Portfolio 陳家融 Alice Chen
目錄 個人資料 個人簡介及獲獎經歷 履歷表及中英文自傳
憶同趣苗栗─DIY體驗活動流程設計(鞋樣&包裝禮盒設計) 設計理念 體驗流程 情侶鞋設計 木屐設計 禮盒設計
Fruitung─台灣企業家電設計 企業簡介 設計理念及色彩計劃 產品內部結構及尺寸圖 使用情境
Rhino─品牌風格模擬(吹風機設計) 品牌簡介 設計特色及外觀造型 特殊功能及機構
Return─點線面設計 Cancer─有機體曲面設計 連絡資料
陳家融 Alice Chen
個人簡介 學歷: 國立聯合大學工業設計學系 學士班 工作經驗: 輝特時尚股份有限公司(高亨精機) 2014/8/1-31
主要技能 軟體能力
70% 70%
50% 30%
70% 80%
獲獎經歷 校外: 輝特時尚股份有限公司─2014編織鞋設計競賽入圍 Lexus特別獎 校內: 2013─校內期末總評進步獎 2014─校內期末總評進步獎
個人特質&未來展望 因為對創作及繪畫很有興趣,所以進入了工業設計系,聯大工設系很操學生,因此造就我刻苦耐 勞的性格,只要是交付予我的任務,我勢必會規劃好進度並全力以赴完成它!我期望應用於工設系 所學的美感、創新思維及以人為本的設計專業繼續發光發熱,為公司盡自己的一份心力!
中文自傳 我是陳家融,22歲,巨蟹座。 從小父母對我的要求是品德大於成績,因為他們認為成績只是暫時的,品德及做事態度是跟著我們一輩 子的。 由於對創作及繪畫很有興趣,所以於高中畢業後我進入了國立聯合大學工業設計系。 藉由工業設計系的紮實訓練下,造就我刻苦耐勞的性格,只要是交付予我的任務,我勢必會規劃好進度 並全力以赴完成它! 大學四年我從一開始不會自我管理生活及課業進度,到能夠順利完成有品質的作品甚至在期末總展上台 領獎。 我一共領取兩次進步獎及一次編職鞋設計競賽入圍共三次獎項。 在團體分組報告我擔任組長,與組員一同規劃及討論報告內容及進度及領導團隊於期限內繳交出具品質 及完整度的報告,也因而獲得師長的稱許。 升大四的暑假,我在編織鞋公司擔任實習生,工作內容為鞋類電腦繪圖及電腦編織機台的操作。 在一個月的實習過程中,我學到了與老闆及同事們溝通討論的能力,學會了遇到問題如何與同事討論出 解決方法,也學到了與老闆溝通設計出讓雙方都滿意的成品。 實習公司的老闆將我們設計的編織鞋於台北魅力展進行販售。 這一個月雖然不長,但它讓我學到許多在學校學習不到的東西,為之後進入業界上了最寶貴的一課。 由於已很確定自己想往鞋業發展,因此大學畢業後我報名參加鞋業人才培訓班。 在這個培訓班裡,我學到更多學校沒有學到的,有關於鞋子的未來發展趨勢、製作技法及過程、材料的 分辨及加工方法等許多在未來就業能與職場接軌的知識。 在鞋子製作方面,我在學校及鞋業人才培訓班學習到鞋樣由最初打版、找尋材料至最後成型的一連串完 整的過程。
我在工業設計系學習到手繪及電繪技巧、產品的機構、人因及美學等,再加上於鞋業人才培訓班學習到 鞋子的組成結構、材料種類及製造流程等專業知識,相信未來能夠將這些實務經驗應用於業界的設計及 開版業務,為公司設計出兼具美感及舒適度的產品! 如今我最大的夢想是進入業界後能應用於在聯大工設系所學的美感、創新思維及以人為本的設計專業及 在鞋業人才培訓班學習到的鞋樣製作實務及鞋業領域的專業知識,為公司盡自己的一份心力!
English autobiography I am Jia Rong Chen, 22 years old, Cancer sign. Since childhood my parents have imbibed in me the importance of morals over academic results, believing results as only temporary, but character and attitude are lifelong. Due to my creativeness and interest in painting, after graduating from high school I enrolled in the Department of Industrial Design at National United University. Under the departments solid training, I worked on perfecting my character. As long as a task is delivered to me, I will most certainly go all out to plan a schedule and complete it! At the start of university, I was poor at self-management and had mediocre academic progresses. Now, I can successfully complete high quality projects in due time and had even received an award at the end of the final exhibition. I received the Best Progress Award twice and an award for a Woven Footwear Design Contest. Within a team project I usually assumed the position of team leader, together we planned and discussed, reported and conducted a schedule. I had demonstrated myself as an effective leader, able to hand out quality work within the due date, earning me praise from many of my peers. In the summer of my senior year, I worked as an intern in a footwear knitting company, the job description being computer aided footwear design and knitting machine operations. Within a month of my internship, I learned the ability to communicate with my boss and colleagues, learned how to discuss problems encountered and exercise solutions. I also learned how to communicate with the boss on how to sell a mutually satisfactory design. My internship design company sold our knitted footwear at a large exhibition in Taipei In Style. One month, though not long, has made me learn a lot of things you cannot learn in school, lessons that will hopefully prove invaluable when entering the industry.
Since I am very determined to enter footwear development, I enrolled in a footwear industry training course after graduating. In this course, I learned what schools did not teach; knowledge about the workplace, future trend development, production techniques and processes, materials and methods of resolution. Concerning the production of footwear, I learned within school and during personnel training the entire process, from start to finish. I studied industrial design, computer aided design, quick sketching techniques, product structure, human factors and aesthetics, on top of my personnel training in the footwear industry, where I learned the composition of footwear, types of material and other manufacturing expertise. I believe these practical experiences can be used in the industry and other similar businesses to great effect, designing both aesthetically pleasing and comfortable products for a company! My biggest dream now is to enter the industry, applying beauty, innovative thinking, people-centered design, and the professional expertise I obtained during my internship and training, to commit fully to my company!