1 minute read
Jacqueline Bisson (Beyance) - The Lycra Pandemic
Presented by Jacqueline Bisson
Where & When
The Howling Owl (Vaughan Pl, Adelaide)
9:45pm, Tue 16 - Sat 20 Mar
What is the show about?
Has-been supermodel Beyancè, has tried Botox, bum implants and big lips, anything to reignite her career. The Diva has made a side career move into the realm of influencing, with a focus on fitness. She loves showing her bodacious body on social media and the Lycra certainly helps holding all her lumps, bumps and wobbly bits in place. Photoshop and filters do the rest. Beyancè slips into her Lycra for live chats with her fans, before meeting her personal trainer at the park. Only she doesn't have a personal trainer. Squeezing into Lycra is quite tiring so she tends to lie down on the sofa after her live feed... and has a feed, while watching repeats of 'Married at First Sight'.
Jacqueline Bisson will have your tummy tuck in stiches as she walks you through life in Lycra which is non biodegradable.
Why you should see it!
Jacqueline performs in her alter ego 'Beyancè' who is hilariously challenging and says it how it is, no holding back. The Diva is an hysterical character and has the audience screaming with laughter for more. She has supported Australian Comedians such as Bev Killick and Chris Franklin and has performed in Townsville, Brisbane, Melbourne and St Kilda to sold out audiences. A very colourful character who will keep the audience entertained as she rides them to the end with her gripping enthusiasm.