3 minute read


What To Expect

As a first-year media student you’ll be thrown into a world of new terms, theories, and skills Say goodbye to casually interacting with media; you will now automatically view all of it through an analytical lens. Quickly, you’ll learn how everyday media exposure impacts how people think, behave, and interact Prepare yourself for plenty of readings–skim some, but others you’ll have to read to completion Tutorials present opportunities for students to flex their creative muscles and develop projects that tap into their passions It’s a year full of big changes which we encourage you to embrace wholeheartedly!

First Year Tips

Club Contact

President: Samoda Silva auma@clubs.youx.org.au

Facebook: Adelaide University Media Association

Instagram: @adelaide media

→ Attend seminars in person This is the best way to make friends and meet study buddies who can help you grapple with any advanced media theories you encounter Some coursework requires students to use software that’s only on University computers, so make the most of your class time

→ Embrace opportunities to chat with professors and seminar leaders. Not only can teachers address any stresses you have regarding coursework, but they are very interesting people with whom you can have an in-depth chat about media!

→ Join clubs (especially AUMA *wink, wink*) Everyone says this…but it's truly the best way to make friends at university, seize career opportunities, and counterbalance the stress and dryness of University life



2nd March


7th March


30th March

What To Expect

First year psychology courses are not too challenging The majority of content is posted on MyUni for students to view and complete at their own pace. Coursework is relatively limited and contact hours are likewise low For "Psych IA" and "IB", students should expect one fortnightly tutorial and one fortnightly workshop. Attendance at tutorials is optional, although each one represents a small percentage of your final grade Students have the captain’s pick of which tutorial class to attend, including skipping out on the one you ’ re officially enrolled in and sliding into another “f2f” (face to face) and online study options are also available.

4th April



7th April

CLUB CONTACT psychology@clubsyouxorgau

Facebook: @uoa.psychology

Instagram: @uoapsychology

Facebook group: University of Adelaide Psychology Students

First Year Tips

→ Some find it difficult to form connections with other students since there's not much f2f time in first year Psychology Despite how it sounds, make an effort to attend tutorials and workshops in person where possible it’s the easiest way to meet people who are also studying psychology

→ First year may be smooth sailing, but try to engrain good study habits early on, or else the increased workload will catch you off-guard In second and third year you'll be glad you did

→ To qualify for Honours and become a professional psychologist you’ll need to get good grades!

Save The Date

Scrub Crawl is always a great time! (date TBA)

We are also hoping to host many education and career events so keep an eye on our socials!

What To Expect

It’s not all glitz and glamour, but understanding many different aspects of care is crucial for looking after your patients Placement blocks which may, at first, seem like a blessing–four weeks off in the middle of the Semester, anybody?--are counterbalanced by having to work during holiday periods First and second year are weighted heavily with content, bordering on overwhelm. However, in the long-run, it gives students a solid basis of knowledge that’s essential for working in the health sector Look forward to making the best friends ever as well as plenty of time spent in The Daisy

First Year Tips

→ Introduce yourself to those around you; you’ll spend the next three years with them!

→ If you skip the lectures, try to read the course content It helps bridge ideas and concepts which will eventually impact your clinical practice

Club Contact

President: Kayla Burn anss@adelaide.edu.au

Facebook: @Adelaide Nursing

Student’s Society



→ It’s normal to not understand things the first time they’re explained to you The human body is complex, and even more so when it’s ill, so don’t be afraid to ask plenty of questions both in class and on placement

→ Embrace uncomfortable learning experiences to get beyond basic knowledge and receive an amazing confidence boost

→Don’t panic if you make a mistake--you are still learning Someone will be there to assist you, particularly in first year

→ Look after yourself and create a uni-life balance Sacrificing sleep, nutrition, or relationships in order to get amazing grades will be something you’ll reflect back on and regret

Save The Date

Keep an eye out for our stall at O’Week where we will have more details on our opening club event

We will also have a general meeting in Week 3.

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