LARASA Latin American Research and Service Agency
It began as a BBQ…
Katie visited La Famillia Rec Center and had the idea of providing the students the passes to the rec center to align with their concern of physical activity This reminded Antoinette of a hip hop event/BBQ she threw there last summer… which everyone agreed was a great avenue for fund raising After many complications with our BBQ, we thought we were doomed….Raising enough money for the passes seemed completely out of reach
The Bake Sale was Born!
Ish was able to get an array of amazing baked goods donated to us! Efforts for this new idea took full swing…
Getting the Word Out
Ashton contacted Scott Jacobson, a staff writer for The Advocate, who was interested in writing a piece on our class and our project with LARASA. The article was published in Issue 28 and can be found on page 8. It served as a pre-date write-up on our Bake Sale Fundraiser and also as an ad for anyone interested in volunteer work for LARASA. The Advocate is a great way to spread awareness about outstanding work and involvement of UCD classes, along with letting the student body know about things they can take part in like LARASA.
Getting the Word Out continued… Ashton also contacted all the major DenverMetro news stations, but none showed up… Ashton, Ish, Katie, and Antoinette all spoke to our own Communication classes about the event
– Antoinette also made arrangements with other Communication professors to speak in their classes and hand out flyers!
We not only promoted the Bake Sale, but encouraged people to get involved and volunteer at La Rasa
Bakin’ and Breakin’!
Knowing from experience the attention dancers can bring, Antoinette arranged to have some breakers come out and freestyle at the event
The music and dancing drew a huge crowd and a lot of attention to our delicious baked goods!
Media Team
Even though we had many set backs, the entire team came together to make this amazing event happen Kelsey, Kim, and Katie all baked to contribute to the table We all helped out the entire day When all was said and done the Bake Sale Raised ~$350!
We were able to purchase 14 gym memberships, one for each student We were also able to present a great example of setting a goal and accomplishing it to align with the wonderful program implemented by the teaching team Overall, all the teams came together to create a positive experience for the LARASA students!