Skincare with Vitamin C Rich Drinks
For the stimulation of collagen production in the body, vitamin C is particularly important. Five tasty Vitamin C-rich drinks to try! Vitamin C is a key vitamin needed for skin and hair health, together with healthy immunity. Nevertheless, this water-soluble vitamin is not only essential to make you look good. Other medical benefits of vitamin C are to fighting the common cold. Vitamin is also essential for the protection of the bone and for the absorption of iron in the skin It is abundant in citrus fruits and green vegetables. Nevertheless, the stimulation of collagen production and therefore the improvement of your skin quality is of particular importance. When you make sure that a serving of fruits and green vegetables is included in your daily meals, you can get enough essential vitamin C in your diet. During the summers most fruits and vegetables with high vitamin C level are available. Vitamin C-rich foods are essential because this vitamin is not provided by our bodies and therefore external sources, like food should fulfil the requirements. The Vitamin C Minimum Dietary Allowance for females is approximately 70 mg and men approximately 90 mg. Vitamin C consumption in your body can be maintained in several forms and fruit juices are among those.
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Vitamin C-rich Drinks: 1. Orange and Ginger Drink for detoxification Orange is one of the best fruits to bring to your diet to get enough vitamin C. A 100 grams of orange provides 64% Daily Vitamin C as indicated by the National Academies ' Institute of Medicine (IOM). Also, add turmeric in this drink which is another antioxidant-rich herb.
2. Mango and Kiwi Fuzz Mango provides 60% of the daily value of vitamin C according to research. This summer fruit goes incredibly well with kiwis which will make your skin incredibly attractive.
3. Mint and Kiwi Lemonade Kiwi fruit and lemons have a vitamin C in abundance. Kiwi is actually one of the best vitamin C sources. This lemonade is one of the easiest ways to control the heat and to guarantee that you load on a variety of nutrients you need for healthy skin.
4. Chilled Mango and tomatoes drink It does not exactly contain your regular mango beverage, it contains, in addition to delicious mango pulp, ripe tomatoes that are also rich in vitamin C and lemon juices for a further punch of vitamins and flavors. You will fall in love with this chilled mango/tomato drink this season.
5. Pineapple drink
Pineapple contains 79 per cent of vitamin C. This pineapple drink is an outstanding alternative of the Raw Mango drink, which is so popular in India and contains roasted cumin, black salt and sugar.
Final words Vitamin C deficiency can cause dangerous diseases. One of them is Scurvy, which is an uncommon but deadly illness. Encourage your body to include these tasty C-rich nutrients in your diet! All these drinks are easy to make and delicious to drink. Citrus fruit, lemon and pineapple contain vitamin C in abundance. These fruits and drinks not only make the body healthy but also good for the skin and detoxification. Related: Benefits of Vitamin E Oil on Skin