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Climate-neutral newsletter
As AD International is committed to the environment, from now on we will print all the printable we produce in a climate-neutral way. Therefore, the carbon footprint of this ADI Newsletter was calculated.
How does it work?
Its carbon footprint is very limited because the printing process in itself is already very sustainable. As a climate-neutral company, the print company takes on the production process. To then calculate the 'extra' emissions of a particular print order, the following facts are taken into account:
• the print run,
• the dimensions,
• the chosen paper,
• the weight of inks and varnishes used,
• how many printing plates were used
• how it is transported
Based on the above data, Climate Partner's module calculates exactly how many CO2 emissions were caused in the production of this print product. This can be compensated by investing in sustainable and certified climate projects that reduce, avoid and remove greenhouse gases from the atmosphere. In addition, the chosen climate project contributes to several SDGs (sustainable development goals of the UN). The chosen projects also all undergo international external audits so that it can be verified that everything is proceeding correctly.
Save and clean cookstoves Nationwide in Uganda: https://fpm.climatepartner.com/ project/details/1449/nl
Forest protection Mataven in Colombia: https://fpm.climatepartner.com/project/ details/1402/nl