Farewell Our Editor in Chief
[December 2012 - May 2014]
Volume 67 Issue 8 || April 9 2014
We offer opprotunities in the following departments: writing, Editing, Layout & design, Marketing/social Media, video production, web development, and ad sales
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9 25SERVICE. 2 CREATE. The April issue of The Sting goes on newstands
readthesting.com || April 9, 2014
April All Staff Meeting @ 12 noon
A Special Last Meeting for our Editor-in-Chief and introduction of the new Editor-in-Chief (Lunch Included) @ 12 noon Executive Dining Room
Executive Board & Editorial Board readthesting.com 678-915-7310 Editor in Chief - Randy Brown Jr.
Secretary to the Editor- Zuri Coleman
Managing Editor - Desmond Hilson dhilson@spsu.edu
Treasurer - Trista Land
Copy Editor - Matt Strauss copyed.sting@gmail.com News Editor - Christopher Harris campusnews.sting@gmail.com
Opinions Editor - Jason Ramaley Features Editor
Games Editor - Connor Cobb Sports Editor - Joe Thomas sports.sting@gmail.com
Layout & Design Editor - Brandon Rich layoutdesign.sting@gmail.com
Creative Marketing Director - Desmond Hilson
Web Development - Addison Wilson webd.sting@gmail.com
Advertising Manager - Joseph Pitts jpitts2@spsu.edu
Faculty Adviser - Prof. Jeff Greene jgreene3@spsu.edu
Administrative Adviser - Ron Lunk
The Sting is the student news publication of Southern Polytechnic State University
1100 South Marietta Parkway, Marietta, Georgia 30060 Located in A-246 of the Joe Mack Wilson Student Center v is a monthly publication
readthesting.com || April 9, 2014
No matter what happens in the near future, President Rossbacher will always be our university president, our greatest leader, and a true representation of the SPSU community.
readthesting.com || April 9, 2014
What is it worth?
Consolidation Update: Greek Life
Newspaper Practicum
A Letter to the Top
First Student Commencement Speaker
Blizzard’s Attempt at Cards
readthesting.com || April 9, 2014
My Last Editorial as Editor of The Sting
By Randy Brown Jr.
readthesting.com || April 9, 2014
Photo by Julian Plowden
EDITORIAL t the current moment I am looking out a window that gives me a great view of the Historic District in Pittsburgh. I have met many people since my visit started here at Chatham University yesterday (March 20), and everyone is thinking the same thing: Will you be joining us in the fall? The question I have to ask myself – what is it worth? Leaving behind home, everything I know, everyone I know in pursuit of a future in writing. I can tell you what it was worth to take on the position of Editor-in-Chief of The Sting. My first time reviewing an issue of The Sting was not a positive one. I did not like the layout, the visuals selected for articles, etc. There was potential in our student newspaper; I wanted to see the publication change. Instead of making unnecessary noise about its weaknesses, I became a part of that change. I started as a writer with the goal of being the best writer The Sting has ever hired. Lofty goals, right? I was younger and thought me, a writer, could change the world or a newspaper. Being published meant everything to me; it still does. That was the ultimate honor. For me, being published in The Sting was ‘cool’. As time went past, I climbed through the ranks on the publication’s staff. Vicki Nix, an ETCMA student, was the current editor-in-chief and looking for a replacement. She asked if I was interested, I said “yes,” and the rest is history. Though I did not know what I was saying yes to, I knew there was a bigger future for me at The Sting. What is it worth to take on so much responsibility? I did not know how to define a leader back when I said yes. I saw an opportunity to change things for
the better. Surprisingly, being able to administer roles and responsibilities came natural to me. I viewed the editor-in-chief position as one to be reckoned with. My job was to build up the position, earn the respect of my peers, and the respect of the SPSU community. I wanted whoever followed me to know this is what you are up against, being editor of The Sting is a big deal with big responsibilities, and yes, this is one of the most important student leadership positions on this campus. Success is what it was worth. The success that my staff and I have had here is only a small piece of the whole picture. We created a culture, an avenue for writers and graphic design artists to express themselves to the world. Success, for me, is not defined by trophies and plaques. Yes, it is an honor to be recognized for the hard work; make no mistake about it. However, success, for me, comes in the form of a phone call from CNN, Graphic Design studios, and newspapers; employers calling to ask about members of my staff. Success comes when I see people rushing to grab an issue of The Sting from a newsstand. Success is seeing members of my staff grow, not just as students but as people. At The Sting, we have a
campus-wide outreach; I understood this more than anything else. I wanted to change the lives of everyone I came in contact with. I wanted SPSU to understand how important a student news publication was to a campus community; that is success. This entire experience has changed me as a student and as a man; being in this position taught me a lot about myself. The editor-in-chief role pinpointed my weaknesses, my strengths, my motivations (selfish and unselfish), what I can control, what I can’t control, and most importantly the power that I have as a student. I learned about perception versus reality; these guys are blowing up smoke and these people over here want to do business. Walking into this, I was just a kid that wanted to write. I was a dreamer. Vicki Nix now calls me a man of action, who dreams as well. What it’s worth is priceless. I hope my peers can look at me and see themselves, because I am them; I am you. I am a student,
“The editor-in-chief role pinpointed my weaknesses, my strengths, my motivations (selfish and unselfish), what I can control, what I can’t control, and most importantly the power that I have as a student.” readthesting.com || April 9, 2014
8 JANUARY 11 2013
Randy Brown Jr.’s first staff meeting as Editor in Chief
I wanted SPSU to understand how important a student news publication was to a campus community; that is success.
Photo by Vicki Nix
a kid with grown up powers, who wants people to believe in me. I have struggles and weaknesses just as you. I have failed and been knocked down just as you have. I have seen the worst in people; I have seen the best in people; my fellow students, remember that. When I speak, I speak for you. When I write, I write for you. I hope the SPSU community can look back at everything I have done here and be proud. I have given The Sting everything I have. I have met so many great students along the way. People always ask me about SPSU and the first thing I say is that I love the students here; I mean that. I have learned that true SPSU leader are not given anything, they earn everything. This publication is an extension of me. I have fought for it, stood by it, succeeded and fallen with it. When I hear people say “The Sting” I feel as though it’s roll call and my name has just been shouted. It is a part of who I am. This is my legacy. If anyone wants to know what I have done here at SPSU they can find the nearest newsstand. To my staff, past and present, wow. What a ride. We have been through so much and share sentiments that are hard to explain with those outside of our office. With everything in me, I would like to say thank you. You deserve more than readthesting.com || April 9, 2014
that, but this Word document limits me. Nothing The Sting has accomplished, nothing I have accomplished happens without you. You fought beside me in every battle to make this publication relevant. We jumped through walls and redefined our place in SPSU history together. Thank you for believing in me. Thank you for dreaming with me. What more could a leader ask for? To Jeffrey Greene, our faculty adviser, thank you for allowing me to lead the way as I saw fit. You’ve been a part of The Sting far longer than I have. You trusted me to mold this publication and move the staff in the right direction. Your guidance and mentorship made my job easier than it looked. One moment that will always stay with me is from Friday, November 1, 2013. Amidst being blindsided by the consolidation news, I received a call from Adviser Greene. By this point in the day everyone was worried about their future at SPSU, their jobs, and everything they’d worked for. What Greene told me in that phone conversation defines who he is as a professional. “My job right now is to get you into graduate school,” he said. “I will worry about the consolidation respectfully as the news unfolds, but my concern right now is getting you into graduate school.” For a professor to say that after
news of a merger moved me. How unselfish could someone be? Everyone’s stunned, some are freaking out, and my adviser kept his composure. He was more worried about the well being of his student, my future than his own. That will always stay with me. Lastly, to Dr. Rossbacher, thank you for giving me the opportunity to represent this university as the Spring Commencement Speaker at the Spring Commencement Ceremony on May 10. You hold the final say; I am not up there without your blessing. More importantly, thank you for your leadership during your time as President of SPSU. You cannot be replaced. More than anything else, your presence and grace will rest in our hearts no matter how far away you are. You are not just a part of SPSU, you are Southern Polytechnic State University. What is it worth? It is worth everything I am. It is worth everything I have. This was well worth the ride. I cannot please everyone, but I saved one life through this journey; my own. If I’ve captured the heart, the imagination, the attention of anyone during my time as editor I have accomplished my goal. From my place I bid you all a solemn farewell. Stand tall, speak loud, and smile if at all possible.
readthesting.com || April 9, 2014
campus news vaporizer pens on the rise
Tobacco Ban on Campuses By Christopher Harris
Starting October 1st, University System of Georgia campuses will be tobacco free. Photo by Alain Santos
The Board of Regents said on the 19th that they will take steps to promote health on campuses, and a part of that means that tobacco products will be banned from campus. The ban, which applies to faculty, staff, students, and visitors, on all property owned by the University
System of Georgia. Currently, Southern Poly doesn’t have a campus-wide ban on tobacco products, but there are restrictions on how close to building entrances a person can smoke. “The school doesn’t stop people from smoking next to doors, so I don’t think they’ll
stop me from dipping in class,” said student Derek Bindbeutel. The USG states that the policy will ultimately be left up to individual campuses to enforce, utilizing campus codes of conduct to encourage students to hold each other accountable.
Consolidation Update: Greek Life
Consolidation Update: Greek Life By Christopher Harris
On March 10th, fraternity presidents had a meeting to discuss the future of the Greek system. Fraternity presidents met together to discuss the issues that they are concerned about and what the Operational Working Group should focus on. The biggest concerns were forms of recruitment and housing. There is a worry among fraternities that the way new members are recruited will be lost during the merge. Currently, fraternities have a set period of “formal recruitment,” in which fraternities work under the Interfraternity Council (IFC) for up to two weeks, starting with an event called “Round Robin.” The worry that the presidents had is that the readthesting.com || April 9, 2014
KSU fraternities have a much more formal recruitment period, which doesn’t sit well with the current fraternities. There is also a concern about housing. Despite many fraternities expressing dissatisfaction with some aspects of the University Columns area, there was an expressed interest in keeping the houses. Currently, there are not Greek-specific living areas on the KSU campus, which would be disadvantageous to fraternities. Like other OWGs, there are still more decisions to be made in the upcoming months.
Tradition History Form
Community Engagement Form
student organizations
Alpha Rho Chi Approval By Jorge Saravia
Nearly one hundred years ago, ambitious architecture students from the University of Illinois and the University of Michigan met in Chicago to found this, the greatest of all fraternities. Alpha Rho Chi will commemorate our momentous anniversary at the 67th National Convention in Chicago, Illinois, March 20-23, 2014. This has been Alpha Rho Chi’s largest Convention to date. The Sentinel Convention not only served as an amazing opportunity for networking and infinite job opportunities, but it also served as leadership workshop, where all chapters collaborated to come up more efficient ways of recruiting to “Allied Arts”, Relationship Building, How to Start a Small Professional Business, Comprehensive Green Roof Design, Effective Meeting Techniques, and How to get Involved in Volunteer Work. Students from the Southern Polytechnic State University’s Polyidus Colony traveled to Chicago on Thursday morning March 20th, little did they know that history was about to be made. An unprecedented 17 students made the pilgrimage to where Alpha Rho Chi was founded. Making their presence their known by sheer numbers, pledges were able to create connections all around the U.S. Meeting chapters like: Andronicus; University of Southern California, Los Angeles; Dinocrates; University of Texas, Austin; Rabirius, University of Cincinnati; and of course the founding chapters of Anthemios and Iktinos
from University of Illinois and Michigan. Voted on and approved at 9:48 am on the 22nd day of March, at the 67th centennial convention of Alpha Rho Chi in the Sauganash ballroom, of the Holiday Inn, residing in Chicago, Illinois! Members from the Polyidus Colony all held their breath while the members of the Delegate Board voted on the future of Polyidus Colony. As the Colony
a YES! Tears of joy, hugs, laughs, yells, and even selfies, were taken as the entire 100th Year Alpha Rho Chi Convention stood up to applaud the Polyidus Colony. Astonishment and congratulations were given as Brothers, Alumni, and other Colonists read the Polyidus Petition to Charter and seeing outstanding work in the portfolio. Well presented, well formatted, and the creation of legacy projects for pledges to come was shown; as that was just a small list of some of the many pages in the Petition to Charter that made Polyidus stand out from the previous and current Petitions. Alpha Rho Chi fosters a forum for social interaction beyond the typical academic experience. The single most important aspect of becoming a member of APX is the opportunity to establish both professional and social relationships that will continue long after college. Activities outside of the classroom or studio encourage the mutual was presented by Grand Lecturer respect and support necessary for Scott Swanson, SPSU students were a lifetime of opportunity and friendshaking in anxiety and nervousship. The strong ties of brotherness to speed up the process and hood set Alpha Rho Chi apart from finally hear the verdict. Two years other professional organization, of consistent hard work, project yet a shared professional interest development, recruitment, commu- in architecture and the allied arts nication with various Chapters and differentiates Alpha Rho Chi from Nationals; the verdict resulted in other greek letter societies.
“Members from the Polyidus Colony all held their breath while the members of the Delegate Board voted on the future of Polyidus Colony”
readthesting.com || April 9, 2014
12 Earn class credit and write for The Sting
Newspaper Practicum By Jeffrey Greene
Want to earn college credit while working for The Sting? Ask me how! Did you know that there’s a class here on campus that allows you to earn college credit while working for The Sting? The ETCMA department now offers Newspaper Practicum (COMM 3250), a 3-credit course that introduces you to everything we do here at The Sting, while also giving you time to work for the paper. And working for the paper doesn’t just mean writing. Here at The Sting we design layout, sell ad space, copy edit, plan themed is-
sues, develop web content, produce video, and plan events. We also write a lot. If you want to do any of these things for The Sting—and would like to receive course credit at the same time—then COMM 3250 is for you. Interested? Any major can take COMM 3250. The only prerequisite is ENGL 1102. It’s a great way to get involved with the paper and maybe discover the opportunities that are here for you at The Sting.
The course typically meets for one face-to-face class per week and the rest of the time is devoted to performing various duties for the paper. It’s a great opportunity to gain practical experience for your resume and to produce writing/design clips for your portfolio. Register today! Got questions? Want to know more? Feel free to contact me (jgreene3@spsu.edu) for more information.
“And working for the paper doesn’t just mean writing. Here at The Sting we design layout, sell ad space, copy edit, plan themed issues, develop web content, produce video, and plan events. “
readthesting.com || April 9, 2014
opinions The facts may not be matter-of-fact
Time To Move On By Jason Ramaley
Due to a variety of reasons there is very little truth in today’s society. Are we too busy to investigate the truth; or is it too easy to find answers thanks to technology?
Photo by Jason Ramaley
Whatever the case may be, most people take what is given from the mainstream airwaves as “fact”. It’s easy to be swept up in this changing tidal wave of hourly speculation that unfolds at any given moment. As you get out of college move into your career it can be easy to lose your focus on a lot of things, like your time away from work. Living to work and only work will burn you out and shorten your life. No matter how much money you have, it cannot replace time and your life experience. Time is beyond priceless. Time not working is freedom. While you are working for your salary as an individual earner, and pay taxes out of your salary that you earned, you must pay income tax. The National Football League on the other hand is a non-profit organization. The NFL takes the same tax money that comes out of your salary to pay for the stadiums that host the NFL games. Taxpayer money also pays for the upkeep costs of the stadiums like the electric, sewage, and maintenance. Several sources report that the NFL brings in 9 billion dollars annually. The 32 teams on the other hand
are “for profit” entities and do pay taxes. History has shown if cities don’t give in to the NFL’s teams’ new stadium demands, they threaten to leave the city. It happened right here in Atlanta not too long ago. Stadiums themselves are controlled by the state and some states offer incentives such as no property tax and 0% interest on loans. Whenever you hear the term “non-profit” the first thing most people think about is a charity organization. The NFL pulls this off by being classified as a “501(c) 6
If you go to the website for the new Falcons stadium, there is an overview for why Atlanta and the state of Georgia need this stadium. As with every new stadium there is the promise of economic upturn and the creation of jobs. Has anyone ever thought about taking the engineering and technology that goes into constructing football stadiums, and putting it into a plan that could create a state of the art public school system in the city of Atlanta?
“The majority of our nation chooses to live in blissful ignorance. “ organization” along with trade associations, chambers of congress, and homebuilder associations. The purpose of this exemption is to promote those entities as a whole. The NFL does an excellent job in promoting their 32 teams, but do they really promote football as an entity? The majority of our nation chooses to live in blissful ignorance.
readthesting.com || April 9, 2014
45 days of protest, 36 dead, hundreds injured, many tortured & 1937 arrests
A look at the Venezuelan Crisis By Maria Guerra
Many people are familiar with the ongoing political and social crisis in the Ukraine, and many followed the hunt for Malaysian Airlines Flight 370, but only a few people know what is happening in Venezuela. The South American oil-rich country has been going through a tough economic crisis for years; however, the unrest has escalated since the passing of Hugo Chavez last year. Shortages of basic goods, medical supplies, a 57% official inflation rate, high crime rates (Venezuela has the fifth highest murder rate in the world according to the United Nations Program for Development), along with media censorship sparked student-led protests all around the country starting in early February. On February 12th after a peaceful protest, the students in Caracas clashed with the armed forces and pro-government armed groups called “colectivos”. Three people, including two college students, were shot. Civilians took to Twitter and Facebook to spread the word about what was happening in the country while NTN24, a Colombian TV channel and the only media covering the protests, reported from the streets. That night, the government restricted image and video viewing on Twitter, took NTN24 off the grid, and sent the Venezuelan armed forces to the streets armed with pellet guns, tear gas and water cannons. Violation of Human Rights: Tortured Students readthesting.com || April 9, 2014
Leopoldo Lopez, a Harvard educated opposition leader, was among those encouraging people to go out on the streets in February. On February 18th, Lopez was accused of terrorism and made responsible for the deaths of the students and civilians during the protests. Lopez remains behind bars today. Since then, more students and civilians have been arrested as well as tortured. According to Gonzalo Himiob Santome, member of the ONG Foro Penal Venezolano (Venezuelan Penal Forum) there are more than 40 torture cases, however “only 33 have been officially presented before judges after going through the necessary medical exams.” (On March 27, 2014 the Venezuelan Penal Forum presented 59 torture cases to the Union of South American Nations) Many of the students allege being brutally beaten by the National Guard (some have suffered cranium fractures). A 21 year-old student, Juan Manuel Carrasco, reported being sexually abused with a riffle by a group of national guards. Santome says the Prosecutor has “not even began the obligatory process of these reports”. These human right violations have been communicated to the OAS (Organization of American States) and the International
Court of Justice, but no national guard has been reprimanded. A vow to stay in the streets Students are now demanding Maduro, Venezuela’s president, resigns due to the amount of human right violations and arrests over the past weeks as well as the clear fact that he and his administration are responsible for the economic crisis in the country. The students have vowed to stay in the streets until Maduro walks away. Juan Requesens, a UCV (Central University of Venezuela) student who has risen as one of the main leaders of the protests, tweets in late March “We will remain in the streets while the injustices of the repression remain unpunished. While [protestors] remain detained” He adds by saying, “Venezuelans only receive two types of answers from the [government] institutions: they either don’t respond or they attack us with paramilitary groups”. Maduro, a 51-year-old former bus driver, has blamed the opposition for the deaths saying “everyone one of the deaths is a product of the coup…” a coup that, according to him, has been planned and executed by the American government... Read the full story at www.readthesting.com
A goodbye letter to president lisa rossbacher
A Letter to the Top By Jason Ramaley
As we travel through various stages of life we’ve seen history unfold. We owe a great deal to those that have had the courage to make history. While many people in our history have had the courage to bring new ideas into our society, bureaucracies now hamper ingenuity in order to only increase production and profits. Experiencing loss is inevitable throughout our lives, but loss does not equal finality. Loss allows the human sprit to reflect, create, inspire and to lead for the greater good of all. The SPSU campus will be suffering its greatest loss ever, as President Lisa A. Rossbacher begins her next tenure to lead and inspire. After the conclusion of the spring commencement, President Rossbacher will be the new President of Humboldt State University in Arcata, California. While SPSU’s greatest leader ever is beginning her new journey in Northern California, we can reflect and learn from the leadership style that President Rossbacher immediately brought to SPSU in 1998. Many times in life we choose the easy and safe path instead exploring the unknown. President Rossbacher was described early in her academic career as a person that does the unexpected. President Rossbacher’s nature of exploring the unknown not only changed her academic career, but it changed her life. In an article that was written about our leader, the source quoted Dr. Rossbacher saying “The study of Geology and Geomorphology gives you perspec-
tive, as well as the scale of time and the larger scheme of things.” While teaching in Pennsylvania, Dr. Rossbacher’s passion for the unknown came in the form of an internship at NASA. And while attending Princeton as a grad student, President Rossbacher had the opportunity to study with the premiere
schools greatest leader ever. Since 1998 under the leadership of President Rossbacher, SPSU’s enrollment has grown over 78% along with a newer intensive focus on engineering, technology and architecture programs, while bringing new academic programs like the civil, electrical and mechanical engineering departments, new media arts and game design. President
Experiencing loss is inevitable throughout our lives, but loss does not equal finality.” Geomorphologist in the United States, earn a second master’s degree, and ultimately a Ph.D. from Princeton. While in Europe, President Rossbacher, who had already chosen to study the role of ice and water on Mars for a NASA project, found out that she was finalist in the NASA astronaut program. Although Dr. Rossbacher found out she didn’t make the final cut for the astronaut program while in Sweden, she immediately moved forward to a tenure-track faculty position teaching environmental geology and astronomy at California State Polytechnic University in Pomona, CA. In 1998 the planets aligned so that Southern Polytechnic State University was able to obtain the
Rossbacher was a leader with environmental sustainability by gearing the university’s campus towards a greener environment through its operations and structure. Most importantly, President Lisa Rossbacher was a good friend and a genuine person to the students at Southern Polytechnic State University.
readthesting.com || April 9, 2014
Editor of The Sting becomes first student commencement speaker at SPSU
First Student Commencement Speaker By Sharon Roberts
When asked to write about a person who has literary evolved into a larger than life persona right before my eyes, I had to step back and actually reorganize my thoughts. We met through a casual introduction after a Sting staff meeting with the assignment that we would get together to write a piece on the book I was writing. That was two years ago. And what started out as a casual professional encounter has evolved into a very inspiring friendship. What do you write about a person who means different things to different people? To me he is friend, editor, classmate and fellow lover of words. To others his title overlaps with broader descriptions that encompass icon, enigma, and leader. On the eve of the last time I will write for The Sting under his leadership I digress to thinking about what this man has meant to not only the the school newspaper but to the SPSU family. Within the past two years he has motivated the unmotivated, mentored and taught, and evolved from a quiet reserved individual, into this staple leader in readthesting.com || April 9, 2014
program (ETCMA) - and things have been soaring ever since. the SPSU community. This spring The underestimation of who he will perform duties as the first this young man would be, resides student commencement speaker in the amazement of those who did in SPSU history. It is at this time I and did not believe in his abilities. would like to introduce you to a man Randy began his academic career at with many talents, and titles, Mr. Wallace State Community College Randy Brown, Jr. in 2004, with a four-year hiatus of Randy has been sharing since menial jobs and under achieved asbirth, as he is a twin, born on May signments. In 2009 he spent a year 29, 1986. Raised in Southwest at Georgia Military College, when he Atlanta, this baby boy has perseapplied to SPSU for the second time vered through several channels of and got the anticipated acceptance underestimation, negative expecletter. This would be the best decitations and an overwhelming era of sion for both him and the institution. rediscovery. From a maintenance If you have ever seen Randy worker to a scholar of exceptionwalking through campus, it seems al stock, Randy’s beginnings can as though he is planning his next only be compared to a spark that is great big idea. As it seems his ignored and then metamorphoses serious disposition would suggest into an enormous fire. And to not a continual flow of ideas residing in only quote, Alicia Keys I can attest his every thought. I am torn bethat “This man is on fire.” He came cause I know Randy the teacher, the to SPSU in 2010 as an architecjokester and the passionate man ture student. In the fall of 2011 he who sees himself as just Randy who transferred into the English, Techni- just wants to write. Sometimes he is cal Communication and Media Arts just thinking about what he wants to Photo by Julian Plowden
eat for lunch. In the fall of 2012, Randy took the reigns as Editor-in- Chief of The Sting newspaper, a gradual progressive assignment from a year prior under the leadership of Vicki Nix – as a team the paper was rebirthed. What was once a small
created as an extension of the paper, “the Newspaper Practicum,” where Randy added teaching assistant to his repertoire. The year 2013 served as a year of reaping acknowledgements and this man’s status of being on fire, exploded. He adds to his list
standing Senior of the Year, Honors Student of the Year nominee and Intern on Q-100’s The Bert Show. On May 10, Randy will walk up to the podium to address the last spring graduating classes of SPSU as the commencement speaker. I don’t know what he will say, but I can anticipate it will have examples of trial and tribulations, stories of perseverance, maybe a few references to his new title as world traveler. One thing I do know it will be motivating, tear jerking and I will be proud, as I am now at everything he has achieved. As I said earlier, I know Randy Brown Jr., the writer. I can’t wait to pull his book off of the bookshelf. I don’t know what Randy has in store for us but I do know the next chapter in Randy’s story involves graduate school. He has received acceptance letters from two MFA in Creative Writing programs from; the New School in New York and Chatham University in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. No matter which direction Randy chooses to take, I have no doubt this man will continue to rise to new heights. Congratulations Randy Brown Jr., we are so looking forward to your next chapter (s) literally.
Within the past two years he has motivated the unmotivated, mentored and taught, and evolved from a quiet reserved individual, into this staple leader in the SPSU community. publication was redesigned and navigated toward this color compacted idea driven, magazine. As a contributor of both the old and new, I have seen the overwhelming talent explosions under the direction of Randy. In ‘12-’13 The Sting received the SPSU Student Organization of the Year Award– and the GCPA Most Improved Student Newspaper. In the fall ’13 semester a course was
of accomplishments; Departmental Honors Scholar, Honor Council member, Student Life Organizational Leadership Workshop Guest Speaker, Open House Special Guest Speaker, SPSU 100 Guest Speaker, Student Life Committee member, technical writer for the Office of Faculty Support Development and resident assistant, Student Leader of the Year nominee, ETCMA Out-
readthesting.com || April 9, 2014
student spotlight
One-on-One with Sharon Roberts By Randy Brown Jr.
readthesting.com || April 9, 2014
Photo by Julian Plowden
haron Roberts is a student, businesswoman, mother, but most importantly she is a writer. I have known Roberts for the better part of two years. What I learned most from her is that it is never too late to find your passion and pursue lifelong goals. Sharon is writer who makes time for quirky habits and deep thought. I sat down when Sharon to talk about her writing process and her future in the field of writing.
RB: Sharon, when do you recall writing? SR: I remember that I first started writing to vent. I was just getting out of ten year relationship. Writing really helped me get through that period, being able to get all of that out. I also remember writing at a younger age as well. I was in 1st grade, Ms. Woodruff’s class. I was always in competition against a girl named Pamela; it was a competitive story-reading comprehension class. RB: Do you find ways to express yourself in other mediums? SR: Dancing is one way, or was one way. I attended dancing school from 3 to 13 years old. RB: What kind of dancing? SR: It was tap dancing. It tied back to my writing. Tap dancing is methodical. My writing is methodical; it’s weird. It is like a routine. I danced at Ruth Williams Dance Studio in Harlem, New York. My dream was to dance at Carnegie Hall as the first black Rockette.
SR: A story is a path. It shows you where you want to go. Paths can show you where I’ve been, where I’m going, the people I’ve met. Just as with a path, in a story you lose things; it’s a journey. RB: Lyrics or music? SR: Lyrics RB: Do you prefer to handwrite or type on a keyboard? SR: Write, because I write quicker than I type. RB: 20 years from now what do you hope to accomplish? SR: I hope to have a tangible record
I want to open a center with my mother’s name on it, in New York City.
RB: Are you able to draw inspiration from anyone other than a writer? SR: My mom; my mom was a storyteller. Man should always say, “Sharon you’re not meek.” She’s not here anymore, but she’s still my inspiration. RB: In your eyes, what is a story?
that I ‘did it’. RB: What is it? SR: I want to open a center with my mother’s name on it, in New York City. The center would be for people who don’t get that opportunity, help people, teach them, and lend a hand. I also want to tour schools and speak to young women. RB: Sharon, someone has a collection of your work. What will they say about you and your work? SR: The work will be classified under Realism. I want them to say, ‘her work is raw.’ They will say that I gave a lot, but leaves so much to the imagination. I want people to look at my work and say, ‘I’ve been there; I was really there.’ I want people to say, ‘her imagery was awesome.’ RB: You just received a Pulitzer Prize and there’s a Ball in your name after the ceremony. Who is your first dance with? SR: My sons; all three of them. They are my inspiration; they inspire me. RB: What one thing tells you that you’ve made it as a writer? SR: I know I’ve made it as a writer when people who read my work. I received a letter referencing my article in the last issue. The writer said the article really touched me. It’s amazing when my work connects with someone. readthesting.com || April 9, 2014
20 Alpha Xi Delta
Light It Up Blue By Kaeli Ariail
The eve of April 1st marks the start of Autism Awareness Month in the United States, and World Autism Awareness Day internationally. Residences, companies, and landmarks all over the world will be illuminated in blue light on April 2nd, after the largest autism advocacy group, Autism Speaks, created the initiative Light It Up Blue. Autism Speaks is the current philanthropy of the Alpha Xi Delta Women’s Fraternity, and the leading autism advocacy organization geared towards funding research, which has dramatically increased early detection for the
developmental brain disorder. It is estimated that 1 in 88 children will be diagnosed with an autism spectrum disorder, but those numbers are changing. While Light It Up Blue has only been around for four years, many iconic places like the Kingdom Tower of Saudi Arabia, the Empire State Building in New York, and even the local Big Chicken have shown their support for Autism Awareness. Blue photo filters and bulbs can be
purchased to change the look of outdoor lighting; the former working best for large public lights and the latter for private residences or schools. A portion of the sales go towards Autism Speaks, benefiting the organization and its research significantly. To become involved, please see local Alpha Xi Delta chapters or go to www.lightitupblue. org. Both have ideas and events in which to participate. Donations are graciously accepted.
“It is estimated that 1 in 88 children will be diagnosed with an autism spectrum disorder, but those numbers are changing.”
readthesting.com || April 9, 2014
Photo by Zuri Coleman
GAMES gathering the community to play
What I want to see from SPSU Games By Connor Cobb
I’ve previously written about the disappointing lack of video game related activities on the SPSU campus.
Photo by Alain Santos
As many students have lamented, video game events are few and far between, and game activities officially sponsored by the school are almost nonexistent. In recent years, the people responsible for arranging school events have gotten better about including video games, with certain “Geek Week” activities paying lip service to gaming. With that in mind, I feel there are more steps the school can take to include this demographic and make better use of school resources.
nice to be able to get together with other people and play together in a more casual setting, so an official school LAN party could be a big hit. Monthly get-togethers, perhaps with a new game every month, wouldn’t be too difficult to organize. We already have a Game Lab, so why not use it?
Preferably participants would bring some of the less traditional games in their libraries, and people would go around the room sampling different games.
Traditional Games:
With all the talk about digital entertainment, it’s important not to forget traditional tabletop Video Game Potluck: games. I have yet to walk into the One of the best things about student center without seeing a playing games is getting to disgroup of people playing Magic: The cover new and interesting genres. Gathering, and I’m sure there are Broadening your horizons is always other card games students would be a memorable experience, but we interested in besides Cards Against LAN Party: rarely get the chance to do it, so Humanity. Even going beyond that, Video game tournaments to that end I think this would be a there is likely a portion of the stuaren’t unheard of at SPSU, but for great experience. The Players would dent population interested in something like the Warhammer series, or those of us who aren’t competitive supply the games and consoles other games of the ilk. Failing that, in nature, or able to go toe-to-toe (under close watch), and all the with tournament players, there school would need to provide would there’s nothing wrong with some good old Monopoly. should be an alternative. It would be be Televisions and a place to play.
It would be nice to be able to get together with other people and play together in a more casual setting, so an official school LAN party could be a big hit. readthesting.com || April 9, 2014
22 Game review
The Redux By Connor Cobb
Regrettably, I don’t have any sort of review this month. Back in 2002, Westwood studios tried their hand at a First-Person Shooter set in their Command and Conquer universe, under the title, Renegade. The Multiplayer component was the source of countless hours of fun for my Thirteen-Year-Old self, much like the recently released fan remake, Renegade x, has been for my Twenty-One-Year-Old self. This fan remake, while giving me the chance to relive some cherished childhood memories, also got me thinking on the topic of fan remakes of games in general. Remakes of older games by dedicated fans are a tricky business, and more often than not, one that abruptly ends in disappointment. The first major hurdle these developers face is the legality of their project. If it’s a true remake, then the developers will be playing with the copyrighted intellectual property of a major company, and those copyrights exist solely to prevent such a project. If by some miracle the developers can get the blessing of the IP’s owner, they then have to worry about financials. If these fans were getting paid to remake the game then it wouldn’t be a fan remake, it would just be another licensed game. This means everyone will be working for free, and as you can imagine, this isn’t a palatable prospect for the people with
the skillsets to make such a project happen. Finally, motivation is the biggest deciding factor in whether the remake will see the light of day or not. These aren’t professional developers, so when the prospect of a fan remake comes along, many people will jump at the chance to help out. Unfortunately, few of these people have the skills necessary to contribute, and fewer still will remain with the project after the initial hype wears off. Despite all that, some Fan Remakes survive the crucible and eventually see a release. Of the remakes I have played, these are some of the best:
Renegade X:
Given that the bulk of my free time has recently been taken up by this recreation, I would be remiss not to talk about it. Made in the Unreal3 engine, Renegade x revives this unique RTS-inspired multiplayer shooter that tasks teams with destroying the enemy base with a variety of tools at their disposal. The game is immensely fun once players get acclimated to its old school style of play. The only drawback is that the game is still in open beta, so minor graphical glitches may occur, but so far I have yet to encounter anything Game-breaking. For the Brotherhood!
readthesting.com readthesting.com || February || April 26, 2014 9, 2014 Photo Source: http://media.moddb.com/images/mods/1/9/8709/Rx_BD_Wallpa-
Black Mesa:
The original Half-Life has a special place in my heart as the only game that would play on my laptop back in high school, so imagine my delight when the remake, Black Mesa, was finally released. The game painstakingly recreates the entire Half-Life experience in high fidelity in the Source engine, and has a great attention to detail. It trims out some of the more monotonous sections of the game, but in the end, retains the core of the Half-Life experience. The game does remove the end section in the alien world, Xen, but let’s be honest, that part was terrible. At the end of the day, it’s Half-Life in HD. What more could you want?
Goldeneye Source:
Also known as, “If you play as Oddjob then you’re worse than Hitler,” Goldeneye Source is the attempt to recreate the fun of Goldeneye64’s splitscreen multiplayer in the Source engine. This remake does so with great effect, as the look and feel of Goldeneye is recreated flawlessly, despite the transition from N64 to PC. The simplicity of the multiplayer always manages to entertain, but in recent years servers seem hard to come by, especially depending on the time of day.
Game review
Blizzard’s Attempt at Cards By Matthew Dinoff
There is a new card game for all of you Blizzard and card game fans alike. There is a new card game for all of you Blizzard and card game fans alike. Hearthstone: Heroes of Warcraft is an excellent new addition to the collection of high quality titles made by Blizzard Entertainment. Hearthstone went into closed beta in August of last year. Six months later, those of us who were not able to procure a beta key, finally got our chance to join in on the fun. On January 21st of this year, the card game arrived in open beta and players rejoiced. My friends, myself, and most of North America entered the Inn and sat down to enjoy a game of cards, battling against Warlocks, Priests and more. The game was influenced by the very popular Magic: The Gathering and the notorious World of Warcraft classes. Hearthstone uses a mana system, with each card having a different mana cost depending on its effect or how strong it is. Each player gains one mana per turn until both have a full 10 mana. Any other effect granting a mana crystal, after a player has 10 mana would turn into a free draw. Hearthstone brings a unique style of play to cards games,
in the way that players choose a specific hero. Each hero has a power, which only they can use as well as class specific cards. Each of the nine heroes have a specific play style, spell effects and personalities. The Nine classes are: The Druid, which has a lot of late game power. The Hunter, which has traps to set him up for big plays and control of the board. The Rouge, who relies on combos to do burst damage. The Mage, which mostly relies on characters to boost their damage from spells. The Priest, who can heal anyone on the field. The Warrior who stacks armor and uses brute force to win his battles. The Paladin whose cards have Divine Shield, a one time shield to any damage dealt. The Warlock who has powerful low mana cards, but damages himself when played. And The Shaman who also has powerful low mana cards, but their drawback limits their mana pool the next turn. Each class has their advantages and disadvantages in battle. Hearthstone boasts a single player normal matchmaking sys-
Photo Source: http://i1.ytimg.com/vi/11-bZEQebMk/maxresdefault.jpg
tem, along with a ranked queue that resets every month. One of the special things about Hearthstone is its Arena game mode. It costs 150 gold to play, and you earn gold by completing daily quests. In the Arena, you are given a choice of three of the Heroes. Then, the player picks one card from a choice of three cards, depending on which hero they chose, until a total of 30 cards have been taken. The player then battles it out in the arena, until they lose three times or go undefeated in twelve matches. After, the player is rewarded with packs, gold or other things to help them make decks. Since the beginning, in closed beta, Blizzard Entertainment has made its latest addition free-toplay and had its official release on Friday, March 14th.
“Hearthstone brings a unique style of play to cards games, in the way that players choose a specific hero.” readthesting.com || April 9, 2014
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sports farewell
Out Go the Lights By Joe Thomas
For a couple more months, things will go on unchanged. The Southern Poly basketball teams will keep playing, working toward their conference tournaments. The baseball team will show up for workouts and practice, and travel to weekend series across the southeast. But after the last pitch is thrown and shot is taken, the lights will go out on Hornets athletics forever. The email sent by SPSU President Dr. Lisa Rossbacher the morning of February 24th announcing that Southern Poly athletics would end following the 2013-2014 school year wasn’t unexpected. Kennesaw State has a large NCAA Division I athletics program, one that is expanding rapidly. But as one of the first real, tangible signs of the two schools’ merger, the news that the Hornets would cease to be after this semester is a stark reminder of things still to come for our campus community. It was important that this decision be made early. Many of the student athletes will want to transfer to other schools to continue their athletic careers, particularly the men’s soccer players who will not have an opportunity to play at Kennesaw State (KSU does not field a men’s soccer team). This is a time consuming process, and one that requires a great deal of
readthesting.com || April 9, 2014
thought. The SPSU athletics staff also faces tough decisions in their future. Each of the Hornets’ coaches has an impressive resume that will afford them opportunities elsewhere, but it is important to allow them the time to make the decision that is right for them and their families. For current students, now is the time to support these teams. If you’ve never been to a basketball or baseball game, the next few weeks are your last chance. Even if you don’t care about sports, support your classmates as they try to make the best out of a difficult situation. When the merger with Kennesaw State was announced, many students mourned the potential loss of the small, close-knit community at Southern Poly. That community is what will help the athletes and staff as they compete in games even with questions about their future in the backs of their heads. It’s funny to think that this time last year the buzz around Southern Poly athletics was the potential for expansion. A lot can change in a year, and while
the loss of the small but accomplished athletics program at SPSU is sad, it is important to remember that no one knows what will happen a year from now. As we live out our last days as Hornets, we must carry with us the pride that made our campus and athletics teams so special. By bringing that with us to wherever we are next year, we’ll know that though the lights are dimmed and the bleachers empty, the Hornet spirit lives on.
“If you’ve never been to a basketball or baseball game, the next few weeks are your last chance.”
Photo by Joseph Hannah