Brøndby Reunited

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Frederikke Adeline Dahl Holleufer stud5702

Thesis spring 2019 PROGRAMME

BRØNDBY REUNITED Revitialization of Brøndby Strand Park through Sport and Architecture

The Royal Danish Academy of Fine Arts School of Architecture MA Spatial Design Thesis Supervisor: Lise Juel

Atmosphere Brøndby Stadium Fans celebrating their football club Brøndby IF

2 Spatial design


Anthropological Opening Det første jeg bliver mødt af, da jeg træder ind på den lokale bodega for Brøndby fans er spørgsmålet: “Er du FCK fan - så kan du godt gå!” Det er tydeligt jeg befinder mig i et undergrundsmiljø hvor det er vigtigt at signalere at man er en del af et større fællesskab. Mændene i baren har synlige tattoveringer og rummet er tapetseret med BIF merchandise. Berner byder mig på en lokal drink primært bestående af vodka. Han tror at jeg er fra BT på grund af alle mine spørgsmål omhandlende Brøndby fodbold miljø og Brøndby strand bebyggelsen. “Lad Brøndby Strand være! Vi er ikke København” Berner har boet i Brøndby Strand Park hele hans liv, hvilket han er stolt af. Han peger på politikernes trang til at stemple med ghettomarkater og kalder det et samfundsproblem: “River leje boliger ned for at bygge pisse dyre lejligheder!” Diversiteten, fællesskabet og sammenholdet er unikt for Brøndby ifølge Berner. “Brøndby skal der være plads til alle” Han er bange for hvad der skal ske med Brøndby Strand efter de 5 højhuse bliver hivet ned. “Jeg tror mere på BIF end danske politikere” BIF er for Berner en familie, bestående af mindst 150 personer som har deres daglige gang på bodegaen. Sporten er omdrejningspunktet og det gælder ikke kun fodbold. Jeg spørger Berner hvad sporten betyder for Brøndby, hvortil han svarer:

“Brøndby er sportens by”

English translation in appendix

3 Thesis program

01 Preface

4 Spatial design


Preface Intention 7 Motivation 9 Vision 11 Context Location 15 Site 17 Site Registretion 19 The Centre of Sports 21 Map of Current Situation 23 The Nature 25 Background The Modern City 29 Parallel Society 31 Functionalism 33 Programme Approach 37 Strategy 39 Method 41 UN Goals 42 Deliverables 43 Timeschedule 45 Additional Data - Identity Brøndby Football 49 Athlete 49’er 51 Tattoos 53 Graffitti 55 Appendix Translated Quotes 59 Translation of Anthropological opening 60 Bibliography 61 Thesis program


Question How can I through architecture and sport revitialize the area and the buildings in Brøndby Strand Park? My Vision Eliminate the parallel society and create an open, attractive area through sport and architecture. The focus for the transformation is Tranumparken is one of the demoslished highrises and the surrounding buildings.

6 Spatial design

Brøndbys borgmester, Kent Max Magelund (S) Folkebladet 20 Februar 2017 ‘Stor opbakning til demonstration for mangfoldighed i Brøndby Strand’


“I Brøndby har vi et helt specielt DNA, som man ikke har i mange andre kommuner i Danmark. Vi er stolte over at bo i Brøndby, vi ved, vi har udfordringer, men vi vil aldrig svigte, eller lade vores by i stikken, og vi har en mangfoldighed, et fællesskab og en frivillighed. En gang Brøndby, altid Brøndby” 0.1

Fascination of the Identity I have a special fascination of Brøndby Strand as this different, deserted and closed neighbourhood which propelled me to find the qualities and the identity of the area. For many years Brøndby Strand has been an area with many problems which resulted in being at the governments’ list of vulnerable areas. The area has the mark of diversity due to the 80 different nationalities repre- 1. sented in Brøndby Strand Parken1. Unfortunately, the problem is the amount See page 31 Parallel society people at social transfers and the crime rates. It requires that resourceful and well-educated people attract to live in Brøndby Strand to change the area from being a parallel society. A greater variety of building types, apartment sizes and functions must be implemented, so the architecture reflects the same diversity and opens up to the surrounding area. In Brøndby Municipality the sport means unity and community, which creates a strong identity for the area. The football club BIF has great importance for Brøndby’s reputation and identity, which they are very proud of. My intention is to use Brøndby’s identity to revitalize Brøndby Strand. Sport can be used to lift the area, attract resourceful people and improve living standards.

7 Thesis program

‘Brøndby strand planen’


1974, Forstadsmuseet

8 Spatial design


“Det er arkitektens opgave paa samme maade som han har været med til at befri industrien og maskinen fra haandværkets lænker, i dag at befri mennesket fra indsutriens og maskinens lænker” Asger Jorn (1949) ‘Menneskeboliger eller Tankekonstruktioner i Jernbeton’


Shackled to the Industrial Architecture It is interesting how architecture and social problems can be connected. As seen in Brøndby Stand, the character of the industrial architecture contributes to the area having social problems. When we can see the consequences of industrialization1 seem to end up to 1. a greater extent as socially vulnerable areas, I find it problematic that we do See page 29 The modern city not have a larger vision for how we build today. Todays architectural practice search for its context and is identity confused. It is about superficial discussions and aesthetic decisions and has forgotten the social aspect and importance of details. It motivates me how to remedy an area socially using architectural quality. I am motivated to find a solution and strategy for Brøndby Strand because I believe they have a high potential and many qualities which can attract people and make it a place where people want to live.

9 Thesis program

10 Spatial design


“Development of elite sports is not just about economy. It is very much about developing knowledge, culture and training environments, the level of competence among coaches and managers, structured talentwork. But we do not realize that it requires economic muscles if we are to have opportunities to succeed maintaining the level” Team Danmark - Årsberetning 2017

Dwellings and Sport Facilities The vision is to transform a part of the area Tranbergparken where two of the highrises will be demolished. Brøndby Strand deserves a lift which does not require further marginalization but opens the area, have a social and architectural quality. The transformation will include the found identity as a strong inspiration to facilitate and organize the area. The facilities of sport will support and expand the profile of Brøndby as the city of sports. The strong community and diversity will be unfolded into architecture by creating private housing and public spaces for athletes, young, elderly and families. Furthermore, shared spaces, sports facilities and different sizes for apartments will be incorporated to ensure the social life and diversity can be even stronger in Brøndby Stand. Young athletes have a special need for apartments they can rent out when they are travelling but still afford to live in when they are home1 Athletes already use the facilities in Brøndby due to Idrættenshus2 which makes it obvious to make Brøndby strand attractive for them as well.

1. Chapter Identity See page 51 Athlete, Frederik Rask 2.

The municipality has the intention of attracting people with resources to de- See page 21 velop and help the area. Brøndby Strand has a bad reputation, which will be The centre of sports an obstacle for the municipalities strategy (Helhedplan4) But by implementing sports facilities and use the powerful identity in sport the area can change. 11 Thesis program

1974, Forstadsmuseet

02 Context

Site Indication

Map of Brøndby Strand 14 Spatial design

Brøndby kommune - Vision; Brøndby Strand in the future


“Vi står overfor at skulle afklare en samlet plan for et løft af hele Brøndby Strand – også center- og stationsområdet – så vi får et moderne bydelscentrum og en levende, attraktiv og sammenhængende bydel med nye boliger og grønne torve” 0.3

Copenhagen’s Refuge Brøndby Strand was a low meadow area, where the working class had a sanctuary with allotment gardens. After World War II there was a shortage of housing in Copenhagen which resulted in the finger plan and settlements in the suburbs. The area is in the ‘thumb’ of the finger plan, which explains how Brøndby Strand is a part of ‘Stor København’, located in Brøndby council towards Køge bugt. Here was the opportunity for better housing, light, air and access to the green areas. The area of Brøndby is divided by motorways, which has resulted in a split 1. council without a natural centre1. Today, Brøndby Strand is characterized by See page 23 high rises and low buildings. The high-rise buildings have become an icon Map of existing situation for the area and a typical exempla of danish welfare-architecture. Brøndby Strand park is located close to station, beach and green areas. Unfortunately, the area, like other buildings for the period 1969-19742, has 2. Strands historie experienced major problems with infrastructure, building damage, bad shop- Brøndby opportunities, social inheritage and empty apartments. rien-om/broendby-strands-historie/


15 Thesis program

Tranumparken The specific site for thesis

16 Spatial design


Deserted Area The architectural idiom in Brøndby Strand is significant: there are 12 concrete high-rise buildings with 16 floors, 66 blocks with four floors and eight terraced houses with two floors. When walking around in Brøndby Strand, it seems empty and depressing. The site has split levels, lack of social activities and bad light conditions which influence the atmosphere of insecurity. The area around Brøndby Strand Park has a lot of qualities, especially the beachside in Køge Bugt is extraordinary 1. See page 25 for a suburb close to Copenhagen1. The Nature

My site includes the block in Tranumparken where two highrises will be demolished. The site is located in a walking distance of 5 minutes to the s-train and 10 min to the beach. Furthermore, the site is located next to Brøndbyvester Boulevard the main 2. road leading up to the centre of Brøndby2. See page 21 The centre of sports

The entire Brøndby Strand park is built for 17,000 people3. It has never been fully occupied, only 7500 inhabitants today and the high-rise at my chosen 3. Brøndby strands historie site have been deserted since last year. site is on several levels, which may seem confusing and difficult for the elderly to walk around. Several talks about the high-rise buildings as landmarks, which is understandable when the area repeats itself in 2.5 km only differentiated by colours at some windows and corners of the highrises.


The demolished highrise

17 Thesis program

Facade of the block with four floors Coloured frames, furnished exterior and displacement of elements

18 Spatial design


Site Tranumparken Site for sport facilities and dwellings

19 Thesis program

Center of sport in Brøndby Idrættenshus, Team Danmark, Brøndby Stadium and Brøndby Hallen

20 Spatial design


”Jeg er ikke et sekund i tvivl om, at det er klublivet og de frivillige, der er sjælen i Brøndby, og dem, der skal være med til at bære Brøndby fremad. Foreningen er Brøndbys fortid, nutid og fremtid, og det er selve fundamentet i alt det positive, vi laver herude lige nu. Når det så er sagt, så er der heller ingen tvivl om, at vi skal gøre os unikke i Brøndby ved at udnytte alle de gode fællesskabstanker og følelser for foreningen” Thomas Frank, BIF trainer, ‘Et fodboldhold er et fodboldhold’


The Centre of a Divided Area In relation to my program of revitalize Brøndby strand through sport, it is important to understand that the activities and associations within sport are very significant for Brøndby. Implementing sports facilities into Brøndby Strand is a natural association which will strengthen the existing identity. 1.

Brøndby Stadium is the center of Brøndby. For many people living in Vesteg- See Additional data nen, the football club BIF is like a religion1 and the stadium is their church. This place is, according to my gatekeepers, the heart of Brøndby. Idrættenshus, placed next to Brøndby Stadium2, contains various sports asso- 2. ciations, among others Danmarks idrætsforbund (DIF) and Team Denmark. In See page 23 addition, the house has a conference center, meeting rooms, a restaurant and Map of current situation a hotel. The best sportsmen in Danmark have their daily basis here. The athletes in badminton train in Brøndby hallen and athletes in many sports use Gilhøj private sports hospital across Brøndbyvester boulevard. 3.

Next to Brøndby stadium is Brøndby gymnasium which has now become a Students can do elite sport and education Team Danmark gymnasium3.

21 Thesis program


Map of current situation Spatial design


The Map of Brøndby The map shows how brøndby is divided by motorways into three smaller areas, Brøndby Øster, Brøndby Vester and Brøndby Strand. The facilitation of sport in Brøndby Strand will open and connect the area to the remaining parts of Brøndby. Additionally is important findings and gatekeepers shown in this map. In Brøndby Strand you can practice sports at all levels. Brøndby Strand offers plenty of opportunities to do sports. As the map also shows, there is among others Brøndby Strand Gymnastics association, Brøndby Golf Club, Brøndby Strand Tennis Club and much more. Svanholm Cricket Club is among the best in Denmark. The club repeatedly takes trophies home. A total of 65 Denmark’s championships1 have taken the club home to Brøndby municipality. Brøndby Strands Sejlklub also has a youth department that is among the best in Denmark.

1. Sport på alle planer

23 Thesis program

24 Spatial design

Brian Mikkelsen, tv2Lorry, ‘Drømme om udviklet strandpark - men Fingerplan spænder ben’


“Man skal trække folk herned fra byerne. Det er et unikt område, men som ikke bliver brugt nok i forhold til de muligheder, der er her. Derfor skal der åbnes op. De grønne kiler skal vi beskytte - men man kan godt med noget fleksibilitet og noget nænsomhed give det mere liv hernede” 0.5

Quality of Nature and Recreational Activities In Brøndby Strand there is a nature area and a large artificial beach, which is a huge quality for the area. Through interviews of residents in the Brøndby Strand Park, unfortunately, it turns out that the area is rarely used except in the high season. The beach park at Køge Bugt is a 7 km long beach area with white sand and clean bathing water - only 15 km from the centre of Copenhagen. The beach is a unique asset for the area which can attract people with resources and athletes. Here is created a landscape with dunes, lakes and meadows and 4 marinas have been established. Close to Brøndby Strand and the beach park is Arken 1. - the Museum of Modern Art. Strandparken There are many activities by the water, first and foremost everything connected to the water such as bathing, sailing, surfing and fishing. The beach park offers good conditions for recreational activities such as walking, cycling, jogging and nature experiences1.

https://strandparken-kbh. dk/naturen/

25 Thesis program

26 Spatial design

03 Background

27 Thesis program

Brøndby Strand under construction ‘shadowplay at the concrete’ Forstadsmuseet

28 Spatial design

Arkitektur der forandrer - Fra ghetto til velfungerende område, p 16


“..Efter få år, at der begyndte at opstå koncentrationer af sociale problemer. Og overalt viste det samme mønster sig: Arbejdsløshed og kriminalitet var højere i disse områder end det omgivende samfund” 0.6

Utopian Masterplanning This is important for my programme due to the problems of the area Brøndby Strand. It is necessary to understand the context and challenges in the architecture and social conditions. A report from the Ministry of Social Affairs shows 85% of vulnerable residential areas was build within a period of 15 years, from 1965-1979. Furthermore, 97% of the areas on the parallel society list is highrises1. This point to how architecture has an impact on the development of an area. The phenomenon of the modern city was worldwide, especially known from CIAM and Le Corbusier’s visions. The modern city should be built from rational principles and be divided into functional zones. It started as utopian and idealistic architecture and urban planning. Unfortunately, social problems, unemployment and crime became the reality for these areas. 17 out of 20 vulnerable areas in Denmark is built from the visions of the modern city.2 These disadvantaged areas have been renovated several times since 1980 but experts say it only helps if an architectural analysis is made for every area. ‘Denmark tries to solve the problems in a social manner while foreign countries attempt with tiles’3. But only a combination of the initiatives would create the transformation. Brøndby Strand has the first prize of being the area with most problems due to unemployment, lowest income and low educational level in the council of Brøndby.

1. Thesis, Trygheden i Brøndby Strand, page 17

2. Arkitektur der forandrer, Fra ghetto til velfungerende byområde, page 11. 3. Arkitektur der forandrer, Fra ghetto til velfungerende byområde, page 18.

29 Thesis program

Brøndby Strand - Albjergparken Photo 2018, Politiken

30 Spatial design


Families with resources are moving

High rent

Empty Apartments

Bad reputation

Less money for maintenance

Physical decline

social nonattendance, vandalism and crime


The circle of a marginalised area

Families with problems move in

Building damage unemployment and marginalization

Less ressources to a social life

Ghettos in Denmark? In 2018, the government has made a strategy called the parallel society plan. The core of the plan is if an area is classified as hard ghetto, the proportion of family dwellings should be reduced to 40%, in addition, the plan does not only consist of a list of ghettos but also exposed areas have been included1. 1. The government Brøndby Strand is on the list of exposed areas. nyheder/ghettoudspil/

Experts say that one cannot lift an area without looking at the social, architectural and urban strategic in interaction. Additionally, the French-American sociologist Loïc Wacquant believes that in Danish contexts it is not possible to speak of Ghettos, but should call them neglected residential areas.2 Wacquant argues the governments list can be the identity which cause more problems and ruin the community within the vulnarable area. Brøndby Strand encompasses two of the requirements at the list: The proportion of immigrants and descendants exceeds 50%, and the proportion of 18-64 year-olds outside the labor market or education is over 40%.3 Brøndby Strand is now in the stage of ‘tipping point’. The problems shown in the bad circle continues, due to the problems intensify and the major consequences when it is concentrated and isolated in this residential areas4. The demoslisment of the highrisesgives a great opportunity to rethink the area.

2. ‘Med Wacquant i det ghettopolitiske felt’ by Troels Schultz Larsen

3. Thesis, ‘Trygheden i Brøndby Strand’

4. ‘Arkitektur der forandrer, Fra ghetto til velfungerende byområde’ page 9


Thesis program

“Opbygge en mere levende, oplevelsesrig ramme om det miljø, som beboerne selv skal skabe” 32

Arkitekten 1971. Boligbebyggelsen Brøndby Strand Spatial design



Sketch ‘boligbebyggelsen’ by Svend Høgsbro

The Visionary Architect The architects Svend Høgsbro and Thorvald Dreyer made Brøndby Strand 1968-19741. They were visionary in their architectural approach. In addition, they wanted the areas concept to be from cradle to grave, which relates to 1. CIAM’s thoughts on the modern city. It should be a good suburban life where Forstadsmuseet functions matched the needs of life. Svend Høgsbro wanted the concrete rien-om/totalplanlagte-by-as/ to be the dominating material of the area. The Esplanade was central to the plan for Brøndby Strand, with the separation of driving and pedestrian traffic and the incorporation of the public s-train system. All internal traffic and parking were introduced in the basement floor while pedestrians and cyclists were to move on the bridges from terrain to a large deck. This deck had the purpose of leading people to the social areas and give children room for play, experience and imagination. The visions were many but the area has unfortunately evolved in the opposite direction. Already after 10 years2, a renovation of the area was started, introduced coloured elements to soften the area and highlight another identity than the cold hard mass produced concrete buildings and make it easier to navigate in the area. This is relevant to remember in my design process because the analysis is very important when making a strategy. Being an architect requires responsibility and humility - our work affects people’s lives! Thesis program

2. Forstadsmuseet




‘Ball games are not allowed’ Photo 2018

36 Spatial design


‘Ornaments are not aesthetic events that affect only style and taste but rather symptoms that reveal a culture in transformation’ Ornaments Today, page 9

Social and Spatial Identity I have chosen to divide my process into four phases – Research, strategy, spatial identity and the proposal phase. The anthropological, historical and tectonic aspects will be used to make my investigations of Brøndby Strand. My anthropological analyses include concepts for sport and spare time, fieldwork as observations and interviews of sportsmen, users and inhabitants. This will be collected into a scheme of my analysis and empirical data. My history analysis will consist of reading and collecting material as documents and papers about Brøndby strand and my interests within my work. The tectonic investigations will consist of measurements, drawings, investigations of constructions and materials. In the end, these collections will have an outcome of spatial and social material. All aspects included into phase one will be an important collection of information used through my process and development of strategy and spatial identity into the design proposal. The focus at the identity of Brøndby Strand will be decisive for the making of masterplan, spatial material and details.

37 Thesis program

Selection of found identity Man at the bar, the tattos, the sportsmen

38 Spatial design


Strategy and Spatial Identity I intend to work with the concept strategy and spatial identity as a method for this project. My definition of strategy is a masterplan which includes the qualities of the context, my findings and analysis. My aim is to make an overall masterplan for the demolished buildings, terraced housing blocks and highrises. The strategy to the area will use sports facilities to make a connection, open up the area and use the existing identity to revitalize the area. Furthermore, the 1. See page 31 focus at keeping the diversity by residential areas for different groups and Parallel Society social spaces. The spatial identity phase is defined by working with buildings, facades, spaces and details. My primary focus is on spatial studies and identity. I want to investigate and design spaces and spatial organisations within apartments and one sports facility as a swimming pool. The identity study will be used in designing details and ornaments. I find it important to make an esthetical language that connects both the BIF fan, the residents of Brøndby and the athletes. My hope is to find an aesthetic of my architecture that can attract people with more resources which will help Brøndby Strand out of the current stage1. The subjective impressions, gatekeepers and found material as tattoos, graffiti 2. and sports accessories2, will be used into the design of spatial identity. See Additional data Due to the time frame, it is necessary to select some spaces and details to develop further to reach the highest level of the identity in the architecture.

39 Thesis program

“Funktionalismens tilknytning til livet er svag, hvordan er den til døden? Dens totale udryddelse af ornamentik og feudal arkitektursprog viser en overordentlig destruktiv slagkraftâ€?


Menneskeboliger eller Tankekonstruktioner i Jernbeton, Asger Jorn (1949)

40 Spatial design



Phase 1 Research Anthropological mapping Method to get an overview of my anthropological studies and find connections in use, values, behaviour, spatial material and cultural material. This comprise interviews, participant observations and analysis of findings and empirical data. Finding and archiving Method to make registretions of the site and location. I will make relevant research of historical material and literature within my interest. Additinally, registrations of tectonic material in photos and drawings. Reference visit and surveys - Vesterbro swimming pool, apartments and swimming facilities in one - Lyngby Idrætsby, an area only with sport facilities - Idrættenshus in Brøndby Phase 2 Strategy Intent to make an masterplan for Brøndby Strand within a short period. The strategy will be informed by phase 1, but my main focus will be in phase 3. This phase includes an overall plan for the area, demoslished buildings, existing rowhouses and highrises. - implement sport facilities - make strategy to keep the diversity Phase 3 Spatial Identity This phase includes two focus points within my design will expand. The focus is the design of spatial organisation, details and spatiality . The other focus is the identity of Brøndby. Sketchmodels, computerdrawings, sketches, use of analysis, diagrams, material and colour samples will be some of my design tools. - Kickstart and explore ideas in drawings and models - Development and overview of existing structure and materials - Organisation of sportfacilities and apartments - Spatial organisation, spatiality, spatial investigations - Details in interior and exterior - Choose focus areas to develop further - Spatial investigations and development through context and daylight - Develop found identity into architectural details as ornaments - incorporate the identity into spaces - Facade investigations Phase 4 Proposal Final decisions and presentation material. - Computer drawings and hand drawings - Diagrams - Visualising the design proposal - Models and material samples - Collection of material to presentation 41 Thesis program

Integration, education and development planning 8.6 By 2020, substantially reduce the proportion of youth not in employment, education or training 10.1 By 2030, progressively achieve and sustain income growth of the bottom 40 per cent of the population at a rate higher than the national average 10.2 By 2030, empower and promote the social, economic and political inclusion of all, irrespective of age, sex, disability, race, ethnicity, origin, religion or economic or other status


11.A Support positive economic, social and environmental links between urban, peri-urban and rural areas by strengthening national and regional development planning

42 Spatial design

Major, Kent Magelund, ‘opbakning til demonstration for mangfoldighed i Brøndby Strand’


“Med 55 mod 54 stemmer var 5200 af mine brøndbyborgere ud af hele befolkningen på 35.500 nu ikke længere danskere. Det gjorde mig gal, og det vil jeg ikke som borgmester i Brøndby finde mig i. I Brøndby har danskerne mange farver, mange religioner og familier med rødder i mange lande, men vi elsker Danmark, og vi vil ikke finde os i, at Folketingets flertal frarøver nogle af os retten til at være danskere” 0.9

Drawings: Site drawing 1:5000 Masterplan 1:2000 Plan 1:200 Sections 1:200 Elevation 1:200 Details 1:20 - 1:10 Models: 1:200 Site model 1:50 Building 1:20 Details - Ornaments Process Empirical-analytical anthropology map Archives of investigations - drawings, photo and sketches Collections of drawings Sketchmodels

The programme should be read as a guide and tool due to the further process and development of the thesis project. I reserve the right to edit continuously as the project developes. 43 Thesis program

February 6


March 8


4 8 11 15 18 22 25 1

10 4 8




11 15 18 22 25


Phase 1 Anthropological mapping Finding and archiving Site visit

Phase 2 Strategy

Phase 3 Spatial studies Details Identity

Phase 4 Final drawings

Models Sketchmodels 1:200 1:50 1:20


Programme submission

Bootcamp Spatial design


Project submission

14 1 5


May 16



8 12 15 19 22 26 29 3



6 10 13 17






20 24

45 Thesis program



48 Spatial design

IDENTITY Interior at Bodega Hovsa

Brøndby, vis du er klar



“Brøndby, vor´ hjerter slår

Brøndby, our hearts beating

Stærker´ end du forstår

Stronger than you understand

I fælles slag

In common battle

Ære og sjæl som få

Honor and soul as few

Vilje i gul og blå Will in yellow and blue

Her vil vi altid stå Here we will always stand

For B-I-F For B-I-F

Brøndby, show you are ready

Kæmp nu med alt, du har Fight now with everything you have

Med liv og sjæl With life and soul

Aldrig vi svigter her We never fail here

Samlet vi står for jer Together we stand for you

Kom så, du gule hær Come on, you yellow army

Vort B-I-F Our B-I-F

Vi er dit sejrskor

We are your victory choir

Stoltheden i os bor The pride in us lives

En klub på denne jord A club on this earth

Vort B-I-F” Our B-I-F

49 Match FCK-BIF

Thesis program


“Det fede kunne være hvis man havde et sted hvor man kunne invitere folk op og sige, kom og træn med os, i kan bo her!” Frederik Rask, Team Danmark 49’er sailer Spatial design



49’ER Frederik Rask, 25, is Danish 49’s sailer. Goal - The Olympic Games Tokyo 2020

Sports village in Brøndby? “Brøndby is not far out in the countryside. There is not a long way to go, so you’re in town. If you have everything you need in your everyday life, then you have no reason to move. If you have a chef, place to eat, your equipment, boat, physiotherapist, centre for training - if you have everything within a bicycle distance there, you can say that it’s only when you’re going to enjoy it - and if your friends are also down there, collecting all the sports or a lot of sports down there - so you would soon get friends on the cross. You will always find those you have something in common with, and you would have it here. I think I would like to move if there was this city of sports.”

Local capacities ‘.. I think if you have to make an elite environment somewhere, do not forget the clubs, because it’s dangerous to tear off all elite or all the top people and only train together. Then there will be less role models. So if you want to build such an elite centre, you should be good at going down to Ishøj or Vallensbæk sailing club and say - you have to go to the youth department at the same time. And same for the football players, you are responsible for the youth departments in Brøndby. So you should be good at getting the sportclubs, so you also have the volunteers. ‘

Sharing is the way to succes “I think there is a lot of money to save for the unions in borrowing each other’s equipment and getting the athletes together. Then we also manage to share things with each other. I think this makes a high level and then, in the end, we have to fight for the tickets to the Olympics. Other countries keep things hidden from each other. We have a lot of cooperation with each other and share things all the time” VM 2 0 1 8 2 8 F R E DE R I K R AS K - MAR CU S BAY 16 -1 2 - 1 7 - 8 - 2 - 7 G U L D: 2 1 -2 6 -1 5 -2 8 -DNF-DNF Thesis program

TOP SPEED 27 KNOTS (50km/t)



“Da vidste jeg, at jeg havde følelser for noget så abstrakt som en fodboldklub. Jeg var Brøndbytilhænger. Med hud og hår og hele min blågule sjæl” Spatial design ‘Jeg er 100% VSTGN” by Simon Kratholm Ankjærgaard



VSTGN “Forløsningen var monumental. Stemningen euforisk. Larmen infernalsk” by Simon Kratholm Ankjærgaard

“It is all about identity. Community. Values. Rituals”

“..So on one hand, there’s me, on my own, or me and other people in a group and then there’s me in a crowd. There’s the football stadium. Or if you want, the palace. These things need thinking about, in my opinion. I think im good thinking about them. I think im good at thinking about all of them. The only area I do have big problems with though - i’d like to be able to do this too, I really would, but i just can’t get it right - is with skyskrapers.” Peter Zumthor, Atmospheres, page 54

V E S TE G N E N , BI F, S Y DS I DE N, 1 9 6 4 , VST GN


Thesis program


‘Jeg er 100% VSTGN” by Simon Kratholm Ankjærgaard




“Life-affirming, no doubt! Opinion-forming? ABSOLUTELY! At least for us with the follower culture in the heart”

Tags and graffiti are seen in several places in Brøndby. However, the environment is most marked by these small tags primarily concerning BIF. The love for Brøndby football is obvious when you walk around the environment. In addition to the graffiti as a subculture, they signal how they are supporters of the second subculture within BIF football.

by Simon Kratholm Ankjærgaard

55 Thesis program



Translated Quotes 0.1

“In Brøndby, we have a very special DNA that you do not have in many other municipalities in Denmark. We are proud to live in Brøndby, we know we have challenges, but we will never fail or leave our city in the lurch, and we have diversity, a community and a volunteer. Once Brøndby, always Brøndby ” Brøndby Major, Kent Max Magelund (S)


“It is the task for the architect in the same way as he has helped to liberate the industry and the machine from the chains of craftsmanship, today to liberate the man from the chains of the industry and the machine” Asger Jorn 1949


“We are faced with having to clarify an overall plan for a lifting of the entire Brøndby Strand - also the centre and station area - so we get a modern district centre and a vibrant, attractive and cohesive district with new housing and green squares”

Brøndby Municipality


“I’m not a second I doubt, it is the life in the clubs and the volunteers which are the soul in Brondby and those who will help bring Brøndby forward. The association is Brøndby’s past, present and future, and that is the very foundation of all that positive, we are doing out here right now. By this state, there is no doubt that we will make us unique in Brøndby by exploiting all the good thoughts of community and feelings for the union while acting as professionally as possible. This must happen hand in hand” Brøndby Municipality


“Not a second I doubt that is the clubs and the volunteers, there is the soul in Brøndby and those who will help bring Brøndby forward. The association is Brøndbys past, present and future and it is the very foundation of all the positive things we are doing out here right now. Having said that, there is no doubt that we will be unique in Brøndby by exploiting all the good thoughts of community and feelings for the union while acting as professionally as possible. It must go hand in hand” Thomas Frank, BIF trainer

58 Spatial design



“You have to attract people from the cities. It is a unique area but not used enough in relation to the opportunities that are here. Therefore, open it up. We need to protect the green areas - but you can with some flexibility and some gentleness give it more life down here” Brian Mikkelsen, former member of the danish parliament


“... After a few years, concentrations of social problems began to emerge. And everywhere the same pattern emerged: unemployment and crime were higher in these areas than the surrounding community ” Arkitektur der forandrer - Fra ghetto til velfungerende område


“Build a more vibrant, experience-rich framework for the environment that the residents themselves must create” Arkitekten 1971. Boligbebyggelsen Brøndby Strand


“The attachment of functionalism to life is weak, how is it to death? Its total extinction of ornamentation and feudal architecture language shows an exceedingly destructive power ” Asger Jorn (1949)


“With 55 against 54 votes, 5200 of my Brøndby-citizens out of the entire population of 35,500 were no longer Danes. It made me mad, and I will not as major of Brøndby put up with this. In Brøndby, the Danes have many colours, many religions and families with roots in many countries, but we love Denmark, and we will not find ourselves in that Parliament’s majority rob some of us the right to be Danes ” Kent Magelund, Major Brøndby

59 Thesis program


Anthropological opening The first thing I am greeted with when I enter the local Bodega Hovsa for Brøndby fans is the question: “Are you FCK fan - please leave the room!” It is clear that I am in an underground environment where it is important to signal that you are part of a larger community. The men in the bar have visible tattoos and the room is walled with BIF merchandise. Berner offers me a local drink consisting mainly of vodka. He thinks I am from the paper BT because of all my questions regarding Brøndby football environment and Brøndby Strand settlement. “Let Brøndby Strand be! We are not Copenhagen!” Berner has lived in Brøndby Strand Park all his life, which he is proud of. He points to the politicians’ urge to stamp with the mark of ‘ghetto’ and calls it a social problem: “Demolish rental housing to build f*** expensive apartments!” The diversity, the community and the unity are unique to Brøndby according to Berner. “Brøndby have room for everyone” He is afraid of what will happen to Brøndby Strand after the 5 high-rise buildings are being demolished. “I believe more in BIF than Danish politicians” BIF is for Berner a family, consisting of at least 150 people who have their daily routine at Bodega Hovsa. The sport is the focal point and not only football. I ask Berner what the sport means for Brøndby, to which he responds: “Brøndby is the city of sport”

60 Spatial design



Arkitektur der forandrer - fra ghetto til velfungerende område, Niels Bjørn Atmospheres, Peter Zumthor What moves us? Le Corbusier and Asger Jorn in Art and Architecture, Ruth Baumeister

Websites Documents Thesis - Trygheden i Brøndby Strand - et kvalitativt feltstudie, Thomas Selvig Truelsen & Casper da Silva Friis Menneskeboliger eller Tankekonstruktioner i Jernbeton, Asger Jorn 1949 Med Waquant i det ghetto politiske felt, Troels Schultz Larsen Et Danmark uden parallelsamfund - Ingen ghettoer i 2030, Regeringen Conversations Frederik Rask, Athlete Berner, BIF fan Connie, Resident Ulla, nurse Ilse, senior citizen 61 Thesis program

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