1 minute read


My dearest editors,

Iwould like to write to comment on the piece included in Issue 4 titled ‘Realism is a Road to ruin – A response to Felix Eldridge.

I found it incredibly unprofessional that the editors not only distributed the identity of an author for an article which was supposed to be anonymous but further proceeded with allowing a substantive criticism of a non-present article once Felix had pulled the original article.

It is my understanding that the original article was provided to On Dit in confidence. The fact that the identity of the author reached the respondents and the admission from On Dit in the article is incredibly unprofessional in my opinion.

It is of course reasonable to allow a right of response but when that response stretches into more than one page and becomes primarily an attack on a political opponent and secondarily, a platform of eschewing ideology, it seems a bit out of proportion. Felix’s name is dropped 10 times in reference to an article the reader has no access to. What On Dit has done is in the process of trying to show a balanced argument, is ensured an incredibly unbalanced attack is shown.

To allow the author of the original article be known and to open the floodgates to an article of personal attack, is very unbecoming of a serious magazine. I implore the editors of this dear student paper to adhere more strongly to the principles of confidentiality and fairness.

Yours truly, Blue Vest Enjoyer

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