The ACORN Guide to Local Food and Farms
An Addison County Relocalization Network (ACORN) publication produced in partnership with the Addison Independent
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2014 ACORN Guide to Local Food and Farms
The Addison County Relocalization Network
P.O. Box 65, Middlebury, VT 05753 • (802) 382-0401 • http://acornvt.org • info@acornvt.org We are a volunteer-driven, board-governed nonprofit working to reinvest in our local economy, revitalize our local food systems and reconnect our regional community. We pursue these goals through a variety of self-sustaining projects so that we do not have to rely on grants to fund our work. ACORN is part of the statewide Farm to Plate network, working together to increase economic development and jobs in Vermont’s food and farm sector and improve access to healthy local food for all Vermonters.
Food and Farms
Our annual guide to local growers (this one!) provides comprehensive information about our region’s farms and serves as a year-round resource for buying local.
Le Tour de Farms, Addison County’s annual cycling and sampling tour of local farms raises awareness of our county’s bounty and promotes safe, sustainable transportation.
Our matchmakers help build relationships between local producers and institutional buyers, and our farm workshops review best practices and promote financial sustainability.
Capital and Commerce Our first Sustainable Living Expo, a daylong celebration with workshops, exhibits and events promoting sustainable living in the Champlain Valley welcomed over 600 visitors this year!
Financing the Working Landscape, our annual conference for food, farm and forestry businesses, offers networking opportunities with capital and service providers to promote land based economic growth.
Our quarterly measurement of local foods purchasing in the county is based on data from five local institutions. We publish the data on our website.
Community and Culture
We host monthly We host workshops The Stone Soup Summit meetings for the on sustainable is our annual farm to regional farmliving skills, run Stone school gathering. It to-school a local seedalternates between p Sou community saving group, and a day-long and provide publish a monthly Summit conference offering collaboration newsletter workshops opportunities for called “Cultivating and an evening of farmers and school Connections” to inform celebration. For more employees. We also information on our farm to school work, email our regional community about food promote Harvest of the Month. acftsn@acornvt.org related opportunities.
Our board Jonathan Corcoran President jcorcoran@acornvt.org Elizabeth Golden-Pigeon Vice President elizabeth@acornvt.org Rich Carpenter Treasurer richcarpenter212@cs.com
Nicole Burke goldenwellapiaries@gmail.com
Andrea Scott andrea.scott2955@gmail.com
David Dolginow david@shacksbury.com
Susan Smiley ssmiley@sover.net
Annie Harlow annie@acornvt.org
Emily Hoyler emily@acornvt.org
Lea Calderon-Guthe Manager lea@acornvt.org
2014 ACORN Guide to Local Food and Farms
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Table of Contents All About ACORN <-- page 2 Articles pages 9-10 Farm map and key pages 12-13 Directory of local farms and food producers page 14-30
Community Gardens page 34 Farmers’ Markets page 35 Food Access page 36 Product index page 43
Recipes pages 41, 42
The ACORN Guide to Local Food and Farms 2014-2015
Project Editor: Lea Calderon-Guthe, ACORN Manager Contributing Writers: Christy Lynn, Lea Calderon-Guthe Ad Production: Anna Harrington, The Addison Independent Directory: Susan Smiley Map: Claire Tebbs & Kevin Behm, ACRPC Design: Lea Calderon-Guthe Publishers: Addison County Relocalization Network and The Addison Independent Printer: Upper Valley Press, North Haverhill, NH Cover art: Ali Parsons— see page 33
Welcome to the 5th annual edition of the Guide! This has been the longest and busiest winter in ACORN’s 9-year history. It was also historic. For the first time since we parted ways in 2009 to better focus on our work, the Acorn Renewable Energy Co-op and the Network re-joined forces and collaborated to launch Vermont’s first Sustainable Living Expo. We started meeting in August and worked right through the fall and winter to launch on March 29 and opened our doors to over 600 people. It truly takes a village to relocalize! We are often asked: What does “relocalization” mean? ACORN’s beginnings were inspired by the Post Carbon Institute (http://www.postcarbon.org), which coined the term “relocalization” to describe the strategy of “building strong societies based on the local production of food, energy and goods and the local development of currency, governance and culture.” The main goals of relocalization are to increase resilience and community security, to strengthen local economies and to improve the health of the environment and social equity. In a few words, the work of ACORN is to strengthen homeland security right here where we live. It is time to root
more deeply in this place we call home. As we reinvest in our local economy, revitalize our local food and energy systems and reconnect our regional community, we grow more resilient, more adaptable and healthy. Like nature, our work is slow as we patiently grow relationships of trust to reconnect the web of community. As those relationships gradually multiply and flourish, we accomplish more and new life springs up! Take this Guide, which would not be possible without the tireless efforts of Lea Calderon-Guthe, the detective work of Susan Smiley who manages our directory of growers, the mapping skills of Kevin Behm and Claire Tebbs at the Regional Planning Commission, the staff at The Addison Independent and our generous advertisers. So what you do matters! Please support our local growers and businesses – we need them, and they need us. Get local foods into our schools to nourish every child. Invest your savings in people you know. Let’s take care of each other and love this beautiful place we call home! Jonathan Corcoran, ACORN Board President
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2014 ACORN Guide to Local Food and Farms
You’ve never had it so good!
Now processing all natural local meats for your local market. Ask for Black River Meats.
Middlebury’s Premier
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for complete menu items & upcoming events
2014 ACORN Guide to Local Food and Farms
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Save Money,
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• Custom Designed for Your Home • No Money Down • Local Installer • Financing Available
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WANTED: Pasture-based farmers
ANIMAL WELFARE APPROVED is the nation’s most respected third-party certification for family farmers who raise their animals sustainably, according to the highest welfare standards, outdoors on pasture or range. The AWA label is recognized nationwide and provides visibility and credibility along with technical and marketing support to farmers at no cost. Learn more about the AWA program and standards at www.AnimalWelfareApproved.org 800-373-8806
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2014 ACORN Guide to Local Food and Farms
Healthy & Affordable Meats for Your Family Antibiotic & Artificial Hormone Free • Grass-Fed Beef • Pork, Bacon, Ham • Meat Birds in Season • Eggs from Pastured Hens Harvey, Donna & AnnaJo Smith 2516 Lime Kiln Rd, New Haven, VT
802-877-2712 SmithFamilyMeats.com
USDA-inspected frozen meats by the cut or bulk packages
Farm Store Open Mon-Sat, 9-5
Loose Leaf Tea Importing & Teahouse Supporting & connecting small-scale farmers around the globe & within Vermont.
Available locally & abroad at: www.stoneleaftea.com 111 Maple St., Midd. In the Marble Works 802.458.0460
A New Future for Vermont’s Farmer
The Beauty of Simplicity in the Vermont Countryside
We serve French-inspired cuisine, made with fresh local products in unique preparations Weddings, rehearsal dinners and catering also available.
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100% organic seeds from an independently-owned, farm-based seed company with a commitment to quality, customer service and healthy communities.
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Bella Farm
Organic vegetables, culinary herbs, and pesto
Po Box 107, Monkton, Vermont 05469 802-373-1875
a bellapesto@gmail.com a bellapesto.com
Member of the Vermont Fresh Network since 2009
2014 ACORN Guide to Local Food and Farms
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2014 ACORN Guide to Local Food and Farms
Support Addison County farms:
Buy Local! Bella Farm Champlain Orchards Doolittle Farm Douglas Orchards Elmer Farm Gildrien Farm Golden Russet Farm
Doolittle Farm A Diversified family farm in Shoreham
• Pastured, organic chicken • Organic eggs from our pastured hens • Pastured, natural lamb • Roving, yarn, blankets and pelts • Maple syrup produced on our wood fired evaporator • Organic blueberries Hammond Family 1078 Doolittle Rd. ~ Shoreham, VT www.doolittlefarmvt.com 802-897-7121
A Family Farm in Orwell producing delicious turkeys since 1987 Turkey and Turkey products Ground Turkey and Sausages, Boneless and Boneless Skinless Breast All our products are available at: Middlebury Natural Foods Co-op Rutland Area Food Co-op Lantmans Best Yet Market Shelburne Supermarket Rutland Natural Supermarket (802) 948-2277
Lalumiere Farmstand & Greenhouse Lester Farm Lewis Creek Farm Marble Rose Farm Red Sky Farm Riverfront Gardens Riverside Farm
Rockville Market Farm Scott’s Greenbush Gardens Stony Loam Farm The Last Resort Farm Vermont Edible Landscapes
For All Your Planting & Gardening Needs We look forward to seeing you soon!
Geraniums • Annuals • Perennials • Hanging Baskets Seeds • Herbs • Vegetables • Pottery & More 140 North Street, Bristol
802-453-7555 Open May 1st - July 31st
M- S 8:30 a.m. - 6 p.m. • Sun. 9 a.m. - 5 p.m. Directions: Take North St. from the traffic light in the center of Bristol – We’re 1 mile on the right!
2014 ACORN Guide to Local Food and Farms
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Grain growing in Addison County:
Where there’s a will there’s a way
Growing grain in any state is challenging. Grains are fickle and susceptible to disease and are especially troubled by untimely rains, according to local producer Ben Gleason of Gleason Grains. That was part of what made 2013 the worst year Gleason has seen since he bought his Bridport farm in 1977. “The whole Northeast had almost nothing for wheat yield last year,” Gleason says, “so I wasn’t alone, but the weather caused some of the most diseased crops I have ever seen.” What happened, according to Gleason, was an excessive amount of untimely rain during the critical pollination stage when the heads of the wheat were open to accept pollen. Rain at this stage can wash fungal spores into the grain heads and can cause what’s called Fusarium head blight. Not only is the yield of a diseased crop significantly reduced, but head blight can also cause the plant to produce chemicals that are toxic to humans as well as livestock when consumed. That is precisely what happened to Gleason’s grains last year, costing him the vast majority of his wheat crop. For Gleason, whose primary crop is wheat, blight has challenged his crop before. Roughly 20 years ago Gleason says his wheat crop began to struggle with head blight. “At that point I lost about a third of my wheat crop and I knew I had to do something to figure out how to change it,” Gleason says. After some testing and critical research on crop varieties that offered better resistance to disease, Gleason decided to change the primary wheat variety that he was growing to a varietal called the “Redeemer,” originally bred in Serbia and now popular in Canada and other northern regions. It is known for winter hardiness, a high yield and resistance to disease, as well as higher protein levels than most grains in more humid territories. For a number of years, the Redeemer variety proved to be a successful decision for Gleason, whose crops were healthier and stronger than they had been with his earlier wheat varieties. But weather trumps all in farming and, as Gleason found last growing season, a stretch of poor luck that can nearly destroy a farm’s entire crop, especially for farmers working on a small scale. Unique Characteristics Unpredictable weather aside, Vermont does have many uniquely positive aspects for small-scale farmers and produc-
By Christy Lynn, The Addison Independent
ers, says Gleason. First, there is a tradition of Vermonters being interested in locally produced food — a strength reinforced by current interests such as the “locavore” movement or the “100-mile diet,” where consumers eat only food grown within 100 miles of their point of production. Gleason started as a farmer who wanted to “do it all.” “I wanted to grow all of my own food for both me and the animals I was keeping,” he says. “My interest in producing feed grew into a love for flour grains and I guess it started there.” There is also an inexplicable flavor that Gleason credits for his success as a grain producer here. “I’m not sure if it’s the soil or the weather that we have here, but whatever it is I’m told by customers that it’s just different from the conventional flours they can buy at the store — organic or not.” Perhaps it is simply the care and passion that Gleason pours into his crops. As an organic farmer since he bought the farm 37 years ago, Gleason has been experimenting with how to rotate as well as fortify his seeds and crops with boron, seaweed, and other organic compounds, seeking the right combination that will allow his seeds to grow into healthy plants. “The healthier the plant is the more resistant it is and the better product you get, so I’ve been looking into how to im-
Trent Campbell |The Addison Independent
prove the soil and add those trace nutrients that can be hard to supplement with organic seed,” Gleason says. Keeping Pace Trends are always changing, opening new vending opportunities in valueadded fields such as craft beer or liquor production and small artisan bakeries, Gleason explains of the growing opportunities in the marketplace. Aside from his wheat crops, Gleason is working with rye, beans, and other crops that require little processing between the farmer and the consumer. He is also a board member of the Northern Grain Growers Association, an organization working collectively with UVM Extension to support grain growing in Vermont and other states across the Northeast. They provide testing labs as well as plots of land to carry out studies on varieties and disease rates. The 10th annual Grain Grower’s Conference “Grow it Here” was held on March 14, 2014, in Essex and brought together farmers across the region to network and share their stories of growing grain around Vermont. With a chipper air in his voice, Gleason says he’ll leave last year behind him and look forward to a better year ahead. “You have to be optimistic, otherwise farming isn’t your thing,” he says.
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2014 ACORN Guide to Local Food and Farms
Modern technology revives the tradition of self-sufficiency at Woods Market Garden
By Christy Lynn The Addison Independent BRANDON — In some ways, the story of Woods Market Garden parallels that of many local farms in Vermont’s history. But in other ways it is breaking new ground with innovative approaches to small farming in the state. The 50-acre plot in Brandon has been farmed since 1890 and was owned and operated for over 100 years by the Woods family. With the new millennium came new ownership for Woods Market, as Bob and Sally Woods sold the farm to Jon Satz and his wife Courtney in 2000. Satz says he was attracted to the retail component of the farm and was interested in supporting and expanding the existing farmstand as well as shifting the production to organic for all the crops grown on the farm. “The farmstand had been around since about 1920 and was a passion of Sally and Bob’s who also kept small cabins on the pond and attracted visitors as an agro-tourism business.” Bringing visitors to the farm had a lot of momentum behind it already, so it was a relatively straightforward move to carry it to the next stage, Satz said. While the rental cabins have since been removed, the market has continued to be popular and successful, and Satz has been able to offer other products made locally such as bread, cheese and pastries. The farmstand has also expanded as a greenhouse, offering a bounty of garden starts as well as decorative flowers for indoor and outdoor use. Satz has been modifying his original vision each step along the way. “Just when I think we’re getting close to a vision I had for the farm, the vision changes,” he says, “but I guess that’s just what it means to be a farmer.” In general, Vermont continues to have a very healthy, wellsupported growing community that has the opportunity to work in small cooperatives to gain traction in larger cities, Satz says. “When I bought the farm I didn’t realize that was something I was going to be interested in, but we’ve been pretty successful with wholesale opportunities in local shops such as the
Middlebury Natural Foods Coop,” Satz says. He has also joined a cooperative of farmers based in Waitsfield, which offers CSA shares to members in and around Boston. Since his first days at Woods Market, Satz has been experimenting with ways to increase the efficiency of the farm and is a strong advocate for sustainable, renewable energy. He now runs a biomass boiler fueled by locally produced wood pellets to heat his greenhouses, working to save between 1800 and 2000 gallons of oil that he would otherwise be burning each year. Satz has also been exploring biofuel crops such as sunflower seeds and soybeans for the past five years to see if his model can shift to biodiesel. “At this point we don’t have the right type of boiler to be able to heat with biodiesel, but it continues to be something we are experimenting with and are interested in. In the meantime, we have been able to produce great food grade oil as well as meal [a byproduct of oil production] that we’re able to provide to the members of our CSA and market visitors,” Satz says. Further developments in renewable energy on Woods Farm include a solar field with ten trackers that was installed in 2012. “The solar project has been very successful and with the system we have we are able to produce a net gain that gets fed back to the grid,” Satz says. “It feels great to be operating more on renewable sources of energy. It’s not only smart economically, but ethically it’s an easier choice for us to make,” he says. The upfront costs were difficult, Satz admits, as large equipment such as the biomass boiler, the combine used to harvest the biofuel and grain crops, and the solar installation are all very expensive investments. But Satz has done the math and remains confident that it will pay off within his tenure. With two young children at home and new inspirations for how to continue innovations at the farm, Satz says he’s planning to stick around. “I’m planning to make this farm a great, healthy, fun place to grow up for my boys,” Satz says.
2014 ACORN Guide to Local Food and Farms
NEW New Packaging Cleanest ingredients in the marketplace
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Nature’s been getting it right. That’s why our organic farmers never use antibiotics, toxic pesticides, synthetic hormones or GMOs. Organic Valley farmers are your neighbors and are committed to cultivating goodness. Learn more about our mission at www.OrganicValley.coop www.organicvalley.coop
©Organic Valley 2014-11006
Try ooruigrinal collection
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2014 ACORN Guide to Local Food and Farms
Farm Directory
Map Key 1. Addison Hop Farm 2. Champlain Valley Farm 3. Harrison’s Home Grown 4. Harwood Farm 5. Lakeway Farm 6. Mike’s Farm 7. Pork Shop 8. Vermont Green Meadows 9. Falkenbury Farm 10. Foggy Meadow Farm 11. Kingston Place Farm 12. Maple Ridge Meats 13. Vermont Natural Beef 14. Good Earth Farm 15. Maple View Farm Alpacas 16. Neshobe River Winery 17. Otter Valley Winery 18. Spotted Dog Family Farm 19. Vermont Fiber Mill 20. Woods Market Garden 21. Bridport Creamery 22. Champlain Valley Alpacas 23. Fairy Tale Farm 24. Gleason’s Grains 25. Hemenway Hillbillies of Vermont 26. Wagner Ranch 27. Bristol Community Gardens 28. Footprint Farm 29. Hillsboro Sugarworks 30. Layn Farms Meats and More 31. Lower Notch Berry Farm 32. Norm Booska 33. Two Big Dogs Sugarworks 34. Yore Fare Farm 35. Cackleberry Plantation 36. Fresh View Farm 37. Miskell’s Premium Organics 38. Mt. Philo Farm - Shelburne Vineyard 39. Paradiso Farm LLC 40. Pelkey’s Blueberry Farm and Charlotte Village Winery 41. ShakeyGround Farm 42. Unity Farm 43. Hibernia Farm 44. Lemon Fair Honey Works 45. Meeting Place Pastures 46. Moonlit Alpacas 47. Mountain Meadows 48. Pine Meadow Farm 49. Rowe Crest Farm 50. Sunrise Orchards 51. Sunset Hill Garden & Nursery 52. Twig Farm 53. Williams Farm 54. Windfall Orchard 55. Al’s Farm Fresh Eggs 56. Ayer Family Diversified Farm 57. Dakin Farm 58. Earth House Farm 59. Flowerpower VT 60. Garden Goddess 61. Good Companion Bakery and Boundbrook Farm 62. Kimball Brook Farm 63. LaLumiere Farm and Greenhouse 64. Scott’s Greenbush Gardens 65. SMB Cattle Co. 66. Vermont Livestock Slaughter and
Processing Co. 67. Ariel’s Honey Infusions 68. Maple Wind Farm 69. Midnight Goat Farm 70. Blue Ledge Farm 71. Bob’s Woodworx 72. Depot Farm Supply 73. Foxcroft Farm Harvest Program 74. Garland Goat Soap 75. Gildrien Farm 76. Mt. Pleasant Sugar Works 77. Oliver Hill Farm 78. Stoney Lonesome Farm 79. Taconic End Farm 80. Breault Family Farm 81. Isham Brook Farm 82. Meetinghouse Farm 83. Metta Earth Institute 84. Solar Sweet Maple Farm 85. Weed Farm 86. Abundance Farm 87. Champlain Valley Apiaries 88. Champlain Valley Creamery 89. Dancing Bee Gardens 90. Elmer Farm 91. Happy Valley Orchard 92. Ledge End Farm 93. Marble Rose Farm 94. Middlebury Community Gardens 95. Omar’s Uncommon Fruits 96. Otter Creek Brewing, Wolaver’s Organics, The Shed 97. Shacksbury Inc 98. Vermont Hard Cider Co. 99. Vt. Natural Ag Products, Inc. 100. Barnumtown Farms 101. Bella Farm 102. Boyer’s Orchard 103. Heavenly Honey Apiary 104. Little Hogback Farm 105. Mountain Warrior Farm 106. New Leaf Organics 107. Norris Berry Farm 108. Orb Weaver Farm 109. The Last Resort Farm 110. Willowell Farm 111. Champlain Valley Bees and Queens 112. Dan and Pat Kennelly 113. Field of Dreams 114. Golden Well Farm & Apiaries 115. Green Pasture Meats 116. Greenhaven Gardens 117. Lester Farm 118. Lincoln Peak Vineyard 119. Misty Knoll Farm 120. Olivia’s Croutons 121. Open View Farm 122. Riverbend Farm 123. Smith Family Farm 124. Sweet Hill Farm 125. Wendy and Randy Butler 126. Animal Farm 127. Berry Meadow Farm 128. Bloomers 129. Brookside Stock Farm 130. Danzahn Farm 131. Eagle’s Flight Farm 132. Lake Home Farm
133. Lazy Dog Farm 134. Ledge Haven Farm 135. Red Sky Farm 136. Royce Hill Farm 137. Singing Cedar Farmstead 138. Singing Cedars Farm 139. Stonewood Farm 140. Sylvan Shades Farm 141. Farmhouse Table 142. Fryston Farm Grazers 143. Otter Creek Farm 144. Roads End Cattle Co. 145. Scapegoat Farm 146. Mountainyard Farm 147. Nola’s Secret Garden 148. North Branch Farm and Gardens 149. North Hollow Farm 150. Sunshine Valley Berry Farm 151. Maple Meadow Farm 152. Whip-poor-will Ledge Farm 153. Blue Stone Farm 154. Champlain Orchards 155. Cream Hill Farm 156. Doolittle Farm 157. Douglas Orchard 158. Elysian Fields 159. Golden Russet Farm 160. Madison Dairy Farm 161. Sentinel Pine Orchard 162. Shoreham Winery 163. Solar Haven Farm 164. Tio Grain Farm 165. Vermont Refrigerated Storage 166. Vermont Tradewinds Farm 167. Whistle Pig Farm 168. Work and Days Farm 169. Norris Sugarworks 170. Bee Happy Vermont 171. Brace Sugarhouse 172. Dunham Family Maple 173. Lewis Creek Farm 174. Maggie Brook Sugarworks 175. Mountain View Farm 176. Purinton Gardens 177. Rockville Market Farm 178. Russell Farm 179. Shaker Mountain Farm 180. Crown Point Alpacas 181. Rup’s Custom Cutting and Smoking 182. Stonebottom Farm 183. Trevin Farms 184. Green Street Gardens 185. Kayhart Beef 186. Otter Creek Heritage Farm 187. Riverfront Gardens 188. Vadeboncoeur Nougat 189. Vergennes Community Garden 190. Woodman Hill Orchard 191. Tandom Farm 192. Duclos and Thompson 193. Ledge Hill Farm 194. Lila’s Milk 195. Monument Farms 196. Four Pillars Farm 197. Gold Yolk 198. Old Wooster Farm 199. Triple K Farm 200. Boutin Family Farm
2014 ACORN Guide to Local Food and Farms
Farm Directory
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2014-2015 Farm Map Charlotte
41 Addison County Local Farms and Food Producers
27 119
180 185
125 125
95 92
91 97 Middlebury 93
155 159 26 Shoreham 160 153 161 177
152 70
30 Whiting
132 134 131
136 126
128 140 135 129
182 Sudbury
15&19 18
16 Brandon
Contact Susan Smiley at 388-Â6601 or ssmiley@ sover.net and add your farm to our directory.
Donâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t see your farm? 151
149 130
Address in Rochester, Vt.
Salisbury 53
49 48
74 163
147 89 East Middlebury
25 45
80 84
87 94
88 96
192 195
Lincoln 85
New Haven
178 173
184 190
100 30
86 189
102 Monkton
109 110
33 107
38 103 101 106
20 12
Addresses not on map
Addison County Regional Planning Commission
] 0 0
0.5 0.5
1 1 Miles
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2014 ACORN Guide to Local Food and Farms
1. Addison Hop Farm
Farm Directory
Kristofer Anderson | 3250 Townline Rd, Addison | 989-4214 | addisonhopyard@gmail.com | addisonhopfarm.com Products: Certified Organic Hops and Hop Pellets Availability: Farm Direct, Farm Website Open to Public: Call ahead
2. Champlain Valley Farm
Ethan Gevry | Rt. 22A, Addison | 349 0699, 759 2238 Products: Beef, Pork, Ear Corn Availability: Farm Direct Call ahead.
5. Lakeway Farm
Beth & Charlotte Pratt | 3057 Lake Street, Addison | 349-6100 | eepratt@gmavt.net Products: Vegetables, Sweet Potatoes, Popcorn, USDA Inspected Beef, Cage Free Chickens and Turkeys, Retail Cuts, Eggs, Availability: Farm Direct, VT Fresh Network Open to Public: Call ahead
6. Mikeâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Farm
3. Harrisonâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Home Grown
Melanie & Patrick Harrison | 8180 Route 22A, Addison | 759 2605 Products: Milk fed Veal, Pork, Beef, Retail Cuts Availability: Farm Direct Open to Public: Call ahead
4. Harwood Farm
Mike Eastman | 435 Town House Rd, Addison | 759 2764 Products: Certified Organic Beef, Bulk Milk Availability: Farm Direct Call ahead to make arrangements for hay purchases
7. Pork Shop
Rob & Suzy Hunt | 1133 Jersey St., Addison | 759 2618 Products: Beef, Pork, Retail Cuts Availability: Farm Direct, Green Pasture Meats
8. Vermont Green Meadows
Alden Harwood | 1582 Route 17 East, Addison | 989 0479 Products: Grass-fed beef, natural pork, manure-based compost, variety of vegetables, mulch hay Availability: Middlebury Farmers Market, Farm Direct Open to Public: Call ahead
Lisa & Tim Davis | 3051 Vt Route 22A, Addison | 759 3374 | vtgreenmeadows@yahoo.com Products: Vegetables, Honey Availability: Farm Direct, Vergennes Farmers Market Open to Public: Call ahead
Benson 9. Falkenbury Farm
Bob & Jacki Ambrozaitis | 1520 Park Hill Rd, Benson | 537 2979 Products: Rabbits, Goats, Turkey, Beef Raw milk at farm, Eggs, Farm Stays Services: Farm Stays Availability: Farm Direct Open to Public: Call ahead
10. Foggy Meadow Farm
Sally Beckwith & Paul Horton | 2494 Lake Rd, Benson | 537 4754 | foggymeadowfarm@shoreham.net | foggymeadowfarm@shoreham.net Products: Over 40 veg crops, Specializing in Spring Greens Availability: Middlebury Farmers Market, Rutland Farmers Market, Open to Public: Call ahead
11. Kingston Place Farm
Janice & Al Burton | 1293 Park Hill Rd., Benson | 537 3167 Products: Organic Hay, Wool Availability: Farm Direct
12. Maple Ridge Meats
Greg Hathaway | 464 Stage Rd., Benson | 537 2811 | mapleridgemeats@gmail.com Products: Meat Processing, USDA Inspected, Certified Organic Open to Public: Call ahead
13. Vermont Natural Beef
Bob & Pati Stannard | 1943 Stage Rd, Benson | 537 3711 | vermontnaturalbeef.com Products: Beef, Custom Cut and Delivered, Retail Cuts Availability: Farm Direct, Web Site Open to Public: Call ahead
2014 ACORN Guide to Local Food and Farms
Farm Directory
14. Good Earth Farm
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Hannah Davidson | 142 Steinberg Rd, Brandon | 310 8534 | neshobecsa@gmail.com Products: Vegetables, organic Services: CSA. Availability: Farmstand, Middlebury Farmers Market, Rutland Farmers Market, Middlebury A&W, American Flatbread, Middlebury Natural Foods Market Open to Public: Call ahead
18. Spotted Dog Family Farm
Charles & Sue Wilson | 1516 Hollow Rd., Brandon | 247 6076 | vermontirishdexters.com Products: Grass Fed Beef. Retail Cuts Services: Tours, Call ahead Availability: Rutland Farmers Market, Farm Direct, Cafe Provence(burger)
19. Vermont Fiber Mill
Deb & Ed Bratton | 185 Adams Rd., Brandon | 236 9158 | mvfalpacas@earthlink.net Products: Alpacas, Sweaters, Hats, Socks, Yarn Availability: Farm Direct
Deb Bratton | 185 Adams Rd., Brandon | 236 9158 | vtfibermill@gmail.com Products: Custom Milling, Batts, Roving, Yarn & Felt Services: Fall Open House 9/20-21 and our Holiday Open House 11/29-11/30 Availability: Mill Direct
16. Neshobe River Winery
20. Woods Market Garden
15. Maple View Farm Alpacas
Patrick Foley | 79 Stone Mill Dam Rd, Brandon | 247 8002 | neshoberiverwinery@gmail.com | neshoberiverwinery.com Products: Wine and Wine Related Products Availability: Tasting Room 8 Park St., Brandon and at Winery Open June to Late September
17. Otter Valley Winery
Ursula Zahn | 1246 Franklin St., Route 7, Brandon | 247 6644 | ottervalleywinery@yahoo.com | ottervalleywinery.com Products: Wine and Wine Related Products, Tasting Room Availability: Winery Direct Open May to October
Jon & Courtney Satz | 93 Wood Lane, Brandon | 247 6630 | woodsmarketgarden@me.com | woodsmarketgarden.com Products: Organic strawberries, sweet corn, tomatoes. vegetables (full range). Organic vegetable starter plants. Gorgeous hanging flowering baskets, annuals, perennials. Dried Beans. Oil seed crops. Baked goods, jam, honey, maple syrup and pickles. Services: CSA, PYO strawberries Availability: Farmstand on Route 7 south of Brandon, Rutland Farmers Market, MNFC and wholesale Farmstand on Route 7 open 7 days May-Sept., 10a-5p daily
Bridport 21. Bridport Creamery
23. Fairy Tale Farm
22. Champlain Valley Alpacas
24. Gleason’s Grains
Julie Danyew & Nicole Foster | 3284A Lake Street, Bridport | 7586800 | bridportcreamery@gmail.com | bridportcreamery.com Products: Fresh Cheese Curds, Pasteurized Herb Cheeses, Aged Cow and Goat Milk Cheeses, Aged Goat Milk Feta Availability: Farm direct, Area farmers’ markets, Retail stores, Online Les & Jenny Foshay | 152 Merino Lane, Bridport | 758 3276 | alpaca@wcvt.com | champlainvalleyalpacas.org Products: Wedding and Anniversary party venue, Family farm vacation, farm stays in a guest cottage Services: Vineyard, Grass-fed Beef, Alpacas Availability: Farm Direct Open to Public: Call ahead
Alissa Shethar | Bridport | 415-602-0737 | info@fairytalefarm. net | fairytalefarm.net Products: Aged cow and sheep milk cheeses, wool and lamb Availability: Area farmers’ markets, Retail stores, Farmstand should be up later this year. Theresa & Ben Gleason | 2076 East St, Bridport | 758 2476 | gleasongrains.com Products: Organic wheat. Sifted and Whole Wheat Flour Availability: Midd. Nat. Food Coop, Mountain Greens, Rutland Coop, City Market, Healthy LIving Open to Public: Call ahead
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2014 ACORN Guide to Local Food and Farms
25. Hemenway Hillbillies of Vermont
Cindy Myrick | Hemenway Hill, Bridport | 236 8800 Products: Coconut Maple Crunch, Maple Syrup, Brandywine Ginger Marmalade, Pickles, Pickled Beets, Dilly Beans, seasonal uncommon specialty low/naturally sweetened jams. Availability: Middlebury Farmers Market, Mail Order
Farm Directory
26. Wagner Ranch
Phil Wagner | 314 N. Cream Hill Rd, Bridport | 758 2912 | wagnerranch@hotmail.com | wagnerranchvt.com Products: Natural Angus Beef, Pork, Turkey, Retail cuts Availability: Farm Direct Open to Public: Call ahead
Bristol 27. Bristol Community Gardens
1 South St, Bristol | lilyhinrichsen@gmail.com | bristolcommunitygarden.weebly.com Services: Community Garden Sites
28. Footprint Farm
Taylor Hutchison | , Bristol | taylor@footprintfarmvt.com | footprintfarmvt.com Products: Organic Vegetables (full range); Organic cut flowers; Organic eggs; Pasture-raised pork Services: CSA Availability: Bristol Farmer’s Market, Retail stores, Online, Special events, Weddings
29. Hillsboro Sugarworks
Dave & Sue Folino | 270 Rounds Rd, Bristol | 453 5462 | hillsborosugarworks.com Products: Certified Organic Maple Syrup Services: Maple Open House Check for Dates Availability: Midd. Nat. Foods Coop, Gregs Meat Market, Shaws, Mountain Greens, Bristol
30. Layn Farms Meats and More
Heather Layn | 3204 Bristol Rd, Bristol | 453-6919 Products: Pork, Beef, Chicken, Turkey, Corn, alpaca fiber, felted items Services: Our farm is always open to visitors. Come see the piglets, alpacas, angora rabbits and much more. Availability: You can find our meat at Bristol Beverage. We also have a on farm store that is open 7 days a week.
35. Cackleberry Plantation
John Young | 1927 Spear Street, Charlotte | 425-2639 | cackleberryplantation.com Products: Free Range, pastured Chicken and Duck eggs; Free Range, Pastured Whole Chickens, Ducks and Turkeys in season Availability: Farm direct, Online
36. Fresh View Farm
John Crabbe | 5692 Ethan Allen Hwy., Charlotte | 497-7505 | freshviewfarmvt@hotmail.com | Products: Raw milk, pastured meat, eggs, and vegetables (full range) Services: Availability: Farm Direct, Vergennes Farmers Market, 3 Squares Café Open to Public
37. Miskell’s Premium Organics
David Miskell | 718 Greenbush Road, Charlotte | 425-3959 Products: Kale, chard, lettuce, trellis cucumbers, basil Availability: Intervale Food Hub, Farmers to You, City Market, Healthy Living, Skinny Pancake
31. Lower Notch Berry Farm
Al & Linda Lunna | 1946 Lower Notch Rd, Bristol | 453 4220 | lowernotchbf@gmail.com Products: Blueberries & Raspberries Services: PYO Availability: Farm Direct, Midd. Nat. Foods Coop, Mountain Greens,Bristol, Middlebury Farmers Market Mid July to end of August
32. Norm Booska
| 149 Lower Notch Rd., Bristol | 453 5653 Products: Raspberries, Black Raspberries, Blackberries Availability: Midd. Natural Foods Coop, Mountain Greens
33. Two Big Dogs Sugarworks The Rawls | 1209 Tyler Bridge Road, Bristol Products: Maple syrup
34. Yore Fare Farm
Anthony Myrick | 11 Stoney Hill Rd., Bristol | 349 4961 | yorefarefarm@hotmail.com Products: Pastured Chicken, Ducks, Pork.Eggs, Availability: Bristol Farmers Market, Farm Direct, Mountain Greens, Bristol Open to Public: Call ahead
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2014 ACORN Guide to Local Food and Farms
Farm Directory
38. Mt. Philo Farm - Shelburne Vineyard
Sam Coppola | 5507 Ethan Allen Hwy, Charlotte | 488-4293 | numondo.com Products: Wine Grapes, Lavender, Wine, Soap, Sachets, Sea Salts, Red Balsamic Vinegar, Fresh and Dried Lavender, Lavender Hydrosol Services: Pick Your Own, Wedding/event site Availability: We are associated with Shelburne Vineyard and all our products as well as wines are available through Shelburne Vineyard and our farm.
39. Paradiso Farm LLC
Steven Colangeli | 65 Big Oak Lane, Charlotte | 343-3423 | scolangeli1@gmail.com | Paradisofarm.com Products: Hardy winter greens, Vermont Figs, Vermont Ginger Services: Educational programs Availability: Farm direct, Retail stores, Online
40. Pelkeyâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Blueberry Farm and Charlotte Village Winery William, Colleen and Will Pelkey & | 3968 Greenbush Road, Charlotte | 425-3281 | info@charlottevillagewinery.com |
43. Hibernia Farm
charlottevillagewinery.com Products: Blueberries, berry pies, syrups, jams and 11 awardwinning fruit and grape wines Services: PYO, tasting room Availability: Farm Direct, Online Open for picking Monday-Friday 8am-6pm; Saturday 8am-4pm; Sunday 9am-4pm in season. Winery features free wine tasting from Memorial Day weekend to January 1st, from 11:00am to 5:00pm.
41. ShakeyGround Farm
Drew Slabaugh | 289 Converse Bay Rd, Charlotte | info@ shakeygroundfarm.com | shakeygroundfarm.com Products: Lamb, Wool and Fiber, Sheep and Lamb Pelts, Belted Galloway Beef, Vegetables (full range) Availability: Farm direct, Area farmersâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; markets, Online
42. Unity Farm
Cathy Wells | 200 Higbee Rd., Charlotte | 914 703 1328 | unityfarmvt.com Products: Summer Flowers, Winter Greens Availability: Farm Direct, Healthy Living, Shelburne Supermarket, Charlotte Berry Farm
Rene & Donna Audet | 188 Audet Rd, Cornwall | 462 2434 Products: Organic Hay Availability: Farm Direct
44. Lemon Fair Honey Works
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Kristin Bolton & Andrew Munkres | 2703 West St, Cornwall | 462 3722
Products: Raw honey, Comb honey from untreated bees, Nucleus Colonies Availability: Farm Direct, Midd. Nat. Foods Coop, Middlebury Farmers Market, City Market, Champlain Orchards Farmstand Open to Public: Call ahead
45. Meeting Place Pastures
Cheryl & Marc Cesario | 1368 West St, Cornwall | 462 3759 | marc@meetingplacepastures.com Products: Organic beef, organic eggs, pork and humanelyraised veal Services: CSA Availability: Farmstand, Burlington Farmers Market Open to Public: Call ahead
46. Moonlit Alpacas
Carol & Cass Tillman | 2170 Route 125, Cornwall | 462 3510 | Carol@moonlitalpacas.com | moonlitalpacas.com Products: Alpaca Breeding Stock, Alpaca Fiber Availability: Open Farm Days Open to Public: Call ahead
47. Mountain Meadows
Brian Kemp & Amiel Cooper | 2711 Route 30, Cornwall | 989 0514 Products: Beef, wholesale/retail, organic, Retail Cuts Availability: Whole Foods Open to Public: Call ahead
48. Pine Meadow Farm
David & Sharon Reising | 440 Vt Route 30, Cornwall | 462 3582 Products: VegetablesPork, SausageMaple Syrup Availability: Farmstand Open to Public: Call ahead
49. Rowe Crest Farm
Daniel Rowe | 123 Lambert Lane, Cornwall | 349 4530 Products: Grass fed Beef, Organic Hay, Steers for finishing Availability: Farm Direct
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2014 ACORN Guide to Local Food and Farms
50. Sunrise Orchards
Barney Hodges | 1287 N. Bingham St, Cornwall | 462 3500 Products: Frozen Corn, Frozen Broccoli, Frozen Green Beans, Apples, Cider, Frozen Blueberries Availability: MNFC, Middlebury & Vergennes Shaw’s, Middlebury Market Open to Public: Call ahead
51. Sunset Hill Garden& Nursery
Nancy Edson | 2771 Route 74 West, Cornwall | 462 2497 Products: Vegetable Plants, Annuals, Perennials, Strawberries, Blueberries, Apples, Pears, Cherries Availability: Middlebury Farmers Market, Farmstand Open to Public: Call ahead
52. Twig Farm
Michael Lee & Emily Sunderman | 2575 South Bingham Street, Cornwall | 462 3363 | twigfarm@shoreham.net | twigfarm. com Products: Goat’s Milk Cheeses, Mixed Milk Cheeses
Farm Directory
Services: Open House Sat. July 21 Availability: Middlebury Farmers Market, Mdd. Nat. Foods Coop, Vergennes Laundry
53. Williams Farm
Kevin Williams | 5283 Route 30, Cornwall | 462 2186 | wmsmaple@shoreham.net Products: Maple Syrup, Maple Products Availability: Farm Direct, Mail Order Open to Public: Call ahead
54. Windfall Orchard
Bradley Koehler | 1491 Route 30, Cornwall | windfallorchardvt@gmail.com | windfallorchardvt.com Products: 80 varieties of Heirloom apples, plums, pears, fresh cider, Ice Cider, foraged mushrooms. Services: PYO Sunday afternoons in October Availability: Middlebury Farmers Market, American Flatbread Middlebury Hearth, Tourterelle, Kitchen Table Bistro; Ice Cider at MNFC, Lincoln Peak Vineyard Open to Public: Sundays in October
Ferrisburgh 55. Al’s Farm Fresh Eggs
Helen Cobb | 777 Hawkins Rd, Ferrisburgh | 877 3797 Products: Eggs, Availability: MNFC, Farm direct Open to Public: Call ahead
56. Ayer Family Diversified Farm
Michelle & Roland Ayer | 1251 Greenbush Road, Ferrisburgh | (802) 343-1465 | ayerborndorpers@gmavt.net | ayerborndorpers@gmavt.net Products: We specialize in the high quality Dorper sheep breed. Lamb (whole and cuts) available year round, as well as beef, pork, meat chickens and fresh eggs. Registered breeding stock available. Availability: Farm Direct, Bar Antidote, Yourfarmstand.com Open to Public: Call ahead
57. Dakin Farm
Sam Cutting | 5797 Route 7, Ferrisburgh | 1-800-99DAKIN | scutting@dakinfarm.com | dakinfarm.com Products: Maple Syrup, Smoked Meats and Cheeses, Gifts Availability: Retail store, Mail order Open to Public
58. Earth House Farm
Finn & Katherine Yarbrough | 4215 Sand Rd, Ferrisburgh | 877 6288
Products: Organic Lamb, Eggs Services: Hand-shearing of fiber animals Availability: Farm Direct, call ahead for pick-up, discount pricing for whole- or half- lamb orders.
59. Flowerpower VT
Anne Flack Matthews | 991 Middlebrook Rd, Ferrisburgh | 877 3476 | flowerpowervt@comcast.net | flowerpowervt@ comcast.net Products: Fresh, organic cut flowers are our specialty! We also offer: organic blue eggs, full range organic vegetables and herbs, hops, organic vegetable starts, organic dog food, chicken and organic heritage turkey poults, as well as thanksgiving dinner, organic catnip Availability: Farm direct (self-service store and retail greenhouse); Wholesale; Farm website; Retail: City Market, Healthy Living, Radio Bean, Bar Anidote, 3 Squares Cafe, Fiddlehead Brewery, Folino’s, Bread and Butter farm, Full Moon CSA, UVM, Shelburne Farmer’s market Farm store always open.
60. Garden Goddess
Michele Racine | 399 Quaker St, Ferrisburgh | 425 4433 | thegardengoddess.net Products: Flowers, Annuals, Wedding Flowers, Hanging Baskets, Custom Containers Availability: Call the Garden
Eating locally? We grow all our grapes!
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2014 ACORN Guide to Local Food and Farms
Farm Directory
61. Good Companion Bakery and Boundbrook Farm
Erik & Erica Andrus | 276 Burroughs Farm Rd, Ferrisburgh | 877 1396 | erik@goodcompanionbakery.com Products: Beef, Pork, Bread, Pastries and Porridge. Rice Services: Rice Harvest Festival (fall), Vermont Sail Freight Co. Availability: Middlebury, Bristol &Vergennes Farmers Markets, Red Clover Market Open to Public: Call ahead
62. Kimball Brook Farm
Cheryl & JD DeVos | 2263 Greenbush Rd, Ferrisburgh | 462 6455 | kbfVermont@gmail.com Products: Milk: cream top, whole, 2%, 1%, skim; cream; half and half; flavored milks: chocolate, iced cappuccino Availability: Vergennes, Middlebury Natural Food Coop, Mountain Greens Market, Lantman’s Hinesburg, Shelburne Supermarket
63. LaLumiere Farm and Greenhouse
Karolyn & Louie Lalumiere | 3747 Sand Rd, Ferrisburgh | 349 7782 Products: Vegtables, full range, although known for our sweet tomatoes and wide variety of melons. Bedding plants and seedlings. Services: CSA Availability: Farm direct, Wholesale, Yourfarmstand.com,
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Farmers Markets: Hinesburg, Shelburne, Bristol, Vergennes, Old North End Burlington, Winooski Open to Public: Call ahead
64. Scott’s Greenbush Gardens
Bill & Donna Scott | 79 Quaker Street, Ferrisburgh | 425 2370 Products: Strawberries, fall raspberries, sweet corn, summer & winter squash, melons, cucumbers, pumpkins, fall Garden mums. Services: PYO strawberries and raspberries Availability: Dakin Farm, Greg’s Meat Market, Farmstand, Yourfarmstand.com Open to Public: Call ahead
65. SMB Cattle Co.
Scott, Michelle & Carson Barnes | 239 Quaker St, Ferrisburgh | 425 2862 | smbcattleco.com Products: Hereford Feeders, Breeding Stock Availability: Farm Direct
66. Vermont Livestock Slaughter and Processing Co.
Carl Cushing | 76 Depot Rd, Ferrisburgh | 877 3421 | vermontlivestocksandp@myfairpoint.net Products: USDA Inspected Meat Processing. Beef, Lamb, Pork. Sides/Qtrs, Retail Cuts. Roaster Pigs
Huntington 67. Ariel’s Honey Infusions
Ariel Krolick | 1276 texas hill rd, Huntington | 207-310-8526 cell | info@arielshoney.com | arielshoney.com Products: Ariel’s Honey Infusions makes twelve unique infusions using Sustainably Harvested, Raw Vermont Honey Infused together with Organic Herbs. Ariel’s Honey Infusions feels each edible infusion will help to bring you closer to understanding and supporting the importance that bee’s play in each of our daily lives and communities. Availability: Retail stores, Online
68. Maple Wind Farm
69. Midnight Goat Farm
Yves Gonnet | 87 Highland Drive, Huntington | cheese@ midnightgoatfarm.com | midnightgoatfarm.com Products: Midnight Goat Farm is a very small, family-run Grade A Goat Dairy and Creamery located in Huntington Vermont.Our wonderful, pasture-fed Alpine goats are milked daily by hand.We produce our handcrafted artisan cheeses from the delicious, raw milk in micro-batches. Our ingredients are all natural with no fillers, preservatives or GMOs. Availability: Farm direct, Area farmers’ markets, Retail stores, Online
Bruce & Beth Hennessey | 1045 Carse Rd, Huntington | 434 7257 | goodfood@maplewindfarm.com | maplewindfarm.com Products: Organic Vegetables, 100% Grass-fed Beef, PastureRaised Pork, Organic and non-organic Pastured-Raised Chicken and Turkey, Eggs, Maple Syrup Availability: Area Farmers Markets, Coops, Restaurants and Farm Sales. Wholesale/Freezer Sides/Retail/On farm by appointment. REGISTER FOR BOTH TOURS AT VERMONTFARMTOURS.COM
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2014 ACORN Guide to Local Food and Farms
Farm Directory
Leicester 70. Blue Ledge Farm
Hannah Sessions & Greg Bernhardt | 2001 Old Jerusalem Rd, Leicester | 247 0095 | sales@blueledgefarm.com | blueledgefarm.com. Products: Retail cuts of whey fed pork, artisanal and farmstead fresh, semi-aged and aged goat and cow’s milk cheeses. Availability: Middlebury & Rutland Farmers Markets, Middlebury & Rutland Coops,Woods Market, Shelburne Supermarket, Healthy Living Farm open for visitors Fridays 8-noon May - Oct.
71. Bob’s Woodworx
Robert Cole | 2139 U.S. Route 7, Leicester | 377 0078 Products: Compost, Cedar Fence Posts, Maple Syrup Availability: Direct Sales/delivery
Products: All Natural Goat Milk Soaps,Soothing Lip Balm, Face and Body Cream Availability: MNFC, Shelburne Country Store, Gourmet Provence, Carrs Florist, Rutland Food Coop,Blue Seal, Brandon; Mail Order
75. Gildrien Farm
Caitlin & Jeremy Gildrien | 490 Delorme Rd, Leicester | 2474699 | gildrienfarm@gmail.com | gildrienfarm.com Products: vegetables (full range), Fresh Ginger Services: Summer and Winter CSA shares. Availability: Farm direct; Wholesale; Retail: Middlebury and Rutland Farmers’ Markets, Middlebury and Rutland Co-ops, and various restaurants in the Rutland and Middlebury areas. Open to Public: Call ahead
76. Mt. Pleasant Sugar Works
72. Depot Farm Supply
Rick Oberkirch | 2681 Leicester Whiting Rd, Leicester | 247 6700 Products: Certified Organic/Conventional Animal Feed Availability: Direct Sales/Delivery, Store Hours:M-F 8-5, Sat.8-12
Andy & Donna Hutchison | 1627 Shackett Rd, Leicester | 247 3117 Products: Maple Syrup, Maple Equipment Sales Jan.-June Availability: Farm Direct, Inside Scoop, Brandon Open to Public: Call ahead
73. Foxcroft Farm Harvest Program
77. Oliver Hill Farm
Anne Young | 898 Delorm Road, Leicester | 247-3375 | ayoung@vtharvest.org | vtharvest.org Products: vegetables (full range); pumpkins, winter squash and gourds; beef, sausage, roaster pigs, piglets, turkeys; eggs; wreaths; holiday gift baskets and smiles. Services: Educational corn maze, maple syrup,farm tours, educational programming. The organically grown vegetables and fresh eggs are for seniors and are inexpensive, affordable, sometimes free. Educational program for 4th-12th graders offering afterschool sessions, during school sessions and a seven-week summer session. Availability: Farm Direct, call ahead for pick-up Open to Public: Call ahead
74. Garland Goat Soap
Greg, Linda & Nathaniel Moore | 671 Ferson Rd., Leicester | 247-9249 | garlandgoatsoap@gmail.com | garlandgoatsoap@ gmail.com
Suki Fredericks | 1033 Bullock Rd, Leicester | 247 3479 Products: VOF certified organic free-range eggs. Services: B&B guest house on the farm. Availability: Farm Direct
78. Stoney Lonesome Farm
James Ellefson & Lesley Wright | 588 Fern Lake Rd, Leicester | 247 5920 Products: Vegetables, Asparagus, Fingerling Potatoes, Garlic Availability: Farm Direct, Middlebury Farmers Market Open to Public: Call ahead
79. Taconic End Farm
Annie Claghorn & Catlin Fox | 1395 Leicester Whiting Rd, Leicester | 247 3979 Products: Certified Organic Beef, Retail cuts, Maple Syrup Availability: Farm Direct Open to Public: Call ahead
MIDDLEBURY AGWAY FARM & GARDEN 338 Exchange Street, Middlebury VT • 388-4937 Mon - Fri 8-6, Sat 8-5, Sun 9-4 .
2014 ACORN Guide to Local Food and Farms
Farm Directory
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Lincoln 80. Breault Family Farm
Jessica Breault & Kevin| 1200 French Settlement Rd, Lincoln | 453 6792 Products: Greens, Potatoes, Garlic, LettuceChickens Availability: Farm Direct Open to Public: Call ahead
81. Isham Brook Farm
William, Bonnie & Trent Roleau | 1426 W. River Rd, Lincoln | 453 3713 | ishambrookfarm.com Products: Beef, Pork, Retail Cuts, Maple Syrup Availability: Farm Direct, Bristol Farmers Market, Lincoln Store, Bristol Beverage Open to Public: Call ahead
82. Meetinghouse Farm
Ruth Shepherd & Ken Pohlman | 192 Isham Hollow Rd, Lincoln | 453 4786 | mhfarm@gmavt.net Products: Grass Fed Beef,Lamb,Retail cuts Availability: Farm direct, Bristol Farmers Market, Middlebury Natural Food Coop Open to Public: Call ahead
83. Metta Earth Institute
Gillian & Russell Comstock | 334 Geary Rd. South, Lincoln | 453 8111 | gillian@mettaearth.org | mettaearth.org Products: Metta Tea: organically grown & sustainably wildcrafted herbal tea blends; kombucha; kimchi; specialty
pestos: parsley, cilantro, arugula; winter squash, onions, potatoes, kale Services: Metta Earth Institute retreats, trainings, and programs featuring organically grown foods and meals. Small CSA. Availability: Farm Direct
84. Solar Sweet Maple Farm
Tom Gadhue | 3841 South Lincoln Road, Lincoln | 453-6063 | rhonda@solarsweetmaplefarm.com | solarsweetmaplefarm. com Products: Maple syrup, maple products, gift baskets Services: We’ve created a space where people can sit at our custom farmers table and enjoy a maple treat or they can sit up at the counter top on our teak stools and get a bird’s eye view of the sugar making process. We welcome visitors and want them to feel at home in our place. Availability: Farm Direct, Online Open Daily from 9-5 (Feb, March, April) By Appointment for remainder of year
85. Weed Farm
Susan Borg & Rashi Nessen | 613 Quaker St., Lincoln | 4537395 | weedfarm@gmavt.net Products: Eggs, Herbs and herb plants (culinary and medicinal) Services: Pick Your Own - please call ahead. Availability: Farm direct, Mountain Greens Open to Public: Call ahead
Middlebury 86. Abundance Farm
Alpine Bingham | , Middlebury | 388 7249 Products: Mulch hay, Organic Hay Availability: Farm Direct Open
87. Champlain Valley Apiaries
Charles E. Mraz | 504 Washington Street Ext., Middlebury | 388 7724 | cva@together.net Products: Raw, naturally crystalized honey; liquid honey; beeswax; beeswax candles
Availability: Many retailers incl. MNFC, Pratt’s, Greg’s, Natural Provisions, Mountain Greens. Open M-F 8-4p
88. Champlain Valley Creamery
Carleton Yoder | 88 Mainelli Road,Ste. 3, Middlebury | 989 7361 | cheeseguy@cvcream.com | cvcream.com Products: Organic Cream Cheese, Champlain Triple, and Queso Fresco Availability: MNFC, American Flatbread, Shelburne Supermarket, Otter Creek Brewing Open: Email ahead
Middlebury College would like to thank all of the area providers that help to load our plates with fresh bounty. Blue Ledge Farm Cabot Creamery Champlain Orchards Champlain Valley Apiaries Crawford Family Farm Daily Chocolate Duclos & Thompson Farm Gleason Grains Happy Valley Orchard Hillsboro Sugarworks
LocalFarmThanks_2014.indd 1
Lalumiere Farmstand & Greenhouse Lewis Creek Farm Lincoln Peak Vineyard Maple Meadow Farm Millborne Farm Misty Knoll Farms Monument Farms Dairy Otter Creek Brewing Stone Leaf Teahouse Stowe Sugarworks
Sunrise Orchards Twig Farm Vermont Coffee Company Vermont Cookie Love Vermont Heritage Grazers Windfall Orchard
2/18/14 11:51 AM
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2014 ACORN Guide to Local Food and Farms
Farm Directory
89. Dancing Bee Gardens
95. Omar’s Uncommon Fruits
90. Elmer Farm
96. Otter Creek Brewing, Wolaver’s Organics, The Shed
Ross Conrad & Alice Eckles | P.O. Box 443, Middlebury | 349 4279 | dancingbeegardens.com Products: Shitake Mushrooms, Raw Honey, Bee Products, Services: Pollination of organic farms. Education, Honeybee literature Availability: Farm Direct. Call or email to place order or receive directions. Spencer & Jennifer Blackwell | 855 Case Street, Middlebury | 388-3848 | elmer.farm@yahoo.com | elmerfarm.com Products: Certified organic vegetables, flowers, black beans Services: Pick your own is included in our CSA shares Availability: Middlebury farmers market, American Flatbread, Greg’s market, MNFC and Vergennes laundry Not open to public.
91. Happy Valley Orchard
| 217 Quarry Rd, Middlebury | 388 2411 | hvo@sover.net Products: Vegetables Apples, Cider, Berries, Peaches, Cider Donuts, Baked Goods Services: PYO Availability: Orchard Direct/Farmstand
92. Ledge End Farm
Hank Dimuzio | 1288 Munger Street, Middlebury | 388 8979 | ledgendeer@comcast.net | ledgendeer@comcast.net Products: Fallow Deer Venison, Venison Pet Food, Antler Pet Chews Availability: Farm Direct, Gregs Meat Market, Warren Store, Healthy Living Open to Public: Call ahead
93. Marble Rose Farm
Sue Evans | 1733 Route 116, Middlebury | 388 9411 Products: Certified Organic Strawberries, Peaches, Melons, Tomatoes, Beans, Garlic, Onicns, Potatoes, Peas, Cucumbers, Squash Services: PYO Strawberries. Availability: MNFC, Middlebury Farmers’ Market, Farmstand Open: June-Sept., Wed.-Fri. 3-6pm
94. Middlebury Community Gardens
Porter Medical Center, Middlebury | 541 740 4236 (Lilian) | info@middleburygardens.org | middleburygardens.org Services: Community Garden Plots
100. Barnumtown Farms
Jes Berry, Ian Huizenga, & Chuck Huizenga| 357 Nichols Rd., Monkton | 989 3151 Products: Vegetables, Pork, Eggs, Jams, Pesto, Maple Syrup Availability: Farm Direct, Bar Antidote
101. Bella Farm
Rachel Schattman | 90 Cemetery Rd, Monkton | 373 1875 | bellapesto@gmail.com | bellapesto.com Products: Organic vegetables (full range). Culinary herbs. Garlic. Organic dairy- and nut-free pesto. Services: CSA Availability: Burlington Farmers Market, City Market, Basin Harbor Club, Wholesale
Omar Fugaro | 566 E. Munger St, Middlebury | 282 6739 Products: Raspberries, Plums, Strawberries, Gooseberries, Currants, Blackberries, Apricots, Black Raspberries Availability: MNFC, Middlebury Farmers Market, Otter Creek Bakery, Vergennes Laundry, Storm Cafe, 3 Squares Open to Public: Call ahead
Jed Nelson | 793 Exchange St, Middlebury | 388 0727 | jed. nelson@longtrail.com Products: Craft Beers Availability: Local Retailers and Restaurants. Brewery open, 7 days a week, 11-6, except holidays
97. Shacksbury Inc
David Dolginow | PO Box 981, Middlebury | 989-9892 | david@shacksbury.com | shacksbury.com Products: Hard Cider Availability: Wholesale distributor
98. Vermont Hard Cider Co.
153 Pond Lane, Middlebury | 388 0070 Products: Hard Cider Availability: Local restaurants, liquor stores, grocery stores
99. Vt. Natural Ag Products, Inc.
Heather Foster-Provencher, Jim Foster, Jr., & Robert Foster | 297 Lower Foote St, Middlebury | 3881137 | hfmoodoo@sover. net | vermontnaturalagproducts.com Products: Compost, potting soils, mulches Availability: Wholesale, many local garden stores and nurseries, some products available at farm
Summer Camps • CSA Certified Organic Vegetables Optional Organic add-ons: CHEESE EGGS PORK & CHICKEN all from pastured, GMO-free animals.
Hinesburg VT., off 116 just north of Starksboro/ Monkton line
2014 ACORN Guide to Local Food and Farms
Farm Directory
102. Boyer’s Orchard
David Boyer | 1823 Monkton Rd, Monkton | 453 2676 | orchard@together.net Products: Apples, Plums, PearsCider, Pies, Donuts Services: PYO Availability: Orchard Direct
103. Heavenly Honey Apiary
Scott & Valarie Wilson | 118 Rotax Rd., Monkton | 333 0084 | vtbeekeeper.com Products: Honey Availability: Apiary direct, Online
104. Little Hogback Farm
Matt Davis | , Monkton | 598 8204 | littlehogbackfarm.com Products: Maple Syrup, Maple products, Shitake, Oyster &Chanterelle Mushrooms Availability: Online, Middlebury Farmers Market, Yourfarmstand.com
105. Mountain Warrior Farm
Galen Helms & Sara-Paule Koeller | 2886 Mountain Rd, Monkton | 373 6544 Products: Eggs, Pastas, Chutneys, Pickles, Maple Syrup, Chaga, Prepared Foods,Hatching Eggs, Chicks Services: Catering Availability: Farm Direct, Bristol Farmers Market
106. New Leaf Organics
Jill Koppel | 4818 Bristol Rd, Monkton | 453 6160 | newleaf@ gmavt.net Products: Organic Vegetables, Vegetable & Flower Plants, Wedding Flowers, Services: CSA Fall & Winter
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Availability: Farmstand, Bristol Farmers Market, Waitsfield Farmers Market
107. Norris Berry Farm
Norma Norris | 686 Davis Rd, Monkton | 453 3793 | norrisberryfarm@gmavt.net Products: Vegetables, Vegetable & Flower Plants, Strawberries, Raspberries, Blueberries, Black Currants, Jams/ Jellies, Pumpkins Services: PYO Availability: Farmstand, Wholesale/Retail, Shelburne Farmers Market Open to Public
108. Orb Weaver Farm
Marjorie Susman & Marian Pollack | 3406 Lime Kiln Rd, Monkton | 877 3755 | marjorie@orbweaverfarm.com Products: Organic veggies, raw milk and cheese. Availability: MNFC, Otter Creek Bakery, Healthy Living, City Market, and Shelburne Market. (Raw milk is only available at the farm.) Open to Public
109. The Last Resort Farm
Eugenie Doyle | 2246 Tyler Bridge Rd, Monkton | 453 2847 | localfood@lastresortfarm.com Products: Organic Vegetables, Garlic, Organic strawberries, raspberries, blueberries, currants, eggs, Organic Hay Services: PYO, CSA Availability: Farmstand,Bristol & Richmond Farmers Markets, Mountain Greens Market, Local Schools, Healthy LIving,City Market
110. Willowell Farm
Melanie & Anthony Kessler | Stoney Meadow Lane, Monkton | 385 1039 | farm@willowell.org | willowell.org Products: Sweet Corn, Popcorn, Melons, Winter Squash, Beets, Kale, Garlic, Storage Onions Services: Collaborations welcome with Schools, After School and Summer Camp programs Availability: Farm Direct Open to Public: Call ahead
New Haven 111. Champlain Valley Bees and Queens Kirk Webster | 1437 South St, New Haven | 989 5895 Products: Raw Honey Bulk Availability: Farm Direct
112. Dan and Pat Kennelly
Dan & Pat Kennelly | 4003 River Rd., New Haven | 388 3452 Products: Vegetables Availability: Farmstand
113. Field of Dreams
Chuck King | 370 Dallinger Rd., New Haven | 545 2111 Products: Nigerian Dwarf Goats, world’s smallest Availability: Farm Direct
114. Golden Well Farm & Apiaries
Nicole Burke | , New Haven | goldenwellapiaries@gmail.com | goldenwellapiaries.com Products: Vegetables (full range), herbs, berries, cut flowers,
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2014 ACORN Guide to Local Food and Farms
Farm Directory
honey products including honey jam, honey caramels, bee bread and apothecary products Services: We work in tandem with 2 Wolves Center to create educational programs for all ages. Pick your own will be limited to certain days. CSA shares available. Availability: We sell at Middlebury Farmers’ Market on Wednesdays, Vergennes on Thursdays, and Shelburne on Saturdays. Plus we also are available at our Farmstand in New Haven on Fridays.
organic eggs, vegetables (full range) Availability: Farm direct, Area farmers’ markets, Online Open to Public: Call ahead
115. Green Pasture Meats
123. Smith Family Farm
Mark Smith | 16 Campground Rd., New Haven | 453 5107 | greenpasturemeats.com Products: Locally Raised & Processed Beef, Pork & Lamb, Retail Cuts. Beer, Wine, Cheeses, Other Vermont Products. Availability: Retail Shop, Tues-Fri, 10-6; Weekends, 10-3
116. Greenhaven Gardens
Peter & Daenen Norris | 2638 Ethan Allen Hwy., New Haven | 453 5382 Products: Vegetable plants, Annual plants, Perennial plants, Trees & Nursery Stock, Vegetable & Flower Seeds Services: Landscaping Availability: Retail Shop Open to Public
117. Lester Farm
Sam & Maura Lester | 2297 Ethan Allen Highway, New Haven | 453 3132 | lesterfarm@yahoo.com | lesterfarmproduce.com Products: Full range of vegetables as well as local products. Services: Farm tours and wagon rides, weather permitting. Availability: Farm direct, Online, Local restaurants Open to Public
122. Riverbend Farm
George Crane | 3757 River Rd, New Haven | 388 8044 Products: Vegetables Maple Syrup, Christmas trees Availability: Farmstand Open to Public: Call ahead Harvey, Donna and AnnaJo Smith | 2516 Lime Kiln Rd, New Haven | 877 2712 | smithfamilybeef@me.com | smithfamilymeats.com Products: Grass fed Beef, Natural Pork & Lamb, Poultry, Retail Cuts Availability: Farm Direct, Deliveries Open: call ahead
124. Sweet Hill Farm
Chris, Dianne and Chelsea Bingham | 3835 Ethan Allen Highway, New Haven | 453 7751 | sweetcorn@gmavt.net Products: Sweet Corn, Tomatoes, Cukes, Squash, Pumpkins, Fall Ornamentals, Herbs, Cut Flowers Availability: Farmstand
125. Wendy and Randy Butler
Wendy & Randy Butler | 1848 Halpin Rd, New Haven | 388 3209 Products: Maple Syrup Availability: Farm Direct
118. Lincoln Peak Vineyard
Chris & Sara Granstrom | 142 River Rd, New Haven | (802) 3887368 | vermontwine@gmail.com | lincolnpeakvineyard.com Products: Grape wines, table grapes Services: Live music & picnicking on many summer Friday evenings-- free admission. Availability: Farm direct, Wholesale distributor, Area farmers’ markets, Retail stores, Area restaurants, and tasting room at the vineyard
119. Misty Knoll Farm
Minda Lafountain | 1687 Main Street, New Haven | 453 4748 | john@mistyknollfarms.com | mistyknollfarm.com Products: Turkeys, Chickens, Retail Cuts Availability: Mountain Greens, MNFC, Gregs Meat Market,Green Pasture Meats,Farm Direct(Mon.-Wed.)
120. Olivia’s Croutons
Francie Caccavo | 1423 North Street, New Haven | 453 2198 | fwc@oliviascroutons.com Products: Croutons & stuffing Availability: Nationally Open to Public: Call ahead
121. Open View Farm
Anna & Ben Freund | 7261 Ethan Allen Highway, New Haven | 249-6857 | openviewfarm.com Products: Certified organic lamb, maple syrup, certified
Dear Soapman, Saw your ad. OK, how can I make MY home a nontoxic household? I don't have a lot of money. - Anne in New Hampshire Hi Anne, You don't have to be a millionaire to enjoy world class organic cleaning and bathing products. The whole idea is to replace yucky stuff with yummy stuff. It's important to remember that being green is a lifelong process. Practice Practice! Vermont Soap makes a variety of cleaning products so safe and natural they are certified to organic food standards. You can purchase Liquid Sunshine and other natural Castile Liquid Soaps in gallons and in 5 gallon self dispensing cubes for extra savings. We even include dilution instructions on-line so you can make your own spray cleaners at home. Replace detergent hand cleaners with organic foaming hand soap, use extra mild handmade bar soaps on face and body and try out the new deodorant, oral care, moisturizing and anti-aging products we have developed over the past four years. Vermont Soap products are very high quality and a very good value. Most products are certified to USDA organic food standards by VOF. Check us out at www.vtsoap.com Thanks! Soapman
Stop by our outlet store at 616 Exchange Street Middlebury, VT Visit www.VTSOAP.com and SAVE an additional 10% for seeing our ad in Addison County Guide to Local Food and Farms Code: ACORN10 (Offer Good until 9/30/14)
2014 ACORN Guide to Local Food and Farms
Farm Directory
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Orwell 126. Animal Farm
130. Danzahn Farm
127. Berry Meadow Farm
131. Eagle’s Flight Farm
Diane St. Clair | 194 Old Sawmill Rd, Orwell | 623 6599 Products: Veal Butter, Buttermilk Availability: MNFC Kevin Schumann | 56 Mt. Independence Rd., Orwell | 908 507 2461 | info@berrymeadowfarm.com | berrymeadow.com Products: Aplaca Yarn, Alpaca Garments, Knitting and Crochet patterns Availability: Farm Direct and Website
128. Bloomers
Karen Hescock | 13 Beauvais Rd., Orwell | 948 2434 Products: Flower Arrangements, Perennials Services: Landscaping Availability: Farm Direct
129. Brookside Stock Farm
Tench Murray & Olga Sears | 183 Route 22A, Orwell | 948 2211 | osandy@live.com Products: Grass-fed Belted Galloway breeding stock and beef, raw honey, maple syrup, pole & bush beans, sugar snap & snow peas, cucumbers, summer squash (sometimes other vegetables as well), hardwood firewood (cut, split, delivered). Services: Year-round Bed & Breakfast and “Farm stays” on a historic 267 acre working farm with woodlands and meadows surrounding a wildlife preserve. Availability: Rutland Farmers Market, summer & winter, Poultney Farmers Market, Farmstand Open to Public: Call ahead
Julie Danyew | 44 Hemenway Hill Rd, Orwell | 948 2852 Products: Artisanal Goat Cheese Availability: Farm Direct Elizabeth Frank | 212 Mt. Independence Rd, Orwell | 948-2840 | elizabeth@effarm.com | effarm.com Products: Permaculture workshops, “unplugged” Eco Farm stays, “Lasagna” garden tours, host site for special events & retreats, movie screen, tent camping. A paradise for writers, artists, naturalists, gardeners & yogis! Opportunities for new farmers, volunteers and fractional ownership. Organically grown garlic, herbs, flowers and some produce for sale. Services: Eagle’s Flight Farm is working towards creating a permaculture preservation in concert with a nature based learning, arts & spiritual retreat center.We aspire to benefit our local community & be used as a resource center for people from “away” who will bring home ideas, energy and knowledge to implement regenerative design & create healthier environments in their own communities. We invite people who believe in this vision tocontact Elizabeth Frank for further discussion ..thank you! Availability: Farm Direct
132. Lake Home Farm
Gerry & Cheryl Audet | 399 Mt. Independence Rd, Orwell | 948 2888 Products: Grass fed Beef, Retail cuts Availability: Farm Direct
133. Lazy Dog Farm
Jesse & Stefanie Wilbur | 152 Royce Hill Rd., Orwell | 948 2565 | thelazydogfarm.org Products: Organic Produce, Organic Beef(retail cuts) Natural Pork(retail cuts), Whole Organic Chickens, Organic Eggs, Maple Syrup Availability: Farm Direct, Brandon Farmers Market
134. Ledge Haven Farm
Tom & Mike Audet | Mt. Independence Rd, Orwell | 948 2545 Products: Maple Syrup & Maple Products Availability: Farm Direct, Mail Order
135. Red Sky Farm
Ed & Paula Barnes | 613 Route 73, Orwell | 948 2566 Products: Vegetables, Vegetable Plants, Bedding Plants, Hanging Baskets, Dried Ornamentals, Availability: Farmstand
136. Royce Hill Farm
Brian Orleans | 237 Royce Hill Rd, Orwell | 948-2255 Products: Organic bulk milk, Raw milk at farm, Eggs Availability: Farm Direct, MNFC (Eggs) Open: call ahead
Working to ensure that the food produced in Addison County is available to everyone who lives in Addison County.
PO Box 165, 282 Boardman Street, Middlebury VT 802-388-3608 • ww.hope-vt.org
137. Singing Cedar Farmstead
Scott Greene | 30 Black Snake Ln, Orwell | 948 2062 Products: Organic Vegetables, Chicken, Turkeys, Beef, Retail Cuts, Prepared foods, Special order and wholesale, limited delivery Availability: MIddlebury Farmers Market, Middlebury Natuaral
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2014 ACORN Guide to Local Food and Farms
Foods Coop, Buxtons Store, Vergennes Laundry, 3 Squares, Yourfarmstand.com Open: call ahead
138. Singing Cedars Farm
James & Louise Carlotto | 15 Wicker Lane, Orwell | 948 2382, 338 2356 Products: Grass Fed Beef, Veal, Organic hay Availability: Farm Direct
139. Stonewood Farm
Peter Stone | 105 Griswold Lane, Orwell | 948 2277 | stone@
Farm Directory
stonewoodfarm.com Products: Turkeys, Turkey Products Availability: MNFC, City Market, Healthy Living, Lantman’s, Shelburne Supermarket, Rutland Natural Food Market Open to Public: Call ahead
140. Sylvan Shades Farm
Missy & Derrick Clifford | 133 Raymond Hill Rd., Orwell | 948 2798 Products: Certified Organic Highland Beef(sides), Broilers, Hay Availability: Farm Direct
Panton 141. Farmhouse Table
Theresa Smith | 21 Fisher Lane, Panton | 345 5360 Products: Beef, Pork, Poultry, Retail cuts, Eggs, Vegetables and different types of pickles Availability: Vergennes Farmers Market, Farm Direct Open to Public: Call ahead
142. Fryston Farm Grazers
Bob & Jan de Graaf | 136 Panton Rd., Panton | 475 2492 Products: Grass Fed Angus Beef, Lamb, Pork, Retail Cuts Availability: BJ’s Farm Supply
144. Roads End Cattle Co.
Richard & Jeanne Jackson | 420 Jackson Rd, Panton | 759 2050 | roadsendcattleco.com Products: Grass Fed Beef, Purebred polled Herefords, show prospects Availability: Farm Direct
145. Scapegoat Farm
143. Otter Creek Farm
Annie Henderson | 354 Basin Harbor Rd, Panton | 475 2940 | ottercreekfarm@live.com Products: Organic Vegetables,Eggs Availability: Vergennes Farmers Market, Farm Direct Open to Public: Call ahead
Heidi Mahoney | 280 Adams Ferry Rd, Panton | 475 2401 | scapegoatfarm@gmail.com Products: Organic Garlic for Eating & Planting Availability: Local Stores, Wholesale, Mail Order
Ripton 146. Mountainyard Farm
Freeman & Mia Allen | 1676 Natural Turnpike Rd., Ripton | 388 7394 Products: Organic Vegetables, Greenhouse Tomatoes Availability: Farm Direct, MNFC, Ripton General Store Open to Public: Call ahead
147. Nola’s Secret Garden
Nola Kevra | P.O. Box 153 | 2936 Natural Tpke., Ripton | 388 6107 Products: Organic Greens, Herbs, Mixed Vegetables, Vegetable plants, Cut Flowers, Availability: Farm Direct, MNFC, Mountain Greens Open to Public: Call ahead
148. North Branch Farm and Gardens
Sebastian Miska & Kate Corrigan | 1652 Lincoln Rd, Ripton | 388 2059 | greenmountaingrown.com Products: Pork. Services: CSA Availability: Middlebury Farmers Market, Online, Farm Direct by prior arrangement
2014 ACORN Guide to Local Food and Farms
Farm Directory
149. North Hollow Farm
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Mike Bowen & Julie Brown | 2124 N. Hollow Rd., Rochester | 877 304 2333 | vermontgrassfedbeef.com Products: Grass fed Beef, Pork, Lamb, Goat(Retail cuts) Chickens, Maple Syrup Availability: Farm Direct, Midd. Natural Foods Coop
150. Sunshine Valley Berry Farm
Rob Meadows & Patricia Rydle | 129 Ranger Rd, Rochester | 767 3989 | rob@vermontberries.com | vermontberries.com Products: Organic blueberries, raspberries, blackberries Services: PYO Availability: Farm Direct
Salisbury 151. Maple Meadow Farm
Jackie & George DeVoid | 518 Maple Street, Salisbury | 352 4241 | maplemeadowfarmeggs.com Products: Cage-free and conventional eggs, all sizes brown and white, and our own maple syrup Availability: Shaw’s, Hannaford’s, Greg’s, MNFC, Bristol Beverage, Buxton’s Store, Pratt’s Store, Panton General Store, Addison 4 Corners Store, Ripton Store, Big Wheel Store, Champlain Discount Foods Farm store open 8-4:30 M-F, 8-11:30 Sat. Visitors to farm by appt.
153. Blue Stone Farm
Paul Vaczy | 2392 Leland Rd., Salisbury | 352-9883 Products: Grass-fed Angus beef, pastured pork, pastured poultry Availability: Farm Direct
John Reynolds & Edwina Ho | 869 Watchpoint Rd, Shoreham | 897 5333 Products: Organic Vegetables, Garlic, Horse Hay, square bales Availability: Farm Direct
154. Champlain Orchards
152. Whip-poor-will Ledge Farm
Bill Suhr & Andrea Scott | 3597 VT Route 74 West, Shoreham | 897 2777 | champlainorchards@gmail.com | champlainorchards.com Products: Over 50 Varieties of apples, pears, cherries, peaches, plums, and raspberries. Bakery: fresh apple pies, cider donuts, apple butter, apple cider syrup and dried apples. Cider mill: sweet pasteurized and unpasteurized cider, cranberry apple cider. Cidery: Orchard made Pruner’s Hard Cider, Champlain Hard Cider, and Ice Cider. Services: Pick Your Own. We are a family owned and ecologically managed orchard overlooking Lake Champlain in Shoreham, Vermont. As one of the oldest continuously operating orchards in Vermont, we take pride in the diversity of our fruit varieties and our environmentally conscious growing practices. We are careful stewards of our land and grow our fruit following strict Eco Apple requirements while striving to minimize our carbon footprint and contribute to our community. Availability: Farm direct, Wholesale distributor, Retail stores,
Online Farmstand open year-round 10-4.Greatly expanded hours during the harvest
155. Cream Hill Farm
Paul Saenger | PO Box 205, Shoreham Products: Beef
156. Doolittle Farm
Bay Hammond & Family | 1078 Doolittle Road, Shoreham | 897 2121 | doolittlefarmvt.com Products: We raise organic, pastured eggs and chicken; pastured, natural (not organic) lamb and pork; maple syrup; wool products; blankets, pelts, roving and yarn. We often run low on product; seasonal orders are welcome. Services: Farm tours by appointment. Availability: Midd Farmers Market, Healthy Living, Yourfarmstand.com, Farm direct Self-serve farmstand.
157. Douglas Orchard
Scott Douglas | 1050 Route 74W, Shoreham | 897 5043 Products: Squash, Apples, Strawberries, Raspberries, Cherries Services: PYO Availability: Farmstand
Growing Character; Growing Healthy Foods; Growing Community
Foxcroft Farm Harvest Program 898 Delorm Road Leicester, VT 802-247-3375
Educational Programs
Beef, Sausage, Turkeys, Vegetables Corn Maze, Pumpkins, Squash, Ornamentals Wreaths, Gift Baskets and Crafts
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2014 ACORN Guide to Local Food and Farms
158. Elysian Fields
Kathleen, Joseph & Tirza Hescock | 3658 VT Route 74 W, Shoreham | 897 7484 Products: Beef, fed on homegrown feed. By the half or whole. Availability: Farm Direct
159. Golden Russet Farm
Farm Directory
162. Shoreham Winery
Pat & Greg Borah | 3442 Route 22A, Shoreham | 897 7126 Products: Wine, Apple Ice Cider Availability: Tasting Room, Middlebury Redemption Center, Greg’s Meat Market, Buxton’s Store, Midd. Nat. Foods Coop Open to Public: Call ahead
Will & Judy Stevens | 1329 Lapham Bay Rd, Shoreham | 897 7031 | goldenrussetfarm.com Products: Organic Fresh Seasonal Vegetables, Garlic, Cut Flowers, Organically grown Plants, Annual Flowers, Vegetable Starts, Potted Herbs, hanging Baskets & Perennials Services: CSA Availability: Middlebury Natural Foods Co-op, American Flatbread,Shoreham Inn, Shoreham Elementary School and at the farm. Open daily, 9-5pm, April 26 throughmid June. Open weekdays thereafter by chance or appointment.
163. Solar Haven Farm
160. Madison Dairy Farm
165. Vermont Refrigerated Storage
George & Joann Madison | 2806 Smith Rd, Shoreham | 897 2024 Products: Milk Availability: Farm Direct Open to Public: Call ahead
161. Sentinel Pine Orchard
Whitney & Roberta Blodgett | PO Box 268, Shoreham | 897 7931 Products: Apples Availability: Orchard direct Orchard tours: call ahead
Barb Wilson | 977 Bates Rd., Shoreham | 897 5430, 802 289 4287 | barb@solarhaven.com | solarhavenfarm.com Products: Blackberries, Raspberries Jams, Chutneys, Mustards, Blueberries, peaches Availability: Middlebury Farmers Market, Farm Direct
164. Tio Grain Farm
Ken VanHazinga | 32 Doolittle Rd, Shoreham | 897 2423 Products: Organic Grain Availability: Farm Direct 3442 Rt 22A, Shoreham | 897 7400 | vrs@shoreham.net Products: Refrigerated & Frozen Storage Warehouse
166. Vermont Tradewinds Farm
Tim & Loraine Hescock | 1674 Route 74 East, Shoreham | 897 5447 | tim@vermonttradewinds.com | vermonttradewinds. com Products: Pumpkins Maple Syrup, Maple Cream, Maple Products,Christmas Trees and Wreaths. Services: Feb/March - Maple Sap Boiling demonstration and Maple Open House Weekend. April thru October - Maple Open House and Syrup On Tap. Availability: Year-round Farmstand Open to Public, no need to call.
167. Whistle Pig Farm
Raj Peter Bhakta | 2139 Quiet Valley Rd, Shoreham | 897-7700 | info@whistlepigrye.com | whistlepigwhiskey.com Products: Winter rye grains (to be distilled into rye whiskey beginning 2013), Mangalitsa pork, Angus beef, maple syrup Availability: See Vermont DLC for local liquor store listings; Bristol, Waitsfield, Burlington, and Rutland farmers’ markets; local restaurants; farm website
168. Work and Days Farm
Caroline Usher | 619 Tottingham Rd., Shoreham | 897 2822 | sheep@shoreham.net Products: Lamb, GoatsHoney Availability: Farm Direct
Starksboro 169. Norris Sugarworks
Kelly Norris | 745 Robert Young Rd, Starkboro | 453 4753 Products: Maple Syrup, Maple Candy, Maple Cream Availability: New Haven Jiffy Mart, Norris Berry Farm
170. Bee Happy Vermont
Pedro Salas | 258 Big Hollow Rd, Starksboro | 453 7996 | beehappy@madriver.com | beehappy@madriver.com Products: Honey, Christmas Mead, honey comb, honey cream, beeswax candles Availability: Direct sales (call to order), Hinesburg, Richmond, Burlington and Fletcher Allen Farmers’ Markets Open to Public: Call ahead
2014 ACORN Guide to Local Food and Farms
Farm Directory
171. Brace Sugarhouse
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Starksboro | 349 5785 | southstarksboro@hotmail.com Products: Pastured Pork & Chicken, Eggs Availability: Farm Direct
Mary Brace & Henry Emmons | 160 Sugarhouse Lane, Starksboro | 434 2382 Products: Maple Syrup
176. Purinton Gardens
Jeff & Betsy Dunham | 3702 Ireland Rd, Starksboro | 453 4219 Products: Maple Syrup Availability: Sweet Pea Natural Foods, Waitsfield, Direct Sales
David & Anthony Purinton | 361 Tatro Rd., Starksboro | 453 2203 | soilchef@yahoo.com Products: Vegetables, Fall Greens, Organic Raspberries, Black Raspberries, Blackberries, Srawberries Availability: Farm Direct, Mountain Greens, Healthy Living
173. Lewis Creek Farm
177. Rockville Market Farm
172. Dunham Family Maple
Hank Bissell | 3071 Vt Route 116, Starksboro | 453-4591 | lcfarm@gmavt.net | LewisCreekFarm.com Products: Vegetables (full range), Flowers and Vegetable Plants, Pickles, Eggs Services: We have a Summer CSA and Winter CSA, and our Farmstand is open year-round. Availability: Retail at the farm in Starksboro and Farmersâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; Markets in Burlington and South Burlington. Wholesale to stores and restaurants in Burlington and Middlebury. Some products available through Black River Produce Farmstand open year-round.
174. Maggie Brook Sugarworks
John & Rita Elder | Ruby Brace Rd, Starksboro | 453 3625 Products: Maple Syrup. Availability: Direct sales
Eric & Keenan Rozendaal | 205 Cemetery Rd, Starksboro | eric@rockvillemarketfarm.com | rockvillemarketfarm.com Products: Organic Vegetables, Whole and Peeled Winter SquashPork, Eggs, Services: CSA Availability: Restaurants and stores in Chittenden and Addison County, Burlington Farmers Market
178. Russell Farm
David Russell | 1248 VT Route 116, Starksboro | 453 2208 | russelfarm@gmail.com Products: Sweet corn, Winter SquashGoatsMaple Syrup Services: Christmas trees with horsedrawn rides Availability: Farm Direct
179. Shaker Mountain Farm
175. Mountain View Farm
Erin Buckwalter & Mike Shepard | 101 Mtn. View Farm Lane,
Ann Bove & Richard Faesy | 1400 Shaker Hill Rd., Starksboro | 434 4254 Products: Maple Syrup Availability: Farm Direct
Sudbury 180. Crown Point Alpacas
Bob Wertz | 1376 Route 30, Sudbury | 558 1564 | etsy.com/ shops/crownpointalpacas Products: Alpacas, Alpaca/Wool blend fiber in rovings, Knitting yarn, Knitted & Woven Gifts Availability: Brandon Farmers Market
181. Rupâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Custom Cutting and Smoking Rupert Larock | 2015 Willowbrook Rd, Sudbury | 247 4570 Products: Meat processing and smoking Services: Retail Sales on Friday. Call ahead to order.
182. Stonebottom Farm
David Cobb & Karen Sommerlad | 231 Williams Lane, Sudbury
| 989 3614 | stonebottom.com Products: Arugula through Zinnias Services: CSA Availability: Brandon Farmers Market
183. Trevin Farms
Troy Peabody | 901 Willowbrook Road, Sudbury | 623-6473 | innkeeper@trevinfarms.com | trevinfarms.com Products: Dairy goats, Cheese Making Packages, Farm Stay Services: CSA, Farm stays, Pick Your Own, Wedding/event site Availability: Farm Direct
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2014 ACORN Guide to Local Food and Farms
Farm Directory
Vergennes 184. Green Street Gardens
Margaret Lowe | 150 Green Street, Vergennes | 877 3783 Products: vegetables (full range); especially Tomatoes, Homemade Jams and Jellies, Fresh Homemade Bread Availability: Vergennes Farmers Market, yourfarmstand.com
185. Kayhart Beef
Brian & Cindy Kayhart | 4188 Otter Creek Hwy., Vergennes | 545 2484 Products: Homegrown Beef & Pork, Retail Cuts Availability: Farmstand/year-round, Open Every Day 7-7
186. Otter Creek Heritage Farm
Kevin & Zachary Sullivan | 4990 Jersey Street, Vergennes | 7774659 Products: Pasture raised Heritage Pork, Bacon, Sausage Availability: Local delivery, Vergennes Farmers Market, YourFarmstand.com, Riverfront Gardens Farmstand, Fiddlehead Brewing Co., The Lobby Restaurant, Park Squeeze.
187. Riverfront Gardens
Bill & Caroline Sullivan | 229 Ferry Rd., Vergennes | 475 3091 | riverfrontgardens.com
Products: Organic Vegetables Value added products, Firewood, Nursery trees: apple, cedar, maple, oak; and pasture-raised pork from Otter Creek Heritage Farm Services: CSA Availability: Farmstand, Vergennes Farmers Market, Local Schools & Restaurants, Home Delivery (We’re really in West Ferrisburgh, off Basin Harbor Rd.)
188. Vadeboncoeur Nougat
Didier Murat | 247 Main St, Vergennes | 877 7157 Products: Confectionary nougat Availability: Vergennes Laundry
189. Vergennes Community Garden 377 8693 | mhill272@yahoo.com Services: Community Garden Plots
190. Woodman Hill Orchard
David Ambrose | 175 Plank Rd, Vergennes | 989 2310 Products: Apples: Honeycrisp, Empire, Cortland, Macoun, Macintosh, Liberty, Red Rome; Cider Services: PYO Availability: Orchard Direct Open Sept-Oct. 7 days/week
Weybridge 191. Tandom Farm
Tom & Oega Miedema | , Waltham | 877 2893 Products: Eggs Availability: Midd. Nat. Foods Coop
192. Duclos and Thompson
Tom Duclos & Lisa Thompson | 1026 Sheep Farm Rd, Weybridge | 545 2230 Products: Pork, Lamb, Beef and Turkeys, Retail cuts Availability: Farm Store. Greg’s Meat Market
193. Ledge Hill Farm
Violet LaFountain | 58 La Fountain Lane, Weybridge | 545 2104, 802 377 0452 Products: Vegetables, Bedding Plants, Flowers, Hanging Baskets, Fruits, Jams, USDA inspected Goat Meat, Chickens by Piece, Retail Cuts, Raw Goats Milk, Eggs, Baked Goods Availability: Farm direct, Middlebury Farmers Market Open to Public: Call ahead
194. Lila’s Milk
Audra Oullette | 5607 Weybridge Rd, Weybridge | 989 3807 Products: Raw milk from Family Cow Availability: Farm Direct Open to Public: Call ahead
195. Monument Farms
Robert James | 2107 James Rd, Weybridge | 545 2119 Products: Milk, Retail Milk, Bottled Cream, Half & Half, Chocolate Milk. Availability: Addison and Chittenden Counties Dairy Store: M-F 8:30-5:30.Call ahead for a tour.
2014 ACORN Guide to Local Food and Farms
Farm Directory
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Whiting 196. Four Pillars Farm
Peter Cousineau | 2452 Cutting Hill Rd., Whiting | 989 0083 | fourpillarsfarmvt@yahoo.com | fourpillarsfarm.com Products: Vegetables Services: CSA Availability: Middlebury Farmers Market, MNFC, American Flatbread, Cafe Provence, Healthy Living
197. Gold Yolk
Seth Ross | 165 Sawyer Needham Rd. #2, Whiting | 401 636 0630 | goldyolk@gmail.com | goldyolkvt.com Products: Pasture-raised Chicken, Pasture-raised Eggs. The birds work in concert with the dairy cows on the farm, to promote healthy pasture ecology.The meat and eggs are free of antibiotics and growth hormones.I raise, slaughter, process, and sell the birds myself with utmost humanity and cleanliness. Availability: Pre-determined Pick up date., Meat is picked up on day of slaughter on the farm. Eggs are available as needed. Individual arrangements made with me.
198. Old Wooster Farm
Paul & Doris Seiler | 438 Wooster Rd, Whiting | 462 3140 Products: Bulk Milk, Organic
199. Triple K Farm
Tracy Simonds | 433 Leicester-Whiting rd, Whiting | 558-5900 | triplekfarm@gmail.com | triplekfarm.com Products: Maple syrup, eggs, pasture-raised beef, pork, lamb, and poultry. Services: CSA, Fun for kids: We have a petting barn and host birthday parties. Availability: Farm Direct
Williston 200. Boutin Family Farm
Lisa Boutin | 240 Christmas Lane, Williston | 734-8406 | boutinfamilyfarm@aol.com | boutinfamilyfarm.net Products: We grow raspberries, blueberries, blackberries, blueberries, strawberries and currants. vegetables (full range). We make Value-Added pickles, relishes, jams and jellies with produce grown on our farm and from other local farms. Services: We have PYO Raspberries and Blueberries. Availability: You can find our products at the Williston Farmers Market on Wednesdays; FAHC Farmers Market on Thursdays; Five Corners Farmers Market on Fridays; Burlington Farmers Market on Saturdays; Adams Farm Market in Williston; our Farm Stand; and you can find our Pickles and Relishes at Paul Mazza’s in Essex and Colchester.
We grow the corn that… Feeds the cows that… Makes the milk that…
We bottle Fresh for you Everyday!
Local Milk at its Best
Page 32
2014 ACORN Guide to Local Food and Farms
Proudly Serving Addison County Farmers for over 5 Decades!
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Weekly Mon. - Thurs. Livestock Auctions Trucking rates available Specializing in dairy replacement & herd dispersals Addison County Commission Sales Sales Manager/Owner: T. G. Wisnowski 802-388-2661, VT Toll Free 800-339-CowS or 802-989-1507 RT. 125, East Middlebury, VT 05740 www.accscattle.com
East Middlebury 388-3848 or elmer.farm@yahoo.com
Ask us about our beer appreciation classes.
610 Route 7 South • Middlebury, Vermont Across from G. Stone Motors • 802-989-7414
Malting locally sourced grains for a beer near you.
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16 Addison County farmers exchange letters with 21classrooms through NOFA’s Farmer Correspondence Program
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greenhavengardensandnursery.com 2638 Ethan Allen Highway • New Haven, VT 802-453-5382 • greenhaven@gmavt.net
Contact Andrea Scott for more information or to sign up. 897-2779 • andrea.scott2955@gmail.com
2014 ACORN Guide to Local Food and Farms
Page 33
Cover art by Ali Parsons Ferrisburgh, Vt.
Batik vegetables, flowers and barns Framed prints and prayer flags available Email parsonsaj@comcast.net
to order
Addison County Maple Sugarmakers Association
Educating and Supporting Addison County Sugarmakers Since 1979 Our members offer a wide variety of maple products: syrup, cream, granulated sugar, candy, and jelly for any occasion or no occasion at all!
Visit www.AddisonCountyVTmaple.org for a list of sugarmakers in your area.
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2014 ACORN Guide to Local Food and Farms
Grow Your Own Community Gardens Community gardens are a great way to come together around growing food, feeding friends and caring for the soil. They allow anyone with a will to have a way of growing their own food, and they are a great educational resource whether you’ve carefully cultivated for years or you’ve only ever accidentally grown sunflowers under your bird feeder. Even if you have the space on your property for your own garden, if you want an abundance of helping hands and the opportunity to work with more experienced gardeners, consider growing in a community garden plot. Shelburne Community Gardens
Bristol Community Garden
Corner of W. Pleasant and Liberty, Bristol lilyhinrichsen@gmail.com | http://bristolcommunitygarden. weebly.com/ We have approximately 25 garden plots that are tended by community members throughout the growing season.
Growing Together Hinesburg Community Garden
244 Pond Rd, Hinesburg 802-355-8319 | vtcbhall@comcast.net Individual plots have raised bed gardens which consist of two 48 square foot beds with water on site. Gardeners are welcome to plant fall crops and crops that winter over, in addition to gardening during the normal season.
Middlebury Community Garden
Porter Medical Center, Middlebury info@middleburygardens.org | http://www.middleburygardens.org/ We currently have a garden on the grounds of Porter Medical Center. We seek to provide a place to cultivate for folks of all abilities who don’t have a convenient space to do so at home. Our goal is to foster a sense of community, sustainability, and wellness within the Middlebury area. We offer 4’ x 24‘ plots for $30 per season, fully amended with compost each spring. Water, tools, and advice from master gardeners included. We have 16 plots available, and these are awarded on a first-come, first-served basis.
Ripton Community Garden
753 Lincoln Rd., Ripton 802-388-7676 We have raised beds in a garden that is 63 ft. x 21 ft. The Jefferson Learning Foundation helps to plan and implement a unique 8- to 10-week summer garden program.
Join the Addison County Seed Savers! Email Susan Smiley at ssmiley@sover.net or call her at (802) 388-6601 to be invited to our monthly meetings.
Laplatte Nature Park, Laplatte Circle , Shelburne http://www.shelburnevt.org/ This Community Garden is located next to LaPlatte Nature Park. This facility offers tilled plots with water access. The gardens open for planting Memorial Day weekend and close by mid October. Plots are limited and offered only to Shelburne residents on a first come, first served basis.
St. George Community Garden
1 Barber Rd., St. George st.george_community_garden_proj@yahoo.com | https:// www.facebook.com/St.GeorgeCommunityGarden Free 20 x 20 ft and half-size plots available to residents and nonresidents alike. Conventional gardening methods permitted.
Vergennes Community Garden
Macdonough Drive at High Street, Vergennes 802-759-7777 | mhill272@yahoo.com The Vergennes Community Garden is open to all members of the community. We encourage natural/organic gardening and sharing with the local food pantry. The Vergennes Community Garden, located on the Northlands Job Corps grounds, has 20 plots available to anyone in the area. Extension Master Gardeners have a lasagna plot and are available to help anyone who requests information. Northlands students built a tool shed that is used for tool storage and as a place to post information.
2014 ACORN Guide to Local Food and Farms
Middlebury Farmers’ Market
Brandon Farmers’ Market
June 3 to Oct. 8: 9am-12:30pm at the Marbleworks, downtown http://www.middleburyfarmersmarket.org/ Sally Beckwith | 537-4756 | middleburyfarmersmkt@ yahoo.com *Accepts EBT and Debit Cards
Thursdays Charlotte, Shelburne, & Pine Street Online Farmers’ Market Year-round: 3-7pm, contact market for locations http://www.facebook.com/yourfarmstand Suzy Hodgson | Suzy@yourfarmstand.com Browse and order on-line and pick-up close to home.
Middlebury YourFarmstand
Year-round: 3:30-6pm at the Mahaney Center for the Arts and the Chamber of Commerce http://yourfarmstand.com Sophie Esser Calvi | Middfarmstand@middlebury.edu Browse and order on-line and pick-up close to home.
Vergennes Farmers’ Market
June 12 to Sept. 25: 3pm–6:30pm on the City Green http://vergennes.org/vergennes-farmers-market/ Rhonda Williams | 377-8693 | rhondawilliamsvt@gmail. com
Hinesburg Lions Farmers’ Market
June 12 to Sept. 25: 3pm–6:30pm at the United Church of Hinesburg on Main http://www.hinesburglionsfarmersmarket.org/ Sam Collins | 482-2152
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May 25 to October 12: 9am-2pm at Central Park, Rte 7 https://www.facebook.com/pages/Brandon-Farmers-Market-Brandon-Vermont/128788920470609 Wendy Cijka | cijka4@gmail.com
Fair Haven Market
June 13 to October 25: 3pm–6pm at the town park http://vtfarmersmarket.org/ Greg Cox | 683-4606 | coxveg@hotmail.com
Richmond Farmers’ Market
May 30 to Oct. 17: 3:00-6:30pm at the Volunteers Green http://richmondfarmersmarketvt.org/ Lauren Esserman | 999-7514 | rfmmanager@gmail.com *Accepts EBT and Debit Cards
Saturdays Shelburne Farmers’ Market
May 25 to October 12: 9:00am-1:00pm at the Shelburne Center on Route 7 and Church St http://sbpavt.org/farmers_market.php Tod Whitaker | 985-2472 | tod.whitaker@gmail.com
Waitsfield Farmers’ Market
Mid-May to Mid-Oct.: 9am-1pm on Rte 100, next to Mad River Green http://www.waitsfieldfarmersmarket.com/ Barbara Conn | 472-8027 | marketmanager@waitsfieldfarmersmarket.com Free wifi available during market hours. Visitors are welcome to bring their well-behaved pets on leash.
Middlebury Winter Market
March 2 to April 27 & Nov. 8 to Dec. 13: 9:30am-1pm at Mary Hogan School off Court St / Rte 7 http://www.middleburyfarmersmarket.org/ Jeremy Gildrien | 989-7223 | gildrienfarm@gmail.com *Accepts EBT and Debit Cards
Middlebury Farmers’ Market
May 3 to Oct. 25: 9am-12:30pm at the Marbleworks, downtown http://www.middleburyfarmersmarket.org/ Sally Beckwith | 537-4755 | middleburyfarmersmkt@ yahoo.com *Accepts EBT and Debit Cards
Bristol Farmers’ Market
June 7 to Oct. 4: 10am-1pm on the Village Green at North & Main http://www.bristolfarmersmarket.org/ BristolFarmersMarket@gmail.com
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2014 ACORN Guide to Local Food and Farms
Healthy, local food for all Access to local produce and whole foods should not be a luxury, and many organizations in the Champlain Valley work hard to put fresh food on every table. Whether we’re food shelf customers or donors, we can all help our community feed itself. This year HOPE is working with Salvation Farms to revive the county’s gleaning program, or the practice of collecting leftover crops from farmers’ fields after they have harvested all that they will sell elsewhere. Those who want to sign up to glean should contact Gretchen Cotell at HOPE, 388-3608 or gleanaddison@gmail.com. Community information provided by Hunger Free VT
Community Meals
Serving all of Addison County unless otherwise noted
Food Shelves
Serving all of Addison County unless otherwise noted
Community Dinner Bridport Community Church | Middle Road, Bridport | 758-2195 Mid November – Mid April (call each year for exact beginning and ending dates) | Fridays, 5:00-7:00 pm Serves towns of Bristol, Lincoln, Monkton, New Haven and Starksboro (proof of residence required)
Assembly of God Christian Center 5917 Route 7, Ferrisburgh | 877-3903 Call for appointment
Community Meal Have a Heart Food Shelf | 11 School Street, Bristol | 453-3187 Hot soup, bread and milk October-April | Third Friday, 5:30-7:00pm
Addison County Emergency Food Shelf HOPE | 282 Boardman Street, Middlebury | 388-3608 M-F: 9 am- 3:30pm, walk in Income eligibility requirements; Access once per month; fresh produce, bread and deli items available daily (M-F)
Middlebury Community Lunches Sit down lunch and brown bag; fresh produce distributed when available through Farm-to-Table program September-May | Monday-Thursday 11:30 am-12:15 pm M: Saint Stephens Church on the Green Tw-W-Th: Charter House, 27 North Pleasant Street Summer | Monday-Thursday at Charter House Middlebury Community Suppers Congregational Church | 2 Main Street | 388-7613 Sit down dinner, take-out available, take home breakfast bags available; fresh produce distributed when available through Farm-to-Table program Year Round Fridays 5:00-6:15 pm
Have a Heart Food Shelf 11 School Street, Bristol | 453-3187 Third Friday: 5:30-7:00 pm, walk in Serves Bristol, Lincoln, Monkton, New Haven & Starksboro (proof of residence required)
CVOEO Food Shelf 54 Creek Road, Suite A, Middlebury | 388-2285 M-F: 8 am until 4 pm Income eligibility requirements; Access once per month; Distributes USDA commodities.
John W. Graham Shelter Food Shelf 69 Main Street, Vergennes | 877-2677 Monday-Friday 8:00 am-noon and 1:00 pm-4:00 pm, walk in Income eligibility requirements; Access twice per month Starksboro Food Shelf 2849 Route 116, Starksboro | 453-2639 Monday-Thursday: 8:30 am-4:30 pm, walk in Serves Town of Starksboro (proof of residence required) Vergennes Community Food Shelf 30 South Water Street, Vergennes | 8772435 T & Th: 2:00 pm-4:00 pm; Sat: 8:00 am10:00 am, walk in Serves towns of Vergennes, Panton, Ferrisburgh, North Ferrisburgh, New Haven, Waltham & Addison Access twice per month Victory Baptist Church Food Shelf 862 US Route 7, Vergennes | 877-3393 M-F: 8:30 am-3:30 pm, walk in Serves towns of Vergennes, Panton, Ferrisburgh, North Ferrisburgh, New Haven, Waltham and Addison Whiting Community Cupboard Whiting Community Church | 13 North Main Street (Rte 30), Whiting | 623-8033 Mondays: 1:30-3:00 pm, walk in Serves towns of Whiting, Brandon, Cornwall, Leicester, Middlebury, Orwell, Shoreham and Sudbury
2014 ACORN Guide to Local Food and Farms
VERMONT LIVESTOCK SLAUGHTER & PROCESSING VLS&P is a family-owned business whose goal is to provide our customers with the best quality and service possible. Our USDAinspected facility is equipped to butcher and process beef, lamb and pork according to your specifications.
Whether you are a private individual with a few head each year or a commercial producer who requires multiple animals processed on a regular basis, our professional and experienced staff are dedicated to giving each of you the personal attention you deserve. We are conveniently located just off of Route 7 in Ferrisburgh. Private labeling is now available as part of Vermont Livestock Slaughter & Processing services so let us help you bring your federally inspected meat directly to market with your own custom label for resale.
VERMONT LIVESTOCK SLAUGHTER & PROCESSING CO. LLC 76 Depot Road Ferrisburgh, VT 05456 802-877-3421
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2014 ACORN Guide to Local Food and Farms
Vermont Natural Ag. Products, Inc. 297 Lower Foote St. Middlebury, VT 05753 Web Site: www.moodoo.com 800-639-4511 • 802-388-1137 Fax: 802-388-1135
The Nutrition Services Department at Porter Hospital is proud to serve local foods and beverages on all of our menus in order to provide the freshest meals for our patients, visitors and staff, support our local businesses and honor our commitment to the Healthy Food in Health Care Initiative. www.portermedical.org
Middlebury, VT
Certified Organic, Locally Grown.
Learn about the benefits of certified organic, locally grown at www.nofavt.org/why-organic 802-434-4122 • info@nofavt.org
Specializing in practical, edible, and organic plants for the home landscape.
2014 ACORN Guide to Local Food and Farms
Page 39
Serving Addison and Chittenden Counties for over 25 years
Visit our all-things-maple Farmstand, take a tour of our sugarhouse, walk our Maple Trail and learn how maple syrup is made!
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NORRIS BERRY FARM Strawberries – June 15th
Fill your own container & save!
Open year-round 8-4 pm • 1639 Rte. 74E Shoreham, Vt. 802-897-2448 • vermonttradewinds.com
Raspberries, Blueberries, Currants – Early July Fall Raspberries – September Veggies in season Mid June to Mid October. Pre-picked ever-bearing strawberries Mid July to early October Greenhouse beginning May 10th Come to Monkton and follow the signs to the berry farm. Open 8-5 Every Day
686 Davis Road • Monkton 453-3793 • Norrisberryfarm@gmavt.net
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2014 ACORN Guide to Local Food and Farms
Great Plants & Vegetables • Greenhouses Opening for the Season on April 26 • Farm-to-Kitchen Connection — Golden Russet Farm’s CSA — Will & Judy Stevens 1329 Lapham Bay Rd., Shoreham, VT (802) 897-7031 www.goldenrussetfarm.com
“Close To Home”
Hannaford #121 260 Court St., Suite #6, Middlebury, VT 05753
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nbmvt.com • 877-508-8455
Visit nbmvt.com for more details
2014 ACORN Guide to Local Food and Farms
Skillet Popover topped 1. Heat oven to 425°F . 2. Combine first five with Warm Jam: ingredients whisking
Annie Harlow
3. • 3 TBsp melted butter • ½ cup flour 4. • 2 TBsp sugar (maple syrup can be used) • dash of salt • 2 eggs 5. • ½ cup milk: incorporate ¼ cup at a time • ¼ cup sour cream or Greek 6. yogurt
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Jam Topping
1. While popover is baking together until smooth. warm ¼ cup of a jam of Add ¼ cup milk, your choice in either incorporating until silky. microwave or a small Add the remaining ¼ cup sauté pan. milk and ¼ sour cream, 2. Add 1TBsp cognac or whisking until super maple bourbon for added smooth. flavor. Place in 8” sauté pan and 3. Gently spread on the bake about 20 minutes popover, dust with until golden on the top confectioners’ sugar if Serve warm or room desired. temperature. By Annie Harlow, ACORN board member
Fresh local products from our kitchen to your door purchasing local agricultural products from area farmers and food producers. visit our website at grazedelivered.com
Find our apples and cider locally at Shaw’s, Middlebury Natural Food Coop and the Middlebury Farmers’ Market on Saturdays from August 30 - October 25. Check out our website to find over 50 locations across New England and NY that carry our products! sunriseorchards.com
Healthy meal kits produced in Vermont visit our website at www.lunchbundles.com
Vermont Agricultural Credit Corporation Helping to Fund Vermont’s Agricultural Future Since 1999
To learn more, speak with one of VACC’s experienced farm lenders. Call toll-free 1-866-828-FARM (3276), or visit www.veda.org.
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2014 ACORN Guide to Local Food and Farms 1. Preheat oven to 350 °F . 5. Place the balls onto Chickpea, Peanut 2. In a food processor, add a baking sheet lined Butter and Chocolate all ingredients except for with parchment paper the chocolate chips and or thinly coated with Chip Cookies
Harvest of the Month
process until the mixture cooking spray, ~2 inches is smooth. apart. • 1 ¼ cups canned 3. Stir in the chocolate chip 6. Flatten the balls with a chickpeas, drained until evenly distributed. fork or your fingers. • 2/3 cup peanut butter 7. Bake the cookies for 8-12 • 2/3 cup chocolate chips 4. Form the batter into ~1 ½ inch balls. Wet minutes, until they set. • 4 Tbsp. honey your hands to decrease 8. Let cool on the sheet or a • ½ Tbsp. vanilla extract stickiness. wire rack. • 1 ¼ tsp. baking powder • 1/8 tsp. salt
Recommended by Annie Harlow, ACORN Board Member
Serving freshly prepared – nourishing food for 32 years.
Casual Dining & Historic Lodging Serving Breakfast, Lunch & Dinner
We pride ourselves on our Local Partnerships: Blythdale Farms, Cabot Creamery, Fryslan Farm, Maple Brook Farms, Klinger’s Bakery, Monument Farms, Maple Meadows, VT Creamery, Highland Farms, Champlain Valley Apiaries, Norris Sugar Works, VT Country Farms, Woodchuck Cider, Otter Creek, Lincoln Peak, and Whistle Pig.
14 Court Square | 802.388.4961 | middleburyinn.com
2014 ACORN Guide to Local Food and Farms
Looking for something? Products
Use the index below to look up farms by product, and then check the farmâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s listing for more details.
Beef: 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 9, 13, 18, 26, 30, 41, 45, 47, 49, 56, 61, 66, 68, 73, 79, 81, 82, 115, 123, 129, 132, 133, 137, 138, 140, 141, 142, 144, 149, 152, 155, 158, 167, 185, 192, 199 Goat: 9, 21, 52, 69, 70, 74, 113, 130, 149, 168, 178, 183, 193 Lamb: 23, 41, 56, 58, 66, 82, 115, 121, 123, 142, 149, 156, 168, 192, 199 Pork: 2, 3, 4, 7, 26, 28, 30, 34, 45, 48, 56, 61, 66, 68, 70, 81, 100, 115, 123, 133, 141, 142, 148, 149, 152, 156, 167, 175, 177, 185, 186, 187, 192, 199 Poultry: 5, 9, 26, 30, 34, 35, 56, 59, 68, 73, 80, 119, 133, 137, 139, 149, 156, 175, 192, 193, 197 Rabbit: 9 Veal: 3, 45, 126, 138 Venison: 92
Apples: 50, 51, 54, 91, 102, 154, 157, 161, 162, 187, 190 Blackberries: 32, 95, 150, 163, 176, 200 Blueberries: 31, 40, 50, 51, 107, 109, 150, 163, 200 Cherries: 54, 154, 157 Currants: 95, 107, 109, 200 Cider: 50, 54, 91, 97, 98, 102, 154, 162, 190 Grapes: 38, 40, 118 Melons: 63, 64, 93, 110 Peaches: 91, 93, 154, 163 Pears: 51, 54, 102, 154 Plums: 54, 95, 102, 154 Raspberries: 31, 32, 64, 95, 107, 109, 150, 154, 157, 163, 176, 200 Strawberries: 20, 51, 64, 93, 95, 107, 109, 157, 200 Tomatoes: 20, 63, 93, 124, 146, 184
Vegetables, Herbs, Flowers
Beans: 20, 25, 50, 90, 93, 129 Corn: 2, 5, 20, 30, 50, 64, 110, 124, 178 Cucumbers: 37, 64, 93, 129 Flowers: 20, 28, 42, 59, 60, 90, 106, 107, 114, 116, 124, 128, 147, 159, 173, 193 Garlic: 78, 80, 93, 101, 109, 110, 145, 153, 159 Greens: 10, 37, 39, 42, 80, 147, 176 Herbs: 21, 59, 67, 83, 85, 101, 114, 124, 147, 159 Squash: 64, 73, 83, 93, 110, 124, 129, 157, 177, 178 Pumpkins: 64, 73, 107, 124, 166 Vegetables: 4, 5, 8, 14, 20, 28, 36, 41, 48, 59, 68, 73, 75, 78, 90, 91, 100, 101, 106, 107, 112, 114, 117, 121, 122, 129, 135, 137, 141, 143, 146, 147, 153, 159, 173, 176, 177, 184, 187, 193, 196, 200
Grain: 164, 167 Rice: 61 Wheat: 24
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Plants and Trees
Christmas Trees: 116, 122, 166, 187 Compost: 4, 71, 99 Hay: 4, 11, 43, 49, 86, 109, 138, 140, 153 Firewood: 129, 187 Mulch: 4, 86, 99 Plants & Starts: 20, 51, 59, 63, 85, 106, 107, 116, 135, 145, 147, 159, 173, 193 Wreaths & Baskets: 20, 60, 73, 84, 135, 159, 166, 193
Eggs and Dairy
Cheese: 21, 23, 52, 57, 69, 70, 88, 108, 115, 130, 183 Eggs: 5, 9, 28, 34, 35, 36, 45, 55, 56, 58, 59, 68, 73, 77, 85, 100, 105, 108, 109, 121, 133, 136, 141, 143, 151, 156, 173, 175, 177, 191, 193, 197, 199 Goat Dairy: 9, 21, 52, 69, 70, 113, 130, 149, 168, 178, 183, 193 Milk: 3, 6, 62, 195, 198 Raw Milk: 9, 36, 69, 108, 136, 194
Honey and Maple
Honey: 8, 20, 44, 67, 87, 89, 103, 111, 114, 129, 168, 170, 190 Maple: 20, 25, 29, 33, 48, 53, 57, 68, 71, 76, 79, 81, 84, 100, 104, 105, 121, 125, 129, 133, 134, 149, 151, 156, 166, 167, 169, 171, 172, 174, 178, 179, 187, 199
Specialty Foods
Baked Goods: 20, 61, 91, 114, 154, 184, 193 Jams & Jellies: 20, 25, 40, 100, 107, 114, 163, 184, 193, 200 Mushrooms: 54, 89, 104 Pickles: 20, 25, 105, 141, 173, 200
Animal Products
Pet care: 92 Wool & Fiber: 11, 23, 30, 41, 46, 156, 180
Services Breeding: 46, 56, 129 CSA: 14, 20, 28, 45, 63, 75, 83, 90, 101, 106, 109, 114, 148, 159, 173, 177, 182, 183, 187, 196, 199 Educational Programs: 39, 73, 114, 199 Farm Events: 22, 29, 38, 52, 61, 110, 118, 131, 154, 166, 183 Farm Stays/B&B: 9, 22, 77, 129, 131, 183 Meat Processing: 68, 181 Pick-Your-Own: 20, 31, 38, 40, 54, 64, 85, 90, 91, 93, 102, 107, 109, 114, 150, 154, 157, 183, 190, 200 Weddings: 22, 38, 183
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2014 ACORN Guide to Local Food and Farms
Patricia A. Hannaford
Career Center Educating the Future Farmers of Addison County Courses in:
Sustainable Agriculture • Plant & Animal Science • Forestry & Natural Resourcecs •
• Mechanical
Science • Diesel Technology
VISIT US at www.hannafordcareercenter.org and on Facebook
Le Tour de Farms
A cycling and sampling tour of Addison County farms
Sunday, Sept. 21, 2014 Town Green in Shoreham, VT
Three routes to choose from: • • •
Rain or Shine
30-mile 10-mile Tricycle - 2-mile, paved route to one farm for families with young kids, only $5!
Proceeds benefit:
Learn More (802) 225-8904• http://acornvt.org