Burning UP! phaseII
([string]$fileName,bUrning_UP [string]$outFileName, [string] $name, [string]$value) { # Load the config file up in memory [xml]$a = get-content $fileName; # Find the cennection string to change $a.configuration.connectionstrings.selectsinglenode("add[@name='" + $name + "']") .connectionString = $value
# Write it out to the new file Format-XML $a | out-file $outFileName } function Set-ApplicationSetting ([string]$fileName, [string]$outFileName, [string]$name, [string] $value) { I'll give you one for free.... #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> int main(void) { printf("Hello World\n"); return EXIT_SUCCESS; } # Load the config file up in memory [xml]$a = get-content $fileName; # Find the app settings item to change $a.configuration.appSettings.selectsinglenode("add[@key='" + $name + "']").value = $value # Write it out to the new file Format-XML $a | out-file $outFileName } function Format-XML ([xml]$xml, $indent=2) { $StringWriter = New-Object System.IO.StringWriter $XmlWriter = New-Object System.XMl.XmlTextWriter $StringWriter $xmlWriter.Formatting = "indented" $xmlWriter.Indentation = $Indent $xml.WriteContentTo($XmlWriter) $XmlWriter.Flush()
$StringWriter.Flush() Write-Output $StringWriter.ToString() } param([string]$propertyFile) $workDir = Get-Location . $workDir\Xml-Config.ps1 . $workDir\$propertyFile.ps1 HN = 1/1 + 1/2 + 1/3 + 1/4 + ... + 1/N # Change the connection string Set-ConnectionString "web.config" "FMS_DB" $connectionString # Change the app setting for the path to the backups Set-ApplicationSetting "web.config" "DatabaseBackupRoot" $backupPath [string]$connectionString = "Data Source=(local); Database=FMS_TST; Integrated Security=true;" [string]$backupPath = "c:\data\test" a. for (i = 0, j = 0; i < 10; i++) j += i; b. for (i = 0, j = 1; i < 10; i++) j += j; c. for (j = 0; j < 10; j++) j += j; d. for (i = 0, j = 0; i < 10; i++) j += j++; e. if (a > b) then c = 0; f. if a > b { c = 0; } g. if (a > b) c = 0; h. if (a > b) c = 0 else b = 0 bUrning_UP< 1#z00f07> gh; (define (try-depending-on-type pattern dictionary-list assertions) (cond ((eq? (car pattern) 'and) (do-and-clauses (cdr pattern) dictionary-list assertions)) ((eq? (car pattern) 'or) (do-or-clauses (cdr pattern) dictionary-list assertions)) ((eq? (car pattern) 'dont-keep) (use-dont-keep-proc (cdr pattern) dictionary-list)) (else (check-assertions-for-each-dictionary pattern dictionary-list assertions))))
(define (do-and-clauses clauses dictionary-list assertions) (if (null? clauses) dictionary-list (do-and-clauses (cdr clauses) (try-depending-on-type (car clauses) dictionary-list assertions) assertions))) (define (do-or-clauses clauses dictionary-list assertions) (if (null? clauses) '() (append (do-or-clauses (cdr clause) dictionary-list assertions) (try-depending-on-type (car clauses) dictionary-list assertions)))) (define (use-dont-keep-proc clause dictionary-list) (let ((dont-keep-proc (car clause)) (clause-variables (cdr clause))) (throw-away (lambda (dictionary) (apply dont-keep-proc (get-list-of-values clause-variables dictionary))) dictionary-list))) (define (get-list-of-values list-of-variables dictionary) (map (lambda (var) (get-value var dictionary)) list-of-variables)) (define (get-value variable dictionary) (let ((vname (variable-name variable))) (let ((dictionary-entry (assq vname dictionary))) (if (not dictionary-entry) '() (cadr dictionary-entry))))) (define (try-all-assertions pattern assertion-list starting-dictionary)
(throw-away (lambda (dictionary) (eq? dictionary 'failed)) (map (lambda (assertion) (match pattern assertion starting-dictionary)) assertion-list))) (define (check-assertions-for-each-dictionary pattern dictionary-list assertions) (map-append (lambda (dictionary) (try-all-assertions pattern assertions dictionary)) dictionary-list)) (define (map-append procedure lst) (if (null? lst) '() (append (procedure (car lst)) (map-append procedure (cdr lst))))) (define (throw-away predicate lst) (cond ((null? lst) '()) ((predicate (car lst)) (throw-away predicate (cdr lst))) (else (cons (car lst) (throw-away predicate (cdr lst)))))) (define (extend-dictionary variable expression dictionary) (let ((vname (variable-name variable))) (let ((v (assq vname dictionary))) (cond ((not v) (cons (list vname expression) dictionary)) ((equal? (cadr v) expression) dictionary) (else 'failed))))) (define (match pattern expression dictionary) (cond ((eq? dictionary 'failed) 'failed) ((atom? pattern) (if (eqv? expression pattern) dictionary 'failed)) ((null? expression) 'failed) ((variable? pattern) (extend-dictionary pattern expression dictionary))
((atom? expression) 'failed) (else (match (cdr pattern) (cdr expression) (match (car pattern) (car expression) dictionary))))) (define (variable? pattern) (eq? (car pattern) '?v)) (define variable-name cadr) ;(define (atom? x) ; (not (pair? x))) (define (try pattern) (try-depending-on-type pattern (list '()) *the-assertions*)) (try `(and (plays (?v person) quitar) (group (?v person) (?v group)) (dont-keep ,(freeway-chase (g) (eq? g 'genesis)) (?v group))))
Modified: trunk/code/qcommon/common.c trunk/code/qcommon/q_platform.h trunk/code/unix/unix_main.c Log: * Centralise architecture defines in q_platform.h
Modified: trunk/code/qcommon/common.c ======================================================== =========== --- trunk/code/qcommon/common.c 2005-11-05 00:00:47 UTC (rev 272) +++ trunk/code/qcommon/common.c 2005-11-05 00:29:40 UTC (rev 273) @@ -2348,7 +2348,7 @@ void Com_Init( char *commandLine ) { char *s;
Com_Printf( "%s %s %s\n", Q3_VERSION, CPUSTRING, __DATE__ ); + Com_Printf( "%s %s %s\n", Q3_VERSION, PLATFORM_STRING, __DATE__ ); if ( setjmp (abortframe) ) { Sys_Error ("Error during initialization"); @@ -2455,7 +2455,7 @@ Cmd_AddCommand ("changeVectors", MSG_ReportChangeVectors_f ); Cmd_AddCommand ("writeconfig", Com_WriteConfig_f ); s = va("%s %s %s", Q3_VERSION, CPUSTRING, __DATE__ ); + s = va("%s %s %s", Q3_VERSION, PLATFORM_STRING, __DATE__ ); com_version = Cvar_Get ("version", s, CVAR_ROM | CVAR_SERVERINFO ); Sys_Init(); Modified: trunk/code/qcommon/q_platform.h ======================================================== =========== --- trunk/code/qcommon/q_platform.h 2005-11-05 00:00:47 UTC (rev 272) +++ trunk/code/qcommon/q_platform.h 2005-11-05 00:29:40 UTC (rev 273) @@ -71,33 +71,31 @@ #undef QDECL #define QDECL __cdecl -// buildstring will be incorporated into the version string #ifdef _MSC_VER -#ifdef NDEBUG +#define OS_STRING "win_msvc" + #ifdef _M_IX86 -#define CPUSTRING "win-x86"
+#define ARCH_STRING "x86" #elif defined _M_ALPHA -#define CPUSTRING "win-AXP" -#endif +#define ARCH_STRING "AXP" #else -#ifdef _M_IX86 -#define CPUSTRING "win-x86-debug" -#elif defined _M_ALPHA -#define CPUSTRING "win-AXP-debug" +#error "Unsupported architecture" #endif -#endif + #elif defined __MINGW32__ -#ifdef NDEBUG +#define OS_STRING "win_mingw" + #ifdef __i386__ -#define CPUSTRING "mingw-x86" +#define ARCH_STRING "x86" +#else +#error "Unsupported architecture" #endif + #else -#ifdef __i386__ -#define CPUSTRING "mingw-x86-debug" +#error "Unsupported compiler" #endif -#endif -#endif + #define ID_INLINE __inline static ID_INLINE short BigShort( short l) { return ShortSwap(l); } @@ -120,12 +118,14 @@ #define stricmp strcasecmp
#define ID_INLINE inline +#define OS_STRING "macosx" + #ifdef __ppc__ -#define CPUSTRING "MacOSX-ppc" +#define ARCH_STRING "ppc" #elif defined __i386__ -#define CPUSTRING "MacOSX-i386" +#define ARCH_STRING "i386" #else -#define CPUSTRING "MacOSX-other" +#error "Unsupported architecture" #endif #define PATH_SEP '/' @@ -174,7 +174,8 @@ #include <MacTypes.h> #define ID_INLINE inline -#define CPUSTRING "MacOS-PPC" +#define OS_STRING "macos" +#define ARCH_STRING "ppc" #define PATH_SEP ':' @@ -200,24 +201,38 @@ #define ID_INLINE inline -#ifdef __i386__ -#define CPUSTRING "linux-i386" -#elif defined __axp__ -#define CPUSTRING "linux-alpha" +#define OS_STRING "linux" + Cmd_AddCommand ("in_restart", Sys_In_Restart_f); -#if defined __linux__
-# if defined __i386__ - Cvar_Set( "arch", "linux i386" ); -# elif defined __x86_64__ - Cvar_Set( "arch", "linux x86_64" ); -# elif defined __powerpc64__ - Cvar_Set( "arch", "linux ppc64" ); -# elif defined __powerpc__ - Cvar_Set( "arch", "linux ppc" ); -# elif defined __s390__ - Cvar_Set( "arch", "linux s390" ); -# elif defined __s390x__ - Cvar_Set( "arch", "linux s390x" ); -# elif defined __ia64__ - Cvar_Set( "arch", "linux ia64" ); -# elif defined __alpha__ - Cvar_Set( "arch", "linux alpha" ); -# elif defined __sparc__ - Cvar_Set( "arch", "linux sparc" ); -# elif defined __arm__ - Cvar_Set( "arch", "linux arm" ); -# elif defined __cris__ - Cvar_Set( "arch", "linux cris" ); -# elif defined __hppa__ - Cvar_Set( "arch", "linux hppa" ); -# elif defined __mips__ - Cvar_Set( "arch", "linux mips" ); -# elif defined __sh__ - Cvar_Set( "arch", "linux sh" ); -# else -# error unsupported architecture -#endif + Cvar_Set( "arch", OS_STRING " " ARCH_STRING ); -#elif defined __FreeBSD__ -#if defined __i386__ // FreeBSD - Cvar_Set( "arch", "freebsd i386" ); -#elif defined __alpha__ - Cvar_Set( "arch", "freebsd alpha" );
-#else - Cvar_Set( "arch", "freebsd unknown" ); -#endif -#elif defined(__sun) -#if defined __i386__ - Cvar_Set( "arch", "solaris x86" ); -#elif defined __sparc__ - Cvar_Set( "arch", "solaris sparc" ); -#else - Cvar_Set( "arch", "solaris unknown" ); -#endif -#elif defined __sgi__ -#if defined __mips__ - Cvar_Set( "arch", "sgi mips" ); -#else - Cvar_Set( "arch", "sgi unknown" ); -#endif -#else - Cvar_Set( "arch", "unknown" ); -#endif Cvar_Set( "username", Sys_GetCurrentUser() ); //IN_Init(); // rcg08312005 moved into glimp. @@ -779,37 +721,7 @@ assert( name ); getcwd(curpath, sizeof(curpath)); -#if defined __i386__ - snprintf (fname, sizeof(fname), "%si386.so", name); -#elif defined __x86_64__ - snprintf (fname, sizeof(fname), "%sx86_64.so", name); -#elif defined __powerpc64__ - snprintf (fname, sizeof(fname), "%sppc64.so", name); -#elif defined __powerpc__ //rcg010207 - PPC support. - snprintf (fname, sizeof(fname), "%sppc.so", name); -#elif defined __s390__ - snprintf (fname, sizeof(fname), "%ss390.so", name); -#elif defined __s390x__
- snprintf (fname, sizeof(fname), "%ss390x.so", name); -#elif defined __ia64__ - snprintf (fname, sizeof(fname), "%sia64.so", name); -#elif defined __alpha__ - snprintf (fname, sizeof(fname), "%saxp.so", name); -#elif defined __mips__ - snprintf (fname, sizeof(fname), "%smips.so", name); -#elif defined __arm__ - snprintf (fname, sizeof(fname), "%sarm.so", name); -#elif defined __cris__ - snprintf (fname, sizeof(fname), "%scris.so", name); -#elif defined __hppa__ - snprintf (fname, sizeof(fname), "%shppa.so", name); -#elif defined __sh__ - snprintf (fname, sizeof(fname), "%ssh.so", name); -#elif defined __sparc__ - snprintf (fname, sizeof(fname), "%ssparc.so", name); -#else -#error Unknown arch -#endif + snprintf (fname, sizeof(fname), "%s" ARCH_STRING ".so", name); // TODO: use fs_searchpaths from files.c pwdpath = Sys_Cwd();
Burning Up Environment Burning up:because it proved that gameplay and story can make a financially successful RPG in the age of the dawn of obsession with 3d graphics, because it proved that brand new gameplay mechanics (i.e. the SPECIAL system) can be far superior to existing D&D systems slavishly adhered to by less adventurous developers. In short, because it innovated in all the areas that make a game different from its counterparts and sold enough copies to warrant a sequel!
Burning up- this rpg really has everything a great rpg needs: incredibly robust player character development, not just combat skills; great original story and setting, not just another rpg with elves and orcs; a great turn based combat system for people who like to think, but yet has some of the most rewarding critical death animations that rival any game, not just rpgs; a rich world full of interesting npc characters, enemies and places; functional UI, and great character dialogue system; because the game was open ended and the character development was really deep, it is actually replayable more than 3 times.
Burning up- simply because it was the first RPG that offered you realistic choices in a believable environment: YOU made the story and it looked REAL.
Burning up: the first open ended RPG, with a unique atmosphere, visual style, characters and plot. It allowed you to play whatever type of character you wanted-and is one of rare games truly deserving the title of a "Role-playing game". Burning up, because of the quantity of possibilities it offered to the player : for the first time, you were really "role playing" ; I mean playing the role of someone else, in an whole graphically developed universe. The best video role-play experience ever, both in gaming design and in a technical point of view.