Adel Sahyoun Motiño Maestro Roman Aparicio Street, 20 Mobile Phone. +34 616228946/ +49 (0)17697537052 28500, Madrid (Spain) Telephone: +34 918768493
Residence place: Madrid Personal Situation: Single Nacionality: Spanish
PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE April 1st –August 1st 2013 Empresa: Freelance Master Architect. Función: Technic Certificier. Breve descripción del puesto: Carrying out Technical certificates in relation with the Energy, saving Energy in Construction and Buildings, that include housing, industrial buildings and Buildings that have relation with Hotels, and the productive Sector. June 10th, 2012– June 10th, 2013. Company: OOIIO Architecture. Function: Superior Architect. Brief job description: Elaboration of architectural projects, the study, analyzing and evaluating the execution of civil works, with the end of create a plant in concordance with the installation. Between the roles developed: design and elaboration of architectural projects, revision of ended projects and necessary views, besides counseling, preparation of sketches, diagrams, metric calculation, and others, such as the study of environmental areas and construction areas. Elaboration of budgets estimated for Companies of Architecture, Materials and Engineering. Descriptive Memories of projects, analysis and edificatory projects according to the laws and the Normative of Construction in Spain. Some Projects executed in collaboration: -
NB House. Detached house in Monastery of Santa Mª Moreruel Street, Toledo (Spain)
Reform of Vicente Calderon Stadium lockerroom - Atlético Madrid Football Club
2QR Houses. Detached houses in the Albacete Street, Campo de Criptana (Ciudad Real, Spain). Basic and execution projects. Construction: January 2013. -
M +. House. Detached house in the Guadarrama River Street, Mora (Toledo, Spain).
Taiwan Tower. Project for international architectural competition. Honorable mention.
March 14th – August 1st , 2011. Company: Ignacio Escribano study architecture. Function: Superior Architect –Specialization in Technical Inspections of Edifications (TIE) Brief job description: Estimated budgets of architectural projects and collaboration with the architect Mr.Ignacio carrying out projects. Coordinator of measurements and estimates of restoration works in the Community of Madrid. Pricing works. Estimated budget of architectural projects. Mapping of architectural restoration. Rating conditions of the building. Survey of architectural plans, marking and evaluation of plans based on the interventions to be performed in buildings with pathology.
INTERNSHIP PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE February 1st, 2012 - May 30th, 2012. Institution: University of Madrid (UPM). ETSAM (College of Architecture of Madrid) Function: Development of laboratory tests. High-strength concretes Brief job description: work methodology in a laboratory, test development and optimization of the proportions in the composition of high strength concrete. Assistant of Prof. Bustamante. October 1st, 2012 – January 21st, 2012. Institution: University of Madrid (UPM). ETSAM (College of Architecture of Madrid) Function: Experiencing scale models and extension to the scale Brief job description: Study of the dimension parameters through modeling of real models comparable work and study through exposure to actual parameters. Assistant of Prof. Lauret. April 1st, 2008 - May 30th, 2008. Excellence Scholarship for my studies. Institution: University of Madrid (UPM). ETSAM (College of Architecture of Madrid) Function: Linux-architectural research project Coordinator. Brief job description: Managing the Linux operating system tools. Assistant of Prof. Mariano Vázquez Espí, specializing in the study of the structures.
ACADEMIC FORMATION Sept. 2007 /Nov. 2012
Master in Architecture/ Civil Engineer at Polytechnic University of Madrid (UPM). Degree Medium Calification_ B+ (7,11) 1st PERSON IN GRADUATING IN THE PROMOTION 2007/2012. Specialization in Conservation and Restoration of Architectural Heritage. FINAL PROJECT DEGREE_PFC_November 2012_Calification_ B+ (7) Theme_ Magreb´s Central Library in Fez, Morocco
April 2013/ Actually
German Course in Veith Institut. Level B1certified.
April 2013
Obtaining of Professional Construction Certificate. (PCC, in Spain, TPC)
March 2013
Course of Efficiency Energetic of Buildings (10h)
Jan. 2013/ March 2013
German Course in Volkshochschule. Staying in Stuttgart (Germany) Studies of Technical Solutions, Engineering and Construction.
Oct./Nov .2012 Technical Person in Working Risks. (Basic Level/60Hours) by the Regional Institute of Safety and Healthy in the Working Madrid. Sept./Oct.2012 Course of skills for development of the employment of Coordinator of Health and Safety in Construction (60Hours). General Foundation of Polytechnic University of Madrid. Feb/Jun. 2011 Presto Measurements and costs of buildings Grade. (50h)). July 2009
Photoshop CS Grade. Presentations/ Images photorealistic (40h).
June 2007
Entrance examination to the University (PAU) Selectivity UAH (University of Alcalá de Henares, UAH). Modality of Technological Sciences. Excellence Scholarship in the University Studies of Madrid, obtained in 2007-2008 Academic Course.
Execution Project of two houses for two brothers in Ciudad Real, in Spain. In collaboration with OOIIO Team. Development of drawings, installations, structures and construction. The Arabic Rationality in the culture. Description in the Memory of Architecture Projects in the Projects of Architecture Department in the Superior College of Madrid during the Academic Course 2012/2013.
Spanish: Native writing, reading and speaking. English: High level writing, reading and speaking. German: Intermediate-high level writing, reading and speaking French: Low level writing and reading.
Office Package: user level. WORD/POWER POINT/EXCEL. Knowledge of the LINUX system. Expert level in managing Autocad Architecture program. Basic level in Managing Allplan Nemetschek program. High level in program management Rhinoceros and Bongo 1.0 applications and different systems of rendering for presentations (such as Flamingo 2.0, Nxt Flamingo, Penguin Brazil 1.0 and 2.0). Average level of implementation of BIM systems, Revit Architecture. High level of application Sketchup Medium level 3D application-MAX Management tools PhotoShop CS program. Presentation level, assembly, etc. High level of application Presto (measurement program and budgets for construction) Knowledge of structural design and calculates with CYPE and SAP2000 Managing the Adobe Illustrator program. Budgets and pricing works with Presto Average level of analysis and design of an electrical project.
Active person willing to work vigorously and orderly. Apprenticeship quickly of ways of working and open-minded. Committed and flexible to the circumstances. Responsible Effective on resolving problems. Hardworking person individually and in groups. The art, reading books and seeing books of Architecture, Housing Projects, Town Planings and different structures and try to discover the way they are made and executed. Create a good ambient of work between the partners.