Directed Energy Weapons Market: Comprehensive study explores Huge Growth in Future

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Directed Energy Weapons Market: Comprehensive study explores Huge Growth in Future Directed energy weapons (DEWs) are defined as electromagnetic systems capable of converting chemical or electrical energy to radiated energy and focusing it on a target, resulting in physical damage that degrades, neutralizes, defeats, or destroys an adversarial capability. Navy DEWs include systems that use High Energy Lasers (HEL) that emit photons, and High Power Microwaves (HPM) that release radiofrequency waves. The U.S. Navy uses DEWs for power projection and integrated defense missions. The ability to focus the radiated energy reliably and repeatedly at range, with precision and controllable effects, while producing measured physical damage, is the measure of DEW system effectiveness. Conversely, capabilities to increase the resilience or survivability of platforms or Sailors from DEW threats are part of the Counter Directed Energy Weapons (CDEW) program. Get PDF Sample of this report @ Most directed energy weapons (DEW) present the very unique advantage over conventional weapons of ammunition cost reduction. The cost per shot of directed energy weapons is far lesser than the same for conventional weapons. A DEW missile defense weapon, for instance, shoots high powered laser beams at an incoming missile to overheat it and cause it to explode. Conventional methods employed include shooting at the missile with land to air weapons that consume a large amount of ammunition to get the job done. Therefore, DEWs not only consume lesser dollars per shot, but also require fewer shots. This is currently the key advantage that clients demanding for directed energy weapons are looking forward to. The global directed energy weapons market is highly competitive, and manufacturers vie for market share based on product quality, cost, reliability, and after-market service. To succeed and thrive in this market, manufacturers have to focus on providing quality and cost-effective DEWs in this market. Factors like increasing M&A activities and increased collaborations with alliance partners will drive market growth during the forecast period.

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