The Wrinkle With Diets New Year diets & your complexion.
Winter blahs WHAT’S IN WHAT’S OUT
IN 2016
AVOCADO What are They Good For?
Chase the Sun Get out of the cold WINTER 2016
The Wrinkle With Diets The New Year is a time of change. Make sure that diet you’re considering will work with your complexion!
Resolutions for the Perfect Skin – All Over Your skin is your largest organ. Resolve to treat it right in 2016
What’s in What’s Out in 2016 Contouring is so 2015
Beat the Winter Blahs! Mid-winter can be a downer – tips to keep a positive attitude until spring
Avocados – What are They Good For? Absolutely everything!
Chase the Sun Get out of the cold and into the sunshine
Never Leave Home Without It What every woman should have in her purse
What’s With The Beards? Should they stay or should they go? We weigh in.
The with diets
ThePaleoDietisexactlyhowitsounds:youeat only food that hunter-gatherers of the Paleolithic era would’ve eaten. So, meat, fish, fruits, vegetables, and nuts are on the menu—no dairy, refined sugars, or processed foods. Several studies have linked dairy to blemishes –milk has hormones that may play a role in producing pore-clogging sebum. Researchers also believe that carbs can cause breakouts by increasing insulin, and ultimately inflammation in the skin. So this is very much a personal choice.
While many of us may find a gluten-free diet difficult to maintain, doing so can have a positive impact on skin health and energy levels. People suffering from celiac disease – a severe intolerance for the protein gluten – must abstain from wheat, rye, and barley. For these individuals, gluten intake results in a skin rash known as dermatitis herpetiformis. Even if you aren’t gluten-sensitive, this diet offers slimming benefits and can help to eliminate acne by minimizing inflammation.
January is diet time, which can wreak havoc on your complexion. Here’s the skinny on the best diet for your skin! You want to eat right to keep healthy and slim, but the foods you eat can nourish or starve your complexion. Balancing wrinkle-fighting antioxidants in fruits and vegetables to hydrating healthy fats in fish may matter to your skin almost as much as it does to your waistline.
Good for your body, inside and out! Lots of fish, leafy greens, olive oil, nuts and fruit are the stars of this heart-healthy diet. But the benefits don’t end there— a recent Italian study suggests that eating Mediterranean may also protect against melanoma, the deadliest form of skin cancer. On the cosmetic front, omega-3 fatty acids in fish help keep skin-cell membranes strong and elastic. Olive oil, tomatoes, and red wine also contain antioxidants that help block chem5 ical reactions leading to sun damage.
With diets like Atkins, Dukan, and the South Beach Diet, cutting back on white bread, pasta, and refined sugar can also lower the stress hormone cortisol and minimize breakouts. Plans that include whole grains, fresh produce, and lean meats also increase antioxidants, blemish-busting zinc, and collagen-building protein.

 However, too much animal fat can result in an increased production of free radicals, which are thought to interfere with normal cellular processing. So choose fish and other lean proteins, make sure to eat antioxidant-rich leafy greens daily, and drink lots of water to keep skin hydrated.
Vegans and vegetarians tend to eat more fruits and vegetables than their carnivorous counterparts—which is great news for skin! Plant-based diets are typically low in fat and avoid the pore-clogging saturated fats found in animal products. Fruits and vegetables are high in essential vitamins and antioxidants, which are the building blocks for radiant skin. Plus, the fiber from produce and whole grains crank up that healthy glow by flushing out toxins. Healthy vegan meals are high in Vitamins C and E. Also the zinc found in beans combats acne and decreases inflammation, preventing redness and pimples. Healthy unsaturated fats found in avocados and olive oil provides fatty acids that keep skin hydrated and cell membranes strong and supple.
Cutting down on saturated fat is great for your heart and waistline, and a diet low in animal fat also reduces the production of free radicals that can prematurely age skin. On the down side, this diet can be very drying for your skin. Skin needs food fats such as those found in nuts, avocado and olive oil. Fat helps your body absorb complexion-friendly antioxidants and fat-soluble vitamins, strengthening cell membranes— and ultimately your epidermis. To keep skin looking fresh and supple get at least 20% of your calories from fat, preferably the unsaturated kind.
The cornerstone of a healthy carb diet is Resistant Starch (RS), a type of carbohydrate that acts like fiber, moving through the digestive tract without being fully digested, absorbed, or converted to glucose. Piling your plate with RS foods boosts metabolism and satisfies your appetite for longer. This helps you steer clear of skin-damaging foods, such as fat-and sugar-laden snacks, while lowering blood sugar and insulin levels. The key is eating healthy carbs like skin-smoothing omega-3 fatty acids, antioxidant-packed whole grains, and collagen-building protein.
Raw-foodists—who nosh mainly on produce, nuts, and sprouted beans and grains—believe that not cooking food preserves its natural enzymes. This aids digestion and weight loss while maintaining energy levels. While these foods make for a happy complexion, the health benefits of some foods improve through cooking. Consider tomatoes, which release more lycopene—which has been shown to protect against skin cancer—when they’re cooked. The healthy oils in nuts, avocados, and olive oil keep skin cell membranes strong and pliant. However, many ‘raw foodists’ eat a lot of dehydrated foods that dry out the skin and lead to under-eye circles and wrinkles. This diet can also affect hair growth and fullness so, if you’re brave enough to tackle this diet, staying hydrated is a must.
what’s what’s in 2016 out with the old.. FITNESS APPS 2015 fitness was all about the apps, but step aside step counter, there’s a new fitness tracker in town and it’s got one thing that an iPhone doesn’t.
CONTOURING Chiseled cheekbones are becoming less and less important. Instead, you’ll be putting those bronze colors on in a more artistic way.
NATURAL HAIR COLOR Say goodbye to the blondes and brownhaired heads around you. 2016 is bringing quite the hair color change.
TIGHT CLOTHES No one’s pretending to be comfortable in skin tight clothing anymore! Say goodbye to those tight-fitted dresses and leggings.
The New Year brings renovations: new resolutions, new gym memberships and new hit trends. We’re exploring what’s out and what’s in by saying goodbye to 2015 and hello to 2016! with
the new
FAKE FRECKLES Remember looking up “how to get rid of freckles” in your younger days? 2016 beauty gurus will envy you for that because 2016’s beauty trend is all about the fake freckles. Once your makeup is done, grab your stencil and dot away!
RAINBOW HAIR Who says you can’t express yourself through your hair? T he 20 16 h air tre n d w i l l b e s e m i- p e r m a n e n t ra inb ow ha i r. T he m ore c o l o r s, t he b e t t er.
Samsung and Apple have created a watch that can track your fitness for you, but won’t let you miss that business call when you’re out on a run. Hands free, worry-free, that’s the best kind of workout!
BAGGY CLOTHING Clothes are getting looser and more comfortable, and no one’s complaining. Swap those leggings from last year for joggers, and trade tight tops and dresses for oversized blouses and sweater dresses. Start 2016 feeling cozy and cute! 9
RE SOLUTIONS for the Perfect Skin ALL OVER
It’s important to get rid of dead skin cells to make room for new ones. Make sure you’re exfoliating head to toe at least weekly!
You’ve heard it before – good skin comes from within. It sounds like a cliché but it’s true! You must keep your skin well hydrated to keep it at its healthiest. Make sure you’re getting half your total body weight in ounces of water daily. So, if you weigh 120 lbs, make sure you’re getting at least 60 oz. of water. Try to up that number if you lead an active lifestyle or live in a dry climate. The more you sweat, the more hydration your body loses so you have to be sure to rehydrate after that kickboxing class!
We know you’ve heard it before but it’s essential that you wear sunscreen all year round. Even in winter, when you’re less exposed to sunlight, make sure you’re applying sunscreen to your face, neck and the backs of your hands.
You wouldn’t repaint an entire room for one small mark on the wall, would you? Similarly, you shouldn’t apply acne cream to your entire face if you don’t tend to break out all over. Listen to what your face is telling you. If you break out only on your t-zone, apply acne cream only there to prevent spots of dryness elsewhere. There is no one-size-fits-all skin care solution for everybody, so it’s important to figure out what works for you. However, don’t be afraid to mix up the products based on your needs! 11
beat the winter blahs The days get shorter, the weather gets colder. Less daylight means a lot less vitamin D to boost our mood. To beat those cold winter blues we need some exciting indoor activities, so the next time the cold is getting you down, try one of these mood-boosting tricks!
CRE ATE YOUR OWN HOT YO G A STUDIO. Crank up the heat and push the coffee table out of the way! Instead of hitting the gym, we’re grabbing a yoga mat and hitting the living room floor. Hot yoga usually involves a room heated to 105 degrees Fahrenheit while doing 60-90 minutes of Bikram, Hatha or Vinyasa yoga. Rather than going to this extreme, turn your heat up to 80 degrees and stretch it out for about an hour Choose any flow you’d like or, if you’re not a regular yogi, pull up an hour- long begin-
ner ’s yoga video and give it a try! Whatever the flow, you’ll be sweating and flushing out toxins in no time. An added benefit: the exercise will release endorphins, lifting your mood instantly. Once you’ve sweated out yoru blues, be sure to shower and treat your skin. our Herbacin C amomile and Green Tea Shower G el has antibacterial and calming properties that will wash away impurities and toxins while allowing you to keep your zen.
Happiness starts from within, right? Try beating that bad mood with some sweet and satisf y-
ing nourishment . Whip up a raspberry banana smoothie by combining one frozen banana, two handfuls of frozen or fresh raspberries, and a handful of spinach with a splash of the milk of your choice. Blend the smoothie together, pour into a frosty mug and top with dark chocolate shavings! Raspberries are high in antioxidants that will work to strengthen your immune system through the cold months. The spinach and dark chocolate contain plenty of iron and will release endorphins Cheers to brightening your mood from the inside out!
MAKE SUNDAY A SPA DAY Enjoy a lazy Sunday and turn your bathroom into an athome spa! You can stay in your pajamas, use products you trust, and avoid having to dish out the big bucks for a simple foot soak .
and taking off any leftover makeup residue from the night before with Herbacin’s 2-Phase Makeup Remover. This product cleanses deep within your pores but contains a sweet almond oil to make sure excess moisture isn’t extracted from your skin.
After you’ve cleansed, it ’s time to relax. Lather a generous amount of Herbacin Foot C are Warming Balm onto both feet. Pull on a pair of socks to allow the product to fully saturate your dry and achy feet.
Now, place a few cucumber slices over your eyes, put on some soothing tunes, and relax into the rest of your lazy spa Sunday!
Start by cleansing your face 13
AVOCADOS What are They Good For? Absolutely Everything
Avocados are beyond delicious when spread on toast or in guacamole but did you know they have tons of skin and health benefits?
Let’s start with the obvious health benefits of our beloved green fruit. Avocados are loaded with fiber, vitamins C, B5, B6 and E, and contain more potassium than a banana. They’re also high in heart-healthy monounsaturated fatty acids and can help lower cholesterol. What more could you ask from a delicious fruit? Did you know that avocados also help your skin and hair? For hydrating anti-aging benefits, blend mashed avocado with a cucumber and apply as a DIY facemask – your skin will be glowing in no time! For your hair, avocados can help tame frizz, moisturize, fight dandruff, and provide a gorgeous shine. To help with any scalp issues, mash an avocado and apply it directly to your scalp. To combat frizz and moisturize your hair, make a hair mask consisting of a ripe avocado, one egg yolk, and a tablespoon of coconut oil. Apply it to your scalp and fully coat your hair, leaving it on for 15-20 minutes. Your hair will l shine! Talk about a wonder-fruit – avocadoes can also help to reduce bad breath! Bad breath frequently comes from the stomach , n ot the mo u th. Avo c ado ju ice clea n s e s the intestine and eliminates microbes that could cause bad breath. Weak and brittle nails? You guessed it – avocados to the rescue! Massage your nails and cuticles daily with avocado oil for stronger, healthier nails.
A Chic Planner
Herbacin Kamille Hand Cream This tiny tin packs a big moisturizing punch.
Stylishly keep all your important events and notes in one place.
Urban Decay On The Run Palette
A Fun Umbrella You never know when rain may fall. Fight a dreary day with a bright, umbrella.
All of your basic beauty essentials in one compact case.
Portable Phone Charger Make sure you stay connected.
Herbacin kamille Lip Balm Because chapped lips aren’t cute. 17
intertime takes away the one thing we all crave: warmth. So instead of burying yourself under a mountain of blankets this winter, treat yourself to a trip and soak up the warmth while enjoying a change of scenery!
Machu Picchu, Peru
Ko Phangan, Thailand
Mexico City, Mexico
Blue Mountains Park, Australia
What better time to explore history than now? Travel south to Machu Picchu for an extraordinary history lesson at 7,000 feet above sea level. Take the opportunity to tour the interior of preserved Inca ruins -- you won’t regret it!
Sink your toes in the white sand and splash around in the crystal clear water at Ko Phangan, located in southeast Thailand. After relaxing on the beach you can head to the world-famous, monthly Full Moon Party - if you time your travels right! Immerse yourself in Mexico City’s architecture, language, and fabulous food! Explore the many parks and cathedrals, and be sure to visit San Angel, home of Frieda Kahlo and Diego Rivera.
Get away from the cold city, and get back to nature at Australia’s Blue Mountain Park. Hike or bike the breathtaking scenery, then head closer to the coast for whale-watching in the fresh salty air! 19
special feature for him
What ’s with the Beards? It’s safe to say that this past year’s hair trends includes, “man buns” and beards. We’re not talking just a little stubble or a killer mustache; we’re talking a full-on, full-faced beard. With the “man bun” epidemic slowing down, are beards going with them? Whether the beards stay or go, your face still needs regular care. Jojoba Oil There’s no need to invest in overpriced beard oil, when 100% pure jojoba oil will do the trick! Jojoba oil is a clear golden oil derived from the jojoba plant. Massaging a few drops of this liquid gold into your facial hair will transform a dry, bristly beard to a full and luxurious one!
If they’re STAYING
Camouflage After Shave Lotion If the beard must go, don’t let razor burn take over your face! Give Herbacin’s Camouflage After Shave Lotion a try. This lotion contains witch hazel that will enhance the healing process of any rashes or irritation. Containing salicylic acid, this lotion also helps fight acne and blemishes that were hidden behind your beard!
Speed Shaving Cream If you’re keeping your beard, trimming and edging are important. Keeping a clean edge is time-consuming, but using our Herbacin Speed Shaving Cream makes cleaning up your beard a lot easier! The cream goes on smoothly and allows the blade to quickly remove stray hairs.
If they’re GOING 21
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