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Brad Pitt Balances Marriage, a Large Family and a New Film

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the nuptials between Brad Pitt and Angelina

Jolie serve as the ultimate realiza tion of Pitt’s life long dream of fathering a large family – even if shuttling six children between homes in London, Los Angeles, New York, and southern France can, at times, resemble a covert military operation.


Pitt, however, has no qualms about logistics. He lives for his kids.

When asked what life as a movie star father was like, he responded, “I still have to get up at 6 a.m. and make breakfast for six kids. I don’t see my daily life as being that remarkable, except for the fact that I’ve struck the lottery when it comes to my work and the opportunities it’s given me.”

“Being a parent of several children is exhausting – no matter what,” Pitt continued. “I’m lucky that Angie has so much energy and [she] never gets down or complains. The only time I’ve ever seen her really tired was after the twins were born. That proved very demanding and made it difficult for her to spend as much time with the other children as she did before. But now that the twins are older, it’s becoming a lot easier for all of us. I mean, when you have a big family, you learn to develop good logistical training and then it’s just like a machine that keeps moving forward,” he laughed.

I love being an active and engaged father and family man,” Pitt stated.

Meanwhile, his other job has Pitt playing a mob hit man in “Killing Them Softly.” The ambitious gangster saga draws parallels between organized crime and the Darwinian imperative of modern corporate culture. Pitt’s character, Jackie Cogan, is sent in to clean up the mess that results from the robbery of a mob-sanctioned poker game. The theft disrupts the local crime business and in the course of his mission to restore gangland equilibrium, Cogan delivers the film’s defining message – “America’s not a country, it’s a business. So pay me, motherfucker!”

“The story is basically a metaphor about business and how business can be very Darwinian and cut-throat. There’s a danger in society becoming too focused on ruthless competition and losing all sense of community and hope. The financial crisis has made us more cynical about our future and the killings that take place in the film are symptomatic of that,” Pitt explained.

Behind this stark maxim sits an allegorical premise that the current economic recession has led to a grow - ing political embrace of the rule of the free market, which comes at the expense of defending those members of society who are unable to defend them - selves. Pitt believes that this is a perversion of the American Dream’s more noble ideals. It’s a myth he embraces, albeit rather cynically.

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