1 minute read
from SDGzine #01
www.onlfait.ch Geneva
Sustainable Agriculture Project with the European Space Agency
Faced with climate change, it is essential that future citizens understand, in practice, what sustainable development means. If we want to ensure our survival over the long term we must understand sustainable agriculture.
The citizen science international initiative AstroPlant fits perfectly into the framework of the MELiSSA project, a programme of the European Space Agency which aims to build an artificial ecosystem.
The research carried out on this subject has encountered the same environmental problems as on Earth, the technologies developed through the MELiSSA program offer solutions to the global problem of sustainable development.
Through AstroPlant, we will collect data on plant growth and their response to different conditions, in the hope of increasing the efficiency of traditional agriculture. These technologies are applicable to controlled farming and when they become sufficiently affordable they may be able to provide food security to regions affected by severe weather events.
The Fab Lab Onl’Fait carried out this activity with seven groups of students from secondary schools in Geneva. To take part, schools had to agree to work on the project in the classroom and at Fab Lab, where they could access the machinery and knowledge necessary to develop their greenhouses. The Onl’Fait Fab Lab was responsible for planning, advising and assisting the students during construction of the greenhouses. ©Fanny Stulz / Onl'Fait ABOUT FAB LAB ONL’FAIT
The educational Fab Lab Onl’Fait is a Geneva space for inter-generational and multi-cultural encounters aimed at pondering an ecological, sustainable and citizen-led approach to science, technology and consumption. Onl’Fait provides its community with the technical, technological and human resources, to build, repair, share, try out, crash, start again, then develop, rebuild and revolutionise a concept, a prototype or a product among an eclectic community of enthusiasts.
www.onlfait.ch www.astroplant.io
www.onlfait.org Switzerland