ECO Turismul - Prezentare Add Energy

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ECO Turismul

Urmariti sectiunea Link-uri utile destinata ECO Turismului !

Descopera ECO - ROMANIA

Romania- The impact of Travel & Tourism on jobs and the economy


Raport privind starea mediului in Romania 2012

Raport privind starea mediului in Romania 2011

Harta INTERACTIVA NATURA 2000 EUROPA - Vedere Natura 2000 Tulcea 01 - Vedere Natura 2000 Tulcea 02 - ARII PROTEJATE Anexa 2 - ROSPA - Harti 01.09.2010 - ARII PROTEJATE - Anexa 3 HARTI APM ROSCI

Aici gasesti punctul de colectare selectiva cel mai apropiat de casa sau biroul tau, indiferent de tipul deseului pe care vrei sa-l reciclezi. Harta centralizeaza toate pubelele stradale, magazinele si depozite mari de colectare.Pentru inceput, in 3 orase urbane din Romania


LIVIU MIHAIU ( eL ME ) - Sectiunea ecologie

OBLIGATIILE DE MEDIU - Obligatiile de mediu

EcoTurism in Romania - TerrAna ECOVILLAGE - IN ARMONIE CU NATURA . Proiect de dezvoltare a comunitatilor Eco in Romania

Imagini TerrAna - Santier de constructie cu materiale naturale - Curs de permacultura 2012, Malin, Romania, editia a 3-a ----- accesati link-urile -----

EcoTurism in Lumea larga

Living in The Future - EcoVillage Pioneers

Low Impact Development - The future in our hands

Low Impact Development is an idea whose time has come. A radical form of sustainable housing and livelihood which is in tune with the natural environment, it offers us innovative solutions for the environmental, social and economic challenges of the 21st century.

A Low Impact Woodland Home Imagini Woodland Home - Similar Buildings

Dream Green Homes - You're source for Alternative Home Plans

Imagini I Love Cub - Galerie foto Proiecte Constructii bazate pe Eco Materiale

NATURAL BUILDING BLOG - Earthbag building and Other Natural Building Methods

ROCHESTER GREEN LIVING - A Hand on Approche to a sustainable City Rochester Green Living was founded by Peter Turkow and Lindsay D'Ambrosia, our goal is to help lower the environmental impact of the homes and lives of those living in the greater Rochester area. To reach that goal we provide workshops in sustainability, promote local green events, provide a free local resource in sustainable information, and create connections to other green organizations throughout New York. We hope we will be the first stop on your journey to a deeper understanding of sustainability. ECO Villages Galerie imagini Workshop-uri sustinute de Rochester Green Living

European Environment Agency EEA

Canalul Video ADDEnergyRO dedicat - Playlist Materiale Video Dedicate ECO Tourism-ului

5 motive pentru a deveni PARTENER Add-Energy ----- accesati link-ul -----

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