NORTHERN CALIFORNIA RUNNING REVIEW A West Valley TC Publication P.O. Box 1551, San Mateo, C a l. 94401 (342-3181) THIRD YEAR - NO. 37
ON T HE COVER Peter D u ffy , shown leading here in the 1972 San Jose In v ita tio n a l 10,000, was top NorCal fin is h e r in the AAU XC Championships with a s ix th . F ollow ing Duffy are (r ig h t to l e f t ) Mike Haz i l l a , B i l l Clark, A lvaro M ejia, Jon Anderson, and Don Kardong. English man D uffy, who competes fo r Univ. o f Nevada & WVTC, won th is race in 29:04. /John Marconi photo/
STAFF EDITOR: Jack Leydig; PRINTER: Frank Cunningham; CHIEF PHOTOGRAPHER: John Marconi; CARTOONIST: Lee H o lle y ; NOR CAL PORTRAIT: Jon Hendershott; COACH'S CORNER: John Marconi; WEST VALLEY PORTRAIT: Harold DeMoss; WOMEN: Roxy Anderson, Jim Hume, Harmon Brown; SENIORS: John H i l l , Emmett Smith, George Ker; RACE WALKING: Steve Lund, B i l l Ranney; COLLE GIATE: John Sheehan, Jon Hendershott, Jerry Kokesh, Fred Baer; HIGH SCHOOL: RoyK is sin , Dave Stock, Mike R u ffa tto ; AAU RESULTS: Jack Leyd ig; ---- We always have room on our s t a f f fo r more help . I f you'd be in terested in sending the NCRR re s u lts , photos, a r t ic le s , e t c . on a regu lar b a sis, then contact us r ig h t away. This is obviously not lim ited to WVTC members o n ly ...s o get in touch i f you'd lik e to be on our growing s t a f f .
12 !IS S U E S - M . 5 0 / Y E A R
CONTENTS This and That Club News C la s s ifie d Ads Coach's Corner NorCal P o r tr a it West V a lle y P o r tr a it
2 4 5 6 7 7
Scheduling Race Walking Cross Country Results Track & F ie ld Results Road Racing Results Late News
8 9 9 11 12 15
* THIS AND TH A T# * Thanks again to a l l those who helped keep the NCRR a liv e while I was in Europe: A ctin g e d ito r Harold DeMoss, along w ith helpers A rt Dudley and John Marconi; assembly lin e per sonnel who managed to m ail three issues with u n b e lie v a b le e f f ic ie n c y Brian & B i l l Moroney and Dave Shrock. E sp ecia lly , we say thanks to Lurana Hoetger, O ffic e Manager at the PA-AAU in San F ran cisco, who went out o f her way to type resu lts fo r our p u b lica tio n . She c e r ta in ly has more than enough to do in keeping up w ith things a t work. While on the subject o f Lur ana: a t the AAU Convention in Kansas C ity , the Progress Award was, again, awarded to our A ss o c ia tio n . Our D elegation voted to have Lurana rec e iv e the award from the podium. This award represents the events, r e g is tr a tio n s , sanctions, e tc . o f the previous yea r. Lurana kept an e x c e lle n t record o f these a c t i v i t i e s during the year and compiles and w rite s a r t ic le s on s p e c ia l e v e n ts ...s o i t is an honor w e ll deserved. Since her employment in 1964, each President ( o f the PA-AAU) has been presented with a Progress Award Plaque. The t o t a l count is now at seve n !! These hang on the w a ll o f the Executive O ffic e . In c id e n tly , the PA-AAU had 36 Delegates at the Convention. * A u th ority has i t th at some l i t t l e female in the Petaluma Marathon rode in a car f o r about 15 m iles and crossed the f i n ish lin e as though she had run 26 m ile s ta r and fea th er the l i t t l e b ra t * Rich P erry is about to o f f i c i a l l y take over as the new Long Distance Running Chairman in the PA-AAU. He w i l l replace P eter M a tte i, who has served us in that cap acity f o r at lea st three years i f my memory serves me r ig h t . As soon as Mattei gets an o f f i c i a l b a llo t o f f to a l l LDR clubs in the Associa t io n , P erry w i l l be able to assume his d u tie s . P erry, in case some o f you are unaware, has been meet d ir e c to r at both the Ocean-to-Bay (Belmont) Marathon and Golden Gate Marathon fo r many y e a rs . 'Upon checking our records more c lo s e ly , i t was discovered that P eter Duffy did not se t a new f i f t h le g record in the Ta hoe R elay ( 72 -m ile around-the-lake) la s t August. His time of 53 :16 is only second fa s te s t to the 53:00 set by Eamon O 'R e il l y in 1968 while running on an Olympic T ra in in g Camp team that was the f i r s t group to crack 7 hours (6 :5 5 ). Since then, many more teams have broken that mark and WVTC now holds the record at 6:33:19-^. * In a recent l e t t e r to me from Andrew MacCono (Race D irec to r f o r the popular Walnut F e s tiv a l Road Race in September), he wanted to convey to everyone his re g re ts th at th is has to be a NO POST ENTRY ra ce. In his words, "The race is only a Sunday morning s p a c e - f ille r , p o lic e always pushing to c le a r out ahead, f o r the annual 1 pm afternoon parade crowd. We are hampered by lack o f tim e. This is the main reason fo r no post e n tr ie s , and the 9:30 am enrollment c lo s in g tim e. Otherwise the race would never g et s ta rte d . I t is the runner's respon s i b i l i t y to f i l e an e a r ly en try ; and to a r r iv e e a r ly enough to e n r o ll and g et a com p etitor's number. ONE RULE FOR EVERYONE. No fa v o r itis m . Most other races have p len ty o f tim e, or even a l l day. The Walnut F e s tiv a l Race is only one event on a four day program." Next race: Sunday, Sept. 23, 1 9 7 3 ...see ya there
THIS ISSUE'S CONTRIBUTORS: Lurana Hoetger, Bob DeCelle, Walt Stack, Andrew MacCono, John Romero, Bert Bonanno, Browning Ross, Track & F ie ld News, Runner's World, B i l l Cockerham, Dan Anderson, George Stewart, John Brennand, Bob Vincent, Ted Hayden, Harry Young, Pat Vidosh, Ed P h illip s , Grace Ruth, G il Tarin, Ian Whitman, John Cannon, Paul Reese, Thomas Jefferson, Peter M attei, John Boitano, Jim Stephenson, Don & Lani Leydig, Wes Alderson, Wayne Badgley, Loren Lansberry, Bob Rush, Jan Sershen, B i l l Johnson, George Beinhorn, Carl P o r te r, Walt Lange. ABOUT THE NCRR The Northern C a lifo rn ia Running Review is published on a monthly basis by the West V a lle y Track Club. I t is a commu n ication medium fo r a l l Northern C a lifo rn ia track & f i e l d a th le te s ...c o v e r in g high school, c o lle g ia t e , age-group, sen io r , AAU, and women's com petitions in long d istance, track & f i e l d , and race walking. The NCRR is a v a ila b le at most lo c a l road races and some track meets fo r 35% an issu e. Back issues may be obtained by sending 40% to our P.O. Box to cover th ird class m ailin g. I f you want to be sure and get your issue each month, send $3.50 fo r a one y ea r's subscription (12 is s u e s ). A l l West V a lle y TC members rec e iv e th e ir copies each month only i f th e ir dues are paid-up. At present, a l l issues are mailed th ird class from San Mateo, but in the near fu tu r e ...p o s s ib ly with th is issu e...w e w i l l m ail everythin g bulk ra te .
--------------- OUR NEW LO O K '--------------In la s t issue, we said th at some sweeping changes might be taking place with th is issue. By now, w e're p re tty sure that you've discovered f o r y o u r s e lf...w e have changed:: BUT, th is issue is a t r i a l . N a tu ra lly , i t ' s going to cost more to prin t the NCRR in th is s t y le : Booklet form, fu ll-p a g e photo on the cover, photos throughout, more pages, e t c . In order to keep th is up in the fu tu re, we need su b scrip tion s. Our price is only $ 3 . 50 . . . the same as when we started our p u b li cation . We have raised our s in gle-co p y p rice to 35% in the hopes that th is may increase su bscription s. You save 70% a year by subscribing, and in ad d ition you never miss an issue because you fa ile d to show up to a race where a p a rtic u la r copy was being so ld . I f you lik e what you see in our new format, l e t us know and most important, support us with a s u b s c r ip tio n r y o u rs e lf, f o r your coach, fo r a fr ie n d . This issue is a double issue, and a l i t t l e la te a t th a t. N otice, however, that you s t i l l get 12 m ailings fo r your mo ney, regardless o f how many double issues we p rin t each year. Regarding m a ilin g: We w i l l be doing a l l our m ailing on bulk rate in the future and th ere fo re we need your ZIPCODES:: Check your address la b els and i f there is no ZIPCODE, then send yours to us im m e d ia te ly ...lik e today...WVTC members to o . The NCRR is not forwardable so send us your address changes. -
the past, the group w i l l probably con sist o f both Northern & Southern C a lifo rn ia n s , since 25 from e ith e r area alone is not v e ry l i k e l y . I f you are at a l l in tere s te d , l e t us know im m e d ia te ly !! The thing has fa ile d in the past because o f peo ple a ctin g too la t e . In the NorCal area, contact Jack Leydig a t our NCRR address---- in the Southland, John Brennand, 4476 Meadowlark Ln ., Santa Barbara, CA 93105 (Ph. 805/964-2591). I f 25 cannot be obtained from e ith e r area alone, then the groups w i l l merge and the extra fa re (SF-LA) w i l l be spread between the e n tire group. ACT NOW!I * The Women's Junior XC Championships (AAU) and Women's XC Championships w i l l be hosted by the San Mateo Recreation De partment in 1974 and 1975? r e s p e c tiv e ly . Both bids were ob tained by the P a c ific A ssociation at the recent AAU Conven tio n in Kansas C ity . In the past, the G ir ls ' and Women's XC Championships have been held to geth er...n ow they w i l l be se parate and the G ir ls ' w i l l be labeled Juniors. We are assum ing that th is means "under-20" as with men, but would lik e a v e r if ic a t io n i f anyone knows fo r sure. 'T h e Oakland In v ita tio n a l w i l l be the new name f o r the Athens In v ita tio n a l since the P a c ific Ass'n is taking over as sponsors from Athens Sports, In c . The meet w i l l be an a l l day a f f a i r on Feb. 10, Saturday. In the past, high school & c o lle g e t r i a l s have been held on F rid ay n igh t, with fin a ls on Saturday these t r i a l s w i l l begin 9 am on Satur day. F in als are 7:30 pm. Bob DeCelle w i l l take over as Meet D irecto r fo r Dave Maggard, and a l l in q u iries should be d i r ected to him at P.O. Box 1606, Alameda, CA 94501 (Ph. 5232264/weekdays). T ick et prices w i l l be $ 6 , $5, $4, and $3, w ith 17-and-under paying only h a lf-p r ic e fo r any s e a t. The meet w i l l featu re many r e la y s , allow ing expanded p a r tic ip a tio n on a l l le v e ls . Most important development, however, is that a l l p r o fits from the meet w i l l be funneled back in to the track & f i e l d program in the A s s o c ia tio n ...h e lp in g the AAU Scholarship Fund, Age-Group Fund, and T ra ve l Fund. This w i l l help finance a very needy lo c a l club program that is seeing many good lo c a l organizations die out because o f lack o f proper funding. Be sure to a tte n d !! — DeCelle has ap pointed the fo llo w in g c o -d ire c to rs : Jim Santos, C al-State Hayward (c o l l e g e ) ; Jim Coleman, Laney JC (ju n io r c o lle g e ); and Hale Roach, E l C e rrito HS (high s c h o o l). * The NCRR Long Distance Point Race w i l l appear in our next issue because o f lack o f space in th is issu e. In the fu tu re, the to ta ls w i l l be published on a bi-monthly b asis. We w i l l s t i l l be g iv in g a perpetual trophy in each d iv is io n o f our contest (open and s e n io r ). Jack Leydig and Ross Smith were the res p e c tiv e winners f o r 1971-1972. A rt Dud le y w i l l be handling the scoring from now on.
'Ex-WVTC distance s ta r, Don Kardong, now liv in g in Wash ington, has joined a new club in the S e a ttle area. The group, c a llin g i t s e l f CLUB NORTHWEST, and composed mainly o f distance runners, is headed by Washington assistan t Dan Ghormley. Jim Johnson is a ls o a member. L o t 's o f luck to th is new club. *CBS has issued some d e ta ils on th is y e a r's scheduled TV s e r ie s , which w i l l have 32 weekends th is season. The f iv e track meets that we've heard about a re: Feb. 4 - Star-Maple L eaf Games (T o ro n to ); Feb. 11 - LA Times Meet; Mar. 18 - USS o v iet Indoor Meet (Richmond, V a .); May 6 - to be announced; May 13 - Martin Luther King Games (Durham). *D on etzki, USSR, w i l l be the s it e and July 24-25 the dates o f the 1973 Russian-American Track & F ie ld Meet, and th is w i l l mark the eleven th meeting in outdoor com petition. *The Seaside Marathon, Feb. 24 at 11:30 am, w i l l have team awards th is year fo r the f i r s t t im e . . . 4 to a team and three to count (m edallions to each member o f the top 3 team s). See our scheduling section fo r more d e t a ils . A symposium on Body Dy namics and Endurance, sponsored by Oregon State U n iv., w i l l be held at the Seaside Convention Center the night b efore fo r a modest fe e o f $5.00. Seaside entrees close on Feb. 17. * The West V a lle y Marathon w i l l a ls o be the Western Regionals f o r the th ird year running. The f i e l d is already shaping up to be the g re a te s t ever fo r th is race with Mark C overt, B i l l Scobey, Dave W hite, and Doug Schmenk as probably e n trie s from the southland as o f thi6 p rin tin g . We are checking into the p o s s ib ilit y o f vid eo -ta p in g the race f o r showing immedi a t e ly fo llo w in g the race. The en try fe e has been lowered to $1.50 th is year, fo llo w in g $2.00 in 1972 and $3.00 in 1971 . There w i l l be many awards again th is year, although we are planning on cu ttin g back the number o f merchandise p riz e s . I f you are planning on competing in th is race, please send your en try in e a r ly ...w ith o u t the en try fe e i f you a r e n 't sure o f running. You w on't be penalized and the $1.50 w i l l be c o l l ected on raceday. We ju st want to get the paperwork out o f the way. * The N ation al AAU Marathon w i l l be hosted th is year by the West V a lle y TC and San Mateo Recreation Dept., and the date has been set fo r June 17, Sunday, at 9 an on our regular West V a lle y (Burlingame) course. We would lik e to put on a race that everyone can p a rtic ip a te in and so are not putting r e s tr ic tio n s on e n trie s (q u a lify in g tim e s ). I f you would lik e to help out w ith e ith e r the Nationals or R egionals, e ith e r on raceday or b e fo re , contact us r ig h t away. You need not be a WVTC'er to h elp . Thanks. *W alt Stack rep orts that the Third Annual Thanksgiving "Hollywood to Sahara Super-Marathon R elay" was a smashing success. The team is composed o f runners aged 60 and over! This year, the team added Norman B rig h t, 62, or S e a ttle , and Al Clark, 60, from Los Angeles. The others were Monty Mont gomery ( 66) , Noel Johnson (7 3 ), John Montoya ( 6l ) , B i l l S e lvin (6 2 ), Walt F red rick ( 66 ) , and Walt ( 65 ) . They cut twenty minutes o f f th e ir previous best in recording 4 l hours. I t was so cold and windy on the d esert that the wind knocked a truck and t r a i l e r over and the CHP warned lig h t cars to stay o f f the road. Most o f the run was done in 10 minute sprints instead o f the more lengthy runs o f previous years. The Sa hara took care o f food , lod gin g, and drinks fo r the weekend. ' Boston Group F a re : Nothing d e fin it e y e t, but plans are being made f o r C a lifo r n ia 's "o fte n attempted but r a r e ly suc c e s s fu l" extravaganza to the Boston M arath on ...A p ril 16 th is year. A minimum o f 25 are needed f o r the savings o f approx im ately $70 on the roun dtrip. Everyone must leave on the same f l i g h t (probably S a t. the l4 th in the morning), but you can make your own choice o f return f l i g h t s . No interm ediate stops may be taken in other c it ie s on the t r i p home. As in
*Your fr ie n d ly e d ito r was at the recent AAU Convention in Kansas C ity , actin g as Bob D eC elle's (Long Distance Run ning Chairman) Secretary. I attended and kept minutes on the LDR Committee Meeting, but d id n 't make the f i n a l l e g i s la t iv e sessions o f the Board o f Governors. Some o f the in formation th at was printed in recent issues o f other major running pu blications is probably in e rr o r , but not necessar i l y so. Some premature inform ation leaked out o f the LDR Com m ittee M eeting...w hich was passed by U 6 , but had not yet gone f o r f in a l approval to the Board o f Governors. Rather than
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Our Credo: (A ) To supply the best q u a lity equipment a v a ila b le in the world. You deserve no le s s . (B ) To bring i t to you at the n a tion 's lowest p r ic e s . Our Motto: (A ) We s e l l only the b est. (B) We w i l l not be undersold. Our Guarantee: (A ) 100% c re d it i f not s a tis fie d with the q u a lity o f the product. (B) I f you fin d anyone e ls e s e llin g the same pro duct in the U.S. fo r le s s , wew i l l c re d it the d iffe re n c e and reduce our p rice accord in gly.
resta te many o f the items th at were printed in other publica tio n s , we w i l l p rin t only those that we know were passed. In the very near future (h o p e fu lly by next is s u e ), we w i l l have the f u l l minutes o f the Board o f Governors Meeting and w i l l then make the resu lts known to our rea d ers. — One statement that a ffe c t s long distance runners (made in Racing Report & Runners World) is , to my knowledge, in c o rre c t. The LDR Com m ittee passed le g is la t io n that would assess each entrant in a N a tl. Championship a fe e o f $1.00 (in ad d ition to the nor mal $2.00 en try f e e ) . This would be used to support t r a v e l ing expenses o f a th le te s competing overseas. I am f a i r l y sure that some te c h n ic a lity caused th is item not to be passed by the Board o f Governors. At any r a te , i t is best to assume such at present u n til the f u l l minutes are a v a ila b le . * Some other important items a ffe c t in g long distance run ning that were passed by committee (not n e c e s sa rily by the Board o f Governors): Additions to Sports R ules: Addition o f 50 K ilo as a championship d istance....C han ge o f team sco rin g in N a tl. Championships except fo r the one hour run and cross country: "An unlimited number may enter from any one team, with the f i r s t three fin is h e rs to score, the next one to d isp la ce, and the remainder not scorin g. Each team must be designated b efore the race s t a r t . " F ive runners score in cross country and the hour, with no displacements, and a l i mit o f eigh t entrants per team in cross country. * * * N ote: these sports rules changes did not have to be passed by the Board o f Governors, and thus became v a lid and go in to e f f e c t in 1973. Sorry, my m istake:: The other item in the above paragraph ($1.00 en try f e e ) was entered as a change in the AAU Handbook, and thus needed Board o f Governor's approval. Sports Rules changes do not. *The LDR Committee sent a request to the finance commit tee in regards to a $12,000 allotm ent f o r sending teams to both the Pan-Am Cup and In te rn a tio n a l XC in 1973. To the best o f my knowledge, th is sum was obtained. This sum w i l l cover three teams fo r the In tern a tio n a l XC (Ghent, Belgium; M arch ) clu d in g a ju n ior (under-20) and women's teams. Regarding s e le c tio n o f the teams: ( l ) The Pan-Am team is to be chosen from the top fin is h e rs in the AAU Cross Country Championship, provided they f a l l b efore the Pan-Am Cup. A second team s h a ll be selected by the LDR In tern a tio n a l S e le c tio n Committee by any method they deem s u ita b le , provided f i nances fo r th is second team are a v a ila b le . (2 ) The In tern a tio n a l XC team (both jun ior & sen io r) s h a ll a lso be chosen from the top fin is h e rs in the AAU XC. I f enough juniors are not among the top fin is h e r s , then the In te rn a tio n a l S ele c tio n Committee s h a ll choose the remaining team. ---- I t was the general concensus o f the group that while the AAU and In te r national XC are fa r ap art, no other equ itable method fo r ap pointing a team could be arrived a t. 'T h e All-Am erican Team in distance running was selected as fo llo w s : Top two places from the 1$, 20, 25, 30 K ilo s , One Hour, and 50 M ile , and the top three marathoners in the Olympic T r ia ls , plus the top s ix in the AAU Cross Country. The PA-AAU had th ree, and maybe four All-Am ericans fo r 1972: Chuck Smead (WVTC-15 K ilo s ), Ross Smith (WVJS-50 M ile ), Dar r y l B eardall (Marin AC-50 M ile ), and possible P eter Duffy (WVTC-Cros6 Country). P eter fin ish ed 6th, but may not be e l ig ib le since he is not an American c it iz e n ...d o e s anyone know the rules on this? *The LDR Committee supported (unanimously) Frank Shorter as our candidate fo r both the S u lliva n Award and Di Benedetto Award. 'A f t e r some d e lib e ra tio n on whether N e il Cusack o f East Tennessee should be judged on his fin is h at the AAU Cross Country by our committee, i t was pointed out that based on Rule 37 o f the Track & F ie ld Handbook, we could not act on th is matter because the p rotest against Cusack was not f i l e d properly. Ted Hayden, Meet D irec to r, moved Cusack from f i r s t to fourth fo r in a d verten tly cu ttin g the course. ' I n Men's Track & F ie ld , Frank Shorter received the nomi nation fo r the S u llivan Award, and Rod Milburn was selected as the Di Benedetto candidate. — The Philadelphia C lassic Mile is to be the o f f i c i a l AAU Indoors Masters Championships. The fo llo w in g Indoor Standards were approved fo r the AAU Meet in New York (Feb. 2 3 ): 50-5.3; 60- 6 . 1 ; 70-7-0; 60HH-7-3; 70HH-8.4; 600-1:12.0; 440(outdoor)-47.6; 1000-2:10.3; 880(outdoor) 1:49.5; M ile-4 :0 8 .4 ; 3 M ile -1 3 :4 l.6 ; 2 M ile-8 :5 1 .0 ; LJ24*5"; HJ-6'10 3/4"; P V -l6 '6 "; T J -4 9 '1 "; SP-60'6"; 3 5 # W t-6 l'; M ileR-3:20.0; 4x880R-7:40.9; M ile Walk-6:45.0; 3000m Walk13 :40.0; 2 M ile W alk-l4:40.0; Medley R e la y -(to be determined by games committee). * * * The February NCRR w i l l carry a f u l l l i s t o f the outdoor standards. The AAU Outdoor Track & F ie ld Meet w i l l be held in B a k ers field , CA on June l4 - l6 .
10K-XC 15 K ilo 20 K ilo 25 K ilo 30 K ilo 50 K ilo Marathon One Hour 50 M ile
Nov. Aug. Sep. Apr. Sep. Feb. Jun. Ju l. Nov.
1973 LONG DISTANCE CHAMPIONSHIPS * S ite (Sponsor) 24 4 30 7 23
28* ??
G ainesville, F la . (F lo r id a TC) L it t le t o n , C olo. ( L it t le t o n JC 's) G lou cester, Mass. (Chamber o f Commerce) Kansas C ity , Mo. (KC Parks & R ecr. D ept.) Chicago, 111. (UCTC and Mayor Daley YF) New York C ity , NY (Road Runners Club, NY) Burlingame, CA (WVTC and San Mateo R e c r.) P o s ta l Competition (SPA-AAU Coordinates) New York C ity , NY (Road Runners Club, NY) S ite (Sponsor)
Nov. 11 Niagara, B u ffa lo , NY (WNY T&F A s s 'n ) 10K-XC Aug. 4 Michigan C ity , Ind. (? ? ? ) 15 K ilo Jun. 30 Aurora, C olo. (C it y o f Aurora) 20 K ilo A tla n tic C ity , NJ (? ? ? ) Marathon Oct. 28 ( A l l other Junior Championships in conjunction w ith Seniors) MASTERS
S ite (Sponsor)
10K-XC E ly r ia , Ohio (L o rra in County RR) Nov. 17 Rochester, Minn. (Rochester TC) 15 K ilo ??? Terre Haute, Ind. (Indiana State U n iv.) 20 K ilo Jun. 23 Marathon J u l. 8 San D iego, CA (San Diego TC) ( A l l other Masters Championships in conjunction w ith S en iors) *The One Hour Run w i l l be a p o sta l com petition held at v a r i ous location s throughout the U .S ., from the f i r s t o f the year u n til July 28. A l l marks should be sent t o John Brennand, 4476 Meadowlark L n ., Santa Barbara, CA 93105, as w e ll as any requests f o r inform ation. He w i l l be coordinating the f i n a l placings as usual. ---- Other Championships:. The Western Re gion a l Marathon w i l l be held Feb. 11 at Burlingame, CA, co sponsored by WVTC and the San Mateo Recreation Dept, (e n try blanks a v a ila b le from P.O. Box 1551, San Mateo, CA 94401). The Niagara R egional Marathon w i l l be sponsored by the Syra cuse TC and held in Syracuse, the s it e o f la s t y e a r's N ation a ls . . .n o date a v a ila b le as y e t . The P o s ta l Meet o f M iles w i l l be coordinated by the D is t r ic t o f Columbia A ss'n , w ith other s ite s in D e tr o it, Denver, B a k ers field , F t . Meade (M d .), Hous ton, and Anchorage. No other inform ation (d a te June 3 ) . ' A f t e r the LDR Committee met in Kansas C ity , they held th e ir th ird annual road run (4 M ile s ). The re s u lts o f the ra ce, held Dec. 1, 6:50 am, a t Loose Park, KC: (40° & d r y ) . . . ( l ) Vince Chiappetta (M illro s e AA) 24:36, (2 ) Paul McScorley (Penn AC) 26:24, ( 3 ) John O 'N e il (Lake E rie AA) 26:50, (4 ) Vern W hiteside (Tulsa RRC) 28:07, (5 ) Nina Kuscsik (S u ffo lk AC) 29:07, (6 ) Arne Richards (Kansas State TC) 29:07, (7 ) Fred Lebow (C en tral Park TC) 2 9 :5 3 ....DNF-Aldo Scandurra (M illr o s e ). O f f i c i a l s —Emily Lanin, B i l l Marot, C arl Owczarzak. *C L U B NEW S* This section o f our p u b lica tion is devoted to various clubs in the area. I f your club would lik e to put in an an nouncement or other news, please send i t in . Our c irc u la tio n is now la rge enough to ensure th at probably many o f your mem bers w i l l see i t . As long as the news is p ertin en t and kept to a reasonable length, we w i l l p rin t i t , p o s s ib ly in ed ited form. L e t 's hear from your clu b . ---- We had only lim ited r e sponse to our comments about elim in a tin g th is sectio n , but the gen eral fe e lin g was that we should keep i t , but move i t o f f the fro n t page...and so we are including i t here u n til we re c e iv e fu rth e r comments. DSE RUNNERS: Walt Stack announces that the Dolphin Club w i l l have th e ir annual awards shindig on Saturday, January 13, at the Dolphin Club. Happy hou r(s) is 6 to 8 pm. I t w i l l not be a dinner th is y e a r ...o n ly a dessert set-u p. Bring a cake or cookies. P ric e is $2.00 f o r ad u lts, $1.00 f o r c h ild r e n ... guess th at means 12-and-under, eh Walt? Master o f Ceremonies w i l l be John B u tte r fie ld and Joan U lly o t with guests o f honor being: Joe Henderson, Francie L a rrieu , Jon Anderson, Rich P er r y , Larry Lewis, and Frank G eis. WEST VALLEY TC: The month o f December brought WVTC a t o t a l o f fou r new members John Bay, T e rry Chappell, B i l l Johnson, and B i l l Seaver. Johnson hasn 't sent in his address inform ation as y e t, but holds bests o f 4:17 in the m ile and 14:09.6 fo r 3 m iles. John Bay, 2261 Columbia, Palo A lt o , 94306 ( 321 - 8076 ) is 18 years old and has best marks o f : 440-50.5, 880- 1 : 55 -9 , -
M ile-4 :3 0 .1 , 2 M ile-10:08, LJ-21'11 l/ 2 ", TJ-46'5 3/4". T e r r y Chappell liv e s at 110 V a lle Verde G., D an ville 94526 (Ph. 837-0830) and is 23 years o f age. Best track marks include: 880-1:57.8, M ile -4 :l6 .4 , 1500m-3:56.0, and 2 M ile -9 :2 3 .1 ... the la s t two marks being a double, only two hours apart. He a ls o has run the marathon (C ulver C ity ) in 2:47. B i l l Seaver resid es a t 25767 Donald in Hayward, and at 23 years o f age has marks o f 4 :l4 .4 f o r the m ile, 9:14.2 fo r two m iles, and l4 :l4 .1 f o r 3 m iles. ' Address Changes: Note the fo llo w in g changes in your club d ire c to ry . B i l l Lamb to 1967 S tory Rd., y l , San Jose, 95122 (Ph. 251-1739); P eter Duffy to 1110 The Strand, Reno, Nev. 89503 (same phone); Bruce Tharp to 4136-C T y le r A v e ., Fresno, 93702; Mike P in occi to P.O. Box 121, Odessa C o lle g e , Odessa, Tex. 79760 (Ph. 209-266-7968) th is change is only f o r the school year; Wayne Glusker & Santos Reynaga have both moved to 945 Walnut Woods, San Jose 95111 (no phone y e t ). 'Duncan Macdonald has moved permanently to Hawaii and w i l l change clubs, probably represen ting the Outrigger Club, a n o t-s o -ta len te d , but considerably r ic h e r club that West V a lle y . This w i l l probably be his la s t year o f "com petition" o f a serious nature since he has been accepted at the Univ. o f Hawaii Med School. His goal (one o f them) th is year is to run a sub-4 minute m ile on Hawaiian s o i l (o r ta r ta n ). So fa r th is past f a l l Dune has run 3 s o lo races on the roads, win ning a 7 -m iler in 3 6 :4 l, a 10 -K ilo in 30:54, and a 9 . 8 -mile in an e x c e lle n t 48:10. He a ls o ran a 4:05 on the track . 'J o s t Schmitt, our West German sp rin t man, has gone back to Europe, but hopes to return to the Bay Area sometime in the fu tu re . He did his graduate work a t the Univ. o f C a l i f orn ia . On his journey home, Jost took an extended t r i p thru South America and stayed with the M e jia 's while in Bogota. He points out th at th is t r ip was the h ig h lig h t o f his person a l tr a v e lin g adventures. ' I n the Colombian N ation al Championships la s t f a l l , our own V ic to r Mora ran to two new Colombian records with his two-day double o f 13:52.0 f o r 5-K ilos and 8:51.8 fo r the steeplechase. Both were set in C a li, s it e o f the Pan-Am con te s t in 1971. The 13:52 mark a lso breaks P eter D u ffy's 13:55 club mark, although Jim Dare s t i l l holds the ste e p le mark with his 8:33.6. 'WVTC troops have been doing w e ll th is past f a l l on v a r ious le v e ls o f high school & c o lle g e com petition: some o f the more impressive marks that w e've heard about are Joel Jameson's 14:03, a f i r s t place fin is h in the NAIA D is t r ic t 3 Championships, and a l4 th in the N ationals (NAIA) while r e presenting O ccidental C o lle g e ; John Sheehan capped o f f his best season (h e 's a soph at UC D avis) with a 13:55 f o r three m iles on the track and an All-Am erican ranking f o r his 7th place fin is h in the NCAA C ollege D iv is io n , one place behind another WVTC'er, Chuck Smead o f Humboldt S ta te . They went 1-2 in the Far West Conference (Smead-Sheehan). Mike Pinocci (Odessa C o lle g e , Texas) has r e a lly made improvements with his 14:22 f o r three on the track , 19th in the N a tl. JC Champion ships (a poor race he said )--w h ich captured All-Am erican s ta tus, 23rd in the N ational USTFF, and a PR 2:39:37 marathon win under adverse (7 0 °—20mph winds) con dition s. Chuck Mork, attending North Texas S ta te , fin ish ed 15 th in the USTFF meet. P e te r Brown won the small school d iv is io n o f the CCS High School fin a ls and a ls o had the fa s te s t time o f the m ee t... b e tte r than any la rge school com petitors (see XC section fo r f u l l r e s u lt s ). Roy K is sin , Tom Reade, and Mike R u ffa tto ran 2-3-4 in the NCS F in a ls , and K issin & R u ffa tto ran 9:24 and 9:18 r e s p e c tiv e ly f o r 2 m iles on the tra ck . Read has a 9:29 to his c r e d it . Jim Van Dine, a fro sh at CSM, capped a spec tacu la r year w ith wins in the GGC Conference Meet and NorCal Championships and a 5th in the State JC Meet, d espite having a s lig h t cold in the l a t t e r . Read more about Jim in the West V a lle y P o r tr a it section o f th is issue. ---- In the AAU Meet in Chicago, P eter Duffy & Domingo Tibaduiza, Univ. o f Nevada's "dynamic duo", ran 6-11 in leading WVTC to a fourth place in the team standings. Ron Zarate & Tibaduiza (Ron is a lso from Nevada) had beaten Duffy the week b efore in ty in g fo r f i r s t in the Western USTFF at Fresno (th e y ran 1-2-3 in leading UN to the team t i t l e over Stanford. 'We need volunteers fo r housing out-of-town competitors in the West V a lle y & N ational AAU Marathons. I f you are in terested in hosting anyone fo r e ith e r race, please contact John Marconi, 1810 Elmwood R d., Hillsborough 94010 (Ph. 3425490) as soon as p o s s ib le . You needn't be a WVTC member in order to help out. The N ation als, e s p e c ia lly , should be a cooperative venture from the e n tir e P a c ific A ssociatio n . 'We had poor attendance at the Annual WVTC M eeting, prob ab ly because i t was the weekend b efore Christmas, but p a r tly because o f continued apathy I'm sure. At any r a te , despite
the meager turnout, we did get some important business done. The club voted to rebate Peter D uffy and Bob Coe fo r 50% o f th e ir expenses in a ir fa r e while tr a v e lin g to the AAU Cross Country Meet (th ey fle w both ways) and 60% to Ron Zarate and Domingo Tibaduiza (who fle w only one way and drove home in a club-financed Auto-D riveaw ay C ar). George Stewart (b le ss his sou l— or is i t s o l e ! : ) drove both ways (Leydig going and AutoDriveaway coming back) and so was only reimbursed f o r gas e x penses th at he p aid. Mike Ryan and Paul Bateman came on th e ir own! At any r a te , the club w i l l pay them o f f as soon as p o s s ib le. Our treasury sank without help at the Newslet t e r & soft drink stands while I was away, and so income w i l l be forthcoming from 1973 club d u es...p lease send them in as e a r ly as p o s s ib le. We a lso need c a p ita l fo r the R egionals! ' The f i n a l form o f our new club c on stitu tio n w i l l be sent with th is issue fo r r a t if ic a t io n . Please read i t over c a r e fu lly and make a d ecision as soon as p o s s ib le. As soon as the con stitu tio n is r a t i f i e d , then a le g a l cooperative contract between the San Mateo Recreation Dept, and WVTC is imminent. Note that under club p r iv ile g e s , dues paying mem bers are exempt from paying en try fe es at club-sponsored r a ces. 'T h e WVTC Club D irecto ry was discussed and i t was decided that we should hold o f f u n til a fte r track season when we have more funds. A ls o , the response to our d ire c to ry question naire was less than outstanding. Come on p e o p l e . . . i t 's your club t o o !! L e t 's have some cooperation on forms th at are sent ou t. 'A n organizin g committee fo r the AAU Marathon was named to draw gu id elin es and g o a ls . T h eir f i r s t meeting w i l l be in January sometime. The committee is composed o f Jack Leydig, Ted McRice, John Marconi, Len Wallach, Dan Anderson, and B i l l C lark. Anyone e ls e wanting to jo in , contact Jack. ' E le ctio n o f 1973 O ffic e r s : The fo llo w in g were voted in to one-year terms—Pres.-Jack Leydig; F ir s t V P -B ill Clark; Second VP-George Stew art; Secretary-D aryl Zapata (th e o f f ic e o f Treasurer is included in the p re s id e n tia l d u tie s ). The Exec Council con sists o f the above persons, plus: Brian Moroney & Mike Shaughnessy (high s c h o o l); Dan Anderson & Jack B ellah (C o lle g e ); Harold DeMoss (s e n io r ); Esteban V a lle (race w alk in g); Jon Hendershott & John Estrada (tra c k & f i e l d ) . The Council a ls o con sists o f a non-voting member from the San Mateo Rec. D ep t.—to be named by them. AAU Delegates w i l l be Jack Leydig and Len Wallach (a lt e r n a t e ). ' Our 1973 Track Schedule is not com pletely fin ish ed y e t, but Jon Hendershott has been working in te n tly and we w i l l be able to g ive you a f u l l l i s t next tim e. For s ta r te rs , since th is is a f a i r l y e a r ly com petition, there w i l l be an All-Com ers Meet at Fresno on Feb. 24. More d e ta ils in next issue.
*CLASS!F!ED A D S * OUR RATES: In terested in s e llin g your product? With a c i r cu lation o f almost 600 per month (in clu d in g 450+ mailed sub s c r ip tio n s ), the NCRR w i l l get resu lts fo r you. Monthly r a te s : (P er 7 l/2 inch lin e as p rin ted — 50%; Per square inch — 25%, double f o r h a lf-to n in g such as photos, e t c . ; QuarterPage--$5.85; Half-Page--$11.70; F u ll-Page--$23.40; One Page Insert--$20.00 (both sides-$25.00), you supply — 8 l/2 x 11 in ches, 750 sheets per is s u e ). S p ecial r a te s : (3-5 months run ning— 90% o f monthly r a te s ; 6-11 months— 75% o f monthly r a te s ; 12 months or more— 60% o f monthly r a t e s ) . . . A contract must be drawn up between the e d ito r and a d v e rtis e r b efore any s p ec ia l rate ads can be run. A l l ads must be approximately the same s iz e throughout the year unless approved otherwise by the ed i t o r . Payments may be made on a monthly basis i f d esired . We would appreciate ads in th e ir f i n a l s iz e , but w i l l reduce or enlarge as necessary. Make a l l ads p rop ortion al to an 8 l /2 x 11 inch page or p ortion th e re o f, leavin g room fo r mar gins (3 l /2 inch wide by 4 7/8 inch high fo r l/4 page ad, e tc . — includes black b o rd e r). A l l h a lf-to n in g is double the above rates except fo r in serts you supply. A l l ad vertisers get fr e e publications as long as th e ir ads run. For more d e ta ils , you may w rite the e d ito r (see page 2 ) . A l l checks should be pay able to West V a lle y TC. A l l b illin g s are based on the f i n a l s iz e o f the ad as i t appears in the NCRR. (Add 25% extra fo r odd-sized in s e rts , less than 8 l /2 x l l ) . THE ATHLETIC DEPT: Cortez I , Nylon C ortez, Obori, Nylon Ma rathon, Super C ortez— F ive major reasons why the NIKE lin e is the fa s te s t growing in America. See them a l l and s e le c t the p air which is ju st r ig h t f o r you at The A th le tic D ept., 2114 Addison, Berkeley, CA (Ph. 843-7767). While they la s t : T ig e r Marathons—$9.95? Nylon Bostons—$11.50, and Vickka — $12.95. 5-
NIKE SHOES IN RENO 11 For those o f our subscribers who liv e iu the Reno area (and there are a c tu a lly quite a fe w ), you don 't have to tr a v e l to Sacramento or some other o u t-o f-th e way place fo r your Nike shoes anymore. P eter Duffy ca rrie s a f a i r l y complete stock o f the fa s te s t growing running shoe in America. Stop by ( c a l l f i r s t ) and see i f he has your s iz e : 1110 The Strand, Reno (Ph. 702/786 - 8752 ) . THE JUMPS: CONTEMPORARY THEORY, TECHNIQUE & TRAINING: The coach & a th le te w i l l welcome th is new c o lle c tio n o f a r t ic le s o ffe r in g a cro ss-section o f modern progress and theory in the technique and tra in in g o f the four "jumping" events in track & f i e l d : high jump, pole v a u lt, long and t r ip le jumps. This is the f i r s t time such a c o lle c tio n designed e x c lu s iv e l y fo r the jumper and jump coach has been assembled. In ad d itio n to brin gin g togeth er some o f the most important r e cent published a r t ic le s from various track journals (US and fo r e ig n ), the book a ls o contains many a r t ic le s never b efore translated in to E nglish. The book presents an e x c e lle n t overview o f contemporary thinking in the events mentioned. Some contributors include Dick Ganslen, Dennis Watts, K le ment Kerssenbrock (M atzdorf windm ill s t y l e ) , Russian expert Yuri Verhoshanski, Jess Jarver, Toni N ett (on Beamon's r e cord jump), and many more. Edited by Fred W ilt, and a v a ila b le from Track & F ie ld News, P.O. Box 296 , Los A lto s , $4022 fo r only $ 5.00 (160 pages, with sketches & drawings).
RELAXED GROUP SHOT OF SOME OF CARL COLOMBAT'S "SF CHUKKERS", (LEFT TO RIGHT)—GEOFF HENDERSON, JOHN MCVEIGH, MIKE PORTER, KEITH UJITA, COLOMBAT, CHRIS COLE, BRAD DUFFEY, DAVE POWER, AND DARYL ZAPATA. / B ill Johnson Photo/ # COACH'S CO RN ER# Meet Carlton B. Colombat: Misunderstood, a nice guy, contro v e r s ia l, a loud-mouth, a lo n e r: the many fa c e ts o f Carlton Colombat are sometimes confusing. But that he is a dynamic p ers o n a lity that runners con fide in can be seen every day throughout the year as kids from a l l over San Francisco come to the P olo Grounds to learn from a man who has liv e d track a l l his l i f e . Colombat is not the "normal" coach by any means. He is not a high school or c o lle g ia t e coach, but is m ore-or-less a coach o f s tra y in d iv id u a ls . Klaus Hofmann, a 4:11 m iler from S t. Ign a tiu s; W illie Eashman, a 4 :l4 m iler at Washington High in S.F. and la s t year a f i n a l i s t in the Olympic T r ia ls 1500; Brad Duffey o f Low ell and Chris Cole o f S t . Ign a tiu s, both near 9:10 f o r two m iles w hile in high sch ool these four and many others lik e them have been h e a v ily influenced by the man most people in The C ity know as "The P r o f i t " . C arl lim ited h im self in high school to one com petition in a P.E. class at 100 yards. He ran 10.6 in f l a t s . When questioned about the h ig h lig h ts o f his coaching ca reer, Colombat r e p lie d , " I am not so in terested in the de velopment o f great runners as I am in the s o c ia l development I see when a n ti- s o c ia l kids become n o tic e a b ly le s s h o s tile , shy kids open up, re la x , and develop more outgoing behavior, qu iet kids begin to express them selves, or s e lf-c e n te re d kids begin to share and think o f others as w e ll as them selves." On tr a in in g — "When I f i r s t started coaching, I was hea v i l y in to I g l o i and in te r v a l tr a in in g . I graduated to a Lydiard system, c r y s ta liz in g my ideas as I became more e x p e ri enced in coaching. I cannot be too s p e c ific about tra in in g because a l l runners are in d iv id u a ls , and th e ir workouts may vary according to many fa c to r s . A gen eral schedule would see my runners doing complete distance work in the summer, a combination o f power and distance during cross country sea son, a s tra ig h t distance program again in the w in ter except f o r some short in te rv a ls f o r the indoor meets, and then track season blends the necessary track workouts with lig h t d is tance running. I fa vor weight tr a in in g only fo r those scraw ny types who need i t . " Perhaps one o f the most unusual things about Colombat as coach's go is his fe e lin g on the philosophy o f running as a whole. He fe e ls th at the whole person is more important than the running. Health should come f i r s t , studies second, then s o c ia l rela tio n sh ip s and development (g e t tin g along with o th e rs ), and fin a lly ...r u n n in g . "Running is lik e a b u ild in g . F ir s t comes the foundation, then, in ord er, —w a lls , r o o f, & f i n a l embellishments. T h erefo re, we bu ild s lo w ly , both in distance and in t e r v a ls . When the a th le te is ready, increase the workout." Perhaps many coaches f e e l the same way, but few p ra ctice th e ir philosophy lik e Colombat...perhaps because o f the pressures o f th e ir " jo b " . With Colombat, his coaching is not something he gets paid f o r , but m erely enjoys doing. Summing up th is remarkable man's fe e lin g s : "Every ath le t e who t r ie s is worth rec o gn itio n & p ra is e . Any time a coach begins thinking that 'h e ' is the word on running, he should r e a liz e that without a th le te s he is nothing, and that without him, the a th le te might and probably would s t i l l be an a th le te . The coach's reward is memories o f his a th le te s , s a tis fa c tio n w ith the end res u lts o f his work, and reco gn i tio n from h is a th letes that he has tr ie d to do his b e s t ."
VIC'S SPORTS, THE COMPLETE ADIDAS STORE: V ito D 'A loia has ju st opened a new store at 26 Washington S t ., Santa Clara (Ph. 9 8 4-7 1 1 1 )...two blocks north o f Hiway 17 at Bascom Ave. tu r n o ff. We now have in stock over 100 s t y le s . S p e c ia l: u n til they are sold out the Mexicana w i l l be on a discon tinued sale at 30% discount, from $23.95 to $15.95. Make us your one-stop store fo r Adidas Shoes, Casual Wear, and Ac cessories fo r the whole fa m ily . We accept Bankamericard and Master Charge. Open from 10-6 on Monday thru Saturday and u n til 9 on Thursday ample parking. Drop in to d a y !! RUNNING UNLIMITED w i l l put a T ig e r in your f e e t . We have a wide s e le c tio n o f T ig e r a th le tic shoes—f iv e d iffe r e n t models fo r running, jog g in g , or all-purpose wear, and two models o f spiked shoes fo r the upcoming track season. A l l our shoes are low-priced and extrem ely durable. P rices s ta r t a t $12.95 w ith a discount o f up to $3.00 per p air fo r purchases o f ten or more. We a lso carry a wide s e le c tio n o f discount priced books on running, track & f i e l d , joggin g & fit n e s s . We have 45 o f the most popular books published by Runner's World and Track & F ie ld News. A survey by RW revealed that 69% o f th e ir readers wear T ig e r s . Come in and t r y on a p air o f the most popular running shoes in America. We are open Monday thru Saturday at 407 C a lifo rn ia , Palo A lto (Ph. 328-4274). SPECIAL RATES FOR MAILING ENTRY FORMS: Have you been looking f o r an easy, inexpensive way to d is trib u te inform ation and en try blanks fo r your upcoming race? We have the s o lu tio n !! With a c irc u la tio n o f n early 500 mailed subscribers, the Nor Cal Running Review is id e a l f o r g e ttin g en try forms to people who cou n ose who w i l l run your ra c e. We are o ffe r in g a s p e c ia l discount f o r meet inform ation and en try blank in serts only. For $15.00 (3% a copy) a month, we w i l l in s e rt your en try blank (p ric e is fo r one sheet, may be printed both s id e s ) in our magazine. The s h e e t(s ) must be 8 l/2 x 11. For more inform ation, contact the e d it o r ...P .O . Box 1551, San Mateo, CA 94401 (Ph. 3 4 2 -3 l8 l). Look at i t th is way. I f you charge $ 1.00 per en try, you w i l l break even in ad costs i f we get only 15 people to enter your race who would not have o r d in a r ily heard about i t . Besides, i f people have access to an en try blank & can learn about the meet in d e t a il, they are usually more apt to run. W rite us today! 1973 MARATHON HANDBOOK & 1973 HIGH SCHOOL ANNUAL: Both o f these booklets (published by Runner's World & Track & F ie ld News r e s p e c tiv e ly , are now carried by the NorCal Running Re v ie w . They are a v a ila b le at many road races at our new slet t e r ta b le , or by m ail (see page 2 f o r ad d ress)...sen d $2.00 fo r the Marathon Handbook and $1.00 fo r HS Track, and we w i l l m ail them to you at no extra charge. Checks should be payable to West V a lle y Track Club. Hurry w hile they la s t I ! SPECIAL DISCOUNT ON NCRR SUBSCRIPTIONS: I f you act now, you can save 50% on a new su bscription to the NorCal Running Rev i e w . . . f i l l in the subscription blank on the back cover o f th is issue by Feb. 1. In a d d ition , i f you can get together a group o f 5 or more su b scrip tion s, they are only $2.50 each! -
Most o f my longer runs average about 10-12 m iles, p rim a rily because o f my work/study schedule, and because I race nearly every weekend, I c a n 't in s is t on that long tra in in g run each week." "T actics? I ju st go out to run the best I can, but I tend to go out too fa s t fo r my own good. Consequently, what l i t t l e kick I do have is often d issip ated e a r ly in the ra c e ." " I love the running scene here in the West, e s p e c ia lly in the Bay Area. The people are great and make i t the most fun sp ort, hobby, and in te r e s t I can think o f . There are the champions, top competitors and class runners—but then there are the characters, c o lo r fu l types and comers, to o . They a l l combine to make th is a runner's paradise! Most o f us B u tter f ie ld s run and we always have fun. W ife P r i s c i l l a , e ld e s t daughter Wendy, and son Andrew allow me to enjoy the running even more as we tr a in and race to g e th e r." John B u tte r fie ld , Napa, CA (Boston AA), 5 ' 8 " , l4 0 - lb s ., born March 15, 1937 in Elmira, NY. Began running in January 1971 ; only la y o f f occured in mid-1971 ("to r n ligaments in my r ig h t fo o t as a re s u lt o f being grazed by a car while out t r a in in g " ). Bests: 1 0 -K ilo— 31:50; marathon—2:25:26.
NORCAL PORTRAIT JOHN BUTTERFIELD WITH HIS WIFE PRISCIL LA AND CHILDREN—HOLLY, MICHELLE, AND ANDREW...HOLDING A TURKEY THEY WON AT OAKLAND TURRET TROT. /H. DeMoss/ * NORTHERN CALIFORNIA PORTRAIT * Meet John B u t t e r fie ld : I t ' s best fo r John B u tte r fie ld to t e l l about his new-found a f f a i r w ith running. Just a few words o f p refa ce: the US Navy p ilo t (now studying at the Defense Lan guage In s titu te in Monterey) began running in January, 1971, because, d esp ite being f a i r l y a c tiv e p h y s ic a lly , he wasn't pleased w ith the weight he c a r rie d . His f i r s t race ever was a 6 . 6 -m ile r, which he approached in the usual novice s t y le : tennis shoes, bermuda shorts, and t e e - s h ir t . His f i r s t long race was a l 6 -m ile r, then came the '71 Boston Marathon (no thing lik e s ta rtin g b i g ) . But 1972 was his breakthrough year. F ir s t came a 2:28:14 in the Avenue o f the Giants race which q u a lifie d him f o r the Olympic T r ia ls , then a 2:30:10 fo r 29th place at Eugene—b estin g experienced 26-m ilers such as '68 Olympian Ron Daws, former AAU winner Bob F i t t s , and the lik e s o f Bruce Mortenson, John V it a le , B i l l N o rris , Tom Heinonen, Gary T u ttle , Justin Gubbins, Russ P ate, and Mike M itte ls ta e d t. And f i n a l l y , the b ig moment a 2:25:26 v ic to r y in the Napa Marathon, a PR by n ea rly three minutes. 'N u ff sa id . Let But t e r f i e l d t e l l how running has become a way o f l i f e f o r him and his fa m ily . "Running is simply great fun and something I hope to do the r e s t o f my l i f e . I would lik e to always remain competi t i v e , but I d o n 't want 'p la c in g h igh ' or 'winning' to s p o il the fun o f i t a l l . P o s s ib ly my times could improve and I could be a b e tte r runner i f I incorporated some speed, in t e r v a l, or track tra in in g in my program. However, r ig h t now I am turned o f f by these programs. I'm ve ry content with my pro gress and the fun in the t h r i l l o f running. My tra in in g is based p rim a rily on LSD and r a r e ly do I get out a stopwatch or go over a measured course w ith time uppermost in my mind. I would rather ju st d e lig h t in puttin g on my running to gs, g e t tin g outdoors and running where, when, how long and at what pace I f e e l l i k e . " " I got started in th is running business rather la te (age 33) and have follow ed the advice o f a good fr ie n d , Jock Semple (who, con trary to the points o f view o f many, is a warm, v e ry knowledgeable, d ed icated -to-d istan ce man and who does an amazing, almost single-handed job o f organizin g the Boston Marathon). Jock said to concentrate on putting in the m ile age, gainin g experience from the races and using shorter ra ces as my speed workouts and fo r sharpening. Jock fe e ls speed tr a in in g w on't do much f o r a guy my age and might even be more o f an in ju ry r is k . I usually lik e an early-m orning wake-up run o f 4-6 m ile s , never fa s te r than 7 minutes per m ile . At e ith e r mid- or la te -a fte rn o o n I do a longer run at 6:30 pace. I t r y to average 12-15 m iles a day e ith e r with a double work out or (on the average 1-2 times a week) a longer lone run. -
WEST VALLEY PORTRAIT, JIM VAN DINE, SHOWN LEADING SJCC STAR STEVE BROOKS IN A MEET THIS FALL. /Jan Sershen Photo/ * W E S T VALLEY PORTRAIT# Meet Jim Van Dine: The 1972 JC cross country season saw the emergence o f a b righ t new distance running s ta r, one Jim Van Dine. And what a spectacular emergence i t was f o r th is C o l lege o f San Mateo freshman. Last year in his senior track season at E l Camino High in South San Francisco, he gave an in d icatio n o f his p o te n tia l with a 9:20 two mile in the CCS F in a ls , but b efore that he had been very slow in coming. He was good, but not g re a t. Now, the high school runners o f note that were beating him soundly la s t spring are taking i t "on the chin" from Mr. Van Dine. S ta rtin g from an undefeated Golden Gate Conference record, Jim proceeded to take the Con feren ce Championship race and the NorCal JC t i t l e , and f i n a l l y a f i f t h place fin is h in the tough Cal JC Championships. While showing signs o f things to come in his senior year a t E l Camino, Jim r e la te s , " I was g r e a tly helped and in flu enced by A rt Reade and his I g l o i (in t e r v a l) tr a in in g . Almost a l l my running was done on the track back then. Here at CSM I have been doing much more distance ( 80-90 m iles a week) and only 1 or 2 days a week on the track . As o f now I am doing s t r i c t l y distance between cross country and track season." Looking to the g re a te s t moments in his young career, Jim s in g les out the fo llo w in g th ree: winning the CCS Region I XC Championships my senior year; winning the NorCal JC Meet th is yea r; and our team beating San Jose CC fo r the GGC Champion ship with my beating Steve Brooks in the same race. Looking towards the fu tu re, Van Dine would lik e to go un der 14 minutes fo r 3 m iles th is spring and win the State JC title . In the more d istan t fu tu re, Jim wants to continue to improve and do w e ll f o r a good 4-year school a ft e r CSM. I f his past record is any in d ica tio n o f things to come, there w i l l probably be a good many 4-year schools who w i l l be ask ing f o r his services a ft e r CSM. Look ou t...J im wants to run some road races in the future i f his job p erm its!! -
Note: A l l runs lis te d below are sanctioned by the AAU except those s p e c ifie d as DSE races, or unless otherwise noted. These are s t r i c t l y run-for-fun races that are sponsored by the Dolphin/South End Runners o f S.F. Some o f the races lis t e d below are our o f the PA-AAU and are noted as fo llo w s : Southern P a c ific (*SPA), P a c ific Southwest (*PSWA), Southern Nevada (*SNA), Central C a lifo rn ia (*CCA). A l l requests fo r e n trie s should be made to addresses lis t e d ( i f n o ted ). More inform ation on other associa t io n 's races can be obtained from: SPA-AAU (John Brennand, 4476 Meadowlark L n ., Santa Barbara, 9310$); PSWA-AAU (Tom Bache, 4920 Kane S t ., San Diego, 92110); CCA-AAU ( B i l l Cockerham, 1717 S. Chesnut, Fresno, 93702); SNA-AAU (John Romero, H otel Sahara, Las Vegas, Nev. 89114). DSE Runs (Walt Stack, 321 Collingwood, SF 9 4 ll4 ). PA-AAU address is 942 Market S t ., Suite 601, SF Please enclose self-add ressed , stamped envelopes when requesting inform ation from any in d ivid u als lis t e d here I 94102 . Jan Jan Jan Jan Jan Jan Jan Jan Jan Jan Jan Jan Jan Jan Jan Jan Jan Jan Jan Jan Jan Feb Feb Feb Feb Feb Feb Feb Feb Feb Feb Feb Feb Feb Feb Feb Feb Mar Mar
13 13 13 13 13 13 14 14
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Mission Bay Marathon, San Diego, 8 am. P.O. Box 1124, San Diego, CA 92112 (E n tries close l/ 8 ) . (*PSWA) 5 M ile Handicap, Las Vegas, Nevada, 9 an* (Sunset P a rk ). (*SNA) P a tr ic k 's Point Race, Humboldt County, 1 pm (S ix R ivers RC R ace). SRRC, 28l Hidden V a lle y R d., Bayside, CA 95524. DSE Muni P ie r Run, 1.5 M iles, Meet at Dolphin Club, 10 am. (*DSE) 6 M ile S p ir it o f London, S a c'to (12th & K ), 4pm. Jim O 'N e il, 619 CommonsD r., Sacramento 95825 (Ph.91-6/922-1095). 7 l/4 and 12 M ile , Tigard H .S., T iga rd , Oregon, 1 pm. 6 l/2 and 13 M ile , Eugene, Oregon, 1:30 pm. 13.5 M ile Road Race, Sonoma State C o lle g e , 10 am. Bob Lynde, Track Coach,Sonoma State C o lle g e , Rohnert Park 94928. 30 Kilom eter scratch race, Sunset Park, Las Vegas, N ev., 9 am. (*SNA) 6 M ile Run, Judson JHS, Salem, Oregon, 1 pm. San D iegn ito H alf Marathon, 2 pm. Jim Temples, 712 Ocean C rest, C a r d iff, CA92002. (*PSWA) 4th Lunada Bay Runs (l4 .6 3 and 4.88 M ile s ), Palos Verdes HS, 9 am. (*SPA) 2nd Annual Stockton 10 M ile r (A ccu rate), 10 am. Wayne Badgley, 330 Greenoch Way, Apt. A, Stockton 95207 (Ph. 477-4272). DSE Double Muni P ie r Run, 3 M iles, Meet at Dolphin Club, 10 am. (*DSE) PA-AAU 20 K ilo Championships, Woodside, 10 am. Rich P erry, 3909 Pepper Tree C t., Redwood C ity 94061 (Ph. 364-5599). 15th Annual Long Beach Runs, 10 K ilo , 3 pm. Mike Stewart (D ir e c to r ) Ph. 213/326-5375, a ft e r 6pm.(*SPA) 6 M ile SNA Cross Country Championships, Sunset Park, Las Vegas, N ev., 9 am. (*SNA) 18 M ile Cross Country Race, Woodside, 10 am. Mike Ipsen, Redwood C ity S trid e rs , Box 868 , Redwood C ity , CA 94064. Mt. Miguel Run, 5 M iles, San Diego area, 10 am. Wayne Zook, 3727 A lc o t t , San Diego, CA 92106 (Ph. 223-8774). (*PSWA) DSE Golden Gate Bridge Plaza Run, meet at Dolphin Club, 7 M iles, 10 am. (*DSE) 3rd World Masters Marathon, Chapman C o lle ge , 7:30 am. B i l l S elvin & Dick C ort, P.O. Box 5694, Orange, CA 92667 . (*SPA) 8 M ile CCAC Scenic Run, Lopez Lake (n r . San Luis Obispo), 11 am. Wes Alderson, 11662 Sunset B lv d ., #4, LA 90049.(*SPA) Las Vegas Marathon, Univ. o f Nevada, Las Vegas, 9 am. Dalby S h irle y , 438 E. Sahara A v e ., Las Vegas, Nev. 89105 . (*SNA) Channel to Lake 10 M ile r, V a lle jo , 10 am. Solano TC, Greg Chapman, 155 Lain D r., V a lle jo , CA 94590, Ph. 644-9943. 8th Annual Clam Beach Run, T rin idad, 3 pm. Dr. Ford Hess, P.O. Box 47, T rin id ad , CA 95570 ( 8.5 M ile road & beach run). 25th "Pop" Marty Memorial Run, 9.6 M iles (op en ), Montabello JHS, Montabello, 9 am. (*SPA) N ational AAU 50 K ilo Championships (S r . , J r. & M asters), Central Pk ., NYC. Fred Lebow, 226 E. 53rd S t ., NY, NY 10022. West V a lle y & Western Regional Marathon, Burlingame H .S., 9 am. Jack Leydig, P.O. Box 1551, San Mateo, CA §4401. 21st Hermosa Beach Run, 5 M iles, 10 am. (*SPA) Age Group Races (6 D iv is io n s ), 8 thru High School, Concord, 10 am. Vern F orry, l 66 Greenwood C ir c le , Walnut Crk.94596. 10 M ile SNA-AAU D is t r ic t Championships, Sunset Park, Las Vegas, N ev., 9 am. (*SNA) 5th Peters Canyon Runs ( 5.6 & 3.4 m ile s ), 9 am. (*SPA) 20 Kilom eter Road Run, Pleasanton, 10 am. Dick Ryon, 378 M artin, Liverm ore, 94550. Seaside Marathon, Seaside, Oregon, 11:30 am. Seaside Chamber o f Commerce, P.O. Box 7, Seaside, Ore. 97138. 5 M ile Handicap, Sunset Park, Las Vegas, N ev., 9 am. (*SNA) 8 M ile Run, M artinez, 10 am. NCSTC, Luka Sekulich, 534 Darlene D r., Concord, 94520 (Ph. 685- 5185 ) . SPA-AAU 30K ilo Championships, Lake Sherwood, 8 am. P h il Clarke (Ph. 213/780-0381). (*SPA) S e a r s v ille Lake Run, Woodside, 9:30 am. Stanford RC, Don Peterson, 916 E l Cajon Way,Palo A lt o , 94303. Japanese-American Optimist Club Marathon, E lysian Park, 8 am. Larry Brenner, 3401 R iv ers id e D r., LA 90027. (*SPA)
Announcing: Weekly ru n -for-fu n races on every Sunday morning through March 25. Sponsored by Runner's World & S ta rtin g Line Sp orts. These are intended to supplement (n ot compete w ith ) the AAU schedule by ( l ) o ffe r in g races at shorter distances than normally run by the AAU, (2 ) and o ffe r in g regu lar races close to hone. No en try fe e s , no advance sign-ups, no AAU cards r e q u ir e d ... ju st come and run. Time c e r t if ic a t e s awarded to everyone. S ta rtin g a t 10:30 am in the lower parking l o t at F o o t h ill C o lle ge , o f f E l Monte Road near 1-280 in the Los A lto s H ills . Long race s ta rts f i r s t , short race second, a few minutes la t e r . Schedule: Jan. l4 —2 & 4 M ile s; Jan. 21— 1 & 6 M iles; Jan. 28— 3 & 8 M ile s; Feb. 4— 1 & 5 M ile s; Feb. 11—2 & 4 M ile s; Feb. 18 — 1 & 6 M iles; Feb. 25—3 & 8 M ile s; Mar. 4— 1 & 5 M i l e s ; -------Contact Runner's World, P.O. Box 366 , Mtn. View, CA 94040, fo r more inform ation. Late ad d ition :
Jan. 28 - 12.2 M ile r, Sacramento (D iscovery P ark), 12 noon.
— TRACK AND FIELD — Indoor Dates: (L o c a l & Important N a tl. Meets) Jan Jan Jan Jan Feb Feb Feb Feb Feb Feb Feb
19 20 26 27 3 9
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Walt Lange, 4920 Oak Leaf A v e ., Carmichael 95608 .
San Jose C ity C ollege w i l l hold All-Comers meets on Jan. 13 & 27 and Feb. 3 w ith f i e l d events s ta r tin g at 9 am and running events at 9:30 am ...both open and high school d i v i s i o n s . . . a l l weather tra c k . Contact Bert Bonanno, Track Coach, SJCC, fo r fu rth er inform ation (2 9 8 -2 l8 l, e x t. 227). C al-S tate F u lle rto n w i l l have All-Comers meets at 3 pm on Jan. 12, 19, 26, and on Feb. 2 and 9 . Fresno ( R a t c l i f f Stadium) w i l l have a s in g le All-Comers meet on February 24, s ta r tin g at 1 pm. Other meet inform ation should be sent to the e d ito r im m ediately!:
Sunkist In v ita tio n a l, Los Angeles, CA. Western Olympic Meet, P o c a te llo , Idaho. San Francisco Examiner Games, Cow Palace, Daly C ity . Oregon In v ita tio n , Portland, Oregon. S e a ttle In v ita tio n a l, S e a ttle , Wash. Los Angeles Times Meet, Inglewood, CA. Oakland In v ita tio n a l, Oakland Coliseum, Oakland, CA. USTFF Championships, Houston Astrodome, Houston, Tex. San Diego In v ita tio n a l, San Diego, CA. Sam Bennion Games, P o c a te llo , Idaho. AAU Indoor Championships, New York C ity , NY.
SF Examiner T r i a l s : Jan. 13 w i l l be the date o f various t r i a ls f o r the b ig SF indoor meet CSM w i l l host the high school (S p rin t Medley, 2 M ile , TJ, 60 ) , Age-group rela y s (boys and g i r l s ) , senior (60, M ile , L J ), and D e v il M ile . Meet s ta rts at 11 am. C al-S tate Hayward w i l l featu re the women's events (60, HJ, 880, Sprint R e la y ). San Jose CC w i l l host the JC (S p rin t R elay, M ile R elay, T j ) and p ossib le the c o lle g e t r i a l s . No s ta r tin g times are a v a ila b le fo r s ite s other than CSM. There w i l l be 8 in v ita tio n a l events at the Games (PV, HJ, SP, LJ, 440, 880, M ile , 2 M ile ). Race walkers contact B i l l Ranney i f you wish to compete. Your coach must r e g is te r you f o r t r i a l s I
All-Comers Inform ation: C ollege o f San Mateo w i l l hold A l l Comers meets every Saturday thru Feb. 3 except Jan. 13 (which w i l l featu re t r i a l s fo r the Examiner Games see next column) and Jan. 2 7 . F ie ld events begin at 11:30 and running events a t noon. F u ll schedule o f open and high school races; a l l weather track. Sacramento State C ollege w i l l hold an A ll-C o mers meet on February 10 at 12 noon on it s all-w eath er track . -
Oakland In v ita tio n a l (fo rm e rly Athens I n v i t . ) t r i a l s dates were not set a t the time o f p rin tin g o f th is issue, however, Meet D irec to r Bob DeCelle informs us that there w i l l probably be no q u a lify in g in the high school events except during the daytime session at the Oakland Coliseum on Feb. 10 (beginning a t 9 am). Inform ation on t r i a l s ( i f any) fo r c o lle g e and JC, as w e ll as Age-Group boys, is not a v a ila b le . The open events are by in v ita tio n on ly. Age-Group g i r l s w i l l q u a lify at the same meet as the SF Examiner t r i a l s (CSM, Jan. 1 3 ). Hale Roach o f E l C e rrito HS w i l l be in charge o f high school, and Jim Santos (C al-S tate Hayward) c o lle g e s . Jim Coleman o f Laney w i l l be in charge o f the JC program. For fu rth er in fo r mation, contact Meet D ire c to r, Bob D eC elle, P.O. Box 1606 , Alameda, CA 94501 (Ph. 523-2264, weekdays). Other informa tio n on th is meet is lis t e d on page 3 o f th is issue.
USTFF—Long Beach XC Championships: (O ct. l4 ) - (Teams) East LA TC 36, Stanford 86 , CSLB 99, CSSD 125, Cal 151 , UCLA 175 , No. Arizona 197 , SBAA 232, AIA 237. (I n d i v . ) Tracy Smith (Un) 29:08.2, Sandoval (S t ) 29:14, Covert (ELATC) 29:14, Wagenbach (ELATC) 29:45, Weaver (CSSD) 29 : 53 , Brock (CW) 29:54, Stephens (CSLB), M ille r (ELATC) 29 : 58 , Timm (Un) 29:59, Tho mas (CW) 3 0 :0 4 ...(1 6 ) Maxwell (C a l) 30:17, (17) Dean (C a l) 30:18, (26) McConnell (S t ) 30:39, (28) M ittle s ta e d t (S t ) 30:48, (32) Duffey (C a l) 30:54, (34) Newell (S t ) 31:00, ( 36 ) B ellah (S t ) 31:03, ( 5 l ) Berka (S t ) 31:42, (53) Smith (C a l) 31:46, ( 56 ) Cautley (S t ) 32:05, ( 7 l ) Schmulewicz (C a l) 32:53/Jon Hendershott/ NCSTC Cross Country Championships: (O ct. 15, Lake o f the P in es) - (30-39 Age Group) B u tte rfie ld (BAA) 27:25, Finch 27:53, Parker (ATC) 29:08, Lange (SACTC) 2 9 :l6 , Davidson 30:04; (40-49 Age Group) O 'N e il (SFOC) 29:26, P ra tt 31:09, Koerner (NCSTC) 32:31, Perkins 32:50, Henderson 34:00, A1 W eil 34:02, Shea 34:20, Goen 34:33/Ed P h illip s /
* RACE WALK)NG# Jan. 26 - Examiner Games 1 M ile (men and maybe women), San F ran cisco. Feb. 23 - N a tl. AAU 2 M ile , New York C ity , NY. Mar. 3 - N a tl. AAU J r. One Hour, Reno, Nev., 10 am.
Blossom H i l l Challenge: (O ct. 28, San Jose) - 3-1 m iles, very h i l l y (V a r s ity Teams) Leigh 46, Homestead 63 , S ilv e r Crk. 93(in d iv . ) Sommer (L ) 1 7 :l6 , Stock (L ) 17:26, Fredrickson (H) 17:28, Hablom ( i r v ) 17:36, Lewis (H) 17:40, McCandless (Wst) 17:48, A g u ila r (SCr) 17:50. ---- F astest time was recorded by soph Bob Barnett o f H ills d a le in 16 : 56 . /Dave Stock/
***A11 the lo c a l races w e 'l l know about next month when the schedule comes out. I f you c a n 't w ait th at long, contact e i th er B i l l Ranney, One Barker C t ., F a ir fa x , 94930 (Ph. 4562 6 4 l), or Steve Lund, 402 Via H idalgo, Greenbrae 94904 (Ph. 461-5492). They should know b efore anyone e ls e does.
So. D ivisio n Pac- 8 : (O ct. 28, Stanford) - 6 miles (Teams) Stanford 31, USC 53, UCLA 55 , Cal 7 7 . ( I n d iv .) M itte ls ta e d t (S t ) 29:15.4, Sandoval (S t ) 29:15.4, Maxwell (C) 29:32, Chappins (UCLA) 29 : 36 , Ritcherson (USC) 29:39, S a lcid o (UCLA) 29:39, McConnell (S t ) 29:47, Lip sk i (USC) 29 : 56 , McFadden (S t ) 30:02, McLean (USC) 3 0 :0 8 ...(1 2 ) Cautley (S t ) 30:10, ( l 4 ) Dean (C) 30:16. ( 16 ) B ellah (S t ) 30:27, ( 18 ) Smith (C ) 30:57, (2 0 ) Duffey (C ) 31:11, ( 2 l ) Berka (S t ) 31:11, (2 2 ) Schmulewicz (C ) 31:29, (23) Bentz (C ) 31:34, (24) Harris (C ) 32:02. /Jon Hendershott/
News from the AAU Convention: The PA-AAU received two Na tio n a l Championships f o r 1973—the S r. 10 K ilo (Reno, Nevada, in the morning) on March 31, and the J r. Hour (Univ. o f Ne vada, Reno) on March 3 - - . I t was unanimously voted to change the AAU Indoor distance from the m ile to the 2 mile (o r the 3000 m eters)...O u td oor q u a lific a tio n s were set at 15:20 (2 M ile s ), 23:50 (3 M ile s ), and 24:50 (5000m )...see page 4 o f th is issue fo r indoor s ta n d a r d s ...It was recommended that 3 walkers be taken on the Senior European summer tour in view o f the three 20 K ilo walks on successive w eeken ds...Startin g th is year, the J r . N a tl. Championships w i l l be only at the fo llo w in g distances (5 , 10, 15, and 20 K ilo s and 1 Hour). I t w i l l be on a t r i a l basis th is y e a r ...L a r r y Young was nomina ted f o r the S u lliva n and Di Benedetto Awards. . .All-Am erican Team s e le c tio n s w i l l be based on the top 2 in each S r. N a tl, even t, plus the top 3 from the 20 and 50 K ilo s at the Olympic T r ia ls ...T h e S r. 20 K ilo was won by the SPA-AAU and w i l l be held in Santa Barbara on A p r il 15. European teams w i l l be determined by the winners in th is most important r a c e ...In order to walk in the SF Examiner M eet, you must submit a r e quest fo r in v ita tio n post-marked by Jan. 12. Include your best time t r i a l performance from Dec. or Jan. and a lso sub mit the name o f the judge, who must be at le a s t an a c tiv e walker. Have judge sign to c e r t i f y th at he f e l t you were do ing everythin g l e g a l- lik e . Send th is to Steve Lund (address above) . . . .Oakland In v it a t io n a l: -No news on the walks y e t .
High School 2 M ile P o s ta l: (Nov. 4, San Jose) - (Teams - Var s i t y ) Merced 47:32.1 (4th best a ll- t im e ), San Carlos 48:07.2, Leigh 48:24.7, San Ramon 48:32.0, W atsonville 48:48.0, C a rlmont 49:01.7, S t. Francis 49:06.0, Mt. Pleasant 49:14.0, Oce ana 49:18.0, Irv in g to n 49:31.0, Los A lto s 49:46.0, Homestead 49:39.2, Washington (F re ) 49:43.0. ( I n d iv .) Taylor (Mer) 8:59.0, Kingery (SC) 9:12.5, Crowley (Gunn) 9:13.5, Yeo (SC) 9:14.0, C attarin (C a r l) 9:14.4, Dayton (SR) 9:15-0, R u ffa tto (Wash) 9:18.0, Sommer ( L e i ) 9:19.9, K issin (SR) 9:24.0, Reyes (Wat) 9:24.0, Barnett ( H i l l s ) 9:27-5, Manriquez (MP) 9:28.0, Karsen (S F r) 9:28.0, Geiken (Cubb) 9:29-0, Read (MSJ) 9:29-0, Norton (LA) 9:30.0, Brown (B u rl) 9:31.0, Donaldson (MP) 9:32, McCandless (Wst) 9:32.9, Briceno (Mer) 9:33-5, Donovan (SF r) 9:34.0, Bega (Mer) 9:34.0, Emory (Gunn) 9:34.2. /L. Lansberry/ Far West Conference M eet: (Nov. 4, S a c 'to ) - (Teams) UC Davis 35, Humboldt 47, Chico 64, Hayward 93, SFS 136 , S a c'to l64, Sonoma 193. (I n d iv . ) Smead (H) 26:51, Sheehan (UCD) 27:06, Harms (UCD) 27:16, M etcalf (Hay) 27:22, Shuman (Ch) 27:26, Eashman (Hay) 27:32, Hansen (UCD) 27:34, E lija h (H) 27:40, Maydahl (UCD) 2 7 :4 l, Owen (H) 27:49, Makela (H) 27:50, Brown (Ch) 27:53, Chapman (Ch) 2 7 : 58 , Hobbs (UCD) 28:03, Stordahl (Ch) 28:08, Best (SFS) 28:09, Cole (H) 2 8 :l8 , Jenkins (H) 28:18, King (Ch) 28:31, Glenesk (Ch) 28:45. /John Sheehan/
Jun io r N a tl. 25 K i l o : Brad B entley o f the S ie rra Race Walk ers was s ix th in th is race, held in East LA on November 12. His time o f 2:34:32 was some 24 minutes behind Ed Bouldin, the winner (a ls o a marathoner me th in k s ). Other fin is h e rs in fro n t o f Brad were: Bob Hickey (LA P o lic e ) 2:21:05.6, Mike Ryan (SCS) 2:26:07.8, Don Johnson (Shore AC) 2:30:09, and Larry P e l l e t i e r (Lewiston Recr. AC) 2:31 :3 0 .2 . The Southern C a lifo r n ia S trid ers won the team t i t l e .
Women's PA-AAU XC Championships: (Nov. 5, S a c 'to ) - Only the l4-17 and women's d iv is io n s are lis t e d fo r lack o f space. (Teams— 14-17) SJ Cindergals "A" 28, M illb rae Lions 67 , SJC "B" 7 6 . (I n d iv . ) Reneau (B r) 11:36.6, Carron (ML) 11:44, V ick i E b erly (SJC) 11:44, A lford (SJC) 11:52, Guina (SJC) 11:52, McManus (SJC) 12:07, Spence (SC) 12:08, Hickamm (ML) 12:09, Norona (SJC-B) 1 2 :l6 , Haughey (SJC) 12:27. (Women— Team) SJC 30, W ills Spikettes 32, RCS 111, Lassen 131. ( I n d i v . ) L arrieu (SJC) 13:31.6, Anex (WS) 13:59, Poor (SJC) 14:20, Val E berly (SJC) 14:23. Haberman (SJC) 14:24, Freedanburgh (WS) 14:37, Langdon (WS) 14:47, R iv e tt (WS) l4 :4 8 , Morr (WS) 14:53, Cooper (SJC) 14:58. /Jim Hume/
Senior N a tl. 50 K i l o : (Nov. 5 , Golden Gate Park) - Under p e rfe c t con dition s, B i l l W eigle, Bob Kitchen, Goetz K lo p fe r, B i l l Ranney and Bob Bowman stepped o f f togeth er and d id n 't separate u n til around 20K. From then on i t proved to be a one man show as W eigle (a US Olympian at th is distance in Mu n ich ) to re the f i e l d apart with a pace no one e ls e could even contemplate. He fin ish ed in an apparently e ffo r t le s s 4:22:04 as Kitchen, who is ju st beginning to come around again, did a strong 4:36:43. B i l l Ranney a b solu tely crawled through the fin is h lin e , breaking 5 hours by 1:29. His la s t 5K was a fa n ta s tic 31:011! Haven't we a l l been th ere . Jerry Lansing fin ish ed his f i r s t ever 50K w ith a respectable 5:22:55. Ve teran Larry O'Neal rounded out the f i e l d with 5 :4 6 :3 7 ...he is a young 60 years o ld , or more. K lop fer dropped at 25K, & Bob Bowman had to bow t o his f i r s t DQ ever in over 10 years o f walking. Brad B entley dropped by t o go f o r a 10K workout. His brother Jim stayed w ith i t fo r 25K, and Manny Adriano pushed i t f o r 5K more, going 30K. Bowman made 35K in 3:13:07 w ith Adriano going his 30K in 3:06:55; K lo p fe r —2:10:40 and Jim B entley--2:39:55 fo r 25K. Brad did 55:22 fo r his 10K.
WVAL F in a ls : (Nov. 7 ) - (V a r s ity Team) Leigh , Westmont, and Saratoga (includes duals and f i n a l s ) . . . L e i g h a ls o took the JV, Soph and Frosh t i t l e s (t ie d fo r F ro sh ). ( I n d iv .) Sommer (L ) 11:44, McCandless (Wst) 11:47, Orr (L ) 12:10, Stock (L ) 12:12, Downham (S ) 12:23, Hansen (L ) 12:29, Hawkins (L ) 12:30, N iedraver (L ) 12:32, Tengel sen (L ) 12:32, Werner (Wst) 12:36. The winner in the JV's was K. Maurer (L ) in 12:50; F ritz k e (L ) took the soph race, and M elicker (L ) the fro sh (12:11 & 12:50). -
USTFF Western R egio n al: (Nov. 18 , Fresno) - 6 M iles - (Teams) Nevada (Reno) 24, Stanford 46, C al-P oly TC 66 , Phaethon "A" 104, 49'e r TC 131, UC Ir v in e 138 . ( I n d i v . ) Zarate (Nev) 29:30, Tibaduiza (N ev) 29:30, D uffy (N ev) 29:46, Sandoval (S t ) 30:02, M itte ls ta e d t (S t ) 30:15, Cadena (CPTC) 3 0 :4 l, Beal (UCl) 30:56, Gomez (ELATC) 31:00, Mclver (N ev) 31:03, McConnell (S t ) 31:07, Trachok (N ev) 31:09, W alline (CPTC) 31:14, Houk (WVTC) 31:20, E lia (Phaethon) 31:26, Brown (S t ) 31:42. / B ill Cockerham/ AAU Masters XC Championships: (Nov. 18 , B loom field H i l l s , Mich) - 10 K ilo s - (40-49 D iv is io n ) P fla g in g (40, Md) 33:04, Higdon ( 4 l , Ind) 33:14, Dave Waco (40, CA) 33:56, B i l l Gookin (40, SDTC) 34:11, T aylor (46, Ont) 34:20. (50-59 D iv) Hossack (Mass) 37:54, Hansen ( 51 , Mich) 37:56, C o rb itt (52, NY) 38:25, Zook (55, SDTC) 39:25, Eppright (52, T ex) n t. ( 60+ D iv) Andberg ( 6l , Minn) 40:30, Tamanaha ( 65 , Ha) 46:01,E ssig (Mass) 46:22. — 100 fin is h e r s , a l l d iv is io n s . /Racing Report/ GGC-MEET TOP 10, RIGHT TO LEFT, VAN DINE, BROOKS, GEISER, AN DERSON, CHESNUT, GENSCHMER, CHAMNESS, SANCHEZ, ANDERSON, AND CARVEY. RESULTS BELOW. /jan Sershen Photo/
CCS Cross Country F in a ls : (Nov. 22, Mt. Madonna) VARSITY (L rg . School-Teams) W atsonville 84, Leigh 93, San Carlos 104, Lynbrook 124, Homestead 136 , O v e rfe lt 157, Carlmont 166 , San Ma te o 2 l4 . (i n d i v . ) Kingery (SC) 12:21, C attarin (C a r l) 12:22, Yeo (SC) 12:25, Norton (LA) 12:37, Reyes (Wat) 12:39, F e r r e l (0 ) 12:42, Barnett ( H i l l s ) 12:45, Kennedy (Lyn) 12:48, DeLa Garza (Wat) 12:50, Munoz (Wat) 12:53, Frederickson (Horn) 12:54, Sommer (L ) 12:54, Dauer (SM) 12:54, Orr (L ) 12:55, Stock (L ) 12:57, Mahon (MV) 12:57, McVeigh ( S i ) 12:58, Lock hart (LA) 12:59, Church (Horn) 12:59, Magallanes (S ea) 13:00. (Med. School-Teams) Mt. Pleasant 54, Lincoln 77, S ilv e r Creek 8 l , Westmont 89 , Await 110, Soquel 111. ( I n d i v . ) Crowley (Gunn) 12:21, McCandless (Wst) 12:25, A gu ilar (SCr) 1 2 :4 l, Manriquez (MP) 12:43, Geiken (Cub) 12:44, Donaldson (MP) 12:56, Balsa (L ) McConnell (Soq) 12:59, Moreno (TN) 13:00, Garcia (S e rra ) 13:02. (Sm. School-Teams) Oceana 50, S t. Francis 68 , G ilro y 80, Aptos 108, Burlingame 134. ( I n d i v . ) Brown (Bur) 12:17 (fa s t e s t time in m eet), Gruber (Ap) 12:38, Barraza (PG) 12:43, Kasser (SF r) 12:49, McDaniel ( 0 ) 12:54, Dunbar ( 0 ) 13:06, O 'H alloran (SF r) 13:08, Bettencourt ( G i l ) 13:15, Pow ell (0 ) 13:17, Stakkestad (A p t) 13:18. ---- Leigh High ran o f f w ith the JV, Large School Frosh-Soph, and Frosh races to almost complete a sweep, taking second to W atson ville in the V a rs ity ra c e. The Medium School F-S b a ttle was taken by Camden and Burlingame won the Small School race in that d iv is io n . /Loren Lansberry/
Golden Gate Conference Meet: (Nov. 10, Belmont) - (Teams) CSM 37, SJCC 52, DVC 76, Chabot 97, F o o t h ill 124, CCSF 145. (in d i v . ) Van Dine (CSM) 20:48.8 (course r e c o rd ), Brooks (SJCC) 21:2$, Geiser (CSM) 2 1 :4 l, J. Anderson (DVC) 21:52, Chesnut (SJCC) 21:55, Genschmer (C) 22:03, Chamness (F ) 22:05, San chez (SJCC) 22:06, D. Anderson (C ) 22:07, Carvey (CSM) 2 2 :l4 , Barney (CSM) 22:17, Snyders (CSM) 22:19, Smith (DVC) 22:20, O liv e r (CSM) 22:32, Flynn (C) 22:34. /Dan Anderson/ Pac-Eight Championships: (Nov. 11, S e a ttle ) - (Teams) WSU 30, Oregon 69, OSU 80, Stanford 107, UCLA 117, Washington l4o, USC 147, Cal 174. (I n d iv .) Ngeno (WSU) 29:12.4, Murphy (WSU) 29:14, H ie fie ld (WSU) 29:43, Ritcherson (USC) 29:49, James (0 ) 29:51, H i l l (OSU) 29:55, Barger (0 ) 29:56, Amaya (OSU) 29:58, Tyson (0 ) 29:59, Clark (WSU) 3 0 :0 5 ...(1 5 ) M itte ls ta e d t (S ) 30:31, (17) Bellah (S ) 30:34, (20) Sandoval (S ) 30:42, (2 1 ) Grubbs ( 0 ) 30:43, (22) McConnell (S ) 30:48, ( 25 ) Schmu lew icz (C ) 30:52, ( 29 ) Dean (C) 31:17. /Jon Hendershott/ SPA-AAU Cross Country Championships: (Nov. 11, Walnut) - A l l asphalt, 10 K ilo s . (Teams) ELATC 23, AIA 32, CCAC 78 , STC 90, SCS 101. (I n d iv .) Covert (ELATC) 31:20, Brock (CW) 31:22, Tubb (ELATC) 31:35, Sybert (A IA ) 31:40, Thomas (CW) 31:50, Smith (A IA ) 31:52, Wagenbach (ELATC) 32:02, Stewart (WVTC) 32:10, P rice (A IA ) 32:17, P h il Ryan (GWAA) 3 2 :1 9 ...(1 7 ) Haver (A IA ) 32:57, (18) Scobey (WVTC) 33:09, ( 65 ) Ken Litwack 42:07. /George Stewart, John Brennand/
USTFF Cross Country Championships: (Nov. 22, Denton, Texas) Halberstadt (O klaSt) 29:01, Gary T u ttle (Texas) 29:04, Mike Manke (O kla) 29:36, Walker (Kans) 29:40, Roberts (NM) 29:43, Haywood (K y) 29:50. Harter ( OklaSt) 29:52, Reinhart (DC) 29:59, Boatwright (O klaSt) 30:01, Groanke (C o l) 3 0 :0 5 ...(1 5 ) Mork (No. Texas St./WVTC) n t, (2 3 ) P in occi (Odessa Coll./WVTC) n t. (6 m iles—Okla. State won team t i t l e ) /Runner's World/
NCS Cross Country F in a ls : (Nov. 15, L a fa y e tte ) - (Teams, Vars i t y ) Redwood 50, San Ramon 88 , Irv in g to n 90, Petaluma l46, Washington (F re ) 174, Ygnacio V ly 178 , Alameda 188 , Pleasant H i l l 208. (I n d iv . ) Kimball (DLS) 14:12 (course record, old record l4 : l8 by Tom H a le ), K issin (SR) 14:22, Read (MSJ) 14:26, R u ffa tto (Wash) 14:30, Quintana (SL) 14:34, Martinez (A l ) 14:38, Overend (R ) 14:43, Nahirny (Wash) 14:47, Sweeney (R ) 14:48, A ldridge (P e t ) 14:50, Tracy (R ) 14:53, S is le r (P e t) 14:54, A r r io la ( i ) 14:55, M oller (R ) 14:56, M ijares ( P i t t ) 14:59, Houseworth (1 ) 14:59, Jones (SR) 14:59, Anderson (A n t) 15:01, Lund in (SR) 15:02, K ille e n (R ) 15:04. /Bob Vincent/
AAU Cross Country—WVTC S t i l l "Best in W est": (Nov. 25, Chicago, 111.) - In what had been considered an ' o f f y e a r' fo r WVTC, a considerable show o f depth placed the AAU runnerups in 1971 in to the fou rth s lo t th is year. Only Eastern teams were ahead o f the Bay Area squad, and only two other clubs, one o f them (NYAC) only 9 scant points ahead. On a dual meet scorin g, the loss to New York AC would have been 27-28:: East Los Angeles TC, rated the "stron gest on the coast" by Track & F ie ld News in a pre-AAU issue, was a d istan t f i f t h . Only other C a lifo r nia d elega tio n to send a team was A th letes in A ctio n , who got up fo r seventh. The team scores (d if fe r e n t than lis t e d in the current Track & F ie ld News because ours are the f i n a l revised r e s u lt s )! F lo rid a TC 42, E. Tenn. S t. Univ. 80 , NYAC 110, WVTC 119, ELATC 173, Bowling Green S t. 188 , A th letes in Action 188, Nebraska TC 189 , Colorado TC 192, Summit AC 257 , UCTC 266, Le high Univ. AA 269 (23 teams fin is h e d . . . 267 f in is h e r s ). Top 30 in d iv id u a ls , plus a l l other C a l i f , fin is h e r s : ( l ) Shorter (FTC) 30:42, (2 ) Ed Leddy (ET) 30:46, ( 3 ) Bacheler (FTC) 30:50, (4 ) Cusack (ET) 29:30—placed in 4th fo r in a d v e rte n tly cu ttin g the course, ( 5 ) Lunn (CTC) 31:01, ( 6 ) D uffy (WVTC) 31:02, ( 7 ) Misner (FTC) 31:04, ( 8 ) Talkington (SAC) 31:07, (9 ) Keough (NYAC) 31:09, (1 0 ) Smith (A IA ) 31:11, ( l l ) Tibaduiza (WVTC) 31:12, (1 2 ) E l l i o t t (BG) 31:12, (13) V irg in (Un, HS) 31:13, ( l 4 ) Hat f i e l d (W .Vir.TC ) 31:14, ( 15 ) T r u j i l l o (CTC) 31:15, ( l 6 ) Sink (NYAC) 31:16, (1 7 ) Quinn (FTC) 31:19, ( 18 ) Mandera (lndTC)31:21, (19) Galloway (FTC) 31:24, (20) Covert (ELATC) 31:27. ( 2 l ) Buerkle (NYAC) 31:29, (22) MacDonald (BG) 31:30, (2 3 ) Timm (A IA ) 31:35, (2 4 ) Thomas (CW) 31:36, ( 25 ) Chamberlin (TCTC) 31:37, (2 6 ) Carlberg (NebrTC) 31:40, ( 2 7 ) Brown (FTC) 31:40, (2 8 ) Dunn ( Notre Dame) 31:42, ( 29 ) Lesch (UCTC) 31:43, (3 0 ) P. Leddy (ET) 31:45, ( 3 l ) Coe (WVTC) 3 1 :4 6 . . ,( 38 ) Brock (CW)31:52, (4 0 ) Jones (USAF) 31:55, (4 6 ) Macias (ELATC) 32:07,
NorCal JC Championships: (Nov. 17, CSM Campus) - LARGE DIV. (Teams) Amer. R iver 64, CSM 78 , Fresno CC 95, West V a lle y 97, SJCC 122, DVC & San Joaquin Delta 140, S a c 'to CC 202, F oot h i l l 217, Santa Rosa 232, Chabot 251. (I n d iv .) Van Dine (SM) 19:34.4, H all (F r ) 19:51, Schaecher (WV) 20:08, Rodriques (SJD) 20:09, G r iff in (AR) 20:15, Phelan (AR) 20:16, Sapien (F r ) 20:17, Schaechterle (AR) 20:24, Langford (AR) 20:26, Geiser (SM) 20:28, D. Anderson (Ch) 20:33, Chamness (F ) 20:38, Sanchez (SJCC) 20:43, Arthurholt (Mod) 20:45, Hanniger (WV) 20:45, J. Anderson (DVC) 20:47, Buenrostro (SJD) 20:49, Davis (DVC) 20:49, Brooks (SJCC) 20:50, Barney (SM) 20:50. SMALL DIV. (Teams) Monterey Pen. 108, C ollege o f Marin 117, Lassen 121. (I n d iv . ) Hayes (Laney) 20:17, F lores (Yuba) 20:31, Gar za (Cab) 20:35, Campbell (Seq) 20:42, Pelton (MPC) 20:44. — 4 mile course, a lte rn a te because o f ra in . /Dan Anderson/ NAIA Championships: (Nov. 18 , L ib e rty , Mo.) - (Teams) Malone 92, Oxy 169 , Adams S t. 210, Eastern NM 231, Loras 243. (I n d i v . ) Nixon ( P i t t S t) 24:29.4, Maddaford (ENM) 24:42, Antogn o li (Edin S t) 24:51, Birnbaum (Ft.H ayes) 24:56, Rosa (Wise/ P a r k ) . . . ( l 4 ) Joel Jameson (Oxy) 25:16. (5 m iles in 29° and gusty winds) /Track & F ie ld News/ -
(4 7 ) Gerry (ELATC) 32:08, (5 0 ) Mike Ryan (WVTC) 3 2 :l4 , ($7) Sybert (A IA ) 32:26, ( 63 ) F errero (I11TC) 32:34, ( 66 ) Stewart (WVTC) 32:36, ( 6 7 ) M artinez (ELATC) 32:37, (71) Kimball (SAC) 3 2 :4 l, (74) Wagenback (ELATC) 32:48, ( 78 ) Zarate (WVTC) 32:55, ( 83 ) Tubb (ELATC) 33:01, ( 85 ) P rice (A IA ) 33:04, ( 91 ) Gomez (Un-ELATC) 33:17, (100) Haver (A IA ) 33:27, ( l l 6 ) Cadena (A IA ) 33:46, (117) M ille r (ELATC) 33:47. (130) H a zilla (CW) 34:03, (133) Winsenreid (CW) 34:06, (l4 4 ) Schmenk (ELATC) 34:17, (155) Schweitzer (Un-ELATC) 34:31, (197) Hopkins (A IA ) 35:46, ( 236 ) Kokesh (SFOC) 38:25, (237) Bateman (WVTC) 3 8 :2 7 ...and so West V a lle y TC has a record o f 6th , 2nd, and 4th in three continuous years o f AAU com petition. We should be stronger next year, but we'd b e tte r s ta r t b u ild in g funds now since the meet is in F lo rid a next f a l l . Members o f WVTC's scoring team were (P e te r D uffy, Domingo Tibaduiza, Bob Coe, Mike Ryan, & George S tew a rt). ---- B efore the meet, Ryan wrote and to ld me th at he was aiming f o r the top 5 0 ...h e got 50th! /Ted Haydon/
C a lifo rn ia Junior C ollege Championships: (Nov. 25, V alencia) - 4 M iles (Teams) LARGE SCHOOLS: Grossmont 46, Mt. SAC 102, American R iv er 105, San Mateo 106, B ak ersfield 126, West V a l le y 134, E l Camino 137, LA V a lle y 186 , Fresno 196 , SJCC 238 . (I n d iv . ) Mendoza (G r) 19:25-5, Cotton (G r) 19:34, G ra n illo (B) 19:51, H all (F r ) 19:53, Van Dine (SM) 20:06, Caldera (MSAC) 20:14, Rodriquez (SJD) 20:24, B e ll (MSAC) 20:27, Schaecterle (AR) 20:31, Marshall (EC) 2 0 :3 4 ...(1 3 ) Langford (AR) 20:44, ( l 4 ) Schaecher (WV) 20:44, ( 16 ) Barney (SM) 20:51, ( l 8 ) Phe lan (AR) 20:53, (19) Gieser (SM) 20:54, ( 25 ) Haniger (WV) 21:06, (27) G r iffin (AR) 21:09, (28) Carvey (SM) 2 1 :l6 , (32) Sanchez (SJCC) 21:24, ( 3 3 ) F in o lio (WV) 21:27, (35) Hune (WV) 21:31, ( 36 ) T e llo (WV) 21:36 ...6 9 fin is h e d . /Bob Rush/ N a tl. HS 3 M ile P o s ta l: (Dec. 2, San Jose) - V a rs ity Teams: Merced 73:46.3 (new N a tl, r e c o r d ...o ld record 73:50.6 by K irk wood, Mo. in 1969) , Carlmont 75:37-9 (6th best e v e r ), West mont 76:00.0 (8th best e v e r ), W atsonville 76 : 56 . 0 , Mt. P le a sant 76:59.0, Leigh 77:54.0, S t. Francis 78:22.0, Merced #2 78:29.8, Homestead 79:31.1. ( I n d iv .) Taylor (Mer) 14:04.8, Kingery (SC) 14:12.2 (sop h ), Crowley (Gunn) 14:14.0, C attarin (C a r l) l4 :1 5 .0 , Van Slyke (AA Stag) l4 :l8 .0 , McCandless (W st) 14:21.0, Barnett ( H i l l s ) 14:22.0 (sop h ), Gruber (A p t) 14:28, Geiken (Cub) 14:34 ( j r ) , Manriquez (MP) 14:37, McVeigh ( S i ) 14:37, Emory (Gunn) l4 :4 o (sop h ), Kasser (SFr) 14:43, A gu ilar (SCrk) 14:45, Rega (Mer) 14:46.2, Chun (Low) 14:49, Luna (Mer) 14:54.2, Reyes (Wat) 14:55, Hagerman (Mer) 14:55.3, Lawson (Gunn) 14:59. Pan-American Cup—Cross Country: (Dec. 2, V ic to r ia , BC) - MEN: (Teams) Canada *'A" 13, USA "A" 29, USA "B" 51, Canada "5" 64. ( I n d iv . ) McLaren (C) 38:43.2, Johnson (US) 39:04.2, French (C) 39:11.6, Shaughnessy (C ) 39:15, Howard (C ) 39:17, Hale (US) 3 9 :5 1 ...(9 ) Kardong (US) 40:27, (12) Pate (US) 40:47. WOMEN: (Teams) Canada l4 , US 19 . (I n d iv .) Brown (US) 11:38.2, Do b ratz (US) 11:47.6, R eiser (C ) 11:49, Crowley (C ) 11:55, Mor gan (C ) 12:02. Men's race was 12.3 Kilom eters and women's course measured 3.4 K ilom eters. /Bob DeCelle & Runner 's World/ * TRACK AND FIELD RESU LTS# CSM All-Comers Meet: (Dec. 9, San Mateo) - OPEN: 60HH - Zulim (Fresno S t) 7.7, Reimer (FrPac) 7.8, Ligons (Chabot) 7.9; M ile - Johnson (WVTC) 4:23.1, Zapata (WVTC) 4:24.2, Parsons (CC) 4:38.5; LJ - Krebs (FC) 22-3, Ho (Stan) 21-1/4, H all (Stan) 20-3/4; SP - Davis (BAS) 53-9 3/4, Bakkensen (Stan) 49-1, S w a rtzell"^ S k y l) 4 l-8 3/4; 60 - Peters (Laney) 6.4. Lew is (AF) 6 . 5 , Coleman (Laney) 6 .5 ;"44o - Robertson (Laney)49.5, Anderson (Stan) 50.8, Bagshaw (Stan) 51.1; Disc - Davis (BAS) 160-9, Bakkensen (Stan) 135-5, S w artzell (S k y l) 113-0; 3 M ile - Johnson (WVTC) 14:47.8, Beekes (Un) 15:05.2, Zapata (WVTC) 15:30; HJ - Schneider (CSH) 6-2, Adams (S k y l) 5-8; PV - Whit ten (Fresno S t ) l4 -6 , Trueman (S k y l) l4 -0 , Stavish ^Skyl) 13-6; 220 - Coleman (Laney) 23.0, White (Un) 23.4, S w a rtzell (S k y l)*2 5 .4 ; TJ - Krebs (FC) 44-8 3/4, O'Neal (CSH) 44-6, Pe te rs (Laney) ^3-11; 880 - Ryan (irv .H S ) 1:59.2, Wandro (S e rra ) 2:04, Henry (Stan) 2 :04.7. HS: 60HH - Almond (Srmte) 7.5, W ells (B a l) 8 . 3 , Dearman (W ils ) 8.3; M ile - Garcia (B a l) 4:32, Trayner (ME) 4:35-9, Hare (Menlo) 4:37-1; - A lle n (Srmte) 20-6 l/2, Gold (M ills ) 19-11 3/4, Schneider (Alam) 19-4 l/4; 60 - Ragland (Rav) 6-5, Almond (Srmte) 6 . 6 , Marchan (ME) 6-7; PV - Olson (PH) 10-6; 440 - Henkle (WVTC) 51-1, Demeduk (ME) 51-3, S u rila (Buch) 51-9; Disc - P h illip s (Un) 154-3, Brown (Campo) 116-6, McPhaul (Menlo) 110-3; HJ - Shields (P e t ) 5-10, Gold (M ills ) 5-8; 2 M ile - B e ll (A lb ) 10:07-4, Lomax (A lb ) 10:12-0, Hare (Menlo) 10:23-6; 220 - Espina (Wstmr) 24.6, Arm strong (SM) 25-4, Herbert (B a l) 25.5; TJ - W ells (B a l) 43-6, Schneider (Alam) 42-3 l/2, Almond (Srmte) 42-0; 880 - Liston (Wstmr) 2 :07.2, B e ll (A lb ) 2:08.1, Coats (SL) 2:081*5. /Young/
(LEFT) SAN JOSE CINDERGAL, FRANCIE LARRIEU, UPSET THE WINNING STREAK OF DORIS BROWN IN THE AAU CROSS COUNTRY MEET. / j e f f Johnson/ (RIGHT) BILL JOHNSON ON HIS WAY TO A PR -l4:09.6 FOR 3 MILES AT CSM ALL-COMERS. JON SUTHERLAND, TRAILING HERE, WAS SECOND IN l4 : l4 . 4 . /George Beinhorn Photo/ N ation al AAU Cross Country, Women: (Nov. 25, Long Beach) A fte r fou r years o f tr y in g , Francie L arrieu o f the San Jose Cindergals took home her f i r s t N ation al XC t i t l e as she de feated defending champion Doris Brown by 50 yards over the 2.5 m ile course. WOMEN: (Teams) Falcon TC 29, SJ Cindergals 75, W i l l 's Spikettes 113, LATC 162, Wolverine Parkettes 186 , Ore gon TC 190, SDTC 197, K a llis p e ll Tim berettes 270, Sports Uni ted RR 328, RCS 375, WS "B" 432, SDTC "B" 469. ( in d iv . ) Lar r ie u (SJC) 13:27, Brown (FTC) 13:34, McIntyre (FTC) 13:53, V a le rie E berly (SJC) 13:56, F o ltz (FTC) 13:57, Walker (OTC) 13:58, Decker (Blue A n gels) l 4 : l8 , Garcia (SDTC) 14:19, Bon ner (FTC) 14:20, M ille r (FTC) 14:22, Dobratz (OTC) 14:26, Lawson (TCG) 14:28, Graham (LATC) 14:31, Anex (WS) 14:35, Hanson (LATC) 1 ^ : 3 7 . . . ( 18 ) Poor (SJC) 14:42, ( 19 ) Claugus (WS) 14:44, (20) Freedenberg (WS) 14:46, (23) Cooper (SJC) 14:51, (2 8 ) Morr (WS) 15:04, (29) Haberman (SJC) 15:10. 14-17: 2 M iles (Teams) Sports United RR 71, Albuquerque Olym. Club 114, SJ Cindergals l 4 2 . . . ( l l ) M illb rae Lions 438 . (I n d iv .) Johnson (SURR) 11:20, Q uartier (RR) 11:28, V ic k i E berly (SJC) 11:36, H ollin s (SURR) 11:42, Asumma (SURR) 1 1 :4 3 ...( l l ) Reneau (B rid gep o rt) 11:54, (1 3 ) Haughy (SJC) 11:55. 12-13: 1.5 M iles (Teams) DCD 80, SJC 105, SCC 1 5 8 ...(8 ) United San Juan 278, (10) WS 388 , (11) SJC"B" 394, (1 6 ) RCS 539, (2 6 ) Rose v i l l e G azelles 951. ( I n d iv . ) Campbell (SITC) 8:49, S p e lle r (DCD) 8:57, Opalewski (FFTC) 9 : 0 2 . . . ( 6 ) Burns (SJC) 9:12, ( 7 ) Reneau (B rid gep o rt) 9:13, ( 8 ) Edgington (USJ) 9:15, ( l 6 ) Po w e ll (SJC) 9:21, (1 8 ) Bowers (SJC) 9:22, (2 0 ) Adams (WS) 9:23. 10-11: 1.25 M iles (Teams) DCD 65 , SCC 78 , SURR 8 l . . . ( 7 ) Uni ted San Juan 308, ( 9 ) Salinas V ly 339, (1 3 ) R o s e v ille Gaz. 531. (I n d i v . ) Campbell (SITC) 6:52, Gibbs (LATC) 6 : 58 , Waters (SCC) 6:59. 9/Under: 1 M ile (Teams) SURR 67 , Blue Angels 114, Ambler OC 118, R o s e v ille Gaz. 132. (I n d iv . ) Beach (AlbTC) 5:48, Lantry (BA) 5:50, Mojica (SCC) 5 : 5 5 . . . ( 6 ) Knowlton (RG) 6:09, (12) G rija lv a (SVTC) 6:22. /jim Hume/ -
CSM All-Comers Meet: (Dec. l 6 , San Mateo) - OPEN: 60HH: Reimer (FrPac) 7 . 6 , P ierce (S k y l) 8.0, S w a rtzell (S k y l) 8 .4 ; M ile Coe (WVTC) 4:13.6, Johnson (WVTC) 4:20.5, Zapata (WVTCyH"25.2; 60 - ( t i e ) Lewis (AF) 6.4 & Sconiers (FrPac) 6.4, Snyder (Sky) 576; LJ - T r u j i l lo (FrPac) 21-8 3/4, Sconiers (FrPac) 21-1 3/% Andrews (BAS) 20-0; Disc - Poshkin (LAHS) 153-3; Exhib. Disc Powell (BAS) 187-6, Vollmer (BAS) I 78 -IO ; 440 - Bayless (BAS) 52.4, Hickman (S k y l) 52.9, K irk p atrick (Un) 53.1; 3 M ile Johnson (WVTC) 14:45, Rios (CSM) 15:27.2, D i l l i e (S k y l) 15:31; S r. 3 M ile - Wood (NCSTC) 16:52; HJ - Evans (CSH) 5-9; 220 Bommarito (C a l) 23.0, S u rila (Buch) 23.4, Snyder (S k y l) 23.7; 880 - Coe (WVTC) 1:58.5, Ryan (irvH S ) 1:58.6, Dick (FrPac) 1:59.2. HS: SP - D illo n (G a l) 45-3, Stattord (M ills ) 43-11; 60HH - D illa rd (M ills ) 7 . 9 , W ells (B a l) 8 .0 ; M ile - Trayner (ME) 4:34.0, Campbell (Castlemont) 4:35-6, Seagraves(C )4:36.7;
LJ - A lle n (Srmte) 19-10 l/2 , M iles (SE) 18-11 l/4 , Stewart ( Un) 18-5 l/ 2 ; 60 - M. Glass (C stlm t) 6.4, Ragland (Rav) 6 . 5 , B lod gett (EG) 61*5; Disc - P h illip a (Gran) 138-7, Brown (Campo) 119-2, John (SSF7*108-3; 440 - McDonald (EG) 52.1, Jordan (B erk) 52.3, A lle n (Srmte) 53-1; H " Clay (HMB) 11-6, Woolworth (SSF) 11-0, D illa rd (M ills ) 10-6; 2 Mi - Campbell (C st) 10:05, M ille r (Wstmr) 10:09, Seagreaves (C er) 10:13; TJ W ells (B a l) 4 l - l l 3/4, Hamilton (SM) 40-1, A lle n (Srmte) 39; HJ - D illa rd (M ills ) 5-3, Frickson (SSF) 4-9; 880 - W illis (Men lo ) 2:01.7, Liston (Wstmr) 2:04.4, Baker (S e rra ) 2:07-9; 220 - Glass (C st) 22.5, Ragland (Rav) 23-4, Murphy (SC) 24.5. /Harry Young/ CSM All-Comers Meet: (Dec. 23, San Mateo) - OPEN: 60HH - Turner (CP) 7 . 6 , Pierce (Sky) 7 . 9 , S w a rtzell (Sky) 8 .0 ; M ile Brock (CW) 4:14.6, Johnson (WVTC) 4:17.6, Power (WVTCTTTT21.5, Zapata (WVTC) 4:24.7, Martinez (AlamTC) 4:28.9; 60 - Lewis (AF) 6 . 5 , Shields (SJS) 6 . 5 , Marshall (Un) 6 . 6 ; SP - Anderson (FP) 52-0, S w artzell (Sky) 43-7 l/4 , Patterson (FC) 4 l - l l/2; LJ - Davis (CCSF) 22-7 3/4, T r ip le t t (WVC) 20-11 l/4, T o l l i yer (Stan) 20-8 l/4; S r . 6o - L in g e l (NCSTC) 6 . 9 , Marlin (NCS) 6 . 9 , Duran (NCSTC) 7-0; 440 - Brown (UCLA) 50.0, Fields(CCSF) 51.4, Van A rkel (CSM) 52-3; Sr.440 - Brown (BAS) 55-9; 3 Mi Sutherland (C al-S t N orthridge) 14:08.6, Johnson (WVTC) 14:12.6, Ebert (SJS) 14:19.4, P in occi (WVTC) 14:22.4; Sr. 3 Mi - Wood (NCSTC) 17:02, Mott (NCSTC) 18:13; 220 - Rostage {Un) 23.2, Madison (C a l) 23.5, Strong (Un) 24.5; Disc - Push kin (LA) 153-5, Patterson (FC) 138-5, Mago (S t r ) 137-2; Sr^ 220 - L in g e l (NCSTC) 23-8, Guidet (NCSTC) 25.0, Marlin (NCS) 25.1; 880 - S ilv a (WVTC) 2:06.0, Taxiera (AlamTC) 2:08.8; Sr.880 - Brown (BAS) 2 :11.0; TJ - T r ip le t t (WVC) 45-7, H all (Stan) 44-10; HJ - (no one cleared opening h e ig h t); PV - Mi guel (BAS) 15-3, Whitten (FSU) 15-3, Henderson (Oxy) 14-9; HS: 60HH - Almond (Srmte) 7 . 5 , Bennett (Berk) 7-7, W ells (Bal) 5?0; 60 - Glass (Cstmt) 6 . 3 , Saucier (Sky) 6.6, Marchan (ME) and Almond (Srmte) 6 .7 ; LJ - W ells (B a l) 20-4 3/4, Schneider (Aim) 19-7 1/2, Chesnut "(LA) 19-3 3/4; SP - Shannon ( S i ) 485 1/2, George ( S i ) 44-0 l/4 ; 440 - P ew slS k y) 51-4, S u rila (Buch) 52.4, Bennett (B erk) 55-5; 2 Mi - Campbell (Cstmt) 9:50.4, E l l i s (Berk) 9:52.0, Chitwood (L iv ) 9:54.2, Dunbar (0 ) 9:54.4; HJ - Reeves (WVTC), Holden (LA) 5-2, Holden (LA) 5-2, D illa r d " (M ills ) 5-2; TJ - Almond (Srmte) 43-2 l/2, Ches nut (LA) 43-2, Schneider (Alam) 42-10; 880 - Kasser (S tF r) 1:57-2, Nelson (Sky) 2:00.8, Burnett (M ills ) 2:05 .8 ; 220 Glass (Cstmt) 22.5, V illa r r e a l (MV) 22.6, Saucier (Sky) 23.8; PV - Holden (LA) 11-2, D illa rd (M ills ) 10-2. /Harry Young/
# R OAD RACING RESULTS# DSE P ra ctice Daly C ity H i l l Run: (Nov. 5 ) - B u tte rfie ld (BAA) 39:57, T e lle s 42:57, Limbert 43:27, Comisky 43:30, Danielson 43:33, Jensen 43:52, P ierce 44:03, Monterrosa 44:18, Hannigan 44:21, O'Brien 44:42, Tracy (WVTC) 45:00, Brazinsky 45:21, Benarroch 46:00, P. Cunneen, S r. (Pama) 46:32, Paulson 46:42. /Grace Ruth/ P lelan Handicap: (Nov. 5, Phelan) - Scobey (WVTC) 1:22:52, Toledo (GWAA) 1:24:02, Kurrle l : 2 4 : 4 l . . . ( 5 ) Waco ( 4 o ) 1:29:03. /Racing Report/
DSE Kennedy Drive Run: (Nov. 12, SF) - B u tte r fie ld 24:00, Scalmanini 24:10, Botta 25:40, Kokesh 26:26, Monterrosa 26:46, Staglian o 26:47 (4th place not l i s t e d ) . /Grace Ruth/ C olfax XC C a rn iva l: (Nov. 18, C o lfa x ) - In the 10 m ile open & c o lle g e race, tim ers d id n 't record a l l tim es, and hence o v e r a ll placement could not be determined (anyone knowing the order o f the top 10 in th is race, contact the e d ito r , as we need th is inform ation fo r the NCRR P oin t R ace). The win ner, Jon Anderson, recorded a 51:07, and the senior d iv is io n had G il T arin f i r s t with 62:41 . ( Open) ( l ) Anderson 51:07, (2 ) Ed Brown, (3 ) Doug Butt (Marin AC), (4 ) Jim Bowles (WVTC), (5 ) Pete Hanson (Un), ( 6 ) Frank Krebs (SacTC), ( 7 ) B i l l Peck, ( 8 ) B re itr o p f, (9 ) Mike Spino, (10) B i l l McCray. ( C o lle g e ) ( l ) Mike Buzbee (C h ic o ). (2 ) Pat Buzbee (C h ic o ), ( 3 ) George Hermoudey. ( S en ior) ( l ) Tarin (NCSTC) 62:41 (11 sec. o f f of Ros Smith's reco rd ) , (2 ) Frank Harrison (NCSTC), (3 ) Jim A l len (NCSTC). ( High School) ( l ) Ron E l l i s 19:34, (2 ) Frank Cortez (RCS) 20:03, Dean A lle n (WVTC) 20:14, (4 ) Mike H eisser 20:20, ( 5 ) J e f f Zimmerman 20:41. ( JHS) ( l ) David Harrison 9:25, (2 ) Raul Chaves 9:52, (3 ) Rich Martinez 10:13, (4 ) Boyd T arin 10:17, (5 ) B rett Hazen 10:18. ( M en-10/ll) ( l ) Kevin Reynolds 5:43, (2 ) Mike Boitano (SERC) 5:44, ( 3 ) Bob Skadie 5:45, (4 ) Ray Eddy 5:54, (5 ) Bob Martinez 6:04. ( Men-9/U) (1 ) Tommy Owen 4:53, (2 ) Tim O'Donnell 5:06, (3 ) Don A v ile s 5:24, (4 ) Dave O liv e r 5:28, ( 5 ) Angelo Sakelarios 5:29. ( Women) ( l ) Rose S h irle e , (2 ) E ile en Burger, (3 ) Mary Boitano ...n o times g iven . ( G ir ls - l4 / l7 ) ( l ) Kathy O'Conner, (2 ) Mi c h e lle C ortez, (3 ) Pam M yers...n o tim es. ( G irls -1 2 / l3 ) ( l ) Sheri C ortez 6:11, (2 ) Chris Sakelarios 6:17, (3 ) C e lig Doran 6:27. (G ir ls - 1 0 / ll) ( l ) Brenda Hoskins 4:58, (2 ) Georgia Sa k e la rio s 5:07, (3 ) Mary C re v e lt 5:13. ( G irls-9 / u ) ( l ) Marye tta Boitano 5:21, (2 ) Julianne Duran 5:26, (3 ) Cheryl Butler 5:36. — Jon Anderson set new course record . /G il Tarin/ New Mexico 2 0 -K ilo Road Run: (Nov. 19 ) - ( l ) C h arlie Harris (WVTC) 1:08:12, (2 ) John Peterson 1:09:33, (3 ) Matthew Segu ra 1 :0 9 :5 5 ...3 6 fin is h e r s . /Racing Report/ Rose Bowl 10.08 M ile Handicap: (Nov. 26, Pasadena) - ( l ) Mark Kushner (GWAA) 50:50, (2 ) P h il Ryan (GWAA) 51:33, (3 ) Liam Ryan (GWAA) 51:43, (4 ) Jesse Gomez (ELATC) 52:21, ( 5 ) B i l l Scobey (WVTC). /Racing Report/ Two M ile Run: (Dec. 10, Denver) - ( l ) Larry Main (WVTC) 11:04, (2 ) Jim Garcia 11:28, (3 ) Bernie Gay 1 1 :3 0 ...snowpacked course with -1° tem perature!: /Racing Report/ AAU 25 K ilo Championship: (Dec. 16 , San D iego) - ( l ) Paul Talkington (Ohio, Summit AC) 1:19:01, (2 ) Mark Covert (ELATC) 1:19:53, (3 ) Doug Schmenk (ELATC) 1:20:19, (4 ) Don Timm (A IA ) 1:21:08, (5 ) Bob P ric e (A IA ) 1:21:23, ( 6 ) Chuck Smead (WVTC) 1:21:30, (7 ) Tim Tubb (ELATC) 1:22:18, ( 8 ) P h il Ryan (GWAA) 1:22:46, ( 9 ) Gary Dobrenz (GWAA) 1:22:50, (1 0 ) Ben Martinez (ELATC) 1:23:40, ( l l ) Joe Toledo (GWAA) 1:23:46, (1 2 ) Keith J e ffe r s (SBAA) 1:23:48, ( 1 3 ) Liam Ryan (GWAA) 1:24:03, ( l 4 ) Mark Kushner (GWAA) 1:24:20, (15) Ron Wise (SBAA) 1:24:38, ( 16 ) J e f f Berryesa 1:25:15, (17) Jesse Gomez (ELATC) 1:25:34, ( 18 ) T erry W illiam s (Lompoc HS) 1:25:46, (1 9 ) Todd Ferguson 1:25:51, (20) Don Ocana 1:26:16. /Racing Report/
Jon Anderson an Easy V ic to r in F ir s t Lake Merced Run: (O ct. l4 , SF) - Oregon TC's Olympic 10,000 meter runner, Jon Anderson, had no trou ble in winning as he pleased, with WVTC's B i l l K e lly a f u l l two minutes back. The host Pamakids pulled a b ig upset in taking the team t i t l e over the 7.5 m ile Lake Merced c ir c u it . F ir s t f i v e teams were: Pamakids 89 , NCSTC 128, WVJS 147, Gold Spike Runners 180 , and WVTC 189 . Winners in the various categories were: (Women) Fran Conley 45:49; (50+) Jim A lle n 45:39; (4049 ) Dave Stevenson 39:26; (Women-15/l9) Mary C ortez 50:48; (Men-10/l4) Ed T ic o 43:46; (Women-10/l4) Connie Cunneen 54:09; (Boys9/u) Pat Cunneen, J r. 55:07; (G irls-9 /U ) Maryetta Boitano 51:07; (Women-4o/49) C a rr o ll O'Conner 54:39; (Women-30/39) Irene Ru d o lf 50:59; (Men-30/39) John B u tte r fie ld 38:14; (Men-20/29) Jan Remak 38:54; (Women-20/29) G a il Gustafson 55:10; (Men-15/l9) To ny Beeman 39:53; (F ir s t S en ior) Ken Napier 38:30; (Open) Jon Anderson 34:25, B i l l K e lly 36:23, V ic Cary 37:03. A t o t a l o f 134 fin is h e r s in a l l d iv is io n s made fo r a very successful first-tim e-arou n d fo r the sponsors. /Pat Vidosh/
1 2 3
Jon Anderson (Oregon TC) 34 :25 B i l l K e lly (West V a lle y TC) 36 :23 Vic Cary (West V a lle y TC) 37 :03 4 - John B u tte r fie ld (U.S. Navy) 38 :l4 5 - Ken Napier (West V a lle y J & S ) 38 :30 6 - Jan Remak (Un) 38 :54 39 :26 7 - Dave Stevenson (Stanford RC) 8 - James Ackerman (Un) 39 :45 9 -- Jerry Scherman (W hit. Col.Alum)39 :51 10 - Tony Beeman (Un) 39 :53 39 :56 11 - Dave Marsh (Pamakid) 12 - David Warren (Un) 40 :09 40 34 13 - James A lle n (Alum Rock RA) 14 - Ernie Jeong (Pamakid) 40 :44 40 :51 15 - Jan F ris b y (West V a lle y TC) -
16 - G il Tarin (NCSTC) 17 - Jim Nicholson (NCSTC) 18 - Craig Burch (Un) 19 - D a rre ll Jeong (Pamakid) 20 - Walt Van Zant (WVJS) 21 - B i l l Long (Pamakid) 22 - Frank Harrison (NCSTC) 23 - John Watkins (Un) 24 - A lex Monterrosa (Pamakid) 25 - Juan Padron (Gold Spike) 26 - Ed C o llin s (Gold Spike) 27 - Stu Ruth (Pamakid) 28 - John Comisky (Pamakid) 29 - Tom P ierce (Pamakid) 30 - Wayne Stenberg (Un)
40:53 4 l:4 o 4 i:5 i 41:58 42:05 42:13 42:15 42:20 42:24 42:45 42:46 42:47 42:47 42:48 42:52
31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 4o 4i 42 43 44 45
John Kleinbach (Un) 42:58 Jim Campbell (NCSTC) 43:07 Yanik Ruley (Gold Spike) 43:32 Ed T ic o , J r. (WVJS) 43:46 John Geer (W h ittie r C o ll. Alum)43:54 Mike Boitano (Pamakid) 44:03 Frank Robben (Un) 4 4 :l4 A lle n B errin (Un) 44:15 Ed T ic o , S r. (WVJS) 44:17 V ito D 'A loia ( Joggernauts) 44:25 Bob P orter (NCSTC) 44:34 John Perkins (Gold Spike) 44:38 Edward Hannigan (DSE) 4 4 :4 l Paul Nocero (Pamakid) 44:49 Joseph Shea (Boston AA) 44:55
P e te r D uffy Leads Nevada to PA-AAU Cross Country T i t l e : (Nov. 11, SF) - Univ. o f Nevada f i n a l l y won a PA Senior cross country t i t l e a ft e r s e ve ra l years o f try in g as the Peter Duffy-Domingo Tibaduiza duo sped to a 1-2 fin is h on the r o llin g Golden Gate Park 10 K ilo (about 3/4 m ile s h o rt) course. Only ten seconds separated D u ffy, Tibaduiza, and th ird placer Jon Anderson, and then came a 40 second gap b efo re the r e s t o f the f i e l d began pouring across the fin is h . Nevada's winning score (s c o rin g only the top 5 on each team w ith no displacements and unattached runners & incomplete teams removed) was 25 , follow ed by a close bat t i e between West V a lle y TC - 46, and Humboldt State - 49. Then came the Stanford JV's with 98 and RC S trid ers - 108. Fran Con le y ju st nipped Skip Swannack fo r the women's t i t l e by two seconds, 38:32 to 38:34, as they fin ish ed 188 and 190 in the f i e l d which saw 261 go the e n tire distan ce. Ken Napier had a f a i r l y easy time w ith the other seniors as his 56th (31:13) was way up on Dave Stevenson ( 67th , 31:50), G il T arin (83rd, 32:23), and Jim Nicholson ( 86th , 32:44). As has been fo r the past few years, most o f the race was run in "mud c i t y " , but the com petitors d id n 't seem to m in d o much, /J im Stephenson/ 1 - P eter D uffy (Nevada/WVTC) 26:59 2 - Domingo Tibaduiza (Nevada/WVTC)27:05 3 - Jon Anderson (Oregon TC) 27:09 4 - Bob Coe (West V a lle y TC) 27:49 5 - Ron Zarate (Nevada/WVTC) 28:07 6 - P h il Camp (US Navy) 28:39 7 - Derk Mclver (Nevada) 28:42 8 - Dan Makela (Humboldt S t ) 28:47 9 - Mark E lia s (Humboldt S t ) 28:49 10 - B i l l K e lly (West V a lle y TC) 28:54 11 - Steve Owen (Humboldt S t ) 28:56 12 - B i l l Johnson (West V a lle y TC) 28:58 13 - B i l l Seaver (West V a lle y TC) 28:59 14 - Ron E lija h (Humboldt S t ) 29:04 15 - G. Gonzalez (Nevada) 29:05 16 - Rick Trachok (Nevada/WVTC) 29:13 17 - J e f f Arnold (West V a lle y TC) 29:15 18 - Jim Dare (WVTC/US Navy) 29:25 19 - Hersh Jenkins (Humboldt S t) 29:26 20 - A. Brown (Stanford J V 's ) 29:32
21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35
36 37 38 39 40
George K irk (RC S tr id e r s ) 29:33 L . C lary (Nevada) 29:39 E. Brown (Nevada) 29:49 Bob D arling (RC S tr id e r s ) 29:52 Grover P row ell (San Jose S t ) 29:53 D. New ell (Stanford J V 's ) 29:54 Rick Cross (Nevada) 29:59 Dale Severy (Santa Barb. AA) 30:01 Daryl Zapata (West V a lle y TC)30:02 Vic Cary (West V a lle y TC) 30:05 D. McLean (Stanford J V 's) 30:06 Unknown runner 30:07 A. Cummings (Stanford J V 's ) 30:08 Dan Anderson (Chabot/WVTC) 30:09 D. Graham (Stanford J V 's ) 30:10 A rt Reade (West V a lle y TC) 30:12 G. Hernandez (Nevada) 30:18 Joe M cDevitt, J r. (WVTC) 30:25 Frank Donohue (RC S trid e rs ) 30:30 B. Anderson (Humboldt S t) 30:33
41 42 43 44 45 46
47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55
56 57
58 59 60
N. Saulnier (Nevada) 30:42 T erry Pintane (VOMTC) 30:43 Jim Bowles (West V a lle y TC) 30:44 A. Meyer (RC S tr id e r s ) 30:49 S. H all (Nevada) 30:50 Chris Cole (Areata Atoms) 30:51 D. William s (Nevada) 30:53 G. Romero (Nevada) 30:54 C. Bourke (Livermore V ly RC) 30:55 Bryan Gieser (RC S trid e rs ) 31:01 E. F itz g e ra ld (DSE) 31:02 J. Mortimore (Nevada) 31:03 J. F r it z (Humboldt S t) 31:05 Paul Koski (Un) 31:08 D. Dickinson (Un) 31:09 Ken Napier (West V a lle y J&S) 31:13 Dan Drechsel (Un) 31:14 S. Ryan (Un) 31:16 J. Araujo (Un) 31:17 B. Wolfe (Stanford J V 's ) 31:18
Dan Anderson in Solo Win at Daly C ity H i l l Run: (Nov. 18, Daly C ity ) - This annual 6 .7 m ile run to the top o f San Bruno Mountain and back was a no-contest v ic t o r y f o r Chabot C o lle g e 's Dan Anderson, as he beat runnerup B i l l Seaver o f the West V a lle y TC by almost a f u l l minute. Anderson was ju st o f f B e a rd a ll's 1971 (shared with Mike P in o c c i) record o f 36:00 with his 36:07.6. Next came two high s c h o o le r's in a t i e f o r th ir d : Tom Read (M ission San Jose) and Mike R u ffa tto (Washington, Fremont). Both had a common clock in g o f 37:09. (Read & R u ffa tto ran 3-4 in the NCS high school cross country m eet). The West V a lle y TC took the team t i t l e and Ken Napier beat Jim Nicholson by a half-m inute in the senior b a t t le . Skip Swannack reversed her Lake Merced loss to Fran Conley (48:34 to 50:06), as she is d e fin it e ly superior on the h i l l s . Ed T ic o (45:26) e a s ily outdistanced Ray Smith (4 8 :0 2 ) fo r the c h ild re n 's trophy (under 15 we guess??). Tom P ierce (42:46) nipped Pat Cunneen (43:02) f o r the Daly C ity r e s i d e n t's award. A t o t a l o f 117 fin ish ed the challenging grind th is year. /Daly C ity Recreation D ept.—John Cannon/ 1 2 3 tie 5 6 7 8 tie 10 11 12 13 14 15
- Dan Anderson (Chabot/WVTC) 36:08 - B i l l Seaver (West V a lle y TC) 37:05 - Tom Read (M ission San Jose HS) 37:09 Mike R u ffa tto (WVTC/Wash. HS) 37:09 - Rusty Nahirny (WVTC/Wash. HS) 38:41 - Edward Rios (Un) 38:49 - Jose C ortez (Un) 39:50 - Ken Scalmanini (Pamakid) 39:59 W alter Garcia (Un) 39:59 - Dave R e ite r (Un) 40:l8 - J oel S tein (RC S t r id e r s ) 40:29 - Joe Araugo (Un) 40:31 - Robert Cooper (Un) 40:38 - Ken Napier (West V a lle y J&S) 41:33 - Jim Michaels (Un) 4 l:47
16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 tie
Mike Shaughnessy (WVTC) Jim Nicholson (NCSTC) Robert Brownlee (Un) Kian McCarthy (Un) W illiam Long (Pamakid) B i l l Flodberg (Solano TC) Harry Limbert (SERC) B i l l Jensen (Un) W alter Byrd (Un) Tom P ierce (Pamakid) A lex Monterrosa (Pamakid) Santos Reynaga (WVTC) Lenny K e rs te tte r (Chabot) John Geer (W h ittie r C o lle g e ) Pat Cunneen (Pamakid) -
42:01 42:02 42:05 42:17 42:23 42:26 42:27 42:37 42:45 42:46 42:51 42:52 42:56 43:02 43:02
31 32 33 34 35
36 37 38 tie 40 41 42 43 44 45 -
Linden King (E lk Grove HS) 43:21 Edward Hannigan (Dolphin Club) 43:27 John Comisky (Pamakid) 43:53 Robert Smith (Un) 44:51 W illiam K e ll (Pamakid) 44:54 Paul Nocero (Pamakid) 44:57 David Ligman (Un) 45:09 Martin C. W right, J r. (Un) 45:11 Barry F o is s o tts (Un) 45:11 Ed Girolamo (Un) 45:12 Frank C olino (Un) 45:18 Michael A. M ille r (JMTC) 45:23 Ed T ico (West V a lle y J & S ) 45:26 Robert Gehl (Dolphin Club) 45:38 P eter Voelker (James Moyles TC)46:11
Pepsi 20 M ile r —Jon Anderson Trounces F ie ld But Misses Lowry's Record: (Nov. 26, Sacramento) - Running without com petition fo r almost the e n tire race, Jon Anderson continued his sparkling performances on the roads th is f a l l by narrowly missing Byron Low r y 's year-old record with a 1:43:06 clocking...som e 50 seconds o f f the mark. Eddie S ilv a o f Chico State was a surprise second place in 1:48:25. E ric Sigmont o f Texas at 1:49:40 was the only other runner to dip under 1:50. Rich Kimball o f DeLaSalle HS set a new record o f 1:53:02 in the high school d iv is io n , with Jim Howard a scant 6 seconds back. The soph d iv is io n went to Greg Wardwell o f Salinas in 2:03:20, while the 9th grade award was won by Jim Freeman o f La S ierra HS in 1:57:34. Mike Boitano got the 11-and-under record with a 2:27:11, but Bob Kadie was close with 2:28:10. Ross Smith o f Reno continued his fe a ts by breaking his own mark with a 1:55:13- Jim O 'N e il was more than 5 minutes back. Ralph Paffenbarger was f i r s t over-50 with a good 2:12:42. Fran Conley set a women's d iv is io n mark w ith her 2:19:16, up f i v e minutes on Skip Swannack, and another four on Elaine Pedersen. A record 480 started w ith 405 fin is h in g . Follow ing the race, runners saw vid eo tape p ictu res o f the action and received u n o ffic ia l printed resu lts fo r the top 1001!! Paul Reese puts on one h e ll o f a show. /Paul Reese/
1 2 3 4 5
6 7 8 9
10 11 12
13 14 15
Jon Anderson (Oregon TC) 1 Eddie S ilv a (Chico St/WVTC) 1 E ric Sigmont (Texas) 1 Pat Stordahl (Chico S t) 1 Michael Buzbee (New Ways A C )l John B u tte r fie ld (BostonAA) 1 Mark G aleazzi 1 Nick Vogt (Gold Spike) 1 Dan Anderson (WVTC) 1 Rich Kimball (DeLaSalle HS) 1 Jim Howard (high sch ool) 1 Pat Buzbee (New Ways AC) 1 Angelo Martinez (AlamedaTC) 1 Hugh M ille r (J esu it HS) 1 Benton Hart 1 Tim Wright (RC S trid e rs ) 1 Larry Morton 1 Clark Rosen 1 Ken Scalmanini (Pamakid) 1 N e il Glenesk (Chico S t) 1
43:06 48:25 49:40
50:20 50:35 50:51 52:23 52:48 52:56 53:02 53:08 53:26 53:46 53:58 54:08 54:12 54:19 54:36 54:51 55:05
21 22 23 24 25
27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39
Ross Smith (WVJS) Gary Singer Eugene F itzg e ra ld Garth Janke Chris Svendsourd Martin Urias (Fresno Pac) B i l l F a irw e ll Guy Arthurhold (Mod.JC) Steve Williams Don Gregory (HSTC) David Ramer Barry Buob (Modesto JC) B i l l Cockerham (HSTC) Jim Freeman (HS fro s h ) Jerry Ockerman Dave Zumwalt Jim Bowles (WVTC) Mike F o r n ic c ir i B i l l Kipp Dave Donaldson
1 1 1 1 1 1 1
55:13 55:22 55:47 55:48 55:56
56:02 56:08 1 56:18
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
56:58 57:05 57:27 57:32 57:34 57:38 57:49 57:54 58:01 58:07 58:19
4i 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59
Jim Bredy B i l l Posedel John A ld rich Dave R u ssell (SCS) Stacy Geiken (RC S tr id e r s ) Matt Logan Ron Genschmer (Chabot/WVTC) Frank Krebs (S a c 'to TC) G ilb e rt Brooks Bob Loux Frank Donohue (RC S trid e rs ) Randy Buob (Modesto) Denny Matthews Ed Jaynes (Bay Area S t r ) George Koch Jim O 'N e il (SF Olym. Club) Tim Jordan Harvey Sandoval (WVTC) Pete W itt Frank Boutin
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
58:30 58:38 59:13 59:25 59:30 59:31 59:31 59:40 59:45 59:48 59:51 59:59 00:01 00:13 00:14 00:21 00:34 00:45 00:48 00:54
B i l l Seaver Wins Livermore V a lle y 8.56 M ile Run: (Dec. 3, Liverm ore) - Having his hands f u l l in NCS high school cross country champ Rich Kim ball, West V a lle y TC's B i l l Seaver managed a narrow seven second v ic t o r y on a day th at was overcast and c o o l. Of the 208 s ta rte rs ...w o u ld you b e lie v e , a l l fin is h e d ! ! The top senior w a s...a s is g e ttin g qu ite common...Ken N apier, who ob lit e r a t e d the re s t o f the 'o ld men' with a 48:34, more than a minute up on Bob Malain, who surprised Jim O 'N e il and G il Tarin fo r second. Wait ' t i l Ross Smith and Ken Napier get to g e th e r! ! Fran Conley did 60:02 to win the women's category w ith Eve Barraza second in 62:40, making a remarkable recovery from her severe in ju rie s incurred in a car accident e a r lie r in the year. In ad d ition to the 8.5 m iler, a two-m iler was a ls o held (unsanctioned) fo r those that would probably take more than 12 minutes to fin is h . The race had 49 p articip a n ts and the top three were: Rick Richardson (20) 10:56, Brian B arrett (1 5 ) 11:17, and Ed Keech ( 15 ) 1 2 :l8 . Ken Kvam and Tom Jefferson both put on a great run from what w e've heard. /Thomas Jefferson/ 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
10 11
12 13 14 15
19 20
B i l l Seaver (WVTC) Rich Kimball (S a c 'to TC) Darryl B eardall (Marin AC) Dan Anderson (WVTC) Ted Quintana (Alameda TC) Nick Rodriquez Benton Hart Angelo Martinez (Alameda TC) Grover P row ell (San Jose S t) Frank Rodriquez Bob Loux Kevin Harris Roger Lawler Ken Napier (West V a lle y J&S) Rusty Nahirny (WVTC) Jim S h e ttle r (Un) Chuck Burke Roy Hoglund Bob Malain (NCSTC) - Jim O 'N e il (SF Olympic Club) -
45:24 45:31 45:44 45:57 46:03 46:17 46:30 47:15 47:35 47:46 48:10 48:13 48:23 48:34 49:13 49:14 49:14 49:39 49:46
21 22 23 24
25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 4o
G il Tarin (NCSTC) Kurt Schroers (Aggie TC) Joe Taxiera (Alameda TC) Michael Heisser David Warren Chris Svendsgaard Bruce Hamilton Walt Van Zant (WVJS) Bob Powell Tom Nash Dan Moore Jim Freeman (9th grade) Kent Guthrie Dave Bogart Nick Yoro George Rogers Michael Dunne G ilb e rt Brooks Dave Chatterton Gordon Holmes
50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 51 51 51 51 51 51 51 51 51 51 51 51
01 22 38 39 4o
51 58 59
00 o4
05 11 30 33 34 38 39 4i 46 53
Mike Lamendola Craig MacMahon Walt Lange (S a c 'to TC) Richard Ryon (LVRC) Jim Helton Ken Peterson Bob Smith Randy Reed Pat Cunneen (Pamakid Runners) John Comisky Bruce Kaufman (West V a lle y TC) Dale Hatakeyama Lyn Walker Paul Reese (NCSTC, 55) Douglas Duin C arl Martin (West V a lle y J&S) Steve Overbury Frank Golding Brian Davis 60 - Ron Gallahan
4i 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59
52 52 52 52 52 52 52 52 53 53 53 53 53 53 53 53 53 53 53 53
06 13
39 4o
50 56 58 03
06 11 12
14 17
23 27 30 33 34
Brian Armstrong Wins Western Hemisphere Marathon—Dave White and B i l l Scobey Follow C lo s e ly : (Dec. 3, Culver C ity ) - The Toron t o OC's Brian Armstrong ran w ith F u lle rto n S ta te 's Dave White u n til somewhere between 20 and 25 m iles, and then decided to put i t away a ft e r 20 m iles in 1:47:33- White dropped back some 37 seconds and recorded a 2:19:31 to Armstrong's 2:18:54. Last y e a r's winner and course record -h old er, B i l l Scobey, ran p r e tty much o f a s o lo race and wasn't near the leaders enough to challenge a ft e r about 10-15 m iles. S t i l l , a ft e r only a few months o f in ten sive tr a in in g , the West V a lle y TC runner is w e ll on his way back to stardom w ith an e x c e lle n t 2:20:55 fin is h . Unknown (a t le a s t to us) Bruce Shaw got 4th in a 2:25:28, and a t o t a l o f nine runners cracked the 2:30 b a r r ie r . Just-turned-senior Dave Waco o f the Culver C ity AC recorded a s c in t illa t in g 2:35:32 fo r 21st o v e r a ll, and P eter Mundle & Owen Gorman did 2:43:06 and 2:43:51 r e s p e c tiv e ly fo r other top senior marks. In comparable 66-year-old Monty Montgomery did as usual w ith a sub-3 hour performance o f 2 :5 6 :4 8 !! Jacqueline Hansen was not near Cheryl B rid ges' 1972 e f f o r t (2 :4 9 ), but recorded a PR 3:15:53 as the f i r s t female con testan t. /Carl Porter/ (287 fin is h e r s ) 1 2 3 4 5
6 7
8 9 10
Brian Armstrong (TOC) Dave White (So. C a lif . S t r ) B i l l Scobey (WVTC) Bruce Shaw (Lions RR) Ken M o ffit t (Oxy) Robert Waugh (A r iz . S ta te ) Gary Dobrentz (GWAA) Ed Cadena (A IA ) Dave R u ssell (SCS) Wayne Akiyama (Claremont)
2:18:54 2:19:31 2:20:55 2:25:28 2:27:31 2:27:50 2:28:21 2:29:20 2:29:48 2:31:44
11 12 13 14
15 16 17 18 19 20
John Brennand (SBAA) Pat M ille r (Un) George M orfin (Phoenix) Jim A rq u illa (CSCLB) Steve Jaskela (Un) Carlos A lfa r o (Un) B i l l Anderson (SBAA) C olin O'Brien (Canada) G arrett Tomzak (Un) V ic to r Sasuga (T o r r. HS) -
2:31:51 2:32:14 2:32:17 2:32:47 2:33:33 2:33:53 2:34:13 2:34:28 2:35:00 2:35:32
21 22 23 24 25
27 28 29 30
Dave Waco (C ulver C ity AC) Clenard G r iff in (Un) James U r s e ll (Baldwin HS) E ric W illiam s ( A r iz . S ta te ) John Burns (SBAA) Doug S a ilo rs (C ulver CityAC) Marvin Rowley (CCAC) Don Gregory (Fresno, HSTC) Skip S h affer (C ulver CityAC) Robert W alline (Cal-PolySLO)
2:35:32 2:37:39 2:39:35 2:40:48 2:41:02 2:41:44 2:41:50 2:42:03 2:42:05 2:42:50
Other NorCal fin is h e r s at Culver C it y : (4o) John Loeschhorn (Un) 2:44:32, ( 78 ) Harold DeMoss (WVTC) 2:54:41, ( 86 ) Jim H o ll (WVTC) 2:56:38, (100) Don Macintosh (Maranon) 2:59:32, (234) Don Gregory (Fresno Pac) 3:48:05, (2 6 l) Rick Jensen (Fresno P a c), (270) Alphonse Juilland (NCSTC) 4:12:41, (2 7 l) Norman B right (Snohomish TC) 4 : l 4 : l l , (273) Charles Attwood (WVTC) 4:15:16. By the w a y ...R ick Jensen (2 6 ls t , above) had a 4:06:36 c lo c k in g r g o t to l i s t i t , s o rry ! __________________________________________________ * L A T E NEWS# We never did rec e iv e the Chico 10 K ilo (O ct. 15) r e s u lts , although we have w ritte n Meet D irector,G eorge W right, at le a s t three tim es...d o es any one know i f the race was e ver run? Pat Stordahl— do you know anything o f the race, or resu lts? I f so, send them to us r ig h t away. Two other popu la r road races (Oakland Turkey T ro t & PA-AAU Marathon in Petaluma) have not been included th is time because o f . . . I hate to s a y ...ju s t a very poor e f f o r t on P eter M a tte i's p a rt. I have w ritte n and c a lle d numerous times and have even t r ie d to record the re s u lts on a tape recorder (o ver the t e lephone), but I get no cooperation. W ill keep tr y in g , but am g e ttin g to th at point ^@*$ (cen sored ). A d d itio n a l WVTC News: V ic to r Mora not only ran the s teep le and 5000 in N ation al Record time in the recent Colombian Championships, but a ls o ran the 10,000 in 2 9 :2 3 .1 ...and won by over a minute. This is 17 seconds o f f M e jia 's N ational mark. Martin Pabon (n ot a member) was th ird in the mara thon in the same meet (2 :3 4 :1 3 ). Hernan Barreneche DNF, hurt a c h ille s .
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2 1 1 4 Addison Street Berkeley, California 9 4 7 0 4 (4 1 5 )8 4 3 -7 7 6 7 A v a ila b le fo r the f i r s t time in C a l i f orn ia , the Cortez I I ! This model is the most advanced distance tra in in g shoe yet produced; incorporating ample foam cushioning and arch support, a high-dens i t y o u terso le, and the "Bowerman a n t i wear h eel p lu g ." The heel plug is a pa tented rubber compound added to the o r i g in a l sole to prevent rapid wear at the h e e l. I t d e fin it e ly prolongs the l i f e o f the shoe and more im portantly helps reduce in ju rie s caused by an uneven s t r id e . A must fo r a l l runners forced to tr a in on hard s u rfa ce s . The h eel plug is ju st one o f the many r a d i c a l innovations to be found throughout the NIKE lin e o f shoes. Take a look at them a l l at THE ATHLETIC DEPT., Northern C a l i f o rn ia 's la rg e s t d ealer o f NIKE. Every s iz e o f every model is in stock now, so stop in and t r y a p a ir on.
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