RestoRation of Missing Mails and ContaCts fRoM Yahoo aCCount
Missing emails and contacts are among the common issues with Yahoo email account. Let’s see how we can solve these issues. We will be providing steps for both the issues separately. • Restoring Missing Emails • Restoring Missing Contacts
RestoRing Missing eMails:
Solution@: Check Spam, Trash and other folders. If you find the email, select it and move it to desired folder. If you don’t find it, make a restoring request. Make restoring request: It can be done only if the mail is missing during past 24 hours. Complete the ‘Yahoo! Mail Restore Help Form’ and click ‘Create Request.’ Before that make a backup of mails received within past 24 hours and all new mails you receive. There might be a chance that a hacker has deleted the email. Change your password after making the restoration request.
RestoRing Missing ContaCts:
Solution@:Deleted contacts from Yahoo mail can be restored within 30 days of removal. Here is the process you can follow: Sign in to Yahoo account. Click on ‘Contacts’ icon above the ‘Compose’ button. Select ‘Deleted Contacts’ option. Select deleted contact (s) and click on ‘Restore’ button. Click ‘Done’ and the contact will be added to your contact book
Get in touch with Yahoo tech support for expert solutions on Yahoo mail issues.
Get in touch with Yahoo tech support for expert solutions on Yahoo mail issues. If you face any other issue than visit to our website@: r.html
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