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London Branch report

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In Memoriam 2018

In Memoriam 2018


Having completed a full and varied programme of events in 2017 in comparison to


previous years 2018 was a slow start except for the Secretary Gary Driscoll, Mac McDonald and Ian Weatherley representing the Royal Green Jackets Association in

St Paul’s Cathedral at the memorial service for Sir John Moore. It was to mark the 209 th

anniversary, of the death of Sir John Moore (Nov 1761- Jan 1809) at the Battle of Corunna, Northern Spain, and commemorated on 18 th

January. It took place

after Evensong, at the Sir John Moore memorial in St Paul’s Cathedral in London. Soldiers from 4 Rifles carried out a wreath laying ceremony and buglers from the Buglers Association of the Light Division sounded the Last Post and Reveille.

Anyone who has never been to Evensong in St Paul’s should make the effort as it is quite a memorable experience. All serving and former Riflemen, Regimental Association members, their families and friends are all welcome to attend Evensong. The St Paul’s authorities normally reserve special seats in the nave for the Rifles party. Ten members of the London Branch attended and it is hoped that more will attend next year.

February began with our first function a Black Button Club at Chelsea Hospital, not only was it a gathering for members but also an opportunity to re-establish contact with our members who reside at the Hospital after their Christmas break.

We also welcomed a recently joined member, Fred Boomer-Hawkins, who has settled in and is very active. The evening was a great success with a large turnout of members and wives who mingled not only with our own Pensioners but a great many other’s present.

The next event of the year was the Branch’s Ladies Dinner Night, there had been a great many changes imposed on the arrangements because of ongoing renovations to the Victory Services Club that impacted on the evening. Even after so some very active action behind the scenes by the Committee a seamless transformation took places that produced once again an outstanding evening. Each year we assume that we have max out attendance but once again this year we exceeded last year’s attendance with over one hundred members attending. At the last moment, we thought the weather would impact on the evening but members from Devon and Norfolk braved the storms and all that had reserved a place were catered for and on parade.

The pre-reception drinks and warm up session took place in the Trafalgar Rooms until the dinner call was sounded. After an excellent meal with plenty of wine we sat back and listened to the Bugles sound regimental marches finishing with High on the Hill. In the opinion of those present it was a resounding success and the two buglers Mr P Tresadern and Mr S Vaughen must be congratulated. It is without doubt that we will book them again in future. This year we did not seek the services of a Regimental band but used a selection of musical CD’s of former regimental bands as background music accompanied by a screen film show of the Branches activities throughout the year that everyone could view.

The formal part of the evening was completed with a short thank you speech by the Secretary to all those who had assisted in the preparation for the evening. The President then followed with his “State of the

Nation” address stating that he was pleased to say the Branch was in good health with an increase in membership and that we remained financial sound, he stated that even with an increase of functions there had been an increase in those taking part for which he thanked them for their continued support.

The annual Pilgrimage in support of the QVR/KRRC/RB Memorial Service held at Calais in May was well attended, not only was there a substantial number who travelled on the coach provided but also a small party who made their own way under private arrangements. The numbers attending had increased this year with many relatives and a very welcomed presence from 4 and 7 Rifles with Buglers swelling the numbers. A long day with early departure from London and a late Ferry trip home but well worth the effort.

It will be interesting to see what the future brings with regards to this annual event with the demise of the last few remaining Riflemen who fought at Calais

The annual Veterans Lunch held at Mark Masons Hall, St James was once again very well attended and proved to be very popular with Members. There were a few new recently joined new Members who attended and several other guests who were made most welcomed.

Members congregated in the bar for pre - lunch drinks and had time to renew friendships from the past. An excellent buffet carvery was provided with an abundance of choices helped on its way with liberal amounts of alcohol. The Secretary reminded those present of forthcoming events and mentioned that one of our members would be appearing on the television “Pointless” in the near future, with a rider that if he is successful the Branch would receive a percentage of the winnings.

The President addressed those present and thanked them for attending he also mentioned that there was still places available for members to attended the 100 years’ anniversary ceremony at Menin Gate, Ypres. This is an RBL event and the London Branch has been invited to lay wreaths for the Royal Green Jackets Association

The lunch was concluded with a raffle that raised money for the Branch’s Charity which proved to be very generously supported by those present. Some retired to the Union Jack Club to continue the movement but the majority made their way home after a very satisfying lunch.

The London Branch annual wreath laying ceremony for The Regimental Band Memorial at Regents Park, took place on Sunday 22 nd

July. It was extremely well attended. This event is now firmly established in the Branch’s calendar even though the format changes

each year. The gathering was blessed with buglers from the Buglers Association and Jim Page who is a Royal British Legion Standard Bearer from the Romford Legion as well as a member of the London Branch.

The ceremony attracted many spectators including the very special lady who attends each year and who was there when the dreadful act took place. On completion, the Branch Members retired to a local retreat for lunch and a few drinks.

This year’s Parade commemorated the 35 th

Anniversary of the terrorist bombing which happened on the 20 th

July 1982 at the Regents Park bandstand. While the regimental band of the 1 st

Battalion Royal Green

Jackets, were playing a lunch time concert for the public, the following bandsmen were killed…

Warrant Officer II Graham Barker, Serjeant Robert ‘Doc’ Livingstone, Corporal John McKnight, Bandsman John Heritage, Bandsman George Mesure, Bandsman Keith Powell, and Bandsman Larry Smith.

The Branch was invited by the Royal British Legion to participate in the 100-year Ceremony at Menin Gate Ypres to Commemorate end of the Great War. It was unfortunate that this clashed with many members

who were already committed to other arrangements which were involved with the event and their local

RBL Branches. Even so a small number managed to attend and represent the Branch and laid wreathes for the QVR. 43 rd

/52 LI, KRRC and the RB. The President and Peter Layton laid the wreaths for the RB and the

KRRC. Major J Cohen OBE who was participating and performing with the Tunbridge Wells Male Voice Choir laid the Royal Green Jackets and the Branch managed to ensure all were remembered on the day. This was truly a very special day and the Branch was privileged to attend and represent our former Regiments.

Since Members of the Branch were heavily committed to other events connected with the 100-year ceremony the Branch did not organise a Battlefield Tour. Members should have no fear the Committee has the matter in hand and the 2019 tour details are in hand as we go to press.

Each November the Royal British Legion establishes a Field of Remembrance in the grounds of Westminster Abbey. The field is a sea of remembrance crosses with scarlet poppies - a symbol of remembrance and a tribute to the memory of ex-Service men and women.

A small number of Members attended the Westminster Memorial Service , numbers are limited but it is a high-profile event, The Branch Secretary ensures that the RGJ Association Roll of Honour is in place and the small RBL Crosses are positioned correctly. If Association member’s wishes to have a family cross placed they should send the cross to the London Branch Secretary in early November.

His Royal Highness the Duke of Sussex opened the Royal British Legion's 90th Field of Remembrance at Westminster Abbey on Thursday 8th November 2018.

His Royal Highness arrived at the Field of Remembrance, on the Abbey's North Green, shortly before 11.00am and was greeted by the Dean of Westminster, the Very Reverend Dr John Hall. Prayers were led by the Dean, who said, “For the 90th time at the Field of Remembrance we meet again to remember those who gave their lives in the conflicts of our time that we might enjoy freedom and peace.”

Mrs Sara Jones, President of the Royal British Legion Poppy Factory, invited The Duke of Sussex to lay a cross of remembrance in front of two wooden crosses from the Graves of Unknown British Soldiers from the First and Second World Wars.

Last Post was sounded from the parapet of St Margaret's Church by a bandsman of the Scots Guards.

After the observance of two minutes silence, His Royal Highness toured the plots of poppy crosses meeting veterans, representatives of organisations involved in conflict, and members of the public, who had planted a cross in memory of their fallen comrades and loved ones.

After the tour His Royal Highness was welcomed to St Margaret's Church by the Rector, the Reverend Jane Sinclair, and the Dean, who invited him to sign the Distinguished Visitors' Book.

A number attended the Rifles Band Concert and Choir Service in St George’s Church that proved to be very popular. Attendance will grow and be supported by the Branch in future years.

The annual Ladies Christmas Lunch took place at St James, as always this event is well attended and this year was no exception, many members combine the day with Christmas shopping prior to lunch. The

The long and the short of it or a rose between two thorns

setting for this lunch is particularly pleasant as the dining room looks out over St James Palace and can be seen through large windows when seated. Pre-Lunch drinks got the party off to a very warm start and at which a Christmas draw took place that raised a considerable sum of money for the Branch’s charities. A word of thanks to all those who donated prises and Norman who managed to collect money from those present. Major General C Vyvyan joined the gathering for drinks and re-established contact with Riflemen from the past.

An excellent Christmas Lunch was served with a great deal of alcohol to accompany the meal. Christmas pudding was then served that was a fitting dessert for the occasion topped off with port that was donated by Members.

The Secretary thanked all those Members who made the day such a success and distributed next year’s Forecast of Events cards. The President closed the formal part of the lunch by thanking all those present for making the day a huge success and worthy of a Ladies Lunch. He stated that due to the success of the day the branch had nearly maxed out the numbers that can be seated in the dining room which could pose a problem in the future. He closed by Wishing all those present a Very Happy Christmas and safe journey home.

Many members were aware that the President was aiming to stand down after the Ladies Dinner Night. After some serious lobbying a compromise was arrived at and it was agreed that he would continue for a period as Honorary President to allow the newly enlarged Committee that has been formed to receive his support.

To those serving with the Rifles and deploying on operations and overseas tours in harm’s way take care and our thoughts are with you.

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