Why Choose Remote Working This Tax Season? Ace Ace Cloud Cloud Hosting Hosting
Facts and Figures
71% of employees working remotely claim that they’re happy with their jobs.
65% of workers are more productive when working from their homes rather than from the office.
77% of employees are more likely to accept the job that offers work-from-home, even for some days in a month.
Problems of working on a local system
Reliable completely on one desktop
Lack of flexibility to work
Heavy cost of hardware
Tax Season Is Here With the tax season going on, these problems might hamper the work of tax preparers. As they work for a number of clients at the same time, they have several tasks at hand, be it managing tax data or filing returns. Hence, it is essential for them to be proactive all the time, and remote working helps them with this.
What is Remote Working?
Remote working is the process of accomplishing official work from anywhere at any time. One of the best platforms that offer remote working is cloud technology. Let us see why remote working is the right choice for the upcoming tax season.
Improved Work-Life Balance
Tax season can become extremely hectic for tax preparers. Remote working helps reduce this stress as they don't have to head to the office everyday and can sit back and work from home. This also allows them to spend quality time with their family and at the same time improves their health and their lifestyle.
Reduced Costs Working on local setups during long hours in tax season increases the overall operational cost. Remote working helps reduce heavy costs for firms such as transportation, infrastructure maintenance, and investment in office supplies like stationery items. Since, people can work on their own devices, the cost of purchasing desktops and other hardware requirements also reduces.
Freedom from Local Devices During the tax season, tax professionals have to sit for hours and work for multiple clients. Remote working makes it easier to work from anywhere on any device with an internet connection. For example, they can easily go for off-site client meetings and work on their smartphones, tablets, or laptops. Thus, they no longer have to rely on the office desktop to work.
Improved Work Efficiency Due to remote working, tax professionals can save a lot of time that can be put to better use, such as to get extra sleep or do some physical exercises that help relieve stress. Thus, in the same working hours, they can deliver more and in an efficient manner. It also helps them to manage their work better.
Improved Client Satisfaction As remote working helps tax professionals improve their work efficiency, they can serve their clients better. If ever required to meet the client, they can easily carry their personal device and work for them. Because they can work more conveniently than before, the level of customer service improves, keeping their clients satisfied.
About Us Ace Cloud Hosting is a managed cloud hosting provider and specializes in the accounting, tax, retail, and construction industries. We offer tax software hosting on superfast SSDbased servers with 99.999% uptime, 100-day data backup, and always-on support. To know more, please visit www.acecloudhosting.com or call us at 1-855-ACE-IT-UP
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References 1. Key Remote Work & Telecommuting Statistics for 2020 -OWL Labs 2. Remote Working Annual Survey 2018 - FlexJobs 3. The Pros And Cons Of Working From Home -CPA Practice Advisor 4. Why Choose Remote Working This Tax Season -Ace Cloud Hosting