Hello Neighbor

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Are you beginning to question what’s going on in the world? Do you feel that something hasn’t been quite right this past year? Are you hearing too many contradictions from mainstream media?

Control through fear... Being fearful, separated from our families, loved ones, friends, social groups, churches--many of us either having lost or being at risk of losing our jobs, businesses and homes--it renders us even more vulnerable to experiencing this fear—and we don’t think clearly when we are fearful… Here are the reasons to listen to that feeling inside that says: “all

is not quite right,” and to look beyond, to do your own research to discern truths and draw your own conclusions… You have probably figured out that information available to us through mainstream media and social media is being heavily censored, making it difficult to obtain a balanced viewpoint to know the WHOLE truth?

If you have read this far, ask yourself, “What have I got to lose by doing a little research to seek answers to the bigger. We find ourselves at a major crossroads and running out of time. We face an iron fist of restrictions tightening evermore by the day. Please read this message over. Let your mind

and heart process it. Ask for a quiet moment with a family member, friend, or neighbor—or at the very least, question the narrative that’s at play…

Here are some questions to begin your critical thinking...

1 . Why the Lockdown? The lockdown policy forced the closure of businesses, supply chains and various sector activities, among other activities in daily life. 2. Did they Underestimate the Harm? The policy started off on false assumptions and greatly overestimated the benefits of lockdowns while underestimating their harms.
Professor Doug Allen’s assessment: “Heavy lockdowns do not meaningfully reduce the number of deaths, where they are implemented, when compared to areas where lockdowns were not implemented or as stringent.“ … 3. Why was New Data ignored? Responses to Covid-19 have been one-sided and unchanged since the beginning of the pandemic.

The studies bare the hard truth: Lockdown‘s were a total policy failure, yet governments cling to it. ~Professor Doug Allen

Many jurisdictions have ignored new data over the past year, repeating the same response programs from 2020 to 2021. 4. T he Benefit and Cost was Ignored, why? Over the course of the pandemic, governments across the world have not considered the benefit and cost sides of their lockdown policy decisions. 5. I s this the Biggest Failure in History? Lockdowns could go down as one of the greatest peacetime policy failures in history. Based on Professor Allen’s lost-life calculation, lockdown measures have caused 282 times more harm than benefit to society over the long term, or 282 times more life years lost than saved.

Masks reduce blood oxygenation; increases blood carbon dioxide levels; increases risk of headaches; increases risk of brain fog, difficulty concentrating, and exhaustion/fatigue.

Masks made overseas are often faulty and inadequate and nearly all contain carcinogens. Masks may increase your risk of infection, because they are worn inappropriately, and also because mask-wearers frequently touch their mask. Our bodies have effective detoxifications pathways. One of the ways we rid ourselves of an infection is by exhaling.

How masks actually harm your health

Wearing a mask concentrates the exhaled viruses in the nasal passages. If you are sick with COVID-19 or any other infection, the last thing you want to do is impede your ability to breathe; wearing a mask can cause severe and painful contact dermatitis, painful rashes, and other skin damage on your face.


WHY are over 100,000+ worldwide doctors and scientists risking their jobs and their lives to bring truths to you and why are they being censored? Why have many of these professionals disappeared, had heart attacks, and committed suicide?

Safe treatments are being withheld FROM THE PUBLIC For over 80 years Hydroxychloroquin has been readily available to doctors worldwide, but it’s been taken off the market. A new study in MedRxiv found that hydro-xychloroquine and zinc increased Covid-19 survival by almost three

times. And a recent study published in the Journal of The Association of Physicians of India also found hydroxychloroquine is an effective treatment for Covid-19. YouTube (owned by Google), Google, Twitter and Facebook

have repeatedly gotten caught censoring true information and amplifying disinformation on hydroxychloroquine, Covid-19 and many other topics. Often, the censorship trends benefit certain pharmaceutical interests.

FACT: Anthony Fauci co-authored a paper in 2008 showing that most deaths in the 1918 pandemic were caused by Streptococcus and Staphylococcus upper respiratory tract bacterial infection – Exactly what masks incite. FACT: Amendment 5 of our Bill of Rights states in part: “No person shall be deprived of life, liberty, or property without due process of law.” This seems to imply that if my life or liberty is threatened by the unhealthy wearing of a mask, then I have the right to not to wear it.



New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo’s administration recently confirmed that thousands more nursing home residents died of COVID-19 than the state’s official tallies had previously acknowledged

WHY did Janet Woodcock, Acting Commissioner of the Food and Drug Administration, chose to support the pharmaceutical industry and neglect public health issues?

After months of the state refusing to divulge its true numbers, it showed that at least 12,743 long-term care residents died of the virus as of Jan. 19, far greater than the official tally of 8,505 on that day, cementing New York’s toll as one of the highest in the nation.

Woodcock was responsible for unleashing prescription opioids into America without sufficient controls or oversight making her “unfit” to head the FDA. It is not clear whether Biden intends to nominate Woodcock to head the FDA permanently.

Experimental IF I GET VACCINATED... Can I stop wearing the mask?
Government: No 
Can the restaurants, pubs, bars, etc. reopen and everyone work normally? 
Government: No 
Am I resistant to covid? 
Government: Maybe, but we don’t know for sure. 
At least I am no longer contagious to others?
Government: No, you can still pass it on, possibly no one knows. 
If we vaccinate all children, will school go on as normal?
Government: No 
If I am vaccinated, can I stop social dissociation?
Government: No 
If I am vaccinated, can I stop disinfecting my hands?
Government: No

If I vaccinate myself and my grandpa, can we hug?
Government: No 
Will movie theaters, theaters and stadiums reopen thanks to vaccines? 
Government: No 
May the vaccinated be able to gather for events and parties.
Government: No 
What is the real benefit of vaccination?
Government: The virus will not kill you.

Gene Therapy

Gene therapy is a medical field which focuses on the genetic modification of cells to produce a therapeutic effect or the treatment of disease by repairing or reconstructing defective genetic material.

Are you sure it won’t kill me?
Government: No 
If statistically the virus won’t kill me anyway.... Why should I get vaccinated?”
Government: To protect others.


THE EXPERIENTAL VACCINE: Does not give immunity.
 Does not eliminate the virus.
 Does not prevent death.
 Doesn’t guarantee immunity. Doesn’t stop you from getting it. Does not stop you from passing it on.
 Doesn’t preclude the need for travel bans.
 Doesn’t preclude the need for business closures.

So if I get vaccinated, others are 100% sure I won’t infect them? 
Government: No, we are not sure.

Around 1900, scientists discovered petrochemicals and the ability to create chemicals from oil. Scientists discovered various vitamins that many pharmaceutical drugs could be made from petroleum. Rockefeller saw an opportunity to monopolize the petroleum industries, chemistry and medicine at the same time. The best thing about petrochemicals was that everything could be patented and sold at high profits. Rockefeller had to find a way to get rid of his biggest competition. So he used the classic formula of the Hegelian dialectic: solutionproblem-reaction. That is, you created a problem to scare people, and then you offered a pre-planned solution. Rockefeller turned to his friend Andrew Carnegie, another plutocrat who made his money by monopolizing the steel industry, who came up with a plan. From the prestigious Carnegie Foundation, they sent a man named Abraham Flexner to travel across the country and report on the status of all hospitals and medical colleges.

This led to the writing of the Flexner Report, which gave rise to modern medicine as we know it, through which they spoke of the need to modernize and centralize medical institutions. Based on this report, more than half of all medical colleges were closed very early. Homeopathy and natural medicine were mocked and demonized. Many doctors who worked with his methods were even imprisoned. To help with the transition and change the minds of other doctors and scientists, Rockefeller donated more than $100 million to schools and hospitals and founded a group of philanthropic leaders called the General Board of Education (GEB).

In a very short time, all medical schools were modernized and homogenized. All the students were learning the same thing, and medicine consisted of using proprietary drugs. The scientists received huge grants to study how plants cure disease, but their goal was to first identify which chemicals in the plant were effective and then recreate a similar, but not identical, chemical in the laboratory that could be patented.

How the Rockefellers Eliminated Natural Medicine Give the sick person a pill became the mantra of modern medicine.

It‘s time to take our country back!

Your freedom is at stake! We are at war, it is an information war and communism will be knocking at your door soon unless, we all wake up, speak out, and take action! What are you waiting for?

To take our country back and move forward, we must first take our local communities back.

sold like cattle by the oligarchs, foreign nations, and whoever has the money.

• Create pro-family, pro-business, and pro-law and order policies for your local area.

•B uild the economy by pulling your money out of their useless stock market and buy bitcoin, gold, silver, and ammo.

• Cut the cable cord, that includes Fox and CNN. Do not watch it. Do something else with your time and money. Support alternative media outlets and individuals. Get that garbage Marxist indoctrination content machine out of your home and away from your family.

• Pull your kids out of public schools where their minds are being molded at the altar of Marxism. Do everything and anything you can to homeschool or attend Christian private schools or online schooling programs. We can’t control DC, but we can control what happens in our backyards.

•B itcoin is free speech money. Learn what it is and how to use it. •C enter your focus on getting American Populists and Christian men and women elected as mayor, to state legislatures, as judges, on school boards, etc. Members of Congress are bought and

• Exit the Big Tech mind prison. Leave Big Banks for local community banks. • Start supporting small local shops.

• Pay attention to the brands you buy and support. Check out their website and marketing. If they are “woke,” stop giving them your money. Period.

Valuable Resources If these websites and videos don’t open for you, it could be due to censorship from the government and internet companies controlled by them. Use DuckDuckGo.com for your browser, instead of Google, Safari, or Firefox and it will bring up all the websites and videos.

Dolores Cahill, PHD (DoloresCahill.com) 
 A professor at University College Dublin and recognised international expert in this field, predicts deaths will occur around the world as a direct consequence of taking the COVID-19 vaccines. Dr. Christine Northrup (drnorthrup.com) 
 A visionary pioneer and a leading authority in the field of women’s health and wellness. Dr. Larry Palevsky northportwellnesscenter.com The Northport Wellness Center is a premier wellness provider on Long Island dedicated to helping people lead healthier and happier lives through various healthcare services Dr. Sherri Tenpenny (drtenpenny.com)
 An osteopathic medical doctor, board certified in three medical specialties. Widely regarded as the most knowledgeable and outspoken physician on the adverse impact that vaccines can have on health. Peggy Hall (thehealthyamerican.org) Breathing life back into Liberty.

Peggy Hall (peggyhall.tv)
 Peggy Hall is at the helm of truth and freedom. Hop on board to get her positive, practical strategies for defending your rights, and learn how to breathe life back into liberty. American Frontline Doctors americasfrontlinedoctors.com Everyday our rights are being eliminated, our communities are being destroyed, and tyranny is being imposed under the false banner of safety. Robert F. Kennedy Jr. childrenshealthdefense.org The greatest crisis that America faces today is the chronic disease epidemic in America’s children ~Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. Sarah Westall (sarahwestall.org)
 Right vs Wrong — Not Left vs Right x22report.com A daily show that covers issues surrounding the economic collapse. All reports and Daily Alerts are backed up by source links.

A PUBLIC HEALTH WARNING Look for alternative Social Media sites like: brandnewtube.com, and rumble.

andweknow.com Video Creation Linking News Through a Biblical Lens
Showcasing News information with the Bible Simon Parks (simonparks.org) Simon grew up in a family that had links to British and American intelligence. StopWorldControl.com 
 You need to know what is going on, in order to protect your life from the invasion of extreme corruption that is taking over the world today. V-Revealed (revealed.com) Discover the most cutting-edge, insider news and just-released evidence — from over twenty of the world’s authorities and experts. Oldest Health Freedom Org https://thenhf.com/ Your Voice For Health Freedom®


•C ovid masks cause potential harm from breathing synthetic fibers, fiberglass, chlorine, and chemicals. •C loth masks increase the risk of contracting Covid-19 and other respiratory infections. •B lue and gray disposable face masks contain an asbestoslike substance associated with early pulmonary toxicity. • E vidence shows that masks Increase blood carbon dioxide levels and negatively impact health and function. •W earing a mask for more than a few minutes causes a significant reduction in a person’s blood oxygen level. • M asks colonize viruses, bacteria, and mold. • Dangers from masks for people with pre-existing medical conditions and disabilities. •B reathing nhaled microplastic substances from masks are extremely toxic because they get directly into the nervous system.

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