Eve r yone has the lig ht within.
A s an introve rt,
all the fate is to c halle nge me
how to lift my cove r a little bit and expre s s more about the ins ide .
Langu a ge
C hi nes e
N at i ve
Ta i wa nes e
F lu ent
E ngli s h
「 附加 」
楊 馥 嘉 Fu C h i a Ya n g Nat i onal Ch e ng Kung U ni ve rs i t y I n d ust r i al D e s i g n
a 0 1 9 3 0 1 8 @ g m ai l .com 0921981528 1 9 9 8 /0 3 /1 6
G er m a n Ski ll Ai
Ps Id
Xd S ol idwor k s Al ia s Vra d
Ardu ino
P roces s ing
TOEIC 9 5 5
B egi nner
Tra i t Obs e r vat io n
C o o rd inat i o n
S e ns it ive to co l o r
I ntuitive to e ssen ce
Go o d und ersta n d i n g fo r a bst ra ct t hi ng s
Val u e C ovey fe e l i n g .
Expe rie nce 2019
華創車電 CM F
H aitec CMF
i nte rn
musical fe sti val
curati on team
成大 台科北科 小情設
Gl obal Forum
cl oth drappi ng
sen ior-hi gh camp workshop
forum arrange me nt
I n t he p ro ce ss of b eco m i n g a d esi g ne r,
D e s ig n = ?
C o mmitte d to esta b l i sh su b j e ct i v i t y on d e s i g n.
" Wh at i n our h ead s
neve r fo rget h ow to b e a h u m a n .
Interest C o nce pt D e si g n / S p e c u l at i ve D esi g n/
E mot io nal D esi g n / Ex p er i en ce D e si g n/ Mus ic / Art / Yo ga / Ten n i s
stude nt
li fe conse llor parti ci pant
de si gn team
Before t h e ce r tai n t h i n g a ppea rs in this world. "
( H arol d G .N e l s on, Er i k Stolterma n, The Design Way ) E a c h s t e p o f d e s i g n co u n t s a s w e e n d e a v o r t o l e a r n t h e m . H oweve r, onl y when we stick to the origina l
i n te n t i o n , n o m atte r co n ce pt , fo r m o r s i m p l y a c l o u d o f i m a g i n a t i o n , c a n t h e o u t co m e b e i d e a l . K e e p t h e e s s e nce i n m i nd .
1 0 -2 5
3 6 - 45
6 -5 7
78- 81
product design
Handheld Upright Vacuum Cleaner D e s i g n e d by Fu C hia Yan g, Viv ian Wan g, 2018
Bac kgro und
A 3 Rep or t - p ro d u ct d eve l o p me nt
T h i s d e s i g n a d opts Lean P rod uct D e ve lopme n t on
h o u s e h o ld a p p l i ance i n an ef fort to i mpove CHIME I VC- H B 1 P H 0 ( t h e ori g i nal p rod uct )
Pro duct St rateg y Cu stomer A n al ys is
C o mp et ito r A n al ys is
Target Audien ce 2 0 - 4 0 yea r- ol d ad ul ts w h o l i ke s i m p l i city a n d m i n i m a l i s m, val ui n g q ual i t y of l i fe
C o ntextual In quir y To o bs e r ve real p rob l e ms us e rs e n cou n te r
r i g h t w i th i n t h e con text of work ( us e rs ' hou s e ) T h e n m a d e t h e s e p rob l e ms i nto q ue stion n aire
to i de n ti fy th e top p rob l e m s , w h i c h are n ame ly cu sto m e r va l ue s
G oal Fun ct io n
Devel o pmen t Pl a n
B efo re and after ideation Af te r k n ow i n g w h at to s ol ve ,
we u s e C a u s a l M ap to f i n d t h e rea l ca u s e of t h e s e i s s ue s ,
wh i ch a re a s s um e d unf ul f i l l e d yet i m po r ta n t by c ustom e rs
Ho nest ly, it wa s t he m ost
d ifficult pa rt since a ll t he
ca use of t hese issues invo lves scient ific rea so ns, such a s suct io n relates fluid
m echa nics, d ust co llect io n
ha s to d o wit h stat ic elect ricit y
B e i n g I D st u d e n t s , w e n e e d to st u d y l ot s o f r e s e a r c h , l e a r n h o w to
u s e f l o w s i m u l at i o n i n S o l i d w o r k s , a n d co n s u l t p ro fe s s o r i n re va l e n t
f i e l d to s e e i f o u r s o l u t i o n d i d wo r k . Eve n t u a l l y, s o m e of t h e m fa i l e d , an d s ome of the m be came feas ible .
I deati o n
I d eat io n are d o n e a fte r t h e
C aus al M ap. T h o u g h st y l i n g is not inc l ud ed i n c u sto m er
val ue , st il l i t ' s a n i m p o r ta n t
as pe ct in ho u se h o l d a p p l i a n ce d e s ign, s o we ' ve m a d e m u c h ef fo rt o n it
A3 Repo rt - ex per ime n t
W e s e le cte d feas i b l e i d eas f rom i d eat i o n , an d began te stin g by s oftware or 3DP mode ls . The fo llow i n g A3 s h ow s t h e p roce s s of ex pe r ime n t as we ll as prototypin g
Re p l ace fan with tu rbine - on su ction
N ozzl e de s ign - o n su ct i o n
Han dle d esign - o n weight
Th e i n let a i r ch ann e l of noz z l e
The re a re lots of fa cto rs a ffect ing
a n d n ot s o a i r t i g h t ; t h u s we t r y
what k ind of a ngle is t he m ost
of original product isn't straight to ke e p th e chann e l st rai g h t at th e s a m e ti me al l ow i n g fre e do m fo r rotat i on
the weight users feel. Here we test ↑ o n e of p rotot yp e s we m ad e →
s u ita b le o ne which wo n't b end u s e rs' wrists
Scenari o
Exploded View D e sig n C o nce pt
m oto r
minimal, elegant and neat styling
t h at w o u l d a p p e a l to TA ; a l s o i m a ge of marine is used to enhance its
E PA fil te r
vo r tex f i l te r
du st b i n
o pe rat i o n → Tu r n an d pu ll down
Direction of dust bin placement Apply flex ible
tube on nozzle
elevated suc
& reduced n
Replace fan by turbine
Use brush on
reduce dust
Handle/ switc hes
filter in dust bin
when dumpi
Reas on create a more
ct io n
no i se
linear inlet
air channel increase the
num ber, angle, and size of t h e blade st u ck
in g
br ush removes
re m ain ing du st
whe n dis mantle t he d ust bin ergo nomic
im p rovement
Mo dels
←← Mo
hurr y n
fa iled t ← Mo d
made s t hat it
Vo rtex
o d el vol.1, wh i ch i s m a d e i n
near the end of semester, so it
to fu nction we ll
e l vol.2, sect i o n a l vi e w. W e
s o me mo dificati o n i n i t, s o can fi t the m oto r bette r
M o dels and ex h ibition In model vol.2, we finally found the
material (rubber) flexible enough to
b e i n n oz z l e , a n d i t a l l ow s h o r i zo n ta l an d ve r tical tu r n in g
Afterwards, the vacuum cleaner finally can work as a real vacuum clean e r !
Photo from Lean P rodu ct De ve lopme n t
and Research Sharing Conference, where we present our design to en te r pr is e rs par ticipatin g
C o nc lus i o n
Ichiro was a project that put lots of emphasis on early stage investigation and strive to meet the requ i re m e n t of p rod ucts i n c urre nt market. -W hat I l earne d-
K n o w l e d ge o f u s e r s u r v e y & r e s e a r c h , w h i c h i n L P D a re m o re r i go ro u s t h a n u s u a l d e s i g n p ro ce s s . D u r i n g
the p ro ce s s , we p re s e nt an d d i s c us s w i t h s u pe r v is ors f ro m C H I M E I a b o u t d i re ct i o n s , te c h n i q u e s a n d l ea r n
a bou t h ow th e y us ual l y d o i n com pan y. I realize how ha rd i t i s to break t h roug h exs i t i ng f un ct ion with n o
matte r li m i te d k n ow l e d ge on s c i e nt i f i c t he or y an d its a pp li cati o n , o r ex p e n s e .
-W hat can be im p roved -
T h e s ta g e o f d e s i g n i d e a t i o n w a s co m p r e s s e d ; a l s o
there's still way to go to mass production as for fun cti o n a li ty a n d d etai l d e s i g n . -Th e m ost I nte re st i n g pa r t-
With solid analysis, pushing to the limit industrial des i g n ca n do on m arket- d ri ve n e l et ri cal applian ce s . This makes it by far the most practical project of mine . I th i n k i t's wort h w h i l e to go t h rough L P D.
Silver Lining Carrier tray at entrance Designed by Fu Chia Yang, 2018
Project background /
Product that made of crude wood and use CNC to manufacture
Ideation /
Design intention / Hardness is the innate property of wo o d ; h owe ve r, wo o d e n pr o d u c t s often convey a feeling of warmness. In this project, I try to find the softest form a wooden product can become in spite of its tactile. 29
Scenario /
At night 30
In day time 31
Hinoki wood
LED touch switch
Feature / Interior decoration that fit into the surrounding. The light you need when coming home late at night. A tray to place random items such as keys, coins, etc.
Operation /
Conclusion /
-What I learnedIt's possible that printed model i s d i f fe r e n t f r om t h e d i g i t a l one in shape and size .
-What can be improvedThe accuracy of 3D modeling. T h e e d g e of t h e m o d e l i s n't sealed. Though it's a different approach to see the light comes out, it's not intended.
-The most Interesting partIdeation part of this project is quite interesting. I realize that even most of us in class used the words "warm" "comfortable" "natural" to describe their work of wooden product, we all have d i f fe r e n t i n t e r p r e t a t i o n fo r that.
Writing before bed Designed by Fu-Chia Yang, 2019
Plow / verb. (= plough)
To dig into the earth with a large
farming tool to make the earth ready for planting.
Plowing is to field is what writing is to mind
Plough is a dough serves as a flatform for writing-on-bed experience.
[Competitor analysis]
[Habitual poses]
Better experience of the whole process: comfy(87.2%) & private(90.2%)
C on c lusion -What I learnedH o w to co m m u n i cate w i t h t h e ta i l o r a b o u t w h at I wa n t to d o. B a s i c technique of soft material product. -What can be improvedIdeation amount, the test of different prototypes, and the detail of cloth drapping. -The most interesting partModel making this time is a ver y different experience, w h i c h i s n ot C A D b u t h a n d - o n ta i l o r i n g . I rea l l y l i ke t h e ex p o s u re to other material, especially the soft one. This project enable me to do so.
S p e c i a l t h a n k s to A - Fe n ta i l o r st u d i o fo r h e l p i n g m e w i t h t h e s e w i n g machine so as to be able to finish the model!
Take away the wooden board, Plow is a pillow!
Recording reminder on depression Designed by Fu Chia Yang, Wan Chi Chang, 2018
Project background Product design that helps solving a specific social problem.
Design concept For those who suffer from depression: It was said that “Moon is the fairest; the darker the surroundings, the brighter the moonlight.�
Design goal Enable depression patients who undergo psychotherapy to gain more motivation and emphathy through the experience of this product.
Research According to World Health Organization, depression came in first place on the cause
world population 3.5 billion diagnosed with depression
of disability worldwide in 2020, and also ranked second on Global Burden of Disease, researched by Harvard University. on the right are revalant statistics: 48
73 billion Taiwan population
2 million(8.9%) diagnosed with depression 1.25 million(5.2%) are severe
2.3 million
Define Psychotherapy designed artifact may intervene
on depression
the legitimacy of treatment
Psychoanalysis Supportive psychotherapy Interpersonal psychotherapy
linguistic non-linguistic
Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) Art therapy Sandplay therapy
CBT process:
Inkblot test
We choose Cognitive Behavioral Therapy(CBT), which is most commonly used to treat depression, to do literature review, and also interview the therapist.
There are mainly two parts in CBT. Between them, the homework part
least →… (At 8 times)
about recording by themselves is apt to be forgotten by patients in daily lives. Thus, our goal is to make it more convenient to record one’s thought (practice), so as to better the whole effect of CBT.
Choice of Form:
→Hence, handy product + application ! 49
Considering the product's phased setup,( more than one mission daily) we eventually decide to adopt the concept of moon ellipse
Feature Our intention is to increase users' willingness to record their thoughts when they're on their own (not with the therapist.) Remind and Feedback are happened on product by way of visibility and lighting; the recording part uses mobile app as interface
Three-view diagram
Material: silicone rubber 51
App interface
*All contents in app are designed according to CBT * “Send to therapist� is a suggestion from therapist, for them to have better understanding toward patients before next consulting sections.
Operation After completion of daily recording on app : carried with keys or hanged on objects
↓ lit!
Real model
Silicone's flexible texture and semi-
-What I learned-
transparent feature enhance Dear Moon's
An attempt to design for social issue, and trial on product
h e a l i n g i m a g e. We u s e p l a s t e r t o m o l d
made from sillicone material.
silicone model, which encounter much d if f i c u l t y d ur i n g t h i s pro ce s s, an d fail ed
-What can be improved-
many times as well. Eventually the problem
In fac t, t h i s pro j e c t on ly to o k on e m on t h to f i n i s h .
of apprent parting line still existed, yet it was
Consequently there wasn't much time left for study and
finally complete with light installed in it and
ideation, so the solution seems simple.
gived out approximate effect as we wished. -The most Interesting partimage building and sillicone modeling.
Model making process, in
w h i c h we we r e g o i n g to m a ke plaster mould �
Presentation at exhibition in
the end of semester.
HAIT EC s um m e r i nt e r n By Fu-Chia Yang, 2019
Redesign BMW i3 interior (color & material) according to 3 potential target audience
#plugged-in EV #BMW's first EV in mass production (2013) #sustainably designed and manufactured #TA are more EV owners than original TA of BMW
Target Audience Analysis Trait of EV buyers
Factors of age, income, gender, trends, production
- 電動車車主年齡層 30 歲以上分布較平均
相關報導:未來 i3 電池容量提高,輕量化需求減少,因此將不再使用碳纖維車體 - 成本降低 → 拓展低價位市場 ( 大眾化、年輕化 )
- 競車分析 → 近年電動車多以高級風格吸引高消費、高年齡層 - 女性市場仍待進攻 (25%)
- 高收入市場佔最多,但中收入也有潛力
Style Positioning
→ 中收入年輕男性
d Conclusion
-What I learnedAfter this intern experience, I'm more aware of the delicate adjustment of layout and color arrangement. Photoshop technique is also enhanced after drawing the interior. I learn to make imageboard more delicate here, since the subtle correspondence of product and texture in imageboard is the key. When it comes to interior, the textures are presented in 3D, so the distribution is important.
↑ The original interior
� These are where I kept revising in this 2 months in order to be better distributed and more fitted to TA (Partial process)
-What can be improvedTh e e a rly- s ta ge a na lys is u s e s only sec ond-ha nd informa t ion, w hic h is different than in school. Some method is somehow pragmatic, which tend to focus on the blank area of customer types, and my roots are sort of trivial due to the lack of flaw in i3 (except price.) However, that didn't stop me from doing it, for design is not only a measure to raise sales volume for bad-saling products. Eventually I tried to be bold to find appropriate reasons to support my design. In the process I often have a feeling in mind that "the original one is better,"and that bother my minimal self alot. After discussing with my mentor several times, I come to accept that in commercial context, there are certain these kinds of TA exist, and in automobile industry, it's crucial to make something "fine" enough, which is part of culture. � These are the images I run into during the process and felt coincidentally fascinated by the effect and feeling it conveys, but of course they can't put to use.
-The most Interesting partVisiting sputtering factory with colleages, for I can see new material and know the manufacture method behind it. To me PS itself is satisfying though repeated. Finding the right picture appropriate for the certain customer takes time, yet the result is rewarding.
Graphic Design
˙CIS design Introduction
Image Board
食憩食袋 食 憩 食 袋 ( Take kit easy ) is a virtual company that provide
meal kit ( 食材包 ) with all the ingredients needed to make a
dish in a package, making it easier to cook at home. Our mission is to make the experience of cooking more pleasurable
Color Scheme
溫柔 tender
LOGO Design
悠閒 leisure 樸實 plain
質感 quality
溫馨 heartwarming 樂趣 delighful
CIS rendering At last I choose yellow-based colors to convey more about
the feeling of warmness and delightfulness. Also it relates to honey and brownie, giving out a sweet taste !
Activity Brochure The aim of this activity is to gather people who enjoy cooking together to make a meal out of our meal kit, and to eat together afterwards. In this brochure, in addition to warmness, I want to enhance the happiness of sharing, both on cooking and enjoying the delicious food made by themselves
A r t C R E AT I O N
STATE OF M IND Interactive Animation
By Fu-Chia Yang, 2019
F i l e D o w n l o a d L o c a t i o n : h tt p s : / /d r i v e . g o o g l e . co m / f i l e / d/1AoLjaUo226mOC8T8_mZ78cWfxIyimgA4/view?usp=sharing
Daily mood cycle is the main inspiration of this project, since I usually at the perk of mood at night when I'm by myself. The time of solitude doesn't always mean lonely, and the ability to embrace ourselves is actually within ourselves.
It starts with the sentiment of rainy window scene and aims to depict
the picture in our mind(what I think) and picture on the outside(what I see). The story is mostly about the continuous transformation In this two stages.
Gradually Lost in thought, dive into the unreal deep ocean. No
Only when you take care of your own feeling, start to wipe off
become dark .They are meaningful only when they have sth in
spontaneously this time.
m atte r h ow m a n y t h o u g h t ( l i g h ts p ot ) yo u ge n e rate , t h e y a l l
common, which means they intersect. When this phase passed,
the coldness, and the thoughts(bubbles) will flow again, more
actually all of these are meaningful, so the spot bright up again
Reflection 1. Conceptual part: Art and design are not that different, as long as there's some
certain effect or even impact I want to create/achive. In this
ca s e , t h e u rge to co n ve y t h at fe e l i n g to p e o p l e w i l l t h u s surpass our personal preference in form.
Also if there were enough time, I would take more time to think upon the consistency of every picture and storyline. 2. Technical part: The biggest problem I encountered, is probably my unsteadiness in the process of creating something. Partly
stemmed from deficiency I had in coding, I rarely stick to what I wanted to create in the beginning, and ended up with
something else, feeling like "It's still the same meaning; just a
different way to present this concept." But actually something did change and I wouldn't recognize it until other found out
it's not coherent with the storyline. I think learning coding has
this double edged sword, since there would be surprise as well as trap, if I fail to spend enough time to do trials, improve, figure out how it works and then possibly get to reach what I've set.
↑ UML diagram - Sequence Diagram
Another project created in Processing"Silhouette," in which the tree will grow as time passes, sway when the wind blows.
Le Comte de Mo n t e - C r i s t o
˙Experience Design for individual Project Background To design for the person we did informal (exploratory) interview to, and collect the feedback from her after the completion of design, which in here means used in real life
Process Informal Interview (exploratory) → Interview transcript → Formal
Interview (defined topic) → Interview transcript → Ideation → Coord ination with user → Detail design → Testing → Feedback interview
訪談逐字搞摘錄 Interview Transcript 「喜歡看小說不是因為我喜歡特定題材 而是我覺得看小說就是你進去到那個世界裡面 看他們怎麼過日子 看他們的行為 看他們會發生什麼事情 他們人物之間的關係 我覺得這個比較有趣 小說也不像聖賢書 它有道理在裡面可是你不會覺得厭煩」 「因為我太喜歡小說的劇情 覺得那是另外一個構築的世界 所以只要不要跟人家交流的時候我想的都是小說內容 ( 笑 ) 看書時旁邊四周環境會自動被我屏蔽掉 我一旦入迷就可能會哈哈大笑啊 會一把鼻涕一把眼淚」 「因為看的小說太多了 寫作文的時候就寫出一大堆書名什麼的 然後老師就覺得我好厲害 ( 笑 )」
User Profile -20 year-old female NCKU student -Eloquent speaker
-Read lots of World Literature
-Has good memory for storytelling -Write her own novel
Design Concept According to interview, user's mother is the very person
that initiate her into the world of reading by buying her piles of world literature in her childhood, and Xmas was the first time she recieved such book as present.
Af te r b ra i n sto r m i n g , w e wa n t to c reate a sto r y b o o k
「我不是有給你錢嗎你去買啊 ! 你寄這什麼東西 為什麼要用國內快捷 很貴欸 !」
rewrite by user herself, and then send it to her mom on
Testing Result
memory, and somehow express appreciation to her mom.
A l t h o u g h u s e r ' s m o m s e e m e d k i n d o f co n f u s e d , s h e
Xmas, expecting it can recall or replicate their shared
started to talk with her daughter about the plot of this book, and joyfully accept it as a gift for her
Reflection Mom's rational personality should have being taken into ↑ The last page of the storybook, written by user
account when designing, as eventually she becomes the main user, so we should understand her better before conducting our design.
Detail sketch / copic, pastel
Digital model by Alias /
Alessi Bird Whistle Kettle
Digital model by Solidworks / Beetle
Free hand sketch / color pencil
First "product de s ig n" in my s e nior- hig h ( 2 0 1 4 )
a n d I st ill like it ; not be caus e the re 's no g rowth
i n r e ce n t y e a r s , b u t t h a t i t p r e s e r v e t h e o r i g i n a l in ten tion I want to convey: intuition and e motion
I'll go on and ke e p learning
s o as to bette r convey the m.
Thank you