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Readers Weekly 3.5 Million HEY, Nationwide! The Neatest Little Paper Read Published by AdVenture Media For Ever Advertising Call (760) 320-0997 Introductory Issue The Neatest Little Paper The Neatest Little Paper Ever Ever ReadRead 3.5 Million Nationwide! Readers Weekly 3.5 Million 3.5 Million 3.5 Million The Neatest Little Paper Ever The Neatest Little Paper Ever ReadRead FREE Readers WeeklyNationwide! of Sacramento Readers Weekly FREE Readers Weekly Published by AdVenture Media For Advertising Call (760) 320-0997 Introductory Issue Readers Weekly FREE Published by AdVenture MediaCall (760) For Advertising CallFREE (760) 320-0997 Issue Nationwide! Published by AdVenture Media For Advertising 320-0997 Introductory Issue Introductory COACHELLA HEY, Nationwide! FREE Nationwide! FREE Nationwide! FREE FREE ALL RIGHTS RESERVED ©2005




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Tidbits Of Trivia By V.B. Darrington

The First Fact and Our Motto

1. PSYCHOLOGY: What is aviatophobia? 2. HOLIDAYS: When did Christmas become a federal holiday in the United States? 3. FOOD & DRINK: What color replaced tan in M&M candies in 1995? 4. ASTRONOMY: Triton is a moon of which planet in our solar system? 5. LITERATURE: Who won the Nobel Prize in Literature in 2007? 6. HISTORY: What startling discovery did Howard Carter make in 1922? 7. MUSIC: Who composed the opera “Tristan and Isolde”? 8. FASHION: When was the first modern brassiere invented? 9. ENTERTAINMENT: What were the names of the five Marx brothers? 10. GAMES: In Monopoly, what color is the Oriental Avenue square?

• “There is much pleasure to be gained from useless knowledge.” –Bertrand Russell

Quick Bits

• The Atlantic and Pacific Oceans are more than 2, 500 miles apart in most of the United States. But in some places in Central America, the world’s two biggest oceans are separated by fewer than 50 miles of land. Panama is the narrowest part of Central America, but there are no mountains in Panama that offer view of both oceans. However, a peak in the neighboring country of Costa Rica, the 11, 325 foot Mount Izaru, is the only point in the world from which you can see both oceans. • It sounds strange to say that rain keeps the earth dry, but that’s exactly what it does. The process that generates precipitation gathers moisture from the air and concentrates it in clouds, which later deposit the water in the form of rains. If this moisture didn’t condense to form rain, then the atmosphere would be unbearably humid. The entire earth would be heavily covered with moisture, and life, as we know it probably couldn’t exist.

It’s Against the Law

• It’s against the law in California to set a trap for a mouse unless you have a hunting license. • In Gary, Indiana, it’s against the law to take a streetcar or go to a theater within four hours after eating garlic.

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A “Pizza Puzzle” Helps Get Chores Done Sometimes little ones get overwhelmed when confronted with a big job -- like picking up a messy room. It may seem easy enough to adults, but to them, well, where do they begin? It’s easier when the tasks are broken up into chunks, and that’s what this activity is all about. Get a job done, but in slices, using this simple pizza puzzle game. Here’s the crafting fun: 1. Take a large plate, preferably 15 inches in diameter, turn it upside down on a piece of poster board or a craft foam sheet, and trace around it. Cut out the circle. Divide the circle into three pieces like pizza slices, and cut them out. 2. Get your child thinking about pizza toppings and then begin to cut out the basic food shapes together from construction paper or craft foam. You might decide on red pepperoni circles, green pepper squiggles and tan mushroom slices. Glue them onto the slices. 3. Cut out the numbers 1, 2 and 3 from construction paper or craft foam, and glue one on each slice. While you are doing this, decide what part of the chore each number will represent. For example, when cleaning a bedroom, the tasks might be put (1) shoes in the closet, (2) clothes in the hamper and (3) books in the basket. 4. Glue a small magnet to the back of each slice. Let dry. Here’s how the game works: Watch your child speed into his room to get started! “Mom, my shoes are in the closet!” he might say as he completes the task. He’ll run into the kitchen to place slice No. 1 on a magnetic bulletin board or refrigerator door. He’ll run back to his room. “Mom, my clothes are in the hamper!” Up goes slice No. 2. “Mom! I put all my books in the basket!” Before you know it, all three pieces of his chore will be done, and an entire yummy pizza will be decorating your kitchen. Of course, by the time he’s finished, he might decide he’s hungry for a slice of pizza. I’d hand him the real thing, though. Extra tip: As your child grows, make an incentive with a few more pieces using a variety of themes. For example, use white poster board and make five snowballs for a snowman, or brown poster board for a chocolate cake. Surprise him with a special reward occasionally when there’s a significant chore to be tackled.

Convert used clothes into money Fundraising couldn't be easier! If you're a school, church or other type of organization, California Clothing Recyclers can change your used clothing, shoes, belts, handbags and stuffed animals into funds for your organization. Convenient pick up Sponsor a collection drive, and California Clothing Recyclers will pick up what you've collected, on the scheduled day, in our trucks. Products are then sent overseas to be re-used in developing countries. A check will be sent to your organization within 2 weeks. Your benefits include: • More money for your organization • Wearable clothing delivered world-wide • Less garbage choking your local landfill Go to and sign up today. Contact Julie Brown 916-225-9138

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Suzi’s Unique Publishing 1. Which is the only majorleague franchise not to win a playoff series? 2. For how many major-league baseball teams did multisport star Deion Sanders play?

3. Only two players in college football history have started four Rose Bowls. Name either one of them. 4. In 2009, the Orlando Magic set an NBA record for most 3-pointers in a game with 23. Which team held the old mark? 5. In 2007-08, Mike Green became the youngest player (22 years old) to lead NHL defensemen in goals for a season since whom? 6. Which school has won the most NCAA team titles in women’s gymnastics? 7. Since golfer Tiger Woods turned pro in August 1996, who are the only PGA players to have won at least three majors?

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More Facts

• Did you ever hear of “American Flag” or “Licorice Lulu”? They’re the names of flavors of chewing gum that were made and sold more than 100 years ago. These gums were made in Maine by two brothers named Curtis. Back in 1848, they began making gum from the sap of spruce trees. It was America’s first chewing gum, and it was packaged under the name of “State of Main Pure Spruce Gum.” • The fighting fish of Siam make their egg nest out of spit and bubbles. • Christopher Columbus is a famous name in U.S. history. But did you ever hear of Bartholomew Columbus? Chris and Bart were brothers. They planned the ocean voyage together, and both traveled about Europe trying to raise money for the trip. But then, Chris got the money he needed and sailed without his brother. No one knows why Bart got left behind. But if he hadn’t, Americans might have a holiday called “Columbus’s Day.” • A baby sea lion cannot swim from birth. It has to be taught by its mother. • Ants sometimes get drunk. This happens when ants drink nectar from the bodies of certain beetles. Then, “undrunk” ants carry a drunken ant to some water and toss it in. The drunken ant sobers up quickly after his dunking. • Guinea pigs did not originate in Guinea, nor are they members of the pig family. • There are full-grown sharks that measure only five inches long.

No Stud Finder? No Problem Q: I’m planning to hang some pictures around my new apartment, but a friend told me I need to be sure to locate the studs in the wall first. I know these are the vertical boards behind the wall, but I’m not sure how to find them. Do I need to buy some kind of special equipment? -- Jamie, via email A: You could buy an electronic stud finder at your nearest home-improvement store, but if you don’t want to shell out $20 or more for a one-time picture hanging project, you can learn to locate wall studs without help. And if you still can’t locate the studs, or just want the extra assurance, you can go ahead and buy a stud finder (preferably one that also has a built-in laser level, which is very convenient). Studs are usually spaced about 16 inches apart. This varies, however. Above doors and windows, studs may be doubled or tripled up to support a heavier load. But along a wall, they’re pretty evenly spaced apart. That’s helpful to know once you’ve located a stud, because you have an idea how much space is open on either side. Studs are always located in specific areas: in each corner of a room, on either side of the window frame, and on either side of the doorframe. They also are typically next to light switches and outlets (a couple inches to the left or right) because electricians often attach the fixture’s box to the side of a stud. I say “often” and “typically,” because every once in awhile an outlet is just set into the drywall. You can combine a couple of low-tech methods to locate the rough position of wall studs. The first is to simply tap the wall and listen. First tap on the location of a known stud (the corner, for example). Then tap the wall a few inches to the right or left. You should hear a hollow sound away from the stud. The area of the wall that has a stud should sound solid. The second method is to measure 16 inches from the known stud. Tap the wall at the end of the tape; if it sounds solid rather than hollow, you know you’re at another stud. Because you’re hanging pictures, and I’m assuming relatively light ones, it’s more important for you to locate the spaces between the studs, rather than the precise width and location of each stud. (If you are hanging really large, heavy frames, the studs play a more important role.) Once you’ve got a general location for the studs, you can measure and mark the spots where you want to hang pictures.

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Facts You Need to Know

• If all the eggs of a female fly hatched, she would be the mother of 131,000,000,000,000,000,000 baby flies in six months.

“The Darkest Part of the Forest” by Holly Black (Little, Brown Books for Young Readers, $18) Reviewed by Ealish Waddell For generations, the horned boy has lain in his glass coffin deep in the woods outside Fairfold. The townspeople party around him and tourists come to gawk and take selfies, but nothing ever rouses him from his enchanted sleep. Hazel and her brother Ben have each grown up at least half in love with the horned boy and the magic and mystery he represents, even though they know quite well just how dangerous such things can be -- for Fairfold is a town living an uneasy truce with the magical beings that dwell all around it, and not all the Fair Folk are benign. Hazel and Ben always wanted to be heroes. With her sword and his music, they’ve already vanquished several bad fae between them. But time and tragedy have worn away at their ambition, if not their bond. Then, one autumn day, the horned boy wakes up. Unlike the gentle prince of their romantic daydreams, this boy is a dangerous stranger, on the run from the malevolent Alderking. A terrifying monster is stalking him and the town, and desperate for a scapegoat, Fairfold is turning on its own. The truce is breaking down. In order to save their friends and family, Hazel and Ben must become those long-ago heroes again and confront the secrets they’ve been keeping from each other -- and, especially, the ones they’re keeping from themselves. Holly Black has a knack for depicting the kind of world that the reader yearns to be a part of, and yet is also rather grateful not to be. Her fairies are the deliciously creepy kind: inscrutable, amoral, alluring, dangerous. Pairing this ancient tradition with modern human relationships that are complex yet relatable, “Forest” is a satisfying work of standalone urban fantasy: rich, bold and thoroughly compelling.

• Once U.S. President Theodore “Teddy” Roosevelt was on a hunting trip in Mississippi. One day a bear cub was brought into camp for the president to shoot. Roosevelt refused. Because of Teddy Roosevelt’s liking for the bear cub, toy bears are called “Teddy Bears” to this day. • America bought Alaska from the Russians for two cents an acre. •

Francis Scott Key composed the words to “The Star Spangled Banner” on the back of an envelope.

• Since serving soda water on Sundays was against the law in the 1800s in most U.S. towns, some drugstore owners could not serve ice cream sodas. Instead, they served a concoction with ice cream, nuts, fruit, and syrup but no soda water. These “sundaes” on Sunday became so popular that they were soon served every day of the week. • The motto of the famous Pinkerton Detective Agency is: “We Never Sleep, “And that motto is printed over a picture of an open eye. That’s why private detectives are referred to as “Private Eyes.”

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SCSEP) helps make connections between older adults and

dates to fill vacant positions with no cost or risk to the employer.

ate onear, AARP ilable hat have e.

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• In a single summer afternoon in 1935, Jesse Owens broke four world records! He set or tied marks in the 100-yard dash, the 220-yard hurdles, the 220-yard dash and the broad jump. Since then all of Jesse Owens’ records have been bettered, but never has another athlete broken four records in a single day.

s Senior Community Service Employment Program has been

rkers, ition n offer ure the

iNteresteD? Contact your local SCSEP Office to get started.

• A huge diamond of tremendous carat weight was taken to the finest cutter in Amsterdam. The entire value of the stone depended almost completely on the first cut. Needless to say, the diamond cutter felt the tremendous pressure of his task and spent a full month examining the stone to determine its natural cleavage. Finally, the moment of truth arrived, and the diamond cutter raised his mallet to crack the massive diamond. But when his cleaver hit the stone, the cleaver itself broke into two pieces. After collecting his wits again, the master cutter struck the stone again, and was rewarded when the stone split perfectly. He was so relieved he fainted on the floor.

ATTENTION BUSINESS OWNERS Employment – Age 55+ in Sacramento Are you looking for skilled, talented, reliable and experienced employees? Why not consider the “Baby Boomer” generation? Seniors are choosing to stay in the marketplace and can offer a multitude of seasoned skills and positive attitudes to brighten and encourage productive work days. Business owners everywhere can benefit from the expertise a seasoned employee can provide to increase the bottom line of success.

• Bulldogging is a popular rodeo event. In it, a cowboy on horseback chases after a steer. He then jumps from his horse, grabs the steer by the horns and tries to wrestle the steer to the ground. But where did bulldogging get its name? One story claims that a famous cowboy Bill Pickett invented bulldogging. History says that Pickett used to grab his steer by the horns, and then he would bite the upper lip of the animal, letting go with his hands just like a bulldog. • The famed Pony Express was an abject financial failure. It was in existence for only two years.

You may not be aware, but there is a dynamic resource for you to “try out” a potential employee at no cost or liability to you. During this trial period, the potential employee wages and Workers’ Compensation insurance would be covered under AARP Foundation’s local Senior Community Service Employment Program (SCSEP). The program has an office in Sacramento and is ready to serve you. Tracy Alexander, Project Director for the Sacramento nonprofit Senior Community Service Employment Program (SCSEP) provides a service to place local senior into available employment opportunities. This is a win-win for both the employer and potential employee. For details, please contact Tracy Alexander, Project Director at your local Sacramento SCSEP office to participate in this great opportunity. She can be reached at 916-483-5991 or

this has kept me from getting many illnesses this past season.” -- F.D. in North Carolina (c) 2009 King Features Synd., Inc.

• When frosting a cake, put a dollop of frosting in the middle of the serving plate, and then invert your cake onto it. It will keep the cake from sliding around while you frost.

• Keep your outdoor hardwood furniture (teak, acacia, etc.) looking its best by cleaning and oiling it once per year. Liberally apply oil made for wood with a clean rag, then use another rag to wipe off any excess. It’s a simple thing that can make a big difference.

• “I try to keep a clean plastic no-spill cup in the car for each of my kids at all times. They don’t always remember to bring a drink, and we can fill them at water fountains when we unexpectedly visit the park or other fun places.” -- K.R. in Nevada

• “When I replaced the towel rack in our bathroom, my husband decided to keep the old one for his shop. He put several ‘S’ hooks on it, and stores all manner of tools and supplies on it.” -- M.W. in Michigan

• “I purchased a small misting spray bottle from the travel-items section of my local drugstore. I filled it with rubbing alcohol, and keep it on my desk at work. I use a tissue and the alcohol to clean my phone and keyboard regularly. I believe

• “Save the plastic cups from pudding and yogurt. You can refill them at a fraction of the cost by making a box mix. Cover the top with plastic wrap secured with a small rubber band.” -- A Reader, via e-mail

Almond Crunch Coffee Cake Knowing this special breakfast treat is waiting makes it worth crawling out of a warm bed on a cold winter morn. Prepare it the night before and warm it up in the microwave, and it will be ready before your eyes are wide open! 1 1/2 cups reduced-fat baking mix Sugar substitute to equal 1/4 cup, suitable for baking 2/3 cup fat-free milk 2 tablespoons fat-free sour cream 1 egg or equivalent in egg substitute 1 teaspoon almond extract 1/4 cup chopped almonds 1. Preheat oven to 375 F. Spray a 9-inch round cake pan with butter-flavored cooking spray. 2. In a large bowl, combine baking mix and sugar substitute. Add milk, sour cream, egg and almond extract. Mix gently just to combine. Spread batter in prepared cake pan. Evenly sprinkle almonds over top. Lightly spray top with butter-flavored cooking spray. 3. Bake for 20 to 25 minutes or until a toothpick inserted in center comes out clean. Place cake pan on a wire rack and let set for at least 15 minutes. Cut into 8 wedges. • Each serving equals: 124 calories, 4g fat, 4g protein, 18g carb., 285mg sodium, 1g fiber; Diabetic Exchanges: 1 Starch, 1/2 Fat. (c) 2011 King Features Synd. Inc.

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To Your Good Health By Keith Roach, M.D.

Patient Fights Doctor’s Advice DEAR DR. ROACH: I am 95 now and take no medications. My primary-care doctor wants me to take aspirin, even just the baby aspirin, twice a week. Some of the supplements I take do have blood-thinning characteristics, and for that reason I am fighting the aspirin recommendation. In general, is it OK to refuse the recommendation of one’s doctor? -- F.V. ANSWER: It is your body, and you have every right to make decisions about your treatment. However, you should be very circumspect about overruling your doctor, and you should be doing so for very good reasons. Your doctor has the obligation to tell you why he or she is recommend-

ing a treatment and what the downsides are from not taking it. You, on the other hand, are obliged to tell your doctor the truth. In your case, it sounds like you don’t want to take the aspirin because you feel the supplements you are taking have a similar effect to aspirin. Very few supplements, if any, have been studied as well as aspirin has. Aspirin has a clear risk of side effects, especially bleeding, but most evidence shows that it reduces the risk of heart attack more than it increases the risk of bleeding. It also might reduce cancer risk. The higher the risk of heart disease, the better aspirin is, in terms of risks versus benefits. At 95, your risk for heart attack is higher than a 50-year-old’s, and so it would be expected to have more benefit than harm. So while I agree with your doctor to take it, I also respect your decision not to. Be sure you discuss your supplements with your doctor. *** DEAR DR. ROACH: I have had stomach pain on my lower left side for several months. Other symptoms include occasional heartburn, bloating and almost constant burping. My doctor is treating it with metronidazole, clarithromycin and omeprazole. Could these be symptoms of stomach cancer? -- D.W.

ANSWER: Abdominal pain, heartburn and belching are nonspecific symptoms that can be associated with many conditions. The most common would be GERD (gastro-esophageal reflux disease), gastritis and stomach ulcer. The combination of medications your doctor is treating you with is for the bacteria H. pylori, which can cause gastritis and ulcers. Eradication of the infection, which is very common, can heal ulcers and relieve symptoms. H. pylori can be diagnosed definitively by a breath test or a stool test, or by biopsy of the stomach. A blood test shows evidence of old infection, but it isn’t completely accurate. Stomach cancer has vague symptoms as well, and requires a high degree of suspicion. Stomach symptoms that don’t improve with treatment, or that have worrisome features like weight loss, early satiety (the feeling of being full after eating only a small amount of food) or bleeding should cause the doctor to consider an endoscopy to look at the stomach. New onset of symptoms in someone over 55 also should be considered for endoscopy. Treatment of H. pylori may reduce future risk of gastric cancer (that’s stomach cancer).

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Tidbits Galore (continued)

• If you were asked where the tallest pyramid on earth is located, would you answer San Francisco? The huge pyramid-shaped skyscraper that dominates the Bay-area skyline exceeds even the massive height of the pyramids in Egypt.

• It was American author, playwright, screenwriter and political activist Gore Vidal who made the following sage observation: “Any American who is prepared to run for president should automatically, by definition, be disqualified from ever doing so.” • The next time you get a chance, you might want to check the pressure of your car’s tires; if they’re not inflated to the correct pressure, you’re contributing to the $9 million in fuel that is wasted due to improper tire pressure, according to the Department of Energy. • If you ever go to Rome, one of the sights that must be seen is the Trevi Fountain, the elaborate Baroque installment that was completed in 1762. According to legend, anyone who throws a coin in the fountain is ensured a return visit to Rome. This is, evidently, a popular tradition; every night approximately $3,500 is retrieved from the fountain. The money is used to fund a supermarket for the city’s needy. • In this era of ubiquitous technology and instant communication through e-mail and text message, the average American still receives 1.5 personal letters each week. Of course, you have to weigh that against the 10.8 pieces of junk mail that arrive on a weekly basis. • Due to the rising prices of the materials used to mint coins, it now costs 2 cents to manufacture every penny and 9 cents to make a nickel. • In 2006, an Illinois police officer was arrested for driving under the influence of alcohol. This probably would not be noteworthy, except that it was the same police officer who received an award for making the most DUI arrests in his county.

1. The Texas Rangers have lost all three of their playoff series. 2. Four -- New York Yankees, Atlanta, Cincinnati and San Francisco. 3. Running back Archie Griffin of Ohio State and linebacker Brian Cushing of Southern Cal. 4. Toronto hit 21 3-pointers in 2005. 5. Paul Coffey was 20 when he did it in the 1981-82 season. 6. The University of Georgia, with 10. 7. Phil Mickelson (four majors), Padraig Harrington (three) and Vijay Singh (three).

• The workers at a bakery in Connecticut used to play a game at lunchtime. They would play catch with a tin pie plate from the local bakery. The game became so popular that the idea was picked up commercially. Soon the disks were copied in plastic and embossed with the name of the pie company, “Frisbee.” • The kangaroo got its name from Captain James Cook. When the English explorer was in Australia, he asked a native what the name of the strange, jumping animals was. The native replied, “Kangaroo.” In his language it meant, “I don’t know.” • Most baseball players don’t like being booed by people watching them play. But John “Boog” Powell of the Baltimore Orioles said he didn’t mind being booed. “After all,” said Powell, “a boo is just three quarters of a Boog.” • You probably know that a group of bees is called a swarm, and a group of cattle is called a herd. But did you know that a group of elks is called a gang? And did you know that several leopards are known as a leap? Other animal group names include a band of gorillas, a clowder (or a clutter) of cats, a knot of toads, a gaggle of geese and a pride of lions.

The Final Fact

• India Ink originally came from China.

• On Feb. 11, 1805, Sacagawea, the Shoshone Indian interpreter and guide to the Lewis and Clark expedition, gives birth to her first child, Jean Baptiste Charbonneau, two months before the trek begins. The baby, nicknamed Pompey, went on the expedition, carried on his mother’s back. Clark paid for Pompey’s education when the boy grew up. • On Feb. 14, 1842, fans of Charles Dickens organize the Boz Ball, an elite party for the celebrated English writer during his first trip to America. (Dickens’ earliest works had been published under the pseudonym Boz.) Only members of New York’s aristocracy were invited. • On Feb. 15, 1903, toy-store owner and inventor Morris Michtom places two stuffed bears in his shop window in Brooklyn, advertising them as Teddy bears. Michtom had earlier petitioned President Theodore Roosevelt for permission to use his nickname, Teddy. The president agreed. • On Feb. 12, 1938, best-selling author Judy Blume, known for her children’s books and young-adult novels, including “Tales of a Fourth Grade Nothing” and “Are You There God? It’s Me, Margaret,” is born in Elizabeth, New Jersey. Blume’s books have been beloved by several generations of readers. • On Feb. 9, 1960, Adolph Coors disappears while driving to work from his Morrison, Colorado, home. The grandson of the Coors’ founder and chairman of the Golden, Colorado, brewery was kidnapped and held for ransom before being shot to death. • On Feb. 13, 1991, Sotheby’s announces the discovery of a long-lost manuscript of “Huckleberry Finn” by Mark Twain. The manuscript was the first half of Twain’s original version, heavily corrected in his handwriting, which had been missing for more than a century.

1. Fear of flying 2. In 1870 3. Blue 4. Neptune 5. Doris Lessing 6. Tutankhamun’s Tomb 7. Richard Wagner 8. 1913, by socialite Mary Phelps Jacob 9. Groucho, Chico, Harpo, Gummo and Zeppo 10. Light blue

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