The GAM The Giving Issue Fall 2017

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Falmouth Academy The Giving Issue Fall 2017


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Up Front Classroom and Beyond Centerpiece

Year in Review 2016-2017 Farewell to Pusit Atthaoraek

10 Alumni News 11 Transitions 12 2016-2017 Gratitude Report

On the cover: “The Whale,” Isabel Davern ’17. Isabel writes that her intricate pen and ink drawing “encapsulates my childhood fondness of whales and my growth as a dancer and artist, both of which are relevant to the person I am today.” This beautiful piece is a gift to Falmouth Academy by Nina Heald Webber in memory of former FA Trustee Norman Wood and his wife Lucy, former FA Librarian. The Woods were passionate about Falmouth Academy and, like Isabel, had a great fondness for whales. Falmouth Academy received one of its largest gifts in 2017 that enabled us to bring the Simon Center for the Arts to our community. The 7,200 squarefoot facility opened for business in July, with a grand opening party and a spectacular concert featuring the Harlem Quartet. We are so grateful to the many donors who supported this initiative to bring more arts opportunities to our school and our community.



GAM: “A social meeting of whale ships ... with all the sympathies of sailors [and] all the peculiar congenialities arising from a common pursuit.” Falmouth Academy 7 Highfield Drive, Falmouth, MA 02540 508-457-9696 Administration J. Robinson Wells, Interim Head of School Michael J. Earley, Assistant Head of School Petra Ehrenbrink, Academic Dean Pamela Clapp Hinkle, Director of Development Julie Bradley, Director of Admission and Enrollment Management Editorial Staff Amy Galvam, Director of Communications Barbara Campbell, Director of Alumni and Parent Relations Crissy Pingal, Director of the Annual Fund Design: Julianne Waite Photos: courtesy of Neil Alexander, Susan Moffat, Amy Galvam, Barbara Campbell, FA archives Mission Harnessing the power of inspired learning in a world-renowned scientific and vibrant artistic community, Falmouth Academy emboldens each student to take creative and intellectual risks to confidently engage the challenges of our times.

Corrections to Summer 2017 The GAM (p. 3) Théo Guérin ‘17 and Charlie Fenske ‘18 qualified for the Intel Science and Engineering Fair (ISEF) based on their first place win at the South Shore Regional Science Fair (SSRSF); though they also won a first place award at the Massachusetts State Science and Engineering Fair, the route to ISEF was via their SSRSF performance. (p. 6) Juniors Seth Ament ’99 and Leigh Shapiro ’99 each published an article in the Biological Bulletin as a first author with their mentor at MBL, Dr. Robert Bullis. (p. 7) The scientist who “went out of his way” was actually Paraskevi (Vivian) Mara. She was a visiting postdoc at Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution from the University of Crete, Greece.

Dear Friends of Falmouth Academy, Falmouth Academy’s Mission Statement proclaims our aspiration to prepare our students to confidently engage with the challenges of our times. Any serious attempt to address and thoughtfully consider the challenges of the 21st century must be grounded in a deep, bold and joyous engagement amongst the people of this planet. For our students to go forth and impact the problems of the world, they need an understanding of the histories and cultures of other nations and other peoples, and they need to know the humanity of our neighbors across the globe. The historian Gregory Daddis reminds us that, “Empathy helps us fathom how competing motives drive humans to make difficult decisions, both good and bad.” We can work to provide a degree of historical understanding in our classrooms, but real empathy is best cultivated in personal knowledge and interaction. There are difficult decisions to be made, and difficult past decisions to be understood and forgiven, on all sides. This is why I am so proud that our school has over the last 33 years hosted nearly 100 international students from more than two dozen countries. From our corner of Cape Cod, we have laid the foundations for countless connections, opened the window to new paths of empathy, and perhaps forged ties that will be key to the solutions for our most pressing world problems. Henry Adams famously wrote that, “A teacher affects eternity; he can never tell where his influence stops.” Perhaps this is even more true of friendship. This issue of The GAM features a heartfelt farewell tribute to Mr. Pusit Atthaoraek, who has been both a friend and a teacher to the entire Falmouth Academy community for the past decade. A native of Thailand, Mr. Atthaorek has personally brought an informed appreciation for Thailand’s rich history and culture into our lives. His moving remarks at All School Meeting as the news arrived of the death of the beloved Thai king in 2016 will remain with all of us who were there that morning. Far beyond his ostensible role as a member of our grounds and facilities staff, Mr. Atthaorek has taught about Buddhism in our World Culture classes, and coached years of students in Tae Kwon Do. Several years ago, he organized and delivered a gift of used school and athletic supplies from FA to a school in South Africa. Prior to that trip, he sought out Falmouth Academy clothing for himself to wear because he thought it important to represent his community as he traveled the world. Mr. Attahaorek has taken FA’s values out from the Cape, and he has brought the values of his homeland to us. Like our international students, he has been a part of preparing our students to meet the challenges of an interconnected world, and we are all so much the better for his lessons and his friendship. Thank you, Pusit! We also recognize and offer thanks in these pages to all our generous and devoted friends who make it possible for Falmouth Academy to aspire boldly to exert a positive influence far, far beyond the shores of Cape Cod, and to fulfill our mission of confidently engaging with the challenges presented by our interesting times. Our gratitude to all who facilitate, support and steward our endeavors runs very deep. Sincerely,

Rob Wells Head of School


Fall 2017


Up Front FA Turns 40 In June, on the eve of our 38th graduation, more than 200 alumni, faculty, past parents, current families and so many more gathered to celebrate the 40th anniversary of Falmouth Academy, and, consequently, the retirement of our last founding faculty member, Lalise Melillo, who was ending her career after 52 years of teaching.

Several speakers represented various eras of the school including headmaster emeritus Bruce Buxton, Laura Tavares ’94, senior associate for staff development at Facing History and Ourselves, Michael Deasy ’10, teacher and coach at Falmouth Academy, Bridget Miskell ’07, MBA candidate at Boston University Questrom School of Business, and Sam Amazeen ’07, Lead Instructor at NAVSUBSCOL. (See photos and read about their speeches in the Alumni News section of this issue.) Musical selections were presented by the Falmouth Academy Cool Nights Jazz Band and the Falmouth Academy String Quartet conducted by George Scharr and the Falmouth Academy Men’s & Women’s Chorus directed by John Yankee. The jazz band practiced in secret for months to learn a traditional dixieland tune to honor Lalise Melillo and her New Orleans roots. In Academy Award style, the band set the stage for her entrance with the tune, “Basin Street Blues.” The chorus prepared “Sheep May Safely Graze,” a request from Mrs. Melillo.

Janet Kearsley, Rob Wells, Amy (Ballentine) Stevens ’96, Sarah (Lafaver) McCarron ’96

Perhaps Mike Deasy summed it up best when he said, “We write to know our own stories and to share them with others, and we hope to learn their stories, too. When we pay careful attention to these memories, they become the threads that, woven together, form the fabric of a community – and isn’t this a beautiful one? This is ultimately why we gather here today – forty years of creating attentively and sharing sincerely. Without this deep sense of the value of narration we could not have the depth of identity that draws alumni back, makes our seniors so proud, and inspires our students to approach their studies seriously and joyfully.”

Lucy Beecher Nelson crossed The Pond for the Young Masters Art Prize Lucy Beecher Nelson, studio arts teacher, was the only American invited to exhibit at the internationally renowned Young Masters Art Prize this summer in London. Ms. Nelson was recognized for her reinvention of 15th century Italian marriage portraits. The Young Masters Prize celebrates artists who draw inspiration from and pay tribute to the great artists of the past through their contemporary work. Ms. Nelson was one of eighteen artists who competed for this coveted international prize. In addition to painting, the show featured other media including film, art photography, and printmaking. Ms. Nelson says, “It was truly inspiring and the art was smart and well-crafted.” Three of the eighteen artists in the show studied at the Museum School in Boston, MA, including Ms. Nelson and first prize winner, Azita Moradkhani. After the event, Ms. Nelson travelled through England with her husband, Brad. Highlights of her trip included a return to Stratford-Upon-Avon, where she studied Shakespeare for a summer in college, to see “Titus Andronicus.” Ms. Nelson’s art remains on tour with the exhibit and will hang at the Royal Opera Arcade Gallery for Frieze Week this October. 2


Fall 2017

Music in the Mountains

Summer at the Simon Center for the Arts The much-anticipated grand opening of the Simon Center for the Arts was celebrated in style with an outdoor reception for campaign leadership donors on the Morse Hall terrace on Monday, July 3rd, followed by a ribbon-cutting ceremony and performance by the acclaimed Harlem Quartet in the black-box theater.

Music in the Mountains took its inaugural trip to New Hampshire thirteen years ago when Arts Chair George Scharr and Hannah Moore, former trustee, trombonist and music educator, collaborated to create a summer opportunity for FA student musicians (when her son was a member of the jazz band) to gain performance experience. This past June, FA musicians again took to the mountains to play, practice, and perform for six days and five nights, accompanied by Mr. Scharr and Paul and Cynthia Weller. The group had two full rehearsal days followed by performances at Indian Head Resort, Lincoln-Woodstock Senior Center, Littleton Chamber of Commerce Music Series, Whale Tale Water Park, and Mt. Washington Cruises. It was an action-packed schedule with time off for swimming, hiking, and even a nighttime guided moose trek. Joshua Watson ’18, Jillian Igoe ’18 and Caitlin Corkeron ’21 went up earlier in the week with George Scharr to work with students from Sippican Elementary, who were doing a similar but shorter excursion led by Hannah Moore. At one time, Ms. Moore and Mr. Scharr combined these two school trips, but found the size of the group and the age range too large for an ideal experience. Ms. Moore recalled a highlight from the trip, "Magic happened when the FA students joined us for the bus ride home. We had good fun making music together and the FA students had been so nice to my young ones, but on the bus, spontaneous musical joy perked up on its own with a ukulele here and a song started there. Soon everyone was engaged in the music as the miles flew by on our trip down the mountain."

At the reception, Rob Wells introduced himself as the newly appointed interim Head of School as he thanked campaign donors and special friends. Deep gratitude was extended to Susan Morse for her tireless work as Campaign Chair and to Steve Duffy for breathing new life into the project and shepherding it through to completion. Mark Hutker, a visionary and champion of the project in his own right, acknowledged Delphi Construction and Eck MacNeely Architects for design and construction. Recognition for the project extended to the ribbon-cutting where Steve Duffy and Beth Colt, outgoing FA board chair, acknowledged the steadfast commitment, extraordinary support and enthusiasm of Betsy Heald and Bonnie Simon (pictured). The remarks culminated with Ms. Simon, surrounded by her family, cutting the ribbon of the new performance space named in honor of her late husband, Stephen Simon, composer, conductor, arranger and founding music director of the Simon Sinfonietta, which called Falmouth Academy home. Since its early summer debut, the Simon Center for the Arts has been well used by theatre groups, musicians, community groups, summer camps, authors and dignitaries. Highlights from the summer events include the Cape Cod Theater Project, Mindy Todd’s interview with Sergei Khrushchev, a reading and book signing by Jan Brett and the Woods Hole Film Festival.

Falmouth (Academy) Road Race A team of students, teachers, parents and alumni ran the 44th Falmouth Road Race this August in matching racing shirts designed by Sarah Knowles, Assistant Director of Admissions, who finished the race in 57.44. As FA team runners advanced through the 7-mile course, those in the rear could clearly read "No Back Rows," a clever use of FA’s tagline. English teacher Allyson Manchester got a race-day boost when she was placed in the elite female group and found herself out front with some of the world’s fastest women racers. While a strong amateur runner, Manchester knew that she couldn’t keep up with the professionals, but enjoyed the extra elbow room afforded from starting 15 minutes early. The highlight came near mile six as Manchester rounded Falmouth Heights Road, and

suddenly the crowd went wild around her as elite runners Stephen Sambu and Leonard Korir blew past in a dead heat for the finish line. Manchester slowed her pace to take it all in, finishing at 54.25. Bianca Greco '23, was the first Falmouth female finisher in her age group (10-14) with a time of 57.08. Anne Preisig, parent of Clara and Eric ‘23, crossed the finish line at 50.39. The GAM

Fall 2017


Classroom and Beyond Windows and Mirrors

Sara Hines, Eight Cousins Bookstore At the end of last year, the student organization GSA (Gay Straight Alliance) raised money through t-shirt sales to purchase LGBTQIA books to augment the school’s library. I had the honor of working with the GSA students in the book selection process and I am excited to share my thoughts about the significance of their endeavors. In children’s publishing we talk a lot about window and mirror books (see Rudine Sims Bishop article “Mirrors, Windows, and Sliding Glass Doors” Mirror books reflect and allow readers to see versions of themselves. Window books offer opportunities for readers to learn about the world around them and provide insight into other cultures and communities. Along with many booksellers, librarians, teachers, publishers, and authors, I believe that every child (and teen!) deserves both. They deserve to see themselves in books and they deserve the chance to learn about others. Grace Lin, author of Where the Mountain Meets the Moon, also addresses the importance of having mirror and window books in every child’s library. She emphasizes that mirror books teach self worth and window books teach empathy (http://www. One of the reasons I appreciate the windows and mirror terminology is that it allows a book flexibility; whether a book is a mirror or a window changes depending on the reader. The GSA has hand-selected LGBTQIA books for the school. For some students the books will be much needed mirror books. The library will help reinforce the value of the LGBTQIA experience and create a sense of community for all students at Falmouth Academy. For others, the books will be windows, allowing them to learn and well as increase understanding and empathy. Whether the books selected are mirrors or windows, it is my sincerest hope that the entire Falmouth Academy community will take advantage of this phenomenal resource. Happy reading!

Promoting Global Stewardship Julie Bradley, Director of Admission and Enrollment Management

Falmouth Academy welcomed its first exchange students, Mats Nasmark ’85 from Sweden and Massimo Malpezzi ’86 from Italy, in the 1984-1985 school year and since then there has rarely been a year when one or more students, hailing from over 25 different countries, have not been welcomed to campus. Until quite recently, it was rare for an independent day school to admit international students. Falmouth Academy, a pioneer in promoting cultural empathy and understanding, admitted exchange students from countries as diverse as Iraq, Slovakia, Egypt, Sweden, Poland, Austria, Russia, Germany, and Kazakhstan, among many others. In 1988, FA welcomed from China Yuan Long Huang and his parents, who were studying at WHOI. Yuan was granted a visa to study abroad in an American high school, which was nearly unheard of at the time. Clearly, FA stands as a leader in promoting an understanding and sensitivity to other cultures, vital 21st century competencies for thoughtful global stewardship. The profound impact of these exchange students is illustrated by Petra Scamborova ’93, from Czechoslovakia. Tim Waldman ’09, interviewed Petra about her experience at Falmouth Academy and how it influenced her professional path. Petra received a BS in biochemistry from Mount Holyoke College, a Masters in biochemistry from Cambridge University, a Ph.D. in molecular biophysics and biochemistry from Yale, and a JD from the University of Pennsylvania. She is currently working as Director of Dispute and Resolution at Regeneron Pharmaceuticals, Inc. Petra credits her teachers for success, “They encouraged me, challenged me, and pushed me to excel despite my lack of English…they taught me how to think and reason creatively and independently which has served me well throughout my studies and to this date.” Falmouth Academy continues its tradition of nurturing and challenging the hearts and minds of international students, and this year welcomed three new students, Alice Tan ’21 and Cather Zhang ’20, both from China, and Peeta Theerakaisri ’18, the first student from Thailand, for a total of 10 international students for the 20172018 academic year.



Fall 2017

These students attend Falmouth Academy due to the generosity of our host families who open their homes and hearts to these students. Together, they navigate the opportunities and challenges of understanding and appreciating cultural differences with extra grace, goodwill, and a healthy sense of humor. Our host families unanimously report that the experience is positive, and the kindness and presumptive goodwill of both students and families results in friendships with students, and often their parents, that will last a lifetime. Perhaps Martha Borden, Director of Technology and host parent to Liming Zheng ’20 (pictured above), best sums up the experience, “Liming has become like my daughter—she is so much a part of the family.”

Recognition Day Awards 2017 On June 10th, the last official day of school, students, parents, and faculty gathered in the gym to recognize and celebrate student achievement. FA students were awarded special honors based on character, community, effort and academic excellence. Special Awards Meltzer Awards

Upper and lower school for most academic growth LS Beatrice Mattison ’21 US Collin DelSignore ’17 Olson Awards

Upper and lower school for love of learning LS Ellie Beams ’21 & Shelby Eldredge ’21 US Théo Guérin ’17 Clark Awards

Upper and lower school for reflecting the ideals of FA Homer P. Clark Award Silas Clark ’21 & Saniya Rajagopal ’21 Thomas Kimball Clark Eliza Van Voorhis ’17 Honor Society Awards

Scholarship award to returning upper school students who give support and help to the community Sarah Lott ’18, Becca Cox ’18, Nick Kania ’18 Willard C. and Leona H. Weaner Award

Scholarship award to returning upper school student who makes an outstanding contribution to the atmosphere of FA Isabelle Stewart ’18 Founding Faculty Award

Senior student who has shown the most academic and social growth during his/her time at FA Caleb Dutton ’17 Lewis Award

Junior or senior who has shown continuous effort, growth and leadership and has contributed to and benefited from FA Ollie Russell ’17

George Sharr presents Shaelyn Yopp ’18 with a Distinction in Chorus award.

Worthington Campbell Award

Upper school for ethical leadership Megan Flory ’17 Renaissance Award

Upper school student for diverse excellence Isabel Davern ’17 Bruce E. Buxton Award

Upper school honoring/inspiring imagination Sam Graber-Hahn ’17 Patrice Buxton Award

Lower school for love of reading (most Accelerated Reading) Sam Thrasher ’22

Department Awards Arts

Margaret Ellsworth Award for Creativity in the Arts Josh Watson ’18 Distinction in Studio Art Tibby Heard ’22 Dedication in Photography Helena Connell ’18 Combined Award for Photo and Studio Art Martha Clark ’18 Distinction in Chorus Hannah Stillman ’19, Ian Hinkle ’19, Shaelyn Yopp ’18 Dedication in Drama Maisie Saganic ’21 English

Dedication in English LS Caitlin Corkeron ’21 Distinction in English LS Anna Hoehlein ’21 Dedication in English US Alissya Silva ’18 Janet Kearsley Award for Distinction in English US Coralee LaRue ’18

Foreign Language

Dedication in German LS Ella Heywood ’21 Distinction in German LS Clara Preisig ’21 Dedication in German US Sarah Kerr ’19 Distinction in German US Iris Xia ’20 Dedication in French LS Justine Clement ’21 Distinction in French LS Sama Zaman ’21 Dedication in French US Bishakha OIi ’19 Distinction in French US Becky Butler ’19 History

Dedication in History LS Cole Allenby ’21 Distinction in History LS Noah Glasgow ’21 Dedication in History US Allison Eldredge ’18 Lalise Melillo Award for Distinction in History US Lily Turner ’18 Susan Paisley Mackenzie Ancient History Award John McDowell ’20 Math

Dedication in Math LS Ellamae Cazeault ’21 Distinction in Math LS Alyssa MacDonald ’21 Dedication in Math US James Melvin ’18 Distinction in Math US Jane Earley ’18 Physical Education

Kailei Hoehlein ’22 and Max Richardson ’22 Science

Dedication in Science LS Madison Valley ’21 Nancy P. Twitchell Award for Distinction in Science LS Ryan Waite ’21 Dedication in Science US Zoe Chunyu ’18 Distinction in Science US Violet Xiao ’18 Camden Emery ’19

Band Camp is Music to New Student Ears At the end of summer, FA launched a two-day music expo affectionately known as “Band Camp” for twenty-seven new and prospective FA students to build confidence, hone skills, make friends, and play music. Incoming students in all grades were invited to work with George Scharr on brass and strings and Paul Weller on woodwinds to get them acclimated and excited for orchestra and band. Instrumentalists played many genres including jazz, classics and rock. Mr. Scharr said, "Our first band camp was well attended and met with excitement from students, parents and faculty alike. It gave us a good jump start to the year by allowing us to get to know each other and make good music together in a stress-free, funloving environment." On Monday, August 21st, Dr. Joy Lapseritis, new FA science and math teacher, joined the band to observe the solar eclipse. She gave a presentation and then led students in a viewing outside using a variety of instruments including low-tech box viewers, specialized glasses and a telescope. In honor of the auspicious day, the band played “Also Sprach Zarathustra,” the theme song from 2001: A Space Odyssey. The GAM

Fall 2017


Centerpiece Year in Review

Highlights from 2016-2017

Falmouth Academy is an extraordinary place—a place where students feel valued, challenged and recognized as the individuals that they are, where they can participate in a range of rigorous academic classes and diverse extracurricular activities ranging from chorus to lacrosse to beekeeping, where teachers are as passionate about their students as they are about the subjects they teach, and where there are “no back rows.”

ACADEMICS Falmouth Academy received its 10-year reaccreditation from the New England Association of Schools and Colleges (NEASC). Members of the Class of 2017 received offers of more than $2 million in merit aid and have matriculated at the following colleges and universities: Bates College (2), Brown University (2), Boston University, Coast Guard Academy, Clarkson University, Dalhousie University, Digipen (Spain), Elon University, Endicott College, Fordham University, James Madison University, Massachusetts Maritime Academy, Middlebury College, Northeastern University, Oberlin College, Roger Williams University, Simmons College, St. John’s College, Tufts University (2), University of Maine (3), University of Massachusetts, Amherst, University of Massachusetts, Boston, University of Rochester, and Wheaton College. Falmouth Academy’s German program was designated a German Center of Excellence by the American Association of Teachers of German. FA is one of only 26 high schools in this country to receive this honor. 25 students earned bronze, silver and gold awards in the 2017 National German Exams. Five Falmouth Academy seniors were named National Merit Commended Scholars.



Fall 2017

SCIENCE Charlie Fenske ’18 was one of 16 international finalists in the Google Science Fair. He won the Virgin Galactic Pioneer Award for his research on making rockets more efficient. Théo Guérin ’17 and Charlie Fenske ’18 won the 2nd place award in Engineering Mechanics, 1st place NASA Special Award, and 3rd place Society of Experimental Test Pilots Special Award for their groundbreaking work on wind energy analysis. 163 students (from grades 7-11) presented their research projects to 97 judges from local scientific organizations, technology companies and others in our 2017 Science Fair. Ten students were mentored in local labs and research facilities by scientists, engineers and other scientific professionals. Another 15 students collaborated with mentors through meetings at FA, skype conversations and email communication. Nine Falmouth Academy students in grades 9-12 participated in competitive internship opportunities in Woods Hole scientific laboratories. These internships were for up to twelve hours a week after school or during summer vacation. Students participated in some aspect of the research program of each laboratory. Our students performed well in regional and national science fairs: six received awards at the Massachusetts State Science & Engineering Fair and two received awards at the Intel International Science and Engineering Fair.

ARTS Construction was completed in May on an expanded 7,200 squarefoot performing arts center at Falmouth Academy. The Simon Center for the Arts features a 270-seat auditorium, a 60-seat music classroom, a green room, a technical control room, and a set design shop. The facility received rave reviews at the Grand Opening Concert featuring the Harlem Quartet (pictured, right) on July 3rd. Seven Falmouth Academy students were selected to participate in the All-Cape Treble Chorus, All-Cape Mixed Chorus, All-Cape Band, Treble Chorus and Junior Southeast District Orchestra. Twelve students received Massachusetts Scholastic Art and Writing awards, and one received a writing award from the Cape Cod Times’ Classroom Times. Falmouth Academy continues to be a community draw for the arts on the Upper Cape. The school is home to National Theatre Live broadcasts, Film Falmouth, the Woods Hole Film Festival, and is the summer host of the New York-based Cape Cod Theatre Project.


Fall 2017


ATHLETICS For the first time in Falmouth Academy history, two Mariner teams were ranked in the Top 20 in Massachusetts by The Boston Globe; the poll included all MIAA schools of any size! Eliza Van Voorhis ’17 broke Karen (Geagan) Lopes ’96 twentyyear-old record for career goals in soccer and was named MVP of the Cape & Islands League. Kendall Currence ’18, Brooke Feldott ’19, and Théo Guérin ‘17 were also named All-League for girls’ and boys’ soccer. Varsity girls’ basketball won their third straight Cape and Islands League championship. Center Eliza Van Voorhis ’17 joined teammate Kendall Currence ’18 in the 1000 point scorers club, becoming the fifth player in FA girls’ basketball history to do so (Sarah Beninghof ’98, Leigh Stokey ’02, Katie Palmer ’05). Eliza, Kendall, and Jane Earley ’18 were named to the All-League Team, as was Justin Bushway ’18 from Henry Stevens’ boys’ squad. Varsity girls’ lacrosse team finished as undefeated Cape and Island League Champions for the third year in a row. MVP Jane Earley ’18 set a new FA single season record with 120 goals. Also named AllLeague were Eliza Van Voorhis ’17, Brooke Feldott ’19, and Ainsley Ramsey ’20. Sam Colt-Simonds ’19 was named to the boys’ lacrosse All-League team. Middle School boys’ soccer captured the Cape Cod Super Six soccer championship. Falmouth Academy is a charter member of this young league comprised of independent and parochial middle school programs on the Cape.

OTHER GOOD NEWS Falmouth Academy students undertake many charitable activities throughout the school year from collecting food for our local food pantry to volunteering at a nearby elementary school. At their annual Gala, the students raised $2,500 to support the Cambridge School of Cambodia. The annual Hat & Mitten Tree project garnered 73 hats, 50 gloves/mittens, 33 scarves and 24 pairs of socks for the Falmouth Service Center. In the spring, National Honor Society members built a bookshelf for a local Habitat for Humanity house. Students collected children’s books to stock the shelves and delivered it to the family.



Fall 2017

Farewell to Pusit Atthaoraek

Dr. Ginny Edgcomb, Allyson Manchester and Richard Sperduto Falmouth Academy bids farewell to Pusit Atthaoraek, a cherished member of our community who has served on the buildings and grounds staff for over 10 years. While we say goodbye with heavy hearts, we are also excited for him to return to his family in Thailand. His wife Oy, his sisters, and his parents are thrilled to welcome him home at the end of October. Of course, he will always have a second home with us.





TAMARIND JUICE Soak half a pack of tamarind paste in hot water until soft. Squeeze, strain, and add 3 liters of water. Boil for 2-3 minutes. Add honey and salt. Fancy Nuts Add scallions, green onion, and chili pepper to mixed nuts. If necessary, cool a spicy palate with hot water! Spring Rolls Soak rice paper in warm water. Add tofu, chicken, shrimp, lemon, carrots, mint, basil, garlic, ginger, avocado, and lettuce. Spring roll dipping sauce: Mix hoisin sauce with garlic chili sauce. Steamed Mussels Steam mussels with Thai basil, lemongrass, and shallots—no need for water or butter! Seafood dipping sauce: Using mortar and pestle, mash together: 3-5 pieces of garlic, 3 chili peppers, 1.5 tbsp fish sauce, 1.5 tbsp lime juice, cilantro (3 roots or stems), and a pinch of salt.

Pusit enlivened our community with his vivid range of life experiences. After studying cultural anthropology in college in Thailand, he worked at United Nations refugee camps along the border of Thailand and Laos. Here, he helped with the placement of refugees from the Vietnam and Laos wars. Additionally, he also coached several teams of refugees in volleyball competitions. Pusit enjoyed quite a successful volleyball career himself—he has competed on national volleyball teams and won several big-time championships. Pusit made several close American friends at the refugee camps. Intrigued by American culture, he decided to move to Seattle, Washington, where he could begin a new job and pursue American citizenship. Pusit’s daughter, Pai Lin, was born in the United States and attended Falmouth Academy (photo). A masterful ballerina, she is now majoring in dance at the University of Utah. Pusit eventually settled on the East Coast and joined the Falmouth Academy community in 2007. Still, he maintained intimate ties to his homeland. One of his most interesting personal pursuits is his support of a family tractor business. Even while living in the United States, he has traveled to every continent to purchase old Ford tractors and ship them to Thailand. His family then rebuilds the tractors to sell to farmers around the globe. Whether teaching a lesson on Buddhism to a World Cultures class, organizing a school fundraiser for flood survivors in Bangkok, or breaking wooden boards in his martial arts elective, Pusit always took opportunities to share his wisdom with students, parents, and colleagues. Throughout his time at FA, he also achieved notoriety as an excellent cook. Pusit led popular cooking classes through FA Summer Programs and senior-taught electives. Students and faculty delighted in hearing him ask his favorite question, “Have you eaten yet?” and then seeing him emerge from the kitchen with one of his beloved dishes: spring rolls, Pad Thai, “Seafood Madness,” or mango with sticky rice. This year, one group of students chose to dedicate their Marconi Beach Day sand sculpture to Pusit. The beautiful tribute included an elephant and an inscription with “Farewell, Mr. A” written in Thai. As college counselor Ruth Slocum reflected on the sculpture, she mused, “Like elephants, we will never forget Mr. A.” Indeed, Pusit’s kindness, diligence, and friendship will forever live in the halls and grounds of the school. We thank him, from the bottom of our very full hearts, for his generous and cheerful spirit. He will be dearly missed here on our Cape Cod corner of the world.



Fall 2017


Alumni News Jen (Schneider ’89) and her husband Josh Ziskin are the owners of two restaurants, LaMorra of Brookline (named 2015 Best Italian Restaurant in Boston by Boston Magazine and 2017 Best Italian Restaurant by The Improper Bostonian) and Heritage of Sherborn. They were recently profiled in Boston Voyager, where Jen said, “Whenever I tell people I own a restaurant (back when we only had one) they would say, oh you must be exhausted, it is such a tough business! I would reply that it was a lot of work, but nothing compared to teaching middle school, which I did before we opened La Morra. I feel a bit different now that we own two restaurants, a wine shop, offer on-site and off-site catering, have four guest rooms and are raising three teenage boys! It is hard work, but the rewards make it truly worth it. I feel very lucky that I love what I do. Heritage has also offered me more opportunity to travel for wine and to learn more as I am studying to be a sommelier. La Morra has an all Italian wine list. Josh and I lead food and wine tours to Italy, so that has always been amazing, but now my wine travels are taking me all over the world!”

Celebrating Mrs. Melillo In June, hundreds of alumni, faculty and old friends came to Falmouth Academy in honor of Mrs. Lalise Melillo, who retired after teaching for 50 years, 40 of which were at FA (pictured with her husband Gerry and son, Ted ’92). The “Founding Mother” was celebrated in so many ways, including nods from former headmaster Bruce Buxton, and former students Laura Tavares ’94 and Michael Deasy ’10. Bridget Miskell ’07 and Sam Amazeen ’07 presented her with a treasure chest full of praise cards from alumni throughout the years and from around the world. Bruce Buxton, seen here with Liz (Cook) Hawes ’92 said, “Here is a secret: You build a school on the shoulders of its teachers. In 1989 we placed a plaque at the foot of the stairs here to celebrate the building of our campus in Falmouth. We quoted Isaac Newton, who, in 1676, writing to the scientist Robert Hooke, 10


Fall 2017

quoted 12th century sage Bernard of Chartres. Newton wrote: “If I have seen farther it is by standing on the shoulders of giants.” In our case the little giant school…a small school that from the first punched well above its weight, stood on the shoulders of its remarkable founding faculty. We celebrated then a school built on those shoulders and Lalise was a leader among those leaders, who offered critical wisdom at a critical time in the school’s history. I think of her as a Caryatid of sorts…a pillar in the form of a goddess. Hers is a voice unusual and insightful. Her experience and insights have enriched the school. I want to be in the line waiting to stand on her shoulders.” Laura Tavares ’94, now a senior program associate for Facing History and Ourselves, said her life became rooted in education her first day at Falmouth Academy. Pictured here with her daughter Jane and Julie Taylor, Laura said, “The fact that I became an educator - the fact that I simply could never imagine a more interesting and meaningful way to spend my time - has everything to do with Falmouth Academy and with Mrs. Melillo. I’m speaking from my own experience tonight, but I know there are many people here, in all kinds of professions,

This summer FA celebrated the return of Brian Miskell ’06, a working stage actor in New York City, who participated in The Cape Cod Theatre Project at Falmouth Academy. Many former teachers filled the audience on opening night of “How to Load a Musket,” a look at people who are Revolutionary and Civil War reenactors. In an article in The Falmouth Enterprise (written by Brittany Feldott ’12), Brian said, “It does feel neat to be sitting on the other side of the stage as an adult, a stage I stood on a lot when I was a child. It’s kind of surreal in a way.” Brian has appeared in Annie Baker’s “The Antipodes,” “The Flick” and “The Aliens,” which he performed in San Francisco and Washington, DC, and for which he won an award for Best Supporting Actor in 2012 from the DC Metro Theater Arts. Brian is pictured with Lalise Melillo (left) and Elisabeth Munro Ledwell (right).

Congratulations to Stephanie (Pommrehn ’07) and her husband Matthew on the birth of their son Leopold Andrew Marshall (photo). He was born on June 14th at Queen Elizabeth Hospital in London weighing 9 lbs and 20" long.

who would also say that their time in Mrs. Melillo’s classroom was fundamental to what they do, what they value, and who they are. She conveys this feeling that there could be nothing more interesting, nothing more important, than what is happening right then in the classroom and in your own thinking and learning.”

As Bridget Miskell and Sam Amazeen walked up to the podium with a chest of praise cards from hundreds of alumni, it was almost as if they carried the soul of the school with them.

Mike Deasy ’10 and FA humanities teacher (pictured with his parents) will take over the reins of Mrs. Melillo’s Rhetoric class, a signature option for FA seniors. “As Lalise, the last founding mother, retires, we should feel slightly uneasy, knowing the beauty and depth of this school’s spirit and the work it will take to maintain it, but we can also feel confident, because we have the tools from Lalise’s time here to guide us. We can honor her and all the founding faculty, not by trying to do what they did, or by trying to make ourselves into them. We must remember them by developing our own voices, by working to know our own stories, by sharing our stories with others, and by listening with that sense of deep attentiveness that all the founding mothers brought to this school, that kind of heartfelt devotion that inspires confidence and imagination in young people.”

SAVE THE DATE – Thursday, December 14th – for a talk by Rosie Gray ’08 as part of FA’s Community Series. Rosie, a reporter for The Atlantic and a member of the White House Press Corps, will talk about her experiences in political reporting (photo). Earlier that day, she will address the student body, and on Friday, she will lead a roundtable discussion at our Alumni College & Career Networking event.

In Rhetoric, Bridget recalled, “Mrs. Melillo worked tirelessly with each of us along the process of self-discovery – identifying our interests and strengths and preparing us to share those learnings with each other. She believed in each of our individual abilities so deeply that you felt as though you were her only student. Our work together came to fruition as we executed our speech teaching lessons, where we each guided our classmates through a finely crafted lesson plan and watched each other become leaders. Mrs. Melillo’s appreciation for each of us was soon shared by all.” While presenting the alumni gift, Sam said, “Mrs. Melillo, on behalf of all FA alumni, we would like to thank you for helping each of us find our best self and scholar. Although many of us still argue over the Spartans and the Athenians, we can all appreciate your tremendous contribution to this school and to our education. We are all grateful for this opportunity to celebrate your incredible career and send you into a joyous retirement with praise from all of us.” The GAM

Fall 2017


Transitions 2017-2018 Board of Trustees This past July, Joseph Valle was appointed chair of the Falmouth Academy Board of Trustees; he joined the board in 2014. He succeeds Beth Colt who took over as chair in 2012. Ms. Colt will remain on the board in the role of vice chair and will continue working alongside Mr. Valle and fellow trustees in service to Falmouth Academy. Mr. Valle, who prefers to be called Joe, is the CEO of the Valle Group, a Falmouth-based family-owned construction company. He brings business acumen, nonprofit leadership, a background in education and teaching experience to the governance of Falmouth

Academy. He formerly served as chairman of the board of Highfield Hall and as a trustee of Noble and Greenough School in Dedham, MA. Rob Wells, interim head of school, offered his enthusiastic endorsement saying, “Joe Valle is an individual of great personal integrity and wisdom. I am absolutely confident that Joe will lead the board in a way that serves the school’s mission and guiding values.” The 2017-2018 Falmouth Academy Board of Trustees also welcomes Linda Boardman, president of Branch Brook Holdings, LLC and parent of Quincy ’20, and Rob Munier, vice president of Marine Facilities and Operations at the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution. The board bid a fond farewell to three devoted longserving members, Victor Aviles, Mark Hutker, and Susan Morse, who had served the school, collectively, for more than 40 years. FA parent (Thomas ’12, Catherine ’14, and Stephanie ’17) and Falmouth oncologist Vic Aviles joined the board in 2006 and served as a member of the committee on trustees. He and his wife Ann, also a physician, have been dedicated Falmouth Academy volunteers for many years.

2017-2018 Faculty In addition to a full complement of new and returning students, Falmouth Academy opened its doors this September with an enthusiastic crew of new and returning faculty. Rob Wells graciously stepped in to serve this year as interim head of school. Henry Stevens is serving as interim director of Athletics. Dr. Petra Ehrenbrink started her new role as academic dean and will continue as chair of Foreign Language. Julie Bradley joined the faculty mid-August as the new director of Admission and Enrollment Management. She returned to the Cape, where she summered as a child, with her husband Kevin after serving seven years in Admissions at Miss Hall's School in Pittsfield, MA. In October, Carmen Disanto will join the faculty as FA’s new Business Manager. Ms. Disanto comes from Tennessee where she worked at the Episcopal School of Knoxville in business administration for seven years (not pictured). We also welcome the following faculty to Falmouth Academy (pictured above, left to right): Britta Santamauro, director of Library and Media Services; Tessa Steinert Evoy, English and History; Christine Carter, Foreign Language; Ben Parsons, English and Foreign Language; Jana Becker, Foreign Language; and Dr. Joy Lapseritis, Science and Math (not pictured). 12


Fall 2017

Falmouth-based architect Mark Hutker joined the board in 2006 and served as chair of the Facilities Committee for much of his tenure. He oversaw the development of the school’s most recent master plan, and the construction of Morse Hall, the Simon Center for the Arts, and landscaping projects around campus. On September 16th, the Morse Hall terrace was dedicated as Hutker Yard to recognize the Hutker family’s many leadership contributions to Falmouth Academy over the years. Mark and Carla Hutker’s children Harley ’11 and Evan ’07 are both Falmouth Academy graduates. Long-time Quissett resident Susan Morse has served Falmouth Academy since 1993. A passionate advocate of the school, Ms. Morse chaired FA’s first Kitchen & Garden Tour in 1995, and has served in a variety of leadership roles since then. She was chair of the board from 2004 to 2012, chaired the Committee on Trustees for many years, and led the capital campaign that raised funds to construct the library/science wing. She continues to serve the school as chair of the current campaign for Falmouth Academy, which is in the final phase of raising funds in support of the Simon Center for the Arts, the meeting hall, and endowments for financial aid and faculty compensation. In recognition of Ms. Morse and her late husband Chip’s commitment to Falmouth Academy, the meeting hall was dedicated Morse Hall in 2015. “The Falmouth Academy community owes a debt of gratitude to Vic, Mark, and Susan for their commitment, passion and dedication. They have led by example during their tenure on the Board. Their tireless efforts over the years have made Falmouth Academy a better place,” said Mr. Valle. “We are forever grateful for their leadership.”


Gratitude Report


Fall 2017


Head of School J. Robinson Wells 2017 - 2018 Board of Trustees

Dear Parents, Alumni, and Friends of Falmouth Academy,

Joseph R. Valle, Chair Beth Colt, Vice Chair Cynthia Feldmann, Treasurer Colleen Johns, Secretary Linda Boardman Scott Brown ’89 Ann Egan Sheila Giancola Henrik Gulmann John Heyl Joan Holden Michael G. Jones Josef M. Kellndorfer Andrew Kingman ’00 H. Russel Lemcke Brett Sanidas Laura Ryan Shachoy Director of Development Pamela Clapp Hinkle

We are grateful to all who have supported the school over the past year, whether it is through the critically important Annual Fund, the Capital Campaign or other special projects. A remarkable $1,758,849 was raised in 2016-2017: $1,359,600 in support of Campaign objectives including the Simon Center for the Arts and two newly established named endowments: the Alison and Robert Ament Fund for Science and the Lalise Melillo and Founding Faculty Endowment for faculty support; $364,249 for the Annual Fund; and $35,000 for special projects including the renovation of our computer classroom.

The community’s response to the new Simon Center has been overwhelmingly enthusiastic. It promises to be a well-loved venue for student concerts and productions and a focal point for community events for years to come. With a little less than $300,000 needed to complete the fundraising for this new facility, we are optimistic that we will be able to bring the Campaign to a close during the 2018 fiscal year. Thank you for your continued generosity and commitment to our students and our school.

We have tried to make this report as complete and accurate as possible as of June 30, 2017. We appreciate your sharing with us any errors or omissions. Thank you. The GAM

Thanks to the foresight of our founders, tenacity of our dynamic faculty, and generosity of a generation of donors, our school community has grown dramatically. Today more than 200 students and 50 faculty gather each weekday morning in Morse Hall for All-School Meeting to share, explain, and build community. This facility, as well as the new Simon Center for the Arts, and all that we do at Falmouth Academy are made possible thanks to the generosity of the hundreds of donors listed in this year’s Gratitude Report.

We would like to especially thank long-time friend of the school, Bonnie Ward Simon, whose transformational gift in honor of her husband Stephen, enabled the naming of the beautiful new Simon Center for the Arts. The Simon Center celebrated its grand opening on July 3rd with a standing-room-only concert by the engaging Harlem Quartet.

Rob Munier


A little more than forty years ago a group of educators imagined a school where a rigorous curriculum was integrated with strong extracurricular offerings in the fine and performing arts and athletics. That vision became a reality in 1977, when Falmouth Academy was founded. High standards of personal achievement, vigorous engagement in all aspects of school life, and participation in community service were—and still are—central to FA’s mission.

Fall 2017


Susan G. Morse Sheila Giancola Campaign Chair Development Committee Chair

The Navigator Society The Navigator society recognizes loyal donors who have made gifts to Falmouth Academy for 10 or more consecutive years. The 300 Committee Land Trust Ben and Julie Allen Alison and Robert Ament Assonet Animal Hospital Pusit Atthaoraek June Atwood Victor and Ann Aviles Helen and John E. Barnes Benjamin Baum ’99 Clare M. Beams and Finn Calabro Jodee P. Bishop and James C. Reber Mardi and Frank Bowles Albert and Deborah Bradley Jennifer and David Bradley ’92 Susan and Gilbert Brinckerhoff Gwen and Richard Brown Peter and Missie Brown Scott D. Brown ’89 and Melissa Hofer Bruce and Patrice Buxton Cassady (Byers ’97) and Ian Cadillac Barbara Campbell Michele Chapdelaine ’03 and Colin Remillard ’02 Children's School of Science, Inc. Eleanor and Andrew Clark Tucker M. Clark Mr. and Mrs. James M. Cleary Patricia M. Crews Lois and Gregory Cronin Mr. and Mrs. Gorham Cross Luke and Alice Daley Paul and Mia De Weer Kathleen Denham Benjamin S. Dunham and Wendy H. Rolfe-Dunham Michael J. Earley and Suzanne Lawson

Gundhild and Michael Eder Petra Ehrenbrink and Bernhard Peucker-Ehrenbrink Eight Cousins Books Dr. and Mrs. Frank G. Emerling David C. and Holly Faus Nancy and Donald L. Gantz Dr. and Mrs. Thomas Geagan Sheila and Michael S. Giancola Mr. and Mrs. George Gillmore Jr. Carol Goranson ’97 William Goranson Dr. and Mrs. Bruce R. Gordon Lawrence Gray and Pamela Bishop Gray Thomas F. and Virginia Gregg Mr. and Mrs. Robert A. Haslun James N. Heald II Elizabeth P. Heald Mr. and Mrs. Frederic H. Hilton Olivann and John Hobbie Katie and Mark Hollander Clara (Roslansky ’79) and David Hulburt Carla and Mark A. Hutker Hutker Architects, Inc. Di Jin and Zhen Wu Colleen and Chip Johns Kathy and James E. Johnson Barbara Woll Jones Douglas H. Jones and Annie Dean Jodi Kopke ’92 Mr. and Mrs. H. Carnie Lawson II Elisabeth and Patrick Ledwell Tamar Levy Deirdre A. Ling and Edward H. Russell Katie (Plumb ’01) and Greg LiVigne Edward A. Lott and Amy Fish

Pete and Vicky Lowell D. Gordon and Susan MacLeod William L. Maini Marine Biological Laboratory Sophie Markovich DMD, PC Mr. and Mrs. Lowell V. Martin Nancy H. Massey McLane Research Labs, Inc. Dr. and Mrs. Walter L. McLean Edward D. Melillo ’92 and Nina Gordon Jerry and Lalise Melillo R. K. Mellon Family Foundation Suzanne Meuse and Steve W. Allsopp Dana and Eileen Miskell Susan D. Moffat and Tom Kleindinst Mary Lou and Charles Montgomery Tiffany and Jeffrey Moon ’92 Hannah and Michael Moore Susan G. Morse Jennifer Murphy Jill Neubauer Jean M. Partridge Party Cape Cod Christine Pina ’86 and Alex D. Smith Laurence and Ann Pizer Karen and Michael Rakutis Helen Reuter and David Martin Jill C. Reves Kris and Robert Reynolds Margaret Hough Russell and Joe W. Russell Jr. Jessica Hough Russell ’01 Salt Pond Areas Bird Sanctuaries, Inc. Susie and Brett A. Sanidas Miyoko Sato ’86 Suzan and George Scharr

Sea Education Association, Inc N. James Shachoy and Laura Ryan Shachoy Ellie and Gus Shaver Ruth Slocum and Mark Patterson Richard Sperduto and Virginia Edgcomb Steamship Authority Stop & Shop - Falmouth Julie and Donald Swanbeck Mary and Gerard L. Swope Gayle and Richard Sylvia Julia and Elliott Taylor Teledyne Marine Systems Cristina Torruella and David Pingal Mr. and Mrs. Noah Totten Sarah A. Twichell ’99 and David Crandall Nancy and David C. Twichell Clyde L. Tyndale and Deborah F. Winograd Rachel and Charlie Van Voorhis Anna-Elizabeth Villard-Howe ’97 and Timothy A. Michaud II Maribeth and John Wadman Carol and Stephen P. Wagner Willard C. Weaner Nina Heald Webber J. Robinson Wells Mr. and Mrs. Thomas M. Whitney Mrs. A. A. T. Wickersham Dr. and Mrs. Albert Williams III Wood Lumber Co. Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution Woods Hole Research Center Dr. and Mrs. George Woodwell Charles “Mike” Wrighter Mr. and Mrs. Leslie M. Wrigley Mr. and Mrs. Alexander Ziss

The Josiah K. Lilly III Society A Legacy of Support Thirty years ago, philanthropist Josiah K. Lilly III donated 34 acres of Beebe Woods so that Falmouth Academy could build a permanent campus. The donors listed below have included Falmouth Academy in their estate planning through bequest intentions, retirement funds, and life insurance policies. Anonymous (2) Margaret Clowes Bowles Eleanor Bronson-Hodge Missie and Peter Brown Tucker M. Clark Sarah A. Daley ‘11 Lauren Fox Nancy and Donald Gantz

Elizabeth P. Heald Henry R. Hague III ’90 Pamela Clapp Hinkle and Gregory Hinkle Lindsay and Peter Hopewood Jerry and Lalise Melillo Lubos Mikuska ’99 Charlotte Olmsted

Amy Peterschmidt Neil Powell Jenny (Olson) Putnam ’83 Margaret Hough Russell and Joe W. Russell Jr. Susan and Mrs. John Schofield Richard Sperduto Gayle and Dick Sylvia

You, too, can help ensure Falmouth Academy’s future by making a planned gift to the school. To learn more about planned giving options, please contact the Development Office at 508-457-9696, extension 240. The GAM

Fall 2017


The Annual Fund

July 1, 2016 – June 30, 2017

Gifts to the Annual Fund provide vital, flexible resources to ensure the quality of education at Falmouth Academy. Listings with * indicate a donor of five or more consecutive years. Gift Clubs & Gift Ranges Founders Circle ($10,000+) Revels Society ($5,000 - $9,999)

Isti Mirant Stella Guild ($2,500 - $4,999) Athens Sparta Club ($1,000 - $2,499)

Founders Circle

Anonymous Talbot Baker Jr.* Margaret J. Clowes* Falmouth Academy Parents Association* Elizabeth P. Heald* R. K. Mellon Family Foundation* David and June Rickard Miyoko Sato* ’86

Revels Society

Anonymous Cape Cod Foundation Lara and Henrik Gulmann* The Heslinga Family Pamela Clapp Hinkle and Greg Hinkle Island Foundation, Inc.* Joan and Joseph R. Valle*

Isti Mirant Stella Guild

Alison and Robert Ament* Beth Colt and P.K. Simonds* Delphi Construction Inc. James N. Heald II* H. Russel Lemcke and Meg Becker* Hollis and Ermine Lovell Future Fund of Salt Pond Areas Bird Sanctuaries, Inc.* Pete and Vicky Lowell* Mr. and Mrs. Michael Nametz Southeastern Surgical Associates P.C. Mary and Gerard L. Swope* Julie and Bill Waite Nina Heald Webber*



Head of School’s List ($500 - $999) Honor Society ($250 - $499) Scholars ($1 - $249)

Athens Sparta Club

Anonymous (2) Julie and Ben Allen* Ellie and Richard Armstrong* Victor and Ann Aviles* Jodee P. Bishop and James C. Reber* Missie and Peter Brown* Cape Cod Healthcare Cataumet Boats, Inc.* Cazeault Roofing & Solar Mimi and Charles Cleary* Tom DeMello and Cynthia Feldmann* Stephen Duffy and Karen Loder Eck MacNeely Architects Inc. Muriel C. Golden Virginia and Thomas F. Gregg* Mary Jo and John Heyl Olivann and John Hobbie* Lori and Robb E. Hoehlein Joan G. Ogilvy Holden and Robert J. Holden Lindsay and Peter Hopewood Carla and Mark A. Hutker* Colleen and Chip Johns* Mr. and Mrs. Eric Johnson* Ted and Ruth Johnson Family Foundation* Barbara Woll Jones* Michael G. Jones* Emily and Josef M. Kellndorfer* Karey and Josh Kitfield* ’91 William L. Maini* Jennifer and Rick Markello McLane Research Labs, Inc.* Mr. and Mrs. Bruce McRae

Fall 2017

Jerry and Lalise Melillo* Dana and Eileen Miskell Hannah and Michael Moore* Susan G. Morse* Jan and Rob Munier Notus Clean Energy, LLC* Liz and Lawrence Novak Charles and Brenda Olson Nicole and Richard Palmer Christine Pina ’86 and Alex D. Smith* Janet and Derek Pratt Robert Pritchard and Anna dos Santos* Edward B. Rastetter and Karen Hendrickson Susie and Brett A. Sanidas*

Falmouth Track Club Kristin and Michael Feeney Christine and James Francis Peter and Tara Franklin Liz and Benjamin W. Gregg ’90 Thomas J. Hallahan* Wendy and Russell Keeler Mr. and Mrs. James Livsey Mr. and Mrs. Richard P. Mellon Tiffany and Jeffrey Moon* ’92 Hicham and Georgina Nouaime Susan and Christopher O'Brien Pelagic Electronics Portside Liquors Jim Preisig and Anne Curi Preisig Andree and John Ramsey Mr. and Mrs. Donald Rice

N. James Shachoy and Laura Ryan Shachoy* Elisabeth and David Tamasi* ’90 Teledyne Marine Systems* Willard C. Weaner* Woods Hole Foundation, Inc.

Rochester Cabinet Shop Gregory and Jennifer Russell* Dr. and Mrs. Richard Signell Gayle and Richard Sylvia* Laura Tavares ’94 and David G. Garrett Nancy and Scott Thrasher Clyde L. Tyndale and Deborah F. Winograd* The Valle Group Waterbury Optometry Dale Weldon Wood Lumber Co.*

Head of School’s List

Samuel Amazeen* ’07 Mr. and Mrs. John S. Anderegg Jr. Regina and James Augat Eryn (Ament ’91) and Michael Bingle* Linda and Mark Boardman Susan Burrell Cape Cod Surgeons P.C. Dr. and Mrs. Garry Brake Dr. and Mrs. Peter Hopewood Cape Destinations Mr. and Mrs. Albert Capraro Tucker M. Clark* Elizabeth R. Colt* Luke and Alice Daley* Patricia Doon Ann and Len Egan Falmouth Products Inc.

Honor Society

Anonymous (2) Associates of Cape Cod Kim and Mark Baumhofer* Maureen and Douglas Best Todd Bidwell Mr. and Mrs. Brian Bowen Andrew Bowen and Linda Beetlestone Susan and Gilbert Brinckerhoff* Scott D. Brown ’89 and Melissa Hofer*

Joan E. Butler Cassady (Byers ’97) and Ian Cadillac* Michele Chapdelaine ’03 and Colin F. Remillard ’02 Philip Combra and Gerda O'Rourke Court Street Animal Hospital John and Beth Cox* Prince S. Crowell III Dalpe Excavation, Inc.* Andrea and Emmanuel Daskalakis Anne (Burns ’97) and Alexander Diaz-Matos* Mr. and Mrs. James Dildine Mr. and Mrs. James Earley Christina Egloff and Brent Runyon* Mr. and Mrs. Dick Emery Falmouth Water Stewards Lisa and Douglas Garland* Mr. and Mrs. George Gillmore Jr.* Katelyn Goldsmith ’22 Marianne Goldsmith Michael Goldsmith Mary G. Heard Mr. and Mrs. Bob Heath Nancy and Rob Hershfield Mr. and Mrs. Frederic H. Hilton* Monica and Bill Hough* Juliet and Benjamin Jones ’90 Mr. and Mrs. Dwight Jones Jonathan Leonard and Jeanne MacLaren Katie (Plumb ’01) and Greg LiVigne Edward A. Lott and Amy Fish* Mr. and Mrs. Leon Love Anja and Peter MacDonald* ’06 Lisa and Darrell Maclean Susan and D. Gordon MacLeod Kate and Bill Marvel Mr. and Mrs. Wilkinson B. Marvel Liesl and John McGuire* ’90 Zeina and George Metri Mary Lou and Charles Montgomery* Claudia and Joel M. Nimar Maureen and Kenneth S. Nunley* Karen and Charles Perry Raytheon Company* Kris and Robert Reynolds* Jennifer (Malaquias ’97) and Andrew Ryan Katarina Scamborova ’98 and Michael Zeltkevic Cindy and David Soby Diane and Norman Stillman Linda (Baron ’80) and Nick Suttora Pierre and Gisela Pierre Tillier* Timeless Rachel and Charlie Van Voorhis Arnold D. Vetstein Dan Vlock and Joyce Myers Keith von der Heydt and Terry McKee John B. Waterbury and Vicky Cullen

Ann Wolf Woods Hole Research Center Jacquelyn C. Yanch and John H. McCall


Anonymous (4) The 300 Committee Land Trust* Saramaria (Berggren ’83) and Peter Allenby Seth Ament ’99 and Natalia Skolnik Erin and David Aronson ’96 Assonet Animal Hospital* Pusit Atthaoraek* June Atwood* Donald Aukamp Catherine E. Aviles ’14 Victoria A. Avis ’15 Dr. and Mrs. David S. Babin* Bobbi Bailin Charles Bardelis Deverie and John Barrera Benjamin Baum* ’99 Clare M. Beams and Finn Calabro* Ginny and Robert Beams* Judy Belliveau Rachel Billings ’00 Emily Birdwhistell ’98 Kacey Bisienere ’07 Rashida Black ’97 Alessandro Bocconcelli and Laela Sayigh Carlo A. S. Bocconcelli ’14 Martha and Bob Borden Anthony Bowen* ’05 Mr. and Mrs. Charles W. Bradley Jr. Jennifer and David Bradley* ’92 David Brown and Nawrie Meigs-Brown Gwen and Richard Brown* Colleen Bulman ’93 Ann R. Burchill Mrs. John J. Burns Jr.* Marite Zandbergs Burns* Scott Bushway* George Cadwalader Jr. ’87

Barbara Campbell* Cape Cod Aggregates Cape Cod Pediatrics, LLP Janine Cappucino Kerrie and Peter Capraro Arlene Cardoza Ocean Celestino ’92 Tracy (Olson ’96) and Michael Chait Children's School of Science, Inc.* Eleanor and Andrew Clark* Peter L. Clark and Ellen Barol Emmanuelle Bonnafoux Claydon and John Claydon* Patricia R. Colhoun Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Colucci Claudia Connell Anne Connolly Frances S. Connolly Dr. and Mrs. Arthur E. Crago Patricia M. Crews* Lois and Gregory Cronin* Amaris Cuchanski Mr. and Mrs. Sam Currence Katherine Curtis

Paul and Mia De Weer* Michael J. Deasy ’10 Kathleen Denham* Elaine and Durley DePaula Shelley Devine Carol DiFalco and Eric Wheeler Jacqui Diggs Heather (Mastromatteo ’90) and Jonathan DiPaolo* Ivan Djikaev and Julia Zagachin Kari and Liam Doherty ’96 Tricia and Charles Duane Benjamin S. Dunham and Wendy H. Rolfe-Dunham* Michael J. Earley and Suzanne Lawson* Daniel L. Eder ’12 Gundhild and Michael Eder* Joan Edstrom Frank R. L. Egloff Jessie and Jason Eldredge* Dr. and Mrs. Frank G. Emerling* Thomas R. Evangelista ’16 Falmouth Leisure, Inc. Falmouth Toyota Holly and David C. Faus* Gus Favreau Mimi Feldmann-DeMello ’15 Mr. and Mrs. William Fish Kathy and Michael Fletcher Christopher Foster ’93 and April Mattix Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Foster Jr.* Liza Fox ’96 and Alfredo L. Aretxabaleta Fritz Glass* Erik Gable ’98 Amy and Dennis Galvam Nancy and Donald L. Gantz* Caitlin and Jeremy Gantz ’00 Jenny and Ryan Gantz* ’95 Kristen Garcia ’03 Natasha Garland ’16 Lynda and Gregg Gaudet*


Fall 2017


Dr. and Mrs. Thomas Geagan* Carol Goranson* ’97 William Goranson* Dr. and Mrs. Bruce R. Gordon* Sasha (Dmochowski ’94) Gorrell Deborah and Leon Gove Lawrence Gray and Pamela Bishop Gray* Tracy and Timothy Gregg ’85 Mr. and Mrs. Huson R. Gregory* Susan and Pierre Guérin Tara and Brian Guiliano Katelyn Gundersen ’06 John Gwynn ’07 Cathy and Michael Gwynn Tyler N. Gwynn ’12 Jennifer and Henry R. Hague III* ’90 Mr. and Mrs. Edward J. Hahn Jr.* Mark Hahn and Rachel Graber* Ingrid C. H. Hammond ’99 Laura Hardin Mr. and Mrs. Ken Hare Elie (Swain ’88) and Jamie Harmon* Carolyn (Crews ’01) and Steven Hartle* Mr. and Mrs. Robert A. Haslun Robert Hauck Liz (Cook ’92) and Simon Hawes Nathaniel R. Haycock ’11 Ann-Margret and Brendan Herbert Elinor (Ament ’00) and Aaron Hiller Rodney Hinkle and Kirstin Moritz Abigail P. Hollander* ’12 Katie and Mark Hollander* Marianne and Kevin Holmes* ’92 Yuki A. Honjo ’90 and Jason Cullinane* Dr. and Mrs. Richard A. Houghton Tom Howes Mr. and Mrs. William Hullfish 18


Mr. and Mrs. Eric Husebo Ana and Evan Hutker* ’07 Hutker Architects, Inc.* Di Jin and Zhen Wu* Rubing Jin ’10 Caroline C. Johns ’11 Christina Johns ’09 Lucas W. Johns ’14 Kathy and James E. Johnson* Henry H. Jones ’14 Suzanne Jordan* Archana Joshee ’97 and Pranaya Ghimire Shelley Kandola ’09 Angelique Robert Kania Jr.* Mr. and Mrs. Richard E. Kendall Nichole (Tennant ’00) and Brandon Kettell Adrienne and Gregory J. Kinchla ’96 Amy and Andrew Kingman* ’00 Elizabeth Klein Patricia and Robert Knapp* Sarah Knowles* Jodi Kopke* ’92 MaryAnn Kowalski ’06 Karl Kraus and Susan McAree John Krauspe and Patricia Duffy-Krauspe Rebecca Kurish Mr. and Mrs. Wayne L. Laflamboy III Mr. and Mrs. H. Carnie Lawson II* Elisabeth and Patrick Ledwell* Lauren and Josh D. Leveque Tamar Levy* Deirdre A. Ling and Edward H. Russell* Kerri Liska ’07 Ivory Littlefield and Lisa Epstein Alexander Lloyd-Evans ’07 Mr. and Mrs. William Locke

Fall 2017

Karen (Geagan ’96) and Josh Lopes* Dr. and Mrs. William Lott Lisa and Daniel MacDonald Mr. and Mrs. Saverio Maldari* Allyson Manchester Sophie Markovich DMD, PC* Massachusetts Cultural Council Nancy H. Massey* Mr. and Mrs. Ernest May* Sarah (Lafaver ’96) and Michael McCarron* Max McGurl ’09 Mr. and Mrs. William McMillan Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Michael McNaught* Edward D. Melillo ’92 and Nina Gordon* Dawn and Fred Meltzer* ’83 Julie Meltzer ’80 and Jonathan Bender Suzanne Meuse and Steve W. Allsopp* Brian Miskell ’06 Bridget Miskell* ’07 Louise Mitchell Scottie Mobley Susan D. Moffat and Tom Kleindinst* Mr. and Mrs. Allan Moniz Deirdre and Mark Moniz Kristin (Jochems ’05) and Ed Montville* Jennifer Murphy* Lucy Beecher Nelson and Brad Nelson Wendy and Kris Nelson Mr. and Mrs. Henry Neubert James Nidositko Sr.* Christina A. Nunley ’13 Maureen and Kenneth S. Nunley* Colin O'Brien Katherine (Ellsworth ’89) and Adam Oler Rekha Oli Dr. and Mrs. Donald O'Malley Katherine Paiva ’07

Timothy T. Parker and Suzanne Trottier Alexandra (Gillmore ’03) and Brendan Parnell Jean M. Partridge* Mr. and Mrs. Ronald L. Patterson* Mr. and Mrs. Robert Pelletreau* Eric L. Peters Cynthia Pina Nicolas F. Pingal ’16 Jonas Pizer ’96 and Andrea Friedrich Laurence and Ann Pizer* Alaina R. Plueddemann ’15 Dr. and Mrs. Albert Plueddemann* Claire and Clifford Pontbriand ’99 William A. Potter and Anne Connolly-Potter* Neil Powell June Raymond and Fritz Lauenstein* James B. Reber ’09 and Liz Cookson ’08 Susan Reidy* Helen Reuter and David Martin* Jill C. Reves* Olivia and David Riddiford Jacqueline Robie and Lars Rydell Mr. and Mrs. Richard C. Romanow Jessica Hough Russell* ’01 Margaret Hough Russell and Joe W. Russell Jr.* Whit K. Russell ’04 Jenny (Fortman ’84) and Michael Sato ’87 Dr. and Mrs. Thomas Sbarra Petra Scamborova ’93 and Leo Otake Suzan George Scharr* Mr. and Mrs. Robert Scharr Anthony Schepici Eric Schmitt ’07 Bob Schneider ’09 Caitlin Schwarzman ’88 and V. Jason Rucker

Megan Schwarzman ’90 and Mike Wilson* Micaela Schweitzer-Bluhm ’90 and Todd Bluhm Blake (Pearlstein ’04) and Naor Shalem Ellie and Gus Shaver* Stephen Sheinkopf ’84 and Jennifer Levy Heather Shepley and Philip Alatalo Amy Shumway Evan Sipe ’04 Mr. and Mrs. Roderick Sipe Mr. and Mrs. Kiran Sitoula Ruth Slocum and Mark Patterson* Brittany and Joseph Smith ’04 Hanlon Eric Smith-Dorsey ’99 and Jill Pierce ’99 Richard Sperduto and Virginia Edgcomb Gordon MacDonald Starr and Sherry Greene-Starr Henry Stevens* Amy (Ballentine ’96) and Matt Stevens* Julie and Donald Swanbeck* Laura Swanbeck ’04 Sarah Swanbeck* ’03 Alexander Takahashi ’97 Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Tavares Kama and E. Robert Thieler Dr. and Mrs. Edward Thieler III David Thompson and Kimberley A. Heath Alyssa (Gantz ’03) and Tyler Thompson Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Thrasher Mareana Tiapula ’99 and Dan Ledoux Cristina Torruella and David Pingal* Sharon E. Torruella* Mr. and Mrs. Noah Totten* Beth and Stephen Trieschmann Heather (Kirtland) Tsonopoulos ’92 Louis and Lee Turner Nathan Twichell ’02 and Eliza Tobin Sarah A. Twichell ’99 and David Crandall* Stephen Van Tol and Karen Lane Charlotte Van Voorhis ’16 Anna-Elizabeth Villard-Howe ’97 and Timothy A. Michaud II* Denise Volpe* Beth and Max von der Heydt ’02 Timothy Wadman ’09 Carol and Stephen P. Wagner* Sean Waite and Katherine May-Waite* Kathleen Walker ’93 Matthew Waterbury ’04 Elizabeth Watmough ’96 Mr. and Mrs. David Watring Bene Webster* ’09 Katharine Weldon Cyndi and Paul Weller Weller's Instrument Service, Inc.

J. Robinson Wells* Peter R. Wells ’14 Karen White Sue and Ashbel White Joyal ’99 Mrs. A. A. T. Wickersham* Tristan Wickersham ’04 Dr. and Mrs. Albert Williams III* Tristan Williams ’93 Margot H. Wilsterman ’11 Christen and Richard Witham II ’87 Dr. and Mrs. George Woodwell* Charles “Mike” Wrighter* Mr. and Mrs. Leslie M. Wrigley* John Yankee* Elizabeth (Sheinkopf ’91) and Alarick Yung Janos Zahajszky ’94 and Linh Trieu Mr. and Mrs. Vincent Zavorskas Mr. and Mrs. Alexander Ziss

Annual Fund Giving by Constituency Trustees

Victor Aviles Scott D. Brown ’89 Beth Colt Cynthia Feldmann Ann Egan Sheila Giancola Henrik Gulmann John Heyl Joan G. Ogilvy Holden Mark A. Hutker Colleen Johns Michael G. Jones Josef M. Kellndorfer Andrew Kingman ’00 H. Russel Lemcke Susan G. Morse Brett A. Sanidas Laura Ryan Shachoy Joseph R. Valle

Former Trustees

Ben Allen Charles Bardelis Jodee P. Bishop Mardi Bowles Peter Brown Virginia Gregg Elizabeth P. Heald Lindsay Hopewood Barbara Woll Jones Deirdre A. Ling Gordon MacLeod Eileen Miskell Mary Lou Montgomery Hannah Moore Charles Olson Robert Reynolds Joe W. Russell Jr. Miyoko Sato ’86 Richard Sylvia Keith von der Heydt Willard C. Weaner

Parents of the Class of 2017

Gifts to the Senior Parents Gift Fund enable Falmouth Academy to improve professional development opportunities for the faculty, and to increase the school’s endowment as well. We appreciate the donors who helped our faculty develop deeper expertise in their fields and pursue creative programs that bring new skills into the classroom for the benefit of every student. Victor and Ann Aviles Alessandro Bocconcelli and Laela Sayigh Scott Bushway Tom DeMello and Cynthia Feldmann Shelley Devine Karen and Michael M. Dutton Susan and Pierre Guérin Mark Hahn and Rachel Graber Ann-Margret and Brendan Herbert Dr. and Mrs. Robb E. Hoehlein Michael G. Jones Suzanne Jordan Karl Kraus and Susan McAree Elisabeth and Patrick Ledwell Jonathan Leonard and Jeanne MacLaren Tamar Levy Hicham and Georgina Nouaime Gregory and Jennifer Russell Ruth Slocum and Mark Patterson Diane and Norman Stillman Beth and Stephen Trieschmann Stephen Van Tol and Karen Lane Rachel and Charlie Van Voorhis Dale Weldon

Parents of the Class of 2018

Eleanor and Andrew Clark Claudia Connell John and Beth Cox Andrea and Emmanuel Daskalakis Michael J. Earley and Suzanne Lawson Jessie and Jason Eldredge Lynda and Gregg Gaudet Thomas J. Hallahan Angelique and Robert Kania Jr. Jonathan Leonard and Jeanne MacLaren Edward A. Lott and Amy Fish Susan and Christopher O'Brien Heather Stewart Ann Wolf Jacquelyn C. Yanch and John H. McCall

Parents of the Class of 2019

Anonymous (2) Andrew Bowen and Linda Beetlestone Kerrie and Peter Capraro Mimi and Charles Cleary Beth Colt and P.K. Simonds Michael J. Earley and Suzanne Lawson Stephen Emery and Triva Coffin-Taylor Emery Christine and James Francis Pamela Clapp Hinkle and Greg Hinkle Wendy and Russell Keeler Elisabeth and Patrick Ledwell Jennifer and William Leonard Ivory Littlefield and Lisa Epstein Betsi and Mark Luce David and Mary Ann Medeiros


Fall 2017


Zeina and George Metri Liz and Lawrence Novak Rekha Oli Karen and Charles Perry Gregory and Jennifer Russell Daniel Schwenk and Sophie Markovich Diane and Norman Stillman Kama and E. Robert Thieler Sean Waite and Katherine May-Waite

Parents of the Class of 2020

James and Regina Augat Linda and Mark Boardman Carol DiFalco and Eric Wheeler Ivan Djikaev and Julia Zagachin Lisa A. Drake Michael and Kathy Fletcher Rob and Nancy Hershfield Sonia Islam Michael G. Jones Suzanne Jordan Rick and Jennifer Markello Christopher and Susan O'Brien John and Andree Ramsey David Thompson and Kimberley A. Heath Dale Weldon

Parents of the Class of 2021

Anonymous Saramaria (Berggren ’83) and Peter Allenby Ginny and Robert Beams Maureen and Douglas Best Eleanor and Andrew Clark Philip Combra and Gerda O'Rourke Anne Connolly Elaine and Durley DePaula Jessie and Jason Eldredge Kristin and Michael Feeney

Christine and James Francis Tara and Brian Guiliano Lori and Robb E. Hoehlein Lisa and Daniel MacDonald Lisa and Darrell Maclean Kate and Bill Marvel David and Mary Ann Medeiros Nicole and Richard Palmer Jim Preisig and Anne Curi Preisig Julie and Bill Waite

Parents of the Class of 2022

Anonymous Regina and James Augat Carol DiFalco and Eric Wheeler Amy and Dennis Galvam Michael Goldsmith Elie (Swain ’88) and Jamie Harmon Lori and Robb E. Hoehlein Wendy and Russell Keeler Elisabeth and Patrick Ledwell

Edward A. Lott and Amy Fish Zeina and George Metri Deirdre and Mark Moniz Janet and Derek Pratt Andree and John Ramsey Kate and Gates Rickard Kama and E. Robert Thieler Nancy and Scott Thrasher

Parents of Alumni

Anonymous Julie and Ben Allen Alison and Robert Ament Ellie and Richard Armstrong Pusit Atthaoraek Victor and Ann Aviles Nancy and David S. Babin Bobbi Bailin Deverie and John Barrera Kim and Mark Baumhofer Ginny and Robert Beams Jodee P. Bishop and James C. Reber Alessandro Bocconcelli and Laela Sayigh Mr. and Mrs. Charles W. Bradley Jr. Caryn and Garry Brake Susan and Gilbert Brinckerhoff Missie and Peter Brown

Gwen and Richard Brown Marite Zandbergs Burns Scott Bushway Barbara Campbell Beth Colt and P.K. Simonds John and Beth Cox Patricia M. Crews Lois and Gregory Cronin Luke and Alice Daley Tom DeMello and Cynthia Feldmann Kathleen Denham Lisa A. Drake Tricia and Charles Duane Benjamin S. Dunham and Wendy H. Rolfe-Dunham Gundhild and Michael Eder Christina Egloff and Brent Runyon Holly and David C. Faus Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Foster Jr. Nancy and Donald L. Gantz Lisa and Douglas Garland Dr. and Mrs. Thomas Geagan Sheila and Michael S. Giancola Mr. and Mrs. George Gillmore Jr. William Goranson Dr. and Mrs. Bruce R. Gordon Deborah and Leon Gove Lawrence Gray and Pamela Bishop Gray Dr. and Mrs. Thomas F. Gregg Susan and Pierre Guérin Cathy and Michael Gwynn Lynn and Steven Heslinga Olivann and John Hobbie Katie and Mark Hollander Lindsay and Peter Hopewood Monica and Bill Hough Dr. and Mrs. Richard A. Houghton Carla and Mark A. Hutker Di Jin and Zhen Wu Colleen and Chip Johns Mr. and Mrs. Eric Johnson Barbara Woll Jones Angelique and Robert Kania Jr. Patricia and Robert Knapp John Krauspe and Patricia Duffy-Krauspe Tamar Levy

Parents Association Leadership Nancy Hershfield and Mary Ann Medeiros, co-chairs Class Parent Representatives Saramaria (Berggren ’83) Allenby Kerrie Capraro Shelley Devine Triva Coffin-Taylor Emery Caroline Fenske Lori Hoehlein Angelique Kania Susan O'Brien Anne Curi Preisig Dale Weldon



Fall 2017

Parents Annual Fund Committee Angelique Kania, chair Maureen Best Linda Boardman Lynda Gaudet Tara Guiliano Elie Harmon Laura Heywood Georgina Nouaime Andree Ramsey Jen Russell Rachel and Charlie Van Voorhis

Pete and Vicky Lowell Susan and D. Gordon MacLeod Kate and Bill Marvel Patricia and Joseph McGurl Jerry and Lalise Melillo Suzanne Meuse and Steve W. Allsopp Dana and Eileen Miskell Louise Mitchell

Heather Stewart Julie and Donald Swanbeck Gayle and Richard Sylvia Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Tavares Gisela and Pierre Tillier Beth and Stephen Trieschmann Nancy and David C. Twichell Clyde L. Tyndale and Deborah F. Winograd

Susan D. Moffat and Tom Kleindinst Mr. and Mrs. Allan Moniz Mary Lou and Charles Montgomery Hannah and Michael Moore Wendy and Kris Nelson James Nidositko Sr. Maureen and Kenneth S. Nunley Charles and Brenda Olson Karen and Donald O'Malley Eric L. Peters Cynthia Pina Cristina Torruella and David Pingal Laurence and Ann Pizer Maren and Albert Plueddemann Robert Pritchard and Anna dos Santos June Raymond and Fritz Lauenstein Susan Reidy Helen Reuter and David Martin Jill C. Reves Kris and Robert Reynolds Gregory and Jennifer Russell Margaret Hough Russell and Joe W. Russell Jr. Susie and Brett A. Sanidas Suzan and George Scharr Sue and John Schofield N. James Shachoy and Laura Ryan Shachoy Ellie and Gus Shaver Heather Shepley and Philip Alatalo Dr. and Mrs. Richard Signell Mr. and Mrs. Roderick Sipe Ruth Slocum and Mark Patterson Cindy and David Soby Richard Sperduto and Virginia Edgcomb Gordon MacDonald Starr and Sherry Greene-Starr

Joan and Joseph R. Valle Rachel and Charlie Van Voorhis Denise Volpe Keith von der Heydt and Terry McKee Maribeth and John Wadman Carol and Stephen P. Wagner Sean Waite and Katherine May-Waite John B. Waterbury and Vicky Cullen J. Robinson Wells Dr. and Mrs. Albert Williams III Mr. and Mrs. Alexander Ziss

Grandparents of Students and Alumni

Anonymous Mr. and Mrs. John S. Anderegg, Jr. June Atwood Mr. and Mrs. Brian Bowen Ann R. Burchill Susan Burrell Joan E. Butler Mr. and Mrs. Albert Capraro Arlene Cardoza Peter L. Clark and Ellen Barol Tucker M. Clark Elizabeth R. Colt Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Colucci Frances S. Connolly Mr. and Mrs. Leo Convery Arthur E. Crago and Marcia Crago Mr. and Mrs. Sam Currence Andrea and Emmanuel Daskalakis Paul and Mia De Weer Mr. and Mrs. James Dildine Mr. and Mrs. James Earley Frank R. L. Egloff Mr. and Mrs. Dick Emery Gus Favreau

Robert and Maureen Fischer Mr. and Mrs. William Fish Muriel C. Golden Marianne Goldsmith Mr. and Mrs. Edward J. Hahn Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Ken Hare Robert Hauck Mary G. Heard Mr. and Mrs. Bob Heath Mr. and Mrs. Wayne L. Laflamboy III Mr. and Mrs. H. Carnie Lawson II Dr. and Mrs. William Lott Mr. and Mrs. Leon Love Mr. and Mrs. Saverio Maldari Mr. and Mrs. Wilkinson B. Marvel Mr. and Mrs. Ernest May Mr. and Mrs. William McMillan Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Neubert Mr. and Mrs. Trip Palmer Mr. and Mrs. Ronald L. Patterson Mr. and Mrs. Donald Rice David and June Rickard Jacqueline Robie and Lars Rydell Mr. and Mrs. Kiran Sitoula Dr. and Mrs. Edward Thieler III Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Thrasher Sharon E. Torruella Arnold D. Vetstein Mr. and Mrs. David Watring Willard C. Weaner Katharine Weldon Mrs. A. A. T. Wickersham

Faculty and Staff

Alison Ament Pusit Atthaoraek Emmanuelle Bonnafoux Claydon Martha Borden Marite Zandbergs Burns Barbara Campbell Eleanor Clark Amaris Cuchanski Michael J. Deasy ’10 Carol DiFalco Patricia Doon Stephen Duffy

Michael J. Earley Gundhild Eder Virginia Edgcomb Petra Ehrenbrink Amy Galvam Pamela Clapp Hinkle Monica Hough Elizabeth Klein Sarah Knowles Karen Loder Elisabeth Munro Ledwell Josh D. Leveque Edward A. Lott Allyson Manchester Lalise Melillo Scottie Mobley Susan D. Moffat Jennifer Murphy Lucy Beecher Nelson Colin O'Brien Helen Reuter Jill C. Reves Olivia Riddiford George Scharr Ruth Slocum Richard Sperduto Henry Stevens Donald Swanbeck Julie Swanbeck Cristina Torruella Clyde L. Tyndale Paul Weller J. Robinson Wells Jacquelyn C. Yanch John Yankee

Former Faculty and Staff Clare M. Beams Laela Sayigh Susan Brinckerhoff Tracy (Olson) Chait ’96 Tucker M. Clark Katherine Curtis David C. Faus Holly Faus Benjamin W. Gregg ’90


Fall 2017


Olivann Hobbie Colleen Johns James E. Johnson Nichole (Tennant) Kettell ’00 Rebecca Kurish Dan Ledoux Julie Meltzer ’80 Dana Miskell Jean M. Partridge William A. Potter Gisela Tillier Nancy Twichell Charles “Mike” Wrighter

Friends of Falmouth Academy June Atwood Donald Aukamp Talbot Baker Jr. Judy Belliveau Todd Bidwell David Brown and Nawrie Meigs-Brown Mrs. John J. Burns Jr. Janine Cappucino Patricia R. Colhoun Prince S. Crowell III Jacqui Diggs Joan Edstrom Dr. and Mrs. Frank G. Emerling Mr. and Mrs. Leroy P. Enos Peter and Tara Franklin Mr. and Mrs. Huson R. Gregory Susan Hackett Laura Hardin Mr. and Mrs. Robert A. Haslun James N. Heald II Mr. and Mrs. Frederic H. Hilton Rodney Hinkle and Kirstin Moritz

Tom Howes Mr. and Mrs. William Hullfish Mr. and Mrs. Eric Husebo Mr. and Mrs. Dwight Jones Mr. and Mrs. Richard E. Kendall Mr. and Mrs. James Livsey Mr. and Mrs. William Locke William L. Maini Nancy H. Massey Mr. and Mrs. Michael McNaught Mr. and Mrs. Bruce McRae Mr. and Mrs. Richard P. Mellon Mr. and Mrs. Michael Nametz Timothy T. Parker and Suzanne Trottier Mr. and Mrs. Ron Pokraka Neil Powell Edward B. Rastetter and Karen Hendrickson Mr. and Mrs. Richard C. Romanow Dr. and Mrs. Thomas Sbarra

Businesses, Organizations and Foundations The 300 Committee Land Trust Associates of Cape Cod Assonet Animal Hospital Cape Cod Aggregates Cape Cod Healthcare Cape Cod Pediatrics, LLP Cape Cod Surgeons PC Dr. and Mrs. Garry Brake Dr. and Mrs. Peter Hopewood Cape Destinations Cataumet Boats, Inc. Cazeault Roofing & Solar Children's School of Science, Inc.

Donors made gifts to the Annual Fund honoring Founding Faculty Member Lalise Melillo on the occasion of her retirement after teaching 40 years at Falmouth Academy. Anonymous Erin and David Aronson ’96 Catherine E. Aviles ’14 Victoria A. Avis ’15 Rachel Billings ’00 Eryn (Ament ’91) and Michael Bingle Emily Birdwhistell ’98 Jodee Bishop and James C. Reber Kacey Bisienere ’07 Rashida Black ’97 Carlo A. S. Bocconcelli ’14 Colleen Bulman ’93 Barbara Campbell Ocean Celestino ’92 Michael J. Deasy ’10 Anne (Burns ’97) and Alexander Diaz-Matos Kari and Liam Doherty ’96 Daniel L. Eder ’12



Petra Ehrenbrink and Bernhard Peucker-Ehrenbrink Thomas Evangelista ’16 Christopher Foster ’93 and April Mattix Liza Fox ’96 and Alfredo Aretxabaleta Erik Gable ’98 Jenny and Ryan Gantz ’95 Kristen Garcia ’03 Sasha (Dmochowski) Gorrell ’94 John Gwynn ’07 Cathy and Michael Gwynn Tyler Gwynn ’12 Jennifer and Henry R. Hague III ’90 Liz (Cook ’92) and Simon Hawes Nathaniel R. Haycock ’11 Elinor (Ament ’00) and Aaron Hiller Caroline C. Johns ’11 Christina Johns ’09

Fall 2017

The Ivor Cornman and Margaret E. Cornman Fund of the Cape Cod Foundation Court Street Animal Hospital Dalpe Excavation, Inc. Delphi Construction Inc. Eck MacNeely Architects Inc. Falmouth Academy Parents Association Falmouth Leisure, Inc. Falmouth Products Inc. Falmouth Toyota Falmouth Track Club Falmouth Water Stewards Fritz Glass Hutker Architects, Inc. Island Foundation, Inc. Ted & Ruth Johnson Family Foundation

Hollis and Ermine Lovell Future Fund of Salt Pond Areas Bird Sanctuaries, Inc. Sophie Markovich DMD, PC Massachusetts Cultural Council McLane Research Labs, Inc. R. K. Mellon Family Foundation Notus Clean Energy, LLC Pelagic Electronics Portside Liquors Rochester Cabinet Shop Southeastern Surgical Associates P.C. Teledyne Marine Systems Timeless The Valle Group Waterbury Optometry Weller's Instrument Service, Inc. Wood Lumber Co. Woods Hole Foundation, Inc. Woods Hole Research Center

Lucas W. Johns ’14 Henry H. Jones ’14 Shelley Kandola ’09 Adrienne and Gregory J. Kinchla ’96 MaryAnn Kowalski ’06 Kerri Liska ’07 Katie (Plumb ’01) and Greg LiVigne Alexander Lloyd-Evans ’07 Karen (Geagan ’96) and Josh Lopes Sarah (Lafaver ’96) and Michael McCarron Max McGurl ’09 Julie Meltzer ’80 and Jonathan Bender Tiffany and Jeffrey Moon ’92 Lucy and Brad Nelson Katherine Paiva ’07 Christine Pina ’86 and Alex Smith Nicolas F. Pingal ’16 Jonas Pizer ’96 and Andrea Friedrich Alaina R. Plueddemann ’15 Claire and Clifford Pontbriand ’99 James B. Reber ’09 and Elizabeth Cookson ’08

Helen Reuter and David Martin Miyoko Sato ’86 Eric Schmitt ’07 Blake (Pearlstein ’04) and Naor Shalem Evan Sipe ’04 Brittany and Joseph Smith ’04 Hanlon Smith-Dorsey ’99 and Jill Pierce ’99 Amy (Ballentine ’96) and Matt Stevens Linda (Barron ’80) and Nick Suttora Laura Swanbeck ’04 Sarah Swanbeck ’03 Alexander Takahashi ’97 Laura Tavares ’94 and David Garrett Heather (Kirtland) Tsonopoulos ’90 Sarah A. Twichell ’99 and David Crandall Kathleen Walker ’93 Matthew Waterbury ’04 Elizabeth Watmough ’96 Bene Webster ’09 Tristan Wickersham ’04 Tristan Williams ’93

Alumni and Student Giving Alumni gifts in 2016-2017 supported financial assistance for current students. The goal of the 2017 Spirit Week Challenge, in which all alumni gifts honored retiring founding faculty member Lalise Melillo, was to increase individual class participation to 40% or more. The winning class was 1996, followed closely by the Classes of 1990 and 2007. Thank you to all of our alumni donors! The 1980s

Saramaria (Berggren ’83) and Peter Allenby Scott D. Brown ’89 and Melissa Hofer George Cadwalader Jr. ’87 Tracy and Timothy Gregg ’85 Elie (Swain ’88) and Jamie Harmon Dawn and Fred Meltzer ’83 Julie Meltzer ’80 and Jonathan Bender Katherine (Ellsworth’89) and Adam Oler Christine Pina ’86 and Alex D. Smith Jennifer (Fortman ’84) and Michael Sato ’87 Miyoko Sato ’86 Caitlin Schwarzman ’88 and V. Jason Rucker Stephen Sheinkopf ’84 and Jennifer Levy Linda (Baron ’80) and Nick Suttora Christen and Richard Witham II ’87

The 1990s

Anonymous (2) Seth Ament ’99 and Natalia Skolnik Erin and David Aronson ’96 Benjamin Baum ’99 Eryn (Ament ’91) Michael Bingle Emily Birdwhistell ’98 Rashida Black ’97

Alumni Council

Samuel Amazeen ’07 Catherine Aviles ’14 Benjamin Baum ’99, President Scott Brown ’89 Christopher Buccino ’02 Alyssa (Gantz) Thompson ’03 Steven Heslinga ’04 Abigail Hollander ’12 Yuki Honjo ’90 Evan Hutker ’07 J. Graham Littlehale ’13 Katie (Plumb) LiVigne ’01, Vice President Sarah (Lafaver) McCarron ’96 Bridget Miskell ’07 Kristin (Jochems) Montville ’05 Sean O'Neill ’04 Jessica Hough Russell ’01 Daniel Sakakini ’13 Bob Schneider ’09 Amy (Ballentine) Stevens ’96 Timothy Wadman ’09 Matthew Waterbury ’04

Jennifer and David Bradley ’92 Colleen Bulman ’93 Cassady (Byers ’97) and Ian Cadillac Ocean Celestino ’92 Tracy (Olson ’96) and Michael Chait Anne (Burns ’97) and Alexander Diaz-Matos Heather (Mastromatteo ’90) and Jonathan DiPaolo Kari and Liam Doherty ’96 Christopher Foster ’93 and April Mattix Liza Fox ’96 and Alfredo L. Aretxabaleta Erik Gable ’98 Jenny and Ryan Gantz ’95 Carol Goranson ’97 Sasha (Dmochowski) Gorrell ’94 Liz and Benjamin W. Gregg ’90 Jennifer and Henry R. Hague III ’90 Ingrid C. H. Hammond ’99 Liz (Cook ’92) and Simon Hawes Marianne and Kevin Holmes ’92 Yuki A. Honjo ’90 and Jason Cullinane Juliet and Benjamin Jones ’90 Archana Joshee ’97 and Pranaya Ghimire Sue and Ashbel White Joyal ’99 Adrienne and Gregory J. Kinchla ’96 Karey and Josh Kitfield ’91 Jodi Kopke ’92 Karen (Geagan ’96) Josh Lopes Sarah (Lafaver ’96) and Michael McCarron Liesl and John McGuire ’90 Edward D. Melillo ’92 and Nina Gordon Tiffany and Jeffrey Moon ’92 Jonas Pizer ’96 and Andrea Friedrich Claire and Clifford Pontbriand ’99 Jennifer (Malaquias ’97) and Andrew Ryan Katarina Scamborova ’98 and Michael Zeltkevic Petra Scamborova ’93 and Leo Otake Megan Schwarzman ’90 and Mike Wilson Micaela Schweitzer-Bluhm ’90 and Todd Bluhm Hanlon Eric Smith-Dorsey ’99 and Jill Pierce ’99 Amy (Ballentine ’96) and Matt Stevens Alexander Takahashi ’97 Elisabeth and David Tamasi ’90 Laura Tavares ’94 and David G. Garrett Mareana Tiapula ’99 and Dan Ledoux Heather (Kirtland) Tsonopoulos ’92

Twenty-three alumni led roundtables at Alumni College & Career Networking Day.

Sarah A. Twichell ’99 and David Crandall Anna-Elizabeth Villard-Howe ’97 and Timothy A. Michaud II Kathleen Walker ’93 Elizabeth Watmough ’96 Tristan Williams ’93 Elizabeth (Sheinkopf ’91) and Alarick Yung Janos Zahajszky ’94 and Linh Trieu

The 2000s

Samuel Amazeen ’07 Rachel Billings ’00 Kacey Bisienere ’07 Anthony Bowen ’05 Caitlin and Jeremy Gantz ’00 Kristen Garcia ’03 Katelyn Gundersen ’06 John Gwynn ’07 Carolyn (Crews ’01) and Steven Hartle Paul Heslinga ’07 Steven W. Heslinga ’04 Elinor (Ament ’00) and Aaron Hiller Ana and Evan Hutker ’07 Christina Johns ’09 Shelley Kandola ’09 Nichole (Tennant ’00) and Brandon Kettell Amy and Andrew Kingman ’00 MaryAnn Kowalski ’06 Kerri Liska ’07 Katie (Plumb ’01) and Greg LiVigne Alexander Lloyd-Evans ’07 Anja and Peter MacDonald ’06 Max McGurl ’09 Brian Miskell ’06 Bridget Miskell ’07 Kristin (Jochems ’05) and Ed Montville Katherine Paiva ’07 Alexandra (Gillmore ’03) and Brendan Parnell James B. Reber ’09 and Liz Cookson ‘08 Colin F. Remillard ’02

and Michele Chapdelaine ’03 Jessica Hough Russell ’01 Whit K. Russell ’04 Eric Schmitt ’07 Bob Schneider ’09 Blake (Pearlstein ’04) and Naor Shalem Evan Sipe ’04 Brittany and Joseph Smith ’04 Laura Swanbeck ’04 Sarah Swanbeck ’03 Alyssa (Gantz ’03) and Tyler Thompson Nathan Twichell ’02 and Eliza Tobin Beth and Max O. von der Heydt ’02 Timothy Wadman ’09 Matthew Waterbury ’04 Bene Webster ’09 Tristan Wickersham ’04

The 2010s

Catherine E. Aviles ’14 Victoria A. Avis ’15 Carlo A. S. Bocconcelli ’14 Michael J. Deasy ’10 Daniel L. Eder ’12 Thomas R. Evangelista ’16 Mimi Feldmann-DeMello ’15 Natasha Garland ’16 Tyler N. Gwynn ’12 Nathaniel R. Haycock ’11 Abigail P. Hollander ’12 Rubing Jin ’10 Caroline C. Johns ’11 Lucas W. Johns ’14 Henry H. Jones ’14 Martin L. Monk Jr. ’11 Christina A. Nunley ’13 Nicolas F. Pingal ’16 Alaina R. Plueddemann ’15 Charlotte Van Voorhis ’16 Peter R. Wells ’14 Margot H. Wilsterman ’11

The 2020s

Katie Goldsmith ’22


Fall 2017


Event Sponsors We are grateful to the many businesses, organizations and individuals who sponsored key Falmouth Academy events throughout the year. Simon Center for the Arts Grand Opening Concert

Martha’s Vineyard Savings Bank

Ahoy, Auction!

Bear In Boots Gastropub Gates and Kate Rickard Cape Destinations Cataumet Boats, Inc. Delphi Construction Inc. Eck MacNeely Architects Inc. Christine and James Francis Mark and Carla Hutker Michael G. Jones H. Russel Lemcke and Meg Becker Dana and Eileen Miskell Portside Liquors Nancy and Scott Thrasher The Valle Group

Science Fair

The 300 Committee Land Trust Associates of Cape Cod Assonet Animal Hospital Scott D. Brown ’89 and Melissa Hofer Cape Cod Healthcare Cape Cod Pediatrics, LLP Cazeault Roofing & Solar Children's School of Science, Inc. Coffee Obsession Court Street Animal Hospital Prince S. Crowell III Dalpe Excavation, Inc. Falmouth Leisure, Inc. Falmouth Products Inc. Falmouth Toyota Falmouth Water Stewards

At the celebration of the Simon Center for the Arts grand opening: Joe Valle, Board Chair; Susan Morse, Campaign Chair; Beth Colt, Board Vice Chair; Steve Duffy, former head of school; Trish Doon, former business manager; and Mark Hutker, Co-Chair Facilities Committee

Host Families Families who hosted students in 2016-2017 Martha and Bob Borden Liming Zheng ’20 (China) Shelley Devine Christian Chou ’19 (China) Carol DiFalco and Eric Wheeler Yanchu (Ethan) Fan ’20 (China) Pamela Clapp Hinkle and Greg Hinkle Bishakha Oli ’19 (Nepal/Maryland) Jonathan Leonard and Jeanne MacLaren Zhaohua (Zoe) Chunyu ’18 (China) Jiangnan (Violet) Xiao ’18 (China) Alison Macdonald and Francis Primini Tim Cejka ’17 (Slovakia) Mary Ann and David Medeiros Yuchen (Heather) Wang ’19 (China) Gisela and Pierre Tillier Yuhong (Iris) Xia ’20 (China) Additionally, Julia Gottschick-Daskalakis ’18 (Germany) stayed with her grandparents Andrea and Emmanuel Daskalakis and Biaggio Filice ’17 (Bermuda) stayed with his grandmother Angela Salini. 24


Fall 2017

Dr. and Mrs. Bruce R. Gordon Dr. and Mrs. Robb E. Hoehlein Hutker Architects, Inc. John's Liquor Store Marine Biological Laboratory Sophie Markovich DMD, PC McLane Research Labs, Inc. Notus Clean Energy, LLC Party Cape Cod Pelagic Electronics Portside Liquors Edward B. Rastetter and Karen Hendrickson Salt Pond Areas Bird Sanctuaries, Inc. Sea Education Association, Inc Southeastern Surgical Associates P.C. Gayle and Dick Sylvia Teledyne Marine Systems

Waterbury Optometry Wood Lumber Co. Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution Woods Hole Research Center

Cape Symphony Nth Degree Chamber Music Series

Atria Woodbriar Cataumet Boats, Inc. Delphi Construction M. Duffany Builders, Inc. Heslinga & Tate Wealth Management Group of Wells Fargo Advisors, LLC Sea Crest Beach Hotel The Valle Group

Ahoy, Auction! We give a special thank you to Anna dos Santos for chairing this committee again even though her son graduated the previous year! Her leadership and good cheer led Falmouth Academy to its most successful fundraising auction ever. We also thank senior parents Karen Lane and Shelley Devine for volunteering to make the auction a success each year their students attended FA. 2017 Auction Committee Anna dos Santos, Chair Saramaria Allenby ’83 Barbara Campbell Shelley Devine

Nancy Hershfield Karen Lane Mary Ann Medeiros Susan O’Brien Anne Curi Preisig

Heather Stewart Crissy Torruella Julie Waite Ann Wolf

The Auction Fund-a-Need benefited the computer room redesign and installation of a high-speed network. We are grateful for additional funding from the Benedict Foundation for Independent Schools to complete this initiative.

“Cape Cod Idyll,” an oil painting, donated by renowned landscape artist Joseph McGurl, was a highlight of this year’s auction. We are grateful to Joe and Patricia, parents of Max ’09 and Sean ’11, for their generous donation again this year. Huge appreciation goes to Gates and Kate Rickard, parents of Alex ’22, for donating the delicious victuals from their Main Street Falmouth restaurant, Bear in Boots. Selections ranged from beautiful cheese boards to pulled pork sandwiches to mouthwatering bite-sized desserts.

Volunteers Parents, families friends, alumni, students and others give generously of their time, expertise, and creativity – and sometimes their homes – to ensure the continued success of Falmouth Academy. The following helped at various events during the school year. Saramaria (Berggren ’83) and Peter Allenby Regina and James Augat Ann Aviles Maureen Best Linda Boardman Kerrie Capraro Renee Cazeault-Marks Julie Christenson Mimi Cleary Troy Currence Tammy DeBarros Andrea Dello Russo Shelley Devine Lisa A. Drake Karen Dutton Emma Dvorak Triva Coffin-Taylor Emery

Lisa Epstein Tina Farina Tammy Feldott Caroline Fenske Joyce Filiault Christine Francis Lynda Gaudet Molly Glasgow Josephine Gomes Tara Guiliano Thomas J. Hallahan Elie (Swain ’88) and Jamie Harmon Karen Heard Kimberley A. Heath Nancy Hershfield Laura Heywood Maureen Hill Lori Hoehlein

Suzanne Jordan Angelique Kania Brenda Kerr Colette Kurelja Karen Lane and Stephen Van Tol Jonathan Leonard and Jeanne MacLaren Betsi Luce Lisa MacDonald Jennifer Markello Mary Ann and David Medeiros Logan Moniz ’22 Mark and Deidre Moniz Georgina Nouaime Susan O'Brien Charles Perry Clara Preisig ’21

Jim Preisig and Anne Curi Preisig Andree and John Ramsey Jennifer Russell Elizabeth Ermisch-Sethares Heather Stewart Diane and Norman Stillman Nancy Thrasher Pauline Toomey Sharon Torruella Rachel and Charlie Van Voorhis Marybeth Wadman Julie Waite Margaret Watring Laura Weinstein Dale Weldon Deborah F. Winograd Ann Wolf


Fall 2017


The Campaign for Falmouth Academy The Campaign for Falmouth Academy supports major enhancements to facilities, academic initiatives, faculty development, financial aid for students, and growth of the school’s endowment. Capital construction projects made possible through campaign gifts include Morse Hall and terrace in 2014-2015 and the Simon Center for the Arts in 2016-2017. All campaign donors are recognized here. We are grateful to the hundreds of people who supported the Campaign for Falmouth Academy to build Morse Hall and Terrace, and the Simon Center for the Arts, in addition to increasing our endowment. Most especially, we thank our lead donors whose generosity has transformed this campaign and Falmouth Academy. Hermann Foundation Inc. Richard King Mellon Foundation

Bonnie Ward Simon Elizabeth P. Heald

Anonymous (11) Peter Abrahams and Diana Gray Peggie D. Adams Julie and Ben Allen Rachel M. Allen ’04 Nina Stromgren Allen Alliance Data Mr. and Mrs. Edward Amazeen Samuel Amazeen ’07 Alison and Robert Ament Mr. and Mrs. Stephen R. Ames Scott M. Anderson Forbes Anderson Ellie and Richard Armstrong Mr. and Mrs. Gary M. Atkinson June Atwood Sandi and Steven Atwood Regina and James Augat Victor and Ann Aviles AW Joyal Co. Talbot Baker Jr. Shirley Baker Mr. and Mrs. John E. Barnes Benjamin Baum ’99 Ramona Bause Clare M. Beams and Finn Calabro Ginny and Robert Beams Nicole A. Benecasa and Jeffrey B. Meyer 26


Joan Bentinck-Smith Charitable Foundation Skip and Suzy Bergmann Katherine Bergren ’00 and Justin Eichenlaub Eryn (Ament ’91) and Michael Bingle Jodee P. Bishop and James C. Reber Jonathan Bloom and Frances Goldstein Linda and Mark Boardman Carlo A. S. Bocconcelli ’14 Todd F. Bourell and Brooke C. Bailey Anthony Bowen ’05 Mr. and Mrs. Frank Bowen Mardi and Frank Bowles Albert and Deborah Bradley Jennifer and David Bradley ’92 Mr. and Mrs. Ed Brakeman Mr. and Mrs. Charles H. Breed Susan and Gilbert Brinckerhoff Mr. and Mrs. David S. Briskin Edgar Bristol Mr. and Mrs. Stephen J. Brocklebank David Brown and Nawrie Meigs-Brown Missie and Peter Brown Scott D. Brown ’89 and Melissa Hofer

Fall 2017

Caroline and Christopher M. Buccino ’02 Alicia and Michael Buccino Catherine and Matthew Bumpus Ann R. Burchill Joan Burnham Marite Zandbergs Burns Bruce and Patrice Buxton Joshua Cabral and David Cabral Cassady (Byers ’97) and Ian Cadillac Marie Calabrese Mr. and Mrs. James Callery Gina T. Camarra and Nathaniel D. Ross Barbara Campbell Estate of Worthington Campbell Jr. Cape Cod Five Cents Savings Bank Robyn Carliss ’96 and Josh Pieper Sally Casper and Gary Borisy Vicki and Scott Centurino Tracy (Olson ’96) and Michael Chait Mr. and Mrs. Frank M. Child III Mr. and Mrs. Jack Child Tucker M. Clark Eleanor and. Andrew Clark Helen Clark Mr. and Mrs. James M. Cleary Mimi and Charles Cleary The Clowes Fund, Inc. Beth Colt and P.K. Simonds Elizabeth R. Colt Dr. and Mrs. James Condon Peter Conzett and Pam Goguen The Cooperative Bank of Cape Cod Fund of the Cape Cod Foundation Costello Dismantling Co. Covenant Review Dr. and Mrs. Arthur E. Crago Kelly Crocker Lois and Gregory Cronin Sally Cross Mr. and Mrs. Gorham Cross Amy (Harris ’92) and Seth Cummings

Troy Currence Mr. and Mrs. Sam Currence Cushman Lumber Company Inc. D. H. Martin Engineering, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Dailey Fred Harris Daniels Foundation John K. & Thirza F. Davenport Foundation Florence Davidson and Leonard Kreidermacher Marjorie H. Davis and Karl Peters Paul and Mia De Weer Chad Demarest and Kelly Demarest Tom DeMello and Cynthia Feldmann Anne (Burns ’97) and Alexander Diaz-Matos Heather (Mastromatteo ’90) and Jonathan DiPaolo Ivan Djikaev and Julia Zagachin Mr. and Mrs. William J. Doherty Andy Dolan and Zoe Cardon Matt Donahue Rachel K. Dragos ’12 Lisa A. Drake Elizabeth Drinkwater ’15 Dorothy Drummey Tricia and Charles Duane Stephen Duffy and Karen Loder Michael J. Earley and Suzanne Lawson Daniel L. Eder ’12 Petra Ehrenbrink and Bernhard Peucker-Ehrenbrink Eight Cousins Books Mr. and Mrs. Dick Emery The Falmouth Chorale, Inc. Falmouth Products Inc. Falmouth Youth Hockey League, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Robert D. Fanger Elizabeth M. Farnham Elizabeth W. Faus ’11 Holly and David C. Faus Caroline and Reiner Fenske Mr. and Mrs. William Fish

Fish Family Foundation The Fishbein Family Kathy and Michael Fletcher Emilia Foschi Leslie J. Fotui Liza Fox ’96 and Alfredo L. Aretxabaleta Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Francis Christine and James Francis Kenneth Freedman and Natalie Belkin Fritz Glass John J. Funkhouser Stefan Gabriel and Marya Gabriel Mr. and Mrs. James N. Galloway Nancy and Donald L. Gantz Caitlin and Jeremy Gantz ’00 Jenny and Ryan Gantz ’95 Kristen Garcia ’03 John F. George Georgia Hume Evans Memorial, Inc. Hortense Gerardo Sheila and Michael S. Giancola Dr. & Mrs. Cameron Gifford Prosser Gifford Molly and Mrs. Eric Glasgow Muriel C. Golden Nicole and Jonathan Goldman Mr. and Mrs. Norton A. Goldstein Carol Goranson ’97 William Goranson Mr. and Mrs. M. Keefe Gorman Sasha (Dmochowski) Gorrell ’94 Dr. and Mrs. Timothy Goslee Kristina and Andrew Grace Jennifer Greenman Liz and Benjamin W. Gregg ’90 Mr. and Mrs. David W. Gregg Virginia and Thomas F. Gregg Tracy and Timothy Gregg ’85 Lara and Henrik Gulmann Katelyn Gundersen ’06 Cathy and Michael Gwynn Jennifer and Henry R. Hague III ’90 Mark Hahn and Rachel Graber Thomas J. Hallahan Mr. and Mrs. Richard D Hamilton Thomas R. Hanna

Whit Hanschka and Nancy Tutko Penelope Hare Elie (Swain ’88) and Jamie Harmon Mr. and Mrs. David A. Haynes Elizabeth P. Heald James N. Heald II Mary G. Heard Alexander and Karen Heard Mr. and Mrs. Bob Heath Heather Hector Dr. and Mrs. Kenneth A. Heisler Ruth Ann and Kurt Hellfach Krista Hennessy Hermann Foundation Inc. Nancy and Rob Hershfield The Heslinga Family Laura and Richard Heywood Jeanie M. Hickox Mr. and Mrs. Aaron Hickox Mr. and Mrs. Lucius T. Hill III Pamela Clapp Hinkle and Greg Hinkle Rodney Hinkle and Kirstin Moritz Olivann and John Hobbie Jeanne and David B. Hobbie ’86 Lori and Robb E. Hoehlein Joan G. Ogilvy Holden and Robert J. Holden Abigail P. Hollander ’12 Jacqueline R. Holmes Marianne and Kevin Holmes ’92 Betsy and John Honey Yuki A. Honjo ’90 and Jason Cullinane Lindsay and Peter Hopewood Dr. and Mrs. Richard A. Houghton June Howard and Helen Neithardt Mr. and Mrs. John Howard Clara (Roslansky ’79) and David Hulburt Mr. and Mrs. William Hullfish Ana and Evan Hutker ’07 Carla and Mark A. Hutker Hutker Architects, Inc. In Vivo Productions Inc. Sadeka and Sonia Islam Mr. and Mrs. Rafiq Islam Island Foundation, Inc.

Molly (Doherty ’88) and Donald Ivy Elizabeth P. Jackson ’10 Mr. and Mrs. Richard W. Jagolta George Frederick Jewett Foundation East Christina Johns ’09 Colleen and Chip Johns Lucas W. Johns ’14 Mr. and Mrs. Leonard W. Johnson Kathy and James E. Johnson Barbara Woll Jones Meri Linnea (Olson ’81) and Robby Jones Mr. and Mrs. Dewitt Jones III Michael G. Jones Juliet and Benjamin Jones ’90 Henry H. Jones ’14 Douglas H. Jones and Annie Dean Archana Joshee ’97 and Pranaya Ghimire Constance V. Joyner Mr. and Mrs. David Kadison Mr. and Mrs. Martin E. Kawa Mr. and Mrs. Francis T. Keally Janet and Wayne Kearsley Wendy and Russell Keeler Mary T. Keenan John Keene and Hillary Noyes-Keene Edward Bangs Kelley and Elza Kelley Foundation Emily and Josef M. Kellndorfer Gina and Kevin Kelly Mr. and Mrs. Andrew L. King

H. Russel Lemcke and Meg Becker Jonathan Leonard and Jeanne MacLaren Ruth Lilly Philanthropic Foundation Scott Lindell and Alison Leschen Ivory Littlefield and Lisa Epstein J. Graham Littlehale ’13 Katie (Plumb ’01) and Greg LiVigne Mr. and Mrs. James E. Lloyd Mr. and Mrs. William Locke Mr. and Mrs. George W. Logan Karen (Geagan ’96) and Josh Lopes Dr. and Mrs. William Lott Mr. and Mrs. Leon Love Lovell Charitable Foundation Pete and Vicky Francis Lowell Louise Luckenbill Mr. and Mrs. Richard Lyonnais Susan and D. Gordon MacLeod Mr. and Mrs. Liam Maguire Jeremie and Diane Mailloux Lisa Maini William L. Maini Sharon Mann Manna Foundation Linda Pope Marsh Mr. and Mrs. Wilkinson B. Marvel Melanie Bruce Mattison Mr. and Mrs. Ernest May Sarah (Lafaver ’96) and Michael McCarron Mr. and Mrs. Bill McClaskey Dr. and Mrs. William M. McDermott Mary A. McDonough

Amy and Andrew Kingman ’00 Karey and Josh Kitfield ’91 Jodi Kopke ’92 Duke F. Krauspe ’14 Colette Kurelja Rebecca Kurish Mr. and Mrs. Wayne L. Laflamboy III Dr. and Mrs. Leonard Laster Mikaela Lawson ’15 Mr. and Mrs. H. Carnie Lawson II Elisabeth and Patrick Ledwell Ruurd Leegstra

Liesl and John McGuire ’90 Patricia and Joseph McGurl Marilyn McKnight Mr. and Mrs. Michael McNaught Carolyn (Cook ’96) and Mark McNulty Mr. and Mrs. David McPhelim Julie A. Medeiros Jerry and Lalise Melillo R. K. Mellon Family Foundation Fay Meltzer Mr. and Mrs. Leonard A. Miele


Fall 2017


Mr. and Mrs. E. Van R. Milbury Doreen Downs Miller Bridget Miskell ’07 Estate of Bud and Betty J. Miskell Dana and Eileen Miskell Deborah Miskell Louise Mitchell Susan D. Moffat and Tom Kleindinst Kristin (Jochems ’05) and Edward Montville Tiffany and Jeffrey Moon ’92 Ambassador and Mrs. Richard L. Morningstar Susan G. Morse Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth P. Morse Michael A. Mueller Jennifer Murphy Wendy and Kris Nelson Anne Nelson and Joseph Day Jill Neubauer Mr. and Mrs. JK Nicholas Mr. and Mrs. Peter M. Nicholas Mr. and Mrs. Peter M. Nicholas Jr. North Walpole School Nth Degree Concert Series Susan and Christopher O'Brien Sandy and Paul O'Connor Mr. and Mrs. Donald Oldmixon Mr. and Mrs. Krister Olmon Chris Olmsted and Pamela Nelson Jill Neubauer Charles and Brenda Olson Kristin and Andrew O'Malley Sean O'Neill ’04 Bonnie and Paul O'Neill Jeffrey Paiva and Beverly Auxford-Paiva Saul Pannell and Sally Currier Timothy T. Parker and Suzanne Trottier Alexandra (Gillmore ’03) and Brendan Parnell Carolyn Partan Mr. and Mrs. Frank J. Patella Linda E. Pegram



Mr. and Mrs. John W. Pehle Mr. and Mrs. Robert Pelletreau Nancy Pendleton Susan Pennington Karen and Charles Perry Jane and Nathaniel Peters ’03 Mr. and Mrs. Edward Peterson Laura (Lorusso ’87) and David Peterson Christine Pina ’86 and Alex D. Smith Maren and Albert Plueddemann Mr. and Mrs. Ron Pokraka John Pollis II Realty Claire Poole Jim Preisig and Anne Curi Preisig Edna Pressler Estate of Anne and Nelson Price Sarah and Ben Pring Robert Pritchard and Anna dos Santos Jenny (Olson ’83) and Rick Putnam Kevin and Helene Quinn Mr. and Mrs. Richard A. Raitto Karen and Michael Rakutis Andree and John Ramsey Lisa C. Ray

Fall 2017

June Raymond and Fritz Lauenstein James B. Reber ’09 Mr. and Mrs. Frederick F. Reichheld Ian C. Remillard ’11 Mr. and Mrs. John F. Remondi Kris and Robert Reynolds Mr. and Mrs. David Ricci Richard King Mellon Foundation Thomas and Elizabeth Richardson David and June Rickard Mr. and Mrs. David Riddiford Olivia and David Riddiford Chana K. and Nancy A. Robbins Jill Robie and Blake Axtell Jacqueline Robie and Lars Rydell Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence W. Robinson Aita Romain ’00 Myra Jones Romain George Rosen and Sylvia Vatuk Carol Roupenian Dr. and Mrs. John W. Rowe Dr. and Mrs. David Rubin Gregory and Jennifer Russell Margaret Hough Russell and Joe W. Russell Jr.

Jan and Mark Russell ’80 Jessica Hough Russell ’01 Whit K. Russell ’04 Jennifer (Malaquias ’97) and Andrew Ryan Allyson and Damaso Saavedra Linda Sallop and Mike Fenlon Susie and Brett A. Sanidas Miyoko Sato ’86 Dr. and Mrs. Thomas Sbarra Marie E. Scales Katarina Scamborova ’98 and Michael Zeltkevic Petra Scamborova ’93 and Leo Otake Suzan and George Scharr Ray Schmitt and Nancy Copley Bob Schneider ’09 Gary and Beth Schwarzman Megan Schwarzman ’90 and Mike Wilson Daniel Schwenk and Sophie Markovich Mr. and Mrs. Harold Sears Mark Segar and Susan Metters Cecily C. Selby N. James Shachoy and Laura Ryan Shachoy Mr. and Mrs. Norman J. Shachoy Mr. and Mrs. Timothy B. Shanahan Ellie and Gus Shaver Mr. and Mrs. Robert M. Shear Stephen Sheinkopf ’84 and Jennifer Levy Mr. and Mrs. Carl Shepardson Mr. and Mrs. Edward Sholkovitz Bonnie Ward Simon Marcia and Jonathan Simonds Mr. and Mrs. George Simpson Sandipa Singh Evan Sipe ’04 Mr. and Mrs. Roderick Sipe Ruth Slocum and Mark Patterson Mr. and Mrs. Wilson H. Smith Hannah C. Smith ’15 Anne H. Smith Karissa Soby ’08 Cynthia and Peter N. Starosta Megan Starr ’06 Amy (Ballentine ’96) and Matt Stevens Diane and Norman Stillman Lizzie Stimson Memorial Scholarship Fund for the Performing and Creative Arts of the Cape Cod Foundation Stephen Stimson Andrea and Roger P. Stokey Mr. and Mrs. Rick Stone Mary Ann and Brian Storms Owen P. Sullivan ’15 Patrice A. Sweeney Rachel and Brian Switzer Mary and Gerard L. Swope Ete Z. Szuts and Susan Oleszko-Szuts Tobi Szuts ’97 and Marie Dalby Szuts Zoli Szuts ’97 and Kathleen Rankin

Elisabeth and David Tamasi ’90 Mr. and Mrs. John Targett Diana and Gabriel Tashjian Laura Tavares ’94 and David G. Garrett Kim and Jim Taylor Frederic Taylor Julia and Elliott Taylor Douglas G. Tholke Alyssa (Gantz ’03) and Tyler Thompson David Thompson and Kimberley A. Heath Mareana Tiapula ’99 and Dan Ledoux Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Tierney Gisela and Pierre Tillier Mr. and Mrs. James A. Tomlinson Summer C. Tompkins ’13 Mr. and Mrs. Jacques H. Tompkins Cristina Torruella and David Pingal Beth and Stephen Trieschmann Liz and Thomas T. Trotter Nancy and David C. Twichell Sarah A. Twichell ’99 and David Crandall Clyde L. Tyndale and Deborah F. Winograd Umsizi Fund Frederica W. Valois Murro Van Meter ’95 and Sophia Fox ’94 Rachel and Charlie Van Voorhis Elizabeth St. John Villard Anna-Elizabeth Villard-Howe ’97 and Timothy A. Michaud II Evgenia Vlasova Denise Volpe Beth and Max O. von der Heydt ’02

Timothy Wadman ’09 Carol and Stephen P. Wagner Mr. and Mrs. Floyd L. Wakefield Mr. and Mrs. Matthew Wakefield Shelby Walker ’90 Matthew Waterbury ’04 John B. Waterbury and Vicky Cullen

Mr. and Mrs. Peter N. Way Willard C. Weaner Nina Heald Webber Bene Webster ’09 Mr. and Mrs. Fred Webster Winifred Weiner Dale Weldon Katharine Weldon Peter R. Wells ’14 Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Wenger Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey W. Wheeler Mr. and Mrs. Neil S. White Thomas J. White ’12 Mr. and Mrs. Thomas M. Whitney Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey A. Widberg Dr. and Mrs. Albert Williams III Willowdale Margot H. Wilsterman ’11 Mr. and Mrs. Charles Winzheim Ann Wolf Lucy Wood Wood Lumber Co. Woods Hole Inn Charles “Mike” Wrighter John Yankee Mr. and Mrs. Russell A. Young Mr. and Mrs. Alexander Ziss

Donors to the Simon Center for the Arts in 2016–2017

Anonymous (3) Scott M. Anderson Mr. and Mrs. John E. Barnes Todd F. Bourell and Brooke C. Bailey David Brown and Nawrie Meigs-Brown Catherine and Matthew Bumpus

Gina T. Camarra and Nathaniel D. Ross Cape Cod Five Cents Savings Bank Mr. and Mrs. Jack Child The Falmouth Chorale, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. James M. Cleary Beth Colt and P.K. Simonds

Dr. and Mrs. James Condon The Cooperative Bank of Cape Cod Fund of the Cape Cod Foundation Arthur E. Crago and Marcia Crago Mr. and Mrs. Sam Currence Cushman Lumber Company Inc. Paul and Mia De Weer Lisa A. Drake Petra Ehrenbrink and Bernhard Peucker-Ehrenbrink Mr. and Mrs. William Fish The Fishbein Family Nancy and Donald L. Gantz Hortense Gerardo Dr. and Mrs. Cameron Gifford Molly and Eric Glasgow Nicole and Jonathan Goldman William Goranson Kristina and Andrew Grace Jennifer Greenman Dr. and Mrs. Thomas F. Gregg Mark Hahn and Rachel Graber Alexander and Karen Heard Mr. and Mrs. Bob Heath Hermann Foundation Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Lucius T. Hill III Joan G. Ogilvy Holden and Robert J. Holden Lindsay and Peter Hopewood Dr. and Mrs. Richard A. Houghton Mr. and Mrs. William Hullfish Clara and Mark A. Hutker In Vivo Productions Inc. George Frederick Jewett Foundation East John Pollis II Realty Kathy and James E. Johnson Wendy and Russell Keeler Mr. and Mrs. Andrew L. King Dr. and Mrs. Leonard Laster Elisabeth and Patrick Ledwell H. Russel Lemcke and Meg Becker Ruth Lilly Philanthropic Foundation Mr. and Mrs. James E. Lloyd Mr. and Mrs. Leon Love

Lovell Charitable Foundation Louise Luckenbill Mary A. McDonough Susan G. Morse Jill Neubauer Mr. and Mrs. JK Nicholas Mr. and Mrs. Peter M. Nicholas Mr. and Mrs. Peter M. Nicholas Jr. Chris Olmsted and Pamela Nelson Saul Pannell and Sally Currier Alexandra (Gillmore ’03) and Brendan Parnell Karen and Charles Perry Maren and Albert Plueddemann Mr. and Mrs. Frederick F. Reichheld Mr. and Mrs. John F. Remondi Mr. and Mrs. David Rickard Mr. and Mrs. David Riddiford Dr. and Mrs. John W. Rowe Dr. and Mrs. David Rubin Dr. and Mrs. Thomas Sbarra George and Suzan Scharr Ray Schmitt and Nancy Copley Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Schwenk Mr. and Mrs. Harold Sears Ellie and Gus Shaver Bonnie Ward Simon Stanley W. Watson Foundation Lizzie Stimson Memorial Scholarship Fund for the Performing and Creative Arts of the Cape Cod Foundation Stephen Stimson Mary Ann and Brian Storms Frederic Taylor Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Tierney Nancy P. and David C. Twichell Clyde L. Tyndale and Deborah F. Winograd Carol and Stephen P. Wagner John B. Waterbury and Vicky Cullen Mr. and Mrs. Fred Webster Winifred Weiner Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey W. Wheeler Suellen Wheeler Mr. and Mrs. Alexander Ziss


Fall 2017


Special Funds and Gifts Robert and Alison Ament Endowed Fund for Science Robert and Alison Ament George W. and Harmon H. B. Logan General Endowment David and June Rickard

Faculty, whose wisdom and tenacity guided the school from its early days to the highly regarded independent school it is today. Income generated from the endowment will provide support for Falmouth Academy Faculty in perpetuity.

The Lalise Melillo and Founding Faculty Endowment for Faculty Support In recognition of Lalise Melillo’s retirement, the school established an endowment that honors her far-sighted leader-ship and that of Falmouth Academy’s Founding

Mr. and Mrs. Edward Amazeen Alison and Robert Ament Mardi and Frank Bowles Susan and Gilbert Brinckerhoff Sally Casper and Gary Borisy Vicki and Scott Centurino Eleanor and Andrew Clark Tucker M. Clark

Daniel L. Eder ’12 Petra Ehrenbrink and Bernhard Peucker-Ehrenbrink Prosser Gifford Pamela Clapp Hinkle and Gregory Hinkle Olivann and John Hobbie Mr. and Mrs. Dewitt Jones III Douglas H. Jones and Annie Dean Meri Linnea (Olson ’81) and Robbie Jones

Dana and Eileen Miskell Susan G. Morse Jennifer Murphy Cristina Torruella and David Pingal Michael and Karen Rakutis Jan and Mark Russell ’80 Ellie and Gus Shaver Ruth Slocum and Mark Patterson Mary and Gerard L. Swope Julia and Elliott Taylor Nancy P. and David C. Twichell

Gifts in Honor of Members of Our Community Alison Ament Saul Pannell and Sally Currier

Matt Gove ’05 and Abby Gove ’10 Deborah and Leon Gove

Major Wayne “Nick” L. Laflamboy Mr. and Mrs. Wayne L. Laflamboy

Robert and Alison Ament George W. and Harmon H. B. Logan

Carolyn (Crews) Hartle ’01 Mr. and Mrs. Vincent Zavorskas

Susan G. Morse Saul Pannell and Sally Currier

Deborah Bradley Jennifer and David Bradley ’92

Elizabeth P. Heald Mr. and Mrs. James E. Lloyd

Deborah Bradley, Olivann Hobbie, Janet Kearsley, Lalise Melillo and Julia Taylor Nancy and David C. Twichell

Walker Heard ’19 and Isabel Heard ’20 Mary G. Heard

Susan G. and Richard S. “Chip” Morse Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Tierney

Lindsay and Wendy Child Mr. and Mrs. Harold Sears

Molly Herbert ’17 Ann R. Burchill Ian Hinkle ’19 Rodney Hinkle and Kristin Moritz

Gundhild Eder Daniel L. Eder ’12 Prosser Gifford Lalise and Jerry Melillo

Pamela Clapp Hinkle Rodney Hinkle and Kristin Moritz Edward B. Rastetter and Karen Hendrickson

Isaac Goldman ’11 Nicole and Jonathan Goldman

Janet Kearsley Nancy and David C. Twichell

Jenn Murphy Olivann and John Hobbie Stephen Sheinkopf ’84 Liz (Sheinkopf ’90) and Alarick Yung Bonnie Ward Simon Anonymous Winifred Weiner Bonnie and Stephen Simon Elizabeth M. Farnham Christopher Olmsted and Pamela Nelson

Richard Sperduto Jacqui Diggs Elizabeth St. John Villard Ann-Elizabeth Villard-Howe ’97 and Timothy A. Michaud II Donald Swanbeck Anonymous Donald and Julie Swanbeck Olivann and John Hobbie Woods Hole Film Festival Dr. and Mrs. Leonard Laster The Van Voorhis Family Louis and Lee Turner Past, Present & Future FA Techies Catherine and Matthew Bumpus Mr. and Mrs. Jack Child William Goranson Alexander and Karen Heard George and Suzan Scharr Ray Schmitt and Nancy Copley Mr. and Mrs. Harold Sears

Gifts in Memory of Members of Our Community Carol Bowles-Tyndale Timothy T. Parker and Suzanne Trottier Sarah D. Clark Mr. and Mrs. Sam Currence



Betty Ann Daley Nancy and David S. Babin

Betty J. Miskell Cushman Lumber Company Inc.

Roswitha Wagner-Braun Daniel Eder ’12

Gordon Heald Frederic Taylor

Beth and Gary Schwarzman George Cadwalader Jr. ’87

Sirkka Wakefield Kathy and James E. Johnson

Michael E. Jones Barbara Woll Jones

Stephen Simon Bonnie Ward Simon

Fall 2017

Gifts in Kind Contributions of goods and services are essential to the life of the school. Falmouth Academy is grateful to donors who contributed in this way to the Auction, the library and other areas of the school. The Adventure Park at Heritage Museums and Gardens Alison and Robert Ament Among the Flowers Café Anejo Mexican Bistro & Tequila Bar Artisan Salon The Ashley Inn Baker Monument Company Balanced PT & MFR Bar 10 Bay Spirit Tours Bean & Cod Bear In Boots Gastropub Ben & Bill's Chocolate Emporium Bert's Barber Shop Blast From the Past Blithewold Mansion, Gardens and Arboretum Board Stiff Linda and Mark Boardman Bobby Byrne Management Corp. Martha Borden Boston Duck Tours Boston Red Sox Jim Bowen Albert and Deborah Bradley Caroline and Christopher M. Buccino ’02 Budget Car Rental MV Budget Rent A Car of Martha's Vineyard Marite Zandbergs Burns C Salt Wine Bar & Grille Cafe Chew Caline for Kids Barbara Campbell Cape Air The Cape Club Cape Cod Bagel

Cape Cod Beer Cape Cod Theatre Project Cape FLYER Cape Symphony Capeway Cleaners Capital Genealogy Castle Island Brewing Company Cataumet Boats, Inc. Chapoquoit Grill Christmas Tree Shops Citizens Bank Coffee Obsession College Light Opera Company Jan Collins Selman Fine Art Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Colucci Philip Combra and Gerda O'Rourke The Common Man Complexions Skincare The Conference Table Crabapples Crane Appliance, Sound & Vision Cupcake Charlie's George Dalin Dolphin Fleet of Provincetown Scott Doney and Andrea Gosselin Down the Road Beer Co. Ron Downing Lisa A. Drake Karen and Michael M. Dutton East Coast Dental Design Eight Cousins Books Elite Islands Resorts Caribbean Stephen Emery and Triva Coffin-Taylor Emery Enhance Martha's Vineyard Espresso Love Ezulwini: Places of Paradise Vivienne Bembridge

Thomas Fallon Fine Art Falmouth Academy Summer Programs Falmouth Country Club Falmouth Jewelry Shop Falmouth Stamp and Coin Falmouth Wine & Spirits Maureen Fischer Christine and James Francis Friends of Nobska Light Fritz Glass Lynda and Gregg Gaudet Ghelfi's Candies of Cape Cod Sheila and Michael S. Giancola Golden Sails Gourmet Garden Grafton Group Grazing Fields Farm The Grey Barn and Farm Susan and Pierre Guérin Mr. and Mrs. Edward J. Hahn Jr. Hair Essentials by Christine Harpoon Brewery Harvest of Barnstable Mary G. Heard Nancy and Rob Hershfield Highfield Hall & Gardens Greg Hinkle Olivann and John Hobbie The Homespun Garden Hong Kong Chinese Restaurant Maxine Horn Howlingbird Screen Printing Studio Hutker Architects, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Rafiq Islam

Island Queen Ferry Jack in the Beanstalk Jack's Restaurant & Bar John's Liquor Store Peter Johnson-Staub Michael G. Jones Kappy's Fine Wine & Spirits Mary Kay Consultant Carol A. Kenney, Attorney at Law Kensington's The Lanes Bowl and Bistro Lawrence - Lynch Corp. Jennifer and William Leonard Jonathan Leonard and Jeanne MacLaren Lauren and Josh D. Leveque Livin Ez Lobster Trap Co. Edward A. Lott Mahoney's Garden Center Marine Biological Laboratory W. B. Mason Co., Inc. Mass Audubon Maxwell & Co. Dr. and Mrs. William M. McDermott Patricia and Joseph McGurl David and Mary Ann Medeiros Jerry and Lalise Melillo Merrimack Repertory Theatre Michael's J Miller Pictureframer & Gallery Min's Kitchen Molly's Tea Room Moniz & Son Plumbing Susan G. Morse


Fall 2017


Joanne Moser Mother Turtle Herbals and Gifts Mv Wine and Spirits Naukabout Beer Company New Balance Falmouth Road Race Newport Hotel Group Inn on the Square Ocean Spray Cranberries, Inc. Osprey Custom Rods & Tackle Osteria La Civetta Party Cape Cod Paul's Pizza & Seafood Pawtucket Red Sox Pies a La Mode Cafe Pink Polka Dot Mr. and Mrs. Ron Pokraka The Port Hunter Portside Liquors Jim Preisig and Anne Curi Preisig Robert Pritchard and Anna dos Santos

Providence Bruins Puritan of Cape Cod Quarterdeck Restaurant Quicks Hole Tavern Research Designs Rhode Island Zoological Society Kate and Gates Rickard Karen Rinaldo Gallery Roche Bros. Rochester Cabinet Shop Rock Spot Climbing Ryan Family Amusements Salem Witch Museum Suzan and George Scharr Anthony Schepici John Schofield The Schooner Liberté Sea Crest Beach Hotel Sea Education Association, Inc Settings Sia Optical

Simply Divine Pizza Co. Jill (Calfee) Smith ’81 Smitty's Homemade Ice Cream Southwick's Zoo Steamship Authority Steve's Pizzeria & More Diane and Norman Stillman Stop & Shop - Falmouth Summer Shades Sunset World Swan Boats of Boston Tanorama Teaticket Market Ten Perfect Nails This Old House Alyssa (Gantz) Thompson ’03 Gisela and Pierre Tillier Cristina Torruella and David Pingal Sharon E. Torruella Tracy (Adams ’91) Turkowski Turning Pointe Dance Studio

Twigs Clyde L. Tyndale and Deborah F. Winograd Underground Fashion USGS Village Trading Company Vineyard Vines Denise Volpe Vows Floral Design Studio Wachusett Mountain Maribeth and John Wadman Julie and Bill Waite Windfall Market Ann Wolf Stefanie Wolf Designs Woods Hole Inn Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution The Write Choice Zoo New England Z-Systems USA, Inc.

Matching Gifts Matching gift programs help donors double or even triple the impact of their gifts to Falmouth Academy. Thank you to all the participating institutions below. Bank of America Charitable Foundation Lara and Henrik Gulmann Suzanne Jordan BNY Mellon Heather (Mastromatteo ’90) and Jonathan DiPaolo

FM Global Foundation Charitable Contributions Mr. and Mrs. Wilkinson B. Marvel Microsoft Employee Giving Program Anonymous Raytheon Employee Giving Tiffany and Jeffrey Moon ’92

Bricks and Theater Chairs

Democracy Fund, Inc. Anthony Bowen ’05

Additional pavers were added to Morse Hall Terrace – some with clever messages like this one – “Richard Sperduto: for all the times his kindness saved the day.” Chairs were also purchased by individuals and families to populate the Simon Center for the Arts. There are still bricks available to engrave and chairs waiting for your name.

Disney Employee Matching Gifts Christine Pina ’86 and Alex Smith

State Street GiveMore Program Derek and Janet Pratt

Donate Well/Good Done Great Alexandra (Gillmore ’03) and Brendan Parnell

Wells Fargo Matching Gifts Program The Heslinga Family

Anonymous Mr. and Mrs. Charles H. Breed Susan and Gilbert Brinckerhoff Ann R. Burchill Marie Calabrese Mimi and Charles Cleary Susan and James Condon Amy (Harris ’92) and Seth Cummings Petra Ehrenbrink and Bernhard Peucker-Ehrenbrink Elizabeth M. Farnham Cathy and Michael Gwynn Thomas J. Hallahan Penelope Hare Mary G. Heard Pamela Clapp Hinkle and Greg Hinkle Rodney Hinkle and Kristin Moniz Sonia and Sadeka Islam



Kathy and James E. Johnson Emily and Josef M. Kellndorfer Mr. and Mrs. Wayne L. Laflamboy III Jonathan Leonard and Jeanne MacLaren Susan and D. Gordon MacLeod Lisa Maini Mr. and Mrs. Robert Pelletreau Laura (Lorusso ’87) and David Peterson Maren and Albert Plueddemann Thomas and Elizabeth Richardson Jill Robie and Blake Axtell Jennifer (Malaquias ’97) and Andrew Ryan Elizabeth St. John Villard Anna-Elizabeth Villard-Howe ’97 Denise Volpe Dr. and Mrs. Albert Williams III

Fall 2017

Ways to Give to Falmouth Academy Gifts of any size have an impact on Falmouth Academy and make a difference to our school and our students. To make a gift online, visit and click on the “Support FA” button. Checks can be sent directly to: Development Office, Falmouth Academy, 7 Highfield Drive, Falmouth, MA 02540. Or, choose other options listed below to increase the impact of your gift. Thank you very much for supporting Falmouth Academy!

Monthly Giving | Set up automatic monthly gifts with your credit or bank debit card. We accept all credit cards. Corporate Matching Gifts | Many companies sponsor matching gift programs that enhance a charitable contribution made by an employee. Not only does Falmouth Academy benefit from the increased donation, but you may qualify for a higher category of recognition when your gift is matched. Ask your human resources department for a matching gift form and send it in with your contribution to Falmouth Academy. Gifts of Stock | By donating appreciated stocks directly to Falmouth Academy, you may avoid the capital gains tax incurred if you sold the securities. The J.K. Lilly III Society | Falmouth Academy’s planned giving program provides opportunities for individuals to make an impact through bequests, charitable remainder trusts, annuities, and other investment vehicles. To learn more about giving to Falmouth Academy, please contact the Development Office at 508-457-9696, extension 240.

Community Events at Falmouth Academy Film Falmouth 10/14/17 7 PM 11/18/17 7 PM 12/9/17 7 PM 1/6/18 7 PM 2/10/18 7 PM 3/3/18 7 PM 4/8/18 7 PM 5/19/18 7 PM

Kedi Stumped The Trip to Spain Walking Out I Dream in Another Language Blur Circle Deej Seat 25

Skylark Vocal Ensemble 1/31/18 7 PM “American Voices” 2/1/18 TBA In-school performance National Theatre / WH Public Library 9/15/17 7 PM Twelfth Night 10/20/17 7 PM Angels in America, part 1 10/21/17 7 PM Angels in America, part 2 11/10/17 7 PM Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf? 1/12/18 7 PM Salome 2/16/18 7 PM Rosencrantz & Guildenstern Are Dead 3/9/18 7 PM Yerma 4/13/18 7 PM MacBeth Falmouth Chorale 3/10/18 4 PM, 3/11/18 3 PM

“In Paradisum”

Falmouth Chamber Players 3/24/18 4 PM, 3/25/18 3 PM

Beethoven’s “Symphony No. 9 in D minor”

FA Community Series supported in part by Woods Hole Foundation 10/17/17 7 PM William Taubman, Gorbachev: His Life & Times 11/30/17 6 PM An Inconvenient Sequel: Truth to Power screening and discussion featuring John Holdren of the Woods Hole Research Center and former chief science and technology advisor to President Obama 12/14/17 7 PM Rosie Gray ’08, Staff Writer for Atlantic Monthly 04/03/18 7 PM Jung-Ho Pak, Artistic Director & Conductor, Cape Symphony Falmouth Academy Event Calendar 10/28/17 2 PM Fall Admission Open House 11/3 & 11/4/17 7 PM Fall Play: Sherlock Holmes 11/17/2017 6:30 PM Fall Choral Concert 12/15/18 TBA Alumni Day 1/20/18 9 AM Scholarship Exam Open House 2/2 & 2/3/18 7 PM Middle School Play: Student work 2/9/18 6:30 PM Mid-winter concert 4/7/18 TBA All That Jazz Auction 4/14/18 1-3 PM Spring Admission Open House 5/11 & 5/12/18 7 PM Spring Play 5/18/18 5-7:30 PM Spring Arts Evening The GAM

Fall 2017



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Announcing Falmouth Academy's Next Head of School

MATTHEW GREEN Falmouth Academy announced on Tuesday, September 26 that its board of trustees had appointed Matthew Green as the next head of school. Mr. Green is a seasoned educator and administrator currently serving his ninth year as head of the upper school at The Haverford School, located just outside of Philadelphia. According to Board Chair Joe Valle, “Our community was struck by Matt’s warmth, humility and intellect, and his calm and thoughtful demeanor. Matt is a talented educator and administrator whose collaborative leadership approach will be invaluable to Falmouth Academy as it builds on its strong foundation of academic excellence and creates a compelling strategic vision for the coming years.”

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