Illustrations based on various concepts color schemes and styles
Different types of mediums for these illustrations ranging from watercolors, pencil colors, dry pastels, charcoal etc.
In the first stage of character exploration of a character called ‘chi’
EFSS (elements form space and structure) were an assignment to understand the basics of balance, structure, elements, space and form.
Exaggeration , this exercise was carried out to understand facial features and exaggerate the emotions
pencil sketches rendered with wacom
Wacom used for a simple illustration to convey concepts.
one of the editors and an illustrator for the MAEER’s MIT Institute Of Design official newsletter.
a course to understand the basic principles of animation
photos taken while travelling around.
About me: Hardworking, committed and warm hearted person adaptive person who is curious and who loves to learn, a 3rd year student of Animation design in MAEER’s MIT INSTITUTE OF DESIGN Course: Diploma in design (animation design), 3rd year, semester 5 Skills: Communication: -Confident with effective communication skills and interpersonal skills developed through: Group co-ordination during work experience , responsibilities and extra-curricular activities. I have also worked with various teams during group projects in organizing and running programmes in school, college and university. I am easily adaptable with the team needs and in listening and generating new possibilities for the team and bringing them into practice. Problem solving: - Have been able to develop strong listening and analytical skills and giving ideas according to their needs and situation.
Software Skills: Adobe Flash **** Adobe Photoshop *** Adobe InDesign *** Adobe Premier Pro *** also comfortable with Wacom Intous and Bamboo Responsibility, Co-curricular activities and interests: Hive Express: - An editor of the official MAEER’s MIT INSTITUTE OF DESIGN newsletter for the past issue (August 2012. -A cover page illustrator for HIVE convocation special (April 2012) ADITI KAKADE Quasar ‘11- ‘12 : - Event head of an event Comickest,a two day event organized managed and publicized. Utsav/Aarohan ‘10 - A cultural fest of Ramnarian Ruia College of Science and Arts. A part of the publicity team as college representative head. Students body (VPM) ‘09 -VPM is a student’s body helps the disabled students to adjust with the environment of the college and makes them feel welcomed. KET’s Vaze College of Science, Commerce and Arts. - Part of the Rotary club of Kelkar College, participated in group competitions, represented college in College festivals all around the city. - Helped organizing and volunteered for charity events to help the poor students from various schools around the city. NCC (National cadet cop) ’06 – ’08 - NCC member in Saraswati Education Society and Jr College for 3years. Other interests: - Photography, Cooking, Blogging, Roller blading and Swimming Contact info: Mobile ; +918806300805 E-mail : ,