ManageMent of Meeting Preparation of meeting Conduc the meeting Write the result of the meeting Distribute the result of the meeting
Bisnis Manajemen
KD 1.Prepare the meeting INDICATOR 1.1
1.3 1.4
Conduct meeting and participant that attend to the needs of Meeting Arrangement is made base on need and designed the time of the Agenda is made rely on target meeting that was established Existing Information in agenda is that will be expostulated Materials for meeting has been prepared and sent to participant in accordance with time that has been made Bisnis dan Manajemen
Meeting/density Scope Meeting/density Preparation Explain understanding about meeting/density Mention meeting/density types Mengidentifikasi meeting/density need Explain meeting/density planology Explain technique of compile meeting invitation Explain technique of compile agenda Prepare materials and tool with nippy Make proposal, invitation, and compile agenda of meeting accurately and hold qresponsible Arrange meeting room with nippy
Bisnis dan Manajemen
According to dictionary “kamus Bahasa Indonesia second edition by balai pustaka� Meeting is a meeting to discuss something on meeting chamber
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Communication ethic by Samsil Rambe : Meeting is a set of some people or organization that will discuss problem, something or common interest to give explanation, break a problem and at the same time perform consultation to getting the a result agreed on / mutual agreement. Bisnis dan Manajemen
Correspondence and communication according to Cut Rozanna : Meeting is a meeting between members in organization environment by it self to negotiate or finish a problem concerning common interest.
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Conclusion : Meeting is a meeting that conducted one who discusses a problem or importance to give explanation or break a problem perform consultation to getting the agreement together
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The objective of a meeting: • To solve a problem. • To deliver information, order, statement. • Coordination tool
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Type of meeting
According to objective: According to types of meeting According to length of time/duration According to frequency According to name
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According to objective Explanation meeting Problem solving meeting Negotiation meeting
According to type of meeting
Formal Informal open closed
Berdasarkan Jangka Waktu
Weekly Meeting ( Rapat Mingguan ) Monthly Meeting (Rapat Bulanan ) Six Monthly ( Rapat Semester} Annual Meeting (Rapat Tahunan )
Berdasarkan Frekuensi Rountin Meeting ( Rapat Rutin ) Insidental Meeting ( Rapat Mendadak )
According to name Rapat Kerja Rapat Dinas Musyawarah Kerja
Requirement of a meeting Preparation Implementation
Deciding the aim of the meeting and agenda Deciding the time, day,date and year Place Acomodation Meals(food and beverage) Media/equiptment
Implementation of the meeting
It is an open meeting The participants are active Control of the chair Avoid unclear debate communicative Avoid one way communication There is result of the meeting Note agenda media time
Meeting element • • • • • •
objective Point to discuss Chair participant media secretary
1. Objective of the meeting To solve a problem to deliver information, order and statement. Coordination events.
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2. Problem to discuss Regular to big problem which need quick way out and solution . It sometimes can be postponed , or do the meeting
3. Leader of the meeting a. Otoriter b.democratic c. laissez-faire
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4. Participants Characteristic or meeting participants character 1) Unifier type 2) Medium type 3) Hearer type 4) Motivator type 5) Initiative type 6) Informer type 7) Attack Type Bisnis dan Manajemen
Meeting participants Function • • • • •
1) As the opinion contributor 2) As the conclusion person 3) As the data contributor 4) As the receiver of decision result 5) As the leader assistant
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a.Room, ,table and chair, white board b.Lights c.Flip chart d.Sound system e.stationary f. OHP, computer, etc
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• 6. recorder of the meeting • Notlist is someone wrote write • 'Notula,' Whereas Notula are short note on the meeting discussion and matter • that discussed and decided on a meeting
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Techniques to conduct the meeting 1. 2. 3. 4.
preparation implementation Report Communication tools
1. Preparation
Administration Room Accomodation and Food&Beverage Heath & security
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2. Implementation
Meeting opening Duty distribution Group meeting Plenary meeting conclusion reproduction
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3. Report
reporter Receiver of the report Material to be reported 4. Communication items(language)
Paragraph in harmony effective sentence
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Meeting Equiptment Equiptment Stationary Accomodation
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Some equiptment Notula which is the result of the former meeting Topic to be discussed on the meeting Some rules needed Reference
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Stationary and other equiptment Pen,pencil,eraser File folder,(HVS sheets, meeting agenda, document that will be discussed) Computer,notebook Sound System Overhead Proyektor (OHP) Video Tape Recorder White Board Camera Bisnis dan Manajemen
Accomodation and Food & Beverage Hotel Transportation Food & Beverage
Preparing the meeting Type of Meeting layout • • • •
Lights Colour Airconditioning Sound system
Light Planning The Light is important consideration in office lay-out. lack of light generate muscle stress, eye fatigue, and mistake in working, because its success white-collar need good light lighting.
Type of light (hand-made) Direct Half-direct Indirect Half-indirect
Colour Planning • Colour is important factor to enlarge job efficiency to employees and colour will influence feeling and mind. Then ought to we use appropriate colour, precise, and good in order to office shows draw and please. • Experts differentiates tri colour fundamental : • Ruddle depict heat and gladness;joy • Yellow Colour depicts the warm of the sunlight to stimulate eye and nerve in order to generate gladful feeling • blue is the colour of sky and ocean that depict comforness.
Air Planning To overcome that muggy air must concerned about : • Arrange air temperature in workroom by means of AC. • Good air circulation at offices • Arrange comfort clothes to be weared by workers.
Sound system Noise voices and riotic can disturb concentration because it can disturb one's mind and it influences his work result. To overcome it, some points to put into consideration: • Roof/room wall uses soundproof. • Telephone set is made in tightly closed small room. • Room Floor are given pallet from materials that not many release voice.
Techniques to arrange meeting invitation Official letter invitation invitation letter- unofficial invitation letter-” half-official”
Official letter invitation Invitation card that is made by an organization, Institution, institute, Foundation (non profit institution) in order to people or Organisation invited can attend agenda that carried out by party that invite. • Example : Official Meeting invitation
Unofficial letter invitation Made individually to represent himself so that peole invited will attend the program Contoh : wedding partyand Khitanan
Half-official, invitation letter issued by an organization for a program which is not formal/non-official format Contoh : Halal bihalal and anniversary of a company
Requirements on writing letter • The tone should be correct - avoid the complex sentences - grammar should be ok - The manner on writting
• The use of simple sentence •
- Correct word order which state an understanding.
• The Sentence is brief clear, correct grammar, not repetitious, so that it is easy to understand by reader.
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• The body of the letter clear , consice and behave. •
The Clear context - avoid the unfamiliar term and complex sentences - choice of words, simple word order and proper expression, clear writing and correct - The use of common symbol in a sentence
Paragraph arrangement to find out who send the incoming letter. to find out city, date,month, and year the letter issued. to find out the purpose of the letter of the sender to find out name and title of the sender to find out if there is an enclosure
Parts of a letter • • • •
Heading Opening Body of the letter closing
Heading At this part ,institution, address,telephone number, logo, etc.
Opening Letter Date, Month and Year Letter Number, make Number letter, make it or out. Attachment As For Name and address letter author who want to Greeting Opening
Body of the letter Is complete and clear description about that problem of letter causative made and delivered. Usually poured into opening paragraph, content paragraph and conclusion paragraph.
Closing Consist of:  Closing statement, e.g. Sincerely ,Yours truly  Signature
Technique to arrange meetng & agenda Technique • knowledge to make something • systematic way to do something
Agenda • Notes book that bear date for a one year • Matter to be discussed on the meeting
Program Topic to be discussed on the meeting
Meeting • •
Meet to talk about something Conference to discuss problem with reference to job area we are dealing with
Some point to put into consideration on a meeting: • • • • • • • • •
Know and expert on topic to be discussed know the objective of the meeting Know situation of meeting participants candidate Know time, place, the duration meeting/density, and meeting/density execution Know equipments that will be used Know situation of chair person candidate Know meeting room situation Know heavy meal/light and beverage Know meeting/density discipline
The meeting is schedule according to the matter/topic the order of the meeting is:
opening Remark of the leader The meeting The chair read the result of the meeting Know and expert the topic being discussed Know the topic and the objective of the meeting
Know situation of meeting participants candidate Know time, place, the duration meeting/density, and meeting/density execution • Know equipments that will be used • Know situation of chair person candidate • Know meeting room situation • Know heavy meal/light and beverage • Know meeting/density discipline
Example of meeting agenda “Pertemuan para eksekutif muda� Pertemuan para eksekutif muda akan diadakan pada tanggal 12 Juni 2004, Pukul 10.00 di ruang Presidential Hotel Indonesia. Agenda : 1. Laporan dari rapat sebelumnya 2. Perkenalan produk baru 3. Tanggapan terhadap produk baru 4. Pemasaran produk/promosi 5. Pembagian wilayah pemasaran 6. Persiapan promosi 7. Tanggal untuk rapat selanjutnya
Example of Meeting order Judul Rapat : Pemasaran Produk Terbaru Perusahaan Pemimpin Rapat : Direktur Utama Bapak Susilo, S.E. Acara : 1. Pembukaan diawali dengan doa 2. Laporan dari rapat sebelumnya oleh ketua Penyelenggara rapat 3. Pengarahan Rapat 4. Perkenalan produk baru 5. Tanggapan dan tanya jawab
6. Pembagian kelompok kerja 7. Rapat pleno mengenai hasil kerja kelompok 8. Cara pemasaran produk/promosi 9. Pembagian wilayah pemasaran 10. Persiapan promosi 11. Pembacaan keputusan-keputusan hasil rapat 12. Kesimpulan rapat 13. Penutup diakhiri dengan doa 14. Pemberitahuan rapat selanjutnya Bisnis dan Manajemen
Example of body of the letter of invitation letter Dengan hormat, Kami mengundang Bapak/Ibu untuk hadir pada Rapat yang akan diselenggarakan pada: Hari/tanggal : Senin/11 Juli 2004 Waktu : Pukul 1O.OO Tempat : Grand Mahakam Jl. Pattimura IV Jakarta Acara : Rapat kerja bagi Guru dan Tata Usaha Mengingat pentingnya acara tersebut, kami mohon kehadiran Bapak/Ibu tepat pada waktunya. Atas perhatian Bapak/Ibu, kami ucapkan terima kasih.
The proposal order is:
introduction background Objective Activity Work plan Location of the activity Time,schedule The committee,people involved in the activity fund closing enclosure
KD 2.Meeting Arrangement Indicator
2.1 2.2
2.3 2.4
Meeting is led according to company procedure and meeting procedures Interpersonal and stylist communication is weared to open and push existence of good komunicationi Agreement hits target and meeting management can be reached Idea and information are submitted clearly and complete
2.5 All participants are given opportunity to give idea 2.6 Meeting is managed in instructed in order to reach the target 2.7 Meeting Time that will be carried out next agreed on and relied on participant agreement 2.8 'Notulen ' is noted truly
Bisnis dan Manajemen
Meeting Management Meeting Ethics Explain open and eting to order Explain technique of lead
Explain technique of raise opinion Comprehend meeting/density discipline Explain technique of compile notula and meeting/density resume Apply technique of open, lead, raise opinion, and compile notula and meeting/density resume truly Mempraktrekkan meeting/density management Make notula and compile meeting/density resume
Bisnis dan Manajemen
Technique to open and close a meeting Opening a meeting
The Opening sentence must be interesting and motivated The opening sentence contain general things to be discussed on the meeting Stressed on the purpose of the meeting Use brief,consice sentence but exite the listener
 In the beginning of the speech you can use: - data - Anecdot - making question/questioning the audience - express something unique - use wise word,prover to attract the listener
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Technique to close the meeting ďƒ˜ Make a conclusion at the end of the speech, the speaker should repeat the main issues of the discussion he/she delivered
ďƒ˜ Closing statement some ways to close the speech: - repeat briefly the topic he has delivered - suggestion for the audience - flattery to the audience - make the audience laugh, happy - closing by using wise word, a quote from Quran,etc
Technique-to lead a meeting The leader of a meeting should : • • • • • •
Broad knowledge Control the meeting/conference Be honest,strict Control the traffic in a meeting Manage the meeting to achieve the goal Give the same opportunity to the participant to speak • Lead the meeting according to the company procedure
Technique to give opinion Some technique to ask question in a meeting • • • • • • • • •
direct general open feedback Moving factual retoric reward Leading Question
Meeting rules 1. Before the the meeting begins. a. the participant shoud come in time. b. sign the attendance list. c. the participant bring the invitation letter d. let the committee know if he can’t attend the meeting. e. wear the dresscode
2. Some rules on meeting a. Obey meeting rule of the game that already determined b. Disciplineof converses, behave c. Discipline of enquires d. Discipline to do assignment, individualy/group e. Rest Discipline/eat/drink
3. Regulation when finish meeting/density a. If there is any assignment do it timely b. Follow the next meeting
Bisnis dan Manajemen
Technique to arrange Notula and Resume of the meeting • The definition of Notula Notula is a brief note on the meeting agenda and the result of the meeting • Type of Notula - Notula Harfiah, is a word by word report of all the discussion on the meeting without add any word or sentence - Notula Rangkuman, is a brief note about the meeting
The function of Notula As a document and evidence As an evidence of the participant who are not show up As a guidance for the next meeting As areminder of the meeting’s participant
The content of Notula Title of the notula and organization name or organization unit or that carry out meeting. Day, date, place, and time start and the termination of meeting Characteristic of meeting for example routine, annual, extraordinary Leader and meeting/density minutest Participant Name either participant that attend or absentee Previous meeting/density Completion and authentication from leader meeting
• • • • • •
Agenda of meeting Formation Summary of meeting Meeting Result other various discussed matter in a matter Special Note Name and the signature of the leader and the notulist
Bisnis dan Manajemen
3.Making a note on the meeting
The result of the meeting is typed correctly 3.2 The result is given to whom it may concern
- The result of Notulen
- Able to make note of the result of meeting
PROCESS - Type the result of the meeting correctly
Bisnis dan Manajemen
Example of Notula arrangement NOTULA
Rapat Pemilihan Calon Ketua Jurusan Sekretaris Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Manajemen Bandung 2006 Hari Tanggal Jam Tempat
: Senin
: 24 April 2006 : 09.00 – 12.30 WIB : Ruang Serba Guna
Ketua : Ketua Jurusan Sekretaris : Sekretaris Jurusan Hadir : 24 peserta Tidak Hadir : 4 peserta Acara : – Pembukaan – Penjelasam tentang tata cara pemilihan calon ketua Jurusan – Pemilihan Calon Ketua Jurusan – Tanya jawab dan lain-lain – Penutup Bisnis dan Manajemen
Risalah Pembicaraan Acara ke-1: – Jam 09.00 WIB Rapat dibuka oleh Sekretaris Jurusan – Sekretaris membacakan peserta yang hadir dan tidak hadir – Sekretaris membacakan jadwal pemilihan Ketua Jurusan Acara ke-2: Penjelasan dari Ketua Jurusan – Syarat-syarat calon Ketua Jurusan – prosedur pencalonan – Prosedur pertimbangan – Prosedur penetapan – Pemilihan Acara ke-3: Pemilihan calon Ketua Jurusan Berdasarkan SK Dekan Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Manajemen No. 24/IV/06 terdapat 3 orang dosen yang dicalonkan, yaitu: – Dra. Hana Hasana – Dra. Nina Karmil – Drs. Pujo Hartono a. Dra. Hana Hasanah, tidak bersedia di calonkan b. Dra. Nina Karmila, dan c. Drs. Pujo Hartono, bersedia dicalonkan Tampilan
Pasal 4,
Acara ke-4: Tanya jawab dan lain-lain • Dra. Nina Karmila, prosedur pertimbangan dan penetapan ketua jurusan • Drs. Puji Hartono, menayakan kemungkinan di masa mendatang. Acara ke-5: Penutup Tepat pada jam 12.30 WIB rapat ditutup oleh ketua jurusan dengan ucapan terima kasih. Mengetahui dan mengesahkan Bandung, 24 April 2006 Ketua Sekretaris Drs. Yudiferi Dra.Shadana NIP. 130777841
Tanggal : 23 Mei 2007 Lt. 6 Hari
Lokasi : Ruang Sidang BPKLN 602
: Rabu
Jam : 14.00 s.d selesai Peserta Rapat: 1. Agus. S. Surtobroto dari FIK Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta 2. Budi Valianto dari FIK Universitas Negeri Medan 3. Khairuddin dari FIK Universitas Negeri Padang 4. Tedi Cahyono dari FIK Universitas Negeri Jakarta\ 5. Ferry Yulmarino 6. Abe Susanto 7. Tim Beasiswa Unggulan Bisnis dan Manajemen
The result of the meeting: 1.
Tawaran Beasiswa pemerintah Kuba terdiri dari 10 beasiswa mengenai Pendidikan Olahraga, 1 beasiswa Teknik Mesin Pertanian dan 1 beasiswa kedokteran Hewan
Untuk Beasiswa Pendidikan Olahraga, pengajuan dapat dikirimkan kepada Sekretaris Beasiswa Unggulan. Untuk informasi mengenai biaya Pendidikan dan biaya hidup dapat menghubungi Kedutaan Besar Kuba di Jakarta, Telp. 021-3812982.
Jika ada kendala mengenai biaya maka dapat memanfaatkan beasiswa olahragawan atau subsidi atlet untuk berlatih ke luar negeri (bila beasiswa tidak seluruhnya terserap oleh atlet) atau dengan subsidi keberangkatan ke Luar Negeri max. US $ 500.
Beasiswa unggulan juga memberikan beasiswa pendidikan bagi olahragawan melalui Program Double Degree U to U antara Universitas di Indonesia (UNJ sebagai playing bagi UN yang lain) dengan Universitas di Kuba.
Bagi Pelatnas berprestasi yang sedang sekolah tetapi belum mengajukan permohonan beasiswa pendidikan dengan ditujukan ke Dikti tetapi tembusan ke Biro PKLN.
Segera kontak dengan Kedutaan Besar Kuba di Jakarta mengenai informasi beasiswa.
Saran kepala: Sekitar tanggal 15-20 Juni 2007 akan di undang kembali mengenai Progress beasiswa ini. Pemimpin Rapat,
(Ade Susanto)
KD 4.Distribute the result of the meeting INDICATOR
4.2 4.3
Document that produced from meeting made truly and be well-distributed Other Staff are given information of the meeting matter Job that produced from meeting entered into schedule activity that already there is with concerned about priority and executedproperly Bisnis dan Manajemen
Tool and doubling frame Duplication Way Usage Way or result f the meeting distribution
Bisnis dan Manajemen
Get the picture doubling frame tool Explain duplication way Explain delivery way Explain book writing or expedition sheet Practice Notulen duplication with machine duplication Practice delivery notula with fax, email, circumference post and expedition book
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Duplicating machine • Fotocopy machine and its usage : - press the power on to turn it on - Put down paper at glass of photo place copy with edge part to the patch at scale line on correct course correct - Depress knob of copy result regulator - Depress knob of duplication amount that desired - Depress knob start - Press off knob turn it off
Mimeograph and its fuction: •
Provide paper that will be duplicated on site that has been provided exists beside Up and down Botton • Depress knob power that under • Boost up knob exists Up and down Button beside knob power • Put down master on site that already provided,then adjust the master size
- Depress knob to select photo duplication or article later, menu knob main. main menu divided into : a. Zoom (max 140 %) b. Organize Size (B4, A4, B5, A5, and Post) c. Photo Mode/to measure ink (gelap, soft, normal) - After finish menu election to return to arrangement early depresses main menu till gauged article osht 1 set‌.% - Then depress knob to enter master that will be duplicated
Sending the Notula • Faximile machine 1. make sure the fax is on 2. put the letter at feeder or sending position (upside down paper) 3. press the target number, wait until you hear beep‌.beep‌. 4. press start or copy, automatically the letter is sent to its destination
• E-mail 1. Login to your email, use the following link : http// a. Sign In Yahoo Mail b. Insert your Yahoo ID and Password c. Click Sign In button 2. There are some part of menu appear yahoo mail page 3. Click NEW to start make a new message
4. Page to type your message is show up . Pay attention to some points: a. To : write the email address of the outgoing letter b. Subject : subject of the letter c. to attach something press the attach buton 5. To sende-mail click Send button
• Direct post 1. type the Notulen 2. duplicate the result of the meeting to be sent 3. Check it in advance 4. Write down /record all of the information to be send
5. Note all explanation that will
posted stamp amount that will glued 6. If usingr stamp machine facility all artifacts that will be sent pass by its stamp post is stamped withthe machine 7. For package type or thick envelope , address is typed above lable that have the glue then paste up at envelope
• Expedition sheet Two type of book Expedition: 1. Internal 2. External