CV Valentina Fantini Valentina Fantini 31/12/1987 Firenze +393332827668 SKILLS languages italian:native english:good french:scholastic applications extensive experience: Adobe CS5 (Photoshop), Autodesk Autocad 2d e 3d, Microsoft Office. basic experience: Autodesk Revit, 3DS max, Graphisoft Archicad, Maxwell. Adobe CS5 (Indesign, Illustrator). operating system: Mac OSX, Microsoft EDUCATION 2007-2012 Qualification as an Architect semptember-april Università di Architettura di Firenze gaduation grade: 110/110 graduation work: Rinascita dall’abbandono: Le TERME DEL CORALLO DI LIVORNO 2001-2006 september-july
Artistic High Scholl Graduation Liceo Artistico L. B. Alberti di valutazione: 98/100
EXPERIENCE 2012 24-28 settembre
Workshop “Reshaping Reconnecting Rioveggio” Laboratorio LEM, Dipartimento di Architettura, Università degli studi di Ferrara. Supervisors: Luca Belatti, Paolo Calimici.
CASA S.P.A Stage in florentine office that focus on retriver and partecipatory planning with particular attention to energy saving architecture.
Workshop “Il Castello di Sorana” Campagna di rilievo a Sorana (Pescia) Supervisor: Prof. Alessandro Merlo.
2010 Worshop”REFUNC” (8-11 settembre) Bart Groenewegen e Boris Duijneveld Design forniture with recycle object for a particular event in Florence. PUBBLICATIONS 2012
EUROMED 2012 International Conference on Cultural Heritage, Lemesos, Cyprus short paper: “THe “Terme del Corallo” in Livorno,Italy, a contribution to try going behind the abandon. Supervisor: Prof. Giorgio Verdiani
Hostess-promoter during events in Florence job: advertising, entertainment.
2010 summer
Groom and rider in a horse stable of show jumping in Rome, horse stable: FM Cavalli.
Gymnastic coach for childrens from 4 years old to 12 years old. Gym association: F.L.O.G Poggetto.
European licence B.
Enthusiastic towards team projects &diverse design chal langes. Keen interest in various forms of arts&crafts, model making and photography. I love so much animals. My passions are travel, architecture and cook.