Have You Heard Of ADHD Yet? Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) is a condition that is similar to a neurodevelopment disorder - whereby the development of the brain or central nervous system is interrupted. The cause of ADHD is mostly unknown; but what we do know is that ADHD is three times more frequent in boys than in girls, and around 2-5% of adults have this condition. Lack of attention, hyperactivity or restlessness, and academic difficulties are something that is common in ADHD. Difficulty in understanding, poor handwriting, and delay in speech are common in children. Adults suffering from ADHD are diagnosed under the same condition; questioning adults as to how they behaved as a child might help and give a picture of the condition. Some of the symptoms are depression, anxiety, and mania, apart from the others.
The newest ADHD App is one of a kind - a distinctive and inimitable App that utilizes precisely designed exercises that develop a person’s decision-making function. This App mainly focuses on learning, communicating, and behaving apart from working on memory and motivation level; thereby increasing focus and self-confidence. This App is designed for children and adults who go through deficit disorder and can be utilized by anybody who wants to improve their mental recital.
Treatment using an App might sound strange, but research has shown that this App is beneficial in improving and increasing communication and decision making skills. Neuro cognitive theory is supposed to improve self discipline and the improvement is seen in as little as three months. This App is based on research and it indicates that certain mental exercise can improve cognitive skills - in turn increasing the power of concentration.
There has been a lot of research on this condition and the symptoms are explained clearly in several papers online. Thus it is now a well researched and understood disorder. This App is a step to increase the concentration level and discipline of an adult and also a child. The treatment is begun after a lot of study and research on individuals. The most significant feature of this ADHD treatment is that it is natural and drugless. This has been in development for over a year and the treatment is entirely based on peer reviewed scientific literature.
This App has a game to play which engages the mind and this can be felt in the very first treatment; it uses a bunch of easy to understand symbols, and colors that make it easy to use and interpret. Best of all, this App reduces the dependence on medication.
Contact Details :: MindMed
452 Hopkins Avenue, Peterborough, Ontario, Canada Email : info@adhd-app.com Website : http://www.adhd-app.com/