c i tin d e r
Words by Sebastian Andrew
Labor is going to win the upcoming South Australian state election. Perhaps, two months out from the election, when anything can change so drastically at a moment’s notice (just think of how quickly COVID sprang up and devoured all public and policymaking attention) it is unwise to make an election prediction. Let alone suggest that an incumbent premier will be ousted. However, given things have taken a horrible turn for the Marshall government in these last few months, with little indication that the situation will turn in the government’s favour, I have been emboldened to make this prediction, and stand by it. I’ll be happy (well, not entirely, given how spectacularly the Liberal Party has mismanaged this
current crisis) to be proven wrong, but so far, nothing’s really screaming ‘Steven Marshall’s going to win this’. The November 23rd border reopening sank Marshall’s electoral promises. Marshall hoped to capitalise on families reuniting for Christmas, and a sense of him having shepherded the state successfully through the pandemic. But since the reopening, going about daily life has become a game of Russian Roulette. You go out for lunch, to the gym, even to the shops, and you risk getting COVID or being implicated as a close contact, because the virus isn’t just limited to a few sites, that can be traced and quickly quarantined, it’s everywhere! Further, the commencement of in-person schooling is likely to only increase anxiety and anger amongst a potentially crucial voting