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Volunteer of the Year: Larry Brockway

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Ambulance Service volunteer recognized for 23 years of service




2 a.m. and a pager goes off

Someone in Lake Placid is in need of emergency medical attention, and odds are high that it’s Larry Brockway, a volunteer driver and member of the Lake Placid Volunteer Ambulance Service, who is on his way to help Brockway, a Lake Placid native, is the Enterprise and Lake Placid News Volunteer of the Year for 2023, selected for his 23 years of service with the LPVAS

Brockway, 53, has worked as a “jack of all trades” at North Elba’s transfer station for 32 years He’d been on the job nearly 10 years when an ambulance squad vol- unteer approached him and asked if he wanted to join the LPVAS, too After a little pressing, Brockway gave the ambulance service a try.

“I actually enjoyed it, and I’ve been there ever since,” he said

For the last 10 years, Brockway has served as the LPVAS president But when (Continued on Page 6)

A d i r o n d a c k D a i l y E n t e r p r i s e / L a k e P l a c i d N e w s • C o m m u n i t y R e s o u r c e G u i d e

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