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Franchise Frontline
Success Stories & Resources
By Rhonda Sanderson rhonda@sandersonpr.com
Army Veteran Brings Wealth of Diverse Experience as He Joins Pillar To Post Home Inspectors® Network
36-year-old Matt Ruggieri, a Pittsburgh resident, served eight years as an active-duty infantryman in the United States Army where he was deployed to Iraq three times, and yes, jumped out of airplanes – before receiving an Honorable Discharge, then worked full-time while earning a bachelor’s degree in business and an MBA as he climbed the corporate ladder to become senior project manager for a commercial construction company.
Now Ruggieri recently launched a new career for which he couldn’t be better suited: he’s a new franchise owner with Pillar To Post Home Inspectors, serving the Greater Pittsburgh area and surrounding communities. The company has 558 franchises throughout North America and plans to add several hundred more.
And as far as choosing home inspection as a new career, these are industry facts: The U.S. building inspector industry, measured by revenue, has a current market size of $4.9 billion and growing, according to global research firm IBISWorld.
Ruggieri is a perfect example of why so many military veterans make a perfect fit for franchise ownership. Veterans represent 14 percent of franchisees, and they prove a good fit for the franchise model because veterans possess strong leadership skills and a thorough understanding of being part of a team. Franchises also operate on proven systems and defined procedures and the military training that veterans go through allows them to easily adapt to a system and find success in franchising.

Ruggieri brings a vast wealth of experience from his military and corporate careers. He gives fellow veterans this advice for following a similar path.
• Your military background will crack open some doors for you and get you into conversations but it’s up to you to capitalize. Get the education to match your competence. I lucked into jobs early that usually required 4-year degrees. Instead of waiting to NOT get the next job or the promotion, get the education to match your competence and ambition. This goes for formal education, trade schools, certifications, etc.
• You will probably get more opportunities or chances than you may deserve because of your service. Be grateful for those opportunities and don’t waste them or take them for granted.
• Civilian life is the same as the military in the sense that some days you will be the nail and some days you will be the hammer. Good nails don’t bend.
The civil/commercial construction company where Ruggieri previously worked specialized in governmentfunded construction projects. While he loved his work, his 60- to 70-hour workweeks took their toll and Ruggieri believed he was at the right time and place, given his experience and education, to spend those hours on his own business.
“Home inspection fit in well with my background and Pillar To Post Home Inspectors’ commitment to technological progress and customer service impressed me. I felt comfortable with the culture and appreciated the support of an established franchisor to help me begin my own business,” Ruggieri said.
One of the many reasons Ruggieri chose Pillar To Post Home Inspectors is the innovative technologies the company introduced in the past two years starting prior to the pandemic and then serving the network very well during it.
These advanced technologies, along with the business model, provide an exceptional home inspection with unique and innovative features that are all delivered within a seamless brand experience.
The package is now known as the Ultimate Home Inspection and it’s revolutionizing the home inspection industry. (pillartopost.com/ultimate-home-inspection)
For further information about the franchise: www.pillartopostfranchise.com
Finding a job in the civilian world may seem easy at first. After all, you have learned skills, practiced leadership and demonstrated initiative that will make you successful wherever you go.
The reality, though, is that it can be difficult. In fact, it can be downright depressing, demotivating and you may feel totally disillusioned.
Veterans In Transition is dedicated to you and to helping you succeed in your transition.
For editorial & monthly columns regarding transitioning to business, career advice, tips, workshops, transition to education, entrepreneurship, straight-forward legal tips for Military and Veteran Business Owners and more visit Veterans In Transition at www.tinyurl.com/Veterans-In-Transition