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5 Easy Steps to Self Care


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Pg 6

Trust Your Needs

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Mental Wellness

Pg 13


Pg 19

**Escape to a quiet space, unplug and take notes on how these Self Care regimens may assist you with restoring the rhythm back into your life. Examples of Declarations: " I am worthy of Rest" Go ahead give it a try; fill up your page!

Self Care Declaration

_______________________ _______________________ _______________________ _______________________ _______________________ _______________________ ** This Self Care guide is not intended to treat, diagnosis or act as advice. Considerations shared in this book are based on ideas and in NO way act as treatment and/or medical mental health providers. Please seek physican care or contact your local emergency contact providers if you feel that you are experiencing a medical or mental emergency.



Many of us slid into 2020 chanting; “I'm living my Best Life. This is my year, I am about to get double for my trouble, I am about to have 20/20 vision and a double portion is coming off top.” You know all the New Year hype that keep us LIT at the top of each New Year. It is common for the most well intended person to to fall back into our normal life patterns that render minimal results in the name of being "too busy." As life would have it, we are on a “time-out” which is forcing many people to sit with themselves to figure this thing called life out. The reality is SIS, many of us have been working our butts off trying to figure things out on our own, far too long. The busyness virus has drained you dry and your mind, body and soul is screaming; "HELP!"

Covid-19 is running amok. The world's economies are in disarray. Uncertainty is now Queen. But you can't afford to be uncertain can you? Too many people are depending on you for answers to their problems. To be that calming influence that will assure them that everything is going to be alright. Because you are the strong one, everyone looks to you. But who does the “strong” sister go to when your life is a hot mess, in hiding? Oftentimes, you carry the burden of others and slide from pain to pain and hurt to hurt. Staying over-extended with the kids, your man, that drama filled job and church busyness while spiritually abandoning the thirst your SOUL has been longing for. Don’t trip Sis, you are not by yourself! Together we are going to get through this. In fact you are about to unlock the vault of Extreme Self Care tips by average women, just like you. You see we were all sitting up stressing at one point trying to juggle it all, in silence. Then it dawned on me how impactful it would be for ladies to share practical tips on how they are handling their ‘CRAY’ during these trying times. Online Bestie Love, Tasha Jones, MSW, ASW


Deitra Harris, Social Worker


Spiritual Self-Care Spiritual Self-Care Greetings to you all. I am excited that you have made the decision to take the steps to be intentional about the care of your Spirit. I pray that the tips are practical and when practiced, they become a part of your daily routine for your optimal overall well-being.

Just like the examples I used; all cars do not use the same gas, nor do they all require a fill up at the same time. The same is with the baby who grows and has changing and varied dietary needs. Self-Care is just what it means‌self. The individual must care for themselves in the way that fits their needs and individual lifestyles.

Spirit (noun) 1. An animating or vital principle held to give life to physical organisms. 2. Temper or disposition of mind or outlook especially when vigorous or animated. 3. The activating or essential principle influencing a person. 4. A special attitude or frame of mind. 5. The feeling, quality, or disposition characterizing something

Spiritual Self-Care should be a daily ritual just like bathing and brushing your teeth. Just like there are times you sit in the tub and soak, exfoliate or whatever deep cleansing you do, it is the same with Spiritual Self-Care. A quick shower does the job and other times you need to sit and soak and allow your Spirit to be refreshed, recharged, and renewed.

Yes, I know there were a lot of definitions. I did not include them all. I purposely picked out the ones that are relevant to provide you with the framework to assist you in your Spiritual Self-Care journey. I hope you did not think this was a one-time, onestop destination. This my friend is a life-long journey. I don’t know of anyone who buys a car and fills it up one time and never puts gas in it again or anyone who is still surviving off that first sip of milk from when they were born.

At the start of the day and the end of the day one is always left with their Spirit. If you have breath, good times or bad your Spirit is with you always. As the definition denotes, it is the activating or essential principle influencing a person. It is the disposition of mind. The immaterial part of someone. What you feed your Spirit will determine what is manifested.


Jeremiah 30:17 But I will restore you to health and heal your wounds,’declares the Lord

1 Corinthians 3:16 “Do you not know that you are God’s temple and that God’s Spirit dwells in you?”


Spiritual Self-Care Have you ever thought or said, “That person is so mean-spirited?” What about “Wow, they have such a beautiful spirit?” I am willing to bet on it that they did not achieve either one without work. I do not think a mean-spirited person began that way. I believe that what happened to them in life has caused them to hold on to their offenses instead of work through them and now what is manifested is a form of defense mechanism or safeguard to ward off further hurts and offenses. It takes work to do that. Even with the person that was said to have the beautiful spirit, I feel they may have had similar life altering tragedies and offenses but chose to do the work needed for their spiritual Self-Care. Please understand that none of the information given thus far or the information that will follow is intended to be taken as therapy or as a substitute for therapy. If you find yourself having feelings or emotions during this journey that are beyond what you can handle or control in a safe way, please seek out a licensed professional.

In order to do the work necessary for your Spiritual Self-Care it is imperative that you make an honest assessment of your Spirit man right now. If you are not able to do that at this present moment it is okay. I suggest that you put your reading on pause until you can self-reflect.

Take note of your thoughts: what thoughts come to mind that inspires you, refresh you, and fuel your Spirit. Take note of the experiences that you have had, what was happening when you felt at your lowest or highest, and what was going on during those times? What did you do differently or wish you had done differently? Take note of your triggers or what I like to refer to as people, places, and things that take you out of your element. I am aware that everyone who reads this book does not share the same faith or beliefs that I do, and that is ok. As a born-again believer my Spiritual SelfCare consists of prayer, reading the Bible, listening to gospel music, fasting, and fellowship with other believers at my home church. Let me say this again: Spiritual Self-Care is not a one-time, one-stop shop. In the morning you must set the tone for your day. Sometimes you must take mini pauses throughout the day to reset. This all depends on your environment, where you work and what’s going on internally. It is best to make the necessary adjustments as things arise and not wait until it builds up. You can find yourself on edge, burnt out, and depleted.


Self Care Thoughts Use the lines below to write down your take awayss

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LaRonda Coleman


Relational Self-Care

When it comes to the topic of “Self-Care” we can all come up with our own definitions. But when looking up the definition of Self-Care it is defined as the practice of taking an active role in protecting one's own well-being and happiness, in particular during periods of stress. So, how do we practice Self-Care in a relationship? Is it selfish to think about yourself in a relationship? And how do we practice self-care in a relationship and not be judged as being selfish? I’m so glad you asked.

Any type of relationship we encounter takes work. It takes nurturing, time, attention and plenty of it. However, you cannot give these things if you yourself are depleted. If you yourself are feeling tired, stressed, overworked etc., practicing Self-Care is something that we often neglect. Why? Because of the very reasons I mentioned earlier; too tired, stressed, and overworked. Wanting to spend time to just focus on ourselves is often last on the list.

A list that is never ending. However, I am here to tell you that taking time out for yourself is OK!!! As a matter of fact it is necessary in order for you to function on a day to day basis without being burnt out. There are several things you can do to take care of yourself so that you can function to your full capacity and be of service to others in a positive way. You just have to find what works best for you in whatever situation you are in. Then once you find what works best for you, make them a part of your regimen. I would like to share with you three Self-Care tips to help you get started. 1. REST When we don’t have adequate rest it causes all kinds of issues. Make it a priority to get adequate rest. Meaning plan, YES plan, to go to bed by a certain time every night. Make sure the atmosphere in your room is conducive to sleeping. Proper lighting if you are one who needs to sleep with a light on.


“To love oneself is the beginning of a lifelong romance."


Oscar Wilde

Play proper music if that is your choice. Turn off the notifications on your cell phone and put it away. I am guilty of looking at messages or scrolling through Social Media once I get in bed. I stopped doing that when I found out that the light on the coming from the screen hinders the production of melatonin, which is the hormone that controls sleep. So the lower the melatonin levels, the more difficult it is for you to fall asleep and STAY sleep. So, put that cell phone away, turn off that laptop and/or television and go to sleep at night. 2. Learn to say NO to people Understand that it is OK to say NO to people. Remember, you can be of no good to anyone if you are depleted. You can’t say “yes,” to others and “no” to yourself. You have to learn to say “no” to others and “yes” to yourself more. See, people will drain you until the well runs dry if you let them. And you know what? It’s not their fault. People will only do to you what you continue to allow them to do to you. So, say “NO.” Don’t feel any guilt or shame about it.

When I go to my sacred space in the morning I usher in peace and positivity in my home and in my mind. I don’t think about the day before because that day is gone and there is nothing that can be done to change the outcome of it. So you usher in what you want your day to be.

Now, you might be saying what in the world does any of this have to do with Self-Care in a relationship? Well, it has everything to do with it. See, in order for you to give yourself, your time and your attention to anyone else you have to be willing to give time to yourself to take care of yourself. As I said before, you can’t be of service to anyone if you yourself are depleted. You expect others to give you their best version of themselves. But you have to ensure that you are giving the same. So, I implore you to find some Self-Care activities you can implement in your schedule. I know it may be difficult for you to do at first but it will be so worth it.

3. Meditate/Pray I have actually created a “sacred space” in my home where I go to sit and meditate every day on a regular basis, and then when I am having a stressful moment during the day while working from home at times. I tune in and PAGE 7 really focus on positive things.

Self Care Thoughts Use the lines below to write down your take awayss

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Celia Garcia-Mendoza, BSW CHAPTER Trust Your Needs The act of Self-Care is an act of Self-Love. Can you raise your hand and say, “I put myself first? I honestly believe in myself and what I deserve. Therefore, I am worthy of putting my desires at the forefront.” Many of us would shy away from raising our hands because the reality is that in a world that has daily demands such as careers, family needs, outside commitments, and external factors, we (including myself), get lost in helping others and put ourselves on the backburner Practice Makes it Easier Practicing acts of Self-Care on yourself demonstrates Self-Love. Believing in your heart, mind, and soul that you are valuable reaps inner peace. Thus, taking care of you, not only makes you stronger emotionally. it creates balance and enhances all aspects of your life. Self-Care begets Self-Love. Self-Love begins with saying yes to you. I practiced saying yes to myself. I had been committed to helping others as far as I could remember. I enjoyed helping others but there were days that my energy-levels were low. I had not poured back into myself. I recognized that I had not committed the same amount of effort in improving and loving myself. It was easier to jump on the train to help someone else. Yet, I was not doing this for myself/ I had to stop people-pleasing and at times gently say no others. Saying no others does not come naturally, so Ii practiced. Here are some examples of how to verbally and mentally say yes to you: I admit, I practice positive self-talk and encourage myself. These are some of the things that I tell myself: 1) “I am not saying no to you (saying no to others gently). “I am saying yes to myself.” PAGE 9


2) Practicing the word, NO. “I am not saying no to you or your commitment.” I am making a commitment to take care of myself (through COVID-!9 and beyond).” 3) Positive Self-Talk. “I am committed to mental health, my personal dream, and Self-Care.” Putting yourself first is going to take you further than showing up for others first. Remember you are important too and you cannot help others if you are drained. Self-love flourishes in the forms of peace, happiness, creativity, contentment, and an outpouring of an abundance of personal growth.” Natural Gift of saying Yes to You Here is the secret. Being resilient like a rock is a craft that is naturally given to us. We practice each time a season or change arises. We learn as we go and do not stop. We adapt to situations through our growing pains, rainfalls, emotional storms, heated moments, cold and snowy darkness, and tumultuous winds. We are given the gift of saying yes. “Yes, I can put my needs on my radar,” Is what we need to tell ourselves. During times of crisis, the “new” can feel foreign. The Novel Coronavirus took many of us by surprise. There is an adaptation process to this new normal. As I sat in my room trying to remain positive, I found myself spending a lot of time watching television series on Netflix. This was passing time and enjoyable. I was resting but I also felt like this did not suffice all the areas of my holistic self. I further thought of the cause and effects that the Coronavirus would place on us as humanity. I was being asked to sit still in quarantine and rest. Once, I was rested. I found myself being bored. I asked myself if something priceless could come of this experience? I self-reflected and found a way to disbelieve I was bored so I could learn from this. A few things that have worked for me during this “shelter-inplace”.



Find Immediate Relief I found immediate relief from household duties. One may find this impractical. However, I needed to release some pressures off our daily demands without guilt. Being home with family while sheltering in place resulted in cooking a lot more. Since COVID-19, I found that I was cleaning and washing dishes for what seemed like hours. I decided that investing in paper plates would relieve me in some immediate form. Sounds silly but they saved me from being upset about having a constant mess in our family home. I do not use paper plates at every meal, but I pull them out when I sense myself feeling overwhelmed with dirty dishes. Individualize Your Needs Lastly, everyone’s form of Self-Care varies. Self-Care can be individualized based upon your own needs. My Self-Care prior to COVID-19 looked a little different. Granting some of the core interests that I value are similar such as spirituality, peace, socializing, and empowering others, I had to be revamped for this new season. I was not going to let COVID-19 wins my inner-peace. Hence, being determined to find ways to cope with the new changes in my life, society, and the world is possible.


Self Care Thoughts Use the lines below to write down your take awayss

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Tammie Polk


Mental Self-Care

Ha! I got you! I am NOT going to be talking about money—another author is covering that one. What I want to talk about is the mental aspect of self-care, which exists as five different facets of who we are as women. We are readers! Whether you prefer a physical book, e-book, or audiobook, you are a reader! Whether you read on social media or pick up a newspaper or magazine, you are a reader! The real issue is are you CAREFUL with what you read? This matters more than you think because what you read has a direct impact on your mental health. Think about a time when you Googled the symptoms you were experiencing. The information you found was so daunting that you wondered if you were going to meet Jesus within the hour! That feeling and those emotions came because of something that you read. Think about a time when you received a social media or text message from someone you did not want to talk to. As SOON as you saw their name come across your screen, your mood immediately changed, and you had to mentally prepare yourself to deal with whatever they had to say. Do you see where I am going with this? What you READ affects your mental cognition. This is one reason why Philippians 4:8 is in the Bible‌ It challenges us to watch what we read because, according to Lamentations, our eyes affect our hearts. PAGE 13

CHAPTER When we do not watch what we read, we put ourselves into moods that are unnecessary for us to be in, meaning that we are mad or sad for absolutely NO reason at ALL! On the flip side of that, we also read things that inspire, encourage, uplift, and equip us! We read Bible verses that bring us peace and comfort. We read social media posts that make us jump up and scream at our phones in agreement. We also read things that give us a break from reality when we need it. Many of the things that we read are usually for professional purposes, so we need that break to escape into another world for JUST a minute. Think about a time when you have been happy that a child asked you to read them their favorite book. For a moment, nothing else in the world matters‌ And you get into the story right along with them! We are watchers! During this time, we are watching more than we ever have because we really do not have a choice! We still must be mindful of what we watch because what the eyes see is processed by the brain. Think about that movie that you do not want to watch because it had you in your feelings. That is a MENTAL consequence of something that you watched!



When we are not mindful of what we watch, feelings like these can become permanent! Anytime you see something similar, you will say that it was just as bad as the other movie you watched. That is MENTAL because of the thoughts that the other movie brought upon you. While we have things that bring negative feelings, we also have things that we watch that bring positive or feel-good feelings. Think about that movie you could watch a MILLION times. We will watch it anytime it comes on TV and fight anyone who tries to stop us.

These are just a few thoughts that I wanted to share with you. The key to taking care of the Five Figure Woman is keeping all five of these figures intact! I only shared two here, so in order to get the rest, join my Five-Figure Woman Facebook Group where you’ll find everything you read here and more! These five things together will determine how far you go, how fast you get there, and how much success you see wherever you go!


Self Care Thoughts Use the lines below to write down your take awayss

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Elisha Henderson, MS


Physical Self - Care

As 40 looms less than a month away, My life doesn’t look anything like I (by the time most people read this I will thought it would 20, 10 or even 5 years have crossed that threshold) I am excited. ago. I’m not in the career I went to I acknowledge that like most people I am school for, I don’t work for the people a totally different person than I was at that I thought I would, my business 30. Spiritually, mentally, financially, and looks totally different than I thought it most definitely physically. I remember would then. Yet, being so frustrated at my stomach and back rolls, constantly blaming it on my I have never been more satisfied in life. youngest daughter (even though she was Don’t mistake that for complacency. I still have plenty of goals to achieve, however already three and my oldest was six). I live life through a gratefulness lens instead of one that focuses on lack. Now I stand what seems to be at least a quarter inch shorter, 30lbs heavier and I’m still confident in my beauty. Not in a cocky, I look better than you way but the I am more than these rolls and stretch marks and you can love it or leave it type of way! My confidence is tied to loving myself as a whole person, flaws and all. These laugh lines, I earned them.

I spend more time meditating and praising my creator rather than listing off all the things I desire in repeated prayers. Do I want to spend more time outside and around people during this Pandemic? Of course, but I also am trying to take advantage of being able to see the mountains because there is less smog and pollution.


CHAPTER Please understand that working on you inner self is almost more important than your physical self. My focus on my physical self is not about how others view me. I learned to stop caring about that to a certain extent. .

Walking away from the judgment of the physical being of others, allows you to do the same for yourself. Now for the hard part. What is your motivation?

As someone that isn’t married anymore I’d be lying if I said I didn’t want to make sure I caused my future husband (wherever he is) to do a double take when I walked by. Yet that is not my motivation to improve my physical self. Stamina, longevity and my whole health journey are my motivation.

So many of us are losing loved ones all too often . Family that share our DNA diagnosed with high blood pressure, heart and liver diseases and other things linked to hereditary traits put us on high alert. Friends that you feel are living a healthy life style (or not in some cases) are still developing cancer, having heart attacks and being diagnosed with diabetes. What motivates you more, healing or prevention?

I just want to walk up a few flights of stairs and not be out of breath. I want to play Double Dutch with my kids and be able to do more than just turn the rope. I don’t practice the ideology that skinny is the only version of beauty but I celebrate women of all sizes. For the women that want to rock a size 6 again I applaud you, get it done Sis! The women that stand confident in their Plus Size bodycon dresses, I see you!


CHAPTER I’m sure it’s not the first time that you’ve been told that prevention is preferred over having to heal what’s been broken. Circumstances vary and you could be someone in the middle…on the ledge were a lab test result could lean in either direction. Fear and pain aren’t the preferred motivators but for some it is the current situation. For those reading this that feel it’s hitting close to home…you got this! Accountability is one of the biggest factors of success when planning to improve you physical self. My current journey includes participating in a group called Black Girls Run! I am a member of the Central Valley branch here in Fresno and I can’t tell you how wonderful it’s been to share space with these women.

All walks of life, all on different fitness journeys but never the less there for each other. There is support by email, Social Media, text, apps and in person. Meet ups and exposure to different businesses in the community are organized by a board to support our journeys. I know it’s not all about the free stuff but like most of you, I love free stuff! Black Girls Run! isn’t just for runners, it’s about movement. Walk, jog, run is a mantra I won’t soon forget. I have wonderful conversations with various women on Saturday morning meet ups at the track. I walk mostly but have been transitioning to jogging the straightaways and walking the curves. This is at the same time that women are running, sprinting and doing hills. Different journeys, same support system. I highly recommend finding a group near you as they are all across the nation. During the Shelter in Place the in-person activities have been postponed but there are so many virtual meet ups and support through Social Media I am glad I made the decision to join.


CHAPTER Another accountability tool I use is my Fitbit. I enjoy tracking my steps daily and depending on the model you can track sleep, blood pressure and all kinds of other activities. When I happen to forget it or don’t charge it, I use my phone. There are countless apps available for both Android and iPhone. Check more than one out until you find your fit.

There’s no need to spend a bunch of money unless you really want to because that can become a barrier that doesn’t need to be there. Ask yourself if you are a schedule person or a spontaneous person? If you are a person that prefers a strict schedule set an alarm for you physical activity no matter what it is. We all need reminders.

If you are a spontaneous person then you may want to set alarms at random times to tell you to get up and do some squats or take a break and walk around the block. Getting creative will help you to stick with whatever plan and goals you develop for yourself. Are you a diet person or are you a life change person? A diet is something that you can do temporarily but usually (not always) that change you get is temporary as well. I’ve never been good at denying myself what I want. If I wanted a burger and fries, I’d go get it. Ice-cream and a Pepsi right before it’s time to go to bed? Sure, why not? I have seen the YouTube videos and I have received the lectures from my friends and loved ones about my food choices. They did nothing to alter my decision making. However what did move me to make a change in my eating habits was my not being able to zip up a very cute dress that I wanted to wear.



The changes I was willing to make were simple. I’m not a big fan of bread so it wasn’t hard to eat my burger wrapped in lettuce instead of with a bun. I still eat my ice-cream but I don’t eat the whole pint in one sitting, I eat half and then didn’t go to bed without some type of movement. My children laughed at me because I would tell them that I wasn’t making changes with the motivation of just fitting in the dress. I was doing it because I love food! I still eat what I want, just not as much and not as late. Take the time to figure out what life changes work for your goals by doing research and trying more than one thing until you find what you can do long term. Don’t feel bad if you hate one program, it just wasn’t for you! Just don’t give up, you can do this!

In my career as a Whole Health Coach I ask people daily to envision what it looks like when they are in their best possible health? What activities are you able to do, what clothes can you wear, what do eat and drink? Write these things down and reread them frequently. If the vision changes, rewrite it all over again.

Writing, speaking and then bringing things into existence is something I strongly believe in. If you have preexisting conditions always consult your physician before starting any fitness journey or making dietary changes. After receiving the green light, Go For It! There is a new and wonderful journey to becoming the person you want to be, don’t give up and enjoy the ride.

The annoying frown lines on my forehead? I own every bad decision that created them as well as the work it is taking to undue them. PAGE 21

Self Care Thoughts Use the lines below to write down your take awayss

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Special Thanks and Shout Outs! I have to first thank my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ who is the source of my Life and Strength. I am eternally grateful for the many gifts and talents that He has entrusted me with to share with the world so, together, we may increase the Kingdom! Secondly, I want to thank my awesome husband of 24 years, Robert Jones, SR. From reading early drafts and giving wellness tips during COVID-19 and lending his firsthand experience considering that he is on the “front lines� working in the hospital setting. For holding the house down, allowing the computer to hijack our precious spouse time together and for keeping the munchkins out of my hair so I could edit. He was as important to this book getting done as I was. Thank you so much, Mr. Jones commonly known as Pooky (LOL). Although this period of our lives are filled with many ups and downs, during the unpredictability of COVID-19 this book project would NOT have been possible for the wonderful women authors who stepped up to the challenge of getting this book done in under two weeks. Thanks for entrusting me with your talented gift(s). A sisterhood of diverse eloquent women who were bold and vulnerable in sharing practical ways for other women to HEAL and DEAL during these trying times.


Special Thanks and Shout Outs! Deitra Harris for injecting us with the foundational source of Praising over Panic during the Pandemic. Elisha Henderson who balanced demanding mommy duties, office demands and running Final Look Editing a publishing agency, while sacrificing her time to edit this project. Laronda Coleman a Forgiveness Expert Coach for sharing practical tips on how to Self-Care in relationships with self and others. Tammie Polk for sharing your many years of authoring experience, heart of ministry and infusing us with tips on how to embrace mental wellness as a well needed Self Care Regimen. Celia Garcia-Mendoza who juggled her home demands; took online trainings to develop her skills, all while taking lead in managing the endless behind the scenes duties to make this project come to pass. She kept me organized from start to finish‌Lord I thank you!!!!! Special Thanks: To Ebook Designer; Dominque Prosper for her sacrifice, guidance and patience. She is the queen that stayed up late and rose early to assure that this project was birthed out to help improve humanity. She is the absolute best educator, teacherpreneur, leader and ebook slayer of our time. I'd like to thank www.MoquaMediaSolutions.ComExclusive for helping to shape my content ideas into a clear digital marketing strategy. PAGE 24

Next Steps What’s Next, Thanks for asking. The primary step to truly employ a holistic Self Care lifestyle to Heal and Deal in life, is to embrace the FACT that you are WORTHY! God has so much in store for you if only you would surrender to the fact that He loves you just as you are.I know as women we try to be strong 24/7 hiding behind, pain, hurt and disappointments which deprives you of living your best life! A mindset shift in your worthiness makes all the difference. You can read, write, attend church and many conferences all your life however knowledge non applied is just stored inside of us inactive. Reflect on your 2020 before COVID-19; can you be honest about how you showed up for yourself to improve areas in your life that renders you peace and joy? Make a decision today that you are going to level up in your Extreme Self Care like never before. If you help additional mentorship and support on: • How to navigate the purposely complex system of holding a family together. • Putting your finances back together after divorce, breakups, or loss of income. • Dealing with estranged family members and the results of mental fatigue. • Needing to forgive yourself and/or others after molestation or • Needing guidance on how to heal through writing that first book or • Dealing with the stress pressure of just being you.


Next Steps I have earned a reputation as the "Resource Networking Queen". Over the years, I have accumulated a purse full of useful solutions to some incredibly unique challenges like many women face, including myself. Collectively all of these incredible authors are committed to your overall wellness so reach out to them based on your individua needs. To gain exclusive access to future upcoming supportive services and promotional self-care discounts from our collaborative supporters; please jump on my website to join our mailing list so you get the Tea firsthand on what’s in store for you. Upcoming Supportive services includes: Matters of The Heart; Honoring a Mother’s Journey Register Here:

Annual Mental Health Tele-Summit Register Here:


Meet My Why's Thank you for taking out some time to invest in your self-care. It is my prayer that you continue on your journey for TOTAL wellness. I am a huge fan of inter-generational training and mentorship as we are charged with training up a child in the ways of the Lord. I am sharing some of my favorite quotes and music gems that are apart of my eclectic Self Care regimens. Be sure to find your Self Care sweet spot that will keep you consistent and focused. I hope you find these few nuggets fruitful for you are well: “ Your WHY will keep you in the game (of Life) when you don’t feel like playing.” Your why should be more purposeful than money and being rich but moreso something or someone that compliments your SPIRITUAL SOUL WEALTH. “The Service you do for others is the rent you pay for your room here on Earth.”― Muhammad Ali This quote speaks volumes to me as it defines my life purpose of service. I have been gifted to develop and design experiences that make heart centered women’s lives more simple. Pictured here are two (2) of my WHY’s; my granddaughters Amaya and Laya. They are the founders of Pretty Girlz Pray in which they sow seed of prayer and inner Godly beauty that is represent through Godly girl gear. They are my seeds and is shaping the world by being of intentional Love and Service. YASSSS LORD!!!!!!!


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