monthly presentation, - Promotion of events in the ADD-ENERGY calendar of activities, - Exclusive use of ADD-ENERGY Marketing Services, - Exhibit space reservation priority to Local / European and / World Events.
By joining ADD-ENERGY, you will be directly involved in the politics, promotion and development of the European wind energy. Our achievements: Lobbying conducted by ADD-ENERGY help to create a legal framework in which Partners can Suxessfully develop their business. Key issues of interest are: - Stabile regulations
- Network infrastructure - Onshore eolian energy - Research and Development - Environment and the Climate changes