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state of the union

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the present moment

the present moment

Hi all, It was great seeing so many students attending O’Week - how fantastic to have all of you on campus again! As I walked through the Hub this morning, I was surprised but also glad to see it being so vibrant and bubbly. Our campus misses you. Still, please observe social distancing, scan those QR codes, and stay safe in this new normal. Best of luck to those who just started their degree and those who came back for another year (or another degree like me!).

Quick reminder – free breakfast provided by AUU Student Care has started again every Tuesday to Friday, 8:30am – 10:30am, in level 5 Union House! With grab-and-go fruits, muesli bars, and yoghurts, just bring your student ID and you can enjoy your morning classes with some snacks.

A warm welcome to our offshore and interstate students too – we can’t wait to have you back. The virtual international student welcome was just held on the Friday of O’Week, and we had more than 600 students – definitely a record! It’s great seeing you engaging with your mates, volunteers, university services, and student leaders on the day.

Since last year, the AUU has been dedicated to delivering more virtual events to engage a wider range of students – take the much-loved quarantine Bingo as an example. We also acknowledged that it was very hard for clubs to reach out and host virtual events. As a result, the Clubs Committee has reviewed and updated the grants guideline to provide funding for online events alongside in-person events. This will better support our clubs, which are the critical contributors to our campus culture. These grants are still available, and clubs are encouraged to apply to continue delivering their amazing events to our offshore students.

On a heavier note – you would have received an email recently, inviting you to share your experiences as part of the university’s response to the ICAC investigation. There is a range of engagement options for you to choose, from one-on-one interviews to an anonymous mailbox. I would highly encourage you to share your experience if you feel comfortable, in order to make our university a better space.

Finally, our first AUU Members’ Lunch was on March 3 – one of the many perks you as an AUU member can enjoy! These lunches will be held Wednesdays all over the campus, so follow us on Facebook (Adelaide University Union) or sign up to our newsletter to get on top of the free events happening around the university.

Hope to see you around campus – enjoy the cool and sunny weather. ��

aNGeLa QiN 2021 AUU President

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