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Welcome to Saranac Lake
The village of Saranac Lake and its surrounding h a m l e t s o f f e r a u n i q u e d o w n - t o - e a r t h Adirondack experience full of outdoor adventure, top-notch culinary experiences, downtown shopping, a thriving arts scene and familyfriendly activities
The list of warm-weather outdoor recreational activities is long: hiking, camping, boating, paddling, golfing, cycling, mountain biking, horseback riding, b i r d i n g , w i l d l i f e w a t c h i n g , s k a t e b o a r d i n g a t t h e Saranac Lake SkatePark off Church Street or swimming at the Saranac Lake and Lake Clear beaches
Find what you need at one of the local outfitters, or hire an outdoor guide for your adventure
The 18,400-acre St Regis Canoe Area the only designated canoe area in New York state features 26 miles of hiking trails and 50 ponds of varying sizes to paddle It’s well known for its Adirondack brook trout fishing.
T h e P a u l S m i t h ’ s C o l l e g e V i s i t o r I n t e r p r e t i v e Center on state Route 30 offers a vast trail system with plenty of wildlife-watching opportunities. The barked trails and abundance of benches make this destination easy on the knees and gives families ample time to sit and ponder life in a quiet setting. And don’t forget to check out the native species Butterfly House in the summer the only one in the Adirondacks.
Saranac Lake has embraced the arts like no other community in the region It features live music, the Adirondack Plein Air Festival, studio tours, downt o w n g a l l e r i e s a n d p e r f o r m a n c e s a t P e n d r a g o n Theatre The Adirondack Carousel on Depot Street is a work of art unto itself and is a unique attraction. Get connected to the arts through Saranac Lake ArtWorks
(www saranaclakeartworks com)
H i s t o r y i s c e l e b r a t e d t h r o u g h t h e S a r a n a c
Laboratory Museum on Church Street, operated by Historic Saranac Lake; the Robert Louis Stevenson Cottage on Stevenson Lane; and the Six Nations
I r o q u o i s C u l t u r a l C e n t e r i n O n c h i o t a ( w w w 6 n i c c c o m ) , o p e r a t e d s i n c e 1 9 5 4 b y t h e Fadden family
Saranac Lake is home to a professional baseball team, the Surge, which plays other teams in the Empire Baseball League during June and July Their home stadium is Petrova Field. The 2023 season begins June 10, and the first home game is June 20 Learn more at https://surgeprobaseball com
Other sports events in Saranac Lake include the Can-Am Rugby Tournament and canoe races
The environment is highlighted by the work at the Paul Smith’s College VIC; the Adirondack Center for
L o o n C o n s e r v a t i o n ( w w w a d k l o o n o r g ) o n M a i n Street; and the Adirondack Fish Hatchery at Saranac I n n , o p e r a t e d b y t h e s t a t e D e p a r t m e n t o f E n v i r o n m e n t a l C o n s e r v a t i o n A l s o , e n j o y n a t u r e along the Riverwalk, which follows the Saranac River from behind the police station at Main Street to the Grand Union supermarket on Church Street
For more information about Saranac Lake and the surrounding communities such as Paul Smiths, Ray Brook, Bloomingdale and Lake Clear visit www saranaclake com or call the Saranac Lake Area Chamber of Commerce at 518-891-1990.
(Provided photo ROOST)