Job-urilor si Cursurilor de Specialitate prezentate de Add Energy

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Sectiune destinata Job-urilor si Cursurilor de Specialitate ----------------- Sectiune ce se dezvolta pe parcurs -----------------

IRENA Renewable Energy Learning Partnership Education & Training - URMARITI CURSUL DORIT PE DOMENIUL DORIT IN TARA DORITA

GREEN POWER ACADEMY - Latest renewable energy training courses - Green Power Conferences - Asa trebuie sa arate o CERTIFICARE IN WIND POWER

Cursuri Profesionale de Project Management in Romania - EURO Proiect Estate - Cursuri de Management de proiect Executiv - Project Management Institute Romania - Global standard Projects - BLOG destinat Managerilor de Proiect - TEN Step Romania - Management de Proiect, Autorizare CNFPA - Project Management Institute - Certificari in Managementul Proiectelor - Certificari PMI - EXEC EDU- Calendar Cursuri - Ingineria Sistemelor de Energii Regenerabile ----- accesati link-urile -----

Portal de cursuri din Romania. Cauta un curs AICI !

Unelte de dezvoltare personala si profesionala pentru trimestrul 1 al anului 2013

- Latest renewable energy training courses

- The Green Power Mini-MBA Subject: Financing & Business Models | Region: Europe | Country: United Kingdom | City: London Course Language: English | Institution: Green Power Academy | Course Link | Course Type: Short Course | Course Delivery: Face to Face | Qualification Awarded: Other | Course Start Date: 09 Jul 2012 |

- Renewable Project Planning & Financing A 2-day comprehensive introduction to preparing, financing and presenting business plans for renewable energy projects 16—17 July 2012, London, United Kingdom

- Bioenergy: the 3-day MBA Our comprehensive Introduction to the Business of Bioenergy: Feedstocks, Power, Fuels, Gases, Economics 16—18 July 2012, Amsterdam, Netherlands

ALTE CURSURI INTERNATIONALE ----- accesati link-ul -----

O diversitate de publicatii din domeniul de dezvoltare a energiilor regenerabile internationale ----- accesati link-urile -----

5 motive pentru a deveni PARTENER Add-Energy ----- accesati link-ul -----

Pentru inscrierea societatii dumneavoastra ca PARTENER ADDENERGY , accesati sectiunea Pentru mai multe detalii urmariti link-ul CONTACT si completati Formularul cu Solicitarile dorite !

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