The Northern C a lifo rn ia Running Review is published on a monthly basis by the West V a lle y Track Club. I t is a communica tio n medium f o r a l l Northern C a lifo rn ia track & f i e l d a th letes and includes age group, high school, c o lle g ia t e , se n io r, AAU, and women's coverage. The NCRR is a v a ila b le at many road races and track meets throughout the area f o r 25 ^ an issue, or fo r $3.50 per year by su bscription (12 is s u e s ). A l l West V a lle y TC members re c e iv e th e ir copies by m ail i f th e ir dues are paid up f o r the current year. This paper's success depends on you, the readers, so please send us any p ertin en t inform ation on the NorCal running scene that you would lik e to see in p r in t. We can always use good photos f o r our p u b lica tio n , p re fe rra b ly black & w h ite, and o f good con tra st. A l l inform ation should be sent to the e d ito r : NorCal Running Re view , P.O. Box 1551, San Mateo, CA 94401 (Ph. 415-342- 3 l 8 l ) . Be sure and g iv e photo c r e d its , those competing, and the event being run. Any s iz e p rin t w i l l do. Please do not send the n e g a tive. We w i l l return the p rin ts a fterw a rd s. M a ilin g : Our p u b lica tion is c u rren tly mailed th ird class w ith in the immediate Bay Area (50 m ile radius o f San Mateo) and f i r s t class elsew here. S ta rtin g w ith th is issue we are tr y in g a new m ailing process t o speed up th ird class d e liv e r y , which has been unusually slow in some areas (n oteab ly the East Bay, where i t sometimes takes up to two weeks fo r d e l i v e r y ! ! : ) . We have been taking our issues in bulk to the post o f f i c e . This time we are dropping s e ve ra l dozen in about 20 d iffe r e n t mailboxes to see i f they are then treated lik e f i r s t class m ail. We would appreciate i t very much i f you would l e t us know whether your s e rv ic e is any b e t t e r . We would lik e to cut down d e liv e r y time to w ith in 4-5 days on th ird class m a ilin g s . NCRR STAFF: E d itor - Jack Leyd ig; P rin te r - Frank Cunning ham; C h ief Photographer - John Marconi; C artoonist - Lee H o lle y ; NorCal P o r tr a it - Jon Hendershott; West V a lle y P o r tr a it - W illie Cronin; Coach's Corner - John Marconi; Women - Roxy Anderson, Jim Hume, Dr. Harmon Brown; Seniors - John H i l l , Emmett Smith, W illis K lein sasser, George K er; E d ito r ia ls - B i l l Clark, Rich Delgado, Don Kardong, J oel Jameson; High School - Joel Jameson (W atsonville-Santa Cruz-Monterey) , Mike R u ffa tto , Mike P in o cc i, W i l l i e Cronin (East B ay), Jack B ellah , Dave Stock (San J o s e ), Pe t e r Jones (S . P en in su la )...w e s t i l l need rep orters fo r the North Peninsula, Marin & Sacramento areas; i f you 're in te re s te d , get in touch with us immediately; C o lle g ia te - John Sheehan (Far West C o n f.), Jon Hendershott (P a c -8 ), J erry Kokesh (San Jose S t . ) , Fred Baer, Jose C ortez ( j r . C o lle g e ); Race Walking - Steve Lund, B i l l Ranney, Frank Hagerty; AAU Track & Road Results - Jack Leyd ig. May's C ontributors: Jim O 'N e il, B i l l Flodberg, Joe Hender son, Bob Anderson, Hale Roach, Woodland Chamber o f Commerce, V ir g i l C a s e lli, C.A. Warmerdam, Rick Spavins, Dorothy Cobbs, John Ro mero, A rt Dudley, Dave Shrock, B i l l Johnson, Steve Sutton, Rich P erry, John T ren t, P eter M a tte i, Bob D eC elle.
in THIS issue Top f i f t y a ll-tim e performers in Bay to Breakers ra c e; NCRR Long Distance Point Race thru Golden Gate Marathon; Coach's Cor n er: Palo A lto HS Coach, F o rre s t Jamieson; NorCal P o r t r a it : Lahcen Samsam; West V a lle y P o r t r a it : Duncan Macdonald; Long D is tance & Track Schedules thru the end o f July; Various high school and c o lle g ia t e r e s u lts , including E l C e rrito Relays, MPL, NPL, SPAL, WCAL League R esu lts, GGC F in a ls , SJS In v ita tio n a l, West Coast R elays, PA Women's Pentathlon, Far West Conf. F in a ls , PCAA Championships, B ak ersfield C la s s ic , PA G irls Age Group Champion ships, CCS F in a ls , C a lifo rn ia R elays, and much more; Long Distance res u lts including San Martin Marathon, Mt. Vaca H i l l Climb, Wood land 20 M ile r, Avenue o f Giants Marathon, Angel Island Run, Golden Gate Park 8 M ile r, Bay to Breakers, and Golden Gate M arathon.... plus a f u l l page o f photos!!
CLUB NEWS This s ectio n o f our p u b lication is devoted to various clubs in the area. I f your club would lik e to put in any announcements or news, please send i t to us. Our c irc u la tio n is now at 450 and growing s te a d ily , so your message w i l l not go unnoticed. As long as news is p ertin en t t o track & f i e l d or long distance running, and kept t o a reasonable len gth , we w i l l p rin t i t , p o s s ib ly in edited form. L e t 's hear from your clu b ...w e are s t i l l having ve ry poor response. WEST VALLEY TC: Nine more in d ivid u als joined our ranks th is past month. They are Jan F r is b y , 28 years o f age, 2245 Lanai A ve., # 88 , San Jose, 95122 (Ph. 251-9469) — best marks o f 880 (1 :5 4 .5 ), M ile (4 :1 7 ), 440 (4 9 .9 ), 220 (2 2 . 6r ) , Hour (10 mi, 931 y d ), high jump ( 6 '3 " ) . Jan form erly competed fo r the Denver TC. Orlando G u tierrez is a Colombian, 27 years o ld , and attends the U niver s i t y o f Nevada (R eno). His current address is P.O. Box 8324, Re no, Nev. (Ph. 702-323-1403). He has bests o f 1:54.0 (800m), 3:54 (1500m), and 4:11.8 (m ile ), as w e ll as a 9:32 steeplechase. Hen r y K irk , 1114 The Strand, Reno, Nev. 89503 (Ph. 322-6857), is making a comeback a ft e r a two year l a y o f f and has alread y record ed a 4:10 m ile th is season (h is b e s t ). Other marks include 1:17.8 (600 y d s ), 1:55 (88o), 3:03 (1320), 9:09 (2 M i), l 4 : l 8 (3 M i), 29:45 (6 M i). Henry is 26. Emil M agallanes, J r . is l 6 years old and liv e s at 2055 Mariposa S t ., Seaside, CA 93955 (Ph. 39^-278l). He has ve ry promising times o f 4:30.7 (m ile ) and 9:35.6 (2 M i) to add to v e ry strong cross country performances. Frank M ercer, a fro s h at San Jose S ta te, has ju st turned 19,and holds a 53.2 mark fo r the interm ediates already (West Coast R e la y s ). He a ls o has run 10.7 and 22.0 fo r the sp rin ts and 51.0 f o r a one-lapper. But h is ta le n t d oesn 't end th e re . His l4 '7 " pole va u lt in d icates he has future p o s s ib ilit ie s as a d e ca th le te . C urrently his address is 23785 Topar A v e ., Los A lto s , 94022 (Ph. 9^8 - 8086) . Perhaps the most promising young a th le te West V a lle y has ever gained is Skip Peterson o f 1670 Oppio C ir c le in Sparks, Nevada (Ph. 358-8206). At the age o f 15 he has attained a height o f 6 '7 " in the high jump, using the " f lo p " s t y le . This is only 1 l / 4 " o f f the world record f o r th at age, held by Joe Faust. He also displays more than considerable ta le n t in the h o rizo n ta l jump ( 22 *9" in the long jump at age l 4 : ) and has done 10.6 fo r 100 yards. The fu ture c e r ta in ly looks b rig h t f o r th is new member. David S w ift is a ls o from Sparks (905 Oxford A v e ., Ph. 358-5606), is 16 years o f age, and has marks o f 59-0 (44o), 2:11 ( 880 ) , 4:56 (M i), and did 15:42 f o r a 3000m walk (h is f i r s t attempt at a walk) re c e n tly .
West V a lle y fin is h e r s in road races (not lis t e d elsewhere in R ick Trachok, 635 Cardinal Way, Reno, Nevada 89502 (Ph. 323th is is s u e ); Golden Gate Park 8 M ile r: 71 * B i l l y Tracey 52:28; 3378) is a soph at the Univ. o f Nevada and has bests o f 1:59, Bay to Breakers: 185 - Dennis Tracy 46:20, 207 - Harold DeMoss 4:19, and 9:39 fo r the steeplechase. He a ls o placed 42nd in the 46:40, 284 - E ric Abrahamson 48:24, 298 - James Jacobs 48:34, 349 recent Bay to Breakers race. Steven E strada, 20 years o ld , is - Richard Clark 49:25, 428 - B i l l y Tracey 51:49, 1309 - Charlie c u rre n tly at 4950 Stevenson B lv d ., A p t. 85 , Fremont, CA 94538 Attwood 1:14:04 ( i f I missed anybody, please l e t me know); G ol (Ph. 792-9463). His best marks include: 5.6 (5 0 ), 6.6 ( 60 ), den Gate Marathon: 101 - B i l l y Tracey 3:36:30. 10.5 (1 0 0 ), 24.0 (220), 21*5" (L J ), 4 l'5 " (T J) and 5*10" (H J). Address Changes: C harlie Attwood is now at 130 Sycamore, San Mateo, 94401 (348-3136); Mike R u ffa tto 's phone number is I th is AND THAT ! : ' 797-3877 ( lis t e d in c o r r e c tly in club d ir e c t o r y ); rumor has i t The P a c ific A ssociation is beginning t o build a "Marathon th at B i l l Scobey is now back in LA a g a in ...h e can be reached at Warehouse" th at w i l l stock a l l necessary items to put on a high 8 l4 o Lesner, Van Nuys, 8l4o6. q u a lity marathon. Rich P erry (Golden Gate Marathon d ire c to r & Club members have had th e ir problems during the past month. Belmont R ecreation Dept, employee) has already gathered a large Herb Ashton, our workhorse s p rin te r, was in a canoeing accident number o f items and in the near future plans to set up a re n ta l w ith h is scout troop and almost to re o f f the bottom o f h is fo o t fe e o f $12 (t e n t a t iv e ly ) so that any marathon d ire c to r can use w hile p u llin g i t out o f h is ripped canoe. I t required 40 s t it c h these items at a reduced c o s t....S p e a k in g o f marathons, Mrs. Eva e s , but h e's almost healed and is looking forward to tra in in g Baraza, in her e a r ly 4 0 's , ran a ve ry commendable 3:40+ at the again in a few weeks. Don Kardong contacted a case o f mononu Golden Gate Marathon in what we b e lie v e was her f i r s t attempt at c le o s is sometime b efore the West Coast Relays (exp la in in g his the distan ce. A few days la t e r , while tr a in in g , she was h it by subpar performances th e r e ), has taken about two weeks o f f , and a m otorist and su ffered severe in ju r ie s , including fractu red p e l is now s low ly taking up tra in in g again. He is s t i l l planning on v is and some broken rib s according to Walt Stack. Anyone wishing competing in the Olympic T r ia ls . Ian Jackson was exc retin g some t o v i s i t her or send l e t t e r s , should w rite c/o Kaiser H osp ital, blood in h is urine and when he had i t checked up on th ey thought he had a tumor (but la t e r found out they had made a m istake). Walnut Creek, CA. The AAU is chartering a plane to the N ational AAU Track & A ft e r s e v e ra l days in the h o s p ita l f o r observation and te s t s , he F ie ld Championships ( S e a t t le ). I t w i l l be lea vin g Los Angeles, ran 10th in the Golden Gate Marathon, seemingly ok, except fo r v ia Oakland and w i l l be fr e e to those a th le te s who've q u a lifie d the fa c t he discovered he only had one kidney (and never r e a liz e d i t b e fo r e ). I t ' s 80% la rg e r than normal so i t d oesn 't seem to f o r the meet. I t w i l l probably leave on the l4 th at 5-6 pm from bother him. Oakland (150 s e a ts ). More current inform ation can be obtained from Bob D eC elle, P.O. Box 362 , Alameda, CA 94501 (Ph. 523-2264, West V a lle y 's track men have been r e a lly competing w e ll in the la s t month. Duncan Macdonald gets more con sisten t w ith each d ays). As o f 6/1 /72 , the PA-AAU Track & F ie ld Fund had $6684 in i t ; race and has recorded PR's o f 3:40.9 (1500m) and 3:58.4 (m ile ), one-fourth o f th at amount can be used fo r t r a v e l.. . . T r a c k & F ie ld along w ith a great kick to outdo Mark Winzenried at the San Jose Executive Committee m eetin g f o r June is at Harlan F r e d e r ic k 's In v it a t io n a l. Paul Bateman c o lle c te d a 1:51 r e la y le g on WVTC's ,46 B erkeley Way, Orinda, beginning at 8 pm. Meetings are usu distance medley at WCR and Al Sanford showed h e's back in good a l l y the second Wednesday o f each month. Make sure your club form w ith a 2:58 fo r the 3/4 le g . P eter Duffy has chalked up a is represented. I t ' s your money th a t's being voted o n !!! fin e l i s t o f PR's th is season, including a 4:03.8 m ile, 8:35-8. Bob DeCelle contacted the N ational AAU O ffic e and got con two m ile, 14:04 (5000m) and 29:04 (10,000m). He took f i f t h in firm a tio n th at i f enough money is c o lle c te d to send a three-man the NCAA 10 Km. at 29:08. Dave Scharer has c o lle c te d a 52.0 fo r team to London-Brighton th is year (l a t e September), they would the m etric interm ediates and has a lso helped the club in the 440 be given complete USA uniforms, including warmups. The current (on r e la y s ) in Herb Ashton's absence. He led o f f WVTC's 9:53-3 medley record at the WCR. Our high schoolers and c o lle g ia n s fund stands a t $431.27 (plus a small amount o f in t e r e s t) and is being tran sferred to Bob D eCelle, P.O. Box 362 , Alameda, CA 9^501. have a ls o been running g re a t. Bob Grubbs (Wash. Fremont) lowered In the fu tu re , a l l funds should be sent to Bob and checks should h is two m ile from a 9:19 (Athens Indoor) to an 8:56.1 f o r a th ird be made out to "AAU T ra ve l Fund". A l l con tribu tions are ta x deplace in the State Meet (he a ls o recorded 9:00.0 at the R egional ductable. Of course, D arryl B eardall has f i r s t p referen ce, since M eet). He has been in v ite d to the In te rn a tio n a l HS Championships in I l l i n o i s on June 10 as top senior two m iler in the country. the money c u rre n tly in the fund was c o lle c te d p rim a rily f o r him. He has been unable to go in the past because o f i l l n e s s . Jack Roy Kiss in (San Ramon) placed f i f t h in 9:47 in the NCS FroshSoph two m ile . J oel Jameson ju st missed the State Meet fo r the Leydig w i l l be in Europe and may ve ry w e ll run the ra c e. Harold second year as he recorded a 9:17-4 PR at the CCS Meet f o r 4th DeMoss is a ls o planning on i t . So l e t ' s send in your contribu p la ce. Two other WVTC'ers were close at hand (Jack B ellah in tio n s so th at we can send not only D arryl, but a lso some other around 9:20 and Jim Van Dine at 9 : 2 1 ...times approxim ate). K isworthy a th le te s . This fund is not ju st f o r P a c ific A ssociation sin also won the Region I I I two m ile (9 :5 5 ) in the F/S d iv is io n a th le te s , but is being advertised in a nation-wide fashion thru and was a great th ird in his v a r s it y league meet (a ls o 9 : 55 ) be major distance running p u b lica tion s. P ossib le candidates would hind B i l l Solomon and Don C urtis on a ve ry hot day. For more r e be Jim McDonagh, Ted C o r b itt, Jose C ortez, John Pagliano, Skip s u lts , look at the resu lts s ection you f o o l . Houk, Ken Young, e tc . The club held an Exec Council Meeting at Bob Crow's a ft e r Free Coaches' C l in i c : July 24-27 in Sacramento, preceding the Bay to Breakers Race (which the team won h andily) and the the Russian-American J r. In te rn a tio n a l Meet. Open to a l l coaches fo llo w in g items were discussed. Our treasu ry had $210 and we o f club, high school, and c o lle g e teams, the c lin ic w i l l provide decided to have in d ivid u als pay fo r th e ir own e n trie s at the PA fr e e room and board fo r those atten ding. No tu it io n w i l l be Track Meet in order to save f o r the Olympic T r i a l s . . .the club charged, though two semester hours o f graduate c r e d it in Physical w i l l reimburse fo r gas (see enclosed d it t o sheet fo r more in fo ) Education w i l l be a v a ila b le . The deadline fo r ap p lication s is to Eugene, but t h a t ' s a l l we can a ffo rd th is y e a r . B i l l Clark July 3, but you are urged to apply immediately due to com petition volunteered to take over the cross country scheduling, e t c . while f o r openings. Address a l l in q u irie s to : Track & F ie ld C lin ic , I am in Europe between August and November, but he could use one AAU House, 3400 W. 86th S t ., In d ian a p olis, Ind. 46268. Top in more able b o d y .. .anybody in terested? I f so, contact B i l l , as I te rn a tio n a l s t a f f w i l l be a v a ila b le . w i l l g iv e him the necessary inform ation b efore I take o f f . The D arryl B eard all is making sure that the distance running AAU Meet in S e a ttle w i l l be w e ll stocked w ith WVTC a th le te s as a lin e stays a liv e . On May 2, the B e a rd a ll's announced the b irth re s u lt o f the AAU's ch arterin g a plane from LA v ia Oakland...the o f Clayson Tanner B ea rd all, a h e fty 8 lb s . 12.5 oz. and 20.5 in f l i g h t is fr e e to those q u a lify in g fo r the meet. I t w i l l prob ches in len gth . D arryl should have him up to about 50 m iles a a b ly leave Oakland at 5-6 pm on the l4 th . More inform ation can week w ith in a few y e a rs . be obtained from Bob DeCelle (523-2264, days o n ly )....C lu b j e r B i l l S e lv in , the 60-year-old runner who promotes the H o lly seys (o n ly 24 at present because o f fin a n ces) were ordered s ever wood to Las Vegas "Sahara or Bust" super marathon fo r men in th e ir a l weeks ago and we are w aitin g fo r th e ir a r r iv a l. We w i l l s ilk 60's and 7 0 's , is at i t again. This time h e's a ft e r Howard Hughes screen them ourselves (in stead o f sewing l e t t e r s ) to save on $$. (no k id d in g ). B i l l has w ritte n an open l e t t e r to Howard t e l l i n g The screen (S c r ip t, WVTC) w i l l be a v a ila b le f o r those who want to him a l l those e ld e r ly runners w i l l be happy to put him in shape. screen our emblem on T -s h ir ts , e t c . They cost $4.00. Those who N atu rally, the l e t t e r was sent to every newspaper in e x is te n c e . have already paid w i l l be mailed th e ir jerseys in the near fu But what B i l l r e a lly wants to do is have Howard sponsor a 200-300 t u r e ....P le a s e read and return the enclosed mimeo questionnaire m ile r e la y race between our 60-70 year old runners and a team r ig h t away! Otherwise, without a l i t t l e help from our members, from Red China! Okay, B i l l , we g ive u p....Joh n Trent w rite s us West V a lle y w i l l be in fo r some rough going while your president to say th at ex-UC Davis runner Byron Spradlin wasup in Anchor is absent fo r 3 months in Europe. . . .The p rospective merger with age in May and ran over some o f the t r a i l s o f the Resurrection Bay Area S trid e rs , i t was decided, w i l l not come about th is year Pass T r a il Marathon. He's looking forward to a contingent o f sim ply because n eith er club is fin a n c ia lly secure enough. P er Walt S tack's runners going to P ik e 's Peak to fo llo w up next week haps in the future when both clubs have b e tte r funding. on the Aug. 19 Anchorage ra ce. (S p e c ia l A ir Fare Rate v ia Western
A ir lin e s fo r 10 or more w ith p ro visio n fo r "tr ia n g le " f l i g h t in clu d in g stop at Hawaii at no extra cost on Alaskan round t r i p 1st class t i c k e t ) . See advertisement fo r more inform ation. Since we were unable to p rin t a 1971 NorCal Distance Annual, and since we had planned on puttin g a section on Alaskan Distance Running in to i t , John Trent went to Bob Anderson and th ey put t o gether a 12-page p rin tin g w ith good pictures o f the Resurrection Pass T r a il Marathon, and the Pulsator Running Club s to r y . They had 100 copies made at a cost o f $198 . To break even, th ey are s e llin g at $2.00. I f anyone is in terested in obtaining th is pub l ic a t io n , w rite f o r "Run & R e jo ic e ", PULSATORS, 1700 Tudor Road, Anchorage, Alaska 99507. Bob D eCelle, N ation al Long Distance Running Chairman fo r men, has re c e n tly recommended the fo llo w in g concerning n ation al r e g is tr a tio n o f long distance runners. An a th le te could be issued a life t im e number ( i t could be his s o c ia l s e c u rity number). This could be c lo th and worn on h is uniform. This system has been used in the United Kingdom w ith g reat success. (Ed. note: - the SPAAAU alread y uses permanent "mnemonics" f o r th e ir long distance runners, con sistin g o f le t t e r s from the com p etitor's f i r s t and la s t names.) Deadline fo r submitting e n trie s fo r the Olympic T r ia ls is June 21. A l l marks must be c e r t if ie d through Track & F ie ld News. Entry blanks may be obtained from: Eugene Area Chamber o f Com merce, c/o Bob Newland, P.O. Box 1107, Eugene, Ore. 97401. The U.S. N ational Junior (under 20) Track & F ie ld Champion ships w i l l be held June 23-4 at J e ffe rs o n County Stadium, Lake wood, Colorado. For a l l inform ation regarding tran sp ortation , housing, and r e g is tr a tio n , w rite to M r . Pat Conroy, P.O. Box 15035, Lakewood, Colo. 80215, or c a l l Jerry S h affer (303/279-1247) or Richard Haggerty (303/423-0288). No c o lle c t c a lls . The two highest placing a th le te s , i f a v a ila b le , in each event may be s e l ected by the N ational AAU Track & F ie ld Committee to represent the USA in In te rn a tio n a l com petition with the USSR. The Napa V a lle y Runners and the Napa Kiwanis Club announce a r e la y race which w i l l begin in Napa (probably June 25 or 26) and conclude in Eugene, Oregon a t the s it e o f the Olympic T r ia ls . The purpose o f the run w i l l be to promote the US Olympic Team through p u b lic ity and fund ra is in g a c t iv it ie s to be held in the towns along the way. Runners need not be club members, but must show su b stan tial distance-running background (a s ix minute mile pace is su ggested). Teams must have from 6 to 10 runners. I f you are in terested but do not have a team y e t, contact Jim Engle, 1801 McKinley Rd., Napa, CA 94558 (707/224-9279). They may rendevous w ith a Fresno r e la y team (running from F resn o). Since the la s t issu e, three more in d ivid u als have made qual ify in g times in the marathon (f o r the Olympic T r ia ls ) on c e r t i fie d courses. Another, Gary T u ttle , is now liv in g in Arcata, but set h is mark back in March, when he was stationed in Texas. The other three marks came at the Avenue o f the Giants Marathon. A th le te (Club)
The Breakers times o f we would
Rank Name (Club)
1 2
3 4 5
10 11 12
13 i4 15
20 21 22 23 24 25
26 27 28 29
32 33 34
36 37 38 39 4o 4i 42 43 44 45
R itc h ie G eisel (West V a lle y TC) Jim Howell (West V a lle y TC) John B u tte r fie ld (Boston AA) Gary T u ttle (U n a tt.)
2:26:03 2:26:42 2:28:14 2:28:24
Weott, C al. Weott, C al. Weott, C al. D allas, Texas
5 /7 5 /7 5/7 3/4
fo llo w in g l i s t con sists o f the top 50 a ll-tim e Bay to perform ers. I t was compiled by A rt Dudley and includes some u n o ffic ia l runners. I f these could be id e n t ifie d , appreciate i t .
47 48 49 50
Kenny Moore (Oregon TC) V ic to r Mora (Colombia) B i l l Clark (West V a lle y TC) Gary T u ttle (Unattached) Jim Crawford (US Army) Mark Covert (C a lifo r n ia TC) B i l l Morgan (Golden Gate TC) Jon Anderson (Oregon TC) A lla n Harrison (A u s tr a lia ) Ed Haver (A th le te s in A c tio n ) Gerry Tighe (Vancouver OC) Domingo Tibaduiza (Colombia) J e f f Fishback (Santa Clara V a lle y YV) Tom L a ris (New York AC) Doug Wiebe (US Army) Skip Houk (Athens AC) Greg T ib b etts (SC S tr id e r s ) Bob D arling (RC S trid e rs ) John Mason (P a c ific Coast Club) B i l l N orris (Oregon TC) B i l l Scobey (Mad R iver Runners) Rich Delgado (Athens AC) Mike Manley (SC S trid e rs ) Jack Leydig (West V a lle y TC) P eter D uffy (West V a lle y TC) Byron Lowry (San Jose S ta te ) Hernan Barreneche (Colombia) U n o ffic ia l en try (15th) Ray Darwin (Culver C ity AC) Mike Wagenbach (Unattached) Chuck Smead (West V a lle y TC) Andy Vollmer (San Jose S ta te ) Dick Sharkey (US Army) Ray Hatton (Athens AC) J erry Jobski (P a c if ic Coast Club) Russ Pate (Oregon TC) John Loeschhorn (US A ir F orce) John Lawson (P a c ific Coast Club) Anthony Risby (Unattached) Mike Denny (US A ir F orce) P e te r Kaal (Oklahoma State U n iv.) Martin Pabon (Colombia) Duncan Macdonald (S tan ford ) Rich Dugan (US Army) Chuck LaBenz (P a c if ic Coast Club) Tom Von Ruden (P a c if ic Coast Club) A lb ie Thomas (A u s tr a lia ) Gene Gurule (Unattached) D arryl B eard all (Marin AC) Chris M ille r (SF Olympic Club)
36:39 36:47 37:36 37:42 37:47
1972 1972 1972 1972 1971 1972 1965 1972 1972 1972 1972 1972 1964 1967
38:02 38:02
38:16 38:24
38:26 38:27 38:31 38:32 38:42 38:55 38:55 38:58 38:59 39:01 39:03 39:07 39:08 39:09 39:10 39:13 39:17 39:24 39:25 39:31 39:31 39:31 39:34 39:37 39:38 39:38 39:41 39:47 39:^8 39:58 39:59 40:02 40:03 40:04 40:10 40:13 40:13 40:14 40:15 40:16 40:17
1969 1972 1972
1969 1971 1971 1967
1972 1971
1969 1972 1972 1971 1972 1972
1969 1969
1969 1970 1972 1970
1969 1972 1972 1970 1972 1971
1969 1970 1970 1972 1963
1968 1969
NCRR LONG DISTANCE POINT RACE This year the NCRR's poin t race w i l l o f f e r two perpetual troph ies fo r the winners in the open and senior d iv is io n s . The winners o f the past two years w i l l have th e ir names and point to t a ls engraved on the trop h ies as w e ll. For the u n in itia te d , here is b a s ic a l l y how our point system works. I t is based on not on ly the number o f races run, but also on your average p la c in g . To fig u re out your own poin t t o t a l, m erely take your average p lacin g and d iv id e by the number o f races run. As an example, i f you placed 5th, 6th , and 7 th in th ree races, your average place would be 6th . D ivide th is by 3 (th e number o f races run) to g et your poin t ra tin g o f 2 .0 . Anyone can keep track o f th e ir scores, and we encourage those lis t e d below to keep tabs on us and send in your records at the end o f the year i f they d i f f e r from ours. We added a few other rules to our system: (a ) races must be PA-AAU sanctioned races, or at le a s t take place in the PA-AAU w ith su b stan tial numbers o f p a rtic ip a n ts , (b ) we only count fin is h e r s in the top 10 (open) and top 6 (s e n io r s ) fo r our ra n k in need not be lim ited to th is . I f a lis t e d runner fin ish ed out o f the top 10 (o r 6 fo r se n io rs ) in a given ra ce, th is i s n 't counted against him. ( c ) A l l a th le te s re s id in g in the PA-AAU are e l i g i b l e , whether re g is te re d in the A ssocia tio n or not (e . g . - Ray Darwin, John B u t t e r fie ld ), as w e ll as PA-AAU ath letes re s id in g outside the A ssociation ( B i l l Scobey, e t c . ) . (d ) In meets where two races are held (o r m ore), the main event s h a ll count fo r open com petition and two races may be counted fo r senior compet i t i on (Lake M e rr itt $ and 10 K ilo s , e t c ) . The scoring year s ta rts o f f with the Lake M e rritt Races on Columbus Day. Below are lis t e d the top 15 open com petitors and top 9 sen iors, w ith points being t a lli e d through ( in clu d in g) the Golden Gate Marathon but w ith the omission o f the Mt. Diablo Disturbance R u n ...w e're s t i l l awaiting Jack K irk 's r e s u lts . For those o f you who are lis t e d below, we would appreciate your sending us a l i s t o f races (and p la c in g s ) i f your to t a ls d i f f e r from ours. This is e s p e c ia lly impor tan t in the senior category, where many times we may miss an ou tsider, e tc . In open com petition, D arryl B eardall keeps r ig h t on run ning, lengthening his lead to 0.119 over second p lacer Dan Anderson (up from th ir d ) and th ird placer Jack Leydig (up from fo u r th ). By ron Lowry, who is nursing a c a l f in ju ry , dropped from second to fo u rth . John B u tte r fie ld r e a l l y did w e ll, moving up to tenth (he was 17th la s t month). Don Kardong, Tom L a ris , and Ray Darwin dropped o f f the l i s t , w hile Chuck Smead (& B u tte r fie ld ) were newcomers. In th e senior com petition, things are r e a ll y beginning to heat up w ith Ross Smith hanging on to a very s lig h t edge over Dave Stevenson, 0.107 to 0.111. Last month the gap stood at 0.02$, and i t appears that Dave might be the lead er next month unless Ross s ta rts to com p ete stron ger. Bob Malain edged ahead o f Jim O 'N e il and Paul Reese did the same to Jim Nicholson to sum up the only p o s itio n changes from la s t tim e. ( N ote: an a s te ris k next to any placing in d icates 1 t i e , two a sterisk s in d icate two t i e s , e t c . A t i e counts as an average. Thus, a t i e fo r f i r s t would be counted as 1.5, e t c . ) .
OPEN Runner/Club (# o f races run) D arryl Beardall/Marin AC ( l 4 ) Dan Anderson/Valley TC (15) Jack Leydig/West V a lle y TC (10) Byron Lowry/SF Olympic Club (7 ) V ic to r Mora/Unattached (3 ) Jon Anderson/Oregon TC (7 ) Wayne Badgley/Unattached ( 5 ) Jose Cortez/RC S trid ers ( 7 ) Darren George/Napa V a lle y RC ( 5 ) John B utterfield/B ogton AA (10) Doug Butt/Marin AC ( 9 ) A lvaro Mejia/West V a lle y TC (4 ) Chuck Smead/West V a lle y TC (4 ) B i l l Scobey/West V a lle y TC (2 ) John Weidinger/Pamakids (8 )
3* 1
3 l 2* 0 1 1 1
2 3
2 3
2 1 . 1 0 0
2 1 0
2 2 0 1 0 0 1 0
3 l l
0 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 1
4 1 0 0 1 1 1 1 1
1 1 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 3 1 1 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 1
1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 1
0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 3
2 0 1 0 1 1 0 1 3 l 0 0 0
2 0 0 0
2 0 0 0 1 1 0 1
A ver. Place
5.73 3.85 3.00 1.33 3.29
0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0.263 0.382 0.385 0.429 0.444
0.^70 0.520
2.60 3.72
6. 4 o 6. oo
2 1 0 0 0 0
0.667 0.688 0.688
2.75 2.75
1.50 6.13
SENIORS Runner/Club (# o f races run)
Ross Smith/West V a lle y J&S (13) Dave Stevenson/Stanford RC (15) ' Bob Malain/NCSTC ( 16 ) Jim O'Neil/SF Olympic Club (12) Peter Mattei/NCSTC ( l 4 ) Paul Reese/NCSTC ( l 4 ) Jim Nicholson/NCSTC (12) Donal Coghlan/NCSTC ( 7 ) Don Pickett/SF Olympic Club ( 7 )
1 5
0 1 5
0 0 0 0 4 4
0 0 0 0 0
8 6
6 4 3
1 0 2 2 0
2 0 3
1 3
3 4 3
0 1
0 2 1 2 3
1 2 1
A ver. Place 1.39
1.83 3.04
2 2
3.33 3.43 3.43
0 1
Rating 0.107
0.111 0.152 0.153 0.235 0.276
0.278 0.490 0.490
cla s s ifie d ADS Our R ates: In terested in s e llin g your product? With a c irc u la tio n o f almost 600 per month (in clu d in g 450 mailed s u b scrip tion s), the NCRR C la s s ifie d s w i l l g et r e su lts f o r you. Why? Because we a d vertise to a s e le c t group track & f i e ld a th le te s ! Our ra tes are inexpensive and e f f e c t i v e l y improve sales fo r you. Only 50% per lin e , based on a 7 l/2 inch lin e , normal typ e, 12 characters/inch; f o r reproductive work (l i k e the ones to the r ig h t ) the cost is only 25% per square inch ( f i n a l s iz e ) fo r s tra ig h t black & w h ite, and $0% per square inch fo r h a lf-to n in g (shades, lik e our photo p a g e ). We can reduce or enlarge your ad as req u ired . I f you simply want an in s e rt (8 l/2 x l l ) , then we w i l l charge a f l a t ra te o f $5-00 fo r the in s e rt ($10.00 f o r both s id e s ), and an e xtra amount fo r postage on our mailed issu es. This v a ries since our su bscription ra te v a rie s and some o f our m ail is sent th ird c la s s , but you can fig u r e on about $15-20 c u rre n tly . For more d e ta ils , w rite the e d ito r , P.O. Box 1551, San Mateo, CA 94401. F or in s e r ts , send us about 600 copies per month. Checks should be made payable to West V a lle y Track Club.
SACRAMENTO ATHLETIC SHOES: "S p e c ia liz in g in Products fo r the Distance Runner" - T ig e r shoes now a v a ila b le to a th le te s in the Sacramento V a lle y . O ffic e : 5901-A F a ir Oaks B lv d ., Carmichael. H rs.: Mon-Wed-Fri (7*9 Pm, or by appointment). C a ll Walt Lange at (916) 487-661$. SECOND ANNUAL RESURRECTION PASS TRAIL MARATHON: 8 D ivision s - A.A.U. Sanc tioned - August 19, 1972 - 10 am - S ta rt near Hope, Alaska. $2.00 a p p lic a tio n f e e . W rite PULSATORS, 1700 Tudor Road, Anchorage, Alaska 99507 f o r informa tio n and a p p lic a tio n s . MAILING LISTS AVAILABLE: In terested in s p ec ia lized m ailing lis t s ? NorCal Running Review has ju st t h a t . . .a l i s t o f some 500 addresses o f in d ivid u als that are in terested in track & f i e l d and long distance running. The l i s t is a v a il able f o r a cost o f only $10.00 (p rin ted on paper already by IBM machine). Send your own advertisements to those who w i l l be in terested in your product. Or, i f you d on 't care to purchase the e n tir e l i s t , we w i l l send you as many as you desire f o r only 2% each. W rite the e d ito r fo r more inform ation. VIC'S SPORTS - ADIDAS RUNNING SHOES: You may have noticed r e c e n tly that V ito D 'A lo ia is a lso g e ttin g in to the shoe s e llin g business at lo c a l road races. He s e lls a good lin e o f Adidas tra in in g and racing f l a t s , socks, in s o le s , Gatorade powder, shorts, and a v a r ie t y o f other handy running item s. This month he is fe a tu rin g the Adidas Dragon #333 (s iz e s 4 - l4 ): a ve ry lig h t , blue nylon upper tra in in g shoe with long wearing tr a c tio n tread sole and shock absorbing heel wedge. I f you have trouble fin d in g him at a race, you can always contact him at 2289 Kenwood A v e ., San Jose, CA 95128 (Ph. 408/296-3982). Store hours are 5 to 9 on weekdays, and weekends are by appointment. Free d e liv e r y in the San Jose area. NEED A SUMMER JOB??? - Tom L a ris , T ig e r D istrib u tor f o r Northern C a lifo rn ia , is in need o f someone to manage his shoe store from 10 to 3 on weekdays. He is w illin g to pay $2.00/hour (easy work, mostly ju st s it t in g around) plus commis sion when s e llin g to schools. His store is located in Palo A lt o . I f in terested in th is venture, please contact Tom at 328-4274...imm ediately!
(ADVERTISEMENT) THE RUNNING SHOP: Now two stores to serve you: 107 R ice Lane in Larkspur and 1515 C orn ell in B erkeley. "A" is fo r QUALITY, "B" i f fo r VALUE. have b oth !!
Our Credo: (A) To supply the best quality equipment available in the world. You deserve no less. (B) To bring it to you at the nation's lowest prices. I I . Our Motto: (A) We sell only the best. (B) We will not be undersold. I I I . Our Guarantee: (A) 100% credit if not satisfied with the quality of the product. (B) If you find anyone else selling the same product in the U.S. for less, we will credit the difference and re duce our price accordingly.
RUNNING UNLIMITED: (T ig e r D is trib u to r fo r Northern C a lifo r n ia ) - With summer road racing season ju st around the corner, a good many o f us (e s p e c ia lly high school & c o lle g ia te runners, ju st o f f track season) are in need o f some high q u a lity but inexpensive tr a in in g shoes. T ig e r shoes has probably ju st the s ty le you are looking f o r , whether i t be f o r racing or fo r tr a in in g . There is now on ly one lo c a tio n o f Running Unlim ited: Tom L a r is , 407 C a lifo rn ia A ve., Palo A lt o , Ca. (Ph. 328-4274). The T ig e r brand is by fa r the most popular d is tance running shoe on the m c a n 't beat them f o r p ric e , com fort, and wear.
COACH'S CORNER Meet F o rrest Jamieson: (Track coach at Palo A lto High School) - Mr. Jamieson has been around the Bay Area fo r qu ite some time now. He was coaching at Palo A lto High School b efore his current p rotege, Gordon MacMitchell, was even born. During those years, he has helped many a great a th le te achieve greatness. Among the top a th le te s he has coached are names lik e Ron L arrieu , Mike Lehner, Walt H ew d now Mac M itc h e ll . Many years o f t r i a l s has f i n a l l y led Jamieson to b e lie v e in the Lydiard system o f tra in in g . He r e la te s , " I use the basic Lydiard system o f tr a in in g , working la r g e l y on overdistance in the w in te r. In track season, we s ta r t running more r e p e titio n s on the track fo r sharpening purposes, the idea being to build a strong base and then to tra n s fe r that strength in to speed with in t e r v a ls ." Among other th in gs, F o rrest has helped coach the Mexican Olympic squad (e a r ly 6 0 's ). But his con victions fo r Arthur Lydiard d id n 't r e a lly come u n til ju st p rio r to i 960 . A ttrib u tin g his major source o f knowledge to New Zealand's most famous distance coach, Jamieson points out, " I have b elieved in the Lydiard system since I v is it e d New Zealand and Austra l i a b efo re 1960 . I went to A u s tra lia to learn o f Percy C eru tty's ideas, but became stro n g ly influenced over to the Lydiard system ." M acMitchell, who is cu rren tly a jun ior (goin g on senior now) at Palo A lto , had so much fa it h in Jamieson as a d is tance coach, that he tra n sferred across town (without the aid o f busing) and had to w ait out a semester b efore becoming e l i g i b l e to run tra ck . But during his cross country season he ran some rath er s t a r t lin g road races, including a 2:34 marathon at the PA-AAU Championships in Petaluma. This won him fou rth place in a t y p ic a lly strong Bay Area f i e l d . I t was his f i r s t attempt at the distan ce. Later on he did an even more impressive 1:04:59 fo r 20 K ilo s . But perhaps most remarkable o f a l l , Jamieson had Gordon run a couple o f time t r i a l s p rio r to outdoor season...and be fo re he had thrown in any sharpening w o rk e resu lts were a 4:17 m ile and a 9 :17 two m ile . Unlike many coaches, his views towards what a runner should do a ft e r he grad uates from high school are qu ite unique. " I preach th at i t is important fo r the a th le te to learn how to coach h im s e lf. A ft e r a runner is through w ith high school he should have s u ffic ie n t knowledge and in te r e s t to continue on his own." The in te r e s t is maintained by not "burning out" the runner by to o in ten sive a program in his younger years. Distance running is a very structured b u ild in g process. On club systems, Jamieson says, "As i t stands now, i t seems f a i r l y s u ffic ie n t , but more clubs should be started to help the a th le te s ." He fe e ls that the club should be there as a s e rv ic e to the a th le te , but not as a "pressure cooker". The young runner usually gets his f i l l o f th is in high school and c o lle g e . F o rrest looks forward to many more years o f coaching, and no doubt he w i l l continue to produce q u a lity a th le te s . His easy-going, but d ir e c t manner makes i t enjoyable fo r his runners, and i t is something they can r e la te t o . . . a f t e r a l l , ju st look at his record I
NORTHERN C alifo rn ia
p o r tr a it
Meet Lahcen Samsam: Lahcen Samsam used to think 6 0 -fe e t was a long shot put. That was when he was growing up in Morocco and had f i r s t tr ie d the even t. Then a rangy 6 - 2 , 180 lb s ., a throw o f 60- f e e t would now disappoint th is 6-4, 260 lb . g ia n t. In the interim between his changes o f heart toward the distance he threw the l 6 -lb . b a ll o f lead , he has gained s iz e , experience, some in ju rie s along the way, and a knack f o r b ig improvements in his throwing. He has ju st la t e ly gained one other th in g because o f his throwing—the A frica n record . With a b ig 67 - I l/4 heave at the San Jose In v ita tio n a l on May 6 , "Sam" became the lon gest putter ever produced by A fr ic a , as he eclip sed the 66-3 mark o f E gypt's Nagui Asaad—a mark Samsam hap pened to t i e a week b efore his b ig record. Sam's 1972 season has been s lig h t ly sen sation al. Sporting a personal best o f 62-0 p rio r to th is year, he started o f f with 6l -8 in January and then improved his best the next four outdoor meets: 63-5 l/4, 64-1 l/4 , 64-10, 65-3 l/ 2 . Why a l l th is improvement— e s p e c ia lly since he missed agood d eal o f tra in in g la te la s t year due to a broken ankle? "A combination o f th in gs, I th in k ," the j o v i a l Samsam r e c e n tly to ld Track & F ie ld News. " I gained a lo t o f strength la s t year, but I cou ld n 't tra n s fe r that strength and power in to the shot. This year I learned howto transfer that power--mainly through Al Feuerbach." ( —no he d id n 't transfer the power thru Al Feuerbach you k l u t z ! ) . Samsam liv e s and tra in s in San Jose w ith Feuerbach and Richard Marks, a couple o f p re tty f a i r throwers themselves (70-3 l/2 & 65-0 3/4 re s p e c tiv e P R 's ). " I learned to put harder. The on ly way to become more e x p losive is by throwing as hard as I would in com petition. Now, instead o f throwing and throwing in tra in in g andworking on fin e points o f technique, I take le s s puts but make them o f com petitive q u a lity ." Samsam came to the United States in 1962 and studied s o i l chemistry at Oregon S ta te . He raised his shot best from 51*8 to 60-2. A fte r graduating he returned home and worked in a lab f o r two years, but cou ld n 't stand the sedentary l i f e . So he returned to the US t o study p h ysical education—h is f i r s t lo v e — at San Jose S ta te . With a semester to go b efore gaining his M aster's Degree, he hopes t o coach in C a lifo rn ia . Sam is his own man in whatever he does: because o f his massive s iz e , he was urged by the Moroccan Government to become the body guard o f the n a tio n 's kin g. But he r e p lie d , "No! I f someone wants to shoot the king, I wouldbe a much b ig g e r ta r g e t. Theywould g e t me fo r s u re." In 1968 he was pressured onto the Moroccan Olympic Team in the shot, discus, and ja v e lin (i n which hehas resp ec t i v e bests o f 155-9 l/2 & 206-9 besides his 67 - I l/ 4 ). But he walked away from the team the night b efore departure to Mexico because he knew he cou ld n 't throw as w e ll as he wanted to to s a t is fy h im self. Nor is he out now ju st to win. "Improvement is what I want," he says. "But I a ls o want to become con sisten t at say, 65 - f e e t .
A t Munich I ju st want to be among the best putters in the world, which means the tw elve f i n a l i s t s , him self short, as his performances th is year show. Lahcen Samsam Akka ("Our middle name is w ritte n at the end in M orocco."), San Jose, CA and marks: Shot 67*1 l/ 4 ", Disc - 155'9 l/ 2 ", Jav - 2 0 6 '9 ". Samsam doesn't know his b irth d a te , not in the country and are i l l i t e r a t e , " he says. "They throw a b ig party when a ch ild is born, but no So I ju s t made up one so I d on 't always have to go through the same explanation time a ft e r tim e ." up date was. )
I guess."
But Sam shouldn't s e l l
Fez, Morocco, 6-4, 260-lbs. Best even the yea r. "My parents l i v e one ever w rites down when that i s . (He never to ld Jon what th at made-
WEST VALLEY PORTRAIT Meet Duncan Macdonald: A ft e r having the best cross country season o f his career (27th in AAU), i t appeared that ex-Stanford ace Duncan Macdonald (s p e lle d w ith a small " d " ), school record-holder in the m ile at 3:59-6, was due fo r his best ever track season. So fa r he has not disappointed anyone. Beginning the year with a 4:01.1 indoor clock in g at the San Diego Indoor, he has now moved in to strong contention f o r a spot on the US Olympic Team that w i l l go to Munich th is f a l l as a r e s u lt o f his con sisten t m ilin g in strong com petition. As o f May 28 he was ranked 6th fa s te s t in the world th is year o f f his 3:58.4 at the C a lifo rn ia R elays, behind South A f r ic a 's Fanie Van Z i j l (who leads the world w ith a 3:56 .0 ) and America's Juris Luzins (norm ally an 880 man), who did 3:58.2. The fo llo w in g weekend he ran an even b e tte r 3:40.9 fo r 1500 meters behind Howell M ich ael's 3:40.1 at Compton. But Macdonald is also g ift e d in the longer distances as he holds the Stanford cross country course record (sch ool record ) over 4.2 m iles and has a lso done a 2:21:31 marathon in his f i r s t attempt (2nd at West V a lle y th is F eb ru a ry)...h e ran his 4:01.1 the f o l 足 lowing weekend at San Diego I ! He plans on competing in both the m ile and marathon at the Olympic T r ia ls . . . q u it e a combination. The easy-going Hawaiian n a tiv e , who ju st received h is B.S. degree in b io lo g y th is March, was a member o f the N ational Honor So足 c ie t y ( 1967 ) while attending Kailua High. He plans* on returning to his Hawaiian paradise in the near future a ft e r vacatin g his Menlo Park resid en ce, which he c u rre n tly shares with teammate Don Kardong and two oth ers. Concerning tra in in g , Duncan re la te s that most o f the tim e, " I t r y to f i t my tra in in g in to the r e a lly important things I have to do, lik e memorizing Mr. N a tu ra l's advice and watching Dragnet. When I have time I tr a in by running lon g, short or medium distances at slow, medium, or fa s t speed, with short, medium or long r e s t s ." Perhaps the most e x c itin g moment in his career (oth er than breaking 4 minutes fo r the f i r s t tim e) was being d is q u a lifie d fo r e l 足 bowing three U n iv e rs ity o f Oregon runners in a 1970 dual meet. But he r e a d ily admits that "doing a f u l l somersault at the StanfordUCLA dual during the m ile in 1971" was also quite heartwarming. As to the fu tu re , h is immediate goal was to fin is h th is question足 naire (Dune is very much a "now" person in r e a l i t y ) . . . i n the d istan t fu tu re, he would lik e to complete other questionnaires and make the US Olympic team, p re fe rra b ly in the 1500 meters (unless he has to re s o rt to the marathon as a la s t hope). Duncan Macdonald: 23 years o ld ; best marks: 880 - 1:52.2, M ile - 3:58.4, 1500m - 3:40.9, 2 M ile - 9:00.0 (tim e t r i a l ) , 6 M ile 29:53 (r e c e n tly in H aw aii), Marathon - 2:21:31.
N o te: A l l runs lis t e d below are sanctioned by the AAU except those s p e c ifie d as DSE races, or otherwise noted. These are s t r i c t l y ru n -for-fu n races that are sponsored by the Dolphin/South End Runners o f San F ran cisco. Some o f the races lis t e d below are out o f the PA-AAU and are noted as fo llo w s : Southern P a c ific (*SPA), P a c ific Southwest (*PSWA), Southern Nevada (*SNA), C entral C a lifo rn ia (*CCA). A l l other o u t-o f-s ta te races are a ls o ou t-o f-A s s o c ia tio n . A l l requests fo r e n trie s should be made to addresses lis t e d ( i f n o ted ). More inform ation on other associations can be obtained from: SPA-AAU (John Brennand, 4476 Meadowlark L n., Santa Barbara. CA 93110); PSWA-AAU (Tom Bache, 4920 Kane S t ., San Diego. CA 92110); CCA-AAU ( B i l l Cockerham, 1717 S. Chesnut, Fresno, CA 93702); SNA-AAU (John Romero, H otel Sahara, Las Vegas, Nev. 89114); DSE (Walt Stack, 321 Collingwood, S .F ., 9^11^). P a c ific A ssociation o f the AAU is located at 9^2 Market S t ., Suite 601, S .F ., CA 94102. --- Please enclose self-addressed stamped envelopes when requesting inform ation from the above in d ivid u als or asking fo r en try blanks. Jun Jun Jun Jun Jun Jun Jun Jun Jun Jun Jun Jun Jun Jun Jun Jun Jun Jun Ju l Jul Jul Jul Jul Ju l Jul Jul Jul Jul Jul Ju l Jul Jul Jul Ju l
- All-Comers Marathon, R ocklin, CA, 7 am (t o beat the h e a t); c e r t if ie d & f l a t ; Frank Krebs, 84o6 Taramore C t., Orangevale, CA. - 6.5 and 13 M ile rs , Eugene, O re., 1:30 pm. - Six R ivers RC Clam Beach Run, 3.2 & 6.4 M iles, 1 pm,T rin id ad , CA. Richard G ilc h r is t , 28l Hidden V a lle y R d., Bayside, CA. - Woodminister 9-3 M ile r (Handicap), Oakland, 10 am. Bay Area Road Runners, Chas. MacMahon, 855 Glendome C ir c le , Oakland,94682. - l4th Garden Grove Handicap Run (Portsmouth S t a r t ), Garden Grove Pk., 10 & 5 M i., 9 am. (*SPA) - 20-Kilom eter, Portlan d, Ore. (F o res try C en ter), 9:30 am. - 13.5 M ile r, J a ck so n ville, O re., 8 am. So. Oregon S iz z le r s TC, 3306 S. P a c ific Hwy., Medford, Ore. (Ph. 535-1205). - Novato 6.5 M ile r, Novato, 9 am (New Course). Marin AC, Darren Walton, P.O. Box 7^-2, Novato, CA 9^+947. - V is a lia One Hour Run (Age Groups), 6 am. Jerry L. Hobbs, 15616 Avenue 328, Ivanhoe, CA. (*CCA) - Yankee Doodle Cross Country, many classes ( l to 4 m ile s ), 9 amto 1 pm,Peck Park. Joel Adler (Ph. 213-833-1853). (*SPA) - Stow Lake R elay, 2 M ile laps, Golden Gate Park, 10 am. (*DSE) - 3rd Annual Morro Bay 6 M ile r (Beach course at low t i d e ) , 11 am. T erry Record, 1241 Garden S t ., San Luis Obispo, 93401. - 10 M ile r, Las Vegas, Nev. (Sunset Park), 8 am. John Romero, Sahara H otel, Las Vegas, Nev. 89114. (*SNA) - 17 M ile Run, Pebble Beach, CA, 10 am. Monterey Pen. AC, Ted Larson, 477 Grove A cres, P a c ific Grove, CA 93950. - Sycamore Canyon Run, 10 M iles open (a ls o 5 m ile ), Hiway 1, 8 m iles S. o f Oxnard, 9 am. Larry Pontinen, 805-644-5111. (*SPA) - Holy C ity Summit Run, 9 M iles, Holy C ity (ju s t S. o f Hiway 17 between San Jose & Santa C ruz), 10:30 am. West V a lle y Joggers, Ken Napier, l6 l2 Bearden, Campbell, CA 95008 (Ph. 379-1420). 25 - Senior Sports In te rn a tio n a l Marathon, Culver C ity ( Seniors o n ly ) . Sr. Sports I n t e r n a t 'l, Mutual o f Omaha B ld g ., Suite 302, 5225 W ilsh ire B lvd ., Los Angeles, CA 90036 . (*SPA) 25 - 4 and 7.5 M ile rs , C o r v a llis , Ore. (Crescent V a lle y H .S .), 1 pm. 1 - PA-AAU One-Hour-Run Championships, Mt. Tamalpais HS, M ill V a lle y , 5 pm. P eter M attei, 1000 North P o in t, S.F. 94109. 2 - Third Annual Hangtown Road Race, 5.25 M iles, P la c e r v ille , 9:30 am. R ecr. & Parks D ept., P.O. Box 872 , C ity H a ll, P la c e r v ille . 2 - DSE C oit Tower Run (meet at Dolphin Club), 3 m i., 10 am. 2 - U.S. Masters Marathon ( Seniors o n ly ) , San D iego. Ken Bernard, Box 10512, San Diego, CA 92110. (*PSWA) 8 - 5 M ile r, Las Vegas, Nev. (Sunset Park), 8 am. John Romero, Sahara H o tel, Las Vegas, Nev. 89114. (*SNA) 8 - Second Annual Redwood Marathon, Arcata, 9 am. Co-Sponsored by Areata Lions, USTFF & Humboldt S t. Contact Jim Hunt, Track Coach, Humboldt S t. C o lle g e , Areata, CA 95521 . 9 - 9 M ile Road Race, F elto n , 9 am. F elton Businessman's A s s 'n ., P.O. Box 458 , F elto n , CA 95018. 9 - DSE Double Lake Merced Run (New Course), 9.5 M iles, 10 am. (Meet at boathouse) 9 - U.S. OLYMPIC TRIALS MARATHON, Eugene, Oregon, 5:50 pm. (Sub-2:30 marathon on c e r t if ie d course is requirement fo r en try...m u st have been run since Aug. 1, 1 9 7 l). Tom Ragsdale, 165 Hackamore Way, Eugene, Oregon 97401. (Top 3 to Olympic Games) 15 - 8.2 M ile r, L a fa y e tte , CA, 9 am. Clark Smithson, 975 Oakland S t ., L a fa y e tte , CA 94549. 16 - DSE F ort Point Race (Meet at P re s id io cou rse), 4 M iles, 10 am. (*DSE) 17 - Northwest Seniors Marathon, Gresham, Ore. Jim Puckett, Track Coach, Mt. Hood Comm. C o lle g e , Gresham, Ore. 97030. 2 2 - 9 M ile Road Race, Tiburon, 9 am. Marin AC, Darren Walton, P.O. Box 742, Novato, CA 94947. 2 2 - 5 M ile r, Las Vegas, Nev. (Sunset Park), 8 am. John Romero, Sahara H otel, Las Vegas, Nev. 89114. (*SNA) 24 - Pioneer Marathon, S a lt Lake C ity , Utah, 6 am. Deseret News, P.O. Box 1257, S a lt Lake C ity , Utah 84llO . 24 - Berrian F e s tiv a l Marathon, Newberg, Ore. Berton Lamb, Track Coach, George Fox C o lle g e , Newberg, Ore. 97132. 11 11 11 11 11 17 17 17 17 17 18 18 24 24 24 25
15 M ile Handicap Race, F ort Baker (Marin County), 10 am. NCSTC, Emmett Smith, 2766 Summit D r., H illsborough, CA 94010. S ea fa ir Marathon, S e a ttle , Wash. B i l l Roe, c/o WTFF, Tubby Graves B ld g ., Univ. o f Washington, S e a ttle . Wash. 98195. 5 M ile r, Las Vegas, Nev. (Sunset P ark), 8 am. John Romero, Sahara H o tel, Las Vegas, Nev. 89114. (*SNA) Ocean-to-Bay Marathon, 8 am (r e g is t e r @ Belameda P k ., Belmont, by 7 am). Belmont Recreation A ssoc., c/o Rich P erry, B e l mont C ity H a ll, Belmont, CA 94002. Aug 5 - N a tl. AAU 15-Kilometer Championships, L it t le t o n , Colo. Aug 6 - 7 M ile Race, M artinez, 9 am. Funky S tre e t Boys Club, Steve A rchie, 607 Sunshine D r., Concord, CA 94520. Aug 12 - PA-AAU 72 M ile , 7 Man R elay, Lake Tahoe, 9 am. Clubs, Schools, or S ervice Teams on ly. P eter M attei, 1000 North P o in t, S.F. Aug 13 - Pikes Peak Marathon, Colorado Sprgs., Colo. Rudy Fahl, 2400 West Colorado, Colorado Springs, C olo. 80904. A d d itio n : Jul 22 - N ational AAU One-Hour Run P o s ta l, Santa Barbara. John Brennand, 4476 Meadowlark L n., Santa Barbara, CA 93110. (*SPA) Jul Aug Aug Aug
30 4 5 5
TRACK AND F!ELD Summer All-Comers Meets: I f you know o f any All-Comers meets in your area, please inform us immediately so th at we can p rin t the necessary inform ation in our next i s s u e . . . i t '11 be to o la te f o r i t a ft e r th a t. As o f th is p rin tin g , we have inform ation on four meets in the Bay Area. What about Sacramento?? - - C ollege o f San Mateo: June 17, 24; July 1, 8 , 15, 22, 29; August 5, 12. F ie ld events s ta r t at 11:30 am w ith f i r s t running events at noon. F ollow in g events in both high school and open d iv is io n s : 100, 220, 440, 880, M ile , 120HH, LJ, TJ, HJ, PV, SP, DT. There w i l l be a 2 m ile in the high school d iv is io n , and a 3 m ile and ja v e lin in open com p e t it io n . Quarter-inch spikes or f l a t s . Lockers & showers a v a ila b le ; bring own tow el and lo c k . No rela y s unless there are three or more teams from one club or sch ool. No events other than those mentioned. For more inform ation: Harry Young, 2120 Adeline D r., Bur lingame, CA 94010 (Ph. 343-3778, a ft e r 7 pm). San Jose C ity C o lle g e : Mondays - Age group (boys & g i r l s , 16 and under); Tuesdays 17 & over; 6-9 pm both n ig h ts. Starts June 5 & 6 , ends August 1. Quarter-inch spikes req u ired . Same events as at CSM except fo r 60HH (in stead o f 120HH), and two m ile fo r a l l c o m p etito rs...n o ja v e lin . For more in fo : B ert Bonanno, Track Coach, San Jose CC, Ph. 298-2181 (e x t . 227). Leigh High School: (San Jose) - Wednesday evenings (6 pm??) through what date???? Soquel High School: (Soquel) - Tuesday evenings (6 pm) through what date???? Contact Dewey Thompson, Track Coach, Soquel High School, Soquel, CA.
Jun 15 - N ational AAU Track & F ie ld Championships (Men), 3 day meet, S e a ttle , Wash. (U niv. o f Wash.) Jun 16 - Downey Games, Modesto (S en ior events p o s s ib le ? ), 2 day meet. Jun 17 - Golden West In v ita tio n a l (High School Seniors o n ly ), Sacramento, 12:30 pm; Senior Sports In te rn a tio n a l, LA Coliseum; C a l ifo r n ia State Championships (Women/Girls/l2-13) @ C al-S ta te, Hayward, 2 day meet. Jun 23 - N ational AAU Junior Championships, Lakewood, C o lo ., 2 day meet ( 16-19 year o ld s ). Jun 24 - Rose F e s tiv a l, Portlan d, O re.; N a tl. Women's Pentathlon Championships, Los Alamos, NM (2 d ays); PA-AAU Junior Olympic Cham pionships, Reno, Nev. (2 d ays), Dick E l l i s , 5545 Jasper C t., Concord, CA 94521; Decathlon, Senior Sports In te rn a tio n a l, San ta Barbara (2 d ays); All-Comers Meet, Balboa Stadium, San Diego. Jun 27 - N a tl. AAU G ir l's Championships @ Kent State U n iv., Canton, Ohio, Miss M arilyn West, I 87 OO Shawnee A v e ., Cleveland, Ohio 44119. Jun 29 U.S. Olympic T r ia ls (men), (th ru July 9 ) ; Eugene, Ore. Contact Bob Newland, Eugene Chamber o f Commerce,Eugene, Ore.97^01 Jun 30 N a tl. AAU Women's Championships @ Kent S t. U n iv., Canton, Ohio, Miss M arilyn West, I 87 OO Shawnee A v e ., Cleveland, Ohio44119. Jul 1 - US Masters Championships @ San Diego, (4 d ays), contact Ken Bernard, Box 10512, San Diego, CA 92110 (e n tr ie s close June 2 4 ). Jul 7 U.S. Olympic T r ia ls (women), F red erick , Md., Jack G r iff in , 533 Grant P I . , F red erick , Md. (2 d ays). Jul 28 US-USSR Junior (under 20 years o ld ) Dual Meet, Sacramento, CA (2 d a y s). Aug 15 Junior Olympic Championships (N a tio n a ls ), Spokane F a lls C o llege, Spokane, Wash. (4 d ays). N ote: Inform ation on women's (& g i r l s ' ) track meets and q u a lify in g standards may be obtained from Mr. Roxy Anderson, 76 Carver S t ., San Francisco, CA 94110 (Ph. 826-5903). * * * Inform ation on most s e n io r 's meets can be obtained from Emmett Smith (see top lin e o f p a ge).
RACE walking Jun 10 - Kennedy Games 5 Km. Walk (by in v ita tio n o n ly ), UC B erkeley, 1 pm. Jun 17 - N ational AAU 5-Kilom eter Championships, S e a ttle , Wash. Jun 24 - Junior Olympics (PA-AAU), Reno, Nev. Jul 1 - F in a l Olympic T r ia ls 20-Kilom eter Walk, 5:15 pm, Eugene, Ore. (1:45 q u a lify in g time necessary). Jul 4 - F in a l Olympic T r ia ls 50-Kilometer Walk, Eugene, Ore. (5:00 q u a lify in g timen ecessary). * * * "The d e ta ils on the above schedule can be obtained by w r itin g e ith e r B i l l Ranney, One Barker C t., F a ir fa x , CA 94930 (Ph. 456-264l), or Steve Lund, 10 Francis A v e ., #1, Larkspur, CA 94939. How about some scheduling f o r the r e s t o f the year you guys??? Steve Lund Q u a lifie s fo r Olympic T r ia ls 2 0 -K ilo Walk: (May 7 , S e a ttle , Wash.) - At long la s t , Steve Lund q u a lifie d to walk in the US Olympic T r ia ls by doing a 1:43:58 fo r the 2 0 -K ilo d is ta n c e . He took f i r s t in the process and c e r ta in ly deserves the congratulations o f a l l his fe llo w race w alkers, who know Steve as a r e a l hard worker, though not n a tu ra lly g ift e d lik e many. Bob Frank, a freshman at Oregon C o lle g e , in his second e f f o r t ever at 2 0 -K ilo s, improved 5 minutes t o a fin e 1:46:34 fo r second place honors. In the lo n ger 50-K ilo race, held the same day, Steve Geiver (Wash) q u a lifie d w ith a 4:38:43 and so did Steve Tyrer (O re) with hjj3 4:47:18. S ix teen -yea r-o ld Bob Rosencrantz (Wash), in his f i r s t ever 5 0 -K ilo, did a commendable 6:04:11. S .F . State 20 & 50-K ilo Q u a lifie r s : (May l4 , San F ran cisco) - Low temperatures and good com petition combined to make th is one o f the most s ig n ific a n t races in th is area f o r some tim e. There were at le a s t three personal records at 2 0 -K ilo s, a new high school nation al record at the same d istance, and s ix Olympic q u a lify in g times in both races combined. In the 20K race, T om Dooley and Bob Kitchen set a hot pace from the s ta r t and b a ttle d through the 5K in 22:39. B i l l Ranney, out o f the race from the beginning, came by in 23:15. Jerry Lansing, s ta rtin g o f f at what was e ven tu a lly going to be an even-paced race, was clocked at 24:43. The b ig s to ry was up fr o n t, however. Bob, who was r e c e n tly c r it ic iz e d in a p u b lication fo r being incon sisten t and uncom petitive, was having his b est com petitive race at one o f his weaker d istan ces. A ft e r the 5K Bob dropped o f f the pace, allow in g Tom to grad u ally b u ild up a 17 second lead dur ing the next 5K. But, no sooner had he dropped back, then he picked up the pace again and fought to re e s ta b lis h contact w ith Dooley. From here on in (15K) Bob pushed the pace but cou ld n 't break away. With a l i t t l e more than a lap l e f t , both walkers apparently agreed to t i e . The f i n a l time o f 91:52 was impressive considering Bob's previous times and e f fo r t s at th is d istan ce. B i l l Ranney, who looked to be out o f i t from the s ta r t , walked a v e ry con sisten t pace and fin is h e d with his a l l time best o f 93:26. J erry Lansing managed to com pletely o b lite r a te his own high school mark o f 1:42:06 w ith a v e ry good 1:39:03 in fo u rth . This time should put Jerry among the top contenders f o r the Junior US-Soviet squad. Roger Duran was the only other fin is h e r at 1:46:31 w ith Esteban V a lle a DNF. In the 50-K ilo race, Goetz K lop fer started out at sub-8 's , and held the pace through 20 m ile s e n faded badly to 11 minute pace toward the end, but s t i l l managed to fin is h under 4:30 in a v e ry good 4:27:28, w e ll under the 5 hour Olympic T r ia ls q u a lify in g tim e. Jim Bean a ls o dipped under w ith h is 4:50:50. Bob Jackson and Brian Snazelle did not f in is h . S n azelle had 3:06:34 fo r 19 m iles. S c u lly Takes Modesto Relays Two-Mile Walk: (May 28) - Esteban V a lle o f the West V a lle y TC took the lead from the gun and promptly set a quick pace. A fte r leading a short ways, he qu ickly dropped back to fou rth and did not challenge th e r e a fte r . Larry Walker took command w ith Dick O rtiz and Todd S cu lly fo llo w in g c lo s e ly . In the la t t e r stages o f the race, O rtiz faded and l e f t S c u lly alone to b a ttle fo r the lea d . Despite a fa s t fin is h , he cou ld n 't close the gap and fin is h e d in second...but Walker was DQ'd. The top four fin is h e r s : S c u lly ( l 4 : l 6 . 4 ) , O rtiz (l4 :2 4 .6 ), B i l l Ranney (1 4 :3 1 .4 ), V a lle (1 4 :3 8 .8 ).
B en tley Brothers Take 1-2 At N ation al J r. 1 5 -K ilo : (May l4 , Portland, O re.) - This race was expected to be von in a time o f 1:20 or so by e ith e r Rob Frank o f Oregon C ollege or James B entley o f the Stockton Race Walkers. What they d id n 't foresee was a 90+ degree burner that had com petitors dropping out b efore the gun. Three more r e tire d during the race, including Frank. This l e f t James Bent le y alone to b a ttle the la s t 5K. He held out in the heat to win the J r. N ation al t i t l e with a 1:24:04 clock in g, we l l o f f his PR. This makes Jim the youngest race walker to ever win a J r. N a tl, t i t l e . Not to be outdone, Jim's b rother, 14-year-old Brad (Jim is 16 ) walked a strong race and held o f f the challenge o f Dennis McPherson o f C en tral Washington State to take second place honors. His time o f 1:25:34 is fa s te r than his old er b ro th e r's at a comparable age, thus making him a r e a l th reat fo r the fu tu re. The th ird mem ber o f the Stockton clan to fin is h was Lyndon B lo d ge tt. Lyndon walked a fin e race and took ninth place from a f i e l d which numbered 21 at the s t a r t . U n o ffic ia lly , th is fin is h would have given the Stockton team the t i t l e , but fo r some reason the Central Washington club took i t . I f anyone knows why, please inform us. Lyndon's time was 1:35:11.
Golden Gate Conference Championships: (May 5 , Concord) - Team Scores: Diablo V a lle y 123, Chabot 82, M e rritt 75, CCSF 73, San Jose 67 , F o o t h ill 32, Laney 23, CSM 21. - 100: B utler (DVC) 9-7^, R u ffin (CCSF) 9.7, W ilder (CCSF) 9 .7 ) 220: B utler 21.8, J efferson 21.9, Ruf f i n 22.0; 440: J efferson (M) 48.0, Malone (L ) 48.4, Cooper ( S j ) 48.6; 880: Bentz (DVC) 1:52.0, Morgan (CCSF) 1:52.3, Guichard (DVC) 1:54.0; M ile : Bentz 4 :l6 .2 , Genschmer (c) 4:20.3, Milan (c) 4:22.7; 3 M i: Smith (F ) 14:29.2, Cortez (CSM) 14:37.0, Genschmer 14:43.8; 120HH: Hal l ( S J ) l4.1w, Turner (M) 14.5, Pope (M) l4 .8 ; 440IH: Skinner (DVC) 54.2, H all 54.7, Phelps (CSM) 54.9 440P.: CCSF 4 l.6 , DVC 42.0, SJCC 42.2; MileR: CCSF 3:16.5, SJCC 3:19.0, M e rritt 3:19-0; HJ: Redmond (DVC) 6-8 l/4, M ille r (DVC) 6- 6 , Sanderson (DVC) 6 - 6 ; LJ: Davis (CCSF) 23-7 l/2w, Johnson (M) 23-3 l/2, B utler (DVC) 23-0w; TJ: Johnson (M) 49-Ow, Byrd ( c ) 48-6 l/4, Krebs (F ) 46-9w; PV: Verstrepen (SJCC) l4 -6 , Lee (SJCC) 13-6, McGhee (M) 13-6; SP: Bragg (L ) 52-6 l/2, Montgomery (M) 51-8, Spears (DVC) 51-3 l/2; DT: Cowl (C) 169 - 8 , Mago (c) 168 - I , F alo (CCSF) l6 l- 0 . Camino Norte Conference Championships: (May 5, C ollege o f Marin) - Team S cores: West V a lle y 126, Solano 93, Contra Costa 82, Santa Rosa 52, Skyline 51, DeAnza 49, COM 39. - 44OR: Solano 42.3; M ile : Schaecher (WV) 4 :l6 .6 ; 120HH: Gibson (WV) 14.5; 440: Bragg (So) 49.9; 100: Holmes (S o) 10.0; 880: Carlson ( WV) 1:55.0; 440IH: Faeth (CC) 55.1) 220: Snyder (Sky) 22.5) 3 M i: Arago ( COM) l4 :4 l.4 ; MileR: Solano 3:20.0; HJ: Cook (DA) 6-4, PV: Trueman (Sky) 14-6, Lynn (Sky) 14-3; LJ: Johnson (CC) 22-6 3/4 ) TJ: Murphy (WV) 47-3) SP: McIntyre (CC) 45-2; DT: Covey (DA) 15 ^7San Jose State In v it a t io n a l: (May 6 , San Jose CC) - Outstanding A th le te s : (Women) Cathy Hammond (SacRR); (Men, f i e l d ) John Powell (PCC); (Men, tra c k ) Peter D uffy (U niv. Nev./WVTC). - Women's 100: Una Morris (Un) 10.9, Ann C h r is to ff (MLTC) 11.1, Creola M ille r (RJ) 11.3, Sharron White (BTC) 11.3, Denise Julian (RJ ) 1 1 . 4 Sr. 100: Al Julliand (NCS) 11.1, Ed Manougian (NCS) 11.2, K arl Thursby (NCS) 12.2; Women's 880: Cis S ch affer (Un) 2:12.3, Cindy Poor (SJCG) 2 :l4 .4 , Val Cooper (SJCG) 2:16.1, Janet Richmond (WS) 2 :1 8 .3 ) S r. M i: Dave Stevenson (SRC) 4:47.0, C arl Martin (WVJS) 5:07.2) SP: Al Feuerbach (PCC) 69-8 l/4, Lahcen Samsam(BAS) 67 - I l/4, B. Wilhelm (Army) 63-5 l/ M Marks (PCC) 6 l-5 , Greg Born (SJS) 60-9, Joe Keshmiri (Ir a n ) 57-3 3/4) Jav: John Kaveny (CTC) 248-4, Mike Metz (BAS) 239-1, Jorge Pena (BAS) 212-2, Steve Endemano (WVTC) 180-5, A lex Moshes (Un) 179-8; Women's 440: Hammond (SRR) 54.7, Poor 57.3, Cathy Hardeman (MLTC) 59-0, Carolyn Hamel (R j) 59.4, Cooper 59-7) HS-44OR: Andrew H i l l 44.6, M ilp ita s 44.7; HS-MileR: James Lick 3:31-^) 120HH: Dick T aylor (Army) l4.0w, George Carty (PCC) l4.0w, Walt B utler (PCC) l4.1w, M ilt W h itley (SJS) 14.2; M ile : Duncan Macdonald (WVTC) 4:06.2, Mark Winzenried (CW) 4:06.3, George S cott (PCC) 4:08.6, Jerome Liebenberg (CW) 4:10.7) 440R: USAF 4 l . 0, SJS 4 l.4 ; LJ: Marion Anderson (BAS) 24-1 l/2, E arl Harris (Army) 23-7 3/4, Gary Moody (SJS) 23-3, Fred Ross (SJCC) 22-3 l/4, R o llie McCormick (C PSLO) 21-10, John Estrada (WVTC) 20-5 3/4; DT: Pow ell (PCC) 210-8 l/2, John Van Reenan (CTC) 204-5 1 /2 , Tim Vollmer (Army) 195-4, Larry Kennedy (BAS) 192-2, John Bakkensen (Un) 182-6, Mike Louisiana (BAS) 177-8; 440: Lee Evans (BAS) 46.8, Kermit Bayless (CSH) 47.2, Dan E stin (UOP) 48.9, Dennis Maas (SJS) 48.9, Vince Ansley (BAS) 50.0; 880: Mathyas Michael (UOP) 1:51.1, John L i l l y (CW) 1:51.! Jerry Van Dyk (CW) 1:52.0, Dave Matina (USAF) 1:53.3. Sven N ielson (CPSLO) 1:53 .5 ) HJ: Clarence Johnson (BAS) 6-10, Tom Murphy (CPSLO) 6 - 8 , O tis B u rre ll (BAS) 6- 8 , B r itis h Tharpe (M o ffe t t) 6 - 6 ; 100: (heat l ) P eter Gabbett (CW) 9.8, E arl Harris (Army) 9.8, John Young (USAF) 9.9; (heat 2 ) Herbert K line (USAF) 9.8, Walt Walker (USAF) 9-8, Walt B utler (PCC) 9 .8 ; 220: Lee Evans (BAS) 21.1, E arl Harris (Army) 21.1, Danny Moore (ELATC) 21.2, Curtis Nance (USAF) 21.2, Dan E stin (UOP) 21.4; Women's 220: Hammond (SRR) 23.6, Morris (Un) 24.0, C h r is to ff (MLTC) 24.6, M ille r (R j) 25.0. L e s lie E l l i s (In te g r a ) 26.2; 440IH: Dave Scharer (WVTC) 52.8, B i l l Gairdner (BAS) 53.1 Frank Mercer (SJS) 54.1, Steve Endemano (WVTC) 56 .1, Mike E d sa ll (CPSLO) 56.3) TJ: August O'Neal (BAS) 47-1, Bob K irk (CW) 46-11 3/4, Gary Moody (SJS) 46-11; 5000m: Tom Laris (NYAC) 13:58.8 (1 3 :2 9 -9 ), V ic to r Mora ( C o l) 14:06.4, Kerry Pearce (PCC) 14:08.4, C l i f f Clark (USAF) 14:21.4, Jim Dare (WVTC) 14:40.2; MileR: US Army 3:16.3, Cal P oly 3:21.1; 10,000m: P eter Duffy (UNR/WVTC) 29:04.2 (2 8 :0 8 ), Don Kardong (WVTC) 29:08.8, Jon Anderson (OTC) 29:14.0, B i l l Clark (WVTC) 29:15.4, Greg Brock (CW) 29:43-2, Mike H a z illa (CW) no tim e; PV: Bob Slover (BAS) l 6 - 6 , Russ Royal (SJS) l6 -0 , Bob Richards (PCC) l6 -0 , Frank Rock (SJS) 15-6, Greg Miguel (BAS) 15-6. 45th Annual West Coast R elays: (May 12-13, Fresno) - OPEN: 100: (H eats) 1 - 3 - Curl (Stan) 10.3, I I - 1- Hart (BAS) 10.0, I I I - 2. W hitley (SJS) 10.3, 3- Bright (BAS) 10.5, (F in a ls ) 3. Hart 10.1; 120HH: (H eats) I - 2 . W h itley (SJS) l4 .1 , I I I - 3- E l l i s (SSC) 14.3, (F in a ls ) 3. W h itley 13.7, 5- E l l i s 14.3; 440IH: (H eats) I I - 1. Penner (FPC) 51.2, 3. Scharer (WVTC) 52.6, I I I - 1. Wall s (BAS) 51.8, 3. Gairdner (BAS) 52.9, 5- Parks (SSC) 53.2, IV - 1. Haight (Stan) 53.7, V - 1. Lee (BAS) 52.2, 2. Mercer (SJS/WVTC) 53-2, 4. Carr (SSC) 53.8, 5 . Owen (HSC) 55-7, VI - 1. Askey (UC) 54.2, (Combined) 3 . Penner 51-2, 5 ( t i e ) . Walls (BAS) 51-8; 5000m: 1. Backus (SCS) 14:25.1. 2. Brock (CW) 14:32.0; 2 MiR: 3- San Jose S t. 7:44.1, 4. HSTC 7:47-0, 5- New Ways AC 7:49-4; 3000mSC: 1. P rice (A IA ) 8:44.5; 2. Clark (USAF) 8:53.3, 3- Haver (A IA ) 8:57-9, 4. Rix (CW) 8:58.2, 5 . Dare (WVTC) 9:02.5; 440R: 5 . San Jose S t. 40.4; D is t. Med. R: 1. Univ. o f Nevada 9:43.5, 2. West V a lle y TC 9:53-3, 3- Stanford 9:54.9, 4. P a c ific Coast Club 9:56.2; M ileR : 4. Bay Area S tr . 3:05-9. DT: 1. Van Reenan (CTC) 206-11; Jav: 5 . Burns (BAS) 243-9; PV: 1. Dias (PCC) 17-0, 2. Caruthers (CITC) 17-0, 3- S lover (BAS) 17-0; LJ: 5. Royster (BAS) 25-2 3/4; SP: 1. Feuerbach (PCC) 69-O, 2. Wilhelm (Armed F orces) 62-7 l/2, 3- Born (SJS) 58-10, 5- Penrose (UC) 55-5; HJ: B u rre ll (BAS) 7-0; TJ: 1. G i l l (CITC) 53-10 3/4, 2. Reader (BAS) 53-5) HT: 1. Frenn (PCC) 219-2, 5- Pryde (BAS) 189-5) 88OR: 1. USC 1:20.7 (World R ed); INVIT: 100, 55+: 1. Jordan (Stan) 11.1, 2. Guidet ( NCSTC) 11.3) 2 M i: 1. Young (Un) 8:40.7, 2. Har rison (CW) 8:43.3, 3. L a ris (NYAC) 8:44.4, 4. Mason (CW) 8:47.2; 440: 1. Evans (BAS) 45.2; 1500m: 1. Van Z i j l (SA) 3 :3 9 - 7 - ...Macdon ald (WVTC) 3:44.8 (u nplaced); 100, 40+: 2. L in gle (BAS) 10.4, 3 . Julliand (Un) 10.8; Pentathlon: 1. Warkentin (SCS) 2813, 2. King (CW) 2717; COLLEGE: 100: 2. Ligons (SSC) 10.3, 3. Pettus (SFS) 10.4; 120HH: 2. B ettiga (HSC) l4 .1 , 3 . E l l i s (SSC) 14.2; 3 M i: 2. Hitchcock (SSC) 14:27-7, 4. Wight (UOP) l4 : 4 l. 7 , 5 . Caldwell (UOP) 14 : 45 . 1 ; 2 MiR: Cal-St Hywd 7:34.3, 2. UC Davis 7:34.7, 3- Hum b old t S t. 7:39-5, 5. Fresno S t. 7:44.1; 440R: 3 . Cal P oly SLO 4 l.5 , 4. ( t i e ) SF State & Cal-St LA 42.2; D is t. Med. R : 3. Nevada 9:46.9, 5 . UCSB 9:55.0; M ileR: 1. Cal-St Hywd 3:08.8, 5 . Sac-St 3:13-9) LJ: 2. Hayes (N ev) 23-6 l/ 2 ; TJ: 1. T erry (UCD) 49-8, 2. Foreman (CSH) 48-7 3/4, 3- Fernandez (SFS) 48-3 3/4, 4. Moore (SSC) 48-2; PV: 2. Royal (SJS) l 6 - 6 , 4. Martin (SJS) l6 -0 . 5- Rock (SJS 16-0; DT: 1. Sherman (SJS) 170-0, 2. Born (SJS) 169-9, 3. Wilson (SJS) 167 -O, 4. James (B io la ) 163-11, 5- McCollum (CSH) 162-2; HJ: 2. Coleman (SSC) 6 - 8 , 4. Hines (Nev) 6 - 6 , 5 . ( t i e ) Mayo (CP-Pm) & Robinson (CSH) 6 - 6 ; SP: 1. Anderson (F P) 55-3 l/4, 4. Girous (FSC) 52-3; JR. COLLEGE: 100: 1. Chewing (SJD) 10.4, 4. B utler (DVC) 10.5; 120HH: 5 . H a ll (SJCC) l4 .6 ; 440R: 5 . CCSF 41.7; 2 M i: 4. Scha e c te rle (AR) 9:10.4, 5. Lundblad (MP) 9:13-0; Dist-Med: 3- West V a lle y 10:00.2, 5 . Fresno CC 10:09.2; 440IH: 4. McGee (AR) 53-7) 2 MiR: 3. Diablo V ly 7:40.1, 4. West V ly 7:44.2, 5 . Fresno CC 7:46.4; MileR: 6 . Chabot 3:17.3) PV: 1. Kearns (Mod) 15-3, 4. V erstrepen (SJCC) 14-9; DT: 2. Kirschenman (AR) 162-1, 5- Covey (DA) 152-7) LJ: 5. P erry (FCC) 23-2; Jav: 1. Pow ell (FCC) 219-9) TJ: 1. Lopez (FCC) 50-8, 2. T e rry (SJD) 50-3, 5- Byrd (Chabot) 47-7 l/ 4 ) HJ: Elders (FCC) 6-11, 2. ( t i e ) M ackey (Bak) & Redmond (DVC) M il l e r (DVC) 6-9; SP: 1. Kirschenman (AR) 56-4 l/2, 4. Bragg (Laney) 51-6. PA-AAU Women's Pentathlon: (May 13, M illb ra e ) - (Events: 100mHH, 4K-SP, HJ, LJ, 200m) - Old/New Scorings listed. 1. Cherrie Sherrard (SacRR) (14.6, 10.48m, 1.44m, 4.66m, 25.8--4008/3446); 2. Deanne Carlsen (SacRR) (l4 . 5 , 8.19, 1.44, 4.75, 25.6--3806/3335) 3- Glenna P ic k e l (MLTC) ( 16 . 9 , 8.82, 1.37, 5-10, 27-5— 3520/2994); 4. Kathy Conley (SalVTC) (17-2, 8.28, 1.48, 4 . 56 , 28.4— 3377/2860).
C al-R elays Q u alifyin g (Women): (May 13, M illb ra e ) - Jav: A llen b y (MLTC) 128-5, P h illip s (LTC) 124-11, Sulinski (MLTC) 98-1 l/ 4 ; HJ: McQuillan (Un) 5-2, Stewart (O rin ) 5-1, Kingery (RCS) 4 - 6; 1500m: Anex (WS) 4:31.7, Slosson (WS) 4:34.0, Langan (WS) 4:34.6, Dixon (SJCG) 4:35.3, V ick ie E berly (SJCG) 4:43.6, V a le rie E berly (SJCG) 4 :46.9; 100: M orris (LATC) 11.1, C h r is to ff (MLTC) 11.2, Julian (R j) 11.3, M ille r (R j) 11.3; 440R: Ravenswood 48.4, M illb rae "A" 49.2. San Jose CG 50.3, W i l l 's Spik. 50.6, In tegra 51.0, M illb rae "B" 51.9; 440: Poor (SJCG) 5 ^ 2 ^ Morris (LATC) 56 . 8 , C h r is to ff (MLTC) 56 . 8 , Mullen (SRR) 58 .0, Hamel (R j) 58 . 2 , Yost (CD) 59.3; LJ: A l bers (SL) 17-2 l/4, Winlock (CD) 17-0 3/4, Hernandez (WS) l 6 - l l/ 4 ; DT: Lane (R o s e v ille ) 117-0. Far Western Conference M eet: (May 18-20, UC D avis) - The FWC Championships, to everyone's su rp rise, turned out to be a b a ttle between Sacramento State and C al-State Hayward. S a c'to won a l l i t s dual meets, but had th ree top s p rin te rs , including the leading national c o lle g ia t e 220 runner, Adrian Rogers, d is q u a lifie d the week b efore the Conference Meet. Fine performances in almost every event brought home the team trophy f o r the Hornets (l4 9 - l4 2 ). Hayward's attempt fo r the team t i t l e was hurt by W illie Eashman's collap se in the 880 . He had e a r lie r powered past 4:01 m iler Kim E llis o n in a slow t a c t ic a l race, fin is h in g with 4:07. But in the 880, ex treme bronchial congestion kept the Hayward runner from g e ttin g almost c e rta in valuable p o in ts . The meet i t s e l f went w e ll, consider ing the ra in , which caused a move to Sacramento State from Davis f o r the running events and high jump. The cold and ra in h it the sp rin ts the hardest with the 100 going in 9-8 (P ettu s, SFS), the 220 in 21.4 (L igon s, S a c 't o ), and the 440 in 48.2 (B ayless, C a l-S t). Mike B ettig a s t i l l managed to t i e the 14.2 conference record in the 120HH, th ree-ten th s over his b e s t, but San F ra n cisco 's Bob Hector f e l l and fin ish ed s ix th . In the w eights, A rt McCollum o f Hayward pulled an impressive t r i p l e , winning the disc and shot, and breaking the hammer record to win. The pole vau lt a ls o went in a new record , 15-6 3/4, cleared by Rutherford o f Hayward and Shattuck o f Davis. The l a t t e r also set a new mark f o r the decathlon. The distances did w e ll in the r a in , with Joe Giovanneti o f Humboldt pushing D avis' 'Peanut' Harms to a conference mark o f 1:51.6. Sacramento's team captain Noel Hitchcock soloed 2 9 :16 f o r a record and v ic to r y in the s ix m ile on F rid ay, then returned the fo llo w in g day to take second in a tough four-man race in the three w ith a l i f e b est o f 14:08.8. Team S cores: S a c 'to 149, C al-St 142, Humboldt 115, Chico 107, UC Davis 67 , SFS 66 , Sonoma 5 . Decathlon: Shattuck (UCD) 6784, Owen (Hum) 6307, Lopez (Sac) 6l 8 l , N ichols (Ch) 6o44, Peters (Ch) 5330, D etlefson (CSH) 5697; HT: McCollum (CSH) 171-2, Franson (Ch) 150-6; 120HH: B e ttig a (Hum) 14.2, E l l i s (S ac) 14.3, Carr (Sac) l4 .8 ; 440: Bayless (CSH) 48.2, Dunn (SFS) 48.4, Murphy (CSH) 49.5, Ken Bayle s s (CSH) 49.5; 100: Pettus (SFS) 9.8, Ligons (Sac) 9 . 9 , Holmes (Ch) 10.0; TJ: Moore (Sac) 48-8, Foreman (CSH) 47-5 l/4, T erry (UCD) 46-6, Fernandez (CCSF) 46-4 l/2, Levingston (CSH) 46-4 l/4, Lopez (Sac) 4 ^ 0 l/ 2 ; 880: Harms (UCD) 1:51.6, G iovannetti (Hum) 1:51.8, Wood (Ch) 1:53-6, Dunlap (Hum) 1:54.0, Henderson (Sac) 1:54.1 (51.0 1st l a p l ! ) , Mercurio (UCD) 1:54.9; DT: McCollum 174-8 l/2, Landes (CSH) 157-8 l/2 , Holbrook (Ch) 151-3 1/2; 220: Ligons (S ac) 21.4, Pettus (SF) 21.5, Kermit Bayless (CSH) 22.0; 440IH: Parks (S a c) 53.1, Carr (Sac) 53.4, Owen (Hum) 54.0, B ettiga (Hum) 54.6; 6 Mi: Hitchcock (S ac) 29:16.0, Streichman (Hum) 30:02.3, Hernandez (CSH) 30:08.5. Axelson (UCD) 30:31.6, W ells (UCD) 30:39.5, Vogt (Ch7*30:52.5; LJ: Levingston (CSH) 23-7 3/4, Redding (SF) 22-7, Har per (Sac) 22-4 l/2, Hearne (Ch) 22-4; PV: Rutherford (CSH) 15-6 3/4, Shattuck (UCD) 15-6 3/4, Jones (Ch) 15-0; Jav: Hurley (SF) 204-7, Harriman (Sac) 202-4 1 /2 , Hobbs (Hum) 199-7 3/4; SP: McCollum (CSH) 52-9, Brooks (CSH) 52-7 l/ 4 , Zachery (S ac) 52-2, Watt (Ch) 51-2; 3000mSC: Mullens (Hum) 9:10.9, Furey (Sac) 9:11.2, E lija h (Hum) 9:12.3, McGuire (Hum) 9:24.1; 440R: S a c 'to 4 l.8 , SF State 42.1, Chico 42.4, C al-St 42.7; HJ: Coleman (S ac) 6 - 6 , Morrison (Hum) 6-4, McKimnon (Hum) 6-4, Walker (Hum) 6-4; M ile : Eashman (CSH) 4:07.0, E l lis o n (Ch) 4:14.9, Jenkins (Hum) 4:18.2, McVay (Ch) 4:18 .9 ; 3 Mi: Stordahl (Ch) 14:06.4, Hitchcock (Sac) 14:08.8, Sheehan (UCD) l4 :10 , Maydahl (UCD) l4 :1 1 .8 , Mullens (Hum) 14:27.1, E lija h (Hum) 14:30.0; M ileR: C al-S t 3:17-5, Sac-St 3:18.3, SFS 3:19.0, UC Davis 3:22.7. P a c if ic Coast AA Championships: (May 19-20, San Jose S t . ) - Team Scoring: C a l-S t. LB 151, San Jose S t. 86 , San Diego S t. 72, UCSB 57, C a l-S t. LA 50, Fresno S t. 29, UOP 8 . HT: T ice (FSC) 193-3, Lockwood (CSLB) 178-3, 6 . Zumwalt (FSC) 118-7; 3000mSC: R itc h ie (CSLB) 9:13.2; DT: Born (SJS) 171-3, Sherman ( SJS) 168-7, Jenkins (SJS) 165 - 6 ; TJ: 3. Moody (SJS) 49-0 l/ 4 , 6 . Ragster (SJS) 46-10 3/4; 6 Mi: Pryor (CSLB) 30:01.6, Stephens (CSLB) 30:01.6, 4. Wright (UOP) 30:2llH ; 440R: CSLB 40.8; M ile : 5 . Greer (SJS) 4 :l4 .2 ; Jav: Tobin (UCSB) 242-3; 120HH: 2. W h itley (SJS) 14.3, 6 . Marlow (FSC) l4 .8 ; 440: 3. Maas (SJS) 48.47. 51* E stin (UOP) 48.6; 100: W hitley (SJS) 9 . 6 ; 880: 3. Marshall (SJS) 1:52.4, 5 . Burk (FSC) 1:53.4, 6 . Chisam ( SJS) 1 :53.8; SP: Born (SJS) 59-8, 2. Giroux ( FSC) 55-1/2, 5. Jenkins (SJS) 51-1 3/4, 6 . Torosian (FSC) 50-8 3/4; 440IH: Ruby (CSLB) 51.7; 220: 4. W h itley (SJS) 21.9, 6 . E stin (UOP) 22.1; LJ: 5. Moody (SJS) 22-10 l/ 4 ; HJ: Crawford (SJS) 6-8 1/4, 4. F ish er (SJS) 6-2 l/47*5. Bennett (FSC) 6-2 l/ 4 ; 3 M i: Evans (SJS) 13:55.8, 6 . C aldw ell (UOP) 14:07.8; M ileR : 3. San Jose S t. 3:1^.1, 6 . Fresno S t. 3:24.1; PV: Smith (CSLB) 17-0, Sampson (SJS) 15-3; Decath: 1. George (FSC) 7193, 4. Petrushkin (FSC) 6292, 5. Rock (SJS) 6186 . P a c ific - E ig h t Championships: (May 19-20, Stanford) - Team S corin g: USC l4 o, UCLA 124, Oregon 86 , Wash. 64, Cal 63 , Oregon S t. 43, Stanford 23, Wash. S t. 14. SP: Lane (USC) 66-11 l/4, Shmock (0 ) 65-10 1 / 4 ...5 . Penrose (c) 5 7 -H 3/4; Jav: Kennedy (C) 249-5; LJ: R. W il liams (USC) 25-8, Bendixen (UCLA) 25-5, Conway (c) 25-2 l/4w; 3000mSC: Koss (W) 8:42.0, Johnson (w )8 : 42.2; PV: Bryde (W) 16 -9 l / 2 , . . . 6 . Weidig (C ) 15-9; 440: Garrison (USC) 45.4, Smith (UCLA) 45 . 7 , Brown (UCLA) 45.9; 440R: USC 4 0 .2 ...3 . Cal ^0.7, 4. Stanford 4 l.3 ; M ile : H ailu (OSU) 4:03.2, West (c) 4:04.8, M itte ls ta e d t (S ) 4:05.3; 120HH: Rich (UCLA) 1 3 . 7 . . . 6 . Bagshaw (S ) 14.2; 100: Edmonson ( UCLA) 9 . 4 , . . . 6 . Curl (S ) 9 .7 ; DT: Penrose (C ) 185 - 6 , W ilkins (0 ) 185-4; 880: Brown (C ) 1:47.7, Bence (0 ) 1 :48.6; 450IH: Corval (UCLA) 52.2, Long (S ) 52.3; TJ: Butts (UCLA) 54-4 3 / 4 ,...3 . Conway (c) 51-5 3 / 4 ,. . . 6 . U tle y (S ) 49-1; 220: L. Brown (USC) 20.8, Ed monson (UCLA) 2 0 .9 ,- .- 4 . B. Brown (UCLA).21.4; HJ: Stones (UCLA) 7-1; 3 Mi: P refon tain e (0 ) 13:32.2, Johnson (W) 13: 36.0; M ileR: UCLA 3 :0 6 .7 ,...4 . Cal 3:11.8, 5 . Stanford 3:12.7. B a k ers field Track C la s s ic : (May 20, B a k e rs fie ld ) - SP: Feuerbach (PCC) 67-4 l/2 , B. Wilhelm (Army) 63-4, Marks (PCC) 62-8 l/ 4 ; Jav: Schmidt (Army) 265-8, Luke (Husky Spike Club) 265-3; Women's 100: Neal (LA Merc) 11.8, F e r r e ll (LA Merc) 11.8; 110mHH: H i l l (A rk -S t) 1 3 . 9 , . . . 4 . L iv e rs (BAS) 14.7; 400: C o lle t t (SCS) 44.9; LJ: W h itley (CITC) 25-1; 100: Turner (CITC) 10.4, Hart (BAS) 10.6; HJ: Culp (CITC) 7-0 3/4; M ile : Von Ruden (PCC) 3:59.0, Crawford (Army) 3:59-7, Macdonald (WVTC) 4:01.1, Van Dyk (CW) 4:01.5; TJ: Reader (BAS) 5 1 - 4 , . . . 3 . Fraser ( BAS) 50-4 l/ 2 ; 3000mSC: Manley (OTC) 8:35-9, P ric e (A IA ) 8:37-4; M ileR : SCS 3:08.2; 5000m: Benson (A u s tr a lia ) 13:36.6, Young (Un) 13:37.6, Ryun (CW) 13:38.2, Smith (LAPD) 13:40.0, McLaren (Canada) 13:40.0, Bacheler (FTC) 13:40.4; 400R: NoCar C entral 40.0; 400IH: Mann (SCS) 50.7; DT: S ilv e s te r (interm .TC) 196-5; 800: Swenson (MATC) 1:48.9; Women's 800: L arrieu (SJCG) 2:0 4 .8 ; 200: C. Smith (SCS) 2 0 . 8 , . . . 3 . W illiam s (BAS) 21.4; PV: Seagren ( SCS) 1 7 - 0 ,...3 . Caruthers (CITC) 16-2, 4. Dias (PCC) 16-2. NorCal JC Championships: (May 20, S a lin a s) - Teams: San Joaquin D elta 66 , Diablo V a lle y 55, American R iver 46, Fresno CC 35, CCSF 34, M e rritt 30, Monterey 28 , Sequoias 24, F o o t h ill 23, San Jose CC 22. Jav: Powell (FCC) 209-3; 440R: D elta 41.7; M ile : Bentz (DVC) 4:16.5; 120HH: Jackson (S eq) 14.3; 440: Brock (D e lta ) 48.2; SP: Kirschenman (AR) 54-7; 100: Chewing (D e lta ) 9-7; LJ: Lear (H art) 23-5 1/2; 440IH: McGee (AR) 53.0; 85o7 Morgan (CCSF) 1 :51.9; 220: Chewing (D e lta ) 21.6; 3 M i: Schaecterle (AR) l 4 : l 4 .2; HJ: M ille r (DVC) 6- 8 ; MileR: M e rritt 3 :17.1; DT: Covey (DeAnza) 163-10; TJ: Montena (D e lta ) 49-9 l/ 4 ; PV: Kring (Hancock) 15-1.
PA-AAU G irls Age Group Championships: (May 21, S a lin as) - 9-Under: (Teams: Salinas 55, M illb ra e 49, United San Juan 4o) - HJ: Gerard (SVTC) 3-9; LJ: Burgess (OTC) 12-11 l/ 4 ; 220: Hurley (MLTC) 31.0; 50: San Juan (SVTC) 7-2; 440: M ille r (USJ) 72.0; 100: Hurley 13-3; 660: LeKander (SVTC) 1:58.7; 880R: MLTC 2:11 .0 ; 440R: Orinda TC 62.1; 10-11: (Teams: Salinas 68 , P ittsb u rg 55, San Jose CG 36) - SP: Springer (SVTC) 32-5 l/ 4 ; HJ: Beugen (RCS) 4-10; 440R:. P ittsb u rg 55.1; LJ: Hodges (SJCG) 14-11 l/ 4 ; 50: Rianda (SVTC) 6.7; 440: Peterson (SC) 62.0; 100:Verduzco (PTC) 12.0; 660: Salisbury (MLTC) 1:48.1; 220: Peterson (SC) 27.9; 880: S ie b e l (USJ) 2:33-5; 880 Med: P ittsb u rg 2:02 .9 ; 12-13: (Teams: San Jose Cindergals 69, Salinas 64, United San Juan 58 ) - LJ: Kinimaka (SJCG) 17-3 3/4; J a v : Huntly (MLTC) 103-0; SP: Keats (LTC) 39-8 l/4 ; 440R: Berk TC 51.5; DT: Monaco (RCS) 96-O; 50LH: Rogers (MLTC) 7-5; 440: Nelson ( SVTC) 6l . 1; 100: Robinson ( BTC) 11.5; M ile : A lle n (LCT) 5:13.7; 220: Robinson (BTC) 26.2; HJ: DeWitt (SVTC) 5-1; 880: Burns (SJCG) 2 :2 2 .6 ; 880 Med: Salinas 1:56.3. O verall S cores: Salinas 187 , United San Juan 129, M illb rae Lions 109, San Jose Cindergals 10 Redwood C ity S tr. 89, Orinda 72 , P ittsb u rg 71, B erkeley 7 1 , In tegra 35, San Leandro 32, South Lake Tahoe 28, Santa Cruz 28, H alf Step pers 25 , S t. George 24, Dusters 24, Hayward 18 , R o s e v ille 13, Lassen 12, San Jose Yearlin gs 12, Bridgeport 7, D iablo V a lle y 3. — Re ported by Dorothy Cobbs.
NCAA C ollege D iv isio n Championships: (May 25-27, Ashland, Ohio) - Teams: 1. E. Mich. 93, 2. N orfolk S t. 49, 3. NE M issouri 4 6 ,. . . 5. Cal Poly-Pomona 2 9 , . . . 7 . San Fernando V ly 2 2 , . . . 8 . C a l-S t. Haywd 21 ( t i e ) , ...1 1 . Humboldt S t. 19 A lso C a l-S t. F u lle rto n l4 , Cal Poly-SLO l4 , UC R iversid e 8 . ( C a l i f , r e s u lts ) - Jav: 1. Feeney (F u ll) 243-4; LJ: 1. B a rfie ld (UCR) 24-4 l/ 4 ; SP: 1. Lauriano (CP-Pom) 55-6; 3000mSC: 2. Mullens (Hum) 9:05.8; 1500m: 6 . Eashman (CSH) 3 :53 .9 ) 4 40R: 5. Cal Poly-Pomona 4 l.2 ; ^00: 3. Bayless (CSH) 46.4; HJ: 5. Murphy (C al Poly-SLO) 6-7 3/4; 110mHH: 1. B ettig a (Hum) 13.8, 3. Jones (San F ern) 14.2; 100: 2. G illia r d (C al Poly-Pom) 10.1; 800: 5. Green (C al Poly-Pom) 1:50.1, 6 . Couch (C al Poly-Pom) 1:50 .7 ) 400IH: 3. Bracy (San Fern) 51.6; 200: 3. G i l lia r d (C al P oly-P om) 20.9, 4. Pettus (SFS) 20.9) 5000m: 6 . Tubb (F u ll) 14:51.3; M ileR: 6 . C al-S t. Haywd. 3:11.6; PV: 1. Hamer (Cal Poly-SLO) 16-8, 5. ( t i e ) Rutherford (CSH), P ierce (C al Poly-SLO) 15-0. C a lifo r n ia R ela ys: (May 27, Modesto, CA) - In v it a t io n a l: HT: Frenn (PCC) 231-1, Gage (NYAC) 230-3, Connolly (SCS) 222-0; Jav: Luke (Husky SC) 265-7, Murro (PCC) 259*6; DT: Van Reenen (CTC) *213-2, 3. Penrose (C a l) 196 - I ; 2 Mi Walk: S c u lly (Army) l4 : l6 . 4 , 3 . Ranney (AAC) 14:31.4, 4. V a lle (WVTC) 14:38.8; 440IH: 1 - 1 . Walls (BAS) 52.4, 3. Scharer (WVTC) 52.7, 4. Lee (BAS) 53.4, 6 . Long (Stan) 53.6; I I - Bolding (O k la-S t) 50.2; 2 MiR: 5. Fresno S t. 7 :4 l.2 , 6 . HSTC 8:01 .6 ; 440R: 3. Bay Area S t r . 4 0 .0 ,...C a l 40.8; 100: ( I nv) 3 . Hart (BAS) 10.2; (Open) I - 2. T . W h itley (SJS) 10.4, 4. Ligons (BAS) 10.5) H I - 1. Payton (BAS) 10.2, 4. Clayton (BAS) 10.4; 120HH: Milburn (SU) 13.0w; LJ: Hines (Un) 27-6 3/4, 3. Shinnick (BAS) 26-5 3/4; 440: 1. Evans (BAS) 45.7; SP: 1. B. Wilhelm (Army) 65-0, 3. Marks (PCC) 63-10, 6 . Born (SJS) 59-3 l/ 2 ; 220: 1. Hart (BAS) 20.5) M ileR : 1. No. Car. Cent. 3:03.5, 2. Bay Area S trid ers 3 :09.0; TJ: 1. Walker (SCS) 53-10, 2. Reader (BAS) 5 2 ^ l/4, 3. S te ffe s (NMU) 52-4 3/4, 4. Fraser (BAS) 51-7, 5 . S. Johnson (BAS) 49-10 l/ 4 ; M ile : 1. Van Z i j l (So. A fr ic a ) 3:56.0, 2. Luzins (USMC) 3:58.2, 3. Macdonald (WVTC) 3:58.4; 2 M i: 1. Benson (A u s tr a lia ) 8:33.0, 2. Halberstadt (O k la-S t) 8:33.8, 3. Manley (OTC) 8:34.8, 4. H ilton (Un) 8 :35.6, 5. Duffy (Nev/WVTC) 35.8, 6 . Lindgren (Coug TC) 8 :37.0, 7. L aris (NYAC) 8 :3 7 .2 ; 880R: Armed Forces 1:22.5, BAS 1:24.2; HJ: 2. Johnson (BAS) 7-1; 880: 1. Von Ruden (PCC) 1:48.0, 3. West (C a l) 1:48.8, 4. Sinnott (N ev) 1:49.0; PV: Seagren (SCS) 17-4 3/4, 3. Caruthers (CITC) 16 - 6 ; Junior C o ll: Jav: G oldie (Chaf) 232-3, 5. Pow ell (Fresno) 212-4; PV: 4. V ellu n in i (Cabr) 15-0, 5. VanKirk (AR) 15-0; HJ: 2. M ille r (DVC) 6-10, 3. Redmond (DVC) 6 - 8 , 5. Sanderson (DVC) 6- 8 ; SP: Kirschenman (AR) 56-O l/4, 4. Bragg (Laney) 53-4; 440: 3. J efferson (M err) 48.0; M ile : 1. Bentz (DVC) 4:10.2, 3. Schaecher (WV) 4 :11.9; 440R: 5 . CCSF 4 l . l , 6 . San Joaquin Delta 4 l.7 ; LJ: 2. Smith (West H i l l s ) 25-1 3 / 4 S w illis (R eed ley) 24-7 3/4, 5. Leer (H a rt) 23-10 l/2 ; 100: 1. Chewing (SJD) 9 . 5 , 5 . R u ffin ( CSF) 9 . 8 ; 120HH: 5. H a ll (SJCC) 14.2; 880: 1. Morgan (CCSF) 1:51.0, 5. Rees (Fresno) 1:54.9, 6 . Carlson (West V ly ) 1:55.6; 440IH: 2. McGee (AR) 53.3, 3. Kring (Hanc) 54.0; TJ: 1. T erry (SJD) 50-5, 2. Krebs (F o o t h ill) 50-4 l/2, 3. Roberts (W .H ills ) 49-11 1/4, 6 . Murphy (W. V ly ) 48-3 3/4; DT: 4. Blake ( Mont) 159-9, 5. Covey (DeAnza) 159-9, 6 . Naughton (Fresno) 155-11) 220: 4. J e ffe rs o n (M err) 21.6, 5 . B utler (DVC) 21.6; 3 M ile: 1. Babiracki (LA V ly ) 13:59.6, 3. Schaechterle (AR) 14:20.2, 6 . Weed ( AR) 14:30.4; M ileR : 3 . CCSF 3:16.1, 5. Solano 3:17-7, 6 . Merritt 3:17-7- ( Teams Scores fo r State JC T i t l e ) : B ak ersfield 7 ^, LACC 40, E l Camino 30, Pasadena 29, Diablo V a lle y 28, American R iver 27, San Diego Mesa 24, San Joaquin D elta 23Seniors 100 (4 o + ): Smith (LA) 10.1, Rhoden (SD) 10.3, L in gle (BAS) 10.3, M arlin (Mod) 10.3, Jullian d (P a lo A lt o ) 10.8, Rademaker (Fresno) 10.9) Seniors 100 (5 5 + ): Jordan (Stan) 11.1, Guidet (Petaluma) 11.2, K illio n (F r ) -12.2, Cranston 12.6, P u g lize vic h (Merced) 12.8; Women's Events: 1500m: Brown (Falcon TC) 4:23.6, 4. Claugus (WS) 4:29.6, 5- Schafer (MLTC) 4:31.2, 6 . Anex (WS) 4:35 .4 ; 440R: Ravenswood 48.4, M illb rae 49.2, In tegra 49 . 6 ; HJ: 3- F a v o rite (CSH) 5-4, 5 . Kemp (WS) 5-2; 100: 5- C h r is to ff (MLTC) 11.8; DT: 4. Wright (Fresno Elans) 148-1, 5 . Langford (MLTC) 145-11, 6 . Lane (R o s e v ille ) 129-5; 440: Ham mond (Sim) 54.0, 4. Schafer (MLTC) 57-1, 6 . C h r is to ff (MLTC) 57-8; LJ: 4. King (MLTC) 18-9, 5- Voamonde (MLTC) 18-5.
HIGH SCHOOL P a c ific Grove In v it a t io n a l: (A p r il 29, P a c ific Grove) - V a r s ity : Seaside 54, Monterey 37, W atsonville 34.5, Leigh 23, N. Salinas 19 . 120HH: Thompson (PG) 15-0) 100: Sumpter (Mont) 9-9) 440: Payne(Sea) 50.0) M ile : Jameson (Wat) 4:27.1) 440R: Monterey 43.0) 180LH: Thompson (PG) 20.5) 220: Roysten (Mont) 22.2; 880: Maust (Sea) 1:59-1) 2 Mi: B ellah ( L e i ) 9:42.0; M ileR: Seaside 3:27.4; SP: Wood son (S ea) 52-11) HJ: Bush (Camp) 6 - 6 ; LJ: Cole ( Wat) 21-10; DT: Woodson ( Sea) 156-9) PV: Turner (DM) 13-6; TJ: Bush (Camp) 44-9; Frosh-Soph: W atsonville 44, Leigh 37,Del Mar 29, Monterey 28, Seaside 2 5 . LJ: C arter (Mon) 20-6; HJ: M allory ( DM) 6-0) SP: Carnes (Wat) 53-5 1/4; TJ: Worley (S ea) 40-5 l/ 2 ; PV: Baker (DM) 12-0; DT: Jacob ( A l i ) 134-8; 100: C arter (Mon) 10.5) 440: Stanga (DM) 51.6; M ile : De La Garza (Wat) 4:39-8; 440R: Monterey 45.9; 70HH: Malts (NS) 9 .4 ; 220: Stanga (DM) 23.5; 880: Lopez (Wat) 2:04.0; 2 M i: Hanson ( L e i ) 9:49-8; MileR: Leigh 3:38.5; 180LH: Ferguson (Sea) 21.1. E l C e r r ito R ela ys: (A p r il 29, E l C e r r it o ) - V a r s ity : B erkeley 65 , E l C e rrito 54, P ittsb u rg 29, Mt. Eden 26, V a lle jo 26, Carlmont 23. Sprint Med: B erkeley 3:34.4, E l C e r r ito 3:34.5, Mt. Eden 3:35-8; Dist.M ed: E l C e r r ito 10:14.2 (S c o tt 4:12.4, Sproul 1:57.8, Ennis 50.0, B a ile y 3 : l 4 ) , Carlmont 10:23.8, Washington 1 0 :3 3 -4 ;' 440R: Harry E lls 42.5, B erkeley 42.8, Albany 42.9; 2 MiR: Miramonte 8:02.6, Redwood 8:05-6; 880R: B erkeley 1:28.6, E l C e rrito 1:29.4, Harry E lls & Kennedy 1:30.7; MileR: E l C e rrito 3:20.2, B erkeley 3:24.3; Shuttle HH: P ittsb u rg 35-6, V a lle jo 36.3, Wash. 36.4; Shuttle LH: V a lle jo 54.5, Mt. Eden 55-1, E l C e rrito 55.2; 100: Shavers (A lb ) 9 .6, Wilson (A lb ) 9 . 8 , Watson (EC) 9 . 8 ; 120HH: Ligons (ME) 14.4, Busby ( P i t t ) 14.7 D ailey ( I r v ) l4 .8 ; TJ: Bryant ( Berk) 45.2 l/2, Young (S a l) 44-3 l/2, K ra ft (MSJ ) 43-6 l/ 2 ; PV: Dempster (C a r l) l4 -0 , Behr (M ir) l4 -0 . Andrews (CasVly) H - 0 ; HJ: Buzzard (Mont) 6 - 6 , Cunningham (Sun) 6- 6 , Shaw ( P i t t ) 6-4; SP: F r a g u g lie tti (A lb ) 59-3 1/4, Brandow (C a r l) 56- 5 , McGee (Red) 54-9; LJ: Cleghorn (Berk) 23-4, Huey ( V a i l ) 22-10 l/2 , Sh affer (B erk) 22-9 l/ 2 ) DT: Jackson (Berk) 170-4, Dyer (Nwk) 163-1 l/2, O tte r s te tte r (Marina) 156-4; Frosh-Soph: Richmond 40, San Ramon 34, Kennedy 30, Irv in g to n 26, Washington 24, P a c ific 20. Sprint Med: Kennedy 3:44.9; D is t . Med: Washington 10:55-3, Carlmont 10:55-6; 2 MiR: P a c ific 8:16.3, Irv in g to n 8:17.8; 440R: Kennedy 44.1, San Ramon 44.7, Logan 44.7; 880R: Richmond 1:32.4, P in o le V ly 1:33-3) Shuttle LH: San Ramon 57-6, Washington 58.1, Kennedy 58.2; Shuttle HH: Richmond 38.6, I r vington 39-2; M ileR : Richmond 3:30.2, P a c ific 3:30.9, V a lle jo 3:31-3, Irv in g to n 3:32.9, Terra Linda 3:33-2. Santa Cruz R ela ys: (May 6 , Santa Cruz) - V a r s ity : Seaside 53, Monterey 45, Leland 30, Westmont 20. SP: Mannon (LG) 6l - l l l/ 2 ; LJ: Supnet (LO) 21-10; 120HH: Thomas (Sea) 14.8; M ile : Gruber (A p t) 4:21.3; 440R: Monterey 42.5; Dist-Med: Soquel 10:44.3; 100: Sump t e r (Mont) 9 .7; DT: Hickson (L e i ) 179-10; Sprt-Med: Seaside 3:35-8; TJ: T r ip le t t (Bran)46-10; 2 M i: Ebert (WG) 9:19.6, Jameson (Wat) 9:24.5, B ellah (L e i) 9:31-8; HJ: Thompson (NS) 6 - 6 ; 88OR Monterey 1 :31.0; 2 MiR: Del Mar 8:28.0; M ileR: Seaside 3:27.6; PV: Ryan (H ar) 13-6; Frosh-Soph: Leigh 5^, G ilro y 46.5, Seaside 35, W atsonville 35 , Del Mar 34. DT: Ferguson (S ea) 147-2; PV: Hines (B lk fd ) 12-0; HJ: M alloy ( DM) 6-0; 70HH: Beacom (W) 9 .1 ; M ile : Suhr (Bran) 4 :32.5; 440R: Prospect 45.5; Dist-Med: Leigh 10:55.6; 100: Ashman (P ro s ) 10.3; M : Morgan (A p t) 19-10; SP: Bersang (LG) 54-4 3/4; Sprt-Med: Leigh 3:46.7; 2 M i: Stock ( L e i ) 10:04.6; 880R: G ilro y 1:36.3) 2 MiR: Westmont 8 :4 l.6 ; M ileR : G ilro y 3:33.4. ACAL Championships: (May 11,
D iablo V a lle y C o lle g e ) - 880: Dale Scott (E l C e r r it o ) 1:50.9.
(Only re s u lt a v a ila b le ).
Mid-Peninsula League F in a ls : (May 11, San Mateo High) - V a r s ity : San Mateo 79, Crestmoor 64, Capuchino 43, Aragon 39, Burlingame 35, M ills 35, H ills d a le 9 . 440R: San Mateo 43.7; 120HH: P ie rc e (C r) l4 .8 , Johnson (B ) 14.9; 880: Paul (C r) 1:59.7, M a tisi (A ) 2:00.5; 100: Kafoa (C r) 10.3, W illiam s (SM) 10.3) 440: Budesa ( c ) 50.6; LJ: Gold (M) 20-9 l/ 2 ) 2 M i: Burnett (M) 9:38.3, Brown (B) 9:57.0) HJ: H o lly (SM) 6-0; 180LH: P ie rc e (C r) 19.8; SP: Fagnani (C ) 53-9 l/ 2 ; 220: B. Popin (A ) 23.1; M ile : Evans (M) 4 :24.4; MileR: Aragon 3:27.2, Cap 3:29.3) PV: Paton (SM) 13-61" TJ: Haysbert (SM) 44-1; DT: Fagnani (C) 157-6; Frosh-Soph: H ills d a le 76 , San Mateo 55, Capuchino 52, M ills 42, Crestmoor 39, Aragon 25, Burlingame 1 5 . SP: Baca (SM) 49-9; LJ: McKenny (H) 20-2 l/ 2 ; HJ: Giava (M) 6-0; DT: Jensen (C) 139-7 l/2 ; PV: Kane (C r) 12-3; TJ: McKenny (H) 42-1; 2 Mi: Barnett (H) 10:06.0; 440R: Cap 45.6; 70HH: Giava (M) 9.2; 880: P ie rc e (C r) 2 :03.6; 100: Ashley (C ) 10.4; 4 4 0 : Shepardson (B ) 52.3; 180LH: Jackson (H) 21.1; 220: Ashley (c ) 23.6; M ile : T a lly (H ) 4:43 .2 ; M ileR: San Mateo 3:35-7. North-Peninsula League F in a ls : (May 12, Jefferson HS) - V a r s ity : SSF 71, E l Camino 68 , Serramo e 40, Westmoor 36 , Oceana 29, Terra Nova 29, H alf Moon Bay 8 . 440R: E l Camino 44.5; 120HH: Allmond (S ) 14.6; 880: Cano (SSF) 2 ,2.6; 100: C ortez (EC) 9 .9 ; 440: Acos ta (EC) 50.4; 2 M i: Van Dine ( EC) 9:36.4; 180LH: Allmond (S ) 19-8; 220: Acosta (EC) 23-0; Mi l e : Parsons (HMB) 4:29.4;
M ileR : SSF 3 :30.6; DT: Decker (TN) 143-7 Stavish (o ) 13-0; Frosh-Soph: 440R: Terra 440: Taefarono (SSF) 52.7; 2 M i: Goss (SSF) M ileR: SSF 3 : 4 l . l ; DT: F a b ris ( EC) 121-11 Murphy (SSF) ???; PV: Lynn (EC) 11-0.
l/2 ; SP: Vance (SSF) 49-3 3/4; Nova 46.6; 70HH: Murphy (SSF) 10:17.3; l 80LH: Kennedy (S ) l/2 ; SP: Schram (o ) 51-3 3/4;
TJ:DeNatale ( j ) 43-1 l/ 2 ; LJ: DeNatale 21-8 l/ 2 ; PV: 9*3; 880: Harro (A lta Loma) 2:03 .1 ; 100: Norden (TN) 10.3; 21.9; 220: Norden (TN) 23.8; M ile : LaForge ( o ) 4:37.2; LJ: A lle n (S ) 20-4 l/ 4 ; TJ: Fraysee (SSF) 42-2 l/ 2 ; HJ:
West Coast R ela ys: (May 12-13, Fresno) - E l C e r r ito 36, Lemoore 21, Woodrow W ilson (SF) l 8 , Oakland Tech. 14.5, B ak ersfield 13, Berk e le y 13, Merced 12, Edison (F r ) 11. 100: Shavers (A lb ) 9 . 5 , Jones (Lem) 9 . 5 , Whitaker (WW) 9 . 8 ; 120HH: ( t i e ) Rivas (T u l) & Densmore ( P I . V ly ) 14.0, Busby ( P i t t ) l4 .2 ; 2 MiR: E l C e rrito (S c o tt 1:48.4) 7:49-7, Mt. Diablo 7 :55.8; Dist-Med: Merced 10:25.1, Oak-Tech 10:26.7, Lemoore 10:31-9; Sprt-Med: McClymonds 3:32.6, Pittsb u rg 3:33-6; 2 M i: Garcia (Redw) 9:28.6, Solomon (Monte V is ta ) 9:29-0, B a iley (EC) 9:30.4, Curtis (Camp) 9:35.6; 440R: Woodrow Wilson 4 l.3 , E l C e rrito 4 l.9 , Edison (F r ) 42.0, Kennedy 42.1; M ileR : E l Cer r i t o (S c o tt 46.5) 3:18.7, B ak ersfield 3:19.9, Lemoore 3:20.8; DT: McNaughton (McLane,Fr) 167 - 8 . Shelton ( F t h i l l ) 166-10, Jackson (Bk) 164-3, Merlo (Sanger) 163-10; PV: Burleson (Balboa) 14-5, Huerta (R eed ley) 14-2, Sula (Lemoore) 13-11, Schoendube (R oos,F r) 13-11; HJ: Shaw ( P i t t ) 6 - 8 , Thompson (NS) 6 - 6 ; LJ: Hardeman (Edison, F r ) 24-9 l/4, S h a ffer (Berk) 23-7 3/4, Cochee (OakTech) 23-4 l/2, C leghorn (B erk) 23-3 l/4 ; SP: Stevenson (McClymonds) 56-7 l/2 , Shelton (F t H i l l ) 56-6 l/4 , F r u g u g lie tti (A lb ) 56-5 l/ 4 , Glanz (Monte V is ta ) 55-6; TJ: Cochee (OakTech) 49-5 3/4, Rim (C lo v is ) 48-3, Tucker (Wash. Union) 48-2, Torrano (Tulare West) 47-4 l/ 2 . WCAL F in a ls : (May 13, S t. Francis HS) - V a r s ity : S I 106, B e ll 52, SF 40, Serra 34, Riordan 12, M itty 6 , SH 4. 100: G i l l (M) 10.0; 220: K e lly ( S i ) 22.5; 440: K e lly ( S i ) 49.70;880 : Kasser (SF) 1:56.8, Burch (SF) 1:58.0, Wandro (S e r) 1:59.0; M ile : P orter ( S i ) 4:28, Ryan (R ) 4:29.2; 2 M i: Cole ( S i ) 9 :47.0; 440R: S I 43.8; M ileR : SI 3:29.2, SF 3:30 .7 ; 120HH: C lift o n ( S i ) 15.51 18OLH: C lifto n (S i ) 20.4; SP: Gherardi ( S i ) 58-8 l/2, Banducci (S e r) 57-10; DT: Congi ( S i ) 160-8; PV: Meyer sieck (S e r) 12-6; LJ: Briscoe (S e r ) 21-4; HJ: Roman (SF) 6-4; TJ: Yaninek (B ) 44-3 3/4; Frosh-Soph: S I 93, Serra 50, SF 41.5, B e ll 23.5, Riordan 20, SH & M itty 11. 440R: SI "55.2; 70HH: Horsefal ( S I ) 9-4; 880: Magee(S i ) 2:02 .7 ; 100: Schor (S e r) 10.6; 440: Moye (S e r) 52.3; 2 Mi: Schmidt ( S i ) 10 : 12 . 7 ; 180LH: H orsefal ( S i ) 21.0; 220: Schon ( S i ) 23-8; M ile : Ryan (R ) 4:41.3; M ileR : SI 3:40.9; SP: Shannon ( S l) 52-10 l/ 2 ; DT: Shannon ( S I ) 138-11 3/4; PV: Costanza (B ) 12-0; LJ: Banks (S e r ) 21-4; HJ: Matson (SF) 5-10; TJ: Yap ( s i ) 42-1 l/ 4 . SPAL F in a ls : (May 13) - V a r s ity : Carlmont 92, Gunn 59, Woodside 31, Palo A lto 2 7 , Sequoia 26, Cubberley 22, San Carlos 20, Menlo-Atherton 14, Ravenswood 13. 440R: Ravenswood 44.1; 120HH: F loran t (PA) 14.9, Watts (G) l4 .9 ; 880: Bay (G) 1:58.8, Thurston (PA) 1:59-2, Sayre (c) 1:59.4; 100: Murphy (S ) 10.1; 440: W iley (W) 49.9; 2 M i: C attarin (c) 9:35-4. Black (c) 9:36.5, Barney (C ) 9:45.2; 18OLH: F lora n t (PA) 19-5, Murphy (S ) 19-9, Watts (G) 19-9; M ile : M ille r (C ) 4:15-2, Crowley (G) ???, O liv e r (C ) 4:20.5, Daniels (S ) 4:20.9; 220: Barker (w) 22.3; M ileR : SanCarlos 3:27.2, Woodside 3:28.9, Gunn 3:29.5; SP: Brandow (c) 56 - I ; DT: S t o lle (c) 148-0; HJ: Brown (C ) 6-4; PV: W ille t t (c) 13-9, Lennen (c) 13-6, Deptster ( c) 13-6; LJ: Brown (C) 20-10; TJ: Watts (MA) 44-3 3/4; Frosh-Soph: MenloAtherton 57.5, Carlmont 56 .5, Woodside 54, Sequoia 37, San Carlos 37. Palo A lto 19, Gunn 16, Terman JHS 11, Cubberley 8 , Ravenswood 5, Wilbur JHS 3. 440R: MA 45.2; 70HH: Johnson (PA) 9 .3 ; 880: Luce (c) 2:01.7; 100: Butler (SC) 10.4; 440: McKenzie (MA) 51.0; 2 M i: Emory (T ) 10:05.4; 18OLH: Johnson (PA) 20.7; 220: McKenzie (MA) 23.3; M ile : Geiken (Cub) 4:30.3; M ileR : MA 3 :35.4; SP: Data (S ) 54-8 1/2; DT: S tein (G) 153-6 l/ 2 ; HJ: L ittle b o y (G) 6-0; PV: G u lle tte (c ) 12-0; LJ: Robinson (W) 20-6, TJ: B utler ( c ) 42-0. NCS Region I I M eet: (May 19 , Brentwood) - P ittsb u rg 48, Albany 30, Pleasant H i l l 22, Monte V ista 19 , Concord 18 , Campolindo 17, Mt. Diablo 16, Amador 13, C ollege Park 11, Ygnacio V ly 8 . 5 . 120HH: Houston ( P i t t ) 14.7; 440R: P ittsb u rg ???; 880: Kincheloe (MD) 1:56.8; 100: Shavers (A lb ) 9 . 8 ; M ile : King (MD) 4:22.9; 440: Lawson ( P i t t ) 48.4; 18OLH: Busby ( P i t t ) 19.5; 220: Shavers (A lb ) 21.6; SP: G lantz (MV) 55-8 l/ 4 ; HJ: Hay (Con) 22-10 l/ 2 ; PV: Behr (M ir) 13-6; HJ: Shaw ( P i t t ) 6-4; DT: H a r r e ll ( CP) 160-2; TJ: Hay (Con) 47-6 l/ 4 ; 2 M i: Solomon (MV) 9:29.5; M ileR : Campolindo 3:26.5. NCS Region I I I Meet: (May 20) - 100: Jenkins (Hogan) 10.2; 220: Jenkins 22.2; 440: Byrd (Card. Newman) 50.6; 880: McDaniel (Napa) 1:57 .9 ; M ile : S tre e t (Marin C a th .) 4 :25.2; 2 M i: M oeller (Redw) 9:35-0; 120HH: Carrington (Mont) l4 .8 ; 180LH: P o rter (V a i l ) 20.4; 440R: Eureka 43.1; M ileR : Card. Newman 3:24.5; SP: McGee (Redw) 5 5 -H 3/4; D is c : Catron (E l M olino) 160-0 3/4; HJ: Touzer (CN) 6-2; L J : Nelson (MC) 22-9 3/4; PV: Stone (Fortuna) 13-7; TJ: Barlow (Napa) 44-7 1/2. CCS Region I Meet: (May 20, Serramonte HS) - V a rs ity : S I 58 , Crestmoor 24, SF 21, Serramonte 1 7 , E l Camino & Aragon l4 . DT: Gherardi ( S I ) 155-7 l/ 2 ; LJ: Nakada (SM) 21-6; HJ: Roman (SF) 6-2; SP: Gherardi (S I ) 56- 8 ; TJ: Beck ( S i ) 43-2 l/ 4 ; PV: Trueman (C r) 13-3; 440R: San Mateo 43.6; 120HH: Allmond (Srmte) 14.5; 880: Kasser (SF) 1:56.3; 100: G i l l (M itty ) 10.0 (9 .8 in t r i a l s ) ; 440: Acosta (EC) 50.0; 2 M i: Burnett (M) 9:24.3, Cole ( S i ) 9:31.4, Van Dine (EC) 9:33.2; 180LH: P ie rc e (C r) 18 . 9 , Wyatt (W est) 19-5; 220: Lloyd ( S i ) 23.0; M ile : P orter ( S i ) 4:25.5, Ryan (R io r ) 4:27.7; M ileR : SI 3:28.1, Aragon 3 :28.1. C en tral Coast Section F in a ls : (May 27, San Jose CC) - V a r s ity : S ilv e r Crk 22.5, Mt. Pleasant 21, Seaside 19 , Branham & Los A lto s 12, Crestmoor & Carlmont 11. 440R : S ilv e r Crk 42.1, Seaside 42.7, Salinas 42.7, Los A lto s 43.0, O v e rfe lt 43-0; 120HH: Allmond (Smte) l4 .1 , F lo ra n t (PA) 14.2, P ierce (C r) 14.3, Roesky (Horn) l4 .4 , Kolesnikow (Bur) 14.5; 880: Wandro (S e r ) 1:54.3, Maust 1:54.7, C leary (RLS) 1:55-2, Kasser (SF) 1:55-4, Pabst (WG) 1:56.4; 100: Hampton (SCr) 9-7, M ille r (B l) 9.8, Cravens (SCr) 9 . 8 , Sumpter (Mont) 9-9, McCrea (WG) 9-9; 440: William s (MP) 49.1, Payne (Sea) 49. 3, V illa r e a l (MVw) 49 . 7 , Hayes (S a l) 49.8; 2 M i: Brooks (MP) 9:07-8, Cole ( S i ) 9:12 .8 , Ebert (WG) 9:14-9, Jameson (Wat) 9:17.4, Burnett (M ills ) 9:19.2; 180LH: P ie rc e (C r) 19.1, Ray (LG) 19.3, Thomas (S ea) 19.5, Allmond (Smte) 19.6, Roesky (Horn) 19-7; 220: Hampton (SCr) 21.5, Royston (Mon) 21.8, Cook (S a l) 22.3, McCrea (WG) 22.3, Dodgen (Aw) 22.4; M ile : M ille r (C a r l) 4 :12.4, F e r r e ll (Ov) 4:13.5, Manriquez (MP) 4 :l4 .8 , Gruber (A p tos) 4:15.4, Crowley (Gunn) 4 :l6 .0 ; M ileR: Mt. Pleasant 3:22.2, Seaside 3:23.5, Buchser 3:23.5, Leland 3:23.6, Gunn 3:24.7; SP: Mannon (LG) 62-6 l/2, Gherardi ( S i ) 6l - l l , Over ton (LA) 60-1 l/ 2 , Brandow (C a r l) 57-4, Banducci (S e r) 56- I I l/ 2 ; DT: Overton (LA) 1 91-0, Hickson (L el ) 1 8 l-3 , Groover (Bran) 174-11, Pfandl (Aw) 173-1, Patterson (LA) 172-10; PV: Johnson (DM) 14-4, Lindsay (W est) l4 -4 , Dempster (C a r l) l4 -4 , Trueman (C r) 13-6, Ryan (H a rt) 13.6; HJ: Bush (Cam) 6 - 8 , Thompson (N S a l) 6- 6 , Treu (MVa) 6- 6 , Wyrick (SCr) & Erbes (Horn) 6-4; LJ: Holloway (B lk ) 22-11 l/2, Marcki (Buch) 22-6 l/2 , T r ip le t t (Bran) 22-3, Supnet (LO) 22-1 l/4, Matthews (Mon) 21-7 l/ 2 ; TJ: T r ip le t t (Bran) 47-5 3/4, Bush (Cam) 46-5 3/4, Robb (W il) 45-5, P o rter (Aw) 45-3 l/2, LeGrande (West) 44-10 l/ 2 . Frosh-Soph: Lynbrook 30, Camden 20. Del Mar 18.5, MenloAtherton 11, Menlo, Campbell & Branham 10. 440R: Camden 44.5; 70HH: G arlick (Camp) 0 . 8 ; 880: W illiam s (Menlo) 1:59.7, Lopez (Wat) 1 :59 .8 ; 100: Ashman (P ro s ) 10.1, Ashley (Cap) 10.1, Lincoln ( H i l l ) 10.1; 440: Saga (DM) 50.6, McKenzie (MA) 50.7; 2 M i: Kennedy (L y ) 9 :35.1, A gu ilar (SCr) 9:36.0, Emory (T e r ) 9:38.3, Barnett ( H i l l s ) 9:39.6, F lores (KC) 9:39-6; 180LH: Napier (L y ) 20.2, G arlick (Camp) 20.4; 220: Rosenberg (DM) 22.4; M ile : Suhr (Bran) 4:23.6, Geiken (Cub) 4:25.2, Rios (W il) 4:26.7, LaForge (Oc) 4:28.3, Beck (Sea) 4 :3 0 .5 ; MileR: Menlo-Ath 3:31.1, G ilro y 3:31.4; SP: Data (S eq) 56-3, Bersano (LG) 56-2 l/ 2 , Davis (Camd) 56-2, Watkins (DM) 55*5 l/2; DT: M a lo ff ( SF) 153-2, S tein (Gunn) 149-11; PV: B e ll (L y ) 12-6, Kane (C r) 12-6, Madeiros (Cup) 12-6, Moga (Camd) 12-6; HJ: G iavia ( M ills ) 6-2, L it t le b o y (Gunn) 6-2, M allory (DM) 6-2; LJ: Ambler (Camd) 21-0 3/4, Crockett (Menlo) 20-10 3/4, Adan (W il) 20-8; TJ: Walker (P ie d ) 45-8 l/2, Chesnut (LA) 44-5 l/2 , Napier ( Lyn) 44-3, Hamilton (L e i ) 43-7, Hathorn ( L e i ) 43-3 l/ 2 . San Francisco AAA F in a ls : (May 27, Kezar Stadium, SF) - Balboa 152.5, Wilson 124.5 (F/S - Balboa 154, Mission 138). 2 M i: D uffey (L o ) 9 :27.9; 440R: Wilson 42.0; 120HH: Kirtman (W il) l4 .0 ; 880: Luevanos (M iss) 1:59.5; 100: Farmer (W il) 9-6; M ile : Chun (Low) 4:31.1; 440: Freeman (B a l) ???; 220: Lewis (W il) 22.1; 180LH: Kirtman (W il) 19 . I ; M ileR : Balboa 3:29.9; SP: Magalei (B a l) 46-9; DT: Faumina (B a l) l47-3 l/ 2 ; PV: Burleson (B a l) l 4 - l l/ 2 l HJ: Minix (B a l) 6-4; LJ: T aylor (W il) 21-0. Frosh-Soph: 2 M i: Gogas (B a l) 10:34; 440R: Mission 44.7; 70HH: Armstrong (M iss) 9-0; 880: B rath lien (B a l) 2:09-9; 100: Jacobs (M iss) 10.1; M ile : H ild er (L in ) 4:51.8; 4 40: Chism (W il) 53.7; 220: Declarado (B a l) 23.4; 120LH: Armstrong (M iss) 13.5; M ileR : Mission 3:42; SP: D illo n (G a l) 54-4 l/2; DT: Nevel (B a l) 137-1; PV: W iley (B a l) 11-0; HJ: Eckford (L in ) 5-11 l/ 4 ; LJ: G ilmore (M iss) 21-0; TJ: Eberhart (W il) ???.
LONG DISTANCE RESULTS V is a lia 10 M ile Run: (A p r il 28, V is a lia ) - A fte r being on, o f f , and then back on again, the V is a lia 10 m ile run was a b ig success. The race started and fin is h e d in M ineral King Bowl in conjunction w ith the Redwood In v ita tio n a l Track Meet. Race d ir e c to r , Dave Bronzan, out-kicked fe llo w High S ie rra TC member, Wayne Van D ellen , f o r a new course record on the f l a t , but windy run. ( l ) Bronzan 53:17, (2 ) Van D ellen 53:21, (3 ) John Noonan ( H i l l Ranch) 54:55, (4 ) Craig E lia (KR Club) 56:00, (5 ) Robert Sosa (Pac C o ll) 56:34, (6 ) Don Gregory (Pac C o ll) 56 : 38 , (7 ) Martin Urias (HSTC) 57:14, (8 ) Larry Lung (KR Club) 57:28, ( 9 ) Rich Petersen (HSTC) 58:47, (10) Ken Adams (KR Club) 59:52. ( 16 reported fin is h e r s ) — Reported by B i l l Cockerham. N ational AAU Marathon: (May 21, Syracuse, NY) - Ed N orris o f Brockton, Mass., in his f i r s t marathon attempt, won the 48th Annual Marathon in a time o f 2 :24:42.8, as the top 10 fin is h e r s dipped under the Olympic T r ia ls q u a lify in g time o f 2:30. N o rris , 25, a f o r mer standout cross country runner at Kent S tate, took the lead between 15 and 20 m iles from Jack Mahurin o f Morehead C ity , N.C. Nina Kuscsik led the four female com petitors with a clocking o f 3:21:03, good fo r 100th place among the 175 s ta r te r s . I t was the f i r s t N ation al AAU Marathon open to women com petitors ( o f f i c i a l l y ) . (2 ) V ita le 2:25:30, (3 ) F it t s 2:26:23. (4 ) F u ltz 2:26:39, (5 ) Daws 2:26:47, ( 6 ) Mahurin 2:27:09, (7 ) Talkington 2:29:04, ( 8 ) Thurston 2:29:21, ( 9 ) Spencer 2:29:40, (10) Wagner 2:29:53. CHUCK SMEAD IN EASY VICTORY AT MT. VACA HILL CLIMB (A p r il 22, V a c a v ille ) - Although a long way o f f Rich Delgado's 1971 course record o f 63:32, West V a lle y 's Chuck Smead made his t r i p down from Arcata worthwhile anyway by taking an easy v ic t o r y over Darryl B eardall and John B u tte r fie ld , who b a ttle d i t out in a c l o s e fo r second. Jim Bowles would have been a fa c to r in the race to o, but he started 7 minutes la te and fin ish ed with a c o r rected time o f 1:08:24, which would have been good enough fo r a fou rth p lace. Bob Malain, who is tr y in g to g et in as many races as p ossib le to hang on to his high ranking in the NCRR Senior Point Race, took a quarter-m ile v ic t o r y over Jim Nicholson who is b egin ning to compete again a ft e r a long l a y o f f . Ron Kinney was th ird senior as a l l th ree fin ish ed w ith in 4 minutes. I guess the 10.6 mile up-and-down course (tr a v e rs in g seve ra l thousand f e e t ) was to o much fo r the women, as none were lis t e d amongst the 36 su rvivo rs. In the shorter 1 m ile run at the same lo c a tio n , L iz Healy beat brother Brian, 7:33 to 7:34, as Annette Chaney had a good 7:37- Next two fin is h e r s were David Anderson (7 :4 2 ), and yet another Healy (Tara in 7 :5 0 ). A t o t a l o f 12 runners fin ish ed th is ra c e. Top 21 in the longer race are lis t e d below: 1 2 3 4 5
6 7 -
Chuck Smead (West V a lle y TC) D arryl B eardall (Marin AC) John B u tte r fie ld (Boston AA) Greg Chapman (Solano TC) Doug Butt (Marin AC) Dan Anderson (V a lle y TC) Pete Hansen (U n a tt.)
1:06:37 1 : 08:17 1:08:23 1:09:43 1:09:54 1:11:05 1 : 11:52
8 - B i l l Flodberg (Solano TC) 9 10 11 12 13 14 -
Jim Bowles (West V a lle y TC) Bob Malain (NCSTC) Jim Nicholson (NCSTC) Ron Kinney (U n att. ) James A lle n (ARRA) P h il Holder (Solano TC)
1:14:19 1:15:24 1:15:47 1 : 17:10 1:19:45 1:21:34 1 : 22:50
15 - Dick Cordone (Marin AC)
16 - Jan F a ir ly 17 18 19 20 21 -
V ito D 'A lo ia ( Joggernauts) G.C. Reinhardt (NCSTC) Mike P e re l T ertiu s Chandler (NCSTC) Lee Fox (Solano TC)
1:22:55 1:23:27 1:25:35 1:25:46 1:25:57 1:30:03 1:30:34
BOB BARKER A BIG WINNER AT SAN MARTIN MARATHON (A p r il 29, San Martin, CA) - Sacramento TC's Bob Barker made the long d rive to San Jose (ju s t south o f the c i t y a c tu a lly ) worth w h ile, but missed the Olympic T r ia ls q u a lify in g standard by a wide margin, p rim a rily due to gusty winds. The temperature stayed in the 60's fo r most o f the race, however, and the wind helped to c o o l the runners. B arker's 2:41:17.6 was a whopping 14+ minutes ahead o f teammate Frank Krebs. Twenty-seven started the race and twenty hung on to complete the 26 m ile grin d . The course has been c e r t i f i e d by Ted C o r b itt's AAU Standard's Committee. Dave Stevenson was an easy v ic t o r in the 40-and-over category w ith his 2:59:33, good f o r fou rth place o v e r a ll! ! The complete l i s t o f fin is h e r s : 1 2 3 4 tie
6 7 -
Bob Barker (S a c 'to TC) Frank Krebs (S a c 'to TC) Jim Bowles (West V a lle y TC) Dave Stevenson (Stanford RC) Gary C hilton (Stanford RC) Don Peterson (Stanford RC) Don McIntosh
2 :4 l:1 7 2:55:49 2:55:55 2:59:33 2:59:33 3 :0 2 :l6 3:08:39
8 - K eith Campbell (West ValleyJS)3:17:37 9 10 11 12 13 14
Ted Larson (Monterey Pen AC) 3:18:45 Paul Reese (NCSTC) 3:23:48 Rich Peterson (High S ie rra TC)3:29:23 G. Reinhardt (NCSTC) 3:32:42 Ron M arkelle 3:36:37 Ruben Morales 3:40:03
16 17 18 19 20
Charles Day Don Zarin (High Jim Thaxter Louis Andrew Harry C ordellos Willmot White
3:40:39 S ie rra TC) 3:41:08 3:41 :13 4 :0 7 :— (Dolphin Club) 4:17:16 4:17:16
BEARDALL AND O'NEIL TAKE TOP HONORS AT SAC'TO TO WOODLAND RACE (May 6 , Sacramento) - Marin AC's "o ld man", Darryl B ea rd all, proved today th at he s t i l l has what i t takes in the longer races as he took an easy three minute v ic t o r y over Sacramento TC's Frank Krebs. But perhaps the most amazing performance o f the day came from Jim O 'N e il, as he demolished the senior record o f la s t year by 7 minutes. He and Ross Smith ran side by side fo r 15 m iles and then Jim s low ly pulled away, recording a 1:13 v ic t o r y . Lee H o lle y a ls o broke O 'N e il's 1971 record o f 2:08:44 by log g in g a 2:08:07. By the way, fo r a l l those he b eat, Jim is 46 years young!I West V a lle y TC's B i l l y Tracey lowered his ju n ior mark to 2:32:08 while fin is h in g 25th o v e r a ll amongst 37. (45 s ta rte d ) - - Below are the top 24 p la c e rs : * 1 2 3 4 5
6 7 8 -
D arryl B eardall (Marin AC) 1:56:55 Frank Krebs (S a c 'to TC) 1:59:43 2:00:40 Bob Barker (S a c 'to TC) Jim O 'N e il (SF Olympic Club) 2 : 01:28 Ross Smith (West V a lle y J&S) 2:02:41 2:07:30 Robin Clark (Maranon) Lee H olley (Marin AC) 2:08:07 Doug Gates (Kern Co. L ib r . TC ) )2:09:32
10 11 12
13 i4 15
Terrance Pintane (V o f Moon) Jim Bowles (West V a lle y TC) K eith Campbell (WVJS) Fred Kenyon (V a lle y o f Moon) Dennis L e t l (Solano TC) Walt Webber (U n a tt.) Don Lucero (NCSTC) V ito D 'A lo ia (Joggernauts)
2 : 13:21 2:l8:l8 2:18:24
2 : 18:32 2 : 18 :46 2 : 19:50 2 : 20:52 2:22:24
17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 -
H.G. A in sle ig h (U n a tt.) 2:22:38 G.V. Wagenhoffer (U n a tt.) 2:25:25 Robert Reynaga (High S ierra TC)2:27:25 Ray D ietd erich (NCSTC) 2:28:46 Richard Reynaga (HSTC) 2:28:50 Dennis E gley (U n a tt.) 2:29:05 Antonio Garcia (Mather AFB) 2:31:26 S. C it a r e lla (U n a tt.) 2:31:39
AVENUE OF THE GIANTS MARATHON: 3 MORE QUALIFY FOR OLYMPIC TRIALS RACE (May 7 , Weott, CA) - B efore Bob Deines l e f t fo r the London-to-Brighton la s t September, he mentioned that he and Rick Spavins were pondering a marathon course amongst the shade o f the redwoods near Eureka. I t sounded r e a l l y fa r out, but I never thought i t would come about. W e ll, i t did happen...and i t ' l l happen again next year, contrary to rumors that the race was a fin a n c ia l lo s s . A c tu a lly , the race sponsors broke about even. Amidst temperatures in the 50's and scattered lig h t ra in , w ith the course 90% under the tr e e s , th ree Bay Area runners ventured north with the so le purpose o f q u a lify in g fo r the Olympic T r ia ls ...a n d q u a lify they d i d . . . i n rather spectacular s t y le . Two West V a lle y TC runners, R itc h ie G e is el and Jim Howell, broke 2:30 fo r the f i r s t time (R it c h ie 's best had been a 2:36:47 and H ow ell's a 2 : 3 l ) , and John B u tte r fie ld a lso set a personal b est, dipping w e ll under 2:30. Gary Dobrenz, who journeyed a l l the way from Los Angeles, ju st missed the mark by some 3 minutes. Then the times f e l l o f f d r a s t ic a lly . David Parker o f Sylmar was f i r s t senior in a good time o f 2:49:31, good fo r f i f t h place o v e r a ll. P eter M attei and Paul Reese also recorded good times in the 40-and-over category, both g e ttin g under 3 hours w ith lo t s to spare. At la s t word, the course was as good as c e r t i f i e d , with the standards committee g iv in g i t the la s t close look . Needless to say, with a l i t t l e more p u b lic ity ...n o w that everyone knows about i t . , th is should become one o f the mainstays in NorCal running c ir c le s fo r years to come. On the fo llo w in g page are lis t e d a l l fin is h e r s , except f o r 25th (Chuck E h le r s . . . 3 :4 6 :0 1 )...we d id n 't want to ruin the symmetry, and b esides, I'm running r a p id ly out o f space.
1 2 3 4 5
6 7 8 -
R itc h ie G e is el (West V ly TC) Jim Howell (West V a lle y TC) John B u tte r fie ld (Boston AA) Gary Dobrenz (Golden West AA) David Parker (Sylmar) Frank Freyne (Culver C ity AC) P eter M attei (NCSTC) Rich Spavins (SRRC)
2:26:03 2:26:42 2:28:14 2:32:57 2:49:31 2 : 51:17 2:53:19 2:54:04
9 - Paul Reese (NCSTC)
10 - Ray Darwin (Culver C ity AC) ll 12 13 14 15 16 -
B i l l Rogers (A rca ta ) Joe Henderson (U n a tt.) B i l l Yee (U n a tt.) Bob Roncker (Mtn. View) Rod Smith (T rin id a d ) Lenny Escarda (Eureka)
2:55:30 2:55:42 2 : 56:52 2 : 57:10 3:05:10 3:07:36 3:10:07 3 : 12:20
17 - B i l l Rupley (U n a tt.)
18 - Richard G ilc h r is t (SRRC) 19 - George C randell (A rca ta )
20 - Bob Waters (A rc a ta ) 21 - John A rberry 22 - Bob Dickerson (Blue Lake) 23 - Dan Stromberg (A rc a ta ) 24 - Alan Feuerwerker (A rca ta )
3:12:39 3:14:32 3:18:39 3:20:04 3:31:01 3:36:37 3:40:36 3:45:15
GARY SINGER CAPTURES 1ST ANNUAL ANGEL ISLAND RUN (May 7, Angel Isla n d , SF Bay) - High schooler Gary Singer o f Stockton was a surprise v ic t o r in the f i r s t Angel Island cross coun t r y run today, taking a 26 second v ic t o r y over runnerup B i l l Smith (27:24 to 2 7 :5 0 ). The r a c e , *5.6 m iles around the d ir t roads o f the small island which l i e s south o f the Tiburon Peninsula, was a su bstantial success considering i t was the f i r s t and had lim ited p u b lic ity . I t a ls o competed w ith the Bay-to-Breakers warmup ra ce. Over 175 runners competed and proceeds went to send underprivileged boys to summer camp. The race was sponsored by The Guardsmen o f San F ran cisco. Bob Malain came a l l the way down from Redding to take senior honors over Frank Harrison. He placed 8th o v e r a ll in a fin e time o f 29:49. Fran Conley, in a s te r lin g 34th, was th top woman fin is h e r w ith a quick 33:09, about 6 minute m ile pace. The top 45 fin is h e r s are lis t e d below:
1 - Gary Singer (Stockton HS) 2 - W illiam Smith 3 - B i l l Walden 4 - Jim S h e ttle r (U n a tt.) 5 - Tom Beck (Marin AC) 6 - Bob Cooper 7 - Fred Mahler 8 - Bob Malain (NCSTC) 9 - J erry Kokesh (SF Olympic Club) 10 - Jim Freeman l l - P. Fried 12 - Michael Healy (Napa V ly RC) 13 - Chuck Stagliano (Dolphin Club) i4 - Brian Marney 15 - Frank Harrison (NCSTC)
27:24 27:50 27:56
28:02 28:32 29:19 29:34 29:49 29:52 30:19 30:31 30:46 30:54 30:58
J erry Ockerman Bruce Carradine 17 18 - Lee H o lley (Marin AC) 19 - B i l l Long 20 - George Conlon 21 - Weym Kirkland (M ill V a lle y ) 22 - Dan Martiney 23 - Bob Cook 24 - Glenn Parker 25 - Kent Guthrie 26 - Ron Rose 27 - Ron Kinney (U n a tt. ) 28 - Mark Timmerman 29 - Don P ic k e tt (SF Olympic Club) 30 - Ernst Hayman
31:12 31:14 31:31 31:38 31:47 31:50 31:54 31:56
32:02 32:06 32:14 32:30 32:35 32:45 32:49
31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39
4o 4i 42 43 44 45
Frank Adams Paul Sebesta (joggern a u ts) Armand Castro Fran Conley (1 s t woman) Alan Schmeiser Doug Ferguson Bruce C astle (Joggernauts) Murray Peterson Kenneth Kvan Richard Martinez John Geer Don McIntosh (NCSTC) Dennis Finney U n id en tified runner Reinhardt Gough
32:54 32:59 33:05 33:09 33:16 33:17 33:19 33:21 33:26 33:31 33:35 33:36 33:38 33:40 33:43
GOLDEN GATE PARK 8 MILER: LEYDIG SMASHES RUSTAD'S COURSE RECORD (May 13, San F ran cisco) - On a day p e rfe c t fo r fa s t running, West V a lle y TC's Jack Leydig and Colombian marathon ace HernanB arreneche ran neck and neck u n til the la s t m ile when Leydig spurted away to a 10second v ic to r y , e c lip s in g Doug Rustad's 1970 record (4 l: by a f u l l 23 seconds. Both runners tr ie d unsuccessfully to put in b r i e f spurts to t r y and break the other, w ith Leydig opening 20-; yards at about 6 m iles, on ly to have the Colombian p u ll back. The la s t two u p h ill portions proved to be to o much fo r the l a t t e r . I in 12th p o s itio n , Dave Stevenson had an easy time disposing o f newly arrived senior Ken Napier, who fin ish ed 6 places and some 39 sec s d n o back. T erry Johnson copped the woman's trophy in 87 th w ith a time o f 55:24, follow ed by Skip Swannack and Irene R u dolf. Mite Kingery was f i r s t high schooler w ith a commendable 43:45 fo r f i f t h p lace. The top 45 are lis t e d w ith th e ir tim es: 1 2 3 4 5
6 7
8 9 10 ll 12 13 14 15
- Jack Leydig (West Valley TC) - Hernan Barreneche (Colombia) - Martin Pabon (Colombia) - Dan Anderson (Valley TC) - Mitch Kingery (RC Striders) - Joe Taxiera (Alameda TC) - Greg Chapman (Solano TC) - Bill Johnson (Unatt.) - John Finch (Unatt.) - Bob Immethun (Alameda TC) - Jan Frisby (West Valley TC) - Dave Stevenson (Stanford RC) - Mark Proteau (Napa Vly RC) - Joe McDevitt, Jr. (WVTC) - Tom Cory (Culver City AC)
40:54 41:05 42:14 43:33 43:45 44:21 44:52 45:12 45:16 45:20 45:24 45:29 45:30 45:38 45:44
16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 -
Steve O'Brien (U n att) L ester Mina (Alameda TC) Ken Napier (West V a lle y J&S) Robin Clark (Maranon) Rudy Hernandez (V a lle y TC) Walt Van Zant (West V ly J&S) Gerald T a llon (U n a tt.) Lee H o lle y (Marin AC) Paul Koski (U n a tt.) Dick Cordone (Marin AC) * Gary C hilton (Stanford RC) John Kleinbach (U n a tt.) Robert S e ife r t (U n a tt.) Dave Warren (U n a tt.) James A lle n (ARRA)
45:53 46:03 46:08 46:32 46:36 46:38 4 6 :4 l 46:47 46:48 47:02 47:11 47:27 47:29 47:37 47:46
31 32 33 34 35
36 37 38 39 40 4l 42 43 44 45
Frank Cortez (U n a tt.) 47:54 Ernie Jeong (Pamakids) 48:02 D arryl Jeong(Pamakids) 48:11 Bob Malain (NCSTC) 48:15 Tom O'Brien (U n a tt.) 48:21 48:24 Van Bambico (U n a tt.) P eter Wood (NCSTC) 48:30 A lex Monterossa (Pamakids) 48:50 49:16 Jim Gallon (U n a tt.) James Everard (V a lle y o f Moon TC )4 9 :2 l Don Peterson (Stanford RC) 49:31 D arryl Zapata (West V a lle y TC) 49:39 Jerry Ockerman (U natt) 49:41 Fred Kenyon (V a lle y o f Moon TC) 50:00 Jim Nicholson (NCSTC) 50:05
MORA M ORA ALMOST ALMOST UPSETS MOORE AS 2242 FINISH BAY-TO-BREAKERS RACE (May 21, San F ran cisco) - Colombia's V ic to r Mora, second in th is y e a r's Boston Marathon, almost scored a b ig upset as he pushed Oregon TC's Kenny Moore to a new Bay-to-Breakers course record, e c lip s in g his own mark (s e t la s t yea r) by some 18 seconds. Both run ners ran neck and neck f o r the e n tir e distance except f o r a b r i e f moment on Hayes S tre e t when Mora pulled s l i g h t l y ahead. But as th h it the Great Highway and headed toward the fin is h , some 600 yards away, Mora put on a tremendous sp rin t and opened up a good margin only to be hauled in by Kenny's own stretch d r iv e . Mora had started his d rive a b it too e a r ly , and wound up 8 seconds back o f the five-tim e-w in n er from L ow ell, Oregon. But the two lea d ers, although way ahead o f the r e s t o f the f i e l d , were only part o f the story The 2585 o f f i c i a l s ta rte rs each had th e ir own personal ta le to t e l l . They composed by fa r the la rg e s t f i e l d ever gathered fo r a foot race in America, and p o ssib ly the w orld. The f i e l d was not only tops in qu an tity, however, as even 22nd p lacer A lb ie Thomas o f Aust l i a ran fa s t enough to garner a spot on the top 50 in d ivid u als o f a l l time fo r the race. Thirteenth p lacer Jack Leydig ran over a m in u te fa s te r than the year b e fo re , but placed one spot low er, to underline the depth in s w ift fin is h e s . Third and fourth placers B i l l Clark and Gary T u ttle had a r e a l b a ttle fo r the tape, sim ila r to that staged by Moore and Mora. A l l d iv is io n s had th e ir s ta rs , but the 40-and-over category and the f i r s t woman fin is h e r were s lig h t ly fa n ta s tic . The Olympic Club's Jim O 'N e il knocked over a minute from B i l l Mackey's old sen ior record by clocking a su p erla tive 42:58, good enough to n a il down 48th place o v e r a ll. Ken N apier, ju st turned 40, Ross Smith, and Dennis Teeguarden were also under the old record f o r th is age group. Cheryl B ridges, women's world record holder in the marathon (2 :4 9 :4 o ), journeyed up from San Luis Obispo to record an astounding 44:47 fo r 117th (th e top 5% o f a l l f i n  is h e r s ). She fin ish ed fa r ahead o f the next female entran t, Jackie Dixon o f San Jose, who did 46:26 in 192nd. The West V a lle y Track Club had l i t t l e trouble in defending it s team t i t l e by placing s ix in the top t h ir t y fin is h e r s . Second place went to s u rp ris in g ly strong Alameda TC, follow ed by the West V a lle y Joggers & S trid ers and Oregon TC (whose f i f t h placer was a woman, Janet Newman). The ages o f the com petitors ranged from 5 to 73 (Annette Tamayo and Paul Sp an gler). In te rn a tio n a l fla v o r was present too as four o f the top ten were fo r e ig n e r s , and seven o f the f i r s t 22. On the next page are lis t e d the top 120 placers and th e ir o f f i c i a l tim es. Due many u n o ffic ia l fin is h e r s , many o f the times may be in e r r o r ...tim e s were recorded and placings were not, or v ic e v e rsa . Any corrections , or id e n titie s o f u n o ffic ia l e n trie s would be appreciated and should be sent to the e d ito r as soon as p o s s ib le . Kenny Moore n re c e iv e a t r i p to the Sydney Sun's race (in A u s tra lia ) in August unless he makes the Olympic te a m that case B i l l Clark w i l l go.
1 2 3 4 5
6 7
8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
16 17
18 19 20 21 22 23 24
25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35
36 37
38 39 40
Kenny Moore (Oregon TC) 36:39 V ic to r Mora (Colombia) 36:47 B i l l Clark (West V a lle y TC) 37:36 Gary T u ttle (U n a tt.) 37:^2 Mark Covert (C a l i f . TC) 38:02 Jon Anderson (Oregon TC) 38:16 A lle n Harrison (Syd. Sun, Austr)38:24 Ed Haver (A th letes in A c tio n ) 38:26 Gerry Tighe (Vancouver OC) 38:27 Domingo Tibaduiza (Colombia) 38:31 Greg T ib b etts (SC S t r id e r s ) 38:58 Bob D arling (RC S tr id e r s ) 38:59 Jack Leydig (West V a lle y TC) 39:10 Hernan Barreneche (Colombia) 39:24 U n o ffic ia l Runner 39:25 Mike Wagenbach (U n a tt.) 39:31 Chuck Smead (West V a lle y TC) 39:31 R u ssell Pate (Oregon TC) 39:^1 Anthony Risby (U niv. o f Nevada) 39:58 Mike Denny (US A ir F o rce ) 39:59 Martin Pabon (Colombia) 40:03 A lb ie Thomas (A u s tr a lia ) 4 0 :l4 John Loeschhorn (US A ir F orce) 40:27 U n o ffic ia l Runner 40:32 A lle n Sanford (West V a lle y TC) 40:49 Les McFadden (S tan ford ) 40:51 Bob Crow (West V a lle y TC) 4 l:0 9 Darren George (Napa V a lle y RC) 4 l:1 0 Jon Sutherland (U n a tt.) 4 l:1 0 Bob Brunkan (West V a lle y TC) 4 l:ll John Sheehan (West V a lle y TC) 41:12 Bob Immethun (Alameda TC) 4 l:l4 Bob Nanninga (West V a lle y TC) 4l:25 Mike R u ffa tto (West V a lle y TC) 4 l:4 9 Mark McConnell (S tan ford ) 4l:55 Robert Hayman (Olympic Club) 41:56 K eith Kruse (West V a lle y TC) 42:00 Dale Severy (Santa Barbara AA) 42:06 Dan Cautley (U n a tt.) 4 2 :l4 Mike Conroy (RC S tr id e r s ) 42:21
4l 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59
60 6l 62
63 64
65 66 67 68 69 70 71
72 73
74 75
76 77
78 79
- Tom P elton (U n a tt.) - Rick Trachok (U. Nev./WVTC) - Joe Araujo (U n a tt.) - John Finch (U n a tt.) - Lester Mina (Alameda TC) - Joe T axiera (Alameda TC) - Robin Clark (U n a tt.) - Jim O 'N e il (SF Olympic Club) - U n o ffic ia l Runner - Bruce Degen (Marin AC) - Joe Becerra - S cott M. Stickney - U n o ffic ia l Runner - Ragnar Thaning (Marin AC) - David Carter - Tommy Hui - Steven Fiamengo - Steve Carey - Herbert P o tter - Glenn A. Gaesser - U n o ffic ia l Runner - John T h e ilin - J e f f Kroot (Marin AC) - Shawn Lyons - Dean A lle n - Mark Dawson - U n o ffic ia l Runner - Ken Napier (West V a lle y J&S) - Joseph Montoya - Brendan Oleary - Nelson Hernandez - Ross Smith (West V a lle y J&S) - Steve Savage (Oregon TC) - J e ffr e y Arnold - U n o ffic ia l Runner - James H o ll (West V a lle y TC) - Brian Woodhouse - Joe Biancalana * Rich McCandless - Paul Koski
42:22 42:22 42:24 42:29 42:38 42:42 42:51 42:58 42:59 43:00 43:01 43:12 43:13 43:14 43:15 43:18 43:19 43:19 43:22 43:23 43:23 43:28 43:29 43:32 43:33 43:36 43:38 43:39 43:40 4 3 :4 l 43:42 43:45 43:46 43:47 43:48 43:49 43:50 43:51 43:52 43:56
8l - Dennis Teeguarden (NCSTC)
43:57 82 - Steve Parker (Alameda TC) 43:58 83 - Denny Mathews (U n a tt.) 43:58 84 - David Greenlaw 44:00 85 - Fred erick Mahler 44:02 86 - David Dunbar (U n a tt.) 44:04 87 - Eugene F itz g e r a ld 44:07 88 - Thomas Castro 44:08 89 - David Muela 44:09 90 - James Martinez 44:10 91 - Richard Alexander, J r. 44:13 92 - Gary S. Montante 44:l8 93 - Matthew Logan 44:20 94 - Dick Cordone (Marin AC) 44:21 95 - U n o ffic ia l Runner 44:22 96 - J e ffr e y Knox 44:22 97 - Donald Carlson 44:23 98 - Jim S h e ttle r (U n a tt.) 44:23 99 - Dennis D i l l i e 44:25 100 - Hal Michael 44:27 101 - Rudy Snyders (H a lf Moon Bay HS) 44:28 102 - Robert Shawki 44:29 103 - Bruce Johnson 44:29 104 - George Donovan 44:33 105 - Daryl Zapata (West V a lle y TC) 44:37 106 - B i l l W. U le tt 44:37 107 - Robert Elmo Smith 44:38 108 - Ronald Grander (West V a lle y C ol) 44:39 109 - Timothy Reagen 44:40 110 - P eter Wood (NCSTC) 44:42 111 - Tony Buelna (High S ie rra TC) 44:42 112 - Paul Frederickson 44:44 113 - David Peterson (West V a lle y J&S) 44:44 l l 4 - Orval Osborne (West V a lle y J&S) 44:46 115 - Michael D. Healy (Napa V ly RC) 44:46 116 - Angus R. Morrison 44:47 117 - Cheryl Bridges (San Luis Obispo) 44:47 118 - Anthony Beeman 44:48 119 * Steven Groninger 44:49 120 - U n o ffic ia l Runner 44:50
MARTIN PABON STRAYS FROM COURSE BUT STILL WINS GOLDEN GATE MARATHON HANDILY (May 27, Tiburon to S .F .) - Running a strong race the e n tir e way, Colombian marathoner Martin Pabon, 1971 South American marathon champion, led the fa s te s t mass fin is h y et in the Third Annual Golden Gate Marathon. An almost sure shot at Rich D elgado's year-old 2:31:37 record was lo s t when Pabon strayed from the course, heading s tra ig h t through the t o l l plaza at the bridge instead o f down in to the P r e s id io . A sign had blown down and b efore he got back onto the course, he had lo s t s e ve ra l minutes. Dennis U rtiaga o f the West V a lle y TC was a surprise second place fin is h e r in his f i r s t attempt at the distan ce, upsetting such "p ros" as Jose C ortez, John B u tter f i e l d , D arryl B eard all, and Mitch K in g e r y . .. a ll sub-2:30 men. Michael Buzbee fin is h e d a good th ird in what is b e liev e d to be his f i r s t attempt at the distance a ls o . The Redwood C ity S trid e rs , led by C ortez, Kingery, and Tim W right, ju st edged West V a lle y TC f o r team honors by one p oin t, 14-15, ending the former c lu b 's two year domination. Newly arrived sen ior Lee H o lle y was the top in his d iv is io n by over 5 minutes, with Paul Reese running a superb second on the rugged course. Fran Conley, in her f i r s t attempt at the distance, was a v e ry good 3:27:03, and we should hear a lo t more from her in the fu tu re . Maryetta Boitano, only 9 years o f age (youngest f in is h e r ) , closed to w ith in only a minute w ith a fa n ta s tic 3 :2 8 :1 7 .6 ...same time as brother Mike had recorded a year e a r l i e r . At her steady r a te o f improvement, she should duck under three hours in the next 3-4 years. Walt Stack, running one o f his b e tte r races, was the o ld e s t fin is h e r at 64, completing the 26+ m iles in 3:38:40 (1 1 0th ). Mark Timmerman won the Brian Brown Memorial Trophy f o r f i r s t Marin high schooler (64th, 3 : l 6 : 2 l ) . Harry C ord ellos, San F ra n cisco 's s ig h tle s s runner, hung up his second b est o f f i c i a l marathon and th ird b est ever (knocking 11 minutes o f f his 1971 course tim e) by clock in g 3:24:50.8. Last y e a r's runnerup, Jack Leydig, led Harry through the d istan ce. Mitch Kingery was e a s ily the top jun ior fin is h e r w ith a 7 th place o v e r a ll. Below are lis t e d the top 45 fin is h e r s . 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
Martin Pabon (Colombia) Dennis U rtiaga (West V ly TC) Michael Buzbee (New Ways AC) Jose C ortez (RC S tr id e r s ) John B u tte r fie ld (Boston AA) D arryl B eardall (Marin AC) Mitch Kingery(RC S t r id e r s ) Pat Buzbee (New Ways AC) J e f f Carmody (New Jersey) Ian Jackson (West V a lle y TC) Tim Wright (RC S tr id e r s ) Jim Bowles (West V a lle y TC) Lee H o lley (Marin AC) Jan F ris b y (West V a lle y TC) Rudy Snyders (U n att. )
2:33:35 2:34:26 2:35:15 2:34:46 2:37:07 2:37:47 2:40:07 2 :4 l:il 2:42:56 2:45:35 2 : 50:22 2 : 5 1 :2 1 2:51:24 2:52:55
2 : 53:10
16 17
19 20
21 22
23 24 25
29 30
Ignacio Montez (Hawaiian Mar) Donald Chaffee (Unatt.) Paul Reese (NCSTC) Richard Bartek (Santa Bar.AA) Tony Buelna (High Sierra TC) Dan Woodward (Unatt.) Don Peterson (Stanford RC) Gary Chilton (Stanford RC) Tony Stagliano (Dolphin Club) Paul Koski (Unatt.) Unknown Runner Thomas Pinckard (Unatt.) William Flint (Alum Rock RA) Gordon Schafer (Unatt.) Stuart Ruth, Jr. (Pamakids)
2:54:00 2:54:29 2:56:43 2 : 56:52 2 : 57:28 2:57:37 2:57:38 2:57:43 2:58:14 2:58:31
2 : 58:36 2:59:01
2 : 59:01 2:59:09 2:59:39
2:59:55 31 - James Campbell (NCSTC) 3:00:32 32 - A lex Monterrosa (Pamakids) T.A . deLusignan (Marin AC) 3:01:30 33 3:01:40 34 - Vic Weber (U n a tt.) 3:01:53 35 - P eter M attei (NCSTC) 36 - George Z a k iela rz (Haw. Marines) 3:03:44 3:03:52 37 - K eith Daveline (U n a tt.) 38 - Richard Reynaga (High S ie rra TC)3:05:02 3:05:46 39 - Rex D ie te ric h (NCSTC) 3:07:22 4o - John Randazzo (U n a tt.) 4 i - Leonard Escarda (S ix R ivers RC) 3:08:37 42 . Richard Meyer (S ix R ivers RC) 3:08:37 3:09:03 43 - W illiam Long (Pamakids) 44 David Unger (U n a tt.) 3:09:10 Michael Naples (P h ila d elp h ia AC )3:09:l4 45
LATE NEWS: Dedicated to those people who lucked out and sent in various info before I took this month's rag to the publisher...keep the news coming...we appreciate it muchly. --- Ben Sawyer announces that the questionnaires (mailed with January NCRR I think) about road racing entry fees, awards, etc. are about to be tabulated and expounded upon. If you never got one of these questionnaires...a good chance to vote on what you think about our areas long distance can still get one by sending a self-addressed envelope (stamped) to the NCRR or to Ben Sawyer, 2900 Smith Grade, Santa Cruz, CA 95060 . But do it today since the results will be made avail able shortly. *** Mike Healy (690 Costa Dr., Napa, CA 94558 - Ph. 224-1603) has a Ski Chalet in Truckee that he rents out and he fi gures that someone might want to rent it out prior to the Tahoe Relays (Mid-August). It sleeps l4 and is fully furnished...cost is de pendent on how many people go. Reservations must be in advance...usually 2 weeks. *** CANCEL T om Laris' plea for help with his store in Palo Alto (selling shoes)...see page 4, last paragraph. He found someone for the position already.
SUBSCRIBERS NOTICE: Sorry th at I have gotten a b i t behind with the NCRR. The news should be f a i r l y up to date, however, even i f the t i t l e block on the fro n t page reads f o r the previous month. For instance the May issue covers a l l news through the month o f May. The June issue w i l l do the same f o r June, however you w i l l get i t in July. To remedy the s itu a tio n , we w i l l probably come out with a double issue in the near fu tu re , p ossib le next tim e. I t won't be n e c e s s a rily any th ick er than the normal monthly, but w i l l read June-July or July-August in the t i t l e b lock . A l l subscribers w i l l s t i l l get 12 f u l l issues fo r th e ir money (12 separate m a ilin g s )... we are ju st puttin g in the double issue to catch up on our months. Ok, ok???
F o rre s t Jamieson, Palo A lto H igh's co a c h ...fe a tu re d in th is month's Coach's Corner.
Kenny Moore & V ic to r Mora w ith about an 880 to go in the Bay-to-Breakers Race. They ran one-two. /S. Sutton/
B i l l Clark leads Gary T u ttle in the Bay-to-Breakers with l/2 m ile remain ing (th ey ran 3-4, r e s p e c t iv e ly ). /Steve Sutton/
Moroccan, Lahcen Samsam, set an A f r i  can record in shot at SJS In v it a t io n a l. May's NorCal P o r t r a it . /Bob Kasper/
Woodland 20.7 M ile : (back) Lee H o lle y , 3rd s e n io r; Bob Barker, 3rd open; Frank Krebs, 2nd open; (f r o n t ) B i l l y Tracey, 1st ju n io r; Jim O 'N e il, 1st se n io r. /Daily Democrat/
May's West V a lle y P o r t r a it , Duncan Macdonald, zipped a 3:58.4 m ile fo r second at Modesto. /Marconi/
E l C e r r ito H igh's crack mile r e la y squad: ( l e f t to r ig h t ) Dale S c o tt, Steve Woods, R. Sproul, Sidney Ennis
The mass s ta r t (o r part o f i t ) o f the Bay-to-Breakers Race, w ith 2585 s ta r te r s . /Steve Sutton/
Cheryl Bridges fin ish ed f i r s t woman in the Bay-toBreakers at 117th. /Steve Sutton/