2 minute read

Statement by The Chairman re Veterans Day Cancellation




Having deliberated very carefully within the Royal Green Jackets Council it is with much regret that I announce the cancellation of the Royal Green Jackets Reunion on 11 July 2020 at Sir John Moore Barracks, Winchester.

Planning for next year’s Reunion, probably on 10 July 2021, is already underway so please pencil that date in your diary now. Details will be confirmed in due course.

There were a number of reasons for taking the decision to cancel our reunion early.

1. It looks as though the effects of Coronavirus are going to last for months, rather than weeks, most of those who attend are “at risk” or close to being so and our numbers usually exceed 500. By holding the event we would be likely to break Government guidelines and our first priority must be to protect the health of our members.

2. The cost of the event to the Association is nearly £50k and we have already paid out a couple of deposits which we are now likely to lose. To be fair to our contractors, the sooner we give notice the better. and Peninsular Barracks (including the RGJ Museum).

5. Many Riflemen need to make travel arrangements and book accommodation. The sooner their requirements can be clarified the better.

We therefore made a Swift and Bold decision, to cancel.

So far, the Northern Ireland Veteran Association’s Commemoration at the National Memorial Arboretum is still planned for 12 September this year. Several RGJA Branches arrange transport to this event, it is a great opportunity for Riflemen to get together and there is always a good reception hosted by CE Branch after the parade. Please put that date in your diary. We will all be in need of some comradeship by then.

Colonel Carron Snagge OBE DL Chairman The Royal Green Jackets Association

3. Usually we fund a large portion of the expenditure from our well invested capital portfolio. This year our capital investments have already suffered very significant losses (+34%) and the prospect of further loses is very likely. Committing ourselves to liquidise assets this Spring/ Summer to fund the reunion would not be in the long-term interests of the financial security of the Association.

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