PDF download - Everything The Government _ Most Lawyers Never Tell You Until It's Too Late

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Hi, my name is Fred Haiman and welcome to…

"Everything The Government And Most Lawyers Never Tell You About Estate Planning Until It’s Too Late” You're about to discover the secret of powerful estate planning without needing to understand one word of legal jargon.. We've created this FREE GUIDE for you to give you the answers to these important questions and challenges every person trying to find their way out of the estate planning maze faces: ✓ How get access to the little known "legal structures" that are only normally available to the ‘rich and famous’ that protect a family, and give you complete control to ensure wishes are respected and your inheritance is passed down ✓ Wasting unnecessary money on ‘bill by the hour’ expensive lawyers who care more about their fees than they do their clients ✓ Avoiding finding out years later you discover that your plan wasn't flexible or sophisticated enough to protect you and your family Also, if you're serious about wanting to get started with your own bullet proof estate plan that gives you unlimited flexibility when it comes to preserving your money and passing down everything in line with your wishes, make sure to check out this exciting resource we’ve produced for you right now - Click Here Enjoy! Fred Haiman, Co-founder Haiman Hogue and creator of ‘The Family & Money Protection Plan’



From The Desk Of Fred Haiman In this guide I’m going to reveal the secrets behind some of the most powerful but ‘little known’ estate planning strategies that normally only the rich and famous have access to... but that you’ll be able to take advantage of by the end of this short video. But just before I get to that...

Let Me Ask You A Question? Do you want to understand the absolute best way to plan for your family's future so your inheritance is protected and your wishes are followed to the letter? Are you worried about not getting all the information you need so you don’t miss something that could leave your loved ones exposed when it comes to receiving their inheritance? Are you frustrated by the fact that it seems like lawyers are often stiff and stuffy... never mind full of their own self importance?

I Know It Sounds Crazy But Is It Really Worth It? I know it sounds crazy because despite the fact that you want to protect what you have and pass it on to those you care about... you also think that this is way too complex and you just don't know if it’s worth all the effort... which is ultimately holding you back. Let’s face it... planning for a time where you’re incapacitated or not here any more is not exactly something we get up in the morning feeling good about! So with all that going on in your head, no wonder trying to work out what the best estate plan looks like seems like a bridge too far at this point. Our Clients Felt The Same Way…



Our Clients Felt The Same Way… I know exactly how you feel because all of our clients went through the same struggles you're going through right now. They felt the same way for months... even years sometimes spending hours reading books, scouring the internet going through countless blog posts and articles, and looking at all the different approaches so they could feel confident that they’d found the right estate plan... and nothing really made them feel any clearer.

Until They Discovered… But then they discovered the secret I’m about to share with you that now protects their estate from unexpected life events whether they happen now or in the years to come, as well as passes everything on to those they care about while keeping things private and avoiding government interference as well as thousands in court costs and lawyers fees. Plus... more importantly all of this allows them to avoid family feuds and fights because those that are most important to them now have a set of clear instructions that leaves nothing to chance or in doubt regarding their wishes. So... right now, I'm going to share with you how YOU can have exactly the same experience and ensure that everything is taken care of with a tried and tested approach without any doubt or worry whatsoever…

A Tried & Tested Approach… Hi! I'm Fred Haiman... co founder of the estate planning firm Haiman Hogue and creator of "THE FAMILY & MONEY PROTECTION PLAN". And over the last few years... ● I've literally protected thousands of families from emotional and financial turmoil so they sleep easy at night.



● Made it simple to put in place some of the most sophisticated estate planning structures available, without confusing them with legal jargon. ● As well as ensuring that every future life event such as births, second and third marriages, deaths and incapacity are all accounted for as well as changes to the law, so your assets money and wishes are protected and your family are not left flapping around in the wind.... And I want YOU to be able to experience all of this in YOUR family’s life…!

Now, I know what you're thinking... "But Fred, I've researched everything that’s estate planning and I never found anything like what you're talking about." “In fact I get the feeling that there are a lot of lawyers out there who are just filling in the blanks on templated ‘one size fits all’ plans and getting paid to borrow my watch to tell me the time.” And what’s worse is, I feel out of control during this whole process because nothing is in plain English and I feel like I’ve got to pass ‘the Bar’ just to understand anything. "So how the heck do I actually get something like you're talking about that’s tailored to my exact situation and uses the most sophisticated legal structures to protect what I have and pass it on to those I care about... and do all of that without needing to understand one word of legal terminology?

Here’s the thing about all that… I bet you’ve probably been told that figuring out all of this stuff so you can put a plan in place for your family's future is super hard, complicated, and a real nightmare, right?




So right now, I'm going to share with you something that fixes ALL of that! It's based on a simple and PROVEN estate planning formula I’ve used for years and that takes you from ‘ground zero’ to knowing that you’ve got your estate taken care of just like the thousands of families who’ve already gone before you and now have it working for them! It’s called "THE FAMILY & MONEY PROTECTION PLAN" and it was specifically designed for genuine hard working people who want the absolute best way to go about doing an estate plan without needing to understand how electricity works when all they want to do is flip the switch... just like you! In fact, it's SO effective that every day, we see ‘thank you’ emails and messages pour into our office from the families we help. Look, don't just take my word for it… Check out what some of our clients just like YOU are saying after we protected their inheritance for their family along with their wishes... Click Here To READ THESE REVIEWS... Is that cool? These are people who were in the exact same boat you’re in now...but then they took advantage of this highly advanced estate planning formula and it changed how they protected and passed down their inheritance for good.

So, now it's YOUR turn. Would you like to know how to get started? It’s easy... all you have to do is book a free no-obligation 30 MINUTE phone call with us.



During this call we’ll find out where you are right now, what’s most important to you and resolve any worries you may have so you can get clear on your own tailored and custom made FAMILY & MONEY PROTECTION PLAN.

PLUS, with your plan in place you’ll also get ‘cast iron’ levels of protection built in: BONUS #1 - Peace Of Mind Spouse Support & Protection For example… all too often people are left picking up the pieces after a sudden accident or death. This part of the plan ensures the surviving spouse is able to locate everything they need to carry on with day to day living, have access to necessary funds and know exactly what to do when it seems their whole world is falling apart?

BONUS #2 - Blended Family Fairshare Formula Another fact is we live In a world where more and more families include second marriages it’s a challenge to organize the distribution of an estate between children from a prior marriage or beneficiaries from outside the marriage. But with a Blended Family Fairshare Formula you’ll be able to overcome all of those headaches with a simple but highly effective approach. BONUS #3 - Even & Uneven Inheritance Split Option We’ve also found that Many families often have situations where they want the distribution of their estate to be based on complete equality in terms of their beneficiaries. But what if you want to be more flexible than that. With this clause you’re able to base your distribution on multiple factors making things much fairer in many cases.



BONUS #4 - Bloodline Inheritance Protection Planner Now as we’ve mentioned previously Over and over we see families having their estate whittled down or completely lost due to changes within the family structure. For example, with this protection your children can divorce and no son-in-law or daughter-in-law will ever be able to lay claim to your children’s inheritance and any assets you’ve passed on to them.

BONUS #5 - Family Business Failsafe System Oh and if you’re a business owner then you’ll know that Running a family business is a full time affair and is the main reason we see many business owners and their families falling into chaos in the event of a sudden death or incapacity. That’s why the Family & Money Protection Plan has contingency planning built in for business owners and their families ensuring continued access to all necessary accounts and decision making processes so if something unexpected happens, family members and employees can keep the wheels of their business turning allowing the family to stay in control and minimize the obvious emotional impact. But what about a contingency for a future marriage that hasn’t happened yet? BONUS #6 - Future Re-Marriage Contingency Plan (Value: $0,000) Well Many people find it hard to imagine a time when their spouse may remarry after they're gone so they don’t plan for it. The problem comes when the new partner has joint access to everything you’ve left behind and is either overbearing or sees a new direction for your money. With this part of your plan your children and grandchildren, never mind your spouse will no longer be vulnerable to the wants and needs of a new partner. BONUS #7 - Government Regulation & Court Cost Protection And on top of all that there is the specter of the government. You see For the majority of the US population they think they will be protected from probate court and government interference if they have a will. This



unfortunately is not the case so your Family and Money Protection Plan comes with the peace of mind that all of your wishes will be followed to the letter while allowing you to save tens of thousands of dollars in probate court costs and lawyers fees. This element of the plan also ensures your loved ones will have clear instruction avoiding family arguments that could lead to irreparable rifts. BONUS #8 - Financial & Personal Privacy Guard (Value: $0,000) This also ensures that everything is kept private and confidential. Because let’s face it No one wants their private affairs laid bare to public scrutiny but this becomes the reality of families where all they had was a will to deal with the distribution of their estate. That’s why with this plan we’ve ensured all of your wishes remain private property and only your nearest and dearest ever have access to them. BONUS #9 - Family Member Objection/Disrupter Protection (Value: $0,000) But even if things are kept behind closed doors that doesn’t stop someone from within the family group flat out disagreeing with your plan. You see unfortunately not every family member may be happy with the decisions you make when it comes to your estate planning. Without the necessary plans in place that family member may be able to undo your wishes after you’re gone. So this unique plan has built in protection for this so no matter what someone thinks or feels your wishes will override anything else someone would prefer happen. And while we’re on the subject of reducing disruption and stress we’ve paid special attention to those in a family with special needs. BONUS #10 - Special Needs Benefits Disqualification Protection (Value: $0,000) The honest truth is that when you have a special needs child or family member life is as challenging as it gets and the support received from government benefits becomes an essential ingredient in dealing with that challenge. Unfortunately too many special needs family members get disqualified from receiving their government benefits through no fault of their own, when a parent or grandparent leaves them money or assets. To avoid this awful scenario your FMPP has a special structure



that avoids this and allows a special needs person to inherit everything you wish to pass down, without it affecting their government benefit qualification. Oh and special needs is not the only area where family members and beneficiaries could lose out. BONUS #11 - Government Benefits Disqualification Protection (Value: $0,000) There are a whole host of other government benefits that are critical in the daily lives of our loved ones. So not only have we built in protection for a special needs scenario but your Family and Money Protection Plan ensures that any other family receiving a state or federal benefit will still qualify for that benefit after receiving their inheritance from you. And finally let me quickly tell you about what we’ve done when it comes to dealing with things like spendthrift and addictive behaviors that could burn through your legacy quicker than you can blink. BONUS #12 - Beneficiary Spendthrift & Abuse Contingency (Value: $0,000) You see the thing is it’s very difficult to have a crystal ball when planning your future estate and no matter how you think someone may behave after they receive an inheritance you never know how they will use it or spend it until the time comes. So to avoid things like spendthrift behavior due to poor spending habits or a loved one having an addiction problem and using your money to fuel that addiction we’ve created the option for you to add a contingency that protects against that ever happening to the money you lovingly pass on.

So to sum up... we've broken down the entire process of estate planning for you 1 step at a time... That means, with the "THE FAMILY & MONEY PROTECTION PLAN", you're able to understand the absolute best way to plan for your family's



future, ensure you don’t miss out on any of the the little known planning options out there and in the process get our firm with a team of lawyers in your corner who care more about your needs than just getting another plan done. And to be honest it’s easier, faster, and more professional than any other option out there! But we only offer a limited number of these free sessions each month and they fill up fast. And if something was to happen between now and then I don’t want you to live with that risk. I genuinely want you to be able to protect your family and what you have as well as pass it on to those you care about making sure if any unexpected events take place.... down the track whether it be tomorrow or next year... you avoid your family tearing itself apart and suffering family rifts from fights that could have been avoided with clear instructions that will make everything an easy step by step process for them.

Now I know that some of you are thinking... "I’ll book this later because I don't have the time right now. I'm really busy. I'll wait to book my no-obligation call tomorrow. I can tell you from experience tomorrow never comes... and there won't be a next time. Because the ‘next time' becomes ‘the next time' and on and on, and then it NEVER happens. Success Loves Speed. And if you're willing to do what it takes NOW, I promise you you'll be in a very different place in a matter of days than where you are now. If you follow what we show you, you'll be able to sleep easy knowing that everything is taken care of with a bullet proof plan.



Just imagine your life knowing you’ve secured the absolute best way to plan for your family's future, ensured you’ve not missed out on any of the best available planning options , and your family will avoid any shouting matches... and have it all done in just a matter of days! No more waiting, no more hoping or wondering how it's going to happen. And that's because we do it with you every step of the way. So go ahead and claim your FREE NO-OBLIGATION CALL by calling us now on 469-893-5337 or just CLICK HERE and we’ll begin the proven process of custom building your Family & Money Protection Plan with you. I'm here to help you get the outcome you're looking for so you can have an estate plan like the thousands of othetr smart families who’ve already gone before you. Your success is my #1 priority. I can't tell you how many people from all over the state have used the "THE FAMILY & MONEY PROTECTION PLAN" and totally transformed their lives for the better. So go ahead and Claim your FREE PLANNING SESSION today and I’ll see you on the other side! Fred Haiman, Co-Founder at Haiman Hogue, PLLC & Co-Creator of ‘The Family & Money Protection Plan’



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