ADJUSTME Convertible covers
When special becomes standard During the lifetime of a sit stand desk you might want to change the layout at the office without spending a fortune on a new desk and accessories. The convertible covers enable the possibility of making colourful changes and reverse when fashion changes again; and again; and again. What works today does not necessary work tomorrow. By adding the convertible covers to the lowest column and feet of your sit stand desk, the office becomes colorful but stays calm for the eye and stress less for the mind. The convertible covers allow change of mind set at a low cost.
When special becomes standard
Convertible covers
Nothing is as permanent as change And today changes come even faster and more often as they used to - what works today does not necessary work tomorrow. By adding the convertible covers to the lowest column and feet of your sit stand desk, the oďŹƒce becomes colorful but stays calm for the eye and stress less for the mind. The convertible covers allow change of mind set at a low cost again; and again; and again.
White sit stand desk Pantone colour: Canary
White sit stand desk Pantone colour: Tangarine
White sit stand desk Pantone colour: Scarlet
White sit stand desk Pantone colour: Oxblood
White sit stand desk Pantone colour: Green Tea
White sit stand desk Pantone colour: Sea Moss
White sit stand desk Pantone colour: Nude
White sit stand desk Pantone colour: Coee
Convertible covers
Reduce the noise level at the office The proven low noise level of our pre-assembled sit stand desk has a designed sound that pleases the environment – Now adding rubber covers on the lowest tube & feet and you lower the number of hard surfaces in the office. The reflection of the office-noise reduces even more - Work hard in silence and let success make the noise.
Grey sit stand desk Pantone colour: Canary
Grey sit stand desk Pantone colour: Tangerine
Grey sit stand desk Pantone colour: Dusty
Grey sit stand desk Pantone colour: Navy
Grey sit stand desk Pantone colour: Nude
Grey sit stand desk Pantone colour: Coee
Convertible covers
Sustainable design of sit stand desk When colour change is needed, or you simply want to go back ”nude” on the basic colour of the sit stand desk, the convertible covers can be handed over – or even sold - at recycling centers and re-used for various other purposes. Choose any pantone colour you like…..
Black sit stand desk Pantone colour: Scarlet
Black sit stand desk Pantone colour: Oxblood
Black sit stand desk Pantone colour: Dusty
Black sit stand desk Pantone colour: Navy
Black sit stand desk Pantone colour: Green Tea
Black sit stand desk Pantone colour: Sea Moss
Black sit stand desk Pantone colour: Nude
Black sit stand desk Pantone colour: Coee
Black sit stand desk Pantone colour: Nude
Black sit stand desk Pantone colour: Nude
Choose any pantone colour you like
Choose any pantone colour you like
The best way to predict the future is to create it