ILZE MARI WESSELS ARTFOLIO 1.PICTURES & words 1.1 AUGMENTATIONS 2.MONUMENT & polytics 3.WASTE & waves 3.1 WORKSHOPS 4.PRACTICE & process 4.1 PROCESS & posters 5.AI & dialog
Pictures & Words Ideas & Emotions
Graphic representation as well as writing have been two interests that belonged the creating imaginery, utopian and memory worlds. Digital posters, postcards, business cards, event posters, zines, books, vector illustrations & finally moving pictures; as animations or music videos are junctions of visual & audial protests able to present immediate calls for a future by responding to present. Seeing as utopia was never realised in South Africa and may not anytime soon due to truamatised bureaucracy & politics, DESIGN in a country in desperate need is drowning in le�over images of false utopia authored by Apartheid & capitalis. So, pictures & words in all their forms radically generate the motions of change, from dialogue which illicit mind images already suggesting new social to cognitive structures formed purely within the reaction to view, much like architecture, these are small playful foundations for possibility & potential - and so my architecture begins at art, my emergence as an artist & finally my fascination with the artist. DFUS POSTCARDS \ ISSI ISSA \BOUKIN\ POSTERS \ MAPS \ZINES\ EVENTS POSTERS\ KANT \ PHOTOGRAPHY \ VIDEO
Methods of radical change | Refinement
Ilze +27 82 362 6952
Ilze +27 82 362 6952
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Ilze +27 82 362 6952
Ilze +27 82 362 6952
Ilze +27 82 362 6952
Ilze +27 82 362 6952
Ilze +27 82 362 6952
Ilze +27 82 362 6952
Ilze +27 82 362 6952
Ilze +27 82 362 6952
Ilze +27 82 362 6952
Monument & Polytics Protest, Place & History
Architecture exists within its own spectrums of time present & time past. These together, present complexities that typically, tools such as drawing, writing & building o�en cannot address but work towards doing such. My postgraduate work responded to political climates relating to monument remaining & researched the anti/ non/counter-monument response popular in Europe during the 80’s as method to address the hauntings of space by Apartheid. Exploring how the past could be used as a foundation for social change led to numerous conceptual investigations the sad truth is that since the ‘Fees Must Fall’ movement began statues such as Paul Kruger in the centre of Church Square in Pretoria remain fenced in with the Department of Heritage not being able to comment of the future of the statue - and despite its history of movement [even to Mozambique to escape British capture] the statue has imploded public space rather than facilitate it. The damage done by monument has only been compunded and o�en where architecture would fail digital architectures or exhibitions were the only relevant intervention. At this point in my education VR wasnt a topic of discussion yet, despite proposing an audial history chamber - the space is still a legacy of South Africans struggle and ClearVu’s prosperity in the Fence Nation. I know continue unpacking these concepts through my photography & striving to combine it with augmented histories. CHURCH \ PILA MORITI \ STEENHOVEN SPRUIT \ ZULU DICTIONARY \ MARABASTAD \ FOUND
Recovering truth | Language
Waste & Waves
Art, Industry & Collaborative Economies Involement in collaborative projects with different artists, art collectives & individuals ranging from independent creatives to business owners in Johannesburg, Pretoria & Bangkok led me to base my masters in Architecture on the topic of Waste & finally actualising it in education & industries. The colour of the sky that needs to be shown in the skin of a building is o�en forgot, rather there is an environmental climate that begs the question of the revelance of ‘built’ when it exists as one of the largest contributors to waste production & pollution. We however justify its being because our economies - which exist as a complex knot with not a single moment spared to undo it - spin long these thread ends without realising the ability to create new economies. Waste research in South Africa s minimal, & the dissertation opted to explore the psychologies of waste through art & plastic. Revealing potentials of ‘waste’ & economic methodologies inclusive of the the ‘Precariat’ through ‘Precious Plastics’ as one attempt at the undoing of the vortex of waste. SHE \ SLOW \ WASOP WASTE DISSERTATION \ [2]ISSUU
Deciphering value | Data delivery
Action Economies & Mobility The African Reclaimers Organisation have been the client since 2016, finally in 2019 I had the privelage to meet them in the brixton Community Centre where they presented alongside the academics involved - all the data- all the truthes- the facts were dismal but inspiring- because a project had already been constructired for them - I just was waiting to find them and meet them in the most organic way. I follwed them around to the French Institute and presented my Dissertation as the tool to move forward to gain access to the spaces they were legally speaking - entitled to - the workshop was the first of its kind, having hosted Pinhole Workshops from waste materials - it was a wonderous moment to work with the the community of informal waste pickers to generate a new access to the city in collaboration.
As my time with the Goethe Institute was concluding and we were hosting our final event - the workshopwas TYPOLOGYagain ZONES between Realising space into the Virtualising of space so as to Realise Place - whereas with ARO pivoted we had Realised the Waste in order to Virtualise Space - the value proposition learns how to pivot through workshop and sees itself manifesting in more lucrative collaborations with EOH for example and Goethe & their partners.
Virtualise Space | Realise Place
Practice & Process Gravity, polyline & colour
Practice is forever along the juxtapositional line of art with very little discussion of praxis. The merging of concepts into brickwork; theory of form into steel or the numbering of paper sizes for an exhibition at the Korean embassy or a cloack of stainless steel for a dancer for the Bangkok Bienalle begun at a proposal of floating bookshelf for Kinokuniya. An unceasing love for the whimsical realism of design that exists beyond the object/building itself orginated at thingsmatter. Learning how to art with architecture has developed notions of virtual & ‘non’ physical applications of design Practice allowed for the expression thereof in the virtual gallery designed for Dean Hutton as a response to the threats on their life based on the statement ‘FUCK WHITE PEOPLE’. Protest architectures are those that cannot be questioned by engineers, or sent off to China for cheap steel manufacturing or rot in the rain because of incorrect specs - however other threats do exist in the virtual & it is exactly these that architects are slow to address in South Africa and it is these that interest me. I explored this further at Faku’gesi in 2019, playing specifically with the process of prodcution of 3d prints with individuals - experimenting with architecture & design and production and plastic. thingsmatter \ 26’10 south \ ISA \ GOLDENDEAN
Virtual Politics | Code | Client
Process & Posters Gravity, polyline & colour
Little architectures are sound - as mentioned in 1. the visual content one creates is the foundation of another form of architecture - the realisation of how image could proliferate into architectures of place and space were really explored in the partnership with Childline - where images were specifically designed for rooms, community centres, The 2d into 3d process has challenged how images are to funtion in the world today- and sets up a new challenge - because despite the evolving wonders technology affords us - access to it remains the most challenging. Therefore in the same way Childline has used images to make information for young girls more accessbile - I seek to focus on how image can give access to Wifi & data - hacking the problems for effective solutions.
| Gazebos & sound Architectures
AI & Dialog
Society, Conversations & IN DIALOG Architectures & communication are practically the same industry, because they are industry for people. Machines are building buildings - but machines in South Africa are still principally human driven industries because labour is so cheap. So within an industry of people, why is communication such a problematic & everyday issue? From cellphone network enforcing internet poverty to governement directly restricting access to public spaces & public rights of speech and in some cases of life the digital platform is the Utopia which through language can affect change through liberation/ This portfolio of work intends to demostrate the complexities that are branching within and without architecture, industry, politics, society & art. To extrapolate further, these injustices as a method of innovation for optimisation would be a another privelage - but by means of sound, virtual architecture, language, screenshots, waste technology, data, art coding & digital currencies it is a privelage which must be accesible to all. In 2019 I conceptualised and prototyped a set of events that sought to begin addressing these issues through dialogue, art & performance. IN: Dialog continues into 2020.
Music | Soundtrack | Performance |AR NEWTOPIA