2019 2 019 Major Events Discount Packages Melaka Trails
Explore Melaka
Your Free Copy Vol.1 2019 Copyright © Tourism Melaka ALL RIGHT RESERVED. No portion of this publication may be reproduced in whole or part without the written permission of the publisher. While every effort has been made to ensure that the information contained herein is correct at the time of publication. Tourism Melaka shall not be held liable for any errors, omissions or inaccuracies which may occur. Designed by ADELSTON MEDIA.
Calender of Events 2019
CHINESE NEW YEAR (CNY) CELEBRATION Chinese New Year marks the beginning of lunar calendar and also called The Spring Festival. Various cultural activities will be held during the festival with decorations of lanterns and Chinese New Year theme along the street. c19 January - 19 February 2019 Jonker Street Federation of the Chinese Associations of Jonker Walk 606-284 8282 / 6018-989 4688 606-282 8929
1 Jan
4 Jan - 17 Feb
In Conjunction with New Year Public Holiday (Traditional Show)
Menara Taming Sari Tel: 606-288 1100
Chinese New Year Campaign
Concourse Area Mahkota Parade Tel: 606–282 6151
12 Jan
New Year Festive Golf (only for club members)
Tiara Melaka Golf & Country Club Tel: 606-231 1111
14 - 17 Jan
Bhogi Celebrations
Chitty Cultural Village Tel: 6019-667 7226
14 - 17 Jan
Ponggal Festival -Hindu Harvest Celebration
Chitty Cultural Village Tel: 6019-667 7226
15 Jan
Ponggal Festival -Hindu Harvest Celebration
Seri Stamford College Tel: 606-282 2613
27 Jan
“Run Monkey Run”
Taman Botanikal Tel: 6012-548 2009
Jan - Dec
My Best Buy
UTC Melaka Tel: 606-231 2760
Melaka Tourism Ride
Melaka Tel: 6012-665 7912
Ride To Remember
Melaka Tel: 6012-665 7912
Every Friday
“Cultural Performance”
Menara Taming Sari "Astana" Tel: 606-288 1100
Every Saturday & Sunday
Weekly Performance -Local Performance & Activities
Menara Taming Sari "Astana" Tel: 606-288 1100
9 Feb
February Medal (only for club members)
Tiara Melaka Golf & Country Club Tel: 606-231 1111
15 Feb
Chinese New Year Celebration 2019
Seri Stamford College Tel: 606-282 2613
18 Feb
Chap Goh Mei
Jonker Street Tel: 6012-284 8282
25 Feb
Melaka Bowling Day
Melaka International Bowling Centre (MIBC) Tel: 606-234 6780
Every Friday
“Cultural Performance”
Menara Taming Sari "Astana" Tel: 606-288 1100
Every Saturday & Sunday
Weekly Performance -Local Performance & Activities
Menara Taming Sari "Astana" Tel: 606-288 1100
RAPTOR WATCH (RW) The Malaysia's biggest and best eco-tourism event, representing a signature for the Malaysian Nature Society (MNS). The event is to celebrate the return journey of migratory birds of prey or known as raptors to their breeding grounds in the northern hemisphere. c 9 - 10 March 2019 Tanjung Tuan Malaysian Nature Society (MNS) 603-2287 9422 603-2287 8773
2 Mar
Chinese New Year Festive Golf
Tiara Melaka Golf & Country Club Tel: 606-231 1111
2 Mar
Mural Fiesta 2019
Taman Bandaraya, Bukit Serindit Tel: 606-285 9700
22 - 24 Mar
Melaka Nature Festival 2019
Bukit Batu Lebah Eco-Park Tel: 6018-918 9102
23 - 31 Mar
School Holiday Fiesta 2019
Menara Taming Sari Tel: 606-288 1100
23 Mar
City Fun Ride, Run & Walk 2019
Proclamation of Independence Memorial Tel: 606-285 9700
23 Mar
Hatten Hotel Tel: 606-285 9700
28 - 31 Mar
Home and Decor Fair 2019
Hall B & Hall C, MITC Tel: 6016-676 8086
29 - 30 Mar
Merlimau River Carnival
SK Merlimau 1 Tel: 6012-905 9431
30 Mar
Earth Hour Celebration
Menara Taming Sari Tel: 606-288 1100
MSSM Sirkit Bowling
Melaka International Bowling Centre (MIBC) Tel: 606-234 6780
Industrial Sector Bowling Championship 2019
Melaka International Bowling Centre (MIBC) Tel: 606-234 6780 / 606-232 4455
Every Friday
“Cultural Performance”
Menara Taming Sari "Astana" Tel: 606-288 1100
Every Saturday & Sunday
Weekly Performance -Local Performance & Activities
Menara Taming Sari "Astana" Tel: 606-288 1100
EXTRAVAGANZA MUSICAL IN CONJUNCTION WITH 16th ANNIVERSARY OF HISTORIC MELAKA CITY COUNCIL (MBMB) CELEBRATION Catch the official celebration and you will be entertained by popular artists' concerts and cultural shows. c 14 April 2019 Dataran Bandaraya, Ayer Keroh Historic Melaka City Council (MBMB) 606-285 9700 606-232 5716
2 - 15 Apr
Kabbadi World Cup 2019
Hotel Temasek Tel: 6016-215 3312
8-15 Apr
Melaka Historical Day Campaign
Mahkota Parade Tel: 606–282 6151
13 - 18 Apr
Melaka Heritage Week 2019
Muzium Sejarah, Muzium Rakyat, Muzium Istana Kesultanan Melaka, Hang Tuah Centre & Jalan Kota Tel: 606-282 6526
19 Apr
Good Friday
St. Peter’s Church Tel: 606–282 2950
20 Apr
Easter Vigil
St. Peter’s Church Tel: 606–282 2950
21 Apr
Melaka Mayor Bowling Championship 2019
Melaka International Bowling Centre (MIBC) Tel: 606-285 9700
22 Apr
Earth Day
Melaka Tel: 606-234 5720
23 Apr
Let’s Read Together For 10 Minutes
Perpustakaan Negeri Tel: 606-282 4859
24-26 Apr
Vasakhi Day -Sikh New Year Celebration
Sikh Temple Tel: 6012–679 3889
25 - 28 Apr
Mega Home -Furniture Fair
Hall B & Hall C, MITC Tel: 6016-676 8086
27 Apr
16th Anniversary Celebrations of the Alor Gajah Municipal Council
Dataran Keris Alor Gajah Tel: 606-556 1010
27 Apr
Karnival Sejahtera Bandarayaku
Banda Hilir, Melaka Tel: 606-285 9700
World Health Day
Tel: 606-235 6999
Karnival Beca Warisan Melaka
Menara Taming Sari Tel: 606-288 1100
Mini Carnival Kraftangan Melaka 2019
Menara Taming Sari Tel: 606-288 1100
Every Friday
“Cultural Performance”
Menara Taming Sari "Astana" Tel: 606-288 1100
Every Saturday & Sunday
Weekly Performance -Local Performance & Activities
Menara Taming Sari "Astana" Tel: 606-288 1100
Program Ihya’ Ramadan Negeri Melaka
Dataran Pusat Islam Melaka Tel: 606-288 2380
May - Jun
Karnival Ambang Ramadan Peringkat Negeri Melaka
Dataran Masjid Al-Azim Tel: 606-288 2380
May - Jun
Iftar Ramadhan Negeri Melaka
Dataran Masjid Al-Azim Tel: 606-288 2380
School Holiday Campaign
Concourse Area Mahkota Parade Tel: 606–282 6151
FIESTA SAN PEDRO Celebrate the San Pedro in remembrance of their patron saint of fishermen, St. Peter, as fishing was once the main livelihood in the settlement. To mark the blessing of fishing boats, Fiesta San Pedro is an annual Portuguese traditional celebration that includes traditional games, a stage show, band and cultural performances, as well as the lighting of candles to symbolise guidance for fishermen. c 29 June - 1 July 2019 Portuguese Settlement Portuguese Settlement Regedor's Panel 606-284 7050 606-284 6578
3 May
Malam Melaka Berselawat
Dataran Bandaraya, MBMB Tel: 606-285 9700
3 - 5 May
Agroworld & Livestock Event
Hall A & Hall B, MITC Tel: 6016-676 8086
5 May
Ramadhan Month (First Ramadhan)
Menara Taming Sari "Astana" Tel: 606-288 1100
6 May - 16 Jun
Raya Campaign
Mahkota Parade Tel: 606–282 6151
10 - 19 May
Datuk Charchar Festival (Sri Muthu Mariamman Festival)
Sri Muthu Mariamman Temple Tel: 6016-996 2745
2 Jun
17 May
Majlis Berbuka Puasa
Seri Stamford College Tel: 606-282 2613
Melaka International Dragon Boat Race 2019
Muara Sungai Melaka Tel: 606-281 5649
18 May
Wesak Day Celebration and Procession (17 May)
Seck Kia Eenh Temple Tel: 606-283 7440
2 Jun
Feast of St. Peter
St. Peter’s Church Tel: 606–282 2950
20 May
MTSB 11th - Anniversary
Menara Taming Sari Tel: 606-288 1100
5 Jun
World Environment Day
Melaka Tel: 606-234 5720
22 May - 2 Jun
Parkson Mega Raya Sales
Hall B, MITC Tel: 606-234 6780
14 Jun
Eid Al Fitr Celebrations
Seri Stamford College Tel: 606-282 2613
14 - 30 Jun
24 - 26 May
Sant Sohan Sigh Ji Barsi
Sikh Temple Tel: 6012-679 3889
Local Fruits Carnival In Conjunction with Aidilfitri Celebrations
Menara Taming Sari Tel: 606-288 1100
25 May - 9 Jun
School Break Away Weeks
Menara Taming Sari Tel: 606-288 1100
23 Jun
Fiesta San Juang
Portuguese Settlement Tel: 606-284 7050
Pasar Tani Khas Pra-Ramadhan
Pasar Tani Tel: 606–231 2760
28 Jun - 21 Jul
Thanks for Being Awesome
Mahkota Parade Tel: 606–282 6151
Karnival Gerakan Membaca
Melaka Tel: 606-282 4859
28 - 30 Jun
Melaka Traditional Food Festival
May - Jun
Bazar Ramadhan Aidilfitri IAT
AEON Mall Bandaraya Melaka Tel: 606–231 2760
Jalan Kota, Banda Hilir Melaka Tel: 606-282 6526
29 Jun
Perarakan dan Pameran Permotoran Klasik & Vintage Melaka 2019
Dataran Bandaraya, MBMB Tel: 606-285 9700
World Quran Hour
Perpustakaan Negeri Tel: 606-282 4859
Menara Taming Sari Tel: 606-288 1100
The Chang Festival (Rice Dumplings Festival)
Every Friday
“Cultural Performance”
Jonker Street Tel: 6018-989 4688
11th MTS Anniversary Celebration (Hari Raya Open House 2019) Pasar Tani Khas Para Syawal
Pasar Tani Tel: 606–231 2760
Every Friday
“Cultural Performance”
Menara Taming Sari "Astana" Tel: 606-288 1100
Every Saturday & Sunday
Weekly Activities & Buskers Performance Show ** (Subject to date change on Ramadhan month)
Every Saturday & Sunday
Buskers Performance Menara Taming Sari "Astana" Show Tel: 606-288 1100 *After Ramadhan month. **( HRY 5 & 6 Jun 2019)
Menara Taming Sari "Astana" Tel: 606-288 1100 Menara Taming Sari "Astana" Tel: 606-288 1100
11th ANNIVERSARY OF UNESCO WORLD HERITAGE CITY CELEBRATION An annual celebration in conjunction with the declaration of Melaka City as a UNESCO Heritage City on 7 July 2008. c 6 July 2019 Banda Hilir, Melaka Historic Melaka City Council (MBMB) 606-285 9700 / 606-232 8402 606-232 5716
MELAKA FOOD FESTIVAL (MFF) 2019 To promote Melaka traditional food to local and foreign visitors, where they are able to taste a variety of local delicacies and cuisines that prepared by locals and Malaysian. c 24 - 25 August 2019 Proclamation of Independence Memorial Tourism Melaka 606-232 8402 606-232 8367
FRUITS FIESTA 2019 Come to the farm and savour the fresh local tropical fruits. c July 2019 Melaka Tropical Fruit Farm, Sungai Udang Melaka Tropical Fruit Farm (MTFF) 606-351 6916 606-351 0130
Merdeka Day Celebration
Dataran Pahlawan Megamall Tel: 606-286 2666
Memori Kemerdekaan
Perpustakaan Negeri Tel: 606–282 4859
10 - 18 Aug
School Holiday “Break Time - 2019”
Menara Taming Sari Tel: 606-288 1100
13 - 15 Aug
Hungry Ghost Festival
Ti Fang Fu Temple Tel: 6019-666 7747
16 Aug - 16 Sep
Merdeka Campaign
Mahkota Parade Tel: 606–282 6151
17 Aug
President’s Trophy
Tiara Melaka Golf & Country Club Tel: 606-231 1111 Hall B & Hall C, MITC Tel: 6016-676 8086
Jul - Aug
Jualan Buah-Buahan Bermusim
FAMA Negeri Melaka Tel: 606-231 2760
30 Aug - 2 Sep
Home & Deco Fair -Furniture Fair
7 Jul
Mini Car Carnival
Pahlawan Field Tel: 6016-663 8870
30 Aug
Merdeka Day Hang Tuah Mall Countdown Celebrations Tel: 606-285 9700
20 Jul
Captain’s Trophy (only for club members)
Tiara Melaka Golf & Country Club Tel: 606-231 1111
30 - 31 Aug
Merdeka Celebrations
Menara Taming Sari Tel: 606-288 1100
25 - 28 Jul
Mega Home -Furniture Fair
Hall B & Hall C, MITC Tel: 6016-676 8086
31 Aug
Merdeka Celebrations
Banda Hilir Tel: 606-230 7425
26 - 28 Jul
Side By Side International Drag Series
Klebang Tel: 606-4294 7777
31 Aug
Independence Day & Malaysia day Celebrations
Seri Stamford College Tel: 606-282 2613
Heritage of Vintage Vehicle Art
Melaka Tel: 6012-665 7912
31 Aug
Hospital Melaka Tel: 606-235 6999
Art of Speed Melaka
Melaka Tel: 6012-665 7912
New Born Celebration in Conjunction with National Day Program
Wicked Wallop Melaka
Melaka Tel: 6012-665 7912
Sambutan Hari Pahlawan
Seri Negeri, Ayer Keroh Tel: 606-230 7425
Karnival Kraftangan Melaka
Menara Taming Sari Tel: 606-288 1100
Pasar Tani Khas Para Aidiadha
Pasar Tani Tel: 606–231 2762
Every Friday
“Cultural Performance”
Every Friday
“Cultural Performance”
Menara Taming Sari "Astana" Tel: 606-288 1100
Menara Taming Sari "Astana" Tel: 606-288 1100
Every Saturday & Sunday
Weekly Performance -Local Performance & Activities
Menara Taming Sari "Astana" Tel: 606-288 1100
Every Saturday & Sunday
Weekly Performance -Local Performance & Activities “Hari Raya Haji”
Menara Taming Sari "Astana" Tel: 606-288 1100
MELAKA BY THE SEA CARNIVAL The event features motorised water sport games and high performance to attract thousands of visitors to Melaka. c 28 - 29 September 2019 Dataran Klebang SBS Motorsports & Tourism Melaka 606-232 8402 / 6016-663 2847 606-232 8367
MELAKA FIESTA The event offers all kind of activities including the outdoor and indoor games such as futsal, street soccer etc. c 26 - 27 October 2019 Banda Hilir Tourism Melaka 606-232 8402 606-232 8367
Tourist Week “Selamat Datang Ke Melaka” “# i Love Melaka 2019"
Menara Taming Sari "Astana" Tel: 606-288 1100
6 - 15 Sep
Mid Autumn Campaign
Mahkota Parade Tel: 606–282 6151
7 - 8 Sep
Annual Club Championship & Rabbit’s Trophy (only for club members)
Tiara Melaka Golf & Country Club Tel: 606-231 1111
14 - 15 Sep
Mid Autumn Festival / Moon Cake Festival
Jonker Street Tel: 6018-989 4688
15 Sep
Feast of Santa Cruz
Malim Hill Tel: 606-282 2950
National Environment Day 2019
Melaka Tel: 606-234 5720
16 Sep
Independence Day & Malaysia Day Celebration
Seri Stamford College Tel: 606-282 2613
Citrarasa Homestay Melaka 2019
Proclamation of Independence Memorial Tel: 606-231 8200
16 Sep
10 Thousand Steps Merdeka -From Dataran Taman Rempah
Sungai Melaka Tel: 606-235 6999
5 - 14 Oct
Big Boys Toys
Mahkota Parade Tel: 606–282 6151
16 Sep
Malaysia Day Hiking
Bukit Batu Lebah EcoPark Tel: 6018-918 9102
6 Oct
Chong Yang Festival (Double 9 Festival)
Bukit China Hill Tel: 6014-339 9718
6 - 11 Oct
Melaka Governor Birthday Week Promotion
Menara Taming Sari "Astana" Tel: 606-288 1100
10 - 13 Oct
Mega Home -Furniture Fair
Hall B & Hall C, MITC Tel: 6016-676 8086
11 - 27 Oct
Deepavali Campaign
Mahkota Parade Tel: 606–282 6151
12 - 14 Oct
PGM Tiara Closed Championship
Tiara Melaka Golf & Country Club Tel: 606-231 1111
14 Oct
Sambutan Hari Jadi Gabenor Negeri Melaka
Melaka Tel: 606-230 7425
21 - 23 Oct
Konvesyen Dunia Melayu Dunia Islam (DMDI)
Melaka Tel: 606-232 3223
Melaka National Sports Day
Alor Gajah District Tel: 606-234 5900
16 Sep
Classic Bicycle Nostalgia
Menara Taming Sari Tel: 6019-304 1106
21 - 22 Sep
Melaka International Kite & Wau Festival 2019
Dataran Klebang Tel: 606-281 5649
23 Sep
Program Nak Sihat Fun Ride 2.0
Menara Taming Sari Tel: 606-282 2332
27 - 29 Sep
3 Nation Charity Ride (3NCR) Super Bikers Malaysia
Melaka Tel: 6012-601 8969
Majlis Sambutan Maal Hijrah dan Karnival Hijrah
Dataran Pusat Islam Melaka Tel: 606-288 2380
Melaka Book Fair 2019
KipMart, Bachang Tel: 606-282 4859
The Distingushed Gentleman's Ride 2019
Melaka Tel: 6012-665 7912
Every Friday
“Cultural Performance”
Menara Taming Sari "Astana" Tel: 606-288 1100
Every Friday
Every Saturday & Sunday
Weekly Performance -Local Performance & Activities
Menara Taming Sari "Astana" Tel: 606-288 1100
Every Saturday & Sunday
“Cultural Performance”
Weekly Performance -Local Performance & Activities
Menara Taming Sari "Astana" Tel: 606-288 1100 Menara Taming Sari "Astana" Tel: 606-288 1100
MELAKA RIVER INTERNATIONAL FESTIVAL The festival is to promote Melaka as a tourist destination, with more than 50 types of activities and competitions such as Dragon Boat Race, Treasure Hunt, Float Procession and many more. The event provides entertainment, education and cultural experience to local and foreign visitors, by introducing a variety of cultures, arts and way of life among multi-ethnics in Melaka. Feel the natural beauty and marquees of Melaka World Heritage City recognised by UNESCO and listed as 28 most visited places in the world. c 22 November - 1 December 2019 Dataran Sungai Melaka & Taman Rempah Melaka Islands, Riverine & Coastal Development Corporation (PPSPM) 606-281 4322 606-281 4325
1 - 11 Nov
MP Fashionista
Mahkota Parade Tel: 606–282 6151
8 Nov
Deepavali Celebration
Seri Stamford College Tel: 606-282 2613
9 Nov
Prophet of Muhammad Birthday Celebration & Islamic Muamalah Islam
Melaka Islamic Centre Square Tel: 606-288 2380
20 Nov
Children Day 2019
Menara Taming Sari Tel: 606-288 1100
22 - 25 Nov
Home and Decor Fair 2019 -Furniture Fair
Hall B & Hall C, MITC Tel: 6016-676 8086
23 Nov - 31 Dec
School Holiday Festival 2019
Menara Taming Sari Tel: 606-288 1100
10 Thousand Steps Sungai Melaka
Sungai Melaka Tel: 606-235 6999
Every Friday
“Cultural Performance”
Menara Taming Sari "Astana" Tel: 606-288 1100
Every Saturday & Sunday
Weekly Performance -Local Performance & Activities
Menara Taming Sari "Astana" Tel: 606-288 1100
MELAKA COUNTDOWN FIESTA Come to the town's most celebrated carnival where you can enjoy fun, games, fireworks display and music all night long as countdown together to 2020! c 30 - 31 December 2019 Banda Hilir Tourism Melaka 606-232 8402 606-232 8367
1 Dec
Feast of St Francis Xavier
St Paul Hill Tel: 606-282 4770
13 - 22 Dec
Parkson Year End Sales
Hall B, MITC Tel: 6016-676 8086
14 Dec
December Medal (only for club members)
Tiara Melaka Golf & Country Club Tel: 606-231 1111
20 Dec
Christmas Celebrations
Seri Stamford College Tel: 606-282 2613
25 Dec
Christmas Celebrations
St. Peter’s Church Tel: 606–282 2950
26 - 29 Dec
Home Expo -Furniture Fair
Hall B & Hall C, MITC Tel: 6016-676 8086
31 Dec
New Year Celebration
Menara Taming Sari Tel: 606-288 1100
Every Friday Every Saturday & Sunday
“Cultural Performance” Weekly Performance -Local Performance & Activities
Menara Taming Sari "Astana" Tel: 606-288 1100 Menara Taming Sari "Astana" Tel: 606-288 1100
Amazing Melaka Packages No.1, Jalan Plaza Merdeka, Plaza Merdeka, 75000 Melaka. 606-288 2668 www.theexplorer.com.my
3 Days 2 Nights RM 159**
29, Jalan KSB 11, Taman Kota Syahbandar, 75000 Melaka. 606-288 0000 www.terranovahotel.com.my
707 Hotel Melaka
Terms and Conditions:
• One (1) Night Stay (ROOM ONLY) for two (2) persons. Not inclusive of Breakfast. • It is valid for check-in on Sundays to Thursdays. A surcharge of RM50 applies for check-in on Fridays, Saturdays, Eves of and Public/Festive Holidays.
No.2A, Jalan KLJ4, Taman Kota Laksamana Jaya, 75200 Melaka. 606-283 9707 707-melaka.hotelsinmalacca.com
G16, Jalan PM 9, Plaza Mahkota, 75000 Melaka. 606-282 8277 ndhotel.com.my
156, Jalan Merdeka, Taman Melaka Raya, 75000 Melaka. 606-281 5511 www.fenixinn.com
Jalan Tokong, Jonker Street, 75200 Melaka. 606-286 8228 jonkerinn.com.my
396, Jalan Semabok, Taman Sinn, 75050 Melaka. 606-283 8877 www.semabokinn.com.my
108, Jalan Bunga Raya, 75100 Melaka. 606-282 1113 www.mimosahotel.com
• SST, Heritage Charge and Tourism Tax (if applicable) will apply upon check-in. • A 7-day advance reservation is required and rooms are subject to availibility. • This promotion is valid from 1st January 2019 until 31st December 2019. D'Riverside Inn
7, Jalan Bunga Raya, 75100 Melaka. 606-292 5606 / 6016-201 5606 www.d-riversideinn.com
Hotel Johan
210, Jalan Melaka Raya 1, Taman Melaka Raya, 75000 Melaka. 606-286 5711 Hotel Johan
LKS Hotel
Coastal Park Hotel
533, Jalan Ujong Pasir, 75050 Melaka. 606-282 9199 coastalpark533.wixsite.com
No 39-47, Jalan Taman Melaka Raya 24, Taman Melaka Raya, 75000 Melaka. 606-281 1188 www.queensparkhotel.com.my
No 128, Kompleks Munshi Abdullah, Jalan Munshi Abdullah, 75100 Melaka. 606-288 1222 www.lkshotel.com
No. 28, Jalan Tukang Emas, 75200 Melaka. 606-286 6577 www.dasominn.com
Heritage & Nature Trail Packages 87, Jalan Persiaran Pantai, 78300 Masjid Tanah, Melaka. 606-384 8666 D'Nelayan Beach Resort Pengkalan Balak
Lot 1681, Batu 22 ½, Pantai Pengkalan Balak, Kampung Hailam 78300 Melaka. 606-6384 6788 / 6019-358 6778 kampongpinangsebatang.com
Lot 3412, KM 34, Pantai Padang Kemunting, Masjid Tanah, 78300 Melaka. 606-384 8744 / 6017-275 5251 www.kemuntingbeachresort.com
Lot 1948, Jalan Persisiran Pantai Teluk Gong, Kuala Sungai Baru, Masjid Tanah, 78300 Melaka. 606-384 3887/ 6013-365 2207 www.damarsuriaresort.com.my
RM79 to RM99 per night** • Category A: With Swimming Pool (RM99) • Category B: With Beautiful Beach (RM79) Terms and Conditions:
• One (1) Night Stay (ROOM ONLY) for two (2) persons. Not inclusive of Breakfast.
Umang-Umang Chalet
Ismah Beach Resort
• It is valid for check-in on Sundays to Thursdays. A surcharge of RM50 applies for check-in on Fridays, Saturdays, Eves of and Public/Festive Holidays. • A 7-day advance reservation is required and rooms are subject to availibility. • This promotion is valid from 1st January 2019 until 31st December 2019.
602, Batu 31, Bukit Darat, Pantai Kuala Linggi, 78200 Kuala Sungai Baru, Melaka. 6016-665 0167 umangumangchalet.blogspot.com
Pantai Padang Kemunting, 78300 Masjid Tanah, Melaka. 606-384 8141/ 606-384 8111 www.ismahresort.com
Chalet Darul Aslah
603, Batu 31, Bukit Darat, Pantai Kuala Linggi, 78200 Kuala Sungai Baru, Melaka. 6016-552 5665 dqnutchalet.blogspot.com
Batu 21 1 / 2, Jalan Kampung Hailam, Pengkalan Balak, 78300 Masjid Tanah, Melaka. 606-385 1309 Comel Beach Resort Pengkalan Balak Melaka
Angin Laut Chalet
Lot 1702. Batu 22, Jalan Persisiran, Pantai Padang Kemunting, Pengkalan Balak, 78300 Masjid Tanah, Melaka. 6019-752 6867 RESTU RESORT
Jalan Persisiran Pantai, Pengkalan Balak, 78300 Masjid Tanah, Melaka. 606-384 7810 / 6016-640 6658 Angin Laut Chalet Pengkalan Balak Melaka
Batu 22, Pantai Padang Kemunting, Pengkalan Balak, 78300 Masjid Tanah, Melaka. 6012-220 8159 Chalet Darul Aslah
Seraya Pantai Chalet
Kg Hailam, Pengkalan Balak, 78300 Masjid Tanah, Melaka. 606-384 1809 / 6012-618 8499 www.chaletseraya.com
Batu 22 1/2, Pantai Padang Kemunting, Pengkalan Balak, 78300 Masjid Tanah, Melaka. 606-384 7628 Chalet Deruan Ombak
Bidara Beach Lodge
23 1/2, Jalan Balik Batu, Kampung Tanjong Bidara, 78300 Masjid Tanah, Melaka. 606-384 3340 / 6017-613 4922 Bidara Beach Lodge
Fascinating Melaka Packages
Terms and Conditions:
• One (1) Night Stay inclusive of breakfast for two (2) persons. • It is valid for check-in on Sundays to Thursdays. A surcharge applies for check-in on Fridays, Saturdays, Eves of and Public/Festive Holidays in Malaysia & Singapore. • Rate inclusive 6% SST & RM2.00 Heritage Charge. Excluding Tourism Tax. • A 7-day advance reservation is required and rooms are subject to availibility.
Let's Explore Melaka !!!
• This promotion is valid from 1st January 2019 until 31st December 2019.
MYR nett *2 Days 1 Night *30% Discount from Bar
88, Jalan Kota Laksamana, 75200 Melaka. 606-289 6888 www.casadelrio-melaka.com
MYR nett *3 Days 2 Nights Package
No 1-B , Jalan Melaka Raya 2 , Taman Melaka Raya, 75000 Melaka. 606- 289 8555 www.straitshotelsuites.com
MYR nett *3 Days 2 Nights Package
Jalan MITC, Prima 1, Hang Tuah Jaya, 75450 Ayer Keroh, Melaka. 606-253 5353 www.hotelkobemas.com.my
MYR nett *3 Days 2 Nights Package
146 Jalan Hang Tuah, 75300 Melaka. 606-281 6868 www.avillionlegacymelaka.com
MYR nett *3 Days 2 Nights Package
No 39-47, Jalan Taman Melaka Raya 24, Taman Melaka Raya, 75000 Melaka. 606-281 1188 www.queensparkhotel.com.my
MYR nett *3 Days 2 Nights Package
Lot 2166 & 2167 Pantai Puteri, Mukim Tanjung Kling, 76400 Melaka. 606-353 5555 www.pantaiputerihotel.com
MYR nett *3 Days 2 Nights Package
Jalan PM8, Plaza Mahkota, 75000 Melaka. 606-281 6666 Seri Costa Hotel
MYR nett *3 Days 2 Nights Package with Daily Breakfast for 2 Persons
1 A, Jalan Melaka Raya 2, Taman Melaka Raya, 75000 Melaka. 606-289 8222 www.novotel-melaka.com
MYR nett *3 Days 2 Nights Package
No. 30, Lebuh Ayer Keroh, 75450 Melaka. 606-231 3899 www.kingshotel.com.my
MYR nett *3 Days 2 Nights Package
57, Jalan D’Albuquerque, Portuguese Settlement, 75050 Melaka. 606-288 3588 www.temasekhotel.com
Love My Kampung Melaka Packages
RM79 to RM99 Per Person/Night Terms and Conditions:
• It is valid for check-in on Weekday & Weekend. Room only. Not inclusive of Breakfast.
HOMESTAY - A Glimpse into Malay Life
• Minimum booking is 2 person. • A 7-day advance reservation is required and rooms are subject to availibility. • This promotion is valid from 1st January 2019 until 31st December 2019.
Homestay Kampung Alai
Please Contact: Datuk Akramuddin bin Hj. Abd Aziz 6019-666 6649 / 606-284 7080
Homestay Kampung Morten
Please Contact: Tn. Hj. Abd Rahim bin Hj. Alimat 6012-229 0848
Homestay Paya Lebar
Please Contact: Tn. Syed Fauzi Syed Abdullah 6019-863 0313
Homestay Kampung Ayer Limau
Please Contact: En. Zohaime bin Muhammad Sori / En. Norashikin Ali 6012-682 2707 / 6017-341 7678
Homestay Pulai
Please Contact: En. Mohd Saad bin Hj. Hassan 6017-683 2162 / 6014-713 2168
Homestay Parit Penghulu
Please Contact: En Suparman bin Abu 6019-644 2380
Homestay Seri Tanjung
Please Contact: En. Mohd Yusof bin Salleh 606-384 5853 / 6013-613 8821
Homestay Melaka Pindah
Please Contact: Datuk Hasnah binti Salam / Tn. Hj. Kaspur bin Mat 6019-384 8644 / 6019-325 6582
Homestay Tambak Paya
Please Contact: Tn. Hj. Zaini bin Samsuri 6012-669 7269 / 6019-650 5608
is a place rich in heritage buildings, ancient landmarks, cultures and attention-grabbing attractions. Be mesmerised by its timeless historical beauty and surround yourself with its various cultures as well as enjoy an array of fun attractions. Check out the attractive discounts that await you! **Terms and conditions apply. 30% DISCOUNT
AÊFamosa Resort is an integrated resort with an international 27-hole championship golf course, a Freeport AÊFamosa Outlet, Water Theme Park, Old West and Safari Wonderland.
Jalan Kemus, Simpang Empat, 78000 Alor Gajah, Melaka. 606-552 0888 www.afamosa.com
M Malacca Butterfly & Reptile Sanctuary is h home to over 30 species of butterflies and sshowcases a large collection of reptiles including crocodiles, lizards, tortoises and in m more than 20 species of snakes.
Lebuh Ayer Keroh, 75470 Melaka. 606-232 0033 www.butterflyreptile.com
Mini Malaysia & ASEAN Cultural Park showcases the unique traditional cultures through its 13 replica of traditional houses and the beauty of the 13 states in Malaysia.
Lebuh Ayer Keroh, 75450 Melaka. 606-234 9988 Kampung Budaya Malaysia, Melaka
Skytrex Adventure provides a tree to tree Êsky-trekkingÊ experience where you can fly, swing, glide and dangle on various aerial obstacles suspended above the lush tropical Malaysian Rainforest.
Lebuh Ayer Keroh, 75470 Melaka. 6018-909 5679 www.skytrex-adventure.com
Melaka Tropical Fruit Farm promotes agro-toursim with the concept of " Farm Stay" by offering agro-tour, camping and team buildings packages as well as a variety of fresh tropical fruits.
Pusat Latihan Pertanian Sungai Udang, Sungai Udang, 76300 Melaka. 606-351 6916 www.melakatropical.com
Encore MelakaÊs 360 degree rotating audience platform allowed us to create 4 incredibly intricate stage designs; one dedicated to water, hydraulics and multi-level.
No.3, Jalan KSB – Impression 8, Impression City@Kota Syahbandar, 75200 Melaka. 606-270 7777 encore-melaka.com
Asahan Water Theme Park is a perfect place for family day, hiking, meeting, team building, telematch, camping, educational programme and survival technique.
Melaka Zoo is home to over 1,000 animals and the popular Night Safari will give visitors an opportunity to observe the behaviour of nocturnal animals in their natural habitats.
Jalan Hang Tuah Jaya, 75450 Ayer Keroh, Melaka. 606-232 3900 www.zoomelaka.gov.my
Al-Khawarizmi Astronomy Complex has 3 main buildings such as the observatory, the Planetarium and the Training Centre, offering a place to study and explore the growth and mystery of the universe.
Kampung Balik Batu,Tanjung Bidara, Masjid Tanah, 78300 Melaka. 606-385 2671 www.khawarizmiobs.com
Melaka Crocodile & Recreation Park is home to about 100 crocodiles from around the world and offers several fun themed attractions, giving visitors a wonderful experience.
Pusat Pelancongan, 75450 Ayer Keroh, Melaka. 606-232 2350 Taman Buaya & Rekreasi Melaka
3 Games RM10 (10am - 1pm; Mon - Fri)
Melaka International Bowling Centre is the largest bowling centre in the country is equipped with 52 bowling lanes and state-of-the-art QubicaAMF bowling machines.
Jalan Konvensyen, Kompleks MITC Hang Tuah Jaya, 75450 Ayer Keroh, Melaka. 606-234 6780 mibcbowling.com
Bayou Lagoon Park Resort is a 4 star resort centered with water park, offering a perfect accommodation choice for a fun family getaways.
Amari Villa, Bayou Lagoon Park Resort, Jalan Wakaf Utama, 75450 Bukit Katil, Melaka. 606-233 0888 www.bayoulagoon.com.my
Jasin Hot Springs is a wonderful place for everyone to rest, relax and rejuvenate in soothing warm water. DonÊt miss its inflatable water park.
The Touch City rich in Feng Shui and Chinese Culture, introducing a brand new concept to propagate Chinese traditional culture, Nanyang customs and sense of goodness.
Kampung Air Panas, Mukim Bemban, 77200 Jasin, Melaka. 606-521 0369 www.jasinhotsprings.com
Kompleks Laman Tiga Budaya, 771000 Asahan Jasin, Melaka. 6011-2618 3477 Asahan Water Theme Park
Wildlife Theatre Melaka promotes eco-conservation, by offering a wild classroom concept featuring sea lionsÊ educational programmes, reptiles and cultural performances.
Lot 101, Kawasan Bandar XLII, Daerah Melaka Tengah, Pulau Melaka. 606-231 3333 Wildlife Theatre Melaka
MC 13, Simpang Gading, Durian Tunggal, 76100 Melaka. 606-553 0000 The Touch City 文化聖城
Monorail Melaka offers passengers a panoramic view of the historic town of Melaka as the monorail circles Melaka River with the speed of 8km/hour.
No. 17 & 17-1, Jalan Lagenda 9, Taman 1-Lagenda, 75400 Melaka, Malaysia. 606-288 0501/ 6010-291 9595 Monorail Theme Park & Studios Sdn Bhd
Menara Tamingsari is the first revolving Super Giant Tower build in malaysia with a total height of 110m, offering a breathtaking panoramic view of UNESCO World Heritage City.
Melaka River Cruise will take you to Dutch ancient buildings, Kampung Morten malay village, China Town, places of worship, old shop houses, museums, riverside cafes and many more sites.
Jalan Merdeka Banda Hilir, 75000 Melaka. 606-288 1100 menaratamingsari.com 3 GALLERIES & MELAKA MUSEUMS ONLY FOR
Melaka Museums showcase the colourful heritage and history of Melaka through various artifacts, arts, cultures and architectures. Check out the „8 must visit‰ museums in Melaka.
Kompleks Warisan Melaka Jalan Kota, 75000 Melaka. 606-281 1289 www.perzim.gov.my
TThe Shore Oceanarium offers an interactive journey to learn the earth ecosystem and discover creatures from land to the sea. Have fun in VR & AR Interactive Park too!
2F-01, The Shore Shopping Gallery, 193, Pinggiran @ Sungai Melaka, Jalan Persisiran Bunga Raya, 75100 Melaka. 606-282 9966 www.oceanariummelaka.com
MameeÊs very first concept store after 40 over years of food manufacturing. The Mamee Jonker HouseÊs attractions are Mamee Gallery, Mamee Cafe, Mamee Workshop and Monster Kitchen.
46 & 48, Jalan Hang Jebat, 75200 Melaka. 606-286 7666 www.mameejonkerhouse.com
Jalan Laksamana, 75000 Melaka, Malaysia. 606-281 4322 www.melakarivercruise.my
Melaka Dream World Upside Down & 3D offers fun indoor activities including upside down gallery, 3D studios, animation and 5D interactive images.
No.16 & 18, Jalan KPKS 1, Kompleks Perniagaan Kota Shah Bandar, 75200 Melaka. 6010-300 2062 melakaupsidedown3d.com
The Shore Sky Tower, located on the 43rd floor, offering visitors a truly unique experience with amazing 360 degree panoramic view of Melaka city, up to 50 kilometres in every direction.
Tower 1, 42 & 43F, The Shore Shopping Gallery, 193, Pinggiran @ Sungai Melaka, Jalan Persisiran Bunga Raya, 75100 Melaka. 606-288 3833 skytower.theshoremelaka.com
Upside Down House Melaka is a family-friendly attraction where all the furniture and furnishings in the house are placed upside down, giving visitors a fun experience.
G12, G14, G16, Jalan PM 7, Plaza Mahkota, 75000 Bandar Hilir, Melaka. 6011-1072 2260 www.upsidedownhousemelaka.com.my
Melaka Duck Tours allows tourists to experience and view what Melaka has to offer on land and sea by touring the city with the amphibious vehicle.
Melaka Fun Land has 7 main themed attractions such as Fantasy Aquarium, Virtual Zoo, Treasure Hunt For Kids, Kid's Excavator, 3DMagic Art, Interactive Floor and Horrible Mirror Maze.
Menara Taming Sari (Kiosk), Jalan Merdeka, 75000 Bandar Hilir, Melaka. 606-281 8235 / 6016-662 7999 www.melakaducktours.com.my
95, Jalan Parameswarra, 75000 Melaka. 606-281 3133 www.melakafunland.my
The 13-in-1 3D elements consist of AR Booth, 3D Wall Art, 3D Image & Movie, Ghost House, Day & Night Dual View, Ames Room, Gravity Hill, Upside Down House, Green Screen Studio, Hologram Theatre, Funny Mirrors, Interactive Elements and Infinity.
The Shore Toy Museum has more than 10,000 exhibition toys specially imported from Japan, Thailand and many others countries.
Level 2, The Shore Shopping Gallery, 193, Pinggiran @ Sungai Melaka, Jalan Persisiran Bunga Raya, 75100 Melaka. 606-288 3833 3dpark.theshoremelaka.com
Level 1, The Shore Shopping Gallery, 193, Pinggiran @ Sungai Melaka, Jalan Persisiran Bunga Raya, 75100 Melaka. 606-282 3733 toymuseum.theshoremelaka.com
The Baba & Nyonya Heritage Museum offers a glimpse into the richness of the culture and the opulence that was fashionable in many pre-World War II Peranakan homes.
48 & 50, Jalan Tun Tan Cheng Lock, 75200 Melaka. 606-282 1273 babanyonyamuseum.com
Cheng Ho Cultural Museum exhibits the life of Zheng He and his world voyage in his fleets. It displays his travel with big pictures of Chinese history.
51, Lorong Hang Jebat, 75200 Melaka. 606-283 1135
1. Ee Ji Ban 275, Jalan Melaka Raya 3, Taman Melaka Raya
2. Hainamko Chicken Rice
Jalan Bendahara, Kampung Bukit China
Local Food
3. Limbongan Hailam Kopitiam Kompleks Niga Limbongan
4. Kedai Kopi Chung Wah (non-halal) 18 Jalan Hang Jebat
5. Huang Chang Chicken Rice Restaurant (non-halal)
BB, 376, Jalan BB 1, Taman Damai, Batu Berendam
6. Hoe Kee Chicken Rice (non-halal) 4, 6 & 8, Jalan Hang Jebat
72 . Kuala Sg. Baru
7. Capitol Satay Celop (non-halal) 41, Lorong Bukit Cina
8. Ban Lee Siang Satay Celop (non-halal) 53-C, Jalan Ong Kim Wee
9. McQuek Satay Celup (non-halal) 5, Jalan Hang Kasturi
10.Old Village Satay Celup (non-halal) 45-E, Jalan Ong Kim Wee
NYONYA LAKSA 11. Donald & Lily Nyonya Restaurant
16, Ground Floor, Taman Kota Shah Bandar, Jalan KSB 1
12. Calanthe Art Cafe
11, Jalan Hang Kasturi
17 18
41 22 26
75 Ayer Keroh .
30 19
59 62 80 81
. Batu Berendam 5 29 36 37
Bukit Rambai .
34 33
Duyung . 57 69 44 63 79 58 53 64 76 31 42 40 50 67 35 48 52 82 Tg. Kling . 49 28 3 83 10 78 45 47 73 Klebang Besar . 24 39 38 11 21 23 Limbongan . 27 15 15 66 12 9 20 14 8 1 7 1346 65 2 Bandar Melaka . 61 4 51 60 6 32 43
13. Jonker 88 88, Jalan Hang Jebat
Pulau Besar
14. Bulldog Cafe 145, Jalan Bendahara
15. Collin’s Café @ 125 Tranquerah 125, Jalan Tengkera
28. Cockle (Siham) Stall (non-halal)
16. Warung Kari Kambing Power & Asam Pedas
Back Alley off Jalan Bunga Raya
KM42, Jalan Tambak Merlang 1, Kg. Simpang Bekoh, Asahan, Jasin
29. Chiak Song Restaurant (Non-halal) 31, Jalan M1, Taman Merdeka, Batu Berendam
17. Asam Pedas Restoran Zahrin
30. Kedai Makanan dan Minuman Hock Chin (non-halal)
No. 20 & 22 Jalan Lingkaran MITC
18. Pak Man Asam Pedas
Jalan Jasa Merdeka 2, Taman Merdeka
Kompleks Niaga Melaka Perdana, Ayer Keroh
19. Asam Pedas Pasar Borong Pasar Borong Batu Berendam 20.Asam Pedas Sabariah Kampung Morten
DEVIL CURRY 31. Eleven Bistro & Restaurant 11,Jalan Hang Lekir
32. De Lisbon Restaurant 18, Jalan Daranjo, Perkampungan Portugis
21. Cendol Jam Besar Banda Hilir 22. Madam Kiow Cendol 516-1, Batu 7 1/4, Bukit Rambai
23. Bibik House Cendol 121, Jalan Hang Jebat
33. Nasi Gunting Hj. Awal
24. Cendol Kampung Hulu The Straits Werks & Café, No. 32, Jalan Kampung Hulu
34. Warung Nasi Gunting
Kompleks Pasar Besar Melaka Opposite TNB, Banda Kaba
25. Cendol Seri Serkam No. Ja 8008, Kampung Serkam Pantai, Merlimau 26. Aunty Koh 5113, Jalan Batang Tiga, Kampung Bukit Rambai
35. Klebang Original Coconut Shake
Jalan Klebang Besar, Taman Klebang Jaya
36. Coconut Shake Batu Berendam Taman Cergas, Batu Berendam
MEE BODOH 27. Mee Goreng Hassan Tengkera 390, Jalan Tengkera, Banda Hilir
MANGO FLOAT 37. Mango Float Royale Original Melaka Kampung Sungai Putat, Batu Berendam
38. Amy Heritage Nyonya Cuisine
58. Baba Charlie Nyonya Cake
75, Jalan Melaka Raya 24, Taman Melaka Raya
72 Jalan Tengkera, Pantai 2C
39. Kocik Kitchen Nyonya Restaurant
59. Dapur Cho Cho
100, Jalan Tun Tan Cheng Lock
Batu Berendam
40. Seri Nyonya Peranakan Restaurant
60. Perhentian Kueh Kampung
Hotel Equatorial Melaka, Bandar Hilir
Lot 130, Jalan Ujong Pasir
41. Nyonya Licious Kitchen
61. Bibik Ong Nyonya Kueh
19, Jalan MP5, Taman Merdeka Permai
372K, Lorong 1, Jalan Low Hee Kong, Hilir Garden, Ujong Pasir
42. Nyonya Makko
Taman Melaka Raya
62. Kuih Nyonya Kim Batu Berendam
43. Restoran Nyonya Sayang 45 & 47, Jalan TMR, 21,Jalan Melaka Raya 9, Bandar Hilir
17 Simpang . Bekoh
MEE SIAM 44. Donald & Lily Nyonya Restaurant
16, Ground Floor, Taman Kota Shah Bandar, Jalan KSB 1
45. Renee’s Delight Jalan Tengkera
74 77 . Bukit Katil
Jalan Mohd Zin Dsh
NASI LEMAK 63. Nasi Lemak Seri Morten 108, Lorong Tun Mamat 1, Kampung Morten 64. Nasi Lemak Lereh Tanjong Kling 65. Nasi Lemak Ujong Pasir Restoran Ming Huat, Ujong Pasir 66. Nasi Lemak Hijau 199-18, Jalan Masjid Ujong Pasir, Ujong Pasir
68 . Ayer Molek
67. Nasi Lemak Bamboo Rain & Co Café, Taman Muhibbah, Pantai Klebang
68. Ikan Bakar Parameswara
. Merlimau
MEE KAHWIN 46. Mee Kahwin Abdul Rahim Restoran Ming Huat, 55-C, Jalan Ujong Pasir
Medan Ikan Bakar, Pengkalan, Kampung Umbai, Ayer Molek
69. Bert’s Garden Seafood 2078-C, Jalan Kampung Pinang B, Tanjung Kling
70. Medan Ikan Bakar Alai Crystal Bay, Alai
71. Medan Ikan Bakar Muara Sungai Duyung
PRAWN CRACKERS & FISH BALL NOODLE 47. Hoo Khiew Prawn Cracker Noodles (non-halal)
Jalan Padang Temu
72. Ikan Bakar Kuala Sungai Baru KM43, Persatuan Nelayan Kawasan Melaka Barat, Kuala Sg. Baru
345, Jalan Tengkera
73. Putu Piring Tengkera 252, Jalan Tengkera
48. Oriental Café (non-halal) 71, Jalan Tengkera
74. Putu Piring Pandan Pasar Mini UCenter Bukit Katil
49. Red House Kopitiam (non-halal) 243, Jalan Parameswara, Bandar Hilir
75. Putu Piring 1Malaysia KM7.2, Kampung Bukit Beruang, Bukit Beruang
50. Kedai Makanan dan Minuman Poh Piah Lwee (non-halal) 14, Jalan Kubu
76. Putu Piring Generasi Ke-3 3123C, Jalan Limbongan, Kampung Limbongan
51. Popiah Basah Perhentian Kueh Kampung 213, Jalan Ujong Pasir
77. Putu Piring Kg. Bukit Duyong 4040, Jalan Bukit Katil
52. Baba Low’s 486, Jalan Tengkera
53. Popiah Jalan Bunga Raya (non-halal) 78, Jalan Bunga Raya, Kampung Jawa
78. Kuih Keria Antarabangsa Hj. Jalil 29, Jalan kristal merah, 2, Taman Limbongan Permai
79. Kuih Keria Antarabangsa Hajah Rahmah 5466 C, Jalan Klebang Kechil
80. Kuih Keria Abang Botek
AYAM PERCIK 54. Ayam Percik Hutan Percha Felda Hutan Percha, Kampung Alor Gajah 55. Ayam Percik Simpang Ampat 1958, M10, Alor Gajah
Kampung Sungai Putat
81. Kueh Keria Gula Melaka Batu Berendam Taman Cergas, 75350 Batu Berendam
CUCUR UDANG KUIH BADAK 82. Kuih Badak Warisan
KUIH BAKAR 56. Kuih Bakar Kuala Ina AG 5737, Kg. Kampung Kuala Ina, Alor Gajah
Gerai No. 1, Medan Selera Pantai 1, Tengkera
84. Cucur Udang Alor Gajah
Medan Selera Pasar Menggong, Jalan Dato Dol Said, Alor Gajah
83. Kuih Badak Epok Sayur Stall Jalan Siantan 2/5, Taman Siantan Seksyen 2
57. Kuih Bakar Hajah Zaleka Jalan Pokok Mangga
Copyright © Tourism Melaka Content by Yatie Sahlan
Beautiful Street Art Murals
" The colourful and vibrant murals has added life to the heritage town and attracted more visitors to make it as one of the favourite insta-worthy spots. " Along Melaka River.....
With a balance between history and creativity, Melaka is home to a wealth of murals that painted on the buildings along Melaka River. The delightful artworks can be seen by taking river cruise or walking on the public path along both sides of the river, which is a great walk to do in the late afternoon.
There are more murals await you to explore!
Street Arts @ Laneways in between Jonker Street (Jalan Hang Jebat) & Jalan Kasturi
Street Art @ The Straits Werks and Cafe, Kampung Hulu
Street Arts @ Backlane of Alor Gajah, by the students of Fakulti Seni Lukis dan Seni Reka (FSSR), UiTM Cawangan Melaka
Melaka After Dark: Night Walk
"Melaka has many stories to tell, giving visitors an intimate and insightful look at the daily lives of Melaka’s diverse communities. " The heritage walk is called “Melaka After Dark,“ and it is organised every Tuesday and Thursday with two packages (named version 1 & version 2) on offer for a duration of two hours per session, as well as a token administrative fee. The night walk wants history to be told from a street view perspective and to allow its guests an insight into how the people had lived for centuries. The guides will underline the role of Melaka as a thriving seaport for Europeans. Let's join the night walk by bring along a torchlight, walking shoes, light clothing, bug spray and a bottle of water.
Version 1:
Version 2:
• Heeren Street • First Cross Street • Jonker Street • Forth Cross Street • Goldsmith Street • Second Cross Street • Blacksmith Street • Kampung Pantai • Kampung Jawa • Padang Nyiru (Finishing Point)
• Walk along Melaka River • Padang Nyiru • St Francis Xavier Church • Jalan Gereja • Dutch Square:The Stadthuys, Christ Church, Clock Tower • St Paul Hill • Porta de Santiago • Memorial of Independence • Flo de Lamar (Finishing Point)
A walk that focuses on the historical residential and commercial zone in the UNESCO World Heritage site. It contains more than 600 shop houses, commercial, religious buildings and tombs with a specific attention given to the many traders operating in Melaka, as the trade is slowly giving way to the online world.
For Reservation:
A stroll around the St Paul Hill civic area, which has a number of government buildings, museums, churches, an urban square and a fortress which dates back to the 16th century era of Portuguese and Dutch colonialism.
Whatsapp: 6012-612 0618
Kampung Morten Tour
"Kampung Morten still maintains its charm despite the modernisation along its fringes. Let's explore its beauty !" 1
Welcome to Kampung Morten
Surau Al Abidin
The surau religious function is same as a mosque but its size is smaller and is managed by the village residents. It can accommodate around 40 people. Topics to be covered for visitors about the surau are its spiritual nourishment, pilgrimage, celebratory occasions, islamic dress code and other basic information.
Rumah Merdeka (Lot 117)
Kampung Morten, also known as Morten Village, is an urban Malay village that still preserves its rustic charm. The village was established in 1922 by Datuk Othman Md. Nor as a new settlement for the Malay community of Kampung Jawa which was forced to move to make way for development. Today, the village has evolved into a tourism icon and was declared as a heritage village under Melaka’s Preservation and Conservation Enactment in 1989. Kampung Morten has 96 housess including Melaka traditional dwellings, with traditional features in its home design, decoration and landscape. The village is regarded as a living museum as many people still practice the traditional Malay lifestyle.
Herbs Garden Md Jas Jalani Local herbs and fruit trees grow in abundance around the house. Here, you will be introduced to various herbs that used in curries andsavoury dishes. You can see, taste, smell and touch some of the local herbs and plants grown by En Md Jas Jalani and his family, including curry leaves, pandan leaves, belimbing fruits and lemon grass.
Rumah Merdeka, a traditional house that sighted with a unique Merdeka decoration where its zinc roof was painted with a giant Jalur Gemilang, to fill the spirit of independence in the neighbourhood. It is one of the most instagrammable places in Melaka as its compound also decorated with minisized of Malay village houses together with beautiful plants.
Sarong Wearing Demo
First House Built in Kg Morten This is the first site of the first house built in Kampung Morten. The site was used to owned by the late Pak Hamid Tamby Chik.
For reservation:
The name of Sarong was originated from the Malay word of “covering�. It is a large tube or length of a fabric typically worn by men and women in South East Asia. In Malaysia, sarong is a traditional clothes for the Malay and it can be wear during prayers, leisure time or just to enjoy the comfy of the fabulous fabric. Check out the "Sarong Wearing Demo" by Makcik Aminah Abu Bakar.
PERZIM : 606-282 6526 / 606-281 2886
Villa Sentosa (Lot 119/120)
The majority of descendants of the first settlers have turned the houses they inherited into homestays or kampung-style accommodation for tourists to experience the traditional Malay way of life. There are 13 houses with village stay concept that registered with MOTAC and now is managed by Tuan Haji Rahim, who is the representive of the 13 owners.
Villa Sentosa is the oldest traditional house in Kampung Morten, also known as "the malay living museum". The house was built in 1920 and has been converted into a private museum in 1991 for visitors to experience the ambience of a village house. Othman’s grandson, Ibrahim Hashim has preserved all the relics inherited from his grandfather, including the ancient Majapahit artefacts at a private museum in the house that has been turned into a tourist attraction. Visitors can have an insight into how the past generations lived through a tour on the interior of the house as well as the traditional wear, musical instruments and antiques that kept in the house.
Kampung Morten Bridge & Melaka River
The Kampung Morten bridge over the Melaka River is another popular attraction in the village.
En Basir Ali House Traditional trade such as making wooden replicas of kampung houses can still be found at Kampung Morten that operated by Encik Basir Ali. With his own creativity, skill and patience, Encik Baser able to make various sizes of the minature houses. The smaller ones are mainly used as souvenirs while larger ones as decorative items. If you like it, get one as a souvenir or a gift for your family and friends!
11 Local Cuisine
Have a try on local malay cuisine such as nasi lemak, asam pedas, mee rebus and many more! There are some food stalls worth a try such as Haji Deraman's nasi lemak, a nasi lemak stall open since 1984 and Asam Pedas Sabariah Kampung Morten.
Rumah Mantan Sidang
It is the house for former Tok Sidang, a village leader who is responsible for ruling and caring for the welfare of the villagers as well as enhance the development of the village. Here, you can have a better understanding about Morten Village from its history until the administration system.
Other Available Tours:
Portuguese Settlement During the Portuguese rule over Melaka, minority of the Portuguese descendants decided to continue to stay in Melaka and settled down in a village at the coastline of Ujong Pasir, named Portuguese Settlement. They inherited the precious PortugueseEurasian cultural legacy and speak in an ancient Portuguese dialect called Cristo. Although their houses were not built in traditional Portuguese architecture, but its decorations on the houses reflects the elements of Portuguese. The settlement is also famous for colourful and exotic cultures during its festivals and celebrations. Organised by:
Chetti Settlement The Melakan Chettis are the descendants of the early Indian merchants who came to Melaka from Panai Koromandel in India during the 15th century, as Chetti (also spelled as Chitty) means “trader” in Tamil. They speak Malay, but practice Hinduism of Saiva Faith and traditional Indian wedding ceremony. Similarly to the Nyonyas, the Chetti women wear “sarung” and traditional Malay women clothing. Today, this small Chetti community consists of 30 or 40 families that live harmoniously in the Chetti Settlement situated at Gajah Berang.
Eco Tour
RTC Sungai Linggi - Telok Sena - Sungai Rembau - Sungai Ramuan Cina Pengkalan Balai Nelayan Kampung Paya Lebar Check Point 01
Rural Transformation Centre Operation Office & Jetty Ticket Counter (Pejabat Operasi & Jualan Tiket Jeti)
Sungai Linggi is a 22km long river, which starts at the foothills of the Titiwangsa Range and flows through Ampangan, Seremban, Rasah, Mambau, Rantau, Linggi where it ends at Kuala Linggi in Melaka. The boat ride along Sungai Linggi is an interesting eco-heritage tour.
Check Point 02
Crocodile Habitat 3
(Lubuk Buaya / Menara Tinjau)
4 6
7 8 9
Check Point 03
Lokan Nurturing Area
(Taman Lokan / Pusat Penternakan Lokan)
Eco-Tourism Centre Lebah Kelutut Accommodation Camp Site Dormitory [2 dorms withcentralize Bathrooms] Hotel Rooms [28 Rooms] Chalet [ 20 Rooms] Receptiom & Administration Office Dining & Kitchen
12 14
13 14
Craft Complex IKS Products
Community Complex
Bistro [Food & Beverage] Futsal Court Takraw Court Silat Court / Gasing Multipurpose Hall [4 Badminton Court] Football Field
For more information:
Lokan is the name for large river clams that can be found buried in the muddy riverbanks of Linggi River and long consumed by the local inhabitants. A quick rinse the clams and then simply grilled over an open fire, these large clams are meaty and delectable.
Eco Trail Koperasi Kampung Paya Lebar Masjid Tanah Melaka Berhad : 6019-656 2439
Check Point 04
Check Point 05
Check Point 11
(Kawasan Tinggalan Sejarah)
(Pusat Pelepasan Haiwan Terkawal Melihat Rusa, Pelanduk & Landak dalam Kehidupan Semulajadi)
(Pelantar Laluan Pejalan Kaki di Sepanjang Sungai)
Tebing Urut Jetty Historical Heritage Area
Animal Natural Habitat
Board Walk Walkway Along The River For Visitors To Enjoy Scenic Scenery
Check Point 06
Fish Farming - Cage Culture (Sangkar Ikan Pelantar & Pusat Pemeliharaan Ikan)
Check Point 07 Crocodile Farm
(Taman Buaya / Pusat Pemeliharaan Buaya)
Check Point 12
Monkey Habitat Take A Boat Ride To See Monkeys In Their Natural Habitat
Check Point 08 Birds Feeding
(Pelantar Memberi Burung Makan)
Check Point 13
Witness the Honey Collection & Packaging Process (Pusat Penghasilan Madu Lebah Kelutut / Melihat Cara Madu Diproses)
Check Point 09
Charcoal Factory (Sabak Arang) Former Chinese Herbal Processing Center Sabak Arang is a family-run business that produces traditional artisan charcoal in two old kilns protected under a rusting tin roof building.
Check Point 14 It takes about 30 days until the wood in the kilns finally come out as high quality charcoal. The kilns, which look like giant igloos, are over 100 years old each.
Paya Lebar Village Eco-tourism Centre - Community Complex
(Balai Nelayan LKIM/ Pusat Eco Tourism Kompleks Kemasyarakatan)
Check Point 10
Firefly Habitat Take A Boat Ride To Watch The Thousands of Fireflies The dense mangrove trees along with berembang and nipah trees are the habitats for the fireflies.
Check Point 15
Kampung Paya Lebar Mosque Main Access Route into The Town
(Laluan Masuk utama ke Pusat Pembangunan)
The fireflies' cadenced twinkles along the river at night would attract nature lovers and mprove the socio-economic development of the area. Enjoy your evening with the little shining stars! For more information:
Eco Trail Koperasi Kampung Paya Lebar Masjid Tanah Melaka Berhad : 6019-656 2439
Melaka World Heritage City UNESCO Strategically located along the Straits of Melaka, Melaka was the epicentre of an important trading empire over 500 years, which attracted thousands of traders from all over the world. Today, Melaka is a historic city with a multi-cultural living heritage originating from the trade routes from Great Britain and Europe through the Middle East, the Indian subcontinent and the Malay Archipelago to China, where the many religions and cultures met and coexisted. The town reflects a mixture of influences which have created a unique architecture, culture and townscape without parallel anywhere in East and South Asia. Melaka is a world-class tourism destination which is well-connected by road, rail, air and sea. There are just two hours' drive from Kuala Lumpur and about three hours’ drive from Singapore. N
Negeri Sembilan Melaka Airport
Visit Melaka 2019 2019 is the year to visit Melaka. The Visit Melaka Year 2019
(VMY 2019) is set to make historical Melaka the top-of-the-mind tourist destination, encouraging tourists to stay longer in order to enjoy the festival offerings as well as it historical and man-made attractions. Themed “The Gateway to Historic Malaysia”, the yearlong calender is packed with festivities of every genre; for instance cultural festivals, shopping extravanganzas, international acclaimed events, eco-tourism events, arts, music showcases, food promotion and other themed events.
Kuala Lumpur KLIA & KLIA2
Back in the day, Melaka was ruled by the Portuguese, Dutch as well as British and the state was influenced by their remnants of long illustrious past. The multi-cultural tangible and intangible heritage is expressed in the great variety of religious buildings of different faiths, ethnic quarters, different languages, worship and religious festivals, dances, costumes, art and music, food and daily life. From its historical heritage sites, declared as a UNESCO World Heritage site in 2008 to its cultural richness, Melaka has definitely a lot to offer to tourists.
Filled with harmonious blend of different cultures and communities, Melaka is a melting pot of all races and awaits you to discover its uniqueness. It offers plenty of activities and has a good choice of accommodation. Even better, it is a food heaven! All in, it’s a great mix for a holiday.