Rezultate centralizate, in urma Dezvoltarii Tehnologiilor ce folosesc surse regenerabile, prin intermediul carora se obtine Energie electrica.
Global WIND ENERGY Status Overview FOR EUROPE
Wind energy development in the EU 1998 to 2009
European offshore wind map 2011
Wind power status in Rusia and CIS Countries - full version
Half Year Report 2012
WWEA Quartely Bulletin - June 2012
WWEA Quarterly buletin - September 2012
Small Wind World Raport 2012 - Summary
WWEA Quarterly buletin - December 2012. Half year report 2012
Energy and the EU budget 2014 - 2020 .Show me the money !
E.W.E.A. - Anual Raport - Thirty Years Growing Together
SEANERGY 2020- Delivering Offshore electricity to the UE
Employment EWEA
Pure Power Full Report EWEA
Statistics and targets EWEA
Wind in power: 2011 European statistics
2010: Offshore and Eastern Europe new growth drivers for wind power in Europe
2009: More wind power capacity installed in the EU than any other power technology ----- sursa -----
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