4 minute read
Where Did the WoCo Go?
by On Dit
Words by the UofA Women’s Collective
To answer the question, the WoCo didn’t really go anywhere. We are still here, and we are still trying our best to advocate for women and non-binary folks’ rights on campus and beyond.
This is a call to action.
So, what did the UofA WoCo get up to in 2021? Let’s do a quick recap! To begin, we collaborated with a lot of student clubs. Our biggest event of the year was our collaboration with Adelaide Sustainability Association and the Adelaide Fashion Collective for Sustainability Week - we had some of our members donate some of their pre-loved clothes to a clothes swap, which was a HUGE success! We also had the opportunity to co-host a Birthing Kit Assembly shop with the UofA Geography and Development Society, which had been a goal of ours since the beginning. We once again thank these clubs for their support, and cannot wait to work together again!
We hosted our annual bake sale, which allowed us to connect with the campus community and spread awareness about who we were and what we aimed to do.We hosted a Social High Tea for NOWSA, the Network of Women Students Australia’s conference. We co-hosted a stall for mid-year O’Week with On Dit, offering a badge making workshop and a friendly face to have a conversation about safer campus culture with. Even though we were dealing with a global pandemic, this did not stop us from advocating for women’s rights beyond our campus. We attended March4Justice, to march for everyone who wants equality, justice, respect and an end to gendered violence. We have and continue to advocate for better communication and effort from the University in regard to their sexual harassment and assault policies and support women navigating harassment/assault incidences both within universityand outside of it. The reporting process can be seen as confusing, frustrating and even traumatising to many. So much more work needs to be done.
Part of our responsibility as a committee is to maintain the Anna Menz Women’s Room, which has been created as a safe space for women and non-binary folk on campus. We’ve provided tea and coffee supplies from our own pocket as well as kind donations from those who’ve benefited from the room. A little goes a long way is what we have found!
All of this has resulted in a busy, yet incredibly rewarding 2021 for the WoCo committee who are all in various stages of our university life. We have such an incredible range of committee members, and we are so appreciative of members past and present for their contributions!
Unfortunately, this year, the longlasting effects of COVID-19 and a very interesting year for the AUU Board and Student Representative Council have created challenges for the WoCo. Interest in the collective has dwindled, with several positions in the committee currently left unfilled. The few of us left are having difficulties keeping up with the women’s room, let alone maintaining a solid presence on campus through meaningful events to support and celebrate women and non-binary folk. As the year pushes on, we feel we have lost that momentum, and we simply do not have the numbers to implement the ideas and plans we’re passionate about. This is where you come in, dear reader.
The UofA WoCo stands with all who identify as a woman or a non-binary person, regardless of nationality, sexuality, age or religon. We also encourage people who do not identify as either to also stand in solidarity with us, as we are a student-lead initiative for anyone who is passionate about gender equity!
Therefore, the WoCo are keen to welcome new members to share in our goals in a range of capacities.
Are you someone who leads the chants at every protest/rally or do you prefer using Canva to create fun social media content? Do you like baking up a storm for bake sales (We’re talking to you, Stella’s 2021 Ottolenghi Persian Love Cake!) or is organising a table for a Quiz Night more your thing?
Do you enjoy planning/hosting events or do you prefer to simply tag along and socialise with others?
Since 2019, our committee has held space for a diverse range of women and non-binary folk. To all the political activists, to the first years who just want a safe space to learn and make new friends - no matter where you fall on the spectrum, you’ll definitely find a sense of sisterhood with the University of Adelaide Women’s Collective.
So, this is an official call to action. Please engage with local clubs, social groups, organisations or services that support women and non-binary folk. Attend their events and get to know the people who work so tirelessly to get their message across. Who knows, maybe one day, you could find yourself lighting a path for so many after you and in turn, creating a safer space for women and non-binary folk to thrive in.
Here are our socials:
Instagram: uofawoco Facebook: University of Adelaide Women’s Collective